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How Selegiline (Deprenyl) Slows Brain

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How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain


Authored By

Joseph Knoll
Semmelweis University
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
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Foreword i

Preface iii

Abbreviations iv

Keywords vii

Introduction viii


1. (-)-Deprenyl(Selegiline), The First Selective Inhibitor of B-Type

MAO and the Unique One Free of the Cheese Effect 3

2. The Catecholaminergic Activity Enhancer Effect of (-)-Deprenyl

and R-(-)-1-(Benzofuran-2-yl)-2-Propylaminopentane [(-)-BPAP] 6

3. The Catecholaminergic Control of the Uphill and Downhill Period

of Life 23

4. The Antioxidant and Neuroprotective Effect of (-)-Deprenyl and

their Relation to the Enhancer Effect 34

5. The Age-Related Decline of Dopaminergic Activity and the Reason

Why Low Dose of (-)-Deprenyl Slows Brain Aging and Prolongs Life 42

6. Benefits of Selegiline in the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) 53

7. Benefits of Selegiline in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) 62

8. Benefits of Selegiline in the Treatment of Major Depression Disease

(MDD) 69
9. The Unique Requirements for Preventive Medication to Slow Brain
Aging 76

Summary and Conclusion 87

Epilogue 92

References 93

Appendix 107

Author Index 125

Subject Index 136



This is a most impressive work, a tour de force, by one of the pioneers of

neuropsychopharmacology. It documents Joseph Knoll’s research over six
decades that led to the development of the first drug that could prolong longevity
in several species of animals.

The story begins in the 1950s in the laboratories of the pharmacology department,
Medical University of Budapest, where Knoll, while still a medical student, develops
a methodology for the study of “acquired drives” (conditional reflexes) in rats.

Knoll’s research continued in the 1960s with structure-activity studies of centrally

acting stimulant drugs, in the course of which he discovered that one of the long-
acting phenylethylamine derivatives, (-)-deprenyl, a substance with monoamine
oxidase (MAO) inhibiting property, differed from all other MAO inhibitors
available at the time by inhibiting the effects of tyramine. The discovery led to the
introduction of (-)-deprenyl, referred to also as selegiline, into the treatment of
depression as the first MAO-inhibitor without the cheese effect.

Instrumental to further development was Knoll’s demonstration in 1970 that

selegiline differed also from all other MAOIs available at the time by selectively
inhibiting MAO-B, the enzyme involved in the oxidative deamination of
dopamine. It led to the extension of selegiline’s indications to Parkinsonism.

The turning point in Knoll’s research with selegiline was his discovery in the 1980s
that the drug enhanced catecholaminergic activity in doses much below that required
for MAO inhibition. Important also was his demonstration that the age related
decrease of dopamine content in the striatum and decline in sexual activity could be
delayed by preventive treatment with the drug. These findings opened up the line of
research that led to the demonstration that selegiline could prolong longevity in
several species of animals by slowing “brain aging”, as shown by the decrease in
some age related changes, e.g., accumulation of lipofuscin in brain cells.

The finding that some of the clinical effects of selegiline can be attributed to the
enhancement of catecholaminergic activity, also opened up a new area of research

in neuropharmacology: the screening for “enhancer” substances. One of the major

contributions of this new area of research is Knoll’s discovery of (-)-BPAP, a
tryptamine derived enhancer of both serotonergic and catecholaminergic activity.

Knoll, a vigorous octogenarian, who has himself taken deprenyl for the past
twenty years, is still fully active in his research. He is one of the last giants of a
bygone era in pharmacology whose research was guided by theories. By using his
theory of “enhancer regulation”, as framework for presenting experiments
conducted over years, Knoll makes it possible for readers to follow not only his
findings but also his thinking. One wonders if he had operated without his theory
whether some of the potential benefits of selegiline would have remained hidden.

Thomas A. Ban
Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry
Vanderbilt University


Deprenyl, developed in the early 1960s with the aim to combine the
psychostimulant effect of PEA with the psychoenergetic effect of the MAO
inhibitors, became world-wide known and used as the first selective inhibitor of
B-type MAO, which did not block the activity of the intestinal A-type MAO, thus
was free from the cheese-effect.

Further studies revealed that in low doses, which leave MAO activity unchanged,
deprenyl is enhancing, via a previously unknown mechanism, the activity of the
catecholaminergic neurons in the brain stem and this catecholaminergic activity
enhancer (CAE) effect is the primarily important pharmacological effect of

The main aim of this book, which recapitulates a part of information included in my
previously published monograph „The Brain and Its Self” (Springer, 2005), is to
focus attention to the theoretical and practical importance to the enhancer-regulation
in the brain. It summarizes experimental and clinical data in support to the proposal
that the prophylactic administration of a CAE substance during postdevelopmental
life could significantly slow the aging-related decay of behavioral performances,
prolong life, and prevent or delay the onset of aging-related neurodegenerative
diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.E-250, later named deprenyl, was one
of the newly synthetized compounds in a structure-activity-relationship study which
we performed in the early 1960s with the aim to combine the psychostimulant effect
of PEA with the psychoenergetic effect of the MAO inhibitors.

There is no conflict of interest regarding the data in this book.

Joseph Knoll
Semmelweis University
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
[email protected]


AE(1-42) : amyloid-E-protein, Abeta protein

AE(25-35) : amyloid-E-protein fraction

ACh : acetylcholine

AD : Alzheimer’s disease

AF64-A : methyl-E-acetoxyethyl-2-chloroethylamine

APOE : apolipoprotein E

BDNF : brain-derived neurotrophic factor

(-)-BPAP : R-(-)-1-(benzofuran-2-yl)-2-propylaminopentane

CAE effect : catecholaminergic activity enhancer effect

CAR : conditioned avoidance response

CNS : central nervous system

CDS : cognitive dysfunction syndrome

CR : conditioned reflex

CS : conditioned stimulus

DATATOP : Deprenyl And Tocopherol Antioxidant Therapy Of


DSM-IV-TR : Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

DSP-4 : N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine

ECR : extinguishable conditioned reflex


EF : escape failure

GABA : J-aminobutyric acid

GDNF : glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor

GPRC : G protein-coupled receptor

ICD-10 : International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related

Health Problems

ICR : inextinguishable conditioned reflex

IR : intertrial response

MAO : monoamine oxidase

MAO-A : A-type monoamine oxidase

MAO-B : B-type monoamine oxidase

MDD : major depressive disorder

MPDP+ : 1-methyl-4-phenyl-2,3-dihydropyridinium ion

MPP+ : methyl-phenyl-tetrahydro-pyridinium ion

MPTP : 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine

NGF : nerve growth factor

6-OHDA : 6-hydroxydopamine

PEA : E-phenylethylamine

PD : Parkinson’s disease

(-)-PPAP : (-)-1-phenyl-2-propylaminopentane

SOD : superoxide-dismutase

SSRI : selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

STS : selegiline transmembrane system

TLS : technical lifespan

TLSh : human technical lifespan

TA : trace amine

US : unconditioned stimulus

Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
Anti-aging drugs
(-)-BPAP: R-(-)-1-(benzofuran-2-yl)-2-propylaminopentane
Catecholaminergic activity enhancer (CAE) effect
DATATOP: Deprenyl And Tocopherol Antioxidant Therapy Of Parkinsonism
(-)-Deprenyl: (R)-N-methyl-N-(1-phenylpropan-2-yl)prop-2-yn-1-amine,
E-250, Selegiline, Eldepryl, Jumex, Emsam, Zelepar
Enhancer substances
-Natural: PEA, tryptamine
-Synthetic: (-)-deprenyl, (-)-PPAP, (-)-BPAP
Enhancer-sensitive neurons: catecholaminergic, serotonergic, hippocampal
Enhancer-sensitive cells: PC12, human brain capillary endothelial cells, mouse
embrionic stem cell, murine embryonal carcinoma stem cell
Prolongation of lifespan
Longevity studies
Major depressive disorder (MDD)
Monoamine oxidase (MAO): A-type, B-type
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors: A-type, B-type
Neurotrophic factors
Parkinson’s disease (PD)
PEA: E-phenylethylamine
(-)-PPAP: (-)-1-phenyl-2-propylaminopentane


Memories of the Theoretical Foundation of my 60 Years in

Research with Special Regard to the Development of (-)-
At the end of my third year in university, after my examination in pharmacology
in February 1949, Professor Béla Issekutz Sen., chairman of the Department of
Pharmacology of the Medical University (now Semmelweis University,
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy) in Budapest, invited me to
join a research group in the Institute. I fell in love with brain research and worked
day and night with my rats; I never left my lab for longer than a one month period
in my life. From 1962 until 1992 I succeeded Béla Issekutz as head of the
department where I am still working as a Professor Emeritus.

It is a horrifying fact that in Germany millions of single-minded little-men who

had previously lived an honest simple life and never belonged to extremist groups,
dramatically changed within a few years after 1933. Imbued with the Nazi
ideology, they became unbelievably cool-headed murderers of innocent civilians
during the Second World War. This phenomenon has been documented from
many angles in dozens of novels, films, and so on. However, we are still waiting
for an adequate elucidation of the brain mechanism responsible for this dramatic
and rapid change in the behavior of millions.

As a survivor of Auschwitz and the Dachau death train (Dunn, 1998, pp. 209-211)
I had the opportunity to directly experience a few typical representatives of this
type of manipulated human beings, and I have had more than enough time and
direct experience to reflect upon the essential changes in the physiological
manipulability of the human brain. It was, therefore, probably not just by mere
chance that when I started my behavioral studies in the early 1950s and
discovered the ability of rats to acquire an unnatural drive, that I soon realized that
this cortical mechanism may explain the manipulability of more sophisticated
mammalian organisms. I succeeded in developing a rat model to study the nature

of an acquired drive following the changes in the brain in the course of the
acquisition of this drive from the start of training until its firm manifestation. Two
enthusiastic students, Károly Kelemen and Berta Knoll, now distinguished
scientists, joined me in this work.

We built a special acquired urge, the ‘glass-cylinder-seeking drive’, into the brain
of rats (Knoll et al., 1955 a,b,c, 1956; Knoll, 1956, 1957; see also Knoll, 1969, for
review). Based on an unconditioned avoidance reflex (escape from a hot plate)
and using the sound of a shrill bell, to play the role of a high-priority conditioned
stimulus, rats were trained to search passionately for a 30-cm-high glass-cylinder
and jump to the rim of it. The cylinder was open at bottom and top with diameters
of 16 cm and 12 cm, respectively, and with a side opening through which a rat (up
to 350-400 g body weight) could manage to get inside the cylinder.

In the training procedure the rat was pushed through the side opening of the glass-
cylinder standing on a metal plate heated to 60qC, and the jumping reflex was
elicited for a couple of weeks three times daily on 10-50 occasions at 10s intervals
with bell and heat stimulation. After a short training period a chain of
inextinguishable conditioned reflexes (ICRs) developed and the rat indefatigably
displayed the jumping reflex without heat stimulation, even 100 times in
succession (Knoll et al., 1955 a,b,c). This was a transient stage leading to the
manifestation of the glass-cylinder-seeking drive (for review see Knoll, 1969;
Chapter 4).

The rats that performed best in this study acquired the glass-cylinder-seeking
drive in a stable manner, thereafter maintaining this unnatural urge for a lifetime.
The rats showed the same high-grade adaptability and readiness in overcoming
different obstacles during goal-attainment as the ones influenced by innate drives,
such as hunger or sexual desire (Knoll et al., 1956; Knoll, 1956, 1957). In the
most efficiently trained, best performing rats, the acquired drive was so powerful
that it prevailed over life’s most important innate drives. When such a rat has been
deprived of food for 48 hours and then food was offered within the usual setup
that contained the glass-cylinder, the rat looked for the glass-cylinder, and left the
food untouched. Similarly, when a receptive female was offered to a fully
sexually active glass-cylinder-seeking male rat in the usual setup, the male looked

for the glass-cylinder and neglected the receptive female. The mouse, a rodent
closely related to the rat, trained under the same experimental conditions as the
rat, was unable to acquire the glass-cylinder-seeking drive (Berta Knoll 1961,
1968). Thus, it was a reasonable conclusion that vertebrates can be divided into
three groups according to the mode of operation of their brain: (a) those that
operate with innate drives only (the majority); (b) those with an ability to acquire
drives (a minority); and (c) the ‘group of one’ that operates almost exclusively
with acquired drives (Homo sapiens).

With the evolution of brains capable of acquiring drives, species appeared whose
members could manipulate each other’s behavior and act in concert. This was the
condition sine qua non for the evolution of social living, a form of life that
enabled the species to surpass qualitatively the performance of any given
individual. It goes without saying that training members in the skills needed to act
in concert improved the quality of life. The learned behavior, for example, of five
to six hungry female lions acting in unison to separate from the herd the animal
chosen to be brought down, significantly increases the chance of capturing the
prey. It was the evolution of the brain with the ability to acquire drives that made
the appearance of life on earth so immensely variable.

With the development of the human brain, a functional network with over 100
billion interrelated nerve cells and 1011 bit capacity arose. With this system,
whose operation is inseparably connected to conscious perception, life on earth
reached its most sophisticated form. Furthermore, the human being, who is
primarily a social creature, is a building block in the creation of a gigantic
product: human society. The function and capacity of society obviously exceeds
the sum of the activity of its members. Based on the practically inexhaustible
capacity of the human brain to acquire drives, the human society represents a
qualitatively new, higher form of life. For example, a country, presently the most
sophisticated form of a human community, consists of millions or even over a
billion humans and operates de facto as a huge living complex interacting with
other similar entities, about 200 at present.

The birth and development of the human society, a moment insignificant and
fleeting in the endless history of the universe, necessarily means everything to us.

It can be taken for granted that at the birth of human society, probably somewhere
in South-Africa, very small groups formed a micro-community, working together.
Due to learning, practice, and experience, their community life became more and
more efficient, and the accumulation of basic knowledge opened the way for a
more rapid development, truly reflected in population growth.

In the last phase of the Stone Age, about 8,000-9,000 years before our age,
marked by the domestication of animals, development of agriculture, and the
manufacture of pottery and textile, the human population on earth approached the
one million level. Thereafter, however, the population increase went from strength
to strength. By the beginning of the Common Era it had reached the 300 million
level, grew to 1.6 billion to 1900, and is at present around 7 billion.

A detailed analysis of the course of events until the rat acquired the glass-
cylinder-seeking drive inspires the conclusion that in the mammalian brain
capable to acquire drives, untrained cortical neurons (Group 1) possess the
potentiality to change their functional state in response to practice, training, or
experience in three consecutive stages, namely getting involved either (i) in an
extinguishable conditioned reflex (ECR) (Group 2); or (ii) in an inextinguishable
conditioned reflex (ICR) (Group 3); or (iii) in an acquired drive (Group 4). The
study (Kelemen et al., 1961) performed in Daniel Bovet’s famous department in
Rome by Károly Kelemen in Vincenzo G. Longo’s laboratory, which presented
experimental evidence for the expected qualitative difference in the EEG arousal
reaction in extinguishable and non-extinguishable conditioned reflexes,
accelarated the development of my theory.

All in all, it seems reasonable to conclude that the ability to acquire an

irrepressible urge for a goal that is not necessary for survival was the last step in
the development of the mammalian brain. This is the most sophisticated function
of the telencephalon.

By the end of 1953, my experiments with the glass-cylinder seeking rats strongly
urged me to shape the working hypothesis that the appearance of the mammalian
brain with the ability to acquire drives produced species fit for domestic life, i.e.
to live in intimate association with and to the advantage of humans. This ability of

the mammalian brain ensured the interaction of the individual and the group, and
finally led to the evolution of the most sophisticated form of organized life, the
human society. After 16-years of research, I formulated my theory regarding the
peculiar role of the acquired drives in the evolution of mammalian life in a
monograph (Knoll, 1969).

To develop the full possibilities of this approach, I tried thereafter to clarify

during a 36-year research period those key important brain mechanisms which
determine the life of mammalian species whose members, being capable or fixing
acquired drives, possess a brain with a higher level of manipulability than
mammalian species whose cortex is missing this potential. I finally summarized
my theory “The Brain and Its Self. A Neurochemical Concept of the Innate and
Acquired Drives” in a second monograph (Knoll, 2005). I considered to answer
from a new angle the three fundamental questions of human beings: Where do we
come from?, Who are we?, Where are we going?

The physiology of the acquired drives furnishes knowledge about the most
important brain mechanism which created the society: the manipulability of the
cortex. An acquired drive is always built on one of the inner drives that ensures
the survival of the individual or the species. However, after the acquired drive has
been ultimately fixed, its origin, the innate drive cannot be recognized anymore
either in man or a domesticated animal. A glass-cylinder seeking rat will never
acquire this drive under natural conditions. The experimenter consciously
manipulated the rat’s brain, making use of the innate potential to change a group
of cortical neurons via proper training in a way that the rat is fixing an acquired
drive. Finally, the glass-cylinder seeking rat behaves as one who has a ‘fanatical’
desire for the glass-cylinder. Essentially the same mechanism works in all
mammals capable to acquire drives.

Humans possess the most manipulable brain among all living creatures on earth.
The brain of a suicide killer is furtively manipulated. The properly acquired drive
develops as a result of long-lasting training. The subject always acts under coercion,
under severe mental pressure. Nevertheless, it is the nature of acquired drives that if
the manipulation was fully successful the individual ultimately behaves as one
possessing a fanatical desire to reach the acquired-drive-motivated goal.

The main message of my theory is that human society is still in the trial- and -
error phase of its development. It already seeks to bring to an end the myths-
directed era, the first part of its history, and reach its final goal: the rationally
directed human society in which behavioral modification induced by the
home/school/society triad will be based, from birth until death, on the exact
knowledge of the natural laws that keep the brain and its self going. In this way,
members of the community will be raised to understand how the human cortex
created with its chaos function the myths of supernatural forces. This was the
ideology which enabled to bring into existence the human society prior to the sine
qua non knowledge of the creative and controlling forces in the universe needed
to establish and maintain a rationally directed homogenous human society.

It seems to be evident that the power of thinking in orderly rational ways, i.e. the
capacity to understand the natural world (science) is that physiological reality which
determines the conscious fight of the individual to find and fix acquired drives that
optimally fit their natural endowments. Since Homo sapiens appeared around
150,000 years ago; reached full behavioral modernity around 50,000 years ago, and
piled up little by little proper knowledge regarding the natural forces, time is already
ripe for the transition to a rationally directed global human society. Enlightenment,
the separation of Church, by its nature the main creator and guardian force of the
myths-directed era of the human society, and State, interested by its nature in
supporting with passing time more and more the rationally directed human activities,
was more than 200 years ago the decisive step which enhanced with a previously
unimaginable rapidity the development of science and technology.

Nevertheless, the chaos in which at the present 7 billion humans now live together
on earth is due to the heterogeneity of myths that shaped their lives during
previous millennia. The ultimately unavoidable transition of human society from
the myths-directed era into the rationally-directed one will finally lead to a
reasonably and harmoniously operating global human world. The aim set by the
brilliant pioneers of the Enlightenment, their prudence recommendation: Sapere
aude (Dare to go independent), is as timely as it was then. If masses learn how the
brain works, they will resist traditional methods of manipulation.


My behavioral studies compelled me to start in the early 1960s a structure-

activity-relationship study aiming to find a better psychic energizer than
amphetamine and methamphetamine. I used these compounds to stimulate the
catecholaminergic machinery in the brain stem, the neuronal network which plays
the key role in the activation of the cortex.

The problem with amphetamine and methamphetamine is that as soon as the dose
surpasses the 1-2 mg/kg level, the drug-induced continuous, irresistible release of
catecholamines from their intraneuronal stores in the brain stem neurons arrives to
an intensity resulting in aimless hypermotility which blocks purposeful behavior.
In the early 1960s, monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors represented a new type
of central stimulation, so I decided to start the structure-activity-relationship study
with methamphetamine containing a propargyl-group attached to the nitrogen.
This group was known to form a covalent binding with the flavin in MAO and
block the enzyme irreversibly. Out of a series of newly synthesized patentable
methamphetamine derivatives, E-250 (later named deprenyl) was selected as the
most suitable. The first paper describing its beneficial pharmacological properties
was published in 1964 (in Hungarian) and in 1965 (in English) and the (-) isomer
((-)-deprenyl (Selegiline)) was the developed drug (Knoll et al., 1964, 1965).

(-)-Deprenyl, the E-phenylethylamine (PEA)-derivative which catalyzed the

discovery of the catecholaminergic activity enhancer (CAE) effect and opened my
mind to the key importance of the enhancer regulation in brain work, is now a
worldwide used drug to treat Parkinson’s disease (PD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
and major depression disease (MDD). (-)-Deprenyl was not only an experimental
tool of significant value in the development of my theory, but it also played a
major role in the birth and development of anti-aging research. Today, it is the
only compound which can extend life even beyond the “technical lifespan” of a

Herman Blaschko, one of the great researchers of the monoamine field who first
suggested that dopamine might possess a physiological role in its own right,
explained in his “Introduction and Historical Background” of the Festschrift
dedicated to him (Costa Sandler, 1972) why monoamine oxidase (MAO), the
enzyme which oxidizes catecholamines was described in 1928 by its discoverer,

Mary Hare, as a tyramine oxidase (Hare, 1928): “…tyramine, the first substrate of
MAO to be described, had not then been convincingly shown to occur in
mammals. Miss Hare tested adrenaline as a possible substrate, but met with no
success. The oxidation of the catecholamines by MAO was only discovered after
we had learned to exclude the so-called ‘autoxidation’ of adrenaline in aqueous
solutions” (Blaschko et al., 1937). Something similar happened to me when I
developed (-)-deprenyl. Hidden traps often slow the recognition of essential
conditions in research. We arrived in the mid-1990s to the final experimental
evidence that (-)-deprenyl is primarily a CAE-substance, and it exerts this effect
in much lower than the MAO-B inhibitory dose (Knoll et al., 1996a,b,c).

Earlier, I was satisfied with the working hypothesis that the selective inhibition of
MAO-B in the brain is fully responsible for the beneficial therapeutic effects of
our compound. We were pleased that this view was generally accepted and
(-)-deprenyl, the first selective inhibitor of MAO-B, became an important
experimental tool in MAO research. On the other hand, since MAO inhibitors fell
into disrepute because of the cheese-effect and (-)-deprenyl was free of the
catecholamine releasing effect of its parent compounds (Knoll et al., 1968), the
new substance was of great promise from therapeutic point of view.

It was the period before the discovery that PEA and its long acting derivatives,
amphetamine and methamphetamine, were primarily CAE substances. Now, it is
already clear that the main physiological effect of PEA remained undetected because
the catecholamine releasing property concealed its CAE effect. (-)-Deprenyl, the
peculiar PEA-derivative, that is free of the catecholamine releasing property,
provided us with the opportunity to study the operation of the enhancer regulation
in catecholaminergic neurons in the brain stem and to understand that the CAE
effect of PEA is of primary physiological importance.

Since the disciples and admirers of Herman Blaschko met at the first international
symposium on MAO in Cagliari (Sardinia) in June, 1971, where I presented the
first experimental evidence that (-)-deprenyl is a selective inhibitor of MAO-B,
and met again in 1975 at the CIBA Symposium “Monoamine oxidase and its
inhibitors” in London, where I presented the lecture “Analysis of the
pharmacological effects of selective monoamine oxidase inhibitors” (Knoll,

1976), thousands of papers shed light on the chemical nature and physiological
significance of the two forms of MAO. (-)-Deprenyl, played in this development a
key role as an experimental tool. This is probably the reason why selegiline is
since decades firmly treated as the classic selective inhibitor of MAO-B, and its
CAE effect which deserves first and foremost attention failed, up to the present
day, to become common knowledge.

