959 Mapei Planicrete SBR GB in

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e i ete

ap c r B R
Mlan S
Synthetic rubber latex
based multipurpose
polymer for
waterproofing and

WHERE TO USE subjected to high levels of abrasion ( industrial

floors, ramps, channels) and for integrating small
• As an additive to improve the mechanical and areas of worn floors.
adhesive characteristics of cement-based screeds,
renders and thin smoothing layers. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS
Mapei Planicrete SBR is a highly stable water
• As an additive for highly adhesive cement bonding
dispersion of a special synthetic elastomer resistant
slurries. to alkaline saponification, characterrised by its low
glass transition temperature. This special SBR (
Some application examples styrene-butadiene rubber) based elastomer also
• High strength cement screeds for interior and has a special property which makes it stable after
exterior use. ageing. The polymer chains forming this elastomer
• As waterproofing coating when applied in minimum are characterised by a tight weave of chemical
2 coats in combination with cement in the specified binders which connect them together. This important
ratio of 1 :4 : 8, i.e, Mapei Planicrete SBR : Water characteristic enables the polymer chains to take up
: OPC respectively by volume. a parallel conformation when they are deformed, thus
• Cementitious bonding slurry for installing natural giving the elastomer a high level of elasticity.
stone using the Mapestone system. Mapei Planicrete SBR is supplied in the form of
• High strength cement renders for interiors and a highly fluid, white coloured latex which, when
exteriors. added to cement and aggregate mixes, improves
• Cementitious bonding slurry to improve adhesion their adhesion, plasticity, thixotropy, water retention
of conventional bonded screeds and screeds made and overall workability. After setting and hardening,
from Mapecem Pronto or Topcem Pronto. cementitious mixes with added Mapei Planicrete
• Bonding slurry made from Mapecem or Topcem SBR have the following properties.
to improve adhesion of bonded screeds made from • better adhesion to substrates;
the same types of binder. • higher compressive and flexural strengths;
• Adhesive shotcretes for bonding renders, • higher resistance to abrasion;
• Cement mortars for filling holes, reconstructing • higher impermeability;
damaged areas and finishing surfaces on buildings • better resistance to freeze-thaw cycles;
and precast concrete elements. • better resistance to diluted acids, saline solutions
• Cementitious mortar for finishing off surfaces and oils.

[Additivi] 6380_mapeplast wp10_gb-in (23.04.2013 - 2ª Bozza/Ciano/PDF)

pei reteR
Maan ic SB
TECHNICAL DATA (typical values)


Consistency: fluid liquid

Colour: white

Density(g/cm³): 1.020 ± 0.020 at +25°C

pH: 11.5 ± 1.0

Dry solids content (%) 40 ± 2%


Mix Ratio: see relevant table

Application temperature:
from +5°C to +40°C

Final Cure-time: depending on mix ratio


Cement: OPC 53 Grade 900 g

Aggregates: Standardised sand 2700 g
Admix: Mapei Planicrete SBR 112.5 g
Composition of the mortar:
Water: 292.5 g

