Diorama Rubric

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Poor Fair Good Excellent

1 2 3 4
Project is
Little attempt to
explored and
add color or Project is original, Project presents
expressed in a
Creativity & originality. but some are new multiple
fairly original
Originality Project has based off of an ideas in a unique
way; Some
sloppy existing idea. and creative way.
elements are
The display is
Some parts of the
Display is not attractive and
display are
interesting. The display is interesting.
interesting. Some
Style and Materials are attractive Materials are
materials are
Organization incomplete and presents complete and
no sequence or sequence of idea. organized to
organized and
plan is evident. present the ideas
has sequence.
The project’s
The project’s The project’s
The project’s appearance is
appearance is appearance is
appearance is quite
somewhat poor. professional and
quite poor. Many professional and
Neatness and Some elements polished without
distractive polished few
Appearance are distractive. distractive
elements. distractive
Project is not elements.
Project is not elements.
finished. Project is
finished. Project is mostly
The diorama The diorama
The diorama The diorama
demonstrates demonstrates a
demonstrates demonstrates
very little thorough
Knowledge some knowledge good knowledge
knowledge of the knowledge of the
of the subject of the subject
subject being subject being
being presented being presented
presented presented.
The diorama has
The diorama has The diorama is accurate details
Most of the
some correct mostly accurate; and is close
commonly known
features but has More or less enough to the
Accuracy features are not
something that is features are commonly known
found in the
not supposed to added in the features of what
be included. project. is being


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