It is the main aim of this book to piece facts and arguments together which all go
to show that selegiline, due to its CAE effect, slows the aging-related decay of the
catecholaminergic brain engine, and this is why the maintenance on a low daily
dose of selegiline helps to maintain physical and mental vigor in the latter decades
of life, and is also a chance to significantly decrease the prevalence of PD and
AD. To motivate clinicians to think the matter over inspired this work.
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How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging, 2012, 3-5 3

(-)-Deprenyl(Selegiline), The First Selective Inhibitor of B-Type
MAO and the Unique One Free of the Cheese Effect
The discovery of the MAO inhibitors in the early 1950s played a leading role in
the birth of neuropsychopharmacology. The rapid development of this new,
independent branch in brain science soon changed, in a revolutionary manner, the
general views about the principals of behavior and radically altered human
attitudes toward derangements in psychic function.

In the beginning there was a keen interest in the MAO inhibitors, of which a
substantial number were developed and introduced into clinical practice, but
because of serious side-effects there was a rapid turnover in the introduction and
withdrawal of these drugs.

In 1963, in The Lancet, a calamitous number of clinical reports (Womack, Foster,

Maan, Davies) gave account of the observation that patients treated with MAO
inhibitors (tranylcypromine, nialamide, pargyline) developed temporally clinical
symptoms (hypertension, palpitation, neck stiffness, headache, nausea, vomiting),
similar to a paroxysm produced by pheochromocytoma. Blackwell suggested that
the hypertensive crises are associated with the ingestion of high amounts of
tyramine in cheese, the metabolism of which is inhibited by the MAO inhibitors
(“cheese effect”) (Blackwell, 1963). This conclusion was correct. Cheese and
many other foods containing tyramine were found to provoke hypertensive
episodes in patients treated with MAO inhibitors. The “cheese effect” restricted
the clinical use of this group of drugs.

Deprenyl (we used the racemic compound under the code name E-250 in the first
series of experiments) proved to be a compound with a peculiar pharmacological
spectrum. The (-) enantiomer of E-250 (selegiline((-)-deprenyl)) was finally
selected for therapeutic use. As the parent compound of (-)-methamphetamine,
(-)-deprenyl is a long acting PEA-derivative which contains a propargyl group.
This group in (-)-deprenyl makes a covalent binding preferentially with the flavin
in B-type MAO, thus it blocks this type of MAO irreversibly. (-)-Deprenyl was

Joseph Knoll
All rights reserved-© 2012 Bentham Science Publishers
4 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

first described as a highly potent and selective inhibitor of MAO-B, and is still
primarily used as an experimental tool for this purpose. Fig. 1 shows the chemical
structure of selegiline.

We described E-250 as a new spectrum psychic energizer (Knoll et al., 1964,

1965). E-250 was selected for further development because I was fascinated by a
surprisingly unexpected behavior of this compound. MAO inhibitors potentiate
blood pressure which increases the effect of amphetamine, a releaser of
norepinephrine from their stores in the noradrenergic nerve terminals. E-250
inhibited the pressor effect of amphetamine (see Fig. 1 in Knoll et al., 1965).
Based on this observation, we analyzed this peculiar behavior in more detail. As
expected, the studies revealed that deprenyl, in contrast to the known MAO
inhibitors, did not potentiate the effect of tyramine but inhibited it. This effect of
deprenyl was first demonstrated in a study performed on cats and on the isolated
vas deferens of rats. The hope was expressed in the discussion and summary of
this paper that this peculiar tyramine-inhibiting property of a potent MAO
inhibitor may be of special therapeutic value (Knoll et al., 1968).

In the same year when we published the unique behavior of (-)-deprenyl, Johnston
described a substance, later named clorgyline, that came into world-wide use as an
experimental tool in MAO research (Johnston, 1968). He namely realized that
clorgyline preferentially inhibits the deamination of serotonin, and this important
finding was soon confirmed by Hall et al. (1969). Johnston proposed the existence
of two forms of MAO, “type A” and “type B”, the former being selectively
inhibited by clorgyline and the latter relatively insensitive to it. Johnston's
nomenclature has become widely accepted and is still in use. Clorgyline remained
the classic selective inhibitor of A-type MAO.

For further studies a selective inhibitor of MAO-B was badly needed. I was lucky
to realize that (-)-deprenyl was the missing, highly selective inhibitor of MAO-B
and presented this finding in my lecture at the First International MAO Meeting in
Cagliary (Sardinia) in 1971. (-)-Deprenyl was used thereafter as the specific
experimental tool to analyze B-type MAO. The first paper which described this
novel property (Knoll Magyar, 1972) has become ten years later a citation
classic (Knoll J, This Week's Citation Classic, January 15, 1982). For several
(-)-Deprenyl/Selegiline How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 5

years the selective MAO-B inhibitory effect was at the center of our interest. It
delayed the discovery of the drug’s enhancer effect. It was the MAO inhibitory
effect of the compound that led to the first clinical application of (-)-deprenyl.

In light of the serious side effects of levodopa in PD, Birkmayer and

Hornykiewicz tried to achieve a levodopa-sparing effect by the concurrent
administration of levodopa with an MAO inhibitor. As such combinations
frequently elicited hypertensive attacks, they were soon compelled to terminate
this line of clinical research (Birkmayer Hornykiewicz, 1962).

Since we demonstrated in animal experiments that (-)-deprenyl is the unique

MAO inhibitor that instead to potentiate the catecholamine-releasing effect of
indirectly acting amines, inhibits it, we proposed to use this compound as an
MAO inhibitor free of the cheese effect (Knoll et al., 1968). The validity of this
proposal was tested in volunteers by Sandler and his co-workers. They confirmed
that in harmony with our findings in animal experiments, (-)-deprenyl is in
humans an MAO inhibitor free of the cheese effect (Elsworth et al., 1978; Sandler
et al., 1978). Considering the peculiar pharmacological profile of (-)-deprenyl,
Birkmayer was the first clinician who dared to combine (-)-deprenyl with
levodopa in PD. The trial was successful. The levodopa-sparing effect was
achieved in patients without signs of significant hypertensive reactions
(Birkmayer et al., 1977). This study initiated and a following Lancet Editorial
(September 25, 1982) enhanced the world-wide use of (-)-deprenyl in PD.
H 3C
Systematic (IUPAC) name: (R)-N-methyl-N-(1-phenylpropan-2-yl)prop-2-yn-1-amine


(Eldepryl, Jumex, Emsam, Zelepar)

Figure 1: The chemical structure of Selegiline((-)-Deprenyl) and the best known preparations in
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6 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging, 2012, 6-22

The Catecholaminergic Activity Enhancer Effect of (-)-Deprenyl
and R-(-)-1-(Benzofuran-2-yl)-2-Propylaminopentane [(-)-BPAP]
The demonstration that multiple small dose administration of (-)-deprenyl
enhances catecholaminergic activity in the brain and this effect is unrelated to
MAO-B inhibition (Knoll Miklya, 1994), catalyzed the discovery that
(-)-deprenyl acts as a highly specific CAE substance (Knoll et al., 1996a), and
revealed the operation of the enhancer regulation in the catecholaminergic
neurons in the brain stem. This finding clarified that PEA, the natural brain
constituent, and the parent compound of deprenyl acts similarly and this is the
main physiological effect of this important trace-amine (Knoll et al., 1996c). To
date, PEA, a highly potent releaser of catecholamines from their intraneuronal
pools, is still classified as the prototype of the indirectly acting
sympathomimetics. However, under natural conditions PEA acts as a selective
CAE substance. From the very beginning the catecholamine-releasing effect of
PEA was observed and studied in detail. The catecholamine releasing effect of
PEA is exerted in much higher than the physiological concentrations of this trace-
amine. This property of PEA completely concealed its CAE effect, which
remained unidentified. (-)-Deprenyl, the unique PEA-derivative which is devoid
of the catecholamine-releasing property, enabled me to realize that PEA acts
under natural conditions in the brain as a highly selective CAE substance and
(-)-deprenyl is a PEA-derived long-acting synthetic CAE substance (Knoll et al.,
1996a,c; Knoll, 1998).

It was the high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) method with

electrochemical detection which allowed measuring exactly the amounts of
catecholamines released continuously from freshly excised brain tissue that
ensured to get unequivocal experimental evidence for the operation of the
enhancer regulation in the life-important catecholaminergic and serotonergic
system in the brain stem. We started in 1993 to measure with this technique the
release of dopamine from the striatum, substantia nigra, and tuberculum
olfactorium, the release of norepinephrine from the locus coeruleus, and the
release of serotonin from the raphe.
Joseph Knoll
All rights reserved-© 2012 Bentham Science Publishers
The Catecholaminergic Activity Enhancer Effect How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 7

We presented in 1994 the results of the first series of experiments performed with
the HPLC method which demonstrated that multiple, small dose administration of
(-)-deprenyl enhances catecholaminergic activity in the brain and this effect is
unrelated to MAO-B inhibition (Knoll and Miklya, 1994).

We compared in this study the dose related enhancer effect of (-)-deprenyl, (-)-
methamphetamine and (-)-1-phenyl-2-propylaminopentane [(-)-PPAP] on male
and female rats, respectively. We treated daily the rats with the selected dose of
the drugs for 21 days, removed the appropriate brain samples 24 hours after the
last injection and measured the amount of the biogenic amines released from the
tissue sample during 20 minutes. In both males and females treatment with (-)-
deprenyl enhanced the release of dopamine from the striatum, substantia nigra and
tuberculum olfactorium (significant in 0.01-0.25 mg/kg) and of noradrenaline
from the locus coeruleus (significant in 0.05-0.25 mg/kg), whilst the release of
serotonin from the raphe did not change in the rats treated with 0.01 - 0.25 mg/kg

Table 1 shows a few data demonstrating the priviously unknown enhancer effect
of (-)-deprenyl, and (-)-PPAP, the (-)-deprenyl-analog devoid of the MAO
inhibitory potency, and the finding that (-)-methamphetamine is a CAE substance
in a dose as low as 0.05 mg/kg. The well known motility increasing effect of (-)-
methamphetamine is undectable below 1 mg/kg. This early finding was in good
agreement with our further results. (-)-Deprenyl is a selective CAE substance.

(-)-PPAP, the deprenyl-analog free of MAO inhibitory potency but otherwise

possessing the same pharmacological spectrum as deprenyl (Knoll et al., 1992a),
acted essentially similarly to (-)-deprenyl. (-)-Methamphetamine, the parent
compound of (-)-deprenyl, enhanced both dopminergic and noradrenergic activity,
similarly to deprenyl. (-)-Methamphetamine diminished the serotonergic activity
in both sexes.

The data presented in this study clearly proved that the daily administration of low
doses of (-)-deprenyl, which leave MAO-B activity in the brain unchanged, keep
the catecholaminergic neurons in the brain stem on a higher activity level and this
specific CAE effect is detectable even 24 hours after the last injection of the drug.
8 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

We soon demonstrated that PEA and tyramine are mixed-acting sympathomimetic

amines in the brain. They are primarily CAE substances and in much higher
concentrations only releasers of the catecholamines from their intraneuronal pools
(Knoll et al., 1996 a). We further proved that (-)-deprenyl is a unique synthetic
variant of PEA that is devoid of the catecholamine releasing property which
concealed the detection of the CAE effect of PEA. Since (-)-deprenyl was the first
PEA-derivative which did not release catecholamines from the interneuronal
transmitter pools, it allowed to discover the operation of the enhancer regulation
in the catecholaminergic brain stem neurons (Knoll et al.1996/b).

Table 1: Release of biogenic amines from brain samples of male and female rats, respectively, treated
with the drugs daily for 21 days. (data taken from knoll and miklya, 1994)

Treatment Daily Amount of Biogenic Amine (nmoles/g Tissue) Released from the Tissue Within
MALES Dose 20 min
Dopamine Norepinephrine Serotonin
Striatum Substantia Tuberculum Locus Raphe
Nigra Olfactorium Coeruleus
Saline - 2.72±0.10 2.96±0.13 2.58±0.56 4.10±0.18 0.461±0.01
(-)-Deprenyl 0.01 3.27±0.14*** 4.17±0.31**** 3.08±0.18*** 6.13±0.62*** 0.519±0.05
(-)-PPAP 0.10 5.17±0.29**** 4.52±0.46**** 5.2±0.21*** 7.93±0.69**** 0.466±0.03
(-)- 0.05 3.77±0.08**** 3.53±0.23* 3.65±0.19**** 6.20±0.26**** 0.214±0.02****
Saline - 2.42±0.06 2.80±0.03 2.42±0.10 3.67±0.23 0.460±0.03
(-)-Deprenyl 0.01 3.20±0.08*** 3.18±0.07*** 3.37±0.09*** 3.97±0.23 0.444±0.02
0.05 3.73±0.27*** 3.55±0.19*** 3.35±0.18*** 7.70±0.10*** 0.370±0.04
(-)-PPAP 0.10 4.90±0.26**** 5.65±0.26**** 5.02±0.21**** 7.93±0.69**** 0.390±0.01
(-)- 0.05 2.87±0.14*** 3.62±0.10**** 2.85±0.11** 5.23±0.52*** 0.300±0.04**

*P<0,05; **P<0,02; ***P<0,01; ****P<0,001;

Table 2 is summarizing the essential differences in the pharmacological spectrum

of PEA and the amphetamines versus (-)-deprenyl and (-)-PPAP, the CAE
substances devoid of the catecholamine-releasing property of their parent
compounds. PEA, the natural brain constituent is in low concentration a CAE
substance, in higher concentration a releaser of catecholamines from their
interneuronal pools and a substrate to MAO, thus a rapidly metabolized, short
acting agent. Amphetamine and methamphetamine act like PEA, but since they
The Catecholaminergic Activity Enhancer Effect How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 9

are not metabolized by MAO, they are long acting compounds. (-)-Deprenyl, the
PEA-derivative free of the catecholamine-releasing property is a CAE substance
and in much higher doses a selective inhibitor of MAO-B. (-)-PPAP acts like (-)-
deprenyl, but is devoid of MAO inhibitory potency.
Table 2: Essential differences in the pharmacological spectrum of PEA and the amphetamines
versus (-)-deprenyl and (-)-PPAP

Enhancer Releasing Relation to

CH2 CH N Effect Effect MAO

E-Phenylethylamine H H H + + MAO-B
Amphetamine CH3 H H + + Weak MAO
Methamphethamine CH3 CH3 H + + Weak MAO
(-)-1-Phenyl-2-Methyl-N- CH3 CH3 C3H3 + 0 Selective
Methyl-Propargylamine, (-)- MAO-B
Deprenyl Inhibitor
(-)-1-Phenyl-2- C3H7 H C3H7 + 0 0
Propylaminopenatane, (-)-

We can define enhancer regulation as: the existence of enhancer-sensitive

neurons capable of changing their excitability in a split second and working on a
higher activity level, due to endogenous enhancer substances. Of the natural brain
constituents with such effect, for the time being, only PEA and tryptamine have
been experimentally analyzed (Knoll, 2001, 2003, 2005).

The catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons in the brain stem are excellent
models to study the enhancer regulation since they supply the brain continuously
with proper amounts of monoamines that influence practically all behavioral
functions. The significant enhancement of the nerve-stimulation-induced release
of [3H]-norepinephrine, [3H]-dopamine, and [3H]-serotonin from the isolated brain
stem of the rat in the presence of PEA or tryptamine (Figs. 2,3,4) is shown to
illustrate the response of enhancer-sensitive brain stem neurons to endogenous
enhancer substances.
10 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

To date we have studied in detail the enhancer effect of two natural brain
constituents, PEA and tryptamine. From a freshly isolated brain stem of a
pretreated rat a low amount of the labeled transmitters is released for a couple of
hours (see Knoll Miklya, 1995 for methodology). Neurons respond to
stimulation in an “all or none” manner. The calculated average amount of each of
the transmitters released from the non-stimulated brain stem is the product of the
spontaneous firing of the most excitable, most responsive group of neurons of the
surviving population with large individual variation in excitability. The
overwhelming majority of the neurons remain silent. Electrical stimulation excites
a further group of neurons as shown by the significant increase of the outflow of
transmitters. Natural enhancer substances increase specifically the excitability of
the enhancer-sensitive neurons. They enhance the impulse propagation mediated
release of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin, and in the presence of PEA or
tryptamine we observed the significantly enhanced release of [3H]-norepinephrine
(Fig. 2), [3H]-dopamine (Fig. 3), and [3H]-serotonin (Fig. 4) to electrical

Since a lower concentration of tryptamine (1.3 μmol/l) proved to be much more

potent in enhancing the stimulation-evoked release of serotonin than a much
higher concentration of PEA (16 μmol/l), this indicates that, on a molecular level,
the enhancer regulation in the catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons are not
identical. Enhancer regulation in the brain heralds a new line of research. It brings
different perspective to the brain-organized goal-oriented behavior since it seems
to represent the device in the mammalian brain that operates as the vis vitalis.

All in all, PEA and amphetamines, the long-acting PEA-derivatives, are CAE
substances which in higher concentrations release catecholamines from their
intraneuronal stores, and (-)-deprenyl is the unique PEA-derived synthetic CAE
substance devoid of catecholamine releasing property.

A comparison of the release of [3H]-norepinephrine from isolated rat brain stem in

the presence of (-)-amphetamine (Fig. 5) and (-)-deprenyl (Fig. 7) illustrates the
essential difference in the pharmacological profile between the two synthetic
PEA-derivatives. (-)-Amphetamine is a releaser of norepinephrine and
(-)-deprenyl is devoid of this property. Fig. 5 shows that in the presence of
The Catecholaminergic Activity Enhancer Effect How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 11

(-)-amphetamine, norepinephrine is continuously released and the electrical

stimulation of the brain stem is unable to release further amounts of the
transmitter. Thus the catecholamine-releasing effect of (-)-amphetamine conceals
the detectability of the CAE effect of this long-acting synthetic PEA-derivative.
Fig. 6 shows that after repeated electrical stimulations, due to exhaustion, the
amount of [3H]-norepinephrine released from an isolated rat brain is on a slow
continuous decline. Fig. 7 shows that (-)-deprenyl, devoid of the catecholamine-
releasing property, makes the CAE effect clearly visible. Fig. 8 demonstrates that
(-)-deprenyl is capable of enhancing in an extremely low, 0.2 picog/ml,
concentration the release of 3[H]-dopamine from the isolated rat brain stem to
electrical stimulation.

before electrical stimulation

after electrical stimulation

Release of 3H norepinephrine (picomoles)

A:B* A:B*
C:D*** C:D***
8 B:D*** D B:D**


4 B B C

without with without with
PEA Tryptamine
16 μmol/l 13 μmol/l
Figure 2: Significant enhancement of the nerve-stimulation-induced release of [3H]-
norepinephrine from the isolated brain stem of the rat in the presence of E-phenylethylamine
(PEA) and tryptamine, respectively (N=8). Each graph bar represents the amount of the labeled
transmitter in picomoles released in a 3-min collection period. See Knoll et al. (1996c) for
methodology. Paired Student’s t-test was used for statistical analysis. *P<0.05, **P<0.02,
12 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

before electrical stimulation

after electrical stimulation

10 A:B*** A:B**
C:D**** D C:D***
Release of H-dopamine 8 B:D* B:D*
(picomoles) B
6 B

4 A

without with without with
PEA Tryptamine
16 μmol/l 13 μmol/l
Figure 3: Significant enhancement of the nerve-stimulation-induced release of [3H]-dopamine
from the isolated brain stem of the rat in the presence of E-phenylethylamine (PEA) and
tryptamine, respectively (N=8). Each graph bar represents the amount of the labeled transmitter in
picomoles released in a 3-min collection period. See Knoll et al. (1996c) for methodology. Paired
Student’s t-test was used for statistical analysis. *P<0.05, **P<0.02, ***P<0.01, ****P<0.001.

before electrical stimulation

after electrical stimulation

14 A:B A:B D
Release of H-serotonin

12 C:D* C:D**
B:D* B:D**


4 A C
without with without with

PEA Tryptamine
16 μmol/l 1.3 μmol/l
Figure 4: Significant enhancement of the nerve-stimulation-induced release of [3H]-serotonin
from the isolated brain stem of the rat in the presence of E-phenylethylamine (PEA) and
tryptamine, respectively (N=8). Each graph bar represents the amount of the labeled transmitter in
picomoles released in a 3-min collection period. See Knoll et al. (1996c) for methodology. Paired
Student’s t-test was used for statistical analysis. *P<0.01, **P<0.001.
The Catecholaminergic Activity Enhancer Effect How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 13

3 min ¤ electrical stimulation

H-norepinephrine release ( pmol )





0 ¤ ¤

0.5 μg/ml/min
Figure 5: Demonstration that (-)-amphetamine, which in contrast to (-)-deprenyl preserved the
norepinephrine-releasing property of PEA, their parent compound, is inducing a long lasting
spontaneous release of 3[H]-norepinephrine from an isolated rat brain stem. Electrical stimulation
of the organ at the peak of the norepinephrine-releasing effect is ineffective thus the enhancer
effect is undetectable.

3 min ¤ electrical stimulation

H -norepinephrine release (pmol)


¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
Figure 6: Release of 3[H]-norepinephrine from an isolated rat brain stem to consecutive electrical
stimulations. The figure shows that, due obviously to exhaustion, the amount of 3[H]-
norepinephrine released from the organ to electrical stimulation is, with the passing of time, on a
gradual decline.
14 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

3 min ¤ electrical stimulation

3H-norepinephrine release (pmol)






0 ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

2 μg/ml

Figure 7: Demonstration that (-)-deprenyl, the unique PEA/(-)-methamphetamine-derivative,

devoid of the catecholamine-releasing property of its parent compounds, allows to detect the CAE

3 min ¤ electrical stimulation

H-dopamine release (pmol)


¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

0.2 picog/ml

Figure 8: Demonstration that (-)-deprenyl enhances the release of 3[H]-dopamine from the
isolated rat brain stem to electrical stimulation in an extremely low concentration (0.2 picog/ml).

(-)-Deprenyl, enhances preferentially the activity of the catecholaminergic

neurons in the brain stem. It selectively blocks the activity of MAO-B in the brain
in a subcutaneous dose of 0.25 mg/kg. (-)-Deprenyl significantly enhances the
impulse propagation mediated release of norepinephrine and dopamine from their
The Catecholaminergic Activity Enhancer Effect How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 15

neurons in the brain stem in a dose of 0.025 mg/kg (see for example Figs. 3 and 4
in Knoll 2005). This low dose of (-)-deprenyl leaves the physiological activity of
B-type MAO practically unchanged.

The discovery that tryptamine is, like PEA, a natural enhancer substance (Knoll,
1994), initiated the structure-activity-relationship study resulting finally in the
development of (-)-BPAP, a tryptamine-derived enhancer substance (Knoll et al.,
1999). Fig. 9 shows the chemical structure of (-)-BPAP.

(-)-BPAP enhances the release of dopamine from the substantia nigra of rats in a
subcutaneous dose of 0.0001 mg/kg. In contrast to (-)-deprenyl it is a highly
potent enhancer of the serotonergic neurons (see Figs. 8 and 9 in Knoll, 2005).

To date, (-)-BPAP is the most selective and potent experimental tool to investigate
the enhancer regulation in the catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons of the
brain stem. The enhancer effect can be detected following the subcutaneous
administration of low amounts of (-)-BPAP (see Table 2 in Knoll et al., 1999,), as
well as, following the addition of the substance into the organ bath of freshly
isolated discrete brain areas (see Table 3 in Knoll et al., 1999).