N.B. may vary in Indian conditions, site trial is always


Density of mix (kg/m³) 2,000

Compressive strength according to the EN 12190

- after 1day: 7
- after 7days: 25
- after 28days 33

Adhesion to substrate acording to EN 1542 (+ 21°C -

50% U.R.) (MPa): > 2.0
- after 28days

Resistance to damp: excellent

Resistance to ageing: excellent

Resistance to solvents and oils: mediocre

Resistance to acids and alkalis: fair

Resistance to temperatures: from - 30°C to + 90°C

RECOMMENDATIONS Floating screeds
• Do not use pure Mapei Planicrete SBR (minimum thickness 35 mm)
as a primer or a slurry: always mix it with In this case, it is advisable to dilute Mapei
Portland cement or, if necessary, with Planicrete SBR 1:4 with water and to use
Mapecem or Topcem. a slightly smaller proportion of cement.
• Do not use mixes containing Mapei Mapei
Planicrete SBR if the ambient Planicrete 30 kg 35 kg
temperature is lower than +5°C or higher SBR
than +40°C. Water 120 kg 140 kg
• After application in very warm or windy Cement 300 kg 350 kg
conditions, protect the surfaces from
excessive fast drying.
aggregates 1600 kg 1550 kg
• The use of Mapei Planicrete SBR
(0-8 mm)
in mortar and concrete nevertheless
requires strict observance of all the
measures taken to ensure a job well The curing time for these screeds is at
done, especially the use of aggregates least two weeks in normal temperature and
with particle sizes suitable for the humidity conditions.
thickness to be applied,the w/c ratio.
• If the mixes with Mapei Planicrete SBR N.B. This mix can also be used for
are prepared in a concrete mixer, never conventional ceramic-tile laying, if necessary
mix for more than 3 minutes, to avoid adapting the aggregate particle size to the
any excessive air entrainment. required thickness.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE Preparation of render

Preparation of the substrate Mapei Planicrete SBR may also be used
The surfaces on which screeds, render as an admixture for internal and external
and smoothing layers modified with Mapei cementitious based render. Apart from
Planicrete SBR have to be laid must be improving the mortar’s thixotropy and
solid, compact and clean. impermeability to water, adding Mapei
Crumbling and loose parts, dust, concrete Planicrete SBR to the mix also improves
crusts, traces of oil or form-release its adhesion to substrates and resistance
agents and paint must be removed by to atmospheric agents.
careful sandblasting, brushing or pressure
washing with water. The recommended mix is as follows:
The substrate must then be thoroughly Mapei Planicrete SBR 1 kg
wetted but no excess water should be left Water 4 kg
on the surface as it may affect adhesion. Cement 5.5 kg
Aggregates (0-3 mm) 20 kg
Bonding Screeds from 10 to 35 mm
We recommend applying a scratch-
Mapei Planicrete SBR can be used as an
coat layer with the following mix before
admixture for the preparation of bonding
rendering to even out the absorbency of
interior and exterior screeds with special
the substrate and improve adhesion of the
adhesion and resistance.
Mapei Planicrete SBR 1 kg
Recommended mixing ratio:
Water 1 kg
Cement 3.5 kg
Mapei Aggregates (0-2 mm) 3.5 kg
Planicrete 45 kg 50 kg
SBR if ready-mixed rendering mortar is
Water 135 kg 150 kg preferred, use Nivoplan ready-mixed, white
Portland or grey levelling mortar made from cement,
350 kg 400 kg
Cement selected aggregates and special synthetic
Aggregates 1550 kg 1500 kg resin, applied in layers 2mm thick. in this
case, mix Nivoplan with Mapei Planicrete
The aggregate blend must have a diameter SBR diluted at a rate of 1:5 with water.
appropriate to the screed thickness: a
maximum diameter, therefore, of 1/3-1/4 Preparation of mortar for filling cavities
of the thickness of the screed with a limit Mapei Planicrete SBR may be used to
of 8mm great advantage as an admixture when
N.B. Before laying, apply a Mapei making filler mortar. This product gives
Planicrete SBR and cement slurry to the mortar excellent thixotropy which
ensure perfect adhesion to the existing makes it easier to apply on walls and
cement surface. Do not wait for the slurry to ceilings. Adding Mapei Planicrete SBR
dry: cast fresh screed on to fresh slurry. also improves the mortar’s adhesion and
performance characteristics.
ei reteR
The recommended mix for this type of two coats is always recommended and