Enhancer substances stimulate the enhancer-sensitive neurons in the brain stem in

a peculiar manner. Fig. 10 shows the characteristics of the enhancer effect of (-)-
BPAP added to isolated locus coerulei of rats. The results show two bell-shaped
concentration/effect curves. The one with a peak effect at 10-13M concentration
clearly demonstrates the existence of a highly complex, specific form of enhancer
regulation in noradrenergic neurons. The second, with a peak effect at 10-6M
concentration, shows the operation of an obviously nonspecific form of the
enhancer regulation in these neurons (see Knoll et al., 2002, for details).

We found the same dose-effect relation regarding the specific enhancer effect of
(-)-BPAP in in vivo experiments. We treated rats with saline or a single dose of 0.05,
0.0025, 0.0005, and 0.0001 mg/kg (-)-BPAP, respectively. 30 minutes after the
subcutaneous injection, we quickly removed the locus coeruleus and measured,
according to Knoll and Miklya (1995), the amount of norepinephrine released from
the tissue within 20 minutes. In this experiment, the most effective dose of
16 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

(-)-BPAP, 0.0005 mg/kg, increased the release of norepinephrine from 4.7±0.10

nM/g (control) to 15.4±0.55 nM/g (P<0.001), but a 100-times higher dose of
(-)-BPAP (0.05 mg/kg) did not change it (4.3±0.25 nM/g) (Knoll et al., 2002).

We experienced, in a number of studies on rats (Knoll et al., 1955a,b,c, 1956,

1994; Knoll, 1956, 1957, 1988) the validity of the common concept that there is a
great individual variation in sexual activity and learning performance in any
random population of mammals of the same strain. For example, in our second
longevity study (Knoll et al., 1994) we selected from a population of sexually
inexperienced 1600 Wistar-Logan rats the ones with the lowest sexual potency
and found 94 rats which did not display in four consecutive weekly mating test
any sign of sexual activity. We observed their copulatory activity in the presence
of a female with high receptivity during 30 minutes and counted the copulatory
patterns of the male (mounting, intromission and ejaculation). The “non-
copulators” remained inactive until they died. On the other hand, we found 99
males which displayed at least one ejaculation in each of the four tests.

The discovery of the bell-shaped concentration/effect curve of the enhancer

substance, in the low nanomolar concentration range, offers the first reasonable
explanation for the great individual variation in behavioral performances. Since an
optimum concentration of the enhancer substance was needed for the optimum
performance, I postulate that the substantial individual differences in behavioral
performances are due to the peculiar dose-dependency of the endogenous
enhancer substances.

Systematic (IUPAC) name: (2R)-1-(1-benzofuran-2-yl)-N-propylpentane-2-amine

Figure 9: Chemical structure of (-)-BPAP.

This approach granted us a new perspective on the results of our two longitudinal
studies performed on rats (first longevity study: Knoll, 1988; Knoll et al., 1989;
second longevity study; Knoll et al., 1994).
The Catecholaminergic Activity Enhancer Effect How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 17

10 **
(nmol/g wet weight) 8 **
6 ** *
01017 1016101510141013 10121010109 108106105104

(-)-BPAP (M)

Figure 10: The bi-modal, bell-shaped concentration effect curve characteristic to the enhancer
effect of (-)-BPAP on isolated locus coerulei of rats. (-)-BPAP was given to the organ bath of the
quickly removed locus coerulei. Eight organs were used for the analysis of each concentration.
The amount of norepinephrine released within 20 minutes from the tissue in the presence of
different concentrations of (-)-BPAP was measured according to Knoll Miklya (1995). Paired
Student’s t-test. *P<0.01, **P<0.001.

In the years when we performed our two longevity studies and worked with the
robust Wistar-Logan rats, we observed that the males which completed the second
year of their life did never display in the weekly mating test a single ejaculation.
We experienced later that the Sprague-Dawley CFY or Wistar (Charles-River)
rats too lost this ability at this age. Our studies clarified that the aging-related
irresistible decay of the dopaminergic brain machinery is responsible for this
change. Saline-treated CFY male rats reached the stage of unability to ejaculate at
an average of 112±9 weeks, their (-)-deprenyl-treated peers reached that stage at
an average of 150±12 weeks (Knoll, 1993a).

In our first longevity study we started to work with 132 sexually inexperienced 2-
year old males and we tested their copulatory activity in four consecutive weekly
mating tests during the 24th month of their life. According to their screening the
rats were divided in three groups: 46 “non-copulators”, 42 “mounting” rats and 44
“sluggish”rats (displaying mountings and intromissions). Thereafter we treated 66
18 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

rats with saline and 66 rats with 0.25 mg/kg (-)-deprenyl, three times a week, and
observed their behavioral performances to the end of their life. We observed the
rats until they died.

In the saline-treated group of the “non-copulators” died out first, the “mounting”
rats lived longer, the longest living rats were in the “sluggish” group (see Table
VI in Knoll 1988). (-)-Deprenyl treatment prolonged the life in each group
significantly. The 66 salt-treated rats lived in average 147.05± 0.56 weeks, the 66
(-)-deprenyl-treated rats lived in average 197.98± 2.31 weeks.

The fact that the saline-treated “non-copulators” died out first and the finding that
(-)-deprenyl, the special stimulant of the catecholaminergic brain stem neurons,
keeps the rats on a higher activity level and prolongs their life, suggested that the
catecholaminergic engine of the brain, which is of crucial importance in activating
the cortex, is responsible for the lifespan-prolonging effect. Thus, the brain engine
works in the 2-year old “non-copulator” males on a lower activity level than in the
2-year old “sluggish” males. This working hypothesis, based on the results of the
first longevity study, determined the planning of the second longevity study. We
decided to start the experiment with younger rats, select from a huge population
of Wistar-Logan rats the “non-copulators” and the sexually most active males,
measure their sexual potency and learning ability until the end of their life, and
treat the rats with saline and (-)-deprenyl, respectively.

We started working with a random population of 28-week-old male rats and tested
their sexual performance once a week. Rats that represented the two extremes in
performance were selected for the study: the ones that did not display a single
intromission during the four consecutive weekly-mating tests used for selection,
and the ones which showed full scale sexual activity (mounting, intromission,
ejaculation) in each of the four tests. Out of 1,600 sexually inexperienced 28-
week-old Wistar-Logan male rats, that met a receptive female once a week during
four consecutive weeks, 94 did not display a single intromission during the
selection period and 99 displayed at least one ejaculation in each of the four tests.
The former were taken for the lowest sexually performing (LP) rats, and the latter
for the highest performing (HP) ones.
The Catecholaminergic Activity Enhancer Effect How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 19

After selection we started to treat the 8-month-old rats subcutaneously with either 1
ml/kg 0.9% NaCl or with 0.25 mg/kg (-)-deprenyl, dissolved in 0.9% NaCl given in
the same volume, three times a week, until the end of their life. Out of the 94 LP
animals, 46 were treated with salt. Out of the 99 HP animals, 49 were treated with
salt. The mating and learning performances of these salt-treated LP and HP rats were
tested during a period of 108 weeks. Copulatory activity was tested once a week.
The learning performance of the rats was tested in the shuttle box. The rats were
trained once every three months for a period of five days, with 20 trials a day. In this
longevity study we trained our rats in the shuttle box instead of the optimal training
conditions (100 trial), only with 20 trials, to find more pronounced difference in the
learning ability between high and low performing rats.

Fig. 11 demonstrates the highly significant difference in sexual and learning

performances and in life span between LP and HP rats.

E=ejaculations C=CARs L=lifespan







performingindividuals outof1,600malerats

Figure 11: Illustration of the highly significant differences in sexual and learning performances
and in lifespan between two groups of rats selected out of 1,600 28-week-old Wistar-Logan males,
as the sexually lowest performing (LP) and highest performing (HP) individuals. See text for
20 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

The salt-treated LP rats (n=44) never displayed ejaculation during their lifetime,
they were extremely dull in the shuttle box and lived 134.58r2.29 weeks. The
salt-treated HP rats (n=49) displayed 14.04r0.56 ejaculations during the first 36-
week testing period and due to aging they produced 2.47r0.23 ejaculations
between the 73-108th week of testing. They lived 151.24r1.36 weeks,
significantly (P<0.001) longer than their LP peers.

Maintenance on (-)-deprenyl enhanced the performance of both LP and HP rats and

prolonged their lifespan significantly. The (-)-deprenyl-treated LP rats (n=48)
became sexually active, their mating performance was substantially increased and
lived 152.54r1.36 weeks, significantly longer than their salt-treated peers and as
long as the salt-treated HP rats. The (-)-deprenyl-treated HP rats (n=50) were
sexually much more active than their salt-treated peers. They displayed 30.04r0.85
ejaculations during the first 36-week testing period and 7.40r0.32 ejaculations
between the 73-108th week of testing. Also their learning performance was
substantially increased. They produced 113.98r3.23 CARs during the first 36-week-
testing period and 81.68r2.14 CARs during the 73-108th week of testing. They lived
185.30r1.96 weeks, significantly more than their salt-treated peers and out of the 50
rats 17 lived longer than the estimated technical lifespan (TLS).

Considering the unique dose-related effect of an enhancer substance, we assume

that out of the 1,600 rats, 99 HP rats produced their endogenous enhancer
substances at the peak of the bell-shaped concentration/effect curve, while the 94
LP rats produced them at the least active part of the curve. The overwhelming
majority of the population (1,407 rats) falls between these two extremes.

An analysis of the ability of rats to acquire the glass-cylinder-seeking drive is

another example that convincingly illustrates the great individual differences in
the behavioral performances of rat (see Sect. 1.3 and 4.2. in Knoll, 2005). We
observed only in two rats out of 100 that the acquired glass-cylinder-seeking
function operated lifelong with unchanged intensity. Presumably the specific
endogenous enhancer substances in the cortical neurons responsible for the
operation of the glass-cylinder-seeking drive were mobilized in these two rats in
the optimum concentration. Thus regarding the measured function we may look
upon these two rats as the most talented in the tested population.
The Catecholaminergic Activity Enhancer Effect How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 21

There is a gleam of hope that better understanding of the enhancer regulation in

the cortical neurons may finally allow to define on a molecular level the
physiological mechanism responsible of “man of talent”/“genius”. As analyzed
and discussed in detail in my monograph (Knoll, 2005), since the natural
endowments of the healthy human brain are identical, everybody is born with 100
billion neurons and 1011 bit capacity, everybody has necessarily brilliant abilities
which remain unexplored, unutilized.

All in all, the discovery that PEA is a natural enhancer of the catecholaminergic
and serotonergic neurons in the brain stem, and the fact that we successfully
fabricated a much more potent and selective enhancer substance than (-)-deprenyl,
is a heavy argument for the thesis that enhancer regulation operates in the
catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons in the brain and places at our disposal
tools through which we can maintain the activity of enhancer-sensitive cells on
higher activity level without changing their physiological milieu (see further
analysis in Chapter 9).

As it will be discussed in Chapter 3 in detail, the enhancer regulation of the

catecholaminergic and the serotonergic neurons in the brain starts working on a
significantly higher activity level after weaning, and the intensified activity
subsists until sexual maturity is reached; thereafter activity returns to the
preweaning level. Developmental longevity is the phase between weaning and
sexual maturity, the uphill period of life. Sexual hormones dampen the intensified
enhancer regulation in the catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons in the
brain. Activity returns to the preweaning level and this is the transition from
adolescence to adulthood. The postdevelopmental period, the downhill period of
life begins, and lasts until natural death. During the postdevelopmental period, the
enhancer regulation in the catecholaminergic brain machinery is on a slow
continuous decline. The catecholaminergic neurons play a key role in the
efficiency of learning performances, drive motivated behavior, etc. The
continuous decline of their activity with the passing of time plays a crucial role in
the behavioral consequences of brain aging.

Since with the daily preventive administration of a synthetic enhancer substance

from sexual maturity until death we can maintain the activity of the
22 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons on a higher activity level, we have a

chance to slow safely the aging-related decay of physical and mental welfare.
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How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging, 2012, 23-33 23

The Catecholaminergic Control of the Uphill and Downhill Period
of Life

There are good reasons to assume that it is the physiological role of the
catecholaminergic neurons to keep the higher brain centers in a continuously
active state, the intensity of which is dynamically changed within broad limits
according to need. Such regulation is the condition sine qua non for the
integrative work of the CNS. The operation of the catecholaminergic system is
comparable to an engine which is ignited once for an entire lifetime, as signaled
by the appearance of the EEG, in an early phase of development.

Due to aging, the maximum level of activation of the CNS, via the
catecholaminergic system, decreases progressively with the passing of time. The
blackout (“natural death”) of the integrative work of the CNS, signaled by the
disappearance of the EEG, occurs when the catecholaminergic system's ability to
activate the higher brain centers sinks below a critical threshold and an emergency
incident transpires, when a high level of activation is needed to survive and the
CNS can no longer be activated to the required extent. This would explain why a
common infection, a broken leg, or any other challenge easily surmountable given
catecholaminergic machinery at full capacity may cause death in old age.

The essence of this hypothesis is depicted in Fig. 12. According to this scheme,
the life of a mammalian organism can be divided, from a functional point of view,
into six stages, each beginning with a qualitative change of crucial importance.
The first stage starts with the fertilization of the ovum and lasts until the
catecholaminergic system properly activates the higher levels of the brain, which
then take the lead and integrate the different parts of the organism into a highly
sophisticated entity. We may deem the first stage of development of the
mammalian organism as being completed when the catecholaminergic engine of
the brain is put into gear once and for all. This is the intrauterine birth of the
unique individual. The appearance of the EEG signals the transition from the first
into the second stage of development.
Joseph Knoll
All rights reserved-© 2012 Bentham Science Publishers
24 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

Cells need oxygen, water, and food for life. These are first supplied, via the
placenta, by the mother. The subsequent, highly complicated evolving program is
devoted to ensuring independence from the mother.

The second stage of development ends with the passage of the fetus from the
uterus to the outside world. From a functional point of view birth means the
transition from fetal to postnatal circulation, with the newborn infant now
supplying itself with oxygen.

The third stage lasts from birth until weaning and serves to develop the skills
needed for the maintenance of integrity and for the infant to supply itself with
water and food.


1 2 3 4 6 7

Figure 12: Conception about essential changes during the lifetime of mammals.
The fourth stage lasts from weaning until the goal of goals in nature, full scale
sexual maturity is reached. This is the most delightful phase of life, the glorious
uphill journey. The individual progressively takes possession, on a mature level,
of all abilities crucial for survival and maintenance of the species. It learns to
avoid dangerous situations, masters the techniques for obtaining its food, develops
procreative powers for sexual reproduction and copulates. This is, at the same
time, the climax of developmental longevity.

The sexually fully mature individual fulfils its duty. Thus, to maintain the
precisely balanced natural equilibrium among living organisms, the biologically
“useless” individual has to be eliminated. According to the inborn program, the
fifth, postdevelopmental stage of life (aging) begins.
The Catecholaminergic Control of the Uphill How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 25

The essence of the fifth stage is progressive decay of the efficiency of the
catecholaminergic system during the postdevelopmental lifespan until at some
point, in an emergency situation, the integration of the parts in a highly
sophisticated entity can no longer be maintained and “natural death”, signaled by
the disappearance of the EEG signal, sets in.

As parts of the organism remain alive, the sixth and last stage of life is the
successive dying off of the different groups of cells.

The hypothesis outlined suggests that quality and duration of life rests upon the
inborn efficiency of the catecholaminergic brain machinery, i.e., a higher
performing, longer-living individual has a more active, more slowly deteriorating
catecholaminergic system than its low performing, shorter-living peer. To
simplify this concept, we may say, that a better brain engine allows for a better
performance and a longer lifespan. The concept clearly predicts that, as the
activity of the catecholaminergic system can be improved at any time during life,
it must essentially be feasible to develop a technique for transforming a lower-
performing, shorter-living individual, to a better-performing, longer-living one. It
therefore follows that a shift of the duration of life beyond the technical lifespan
(TLS), with a yet unpredictable upper limit, must be possible in all mammals,
including the human species. The results of the longevity study (Knoll et al.,
1994), reviewed in detail in Chapter 2, are in harmony with this concept.

What is the cause of the transition from developmental to postdevelopmental

longevity? This is the main question to be answered.

To answer this question we need to consider a phenomenon of which we first took

notice in the course of our behavioral studies on rats performed in the 1950s. We
observed that hunger drive induced orienting-searching reflex activity was
significantly more pronounced in young rats than in their elder peers (Knoll,
1957). We repeatedly corroborated this observation later and described it for the
last time in 1995 (Knoll Miklya, 1995.)

Catecholaminergic neurons have a powerful activating effect on the brain. We

measured hunger-induced orienting-searching reflex activity in rats and found that
26 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

animals in the late developmental phase of life (2 months of age) were much more
active than those in the early postdevelopmental phase (4 months of age), which
points to the enhanced catecholaminergic activity during the developmental phase.


7 (N=20)
3 (N=20)


12 36 60 84 12 36 60 84

Figure 13: Intensity of orienting-searching reflex activity of hungry rats in surroundings quite new
to them as a function of time elapsed from last feed. Activity was measured and expressed in units
from 0 to 10. See Knoll Miklya (1995) for methodology and other details.

Fig. 13 shows that if we measure the intensity of orienting-searching reflex activity

of hungry rats in a new surrounding as a function of time elapsed from the last feed,
we observe the striking difference in activity between rats being in their uphill period
of life (2-month-old animals) and 4-month-old rats being already in their early
postdevelopmental phase of life. We also observed the awakening of sexual drive,
maturation of spermatozoa and the development of the penis in male CFY rats. From
the strain we used in this experiment, it was exceptional to find copulatory drive
manifesting in males younger than six weeks. Although the appearance of
copulatory patterns usually precedes maturation of spermatozoa and full
development of the penis, the overwhelming majority of the males reached full-scale
sexual activity by the completion of their 2nd month of life.

In the rat, the interval from weaning (3rd week of life) until the end of the 2nd month
of age is a decisive period for the development of the individual. During this period
the animal acquires abilities crucial for survival and maintenance of the species.
The Catecholaminergic Control of the Uphill How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 27

Based on the observation that the 2-month-old hungry rats are significantly more
active than their 4-month-old peers, we checked their dopaminergic, noradrenergic
and serotonergic activities in the brain before weaning (in 2-week-old rats), during
the crucial developmental phase, from weaning to sexual maturity (in 4- and 8-week-
old rats) and in the early postdevelopmental phase of life (in 16- and 32-week-old
rats). As an indicator of the basic activity of catecholaminergic and serotonergic
neurons in the brain, we measured the release of dopamine from striatum, substantia
nigra and tuberculum olfactorium, of norepinephrine from the locus coeruleus, and
of serotonin from the raphe, in male and female rats (Knoll Miklya, 1995).

We found that from weaning until the 2nd month of life the striatal dopaminergic
system of the rats was significantly more active than either before or after that
period. Fig. 14 demonstrates a dramatic increase in the release of dopamine from the
striatum and tuberculum olfactorium after weaning (4th week) and the return of the
release of dopamine to the preweaning leve (2nd week) in sexually mature rats (32nd
week). This explains why, as demonstrated in Fig. 13, food-deprived rats in their
developmental phase of life were significantly more mobile in an open field than
their peers already in their early postdevelopmental phase of life. Our finding
regarding the age-related changes in the dopaminergic tone in the rat brain was
confirmed on Long Evans Cinnamon rats (Samuele et al., 2005, Table 4).

dopamine (nmoles/g tissue)


2 4 32 2 4 32 age (weeks)

Striatum Tuberculum olfactorium

Figure 14: Release of dopamine from the striatum and tuberculum olfactorium, respectively, of
male rats belonging to different age cohorts. N=12; * P<0.001. For details see Knoll Miklya
28 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll


(nmoles/g tissue) 10


2 4 32 age (weeks)

Figure 15: Release of norepinephrine from the locus coeruleus of male rats belonging to different
age cohorts. N=12; * P<0.01, **P <0.001. For details see Knoll Miklya (1995).


1 **
(nmoles/g tissue)



0.4 *

2 4 32
age (weeks)
Figure 16: Release of serotonin from the raphe of male rats belonging to different age cohorts.
N=12; * P<0.01 **P <0.001. For details see Knoll Miklya (1995).

The release of norepinephrine from the locus coeruleus (Fig. 15) and the release
of serotonin from the raphe (Fig. 16) show the same dramatic increase after
weaning and the return to the preweaning level in sexually mature rats as
dopamine (for details see Knoll Miklya, 1995).
The Catecholaminergic Control of the Uphill How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 29

All in all, we found that enhancer regulation starts working on a higher activity
level after weaning, and this state of enhanced activity continues in existence until
the completion of full scale sexual development, with a rapid rate of decay
thereafter. It is obvious that as soon as sexual maturity was reached the
catecholaminergic tone changes from a “hyperactive” to an “economy” state,
signaling the transition from a developmental to a postdevelopmental (aging)
phase of life. We may also conclude that enhanced enhancer regulation between
weaning and sexual maturity is responsible for the exuberant physical strength
and mental vigor of mammals in their uphill period of life.

Since we measured in both male and female rats a significantly more pronounced
enhancer regulation in the dopaminergic, noradrenergic and serotonergic neurons
from the discontinuation of breast feeding (end of the 3rd week of age) until the
appearance of sexual hormones (end of the 2nd month of life), it was reasonable to
deduce that sexual hormones play the key role in terminating the developmental
phase of life (Knoll et al., 2000).

The regulation of sexual hormones starts working in the rat with full capacity only
at the end of the 2nd month of age. This rapid decrease in norepinephrine,
dopamine and serotonin from selected discrete brain regions appeared
synchronously with the completion of sexual maturity. Thus, it was reasonable to
assume that sexual hormones dampen the enhancer regulation in the
catecholaminergic and serotonergic brain stem neurons, and this is the mechanism
which terminates developmental longevity as well.

In order to qualify these observations we castrated three-week-old male and female

rats and measured the release of catecholamines and serotonin from selected discrete
brain regions at the end of the third month of their life. We found that in male rats
the amount of catecholamines and serotonin released from the neurons was
significantly higher in castrated than in untreated or sham operated rats, signaling
that sex hormones inhibit enhancer regulation in the brain (Table 3).

To further analyze this effect of sex hormones, we treated male and female rats
subcutaneously with oil (0.1 ml/rat), testosterone (0.1 mg/rat), estrone (0.01 mg/rat)
and progesterone (0.5 mg/rat), respectively, and measured their effect on the
30 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

enhancer regulation. Twenty-four hours after a single injection with the hormones,
the release of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin was significantly inhibited in
the testosterone-, or estrone-treated rats (Table 4), but remained unchanged after
progesteron treatment (Table 5). In rats treated with a single hormone injection,
testosterone in the male and estrone in the female were the significantly more
effective inhibitors. Remarkably, the reverse order of potency was found in rats
treated with daily hormone injections for 7 or 14 days (Tables 6 and 7). After a two-
week treatment with the hormones, estrone was found in the male and testosterone in
the female as the significantly more potent inhibitors of the enhancer regulation.

The data prove that sex hormones terminate the hyperactive phase of life by
dampening enhancer regulation in the catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons.
They bring about the transition from the developmental phase of life to
postdevelopmental longevity, from adolescence to adulthood. This change is in the
meantime also the beginning of the slow, continuous decay of the enhancer regulation
in catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons in the brain stem. As a consequence of
it, the fixation of inextinguishable conditioned reflexes (ICRs) and the acquisition of
drives are subject of an irresistible, slowly progressing, age-related decline until death.

Although the individual variation in decline of behavioral performances with passing

time is substantial, the process hits every brain. Both the decay in brain performances
as well as the potential for the manifestation of aging-related neurodegenerative
diseases (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's) increase with the physiologically irrepressible
aging of the brain. It is obvious that only the development of a safe and efficient
preventive pharmacological intervention, starting immediately after the completion of
sexual maturity, can significantly slow brain aging.

Hayflick mentioned in his “Theories of biological aging” that “It is possible that only
by increasing lifespan, or maximum age of death, of members of a species, will
important insight be made into the aging process” (Hayflick, 1985). Since in our two
longevity studies, performed with (-)-deprenyl on the robust Wistar-Logan rats,
some lived beyond the estimated maximum age of death, better understanding of the
enhancer regulation in the brain might be helpful in the future to find efficient means
to prolong human life beyond the TLS. This would be a groundbreaking example of
man's endeavor to outwit Nature by understanding the laws of its operation.
The Catecholaminergic Control of the Uphill How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 31

Table 3: The release of catecholamines and serotonin from selected discrete brain regions isolated
from the brain of 3-month-old male and female rats, untreated, sham operated or castrated at the age of

MALES Amount of Biogenic Amine (Nmoles/g Tissue) Released from the Tissue within 20 Min
Dopamine Norepinephrine Serotonin
Substantia Tuberculum
Striatum Locus coeruleus Raphe
nigra olfactorium
Untreated 3.4±0.008 4.8±0.17 3.5±0.15 3.9±0.12 0.334±0.01
Sham operated 3.3±0.11 5.2±0.34 3.5±0.16 3.9±0.09 0.329±0.02
Castrated 4.4±0.17** 7.4±0.21** 4.7±0.12** 5.5±0.22** 0.921±0.02**
Untreated 3.0±0.14 4.5±0.14 2.9±0.05 3.1±0.07 0.337±0.01
Sham operated 2.9±0.13 4.3±0.17 2.8±0.18 3.0±0.05 0.339±0.01
Castrated 4.6±0.29** 8.3±0.18** 3.7±0.06** 4.40±0.05** 0.491±0.03*
Paired Student’s t-test. N=16.

*P<0.02; **P<0.001

Table 4: The release of catecholamines and serotonin from selected discrete brain regions isolated
from the brain of 4-week-old male and female rats 24 hours after a single subcutaneous injection
with oil (0.1 ml/rat), testosterone proprionate (0.1 mg/rat) and estrone (0.01 mg/rat), respectively

MALES Amount of Biogenic Amine (Nmoles/g Tissue) Released from the Tissue Within 20 Min
Dopamine Norepinephrine Serotonin
Substantia Tuberculum
Striatum Locus Coeruleus Raphe
Nigra Olfactorium
Vehicle (A) 6.6±0.23 11.8±0.23 6.8±0.21 9.6±0.19 1.178±0.14
Testosterone (B) 4.7±0.19 10.8±0.34 4.8±0.13 3.4±0.21 0.581±0.11
Estrone (C) 5.8±0.21 11.6±0.26 5.8±0.20 4.2±0.35 0.918±0.04
A:B **** A:B * A:B **** A:B **** A:B **
A:C * A:C ¯ A:C *** A:C **** A:C ¯
B:C ** B:C ¯ B:C *** B:C ¯ B:C *
Vehicle (A) 7.7±0.27 11.8±0.26 7.9±0.17 9.0±0.26 1.120±0.07
Testosterone (B) 6.8±0.45 11.4±0.21 7.1±0.35 4.7±0.37 0.815±0.09
Estrone (C) 5.5±0.16 11.2±0.39 6.3±0.39 3.7±0.32 0.377±0.11
A:B ¯ A:B ¯ A:B ¯ A:B **** A:B *
A:C **** A:C ¯ A:C *** A:C **** A:C ***
B:C *** B:C ¯ B:C ¯ B:C ¯ B:C *
Paired Student’s t-test. N=16.

¯P>0.05; *P<0.05; **P<0.02; *** P<0.01; **** P<0.001.

32 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

Table 5: The release of catecholamines and serotonin from selected discrete brain regions isolated
from the brain of 4-week-old male and female rats, 24 hours after a single subcutaneous injection
with oil (0.1 ml/rat) and progesterone (0.5 mg/rat), respectively

MALES Amount of Biogenic Amine (Nmoles/g Tissue) Released from the Tissue Within 20 Min
Dopamine Norepinephrine Serotonin
Substantia Tuberculum Locus
Striatum Raphe
Nigra Olfactorium Coeruleus
Vehicle 5.9±0.27 10.4±0.22 6.2±0.31 9.9±0.70 1.071±0.11
Progesterone 5.7±0.20 10.6±0.33 5.9±0.08 10.0±0.05 1.026±0.07
P>0.05 P>0.05 P>0.05 P>0.05 P>0.05
Vehicle 5.8±0.13 10.5±0.29 6.4±0.21 10.8±0.10 1.080±0.02
Progesterone 5.8±0.15 10.1±0.30 6.2±0.22 10.4±0.80 1.470±0.03
P>0.05 P>0.05 P>0.05 P>0.05 P>0.05
Paired Student’s t-test. N=16.

Table 6: The release of catecholamines and serotonin from selected discrete brain regions isolated
from the brain of male and female rats injected once daily for 7 days subcutaneously with oil (0.1
ml/rat), testosterone proprionate (0.1 mg/rat) and estrone (0.01 mg/rat), respectively

MALES Amount of Biogenic Amine (Nmoles/g Tissue) Released from the Tissue Within 20 Min
Dopamine Norepinephrine Serotonin
Substantia Tuberculum
Striatum Locus Coeruleus Raphe
Nigra Olfactorium
Vehicle (A) 6.2±0.24 11.9±0.37 7.1±0.18 9.5±0.20 0.914±0.04
Testosterone (B) 5.0±0.17 11.8±0.10 5.1±0.13 5.8±0.17 0.281±0.01
Estrone (C) 4.9±0.31 11.7±0.24 4.7±0.17 4.3±0.10 0.459±0.02
A:B *** A:B ¯ A:B **** A:B ** A:B ***
A:C * A:C ¯ A:C **** A:C *** A:C ***
B:C ¯ B:C ¯ B:C ¯ B:C ¯ B:C **
Vehicle (A) 6.6±0.22 12.0±0.20 6.5±0.25 9.3±0.30 0.944±0.04
Testosterone (B) 3.4±0.13 10.9±0.23 4.6±0.26 5.2±0.05 0.236±0.02
Estrone (C) 5.4±0.11 10.3±0.11 5.9±0.18 5.0±0.05 0.520±0.01
A:B **** A:B *** A:B *** A:B *** A:B ***
A:C *** A:C **** A:C ¯ A:C *** A:C ***
B:C **** B:C ¯ B:C *** B:C ¯ B:C ***
Treatment started on 3-week-old rats. Brain samples were isolated 24 hours after the last injection.

Paired Student’s t-test. N=16.

¯P>0.05; *P<0.05; **P<0.02; *** P<0.01; **** P<0.001

The Catecholaminergic Control of the Uphill How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 33

Table 7: The release of catecholamines and serotonin from selected discrete brain regions isolated
from the brain of male and female rats injected once daily for 14 days subcutaneously with oil (0.1
ml/rat), testosterone proprionate (0.1 mg/rat) and estrone (0.01 mg/rat), respectively

MALES Amount of Biogenic Amine (Nmoles/g Tissue) Released from the Tissue Within 20 Min
Dopamine Norepinephrine Serotonin
Substantia Tuberculum
Striatum Locus coeruleus Raphe
nigra olfactorium
Vehicle (A) 5.8±0.24 14.3±0.30 7.6±0.13 6.5±0.40 1.090±0.01
Testosterone (B) 6.4±0.28 13.0±0.19 5.8±0.24 5.6±0.10 0.415±0.01
Estrone (C) 4.6±0.21 9.8±0.27 5.6±0.21 2.0±0.10 0.213±0.02
A:B ¯ A:B *** A:B **** A:B ¯ A:B ***
A:C ** A:C *** A:C **** A:C *** A:C ***
B:C *** B:C **** B:C ¯ B:C *** B:C **
Vehicle (A) 5.1±0.06 11.7±0.13 6.2±0.15 6.7±0.25 1.007±0.01
Testosterone (B) 4.4±0.18 10.8±0.36 4.5±0.15 3.8±0.15 0.218±0.02
Estrone (C) 5.7±0.23 10.2±0.34 5.6±0.20 6.5±0.30 0.607±0.01
A:B *** A:B ¯ A:B **** A:B *** A:B ****
A:C ¯ A:C *** A:C * A:C ¯ A:C ****
B:C *** B:C ¯ B:C *** B:C ** B:C ***
Treatment started on 3-week-old rats. Brain samples were isolated 24 hours after the last injection.

Paired Student’s t-test. N=16.

¯P>0.05; *P<0.05; **P<0.02; *** P<0.01; **** P<0.001

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34 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging, 2012, 34-41

The Antioxidant and Neuroprotective Effect of (-)-Deprenyl and
their Relation to the Enhancer Effect
As discussed earlier the catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons are excellent
models to study the enhancer regulation. (-)-Deprenyl, the PEA-derived enhancer
substance, which lost the catecholamine-releasing property of its parent
compounds, PEA and (-)-methaphetamine (see Figs. 5, 6, 7), was the specific
experimental tool which allowed to realize the operation of the enhancer
regulation in the catecholaminergic brain stem neurons. The discovery that
tryptamine is like PEA a natural enhancer substance, and the development of
(-)-BPAP, a much more potent enhancer substance than (-)-deprenyl, which in
contrast to (-)-deprenyl is a highly potent enhancer of the serotonergic neurons as
well, was final proof that the enhancer regulation operates in the
catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons in the brain.

The discovery of the enhancer regulation in these neurons is, however, obviously
just the peak of an iceberg. We do not know how many natural enhancer-sensitive
cellular mechanisms exist in mammalian organisms and which their natural
regulators are. Our finding that PEA and tryptamine are endogenous enhancers
and the development of their synthetic analogues, (-)-deprenyl and (-)-BPAP, are
just the first examples that call our attention to the existence of previously
unknown enhancer regulations in mammalian organisms.

Up to the present (-)-deprenyl is the only synthetic enhancer substance the effects
of which have already been described in thousand of papers. Since (-)-deprenyl
was the first selective inhibitor of MAO-B, the drug is still handled as the classic
inhibitor of B-type MAO. In the brain of rats (-)-deprenyl blocks MAO-B in a
dose of 0.25 mg/kg and exerts its specific enhancer effect on the
catecholaminergic neurons in a dose of 0.001 mg/kg. Nevertheless, the CAE
effect of (-)-deprenyl is so far left out of consideration.

Although it is obviously unreasonable to use higher than 0.25 mg/kg doses of

(-)-deprenyl in animal experiments, there are still published studies in which

Joseph Knoll
All rights reserved-© 2012 Bentham Science Publishers
The Antioxidant and Neuroprotective Effect How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 35

(-)-deprenyl is used in 1-10 mg/kg doses. This practice of raised levels of

(-)-deprenyl exerts dozens of unwanted effects and leads to statements that
(-)-deprenyl has amphetamine-like effects, is a releaser of catecholamines from their
intraneuronal pools, blocks the reuptake of dopamine, etc. (-)-Deprenyl may block
even catecholaminergic receptors in such high doses as 10 mg/kg. The optimal dose
of (-)-deprenyl, which blocks already efficiently MAO-B activity selectively in the
brain (0.25 mg/kg), is free of significant unwanted effects. The enhancer dose range,
from 0.001 to 0.1 mg/kg, is devoid of noteworthy side effects. (-)-Deprenyl is a drug
with an unusually broad safety margin. In animal experiment (-)-deprenyl exerts its
specific enhancer effect in a dose as low as 0.001 mg/kg and even repeated daily
doses of 10 mg/kg are exceptionally well tolerated.

Up to the present, hundreds of papers describe the protecting effect of

(-)-deprenyl against neurotoxic agents, such as 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA),
1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6 tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-
ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine (DSP-4), and methyl-beta-acetoxyethyl-2-
chloroethylamine (AF64-A).

It was first shown in the late 1970s that (-)-deprenyl-treatment protects the
dopaminergic neurons from the toxic effect of the specific dopaminergic
neurotoxin, 6-OHDA (Knoll, 1978; Harsing et al., 1979, Knoll, 1987). The
activity of the cholinergic interneurons in the caudate nucleus is continuously
inhibited by dopamine, released in the striatum. This is the main physiological
effect of striatal dopamine. In PD, due to the dopamine-deficiency-induced
gradually declining inhibition of the cholinergic interneurons, higher amounts of
acetylcholine (ACh) are liberated. Levodopa-treatment (dopamine
supplementation) in PD restores the toppled physiological equilibrium. This chain
of events can be followed in experiments with striatal slices taken from the brain
stem of rats treated with 6-OHDA (see Table 6 in Knoll, 1987). The amount of
ouabain-induced release of ACh from striatal slices dissected from untreated rats
was found to be 366.7r57.3 pmole/g/min and the addition of dopamine (2.6 x 10-4
mole/L) increased the amount to 591.0r52.5 pmole/g/min, showing that dopamine
stimulated the presynaptic dopamine “autoreceptors”. In striatal slices taken from
rats pretreated with 6-OHDA, the ouabain-induced release of ACh increased to
706.0r60.0 pmole/g/min, similarly to the situation in PD, where loss of the
36 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons leads to an uninhibited release of ACh in the

striatum. The addition of dopamine inhibited to 372.9r93.8 pmole/g/min the
ouabain-induced release of ACh, thus acted in the model like levodopa acts in PD.

(-)-Deprenyl-treatment protected completely the striatum from the toxic effect of

6-OHDA. The subcutaneous injection of 0.25 mg/kg of (-)-deprenyl for 3 weeks
and the administration of 6-OHDA for 24 hours after the last injection of (-)-
deprenyl did not change the ouabain-induced release of ACh. It was the final
conclusion of this paper that (-)-deprenyl protects the striatum from the toxic
effects of 6-OHDA via the blockade of B-type MAO, the inhibition of the uptake
of 6-OHDA into the neuron, the facilitation of scavenger function, and the
improvement of the removal of the neurotoxic free radicals (Knoll, 1987, p.57). It
was this finding which catalyzed the discovery that (-)-deprenyl is significantly
enhancing the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the striatum of both male
and female rats (Knoll, 1988).

All of these findings were thereafter confirmed in dozens of papers. It is now

common knowledge that (-)-deprenyl protects dopaminergic neurons from the
toxic effect of 6-OHDA and facilitates scavenger function in the dopaminergic
neurons (for review see Miklya, 2011).

As it is well known today, it was discovered accidentally that drug addicts in

California developed PD after self-administration of a “synthetic heroin” which
was contaminated with MPTP. Langston et al., first described that a chemist
working with MPTP developed PD and demonstrated that pargyline, a
semiselective inhibitor of B-type MAO, prevents MPTP-induced parkinsonism in
primates (Langston Ballard, 1983; Langston et al., 1983, 1984). Markey et al.,
suggested that intraneuronal generation of a pyridinium-metabolite may cause
drug-induced parkinsonism (Markey et al., 1984). It was soon demonstrated in a
series of detailed studies that MPTP is oxidized by B-type of MAO first to 1-
methyl-4-phenyl-2,3 dihydropyridinium ion (MPDP+) and finally to methyl-
phenyl-tetrahydro-pyridinium ion (MPP+), which generates free radicals and
causes parkinsonism in human beings. MPP+ is selectively accumulated in
mitochondria in the dopaminergic nerve terminals and acts like 6-OHDA.
(-)-Deprenyl, as a selective inhibitor of B-type MAO, protects of course the
The Antioxidant and Neuroprotective Effect How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 37

dopaminergic neurons from the toxic effect of MPTP. This was first published in
1984 by Melvin Yahr’s group in monkeys (Cohen et al., 1984), in 1985 by
Heikkila’s group in mice (Heikkila et al., 1985) and was thereafter confirmed
many times.

It is obvious that the inhibition of MAO-B plays the key role in the protective
effect of (-)-deprenyl against the neurotoxic effect of MPTP. Nevertheless,
(-)-deprenyl enhances the production of neurotrophins [nerve growth factor
(NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), glial-cell-line-derived
neurotrophic factor (GDNF)] in glial cells – all of which are natural protective
agents of the neurons. This glial effect of (-)-deprenyl is due to its enhancer effect.
(-)-BPAP, the specific enhancer substance, is highly potent in increasing the
production of neurotrophins in glial cells (Ohta et al., 2002; Shimazu et al., 2003).
Thus, even in this case, the enhancer effect might be an additional factor in the
effectiveness of (-)-deprenyl against MPTP toxicity.

Further studies revealed that (-)-deprenyl protects different neurons against a variety
of neurotoxic agents: dopaminergic neurons against beta-carbolinium, adrenergic
neurons against DSP-4, serotonergic neurons against 5.6-dihyroxyserotonin, and
cholinergic neurons against AF64-A (for review see, for example, Ebadi et al.,

Regarding the neuroprotective effects of (-)-deprenyl, the key role of its enhancer
effect has to be seriously considered in the future for the following reason:

The essence of the enhancer effect is that the enhancer-sensitive cell starts
working on a higher activity level in the presence of an optimal concentration of a
natural or a synthetic enhancer substance. Thus, whatever function of this cell is
measured, the observer finds an increased activity level. It is self explanatory that
if we poison the enhancer-sensitive cell, the enhancer substance will act as a
protective agent. If we impair, for example, the physiological activity of an
enhancer sensitive neuron in culture via a specific neurotoxin, the administration
of a proper concentration of (-)-deprenyl or (-)-BPAP will of course protect the
neuron from the deleterious effect of the neurotoxin. This protection occurs
because the cell, due to the addition of the enhancer substance, works on a higher
38 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

activity level. There are hundreds of papers that describe the anti-apoptotic,
neuroprotective effect of (-)-deprenyl.

(-)-BPAP, at present the most potent and selective synthetic enhancer substance, is
the best experimental tool to study the enhancer-sensitivity of a cell in culture to
demonstrate, the dose-effect-relation characteristic to the enhancer effect. In a study
performed on primary rat embryonic hippocampal cultures, we measured the
protective effect of BPAP against the specific neurotoxic effect of E-amyloid(25-35)
fraction (in this early study we worked with racemic BPAP). In this test too, BPAP
exerted its effect with the same bi-modal, bell-shaped concentration effect curve as on
isolated locus coerulei of rats as shown in Fig. 10. In the presence of E-amyloid(25-35)
fraction, the survival of the neurons decreased to 22.4r7.20% of the controls
(100%), and BPAP in a concentration of 10-13M (the peak of the concentration
exerting the specific enhancer effect) increased the survival of the cultured neurons
treated with E-amyloid(25-35) to 70%. BPAP also exerted a protective effect at 10-8M
concentration (non-specific enhancer effect) (Knoll et al., 1999).

The reasonable interpretation of this finding is as follows: Whatever performance

we measure in a random population, we always find a huge variation in
efficiency, ranging from very low to very high performing individuals. This is
also true regarding the performance of cells in a population of cultured neurons.
We may look at the 20% of the cultured hippocampal neurons which survived in
the presence of E-amyloid, as “high performing” cells, those possessing the most
efficient BPAP-sensitive activation mechanism. Added to the cultured neurons,
BPAP in the optimum concentration (10-13M) is a highly potent and selective
enhancer of this regulation – it made each neuron higher performing, and the
survival rate increased from 20% to 70%. BPAP has obviously the same effect on
the noradrenergic, dopaminergic, serotoninergic and hippocampal neurons as
well. It may stimulate endogenous substances which enhance the activity of the
neurons according to their physiological need. The high potency of BPAP in
stimulating this regulation reasonably allows for much more potent endogenous
enhancer substances than PEA and tryptamine.

As a matter of fact, up to the present, hundreds of papers confirm that enhancer-

sensitive cells work on a higher activity level in presence of (-)-deprenyl, and this
The Antioxidant and Neuroprotective Effect How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 39

effect is unrelated to the MAO-B inhibitory effect of the drug. However, they
ignore the fact that (-)-deprenyl acts in all these experiments as a PEA-derived
synthetic enhancer substance. For example, in 1994 Tatton’s group published the
first study demonstrating that (-)-deprenyl reduces PC12 cell apoptosis and found
that the drug induces “trophic like” rescue of dying neurons without MAO-
inhibition, since (-)-deprenyl reduced neuronal apoptosis and facilitated neuronal
outgrowth in 10-13M concentration (Tatton et al., 1994, 1995). This is the peak in
which (-)-deprenyl exerts its specific enhancer effect. Up to the present, authors
mention that the observed neuroprotective effect of (-)-deprenyl is unrelated to the
MAO-B inhibitory effect of the drug but neglect the fact that the mechanism
through which (-)-deprenyl exerts its protective effect is already clarified.

It is common knowledge that the activity of many important enzymes in the brain
are with the passing of time on a decline and an increase in the amount of lipid
peroxidation products and accumulation of lipofuscin are characteristic markers of
brain aging. Kaur et al. measured in four brain regions (cerebral cortex,
hippocampus, striatum and thalamus) the activity of sodium potassium adenosine
triphosphatase (Na+K+-ATP-ase), glutathionperoxidase and glutathione-s-
transferase, and also the levels of lipid peroxidation products and lipofuscin
content in 6- and 24-month-old rats. They found an aging-related significant
decline in the activities of the enzymes and a significant increase in the lipid
peroxidation product and lipofuscin contents (Kaur et al., 2001).

In a following study they measured the same parameters in two groups of 24-
month-old rats. Prior to measurement, one group of rats was treated,
intraperitoneally, for three months, with 1 mg (-)-deprenyl daily. The other group
was treated with a vehicle only (control). They found that the (-)-deprenyl-
treatment of aged rats significantly attenuated the aging-related-enhancement in
lipid-peroxidation products and lipofuscin accumulation. The authors summarized
these results as “… new additional evidence concerning the anti-aging therapeutic
potential of L-deprenyl” (Kaur et al., 2003). Considering the pharmacological
profile of (-)-deprenyl, it is highly probable that the anti-aging effect of drug is
due to its enhancer effect and is unrelated to the inhibition of B-type and/or A-
type MAO. It is unfortunate that the authors used a superfluously high, 1 mg/kg
dose of (-)-deprenyl, which blocks both A- and B-type MAO, instead of checking
40 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

0.001 or 0.1 mg/kg (-)-deprenyl (CAE effect) and the 0.25 mg/kg dose (selective
inhibition of MAO-B).

Due to the CAE effect of (-)-deprenyl, the low dose, the chronic administration of
the drug keeping the dopaminergic neurons working on a higher activity level, we
expected that preventive (-)-deprenyl-treatment may protect the dopaminergic
neurons from their known aging-related morphological changes. We developed a
method, using a TV-image analyzer, to compare different morphological
parameters in the substantia nigra of young and old male rats (Tóth et al., 1992).
With the aid of this method, we determined the number, total area, area of one
granule, and density features (sum and average of gray values and average gray
value of one pigment granule) of melanin granules in neurocytes of the substantia
nigra in 3-month-old and 21-month-old male rats (Knoll et al., 1992b).

Within the melanin-containing neurocytes, we discovered statistically significant

aging-related differences in the number, area, and density features of melanin
granules. Whereas in the young rats the majority of the neurocytes contained
numerous, small-sized neuromelanin granules, the majority of the neurocytes of
old rats, smaller numbers of large-sized neuromelanin granules were detected. We
treated rats subcutaneously, three times a week with 0.25 mg/kg (-)-deprenyl for
18 months and found that this treatment prevented the aging-related
morphological changes in the neurocytes of the substantia nigra. This was prima
facie morphological evidence for the anti-aging effect of prophylactic treatment
with a synthetic enhancer substance (Knoll et al., 1992b).