p application is as follows: consumption may vary depending on

Ma ic SB Mapei Planicrete SBR 1 kg porosity of substrate. (Volume of cement

Water 2.5 kg required depends on the brand, fineness ,
Cement 8 kg grade, etc) and may go upto 10 parts.
Aggregates (0-3 mm) 16-24 kg Dilute Mapei Planicrete SBR with water
Bonding Slurries in a suitable container in the above
Mapei Planicrete SBR is particularly mentioned ratio, first dilute Mapei
suitable for making bonding slurries to be Planicrete SBR in the ratio upto 1:4 and
applied before screeds and plaster on to then gradually add cement to the liquid up
existing cement surfaces. to 8 parts by volume, continuously stirring
the contents. Preferably use a mechanical
N.B. Mapei Planicrete SBR-based slurry is mixer to obtain homogeneous consistency
also suitable as a slurry for laying Mapecem without forming of air pockets.
Pronto or Topcem pronto bonding The final consistency should be neither too
screeds. thick nor too thin so that the same can be
easily applied while at the same time the
The recommended mixing ratio: desired film thickness is obtained.
Mapei Planicrete SBR 1 kg When the final coat is still in wet condition
Water 4 kg a protective screed must always be laid
Cement 4 kg using cement, sand mortar minimum 25
mm thick admixed with Mapeplast Super
In the case of Mapecem or Topcem apply integral waterproofer @ 0.4% by weight of
the doses in the following table: cement minimum.


Planicrete 1 1 After application, especially in very warm
SBR (kg) or windy weather conditions, mortars made
Water (kg) 1 1 with Mapei Planicrete SBR as an admix
must be cured carefully to avoid fast water
Binder (kg) 3 2
evaporation, which could cause surface
cracks due to plastic shrinkage. Spray
As Waterproof Coating: water onto the surface during the first
When Mapei Planicrete SBR is mixed in hours of curing or protect it with suitable
the ratio 1 part Mapei Planicrete SBR: 4 sheeting. When used as waterproof
part Water: 8 parts cement by volume. A coating a protective screed is to be laid on
coverage of 1.600-1.800 kg/sqm of mixed wet top coat.
material in two coats is obtained. Minimum


Where To use Water/ Mapei Cement/ Mixed Consumtion of
Planicrete SBR Aggregate aggregrates in Mapei Planicrete SBR
Ratio Ratio granulometric (g/m²/mm of thickness)
Bonding Screeds ( thickness 10 to 1:3 1:4 0-8 mm 40 - 50
35 mm)

Floating Screed (thickness > 35 mm) 1:4 1:5 0-8mm 30 - 40

Renders 1:4 1:3.6 0-3 mm 60 - 70

Renders with Nivoplan 1:5 - - 70 - 80

Scratch-coat layers for renders 1:1 1:1 0-2 mm 220 - 230

Filler Mortar 1:2.5 1:3 0-3 mm 50 - 60

Bonding Slurry 1:1 - - 300 - 310

Waterproof Coating 1:4 - - 300 - 350

N.B. The dilution ratio of Mapei Planicrete SBR with water are for dry aggregates (except as waterproof coating).
should the aggregates be damp or wet, the dilution proportions of Mapei Planicrete SBR should be decreased
Cleaning For further and complete information about
Tools used for mixing and applying slurries the safe use of our product please refer
or mortars made with Mapei Planicrete to the latest version of our Material Safety
SBR as an admix can be cleaned with Data Sheet.
water before setting begins.
After hardening they can only be cleaned PRODUCT FOR PROFESSIONAL USE.
by mechanical means. WARNING
Although the technical details and
PACKAGING recommendations contained in this
Mapei Planicrete SBR is available in product data sheet correspond to the best
0.250 kg X 24 nos. of our knowledge and experience, all the
0.500 kg X 12 nos. above information must, in every case,
1 kg X 12 nos. be taken as merely indicative and subject
5 kg X 2 nos. to confirmation after long-term practical
10 kg X 1 nos. application; for this reason, anyone who
25 kg X 1 nos. intends to use the product must ensure
beforehand that it is suitable for the
envisaged application. In every case,
the user alone is fully responsible for any
Best before 24 months in an unopened
consequences deriving from the use
original packing; protect from frost, rain,
of the product.
Please refer to the current version of the
Technical Data Sheet, available from our
website www.mapei.com
Mapei Planicrete SBR is not considered
dangerous according to the current
regulation regarding the classification of All relevant references
mixtures. It is however recommended to for the product are available
use gloves, eyes protection and take the upon request and from
usual precaution taken when handling www.mapei.com
chemical products.
n ic SB
ei reteR


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959-1-2016 (GB X IN) here is prohibited and subject to prosecution

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