Rinne et al. (1991) found that the number of medial nigral neurons was greater
and the number of Lewy bodies fewer in patients with PD who had been treated
with (-)-deprenyl in combination with levodopa when compared with patients who
had received levodopa alone. Lewy bodies are composed mainly of D-synuclein.
In a recent study, Braga et al. evaluated the effects of (-)-deprenyl on the in vitro
aggregation of a type of D-synuclein and found that (-)-deprenyl delays fibril
formation by extending the lag phase of aggregation. They showed that in the
presence of (-)-deprenyl, electron microscopy reveals amorphous heterogeneous
aggregates, including large annular species, which are innocuous to a primary
culture enriched in dopaminergic neurons while their age-matched counterparts
The Antioxidant and Neuroprotective Effect How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 41

are toxic. They also found that (-)-deprenyl blocks the formation of smaller toxic
aggregates by perturbing dopamine-dependent fibril disaggregation. Thus,
(-)-deprenyl slows the fibrillation, giving rise to the formation of large nontoxic
aggregates. They concluded that “These effects might be beneficial for PD
patients, since the sequestration of protofibrils into fibrils or the inhibition of fibril
dissociation could alleviate the toxic effect of protofibrils on dopaminergic
neurons. Selegiline might slow the fibrillation, giving rise to the formation of
large nontoxic aggregates” (Braga et al., 2011).

By now dozens of papers are published in literature demonstrating that low

concentrations (10-8 - 10-15M) changed significantly the activity of isolated cells in
culture, clearly demonstrating that the authors detected the enhancer-effect of the
drug, thus proved that they worked on an enhancer sensitive cell. For example,
Esmaeili et al. published in 2006 that they worked with the mouse embryonic
stem cell line CCE, and found that selegiline induced, with a peak at 10-8M,
neuronal differentiation in the undifferentiated pluripotent embryonic stem cells
and the authors suggested to use combined selegiline and stem cell therapy to
improve deficits in neurodegenerative diseases in aging (Esmaeili et al., 2006).

In a similar publication in 2011 a work was carried out with the P19 line of
murine embryonal carcinoma (EC) stem cells. Embryonal carcinoma cells, like
embryonic stem cells, on which the formal study was done, are developmentally
pluripotent cells which can differentiate into all cell types under appropriate
conditions. They investigated the effect of selegiline on undifferentiated P19 line
of murine EC stem cells and found that selegiline had a dramatic effect on
neuronal morphology. Selegiline induced in low concentrations (10-8 - 10-10M) the
differentiation of EC cells into neuron-like cells (Bakshalizadeh et al., 2011).

Despite the convincing experimental evidence that selegiline in low

concentrations acts as a PEA-derived synthetic CAE substance, and the results
published in both papers furnish unequivocal evidence that both the mouse
embryonic stem cells and the embryonic carcinoma cells are enhancer-sensitive
cells, the authors of the two papers cited altogether three of my papers written in
1983, 1985 and 1988, thus prior to the discovery of the enhancer-regulation in the
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42 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging, 2012, 42-52

The Age-Related Decline of Dopaminergic Activity and the
Reason Why Low Dose of (-)-Deprenyl Slows Brain Aging and
Prolongs Life
Aging, the unfortunate common fate of all mature adults, is a physiological
phenomenon. It essentially means the decadence of the quality of life with the
passage of time. The easily recognizable, external appearance of aging (graying
hair, wrinkling skin, use of reading glasses, etc.) gives some information about the
chronological age of the person, but these signs are not necessarily in complete
harmony with the physiological age of the organ systems, with the measurable
decrements of integrated functions (maximum O2 capacity, maximum breathing
capacity, maximum work rate, etc.) or with the almost immeasurable mental

The exact measurement of the aging-related changes in man remains difficult

because the most reliable technique for following the changes in a given
individual over his or her entire lifespan is practically unfeasible. The available
information about the aging-related changes in human population stems from
cross-sectional studies, from the comparison of differences in performances
between different age-groups.

The main problem is, however, that the scatter within a particular age-group for
any measurable parameter is extreme. The reason for this extreme variation is the
lack of a general factor of physiological age. In cross-sectional studies no single
age emerges as the point of sharp decline in function. Any individual may show
different levels of performance and the careful observer finds much dissociation
between “chronological” and “physiological” age. Despite of all these
weaknesses, the average lifespan in most developed countries has already
exceeded the 80-year average. This change has come about due to the prevention
of premature deaths through the development of hygiene, immunology and
chemotherapy. The technical lifespan of the human race (TLSh), close to 120
years, has remained, however, unchanged.

Joseph Knoll
All rights reserved-© 2012 Bentham Science Publishers
The Age-Related Decline of Dopaminergic Activity How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 43

Since the catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons in the brain stem are of key
importance in ensuring that the mammalian organism works as a purposeful,
motivated, goal-directed entity, it is hard to overestimate the significance of
finding safe and efficient means to slow the decay of these systems with passing
time. The conclusion that the maintenance on (-)-deprenyl that keeps the
catecholaminergic neurons on a higher activity level is a safe and efficient anti-
aging therapy follows from the discovery of the enhancer regulation in the
catecholaminergic neurons of the brain stem. From the finding that this
regulation starts working on a high activity level after weaning and the enhanced
activity subsists during the uphill period of life, until sexual hormones dampen the
enhancer regulation in the catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons in the
brain stem, and this event signifies the transition from developmental longevity
into postdevelopmental longevity, the downhill period of life.

Since the dopaminergic system is the most rapidly aging, life’s important
machinery in the human brain, the possibility to slow the aging of these group of
neurons by the continuous daily administration of a small amount of (-)-deprenyl
during the postdevelopmental phase of life, from sexual maturity until death, is by
now the best example of a firmly based physiologically and pharmacologically
safe anti-aging therapy with a significant promise of efficiency. The aging of the
dopaminergic system means that with the passing of time the amount of
dopamine, the transmitter of the system, and PEA, the modulator of the system, an
important natural enhancer substance, is on a continuous decline.

PEA, like tryptamine, p-tyramine, m-tyramine, and octopamine, belongs to the

trace amines, the family of endogenous amines present in the mammalian CNS in
trace amounts (Usdin Sandler, 1976). PEA, to date probably the most carefully
investigated trace amine is, like tryptamine, a natural enhancer substance (see
Knoll, 2005, Sect.3.1.2.). The first note in literature furnishing indirect evidence
that PEA may be an endogenous CNS stimulant in humans was the finding of
Fischer et al., (1968). They found that the urinary excretion of free PEA was
reduced in depressed patients and suggested that a PEA deficit may be one of the
biochemical lesions leading to depression. Experimental evidence, soon presented
that PEA is an endogenous constituent of the mammalian brain (Fischer et al.,
1972; Saavedra, 1974; Wilner et al., 1974).
44 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

Sabelli Mosnaim (1974) expounded the hypothesis that PEA might play a
physiological role in effective behavior. Thereafter, papers discussing the possible
role of PEA as a physiological mood elevator (Greenshow, 1989; Davis
Boulton, 1994; Sabelli Javaid, 1995; Sabelli et al., 1986; Premont et al., 2001),
as well as, papers proposing a role of trace-amines in a series of illnesses, such as
schizophrenia, depression, attention deficit/hyperactive disorder, PD, Rett’s
syndrome, migraine, phenylketonuria, hepatic encephalopathy, and hypertension
(Usdin Sandler, 1976; Boulton et al., 1988; Saavedra, 1989; Walker et al.,
1996; Janssen et al., 1999; Satoi et al., 2000; Premont et al., 2001) were
continually published.

An important step forward in the history of trace-amines was the discovery of the
presence of high-affinity binding sites for tyramine, tryptamine, and PEA (Hauger
et al., 1982; Nguyen Juorio, 1989; Nguyen et al., 1989). The trace-amine
binding sites have been identified as G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) (see
Knoll, 2005, Sect. 3.3.). The expression of trace-amine receptor mRNA in the
human amygdala further suggests a role of trace-amines in depression and anxiety
disorders (Borowsky et al., 2001); and methamphetamine, the PEA-derivative
with a long-lasting effect, is also a trace-amine receptor agonist (Bunzow et al.,
2001). The identification of members of the GPCR family in human, chimpanzee,
rat and mouse showed remarkable interspecies differences, even between human
and chimpanzee. Most of the receptors do not respond to trace amines. So far a
clear functional relationship between some trace amines and trace amine receptors
has been established only for two members (TA receptors 1 and 2) (Lindemann et al.,
2005). It remains for future research to find the relationship between our synthetic
enhancer substances and TA receptors.

The discovery that PEA is a natural enhancer substance clarified the mechanism
of the stimulatory effect of PEA and finally assigned the physiological role of this
trace-amine in the regulation of behavioral performances (see Shimazu Miklya,
2004, for review). Long before the discovery of the enhancer effect of PEA (Knoll
et al., 1996c), we had already established that during postdevelopmental longevity
there is a continuously increasing PEA deficit in the mammalian brain (Knoll,
1982). The thesis of this paper put forth that the progressive decrease in brain
catecholamines and trace-amines is an unavoidable biochemical lesion of aging.
The Age-Related Decline of Dopaminergic Activity How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 45

This concept was based, on the one hand, on the enhanced MAO-B activity in the
aging brain, and on the other hand, on the anti-aging effect of (-)-deprenyl, the
first described highly potent and selective inhibitor of MAO-B.

As a rule, enzyme functions decrease in the brain with the passing of time. B-type
of MAO is an exception. Robinson et al., (1971, 1972) published the first papers
demonstrating that MAO activity progressively increases in the aging brain. This
finding was corroborated within a couple of years by different groups (Nies et al.,
1973; Mantle et al., 1976; Shih, 1979; Carlsson, 1979; Eckert et al., 1980; Fowler
et al., 1980a,b; Strolin Benedetti Keane, 1980). It soon became clear, however,
that in both the human (Fowler et al., 1980b) and rat (Mantle et al., 1976; Strolin
Benedetti Keane, 1980) brains only the activity of MAO-B is increased in the
aged. It was also shown that the selective age-dependent decrease in MAO-B
activity was due entirely to an increased enzyme concentration in brain tissue
(Fowler et al., 1980b). Student Edwards (1977) demonstrated that MAO-B is
predominantly localized in the neuroglia, a finding soon corroborated (Strolin
Benedetti Keane, 1980) and now firmly established as fact.

In my hypothesis put forth in 1981-1982, I suggested that a progressively developing

catecholaminergic and trace-aminergic deficiency is the biochemical lesion in the
aging brain which leads to the age-related decline in sexual and learning
performances and ultimately leads to natural death (Knoll, 1981a,b,c, 1982).

Let us quote here the original description of the hypothesis (Knoll, 1982, pp.109-

Well established old experiences offer a good explanation for the increase of brain
MAO-B activity in the latter decades of life. Cell loss is a general feature of the
aging brain.As the loss of neurons is always compensated by glial cells, the
progressive and cumulative loss of neurons in the aging brain gives a satisfactory
explanation to the selective increase of extrasynaptosomal MAO-B activity with
increasing age. This seems to be an unavoidable biochemical lesion of aging.
Collating the facts that there is an unavoidable loss of neurons, inescapably
leading to increased MAO-B activity with increasing age, makes it understandable
that dopaminergic and trace-aminergic modulation in the brain is progressively
46 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

decreasing in the aging brain. It is in agreement with this trend of changes that an
age-dependent decrease in the dopamine control of the basal ganglia in man was
described, first by Bertler (1961), and corroborated by many others. Riederer and
Wuketich (1976) found that the dopamine content of the human caudate nucleus
decreased in an age-related manner.

If, in addition, we also consider that the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase, the enzyme
catalysing the rate-limiting step in catecholamine biosynthesis, was also found to
decrease in human brain tissue with increasing age (McGeer et al., 1971), weighty
arguments seem to support the view that catecholaminergic tone is progressively
decreasing in the aging brain.

As the described age-dependent chain of events can be deduced to well defined

biochemical lesions, the chances to develop a new drug strategy for counteracting or
possibly even preventing, the adverse consequences of the age-related decrease of the
catecholaminergic tone in the brain, are fair.

Dozens of studies published since the proposal of this hypothesis strengthened

this approach step-by-step. The evolution of the project can be followed via the
reviews published after 1982, when the original hypothesis was presented, until
the discovery of the enhancer regulation in the brain stem neurons (Knoll, 1983,
1985, 1986a,b,c, 1989, 1992a,b, 1993a,b,c, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2003).

In the light of our present knowledge there can be little doubt that because of the
continuously increasing MAO-B activity in the aging brain, the more and more
efficient metabolism of PEA, necessarily works against the chances of a freshly
synthesized PEA molecule reaching its target. This is obviously a significant
factor which contributes to the aging-related decline of the enhancer regulation in
the catecholaminergic brain engine with the passing of time.

The same decline applies to dopamine. Fig. 17 shows the decay in the dopamine
content of the caudate nucleus in the aging human brain. We lose 13% of our
brain dopamine in the decade after age 45. At this normal rate, nobody will
exceed, within the obtainable human lifespan the critical threshold of the
dopamine content (30%) that accompanies the precipitation of the symptoms of
PD. Thus, as illustrated in Fig. 17, PD is obviously the consequence of a
premature aging of the dopaminergic machinery in the human brain.
The Age-Related Decline of Dopaminergic Activity How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 47






45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 AGE (Yr)


Figure 17: Visualization of the concept that PD is the premature rapid aging of the striatal
dopaminergic machinery. TLSh: technical lifespan in humans.

To realize the functional consequences of the aging-related decline of the

dopaminergic system in the mesencephalon, let us follow, as an example, the
decline of the ejaculatory activity in human and rat males during their
postdevelopmental phase of life.

Sexual activity in the human male is known to be influenced by a number of

factors, such as good health, stable marriage, satisfactory sexual partner(s), and
adequate financial and social status. But even in the males who meet all the
requirements for retention and maintenance of sexual functioning, there is an age-
related decrease in sexual vigor.

In the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging, coital activity was studied as

function of age. They interviewed 628 members of the Washington-Baltimore
area, varying from 20-95 years of age, white, married, urban residents in good
health. According to this study the median coital activity was highest, 2.1
events/week, between ages of 30-34, and decreased progressively with increasing
age, sinking to 0.2/week in the age-group 65-69.

It is common knowledge that individual variation in sexual vigor is enormous. In

this study the mean frequency of total sexual activity in 159 males was found to
48 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

be 520 sexual events/5 years in the age-group 20-39, including young males
performing below 100 sexual events/5 years and those with frequencies of total
sexual activity over 1000 sexual events/5 years. In the age-group 65-79, the mean
frequency of total sexual activity decreased to 75 sexual events/5 years, but even
in this group subjects producing 400-700 sexual events/5 years were registered
(Martin, 1977).

In a number of longitudinal studies performed on male rats we observed that the

age-related decline of coital activity in male rats and the striking individual
differences in sexual performance in different age cohorts are essentially the same
as in human males (Knoll, 1988, 1989; Knoll et al., 1983, 1994).

Because of brain aging, even the most sexually high performing males may lose
their potency to ejaculate if they live long enough. In our studies on male CFY
rats, we followed the sexual performance of the animals once a week from sexual
maturity until death. We measured three patterns: mounting, intromission, and
ejaculation. We found that in response to brain aging even the best performing
individuals lost their potency to ejaculate not later than at the completion of their
second year of age (Knoll et al., 1983).

The results of our first longevity study (Knoll, 1988, Knoll et al., 1989) clearly
proved in retrospect that the age-related decline of the sexual performance of male
rats signals the decay of the enhancer regulation in the dopaminergic neurons with
the passing of time.

As already discussed in Chapter 2, in this series of experiments, we selected 132

aged, 2-year-old male rats and measured in four consecutive, weekly mating tests
their sexual performance: mounting, intromission and ejaculation. Due to aging,
the ability to ejaculate was not longer detectable in 2-year-old CFY rats. We
classified the rats according to their sexual performance in the testing period as
noncopulators (no sign of sexual activity), mounting rats (displayed mounting
only), and sluggish rats (displayed mounting and intromission). Of the 132 rats 46
were found to be noncopulators (Group 1), 42 displayed mounting only (Group 2),
and 44 rats proved to be sluggish (Group 3). After the selection period, we started
to treat half of the rats with saline (1 ml/kg) and half with (-)-deprenyl (0.25
The Age-Related Decline of Dopaminergic Activity How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 49

mg/kg) three times a week, until they died. We tested their sexual performance
once a week. The dying out of the 66 saline-treated rats showed that lifespan was
inversely proportional to their sexual performance (see Table VI in Knoll, 1988).

As sexual performance is directly proportional to the functional state of the

enhancer regulation in the dopaminergic neurons, we assume that rats die when
the age-related decline in mesencephalic enhancer regulation arrives to a critical
threshold. With regard to sexual performance: Group 1 < Group 2 < Group 3,
thus, rats belonging to Group 1 are the closest to exceeding the critical threshold
resulting in natural death and die out first, rats in Group 2 live longer, and rats in
Group 3 live the longest.

The age-related decline in mesencephalic enhancer regulation during the

postdevelopmental phase of life in male rats can be further recognized by
comparing the individual variation in sexual performance of 3-6-month-old male
rats with the performance of their 2-year-old peers. Whereas 52.49% of 3-6-
month-old male rats displayed ejaculations during the four consecutive mating
tests, only 5.80% of 12-18-month-old males ejaculated, and none of the 24-
month-old males were in possession of this faculty any longer (see Table 3.5. in
Knoll, 2005).

Moreover, the age-related change in the percentage of animals belonging to the

“non-copulator” group clearly proved that enhancer regulation in the
dopaminergic neurons is in continuous decline during the postdevelopmental
phase of life. Only 5.51% of the 3-6-month-old males were sexually inactive, but
19.56% of the 12-18-month-old rats and 34.84% of the 24-month-old rats
belonged to this group.

Due to the striking similarities between human and rat males in the age-related
decline of their sexual activity it is hard to deny that the decay of the
dopaminergic machinery with the passing of time plays the key role on the final
loss of the ability to ejaculate, from which there is no escape. We demonstrated
with a series of experiments that the treatment of male rats with (-)-deprenyl
significantly enhanced their sexual activity and with the preventive administration
of a small dose of (-)-deprenyl the loss of the ability to ejaculate was substantially
50 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

shifted in time (Knoll, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1993a; Knoll et al., 1983, 1989, 1994;
Yen et al., 1982).

Table 8, a brief summary of the results of our first longevity study, shows that the
anti-aging effect of (-)-deprenyl was decisive even in a series of experiments
performed on two-year-old rats which had already lost their ability to ejaculate.

Table 8: Illustration of the antiaging effect of (-)-deprenyl treatment. Data taken from Knoll,
1989, Table IV. Details explained in text

Classification of the Number of Total Number of Mountings (M), Intromissions (I) and
Groups According to Animals Ejaculations (E) of the Groups During Treatment
Sexual Performance
Before Treatment
Saline-Treated Rats
Non-copulators 23 37 0 0
Mounting rats 21 425 54 0
Sluggish rats 22 477 231 0
(-)-Deprenyl-Treated Rats
Non-copulators 23 997 544 190
Mounting rats 21 1129 662 172
Sluggish rats 22 1696 1257 481

A second example is an experiment performed on young male CFY rats. We

selected 90 males possessing full-scale sexual activity. Half of the population was
treated with saline (1 ml/kg), the other half with (-)-deprenyl (0.25 mg/kg), three
times a week, from the 25th week of age. The rats’ sexual performance was tested
once a week. In this study, the loss in the ability to ejaculate was selected as the
age-related end stage. Saline-treated rats reached this stage at an average of 112r9
weeks. In contrast, (-)-deprenyl-treated rats reached it at an average of 150r12
weeks (P0.001) (Fig. 2 in Knoll, 1993a). As sexual performance is a
dopaminergic function, it became obvious that the enhanced activity of the
mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons was responsible for the significantly
retarded loss of the ability to ejaculate in the (-)-deprenyl-treated group.

Our finding that (-)-deprenyl prolongs life was confirmed in rats, mice, hamsters,
and dogs, even on a fly (Drosophila melanogaster), widely used as an
experimental model of aging (Table 9).
The Age-Related Decline of Dopaminergic Activity How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 51

Table 9: Our longevity studies and the confirmation of the finding (m - male; f –female).


1988 Knoll J Wistar Logan Rats (m)
1989 Knoll, Dalló, Yen; Wistar Logan Rats (m)
1990 Milgram et al. Fischer 344 Rats (m)
1993 Kitani et al. F 344 Rats (m)
Knoll, Yen, Miklya Wistar Logan Rats (m)
Freisleben et al. Mice (m)
Dalló, Köles Wistar Logan Rats (f)
Archer & Harrison Mice (m, f)
Stoll et al. Syrian hamster (f)
1997 Ruehl et al Beagle dogs
Bickford et al. F344 rats (m)
Jordens et al. Drosophila

In one strain of mice (-)-deprenyl-treatment had no beneficial effect on survival

(Ingram et al., 1993); and Stoll et al., (1997) found increased lifespan in
(-)-deprenyl-treated female hamsters only. Moreover, in the longevity studies
substantial strain differences were found in the efficiency of (-)-deprenyl. It has to
be considered, however, that enhancer substances stimulate the enhancer-sensitive
neurons in the brain stem in a peculiar manner (see Fig. 10). Thus, the same dose
of an enhancer drug may exert a peak effect on one strain, a much lower effect on
an other strain, and be ineffective on a third strain.

This problem was analyzed in a whole series of papers (for review see Miklya,
2011). Kitani et al., working with F344 rats, found for example that 0.25 mg/kg
(-)-deprenyl significantly prolonged in this strain the lifespan of both male and
female rats whereas a greater dose became less effective and may actually
adversely effect the lifespan of rats (Kitani et al., 2005). Leaving aside these
pecualiarities, authors may easily fail to observe the beneficial effect of
(-)-deprenyl treatment upon longevity.

Nevertheless, even from a study with the conclusion that a clear effect of chronic
(-)-deprenyl treatment upon longevity was not observed, a closer examination of
the published data shows the beneficial effect of (-)-deprenyl on the survival of
52 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

rats. For example, Bickford et al., (1997) treated the short living male F344 rats
with (-)-deprenyl. Beginning at 54 weeks of age, the drug was administered via
drinking water containing 8 μg (-)-deprenyl/ml. The estimated daily dose of
(-)-deprenyl was 0.5 mg/kg. After 64 weeks of (-)-deprenyl treatment, MAO-B
activity in the striatum, hippocampus and cerebellum were reduced by 85 to 88 %
and MAO-A activity remained unchanged. This study proved that drinking water
was an effective method for the delivery of (-)-deprenyl. The authors measured at
84 weeks of age sensorimotor skills, at 86 weeks motor learning, at 104 weeks
spatial learning and at 118 weeks they performed quantitative receptor
autoradiography. According to their final conclusion “… long term oral
administration of (-)-deprenyl extended the functional lifespan of rats with respect to
cognitive, but not motor performance”. The survival curves in their study (Fig. 1)
reveal that in comparison to the controls, the (-)-deprenyl-treated rats exhibited
higher survival rates at all points after 63 weeks of age. The maximum difference
in survival rates, about 20%, between the population of (-)-deprenyl-treated and
control rats, was reached between approximately 100-108 weeks of age.

As shown in Chapter 2, (-)-deprenyl is a potent enhancer of the catecholaminergic

neurons in brain stem. In AD and PD, neuronal loss in the locus coeruleus was
found to be even greater than in the substantia nigra (Zarow et al., 2003). More
recent data supports that aging of the noradrenergic system in the brain plays an
important role in the manifestation of neurodegenerative diseases, such as PD and
AD, and enhanced noradrenergic activity might substantially contribute to
(-)-deprenyl-treatment-induced slowing of the age-related decline of brain
functions (for review see Miklya, 2011).
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How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging, 2012, 53-61 53

Benefits of Selegiline in the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
As discussed in Chapter 1, in order to lessen the serious side effects of levodopa-
treatment in PD, Birkmayer and Hornykiewicz tried to achieve a levodopa-sparing
effect by the concurrent administration of levodopa with an MAO-inhibitor. They
were compelled to terminate this trial because the combination elicited
hypertensive attacks. Since selegiline was the unique MAO inhibitor free of the
cheese effect, Birkmayer dared to combine selegiline with levodopa, and a
levodopa-sparing effect was achieved in patients without side effects (Birkmayer
et al., 1977). The levodopa-sparing effect of selegiline is fully related to the
selective inhibition of B-type MAO.

The safety profile of daily 10 mg dose of selegiline, given regularly in the

treatment of PD, is favorable (Heinonen, 1998). The usually mild side effects (dry
mouth, anxiety, sleep disturbances, confusion, nausea, dizziness, orthostatic
hypotension, and hallucination) are rare (for review see Robottom, 2011). Patients
taking nonselective MAO inhibitors in combination with selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may develop quite dangerous serotonin syndrome, but
there is no significant interaction between fluoxetin and selegiline (Waters, 1994).

As a matter of fact, it was the DATATOP study’s results that selegiline has a
beneficial influence on the natural history of PD, which clearly proved that the
CAE effect of selegiline is fully responsible for this unique benefit. Although the
Parkinson Study Group organized the DATATOP study with the belief that
selegiline will act beneficially in this multicenter clinical trial because it inhibits
selectively MAO-B, the outcome presented clear-cut evidence that the CAE effect
of selegiline was fully responsible in changing the course of the disease in de novo
parkinsonians in a unique beneficial manner.

It is remarkable that despite the unequivocal experimental evidence, the fact that
selegiline is primarily a PEA-derived CAE substance is ignored. Today, clinicians
still classify selegiline, at present the only synthetic CAE substance in clinical use,
as merely a selective inhibitor of B-type MAO. Lazabemide, after selegiline the

Joseph Knoll
All rights reserved-© 2012 Bentham Science Publishers
54 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

second selective inhibitor of MAO-B in clinical use, is devoid of the enhancer

effect (Miklya Knoll, 2003, see also Chapter 9). The same fits for rasagiline,
the recently introduced third selective inhibitor of MAO-B in clinical use (Miklya,
2011). It is reasonable to draw a parallel in this respect from the DATATOP

As was discussed in detail earlier, convincing animal experiments speak in favor

for the conclusion that selegiline slows the rate of the functional deterioration of
the nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurones, and the experimental findings are in
harmony with clinical evidence that selegiline slows the progress of PD. The
indication for using selegiline in patients with early, untreated PD was established
in the DATATOP study in the USA (Tetrud Langston, 1989; Parkinson Study
Group, 1989, 1993). Important multicenter studies such as, the French Selegiline
Multicenter Trial (FSMT) (Allain et al., 1991), the Finnish Study (Myttyla et al.,
1992), the Swedish Parkinson Study Group (Palhagen et al., 1998), and the
Norwegian-Danish Study Group (Larsen et al., 1999) confirmed the usefulness of
the drug in de novo PD.

Age-related deterioration of the striatal machinery is a continuum and any

precisely determined short segment of it is sufficient to measure the rate of
decline in the presence or absence of selegiline. As a matter of fact, in the
DATATOP multicenter study by the Parkinson Study Group, a segment of this
continuum, the time elapsing from diagnosis of PD until levodopa was needed,
was properly measured in untreated patients with PD and the effect of selegiline
versus placebo was compared (Parkinson Study Group, 1989). It is common
experience that it belongs to the natural history of PD that due to the continuous
further deterioration of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons usually within one
year after the diagnosis of the disease the patients need dopamine-substitution
(levodopa therapy). Among the participants of the DATATOP multicenter study
Tetrud and Langston were the first who realized that selegiline-treatment affects
beneficially the natural history of PD. In 1989 they published that selegiline
delays the need for levodopa therapy. In their study, the average time that elapsed
before levodopa was needed was 312.1 days for patients in the placebo group and
548.9 days for patients in the selegiline group (Tetrud Langston, 1989). This
was clear proof that selegiline, which enhances the activity of the surviving
Benefits of Selegiline in the Treatment of PD How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 55

dopaminergic neurons, kept these neurons on a higher activity level for a longer
duration of time.

The design of the DATATOP study was unintentionally similar that we had used
in our rat experiments with (-)-deprenyl since 1980. We tested the sexual activity
of male rats as a quantitatively measurable, rapidly aging dopaminergic function,
and compared the effect of (-)-deprenyl versus saline treatment on the age-related
decline of copulatory activity in rats. We demonstrated that (-)-deprenyl treatment
significantly slowed the age-related decay of sexual performance (Knoll, 1982)
and later went on to show that this effect of (-)-deprenyl was unrelated to the
inhibition of MAO-B. We performed a structure-activity-relationship study which
aimed to select a derivative of (-)-deprenyl that was free of any MAO inhibitory
property (Knoll et al., 1992a). In (-)-deprenyl, the propargyl group covalently
bonded to the flavin of MAO-B, and this led to the irreversible inhibition of the
enzyme activity. (-)-1-Phenyl-2-propylaminopentane [(-)-PPAP], the new (-)-
deprenyl analogue selected, differed from its mother compound by containing a
propyl group instead of a propargyl group. As expected, this compound enhanced
dopaminergic activity in the brain like (-)-deprenyl, but did not change the activity
of MAO-B. One can follow the progress in clarifying the mechanism in (-)-
deprenyl responsible for enhanced dopaminergic activity by referring to a series
of reviews (Knoll, 1978, 1983, 1987, 1992 a, b, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2003).

By now, it is clear that if we select a quantitatively measurable dopaminergic

function and determine its age-related decline by fixing an exact end, there is a
shift of this end stage in time in (-)-deprenyl-treated rats which shows the
dopaminergic activity enhancer effect of the drug. For example, due primarily to
the physiological aging of the striatal dopaminergic system, male rats ultimately
lose their ability to ejaculate. As already reviewed in Chapter 5, we found that
saline-treated Charles River rats reached this stage at the age of 112r9 weeks,
whereas their (-)-deprenyl-treated peers lost the ability to ejaculate only at the age
of 150r12 weeks (P <0.001) (Knoll, 1993a).

The design of the DATATOP study was essentially the same. The authors knew
that after having diagnosed PD the next step would be the need for levodopa, and
they measured the selegiline-induced delay in reaching this stage.
56 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

The authors of the DATATOP study expected selegiline to be efficient in their trial
because of its MAO-B inhibitory effect. Their hypothesis was that the activity of
MAO and the formation of free radicals predispose patients to nigral degeneration
and contribute to the emergence and progression of PD. In accord with their
working hypothesis they expected that selegiline, the MAO inhibitor,
D-tocopherol, the antioxidant, and the combination of the two compounds will
slow the clinical progression of the disease because MAO activity and the
formation of oxygen radicals contribute to the pathogenesis of nigral
degeneration. They selected patients with early, untreated PD and measured the
delay in the onset of disability necessitating levodopa therapy.

In the first phase of the trial, 401 subjects were assigned to D-tocopherol or
placebo and 399 subjects were assigned to selegiline, alone or with D-tocopherol.
Only 97 subjects who received selegiline reached the ‘end’ of the trial (i.e., the
onset of disability necessitating levodopa therapy) during an average 12 months of
follow-up compared with 176 subjects who did not receive selegiline. The risk of
reaching the end of the trial was reduced by 57% for the subject who received
selegiline, and these patients also had a significant reduction in their risk of
having to give up full-time employment (Parkinson Study Group, 1989).
Following the course of changes, the authors concluded in their next paper
(Parkinson Study Group, 1993) that selegiline, but not D-tocopherol, delayed the
onset of disability associated with early, otherwise untreated PD. But as time
passed, the DATATOP study also revealed that selegiline did not reduce the
occurrence of subsequent levodopa-associated adverse effects in the patients
(Parkinson Study Group, 1996).

The unexpected outcome of the DATATOP study clearly indicated that selegiline
possesses an unknown pharmacological effect of basic importance and D-
tocopherol is devoid of this effect. We succeeded in the 1990s to explain the
ineffectiveness of D-tocopherol in the DATATOP study. As shown in detail
earlier, we demonstrated that PEA and tyramine are not only well-known releasers
of catecholamines from their intraneuronal pools, but they are primarily CAE
substances. They enhance in low doses the impulse propagation mediated release
of catecholamines. Since the catecholamine-releasing property of these amines
concealed the CAE effect, the physiologically important property of these amines
Benefits of Selegiline in the Treatment of PD How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 57

remained undetected (Knoll et al., 1996c). As expected, a comparison of the

enhancer effect of D-tocopherol with that of (-)-deprenyl showed that D-
tocopherol did not change the impulse-evoked release of norepinephrine,
dopamine and serotonin in the brain; thus it is devoid of an enhancer effect
(Miklya et al., 2003). This is clear proof that the CAE effect was responsible for
the effectiveness of selegiline in the DATATOP study (as a recent review see
Miklya, 2011). The clinical trial with rasagiline, performed by the Parkinson
Study Group, revealed that unlike the early selegiline trials, rasagiline failed to
demonstrate a decreased need for levodopa (Parkinson Study Group, 2002). Even
the results of a couple of recent studies (Olanow Rascol, 2010; Ahlskog and
Uitti, 2010; Mehta et al., 2010) led to the conclusion that “based on current
evidence, rasagiline cannot be said to definitely have a disease-modifying effect”
(Robottom, 2011).

We have to consider the physiological role of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic

neurons in the continuous activation of the cerebral cortex. This is realized via a
highly complicated route of connections. The neostriatum is the main input
structure of the basal ganglia. It gets glutamatergic input from many areas of the
cerebral cortex. Cholinergic and peptidergic striatal interneurons are in connection
with the nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons. Dopamine released in the striatum
controls the two GABAergic pathways along which the outflow of the striatum
proceeds. One is a direct route to the substantia nigra pars compacta and medial
globus pallidus. The other is an indirect route. A GABAergic link binds the
striatum to the lateral globus pallidus; from here, another GABAergic pathway
goes to the subthalamic nucleus, which provides glutamatergic excitatory
innervation to the substantia nigra pars compacta and medial globus pallidus. This
then continuously inhibits - via a GABAergic projection - the activity of the
ventroanterior and ventrolateral nuclei of the thalamus, which provide feedback
glutamatergic excitatory impulses to the cerebral cortex.

Thus, the stimulation of the direct pathway at the level of the striatum increases
the excitatory outflow from the thalamus to the cortex, whereas stimulation of the
indirect pathway has the opposite effect. The striatal GABAergic neurons of the
direct pathway express primarily the excitatory D1 dopamine receptors; the striatal
neurons of the indirect pathway express primarily the inhibitory D2 receptors. As
58 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

a result, dopamine release in the striatum increases the inhibitory activity of the
direct pathway and diminishes the excitatory activity of the indirect pathway. As a
net effect, the inhibitory influence of the substantia nigra pars reticulata and
medial globus pallidus on the ventroanterior and ventrolateral nuclei of the
thalamus is reduced, thus increasing the excitatory effect of these nuclei on the
cerebral cortex. All in all, a more active nigrostriatal dopaminergic system means
a more active cerebral cortex and, vice versa. The physiological age-related
decline of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic activity leads to an equivalent reduction
in the activity of the cerebral cortex. It is reasonable to conclude that the age-
related decline of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic brain mechanism plays a
significant role in the decline of performances over time.

Aging of the dopaminergic system in the brain plays an undisputable leading role
in the highly significant, substantial decline in male sexual activity and also in the
more modest but still significant age-related decline in learning performance. As
discussed in Chapter 5, in a human male study median coital activity was the
highest, 2.1 events/week, between the ages of 30 and 34. This rate decreased
progressively with increasing age, sinking to 0.2/week (P<0.001) in the 65- to 69-
year-old age group. We found essentially the same trend of changes in male rats
in a series of different experiments.

There is a quantitative difference only between the physiological age-related

decline of the dopaminergic input and that observed in PD. In the healthy
population, the calculated loss of striatal dopamine is about 40% at the age of 75,
which is about the average lifetime. The loss of dopamine in PD is 70% or
thereabout at diagnosis and over 90% at death. The drastic reduction of the
dopaminergic output in PD evidently leads to an accordingly drastic reduction of
cortical activity and this makes it clear why an enhancer substance, like (-)-
deprenyl, improves cognition, attention, memory and reaction times. It also brings
about subjective feelings of increased vitality, euphoria and increased energy in
people with PD.

In diagnosing PD, the neurologist selects subjects with the most rapidly aging
striatal dopaminergic system (about 0.1% of the population). As symptoms of PD
become visible only after the unnoticed loss of a major part (about 70%) of striatal
Benefits of Selegiline in the Treatment of PD How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 59

dopamine and further deterioration is irresistible, the disease is, in this sense,

It is obvious that with the progression of the disease the chances to enhance the
activity of the dopaminergic neurons via the administration of a synthetic
enhancer substance are going from bad to worse. PD is, after all, an incurable
disease. In a recent study the clinical outcome of PD patients treated with
selegiline plus levodopa was evaluated in the early stage of the disease in
comparison with that of late-stage use of only selegiline. The clinical outcome, as
evaluated by the selected Unified PD Rating Scale (UPDRS) motor scores was
better for levodopa-treated patients who received selegiline within 5 years from
the onset compared with those who received selegiline approximately 10 years
from the onset (Mizuno et al., 2010). On the other hand, a recent study confirmed
even that patients who were treated with selegiline for 3 or more years in early PD
showed a slower progression of the disease, as evaluated by the Hoen and Yahr
Stage transition times (Zhao et al., 2011).

Prevention is the only chance to fight off PD. We need to start slowing the age-
related functional decline of the mesencephalic enhancer regulation in due time.
For this reason it is advisable to begin the preventive administration of a synthetic
enhancer substance, for example 1 mg selegiline/day, as soon as sexual maturity
has been reached and the postdevelopmental period of life has just started. It is
therefore of particular importance that selegiline, to date the only synthetic
enhancer substance in clinical use, has proven to be an unusually safe drug (see
further analysis in Chapter 9).

Due to the inhibition of MAO-B, selegiline treatment allows for a 20-50%

decrease in levodopa dose needed in PD. In patients who need levodopa, however,
there is always a risk that the administration of selegiline will enhance the side
effects of levodopa which can only be avoided by properly decreasing the
levodopa dose according to the individual sensitivity of the patient. An example
of a multicenter clinical trial, in which the improper combination of levodopa with
selegiline led to confusion and misinterpretation, is the one performed by the
Parkinson’s Disease Research Group of the United Kingdom (PDRG-UK) (Lees,
60 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

Quite unexpectedly, this group published an alarming paper claiming that

parkinsonian patients treated with levodopa combined with selegiline show an
increased mortality in comparison with the patients treated with levodopa alone
(Lees, 1995). This finding was in striking contradiction to all other studies
published in a variety of countries.

Shoulson summarized the results of the DATATOP study. Beginning in 1987, the
study was conducted at 28 academic medical centers in the United States and
Canada. After an average of 8,2 years of observation, the overall death rate of the
subjects was 17,1% (137 of 800) or 2,1%/year. The final conclusion was that
selegiline (10 mg/day) significantly decreased the time until enough disability
developed to warrant the initiation of levodopa therapy. The effect was largely
sustained during the overall 8,2 years of observation. D-tocopherol produced no
benefits! The 2,1% per year mortality rate of the DATATOP cohort was
remarkably low, about the same as an age-matched population without PD
(Shoulson, 1998).

Birkmayer et al., (1985) even found an increased life expectancy resulting from
the addition of selegiline to levodopa treatment in PD. They compared in an open,
uncontrolled study the long-term (9 years) effect of treatment with Madopar alone
(N=377) or in combination with selegiline (N=564). The survival analysis
revealed a significant increase in life expectancy in Madopar plus selegiline

The “idiosyncratic prescribing” (Dobbs et al., 1996) of selegiline in combination

with levodopa in the PDRG-UK study led to false conclusion by the authors.
Comments uniformly pointed to the substantial overdosing of levodopa as the
cause of the observed deaths with selegiline as an adjuvant in this trial (Dobbs et
al., 1996; Knoll, 1996; Olanow et al., 1996).

Considering the peculiar pharmacological profile of selegiline, the unusual safety

of this drug and the incurable nature of PD and AD, it is unfortunate that we are
still in want of a multicenter, controlled clinical trial, designed to measure the
prevalence of these neurodegenerative diseases in a cohort treated from at least
age 60 with 1 mg selegiline daily.
Benefits of Selegiline in the Treatment of PD How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 61

It is worth mentioning regarding the potential neuroprotective effect of preventive

selegiline medication against the manifestation of PD that according to a recent
finding there is an inverse correlation between brain dopamine loss in PD and
tissue norepinephrine levels (Tong et al., 2006). Since selegiline, as a CAE
substance, keeps the norepinephrine levels in the brain higher, this effect of
preventive selegiline medication might be an additional factor that works against
the manifestation of PD.
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62 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging, 2012, 62-68

Benefits of Selegiline in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
In 1907 Alois Alzheimer first described the form of dementia that bears his name
today. He was the first who pointed to a relationship between dementia and the
extensive appearance of dense fiber-like tangles and darkly staining senile plaques
in the cortical and hippocampal regions.

Based on the characteristic early symptoms and neuropathology of the disease,

dementia cases are classified among four subtypes today:

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (50-75% of the cases). Early symptoms: Impaired

memory, apathy and depression. Neuropathology: Dementia with cortical amyloid
plaques and neurofibrillatory tangles.

Vascular dementia (20-30% of the cases). Early symptoms: Similar to AD, but
memory less affected. Neuropathology: Cerebrovascular disease. Simple infarcts
in cortical regions, or more diffuse multiinfarct disease.

Dementia with Lewy bodies (<5% of the cases). Early symptoms: Marked
fluctuation in cognitive ability. Visual hallucinations. Parkinsonism.
Neuropathology: Cortical Lewy bodies (D-synuclein).

Frontotemporal dementia (5-10% of the cases). Early symptoms: Personality and

mood changes, disinhibition, and language difficulties. Neuropathology: Damage
limited to frontal and temporal lobes.

AD is the major cause of disability in late-life. Only 2% to 10% of all dementia

cases start before the age of 65 years. After this age the prevalence double of
every five years. AD is conventionally diagnosed when cognitive decline affects a
person’s ability to carry out important routine activities.

The grave morphological changes lead to grave functional disturbances. For

example, the loss of pyramidal neurons and their synapses leads to cholinergic

Joseph Knoll
All rights reserved-© 2012 Bentham Science Publishers
Benefits of Selegiline in the Treatment of AD How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 63

and glutamatergic hypofunction. As the important role of these transmissions in

cognitive and memory functions is well-known, the current symptomatic
treatment of AD is based on correcting these hypofuntions. Acetylcholinesterase
inhibitors (tacrine, donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine) and memantine, a
glutamate-modulating drug, are mostly used today to treat AD, but none of these
drugs significantly modify the progress of the disease.

AD is the worst outward form of brain aging. An analysis of the prevalence of AD

as a function of age makes it clear that this is just a grave form of the natural
aging in the human brain. The mean age at the onset of AD is approximately 80
years, and the manifestation of the illness before the age of 60-65 years is very
rare. In the age cohort 65-69, AD has a prevalence of only 1%. This increases to
about 20% in the 85- to 89-year-old group and the risk of precipitating the disease
can reach the 50% level among persons 95 year of age and over (Campion et al.,
1999; Hy et al., 2000; Helmer et al., 2001; Nussbaum Ellis, 2003). The
prevalence of PD over the age of 80 is only 1-3% (Tanner Goldman, 1996).

In the population over 65, there is substantial sex (68% female, 32% male) and
geographical (2.1% Japan, 5.2% Europe and 10% USA) differences in the
incidence of AD (see Lockhart Lestage, 2003, for review). By now the disease
affects about 30 million persons world-wide. A sharp increase in the afflicted
population is expected in the future, since the average lifespan is still increasing
and the number of individuals over 65 is estimated to increase to 1.1 billion by
2050. It is, therefore, a pressing and no longer postponable necessity to find a safe
and efficient preventive therapy to significantly decrease the prevalence of AD as
soon as possible.

The H4 allele of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) is the major risk factor for AD. The
human APOE protein is a 299 amino acid glycoprotein which is expressed in
several organs with the highest expression in the liver and brain. Prevailing
evidence suggests that the differential effects of APOE isoforms on AE
aggregation and clearance play the major role in AD pathogenesis. Since the
APOE H4 allele represents a loss of neuroprotective function, therapeutic
strategies based on APOE propose to reduce the toxic effects of APOE 4 or to
restore the physiological protective function of APOE (Kim et al., 2009).
64 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

AD is characterized clinically by progressive cognitive impairment, impaired

judgement, decision making and orientation, and leads finally to severe
psychobehavioral disturbances and languague impairment. Due to the
development of cortical amyloid plaques and neurofibrillatory tangles, AD is
characterized by severe neuronal destruction, particularly in cholinergic neurons.
Regarding the cause of AD the most popular hypothesis to date is that progressive
cerebral accumulation of amyloid-E-protein [AE(1-42), Abeta protein] initiates a
complex multicellular cascade that includes microgliosis, astrocytosis, neuritic
dystrophy, neuronal dysfunction and loss, and synaptic insufficiency that results
in neurotransmitter alterations leading to the impaired mnestic and cognitive
functions. Since AE(1-42) is a neurotoxic agent, the hypothesis that this is a key
molecule in the pathology of AD (Selkoe, 2000) is now widely accepted.

As neurotoxicity is thought to be inseparable from oxidative injuries, free radicals,

calcium and inflammatory-mediated processes, agents with protective effect on
cultured neurons, anti-oxidant compounds, and anti-inflammatory drugs are
continuously tested in AD. For example: vitamin E and selegiline (Sano et al.,
1997; Birks et al., 1999; Grundman, 2000; Thomas, 2000; Kitani et al., 2002;
Birks Flicker, 2003), Ginkgo biloba extract (Ponto Schultz, 2003), non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Etminan et al., 2003), and estrogen
(Schumacher et al., 2003) are administered.

The first two studies demonstrating the beneficial effect of selegiline in AD were
published in 1987 (Martini et al., 1987; Tariot et al., 1987). Series of clinical
studies with small sample sizes confirmed thereafter the usefulness of this drug in
the treatment of the disease (Agnoli et al., 1990, 1992; Campi et al., 1990;
Falsaperla et al., 1990; Loeb Albano, 1990; Monteverde et al., 1990; Piccinin et
al., 1990; Goad et al., 1991; Mangoni et al., 1991; Hardy Lenisa 1992;
Sunderland et al., 1992; Burke et al., 1993; Schneider et al., 1993; Riekkinen et
al., 1994; Marin et al., 1995; Lawlor et al., 1997; Freedman et al., 1998; Tariot et
al., 1998; Filip Kolibas, 1999;).

The rationale and design of the first multicenter study of selegiline in the
treatment of AD using novel clinical outcomes was published by Sano et al., in
1996 and the results of this study were published a year later (Sano et al., 1997).
Benefits of Selegiline in the Treatment of AD How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 65

The primary outcome involved the time that elapses until the occurrence of any of
the following: death, institutionalization, loss of the ability to perform basic
activities of daily living, or severe dementia. There were significant delays in the
time taken for such primary outcomes to occur in patients treated with selegiline.
The authors concluded that in patients with moderately severe impairment from
AD, treatment with selegiline slows the progression of the disease.

Selegiline’s value in the treatment of AD was reviewed. All unconfounded,

double-blind, randomized controlled trials, reported before 31 December 1998,
were the subject of a meta-analysis. Of the 27 trials taken into consideration, 14
met the inclusion criteria (Birks Flicker, 2003; Birks et al., 1999). Individual
patient data were retrieved from eight trials on 821 patients. Summary data were
extracted from five trials on 240 patients. For cognition there was a statistically
significant difference between selegiline and placebo at 4-6 weeks and 8-17
weeks after randomization, but this disappeared at later assessments. There was a
statistically significant difference at 4-6 weeks for activities of daily living, which
disappeared at later assessments at 8-17 weeks (Wilcock et al., 2002).

Beneficial effects of selegiline-treatment on cognitive dysfunctions of aged pet

dogs and cats are in harmony with clinical experiences in AD. A decline in
learning and memory can be demonstrated in dogs beginning as young as 7 years
of age, but clinical cases of cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) are seldom
identified until 11 years or older. Pathological analysis of aged canine brains has
documented the existence of AE plaques but no evidence of neurofibrillary
tangles. Canines possess the identical amine sequence of AE found in humans.
Based on neuropsychological, including reversal and spatial memory, testing and
clinical trials, selegiline (Anipryl), dosed orally at 0.5-1.0 mg/kg daily, was the
first agent approved for CDS therapy in dogs. Up to the present, the greatest
amount of research on dogs has been conducted on selegiline studies (Milgram et
al., 1993; Ruehl et al., 1995; Campbell et al., 2001).

In experiments on canines 0.5 mg/kg (-)-deprenyl was administered orally. This is

a low dose. Increased locomotor activity and stereotypes, including sniffing, have
been noted in dogs at doses of 2 mg/kg and higher. Healthy young dogs trained in
three tasks: 1) walking in a circle on commend, 2) retreating and sitting on a mat,
66 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

and 3) acquiring and extinguishing an operant task (pawing a panel) learn faster
following chronic oral treatment with 0.5 mg/kg (-)-deprenyl (Head Milgram,
1992). Considering the pharmacological profile of (-)-deprenyl, it seems
reasonable to conclude that the CAE effect was responsible for the observed
beneficial behavioral effects of the drug.

Recent studies suggest that as many as 28% of pet cats aged 11-14 years develop
behavioral changes which can also be described as CDS and this increases to 50%
for cats of 15 years or older. Since selegiline showed in open trials a positive
effect, the American Association of Feline Practitioners supports the use of a
selegiline preparation (Selgian) for the treatment in CDS in cats.

None of the drugs used today change the hopelessness of patients who have
already developed AD. It is in the center of our interest to find new possibilities
modifying the progress of the disease. Research strategies in progress include: the
search for antiamyloid agents targeting production, accumulation, clearance, or
toxicity associated with AE(1-42) peptide, the metabolism of the amyloid precursor
protein, vaccination or passive transfer of antibodies, the aggregation of AE(1-42)
fragments produced by E- and J-secretase, and last but not least, finding aromatic
molecules for targeting Abeta-peptides. To review the disease-modifying
treatment for AD see Galimberti and Scarpini (2011).

In a recent study, for example, the synthesis of selegiline-functionalized and

fluorescent poly(allylcyano-acrilate) nanoparticles and their evaluation for
targeting AE(1-42) peptide are reported. It was shown that the zeta potential value
of the selegiline-functionalized nanoparticles dramatically decreased, thus
emphasizing a significant modification in the surface charge of the nanoparticles.
In comparison with the non-functionalized nanoparticles, there was no observed
increase in the interaction between these selegiline-functionalized nanoparticles
and monomeric form of the AE(1-42) peptide (Le Droumaguet et al., 2011).

Since it is well known that dopamine modulates transmitter release at cholinergic

and glutamatergic synapses in the hippocampus, it is self explanatory that
enhancers of the dopaminergic transmission are beneficially influencing
cholinergic and glutamatergic activities in the hippocampus. By itself the
Benefits of Selegiline in the Treatment of AD How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 67

dopaminergic activity enhancer property would be, with all probability, enough
for significant cognition improvement of selegiline in AD. Selegiline is
traditionally administered in the dose which blocks MAO activity in the brain.
Considering, however, the dose-effect-relation characteristic to the enhancer
effect (Fig. 10) it is obvious that nobody ever tried to investigate in patients the
therapeutic effect of selegiline in the optimal low dose in which the drug exerts its
specific enhancer effect.

(-)-BPAP is devoid of MAO-B inhibitory potency. As discussed in detail in

Chapter 3 (-)-BPAP is today the most potent and selective enhancer of the
catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons in the brain stem. We demonstrated
already in our first study on BPAP that the new compound significantly protected
the cultured hippocampal neurons from the toxic effect of AE(25-35) fragment in the
10-13-10-15M concentration range and was in the higher (10-10M) concentration
ineffective (Knoll et al., 1999, Fig 5).

Theoretically in the treatment of AD selegiline might be combined in the hope of

a synergetic effect with the regular dose of a cholinesterase inhibitor. It is worth
mentioning in this context that the co-administration of donepezil with selegiline,
at doses that did not exert efficacy individually, significantly improved learning in
mice pretreated with AE(25-35) fragment (Tsunekawa et al., 2008). It is much to be
regretted that this study is an example of those in which the authors administered
subcutaneously superfluously high doses of (-)-deprenyl (1-3 mg/kg). In another
study aged male rats were treated daily with rivastigmin (0.3 mg/kg), selegiline
(0.25 mg/kg), and their combination for 36 days. The effect of this long term
treatment was measured on cognitive performances (an object recognition test and
a passive avoidance procedure). Both rivastigmine and selegiline improved
significantly cognitive performances but the rivastigmine + selegiline
combination was ineffective (Carageorgiou et al., 2008).

AD and PD are incurable diseases. When diagnosed, the patients already passed
recovery, since the neuropathological changes in the affected neurons are on an
irreversible downward pass; they are driven to perdition. We have, in reality, no
chance whatsoever to stop them on their mortal way. As discussed in Chapter 6,
an attempt, however, to significantly decrease the prevalence of
68 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

neurodegenerative diseases by slowing the natural aging of the threatened neurons

via the preventive administration of a protective agent, such as selegiline, the only
CAE substance in clinical use today, has a fair chance of success. It remains for
future research to study the consequences of the preventive administration of
BPAP the highly potent and selective synthetic enhancer substance which
protected cultured rat hippocampal neurons from the deleterious effect of AE(25-35)
fragment in as low as 10-14 and 10-15M concentration (Knoll et al., 1999).
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How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging, 2012, 69-75 69

Benefits of Selegiline in the Treatment of Major Depression
Disease (MDD)
In 2010, World Health Organization made it public that depression affected 121
million people world-wide. There is still a continuous increase in the prevalence
of MDD. The disease increased for example in the USA from 3.3% in 1992 to
7.0% in 2002 (Compton et al., 2006). The most common time of onset of MDD is
between ages 20 and 30 years. This is probably due to preexisting genetic
vulnerability which is activated by stressful psychological and social conditions
that catalyze the hypofunction of the catecholaminergic and serotonergic system
in the brain stem.

MDD is characterized by the presence of a severely depressed mood that persists

for at least two weeks. Episodes may be isolated or recurrent and are categorized
as mild, moderate, or severe. Depression with episodes of markedly elevated
mood (mania) is called bipolar disease, and the one without episodes of mania is
called unipolar disease. Both the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-IV-TR, American Psychiatric Association) and the International
Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) have
determined typical (main) depressive symptoms.

ICD-10 defines three typical symptoms: depressed mood, anhedonia (a

psychological condition characterized by inability to experience pleasure in
usually pleasurable acts), and reduced energy. Two of these disease symptoms
determine the diagnosis of depression. DSM-IV-TR classifies depression as mood
disorder and recognizes five subtypes of MDD.

Melancholic depression: Failure of reactivity to pleasurable stimuli, excessive

weight loss, and excessive guilt.

Atypical depression: Mood reactivity (paradoxical anhedonia), significant weight

gain (increased appetite), hypersomnia, leaden paralysis (sensation of heaviness in
limbs), and social impairment.

Joseph Knoll
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70 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

Catatonic depression: Rare and severe form of MDD. The patient is almost

Postpartum depression: 10-15% among new mothers. Can last as long as three

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD): Depressive episodes come in the autumn and
winter, and resolve in spring. Diagnosed if at least two episodes have occurred in
autumn or winter over at least a two-year period.

As discussed in Chapter 3, enhancer regulation in the catecholaminergic brain

stem neurons play a key role in controlling the uphill period of life and the
transition from adolescence to adulthood. The results of our longevity studies
support the hypothesis that quality and duration of life rests upon the inborn
efficiency of the catcholaminergic brain machinery, i.e. a high performing, long-
living individual has a more active, more slowly deteriorating catecholaminergic
system than its low performing, shorter living peer. Thus, a better brain engine
allows for a better performance and a longer lifespan.

In contrast to PD and AD, today no firm correlation between morphological brain

changes and the manifestation of MDD is known. Nevertheless, there is growing
evidence for anatomical brain changes in depressed patients. Brain imaging
studies found in MDD reduced volume of orbito-frontal cortex (Bremner et al.,
2002), and functional anatomical abnormalities in limbic and prefrontal cortical
structure (Drevets, 2000). Glial loss and neuronal atrophy may contribute to these
volume reductions, since according to experimental data glial loss in the
prefrontal cortex induces depressive like behavior (Banasr Duman, 2008).

Based on experimental and clinical data the current concept regarding the
molecular neurobiology of depression is in harmony with the hypothesis that the
catecholaminergic transmitters, norepinephrine and dopamine, and the
serotonergic transmitter, serotonin, play a leading role in the manifestation of
MDD, the mental disorder characterized by loss of interest in normal activities.
Since the catecholaminergic system works as the engine of the brain, and its
transmitters are responsible for alertness, attention, motivation, pleasure, and
Benefits of Selegiline in the Treatment of MDD How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 71

interest in life, it is obvious that whatever pathogenic biochemical lesion that

leads to the hypofunction of the catecholaminergic machinery in the brain is a
contribution to the manifestation of MDD.

There are a variety of symptoms of MDD: general emotional dejection,

withdrawal and restlessness that interfere with daily functioning, such as loss of
interest in usual activities; significant change in weight and/or appetite; insomnia;
increased fatigue; feelings of guilt or worthlessness; slowed thinking or impaired
concentration; and a suicide attempt or suicidal ideation, are all symptoms in
harmony with the idea that a hypofunction of the catecholaminergic and
serotonergic systems must be deeply involved in the manifestation of the disease.

On the other hand, the pharmacological spectrum of the most efficient drugs in the
treatment of MDD, developed from the late 1960s up to the present, speaks in
favor of the view that the development of a hypofunctional state of the
catecholaminergic and/or serotonergic system is the concrete and final biological
cause of the manifestation of MDD. This was immediately supported by the first
breakthrough in the pharmacotherapy of MDD. It was discovered in the 1950s
that iproniazid, a non-selective MAO inhibitor (Zeller et al., 1952), increases the
activity of the catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons via the inhibition of
the breakdown of their transmitters. It exerted a highly significant and
characteristic psychostimulant effect in animal experiments and, as was first
shown in 1957, was effective in the treatment of depression (Crane, 1956;
Loomers et al., 1957). MAO inhibitors fell, because of the “cheese effect”, into
disrepute, but new types of antidepressants were soon developed which further
supported the monoamine hypothesis of depression (for reviewing the history see
Ban, 2001).

In 1957, Kuhn reported that imipramine, a compound possessing multiple

pharmacological effects, stimulates the noradrenergic and serotenergic neuronal
activities in the brain and exerts a therapeutic effect in depressed patients (Kuhn,
1957). This finding was confirmed eight years later (Klerman Cole, 1965), and
followed by others such as Klein and Davis in 1969 and Angst in 1970. Further
progress in the pharmacotherapy of MDD was the development of amitryptiline,
the non-selective (prevailing norepinephrine) reuptake inhibitor, followed by the
72 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

appearance of the selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, such as

desipramine and nortryptiline, and finally the selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRI), such as fluoxetine and flavoxamine were placed on the market.

Selegiline was the first MAO inhibitor to be free of the “cheese effect”. The
compound was originally developed with the intention to use it as a new spectrum
antidepressant (Knoll et al., 1965). Its antidepressant activity was first
demonstrated by Varga (1965) and Varga Tringer (1967) with the racemic
form, and in 1971 with the (-) enantiomer (Tringer et al., 1971). The first study
that confirmed the beneficial antidepressant effect of (-)-deprenyl was published
by Mann and Gershon (1980).

Once the beneficial effects of (-)-deprenyl were realized, first in PD and later in
AD, the fact that it also had an antidepressant property remained unutilized. Even
after especially interesting studies, its use for depression fell into oblivion. In a
study performed by Birkmayer et al. (1984) on 102 outpatients and 53 inpatients,
(-)-deprenyl was given together with (-)-phenylalanine, the precursor of PEA.
(-)-Phenylalanin, in contrast to PEA, crosses the blood-brain barrier and after
being metabolized in the brain, increases PEA concentrations. Nearly 70% of the
patients achieved full remission. This outstanding clinical efficiency equaled
electroconvulsive treatment without the latter’s side effect, such as memory-loss.

Since (-)-deprenyl was primarily used in PD which is very often accompanied by

depression, clinicians noticed the antidepressant effect of the drug (Youdim, 1980;
Tom Cummings, 1998; Miyoshi, 2001; Zesiewicz et al., 1999). In a double
blind evaluation Mendlewicz and Youdim (1983) found that (-)-deprenyl is a
successful treatment in major depression. Some authors (Lees, 1991; Kuhn
Muller, 1996; Ritter Alexander, 1997) found extremely high doses of (-)-
deprenyl (40-60 mg/day) had marked antidepressant effect.

In 2002, Bodkin and Amsterdam published their first clinical trial with a new
selegiline preparation, the selegiline transdermal system (STS). The STS was
developed with the intention to deliver sustained selegiline blood concentrations
sufficient to inhibit MAO-A and MAO-B in the brain, producing antidepressant
effects without substantially inhibiting MAO-A in the gastrointestinal tract,
Benefits of Selegiline in the Treatment of MDD How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 73

thereby reducing the risk of hypertensive crisis. The Emsam patch is a matrix of
three layers consisting of a backing, and adhesive drug layer, and a release liner
that is placed against the skin. It is available in three sizes that deliver 6, 9, or 12
mg of selegiline per 24 hours. This was the first skin (transdermal) patch produced
for use in treating MDD (Bodkin Amsterdam, 2002).

Bodkin and Amsterdam performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-

controlled study that lasted for 6 weeks. The study enrolled adult outpatients with
moderate-to-severe depression, all of whom met the DSM-IV criteria for MDD.
The patients received either STS 6 mg/24 hr (N=89) or placebo (N=88) once
daily. At the study’s endpoint (6 weeks), the STS demonstrated significantly
superior efficacy compared to placebo. Amsterdam confirmed the finding in a
second study as well (Amsterdam, 2003). Based on these studies, STS (EMSAM)
was approved by the FDA in February 2006 as the First Drug Patch for

It is remarkable that though we developed E-250 (later named (-)-deprenyl,

selegiline), as a new antidepressant and the first clinical trial was performed on
depressed patients in 1963, and the positive outcome of this trial was already
mentioned as a personal communication in our first paper, published in Hungarian
in 1964, and in English in 1965, and the antidepressant effect was thereafter
confirmed in many papers, (-)-deprenyl was only 42 years later approved as an
antidepressant, however, very luckily in the USA.

Animal studies have shown that the use of the 6 mg/24 hr patch can be
administered without need for dietary restrictions (Gordon et al., 1999; Wecker et
al., 2003). Azzaro et al. demonstrated that by using the 6 mg/24 hr selegiline
transdermal patch, there is no need for dietary restrictions of tyramine in humans.
They administered the oral tyramine pressor test to healthy males during treatment
with the STS (6 mg/24 hr) in order to determine the risk of hypertensive crises.
Following oral injection of dietary tyramine, they found that the patch is safe
(Azzaro et al., 2006). Patients receiving higher doses of Emsam (9 mg/24 hr and
12 mg/24 hr) need to follow dietary precautions. A further clinical trial confirmed
that Emsam is effective in treating MDD and the 6 mg/24 hr patch can be used
without dietary restrictions (Feiger et al., 2006).
74 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

The 2001 expert consensus guidelines for treating MDD in geriatric patients
recommended antidepressant treatment in combination with psychotherapy and
stated that transdermal selegiline has shown promise in adult patients
(Alexopoulos, 2011).

Atypical depression has characteristics inconsistent with melancholic depression

(Matza et al., 2003). Patients presented with nonmelancholic features include
mood reactivity, hypersomnia, hyperphagia, and leaden paralysis, and they
preferentially respond to MAO inhibitors. Quitkin et al. (1984) found selegiline
effective against atypical depression. This open trial consisting of 17 patients
made the finding questionable. However, McGrath et al. (1989) in a placebo-
controlled trial proved the efficiency of selegiline in atypical depression. Patients
unresponsive to 10 days of placebo were randomly assigned to selegiline (N=34)
or placebo (N=64). The response rate in patients with atypical depression was
50% and 28% for selegiline and placebo, respectively (P <0,05). 12% and 22% of
patients in the selegiline and placebo arms, respectively, discontinued the study.
In article reviewing the history of approaches in treating depression with atypical
features, the authors came to the conclusion that “…an introduction of the
selegiline patch may improve outcomes for patients with atypical depression”
(Stewart, 2007). In another paper, the authors came to the same conclusion:
“…the transdermal formulation of selegiline may provide all of the efficacy of the
older MAO inhibitors in treating atypical depression without causing as great of
adverse events and no diet restrictions” (Rapaport Thase, 2007).

The pharmacotherapy of depression is still inadequate. A recent meta-analysis of

double-blind, randomized, controlled trials comparing antidepressants and
placebo in adults with minor depression showed no statistically significant
difference between antidepressents and placebo (Cipriani et al., 2011). At present,
even the clinically esteemed antidepressants are successful in a smaller percentage
of patients with MDD. For example, according to a reliable study, only 1/3rd of
the patients showed remission in response to a 12-week treatment with citalopram,
a potent selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (Trivedy et al., 2006).

Nevertheless, there are case reports showing that some patients with severe MDD
who failed to respond to reuptake inhibitors and other used treatments, found that
Benefits of Selegiline in the Treatment of MDD How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 75

selegiline can produce a prompt, dramatic therapeutic effect. For example, a 34-
year-old man presented with severe refractory depression who had failed to
respond to various antidepressants, augmentation therapy with lithium carbonate,
and modified electroconvulsive therapy responded to selegiline (7.5 mg/day). This
led to a complete remission of all depressive symptoms and reverted to his formal
position at work after an interval of approximately 3 years (Higuchi et al., 2005).

All in all, since the pharmacotherapy of MDD speaks in favor for the conclusion
that hypofunction of the catecholaminergic and or serotonergic system in the brain
is somehow closely related to the manifestation of the disease, the maintenance of
these systems on a higher activity level via the preventive low-dose administration
of selegiline and/or (-)-BPAP might also decrease the prevalence of MDD.
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76 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging, 2012, 76-86

The Unique Requirements for Preventive Medication to Slow
Brain Aging
As briefly analyzed in Chapter 3 the enhanced activity of the catecholaminergic
brain engine is responsible for full scale sexual maturity and is primarily
responsible for the most delightful phase of life, the glorious uphill journey.
Sexual hormones bring back the enhancer regulation in the catecholaminergic and
the serotonergic neurons in the brain to the preweaning level, thus terminating
developmental longevity. The postdevelopmental phase, the downhill period of
life starts and lasts until the occurrence of “natural death”. Since aging of the
catecholaminergic system in the brain plays a leading role in the aging-related
decay of physical and mental welfare, we need to start fighting against the aging
of the catecholaminergic brain engine as soon as sexual maturity is reached.

The dopaminergic machinery is the most rapidly aging neuronal system in our
brain. The dopamine content of the human caudate nucleus decreases steeply, at a
rate of 13% per decade over age 45. We know that symptoms of PD appear if the
dopamine content of the caudate sinks below 30% of the normal level.
Experimental and clinical experiences show that daily dosages of (-)-deprenyl
keeps the brain engine’s activity on a higher activity level in humans. From sexual
maturity, a low daily dose of selegiline (1 mg) is sufficient to significantly slow
the pace of the aging-related decay of the dopaminergic neurons. “Even if we
assume only a small protective effect of (-)-deprenyl in healthy humans against
the age-related decrease in striatal dopamine, eg, from 13% per decade to 10% per
decade, this translates to a minimum 15-year extension in average lifespan and a
considerable increase of the human technical lifespan (TLSh), which is now
estimated to be 115 years” (see Fig. 6 in Knoll, 1992b).

As recapitulated in Chapter 5, we demonstrated in earlier longevity studies that

male rats injected with (-)-deprenyl preserved their learning ability longer, lost
their ability to ejaculate later, and lived longer than their placebo treated peers. In
the opinion that the selective inhibition of B-type MAO in the brain is responsible
for these beneficial effects, we performed our two longevity studies with 0.25

Joseph Knoll
All rights reserved-© 2012 Bentham Science Publishers
The Unique Requirements for Preventive Medication How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 77

mg/kg (-)-deprenyl which blocks MAO B activity in the brain (Knoll, 1988; Knoll
et al., 1989; and Knoll et al., 1994).

The discovery that (-)-deprenyl is a PEA-derived synthetic CAE-substance, and

the development of (-)-BPAP, the tryptamine-derived, more potent synthetic
CAE-substance than (-)-deprenyl, devoid of MAO-B inhibitory potency, drew our
attention to this new subject. In May 2010 we started with Ildikó Miklya a still
running longevity study which measures for the first time the effect of (-)-
deprenyl and (-)-BPAP on the lifespan of rats on low doses of the enhancer
substances. We started working with 2-month-old Wistar (Charles River) male
rats. First we selected the proper CAE doses for the longevity study through
shuttle box experiments.

In a modified version of the shuttle box (originally described by Bovet et al.,

1966) the acquisition of a two-way conditioned avoidance reflex (CAR) was
analyzed during 5 consecutive days. The rat was put in a box divided inside into
two parts by a barrier with a small gate in the middle, and the animal is trained to
cross the barrier under the influence of a conditioned stimulus (CS, light flash). If
it failed to respond within 5s, it was punished with a footshock (1mA), the
unconditioned stimulus (US). If the rat failed to respond within 5s to the US, it
was classified as an escape failure (EF). One trial consisted of 10s intertrial
interval, followed by 20s CS. The last 5s of CS overlaped the 5s US. At each
learning session, the number of CARs, EFs and intersignal reactions (IRs) are
automatically counted and evaluated by multi-way ANOVA.

Tetrabenazine-treatment (1 mg/kg s.c.) depletes at least 90% of norepinephrine

and dopamine from their stores in the nerve terminals of the catecholaminergic
neurons in the brain stem. Due to the weak performance of the catecholaminergic
brain engine, the activation of the cortical neurons remains below the level
required for the acquisition of a CAR. The learning deficit caused by
tetrabenazine-treatment can be antagonized by the administration of a synthetic
CAE substance or an A-type MAO inhibitor, whereas selective inhibition of B-
type MAO or inhibition of the reuptake of catecholamines and/or serotonin is
ineffective (Knoll et al., 1992a).
78 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

As was shown earlier (Fig. 10), a bi-modal, bell-shaped concentration effect curve
is characteristic to the enhancer effect. (-)-BPAP enhanced the activity of the
noradrenergic neurons in the femto/picomolar concentration range (“specific
enhancer effect”), and also in a 10 million times higher concentration range
(“non-specific enhancer effect”). (-)-Deprenyl is a less potent CAE-substance than
(-)-BPAP, but otherwise it exerts its specific and non-specific enhancer effect with
the same characteristics as (-)-BPAP.

Fig. 18 shows that in this in vivo test too, a bi-modal, bell-shaped dose-effect-
relation characterizes the enhancer effect of (-)-deprenyl. We selected for the
longevity study two doses of (-)-deprenyl, 0.001 mg/kg and 0.1 mg/kg. The 0.001
mg/kg was selected as the optimal dose that exerted the specific enhancer effect.
Regarding the dose with the non-specific enhancer effect, the less effective 0.1
mg/kg dose was selected for the longevity study because it allows B-type MAO to
sufficiently oxidize the proper monoamines. The figure also shows that very high
doses of (-)-deprenyl (5-10 mg/kg), due to the inhibition of MAO-A, are effective
in antagonizing tetrabenazine-induced learning deficit.

enhancer effect
90 Specific
*** of MAO-A
80 enhancer effect
70 **

50 ** **
30 *




0 .0

0 .0

0 .0

0 .1

0 .2

0 .5

- 04



T1 + (-)-deprenyl
Figure 18: Selection of optimal doses of (-)-deprenyl for the longevity study in the shuttle box.
Measured: (S) the ability of saline-treated (control) rats to fix conditioned avoidance responses
(CARs); (T1) the inhibition of the learning ability of rats treated subcutaneously with 1 mg/kg
tetrabenazine, one hour prior to training; [T1 + (-)-deprenyl] the ability of (-)-deprenyl to
antagonize in a dose related manner the inhibitory effect of tetrabenazine.
Significance in the performance between the groups was evaluated by multi-factor analysis of
variance (ANOVA). *P<0.05; **P<0.01, ***P<0.001.
The Unique Requirements for Preventive Medication How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 79

Fig. 19 shows the dose-related effect of (-)-BPAP in the shuttle box. For the
longevity study we selected the optimal dose that elicited the specific (0.0001
mg/kg) and the non-specific (0.05 mg/kg) enhancer effect. Since (-)-BPAP blocks
the activity of MAO-A in higher than 2 mg/kg dose (Knoll et al., 1999), it
antagonized tetrabenazine-induced learning deficit in the extremely high dose-
range (2-10 mg/kg).

Specific Non-specific of MAOA
enhancer effect enhancer effect -
100 *** ***
90 *** ***
80 *** ***
70 **

50 *

T1 + (-)-BPAP

Figure 19: Selection of optimal doses of (-)-BPAP for the longevity study in the shuttle box.
Measured: (S) the ability of saline-treated (control) rats to fix conditioned avoidance responses
(CARs); (T1) the inhibition of the learning ability of rats treated subcutaneously with 1 mg/kg
tetrabenazine, one hour prior to training; [T1 + (-)-BPAP] the ability of (-)-BPAP to antagonize in
a dose related manner the inhibitory effect of tetrabenazine.
Significance in the performance between th.e groups was evaluated by multi-factor analysis of
variance (ANOVA). *P<0.01; **P<0.001

Table 10 shows the course of our longevity study still in progress. As I write this
Chapter, the rats have completed the 18th month of their life. Every three months
we are testing the aging-related changes in their learning performance.
80 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

Table 10: Longevity Study on Wistar (Charles River) male rats. Treatment subcutaneously, 3
times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).

Group Treatment Dose Number of Animals

1 Saline 0.5 ml/kg 40
2 (-)-Deprenyl 0.1 mg/kg 40
3 (-)-Deprenyl 0.001 mg/kg 40
4 (-)-BPAP 0.05 mg/kg 40
5 (-)-BPAP 0.0001 mg/kg 40

Fig. 20 shows that, due primarily to normal aging of the catecholaminergic

neuronal system in the brain stem, saline-treated 3-month-old rats are significantly
better performing than their 1-year-old peers.


50 (Saline-treated)


1 2 3 4 5
days of training

Figure 20: Experimental evidence that 3-month-old rats are significantly better learners than their
1-year-old peers (P<0.001). Significance in the performance between the groups was evaluated by
multi-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA). Rats were trained in the shuttle box with 100 trials
per day. Conditioned avoidance responses (CARs).

On the other hand, Fig. 21 shows that due to the anti-aging effect of (-)-deprenyl,
in the group of rats treated with 0.1 mg/kg (-)-deprenyl there is no sign of aging-
related decay in the learning ability. This effect is in harmony with the results of
our earlier longevity studies performed with the higher, MAO-B inhibiting dose of
(-)-deprenyl (0.25 mg/kg).
The Unique Requirements for Preventive Medication How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 81



50 (Saline-treated)

1 2 3 4 5
days of training

Figure 21: Experimental evidence shows that in rats treated with 0.1 mg/kg (-)-deprenyl there is
no sign of aging-related decay in the learning ability. Rats were trained in the shuttle box with 100
trials per day. Significance in the performance between the groups was evaluated by multi-factor
analysis of variance (ANOVA). There was no significant difference in the acquisition of
conditioned avoidance responses (CARs) between the 3-month-old rats treated with saline and 1-
year-old rats treated with (-)-deprenyl.


75 (Saline-treated)


1 2 3 4 5
days of training

Figure 22: First evidence for the anti-aging effect of 0.0001 mg/kg (-)-BPAP. 1-year-old rats were
treated for 10 months subcutaneously, 3-times a week, with the extremely low dose of (-)-BPAP
(0.1 nanogram/kg) and their performance was compared to a group of rats treated similarly with
saline. Rats were trained in the shuttle box with 100 trials per day. Significance in the performance
between the groups was evaluated by multi-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA). The (-)-BPAP
treated rats performed significantly better than their peers (P<0.05).
82 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

In the still running longevity study we already observed the effectiveness of

(-)-BPAP. 1-year-old rats treated for 10 months subcutaneously, 3-times a week,
with the extremely low dose of (-)-BPAP (0.1 nanogram/kg) performed in the
shuttle box significantly better (P<0.05) than their peers treated similarly with
saline (Fig. 22).

Table 11 shows the number of rats deceased in various groups prior to the end of the
18th month of their life. It is already in this stage of the still running longevity study
perceptible that treatment with 0.1 mg/kg (-)-deprenyl and 0.05 and 0.0001 mg/kg
(-)-BPAP, respectively, slows the dying out of the rats.

Table 11: The dying out of Wistar male rats, prior to the end of the 18th month of their life, treated
subcutaneously, 3 times a week, with saline and the enhancer drugs, respectively. Start of
treatment at 2-month-age. In each group N=40.

Age (months) Saline (-)-Deprenyl (-)-Deprenyl (-)-BPAP 0.05 (-)-BPAP

0.1 mg/kg 0.001 mg/kg mg/kg 0.0001 mg/kg
8th 1
11th 1
13th 1
14th 2 1
15 3 1
16 1 1 1
17th 1 1 1 2 3
18 3 1 1
Total number
of deceased 9 2 7 3 5

As briefly demonstrated in Chapter 3, if we measure the amount of [3H]-

norepinephrine, [3H]-dopamine or [3H]-serotonin released from an isolated rat brain
stem to electrical stimulation in a 3-min collection period and repeat the measurement
in the presence of the optimal concentration of (-)-deprenyl or (-)-BPAP in which
they exert their specific enhancer effect, the amount of the labeled transmitter
released in response to stimulation is significantly higher. This is clear experimental
The Unique Requirements for Preventive Medication How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 83

evidence that a higher percentage of the enhancer sensitive neuronal population got
excited under the influence of the synthetic enhancer substance. After a single
washout, the neuronal population works immediately on the same level as before
treatment with the enhancer substance (for review see Knoll 2001, 2003, 2005).

The fact that 0.0001 mg/kg (-)-BPAP is antagonizing tetrabenazine-induced

learning deficit in the shuttle box is undeniably primary in vivo evidence for the
unique mechanism through which the enhancer substances rev up the
catecholaminergic brain engine. In optimally low doses of PEA and (-)-deprenyl,
as well as, tryptamine and (-)-BPAP, there is an increase in the excitability of
enhancer-sensitive neurons, thus we measured the enhancement of the impulse
propagation mediated release of the transmitters from the catecholaminergic and
the serotonergic neurons in the brain. In a proper low dose, (-)-deprenyl is a
selective CAE-substance. (-)-BPAP, preferentially a serotonergic activity
enhancer substance, is even as a CAE substance a much more potent enhancer
than (-)-deprenyl.

Considering the preliminary results of the still running longevity study,

demonstrated in Figs. 18-22 and Table 11, there can be little doubt that the
enhancer effect is responsible for the observed anti-aging effects of (-)-deprenyl
and (-)-BPAP.

Using (-)-BPAP as the reference enhancer compound, we investigated on the

isolated rat brain stem the effectiveness of all types of drugs used today to
stimulate the activity of the catecholaminergic and/or serotonergic neurons in the
brain (Miklya Knoll, 2003). We found that in comparison to 50 ng/ml
(-)-BPAP, 250 ng/ml desmethylimipramine, a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
(Fig. 1 in Miklya Knoll, 2003), 250 ng/ml clorgyline, the selective inhibitor of
MAO-A; and 250 ng/ml lazabemide, the selective inhibitor of MAO-B (Fig. 3 in
Miklya Knoll, 2003), did not change the electrical stimulation induced release
of [3H]-norepinephrine from the isolated rat’s brain stem. Thus, they are devoid of
an enhancer effect on the noradrenergic neurons in the brain stem.

We compared the enhancer effect of 50 ng/ml (-)-BPAP on the release of [3H]-

dopamine from the rats’ isolated brain stem with the effect of 50 ng/ml pergolide
84 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

which stimulates both D1 and D2 dopamine receptors, and 50 ng/ml

bromocriptine, which stimulates D2 receptors (Fig. 5 in Miklya Knoll, 2003).
Neither pergolide, nor bromocriptine changed significantly the electrical
stimulation induced release of [3H]-dopamine from the isolated rat brain stem,
thus they are devoid of an enhancer effect on the dopaminergic neurons as well.

Since (-)-BPAP preferentially enhanced the serotonergic neurons’ activity, we

measured the release of [3H]-serotonin from the isolated rat brain stem in the
presence of 10 ng/ml (-)-BPAP and compared this effect with the effect of 50 ng/ml
fluoxetine, the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (Fig. 2 in Miklya Knoll,
2003); and with MAO-A and MAO-B inhibitors, 250 ng/ml clorgyline and
lazabemide, (Fig. 4 in Miklya Knoll, 2003). None of these compounds
enhanced the release of [3H]-serotonin from the brain stem to electrical
stimulation, showing that they are devoid of an enhancer effect on the
serotonergic neurons.

The safety requirements for a preventive medication for life are obviously
particular. A presently ignored, fundamentally important aspect therefore deserves
special attention. Fig. 18 shows that (-)-deprenyl is antagonizing tetrabenazine-
induced learning deficit in as low dose as 0.001 mg/kg. Fig. 19 shows that even an
extremely low dose of (-)-BPAP, 0.00005 mg/kg, is more potent in this respect
than 0.001 mg/kg (-)-deprenyl. The CAE substances, (-)-BPAP and selegiline,
increase the activity of the catecholaminergic system qualitatively differently
than any of the drugs used today for this purpose.

What is the qualitative difference?

Considering the outcome of our second longevity study with (-)-deprenyl,

discussed in more detail in Chapter 2, the answer to this question is quite obvious.
In this longevity study we picked out of a population of 1,600 rats the animals
with the lowest and the highest sexual performance and demonstrated, on the one
hand, that the high performing rats lived significantly longer than their low
performing peers, and on the other hand, that regular dosages of (-)-deprenyl
transformed the low performing rats into significantly higher performing ones,
which lived then as long as their saline treated high performing peers (Knoll et al.,
The Unique Requirements for Preventive Medication How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 85

1994). We assume that high performing, longer living rats possess a more
efficient catecholaminergic brain machinery than their low performing peers and
the treatment with (-)-deprenyl, a CAE substance, acts accordingly.

Since the natural enhancer substances, as well as their synthetic analogues

increase the excitability of the enhancer sensitive neurons, the daily intake of (-)-
deprenyl transforms the lower performing catecholaminergic neurons into higher
performing ones. All in all, in the brain of the rats maintained on saline, the
catecholaminergic system worked according to its natural abilities, whereas in
their peers, maintained on (-)-deprenyl, the catecholaminergic engine worked
better than its natural aptitude. Accordingly, we measured that with the passing of
time, the (-)-deprenyl-treated rats, due to enhanced catecholaminergic activity,
longer maintaining their ability to acquire a conditioned avoidance response in the
shuttle box, were able to ejaculate longer. As a summation of the CAE effect with
all the unmeasured beneficial effects, due to the enhanced activity of still
unknown enhancer-sensitive brain mechanisms, the (-)-deprenyl-treated rats lived
significantly longer than their saline-treated peers.

We observed the same changes in the activity of enhancer-sensitive cultured

neurons if (-)-BPAP or (-)-deprenyl was present in the culture well. As discussed
in Chapter 4, racemic BPAP, for example, inhibited E-amyloidal neurotoxicity in
cultured hippocampal neurons in two distinct ranges of concentration, one with a
peak at 10-13 M and one with a peak at 10-8 M (Fig. 5 in Knoll et al., 1999).
Whereas, in the normally working population only 20%, the high performing
cells, survived in the presence of E-amyloid, the optimum concentration of BPAP
(10-13 M) in the culture well made each neuron higher performing, and the
surviving rate increased from 20% to 70%.

In a healthy human during the postdevelopmental phase of life taking 1 mg of

selegiline daily, in which the drug acts as a selective CAE substance, the
physiological milieu of the catecholaminergic neurons remains practically
unchanged. The CAE substance transforms the lower performing enhancer-sensitive
neurons to better performing ones. In striking contrast, all drugs used today harshly
change the physiological milieu in the highly sophisticated living material which is a
quality of drug effect incompatible with lifelong preventive medication.
86 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

(-)-Deprenyl-solutions for anti-aging medication (at present Dep-ProTM, 1 drop =

1 mg) are since the end of the last century in circulation. Thousands of notes on
the internet give account of uncontrolled subjective experiences with selegiline, as
an anti-aging compound. The overwhelming majority plays a great value on
(-)-deprenyl, nevertheless it is obvious that from a scientific point of view this
material is practically worthless.

Today, the average human lifespan is already exceeding 80 years in most highly
developed countries. The longer we live the more compelling it is to slow the
aging-related decay of physical and mental welfare. Since preventive anti-aging
medication means treatment throughout postdevelopmental longevity, only the
synthetic enhancer substances are receptive for this purpose. At present selegiline
is the sole world-wide registered CAE substance. As a matter of fact, it is long
overdue to produce via a proper trial on healthy volunteers, prima-facie evidence
for the anti-aging effect of preventive selegiline medication. But let us hope all is
not lost that is delayed. I am certain that the outcome of such a trial would open
up new paths to improve the quality of life in the latter decades, which is very
much on the map at present.
How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging, 2012, 87-91 87


In light of the serious side effects of levodopa in PD, Birkmayer and Hornykiewicz
tried in 1962 to achieve a levodopa-sparing effect with the concurrent administration
of levodopa with an MAO inhibitor. Since combinations frequently elicited
hypertensive attacks, they were compelled to terminate this line of clinical research.

In the early 1960s we succeeded in finding an exceptionally lucky structural

modification of PEA and developed (-)-deprenyl/selegiline, the first selective
inhibitor of B-type MAO. In contrast to the known MAO inhibitors, it did not
potentiate the effect of tyramine but inhibited it, thus the compound was free of the
“cheese effect”. Considering this profile of (-)-deprenyl, Birkmayer et al. combined (-
)-deprenyl with levodopa in PD and achieved the expected levodopa-sparing effect
without signs of hypertensive reactions. Their study, published in Lancet in 1977, and
the following Lancet Editorial in 1982, initiated the world-wide use of (-)-deprenyl in

Today the most evaluated effect of the drug is its ability to slow the rate of the
functional deterioration of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurones in patients with
early, untreated PD, thus, to slow the progress of the disease. Using (-)-deprenyl in
de novo parkinsonians was established in the DATATOP (Deprenyl And Tocopherol
Antioxidant Therapy Of Parkinsonism) study in the USA and Canada, and was
corroborated in important multicenter studies in France, Sweden, Finland, Norway
and Denmark.

The DATATOP study authors thought that the formation of free radicals
predispose patients to nigral degeneration and contribute to the emergence and
progression of PD and expected that (-)-deprenyl, the MAO inhibitor, D-
tocopherol, the antioxidant, and the combination of the two compounds will slow
the clinical progression of the disease. They selected patients with early, untreated
PD and measured the delay of the onset of disability necessitating levodopa
therapy. The DATATOP study revealed that (-)-deprenyl, but not D-tocopherol,
delayed the onset of disability associated with early, otherwise untreated PD. The
discovery of the operation of a previously undetected enhancer regulation in the
brain finally clarified the ineffectiveness of D-tocopherol in the DATATOP study.
Joseph Knoll
All rights reserved-© 2012 Bentham Science Publishers
88 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

The enhancer regulation is defined as: the existence of enhancer-sensitive

neurons capable to change in a split second their excitability and work on a
higher activity level, due to endogenous enhancer substances capable to enhance
the impulse propagation generated release of the transmitter. PEA and its
synthetic analogue, (-)-deprenyl, are specific experimental tools for studying the
enhancer regulation in the catecholaminergic brain stem neurons. PEA is
primarily a “catecholaminergic activity enhancer” (CAE) substance, but it is also
a highly effective releaser of the catecholamines from their intraneuronal stores.
This effect completely concealed the enhancer effect of this endogenous amine,
which remained undetected. Amphetamine and methamphetamine, PEA
derivatives with a long lasting effect, share with their parent compound the
releasing property. (-)-Deprenyl was the first PEA/methamphetamine derivative
that maintained the CAE effect of its parent compounds but completely lost the
releasing property, thus enabling the discovery of the enhancer regulation in the
catecholaminergic brain stem neurons. In the light of our present knowledge the
CAE effect of (-)-deprenyl/selegiline seems to be primarily responsible for the
majority of the beneficial therapeutic effects of the drug in PD, AD and MDD. D-
Tocopherol, devoid of the CAE effect, remained ineffective in the DATATOP

On the one hand, (-)-deprenyl is a potent CAE substance. It increases the

excitability of the catecholaminergic neurons in the brain stem. Thus the impulse
propagation generated release of the transmitter is enhanced. (-)-Deprenyl exerts
this effect at low, non MAO-B inhibiting doses. On the other hand, in higher
doses which inhibit MAO-B activity selectively, (-)-deprenyl raises the brain
concentration of PEA to enormous levels. PEA is the preferred substrate for
MAO-B. Due to its continuous rapid breakdown by MAO-B, PEA has an
extremely high turnover. In mammals treated with a dose of (-)-deprenyl which
inhibits MAO-B activity completely, PEA levels increase by 1300 to 1500%. At a
rate 5-10 times higher than the MAO-B inhibitory dose, (-)-deprenyl inhibits also
MAO-A activity. To administer such high concentrations of (-)-deprenyl is
contraindicated. (-)-Deprenyl, in a low dose range acts as a selective CAE
substance and keeps the catecholaminergic system in the brain stem, the engine of
the brain, on a significantly higher activity level.
Summary and Conclusion How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 89

From weaning until sexual maturity an increased enhancer regulation operates in

the catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons. This mechanism is responsible
for the exuberant physical strength and mental vigor in the uphill period of life in
mammals. Sex hormones bring back the enhanced enhancer regulation to the
preweaning level. This mechanism terminates developmental longevity and
constitutes the foundation of the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

The age-related decay in the supply of the brain with PEA, due to the progressive
increase of MAO-B activity in the aging brain, and dopamine, due to the better
than average decline of the dopaminergic neuronal activity during the
postdevelopmental phase of life, are irresistible biochemical lesions of aging. The
speed of deterioration of behavioral performances with the passing of time and
longevity depends significantly on the pace of these lesions. (-)-Deprenyl,
increases the supply of PEA and dopamine in the brain, which counteracts the
aging process. Longevity studies have proven that male rats maintained on
lifelong (-)-deprenyl preserved their learning ability longer, lost their ability to
ejaculate later, and lived longer than their placebo-treated peers. The development
of (-)-BPAP, a more potent synthetic enhancer substance than (-)-deprenyl, exerts
its specific enhancer activity in femto/picomolar concentration.

It is easy to demonstrate that enhancer substances increase the excitability of

enhancer-sensitive neurons. If we measure the amount of [3H]-norepinephrine,
[3H]-dopamine or [3H]-serotonin released to electrical stimulation from an
isolated rat brain stem in a 3-min collection period and repeat the measurement in
the presence of the optimal concentration of (-)-deprenyl or (-)-BPAP, in which
they exert their specific enhancer effect, the released amount of the labeled
transmitter is significantly higher. This shows that the enhancer sensitive neuronal
population, as a whole, works immediately on a higher activity level in the
presence of the synthetic enhancer substance. After a single washout the neurons
work immediately on their normal activity level again. Since neurons respond to
stimulation in an “all or none” manner, it is obvious that only a part of the
neuronal population (the most excitable ones) respond to the electrical
stimulation. Since the enhancer substances increase the excitability of the neurons,
in the presence of the enhancer substance a higher percentage of the neuronal
90 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

population gets excited and the amount of the labeled transmitter released to the
electrical stimulation is significantly increased.

Due to their CAE effect, selegiline and (-)-BPAP, maintain the activity of the
catecholaminergic neuronal system on a higher activity level. None of the types of
drugs used today to increase catecholaminergic and/or serotonergic neuronal
activity in the brain share with selegiline or (-)-BPAP the enhancer effect. We
tested clorgyline, the selective MAO-A inhibitor, lazabemide, a selective MAO-B
inhibitor, fluoxetin, the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, pergolide and
bromocriptine, the dopamine receptor antagonists. Between the CAE substances
and the listed drugs it is the essential difference that selegiline and (-)-BPAP are
synthetic analogues of physiological enhancer substances, and act accordingly.
Whereas all types of drugs used today are harshly changing the physiological
milieu of the neurons. Since we need to start our fight against the aging-related
decay of physical and mental welfare as soon as sexual maturity is reached, and
preventive medication is necessarily lasting through life, only enhancer substances
are receptive to such treatment. In contrast to the drugs used today, they do not
change the environmental milieu of the enhancer-sensitive neurons when
administered in the specific enhancer dose-range. The enhancer substance is just
changing the catecholaminergic neuron born with a lower excitability, to a better
performing one. The results of our longevity studies are in harmony with this
view. For example. In our second longevity study we selected out of a population
of 1,600 male rats the 94 sexually lowest performing (LP) males and the 99
highest performing (HP) rats. We treated 44 LP rats with saline and 50 HP rats
with (-)-deprenyl. The saline-treated LP rats lived 134.58r2.29 weeks, their (-)-
deprenyl-treated peers lived 152.54r1.36 weeks, as long as the selected saline-
treated HP rats (151.24r1.36 weeks). Thus maintenance on (-)-deprenyl
transformed the low performing rats to high performing ones.

Experimental and clinical studies with (-)-deprenyl/selegiline strongly support the

proposal that preventive administration of a synthetic enhancer substance during
postdevelopmental life could significantly slow the unavoidable decay of
behavioral performances with the passing of time, prolong life, and prevent or
delay the onset of aging-related neurodegenerative diseases, such as PD and AD.
In humans, maintenance from sexual maturity on (-)-deprenyl (1 mg daily) is for
Summary and Conclusion How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 91

the time being the only feasible treatment with a promising chance to reach this
aim, since selegiline is at present the only world-wide registered CAE substance.

Considering that the estimated number of individuals over 65 will reach by 2050
the 1.1 billion level, it is unfortunate that the implementation of a proper trial on
healthy volunteers to measure exactly the anti-aging effect of Selegiline is since
decades greatly needed.
92 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging, 2012, 92-92


Though “never marry your hypothesis” was and has remained my leitmotif, the
outcome of our first longevity study fascinated me so greatly that I decided to
undertake a self-experiment and started to take 1 mg (-)-deprenyl daily on
January 1, 1989, at the age of 64.

Since February 1949, when I started working in the department, that I never left,
my professional life remained essentially unchanged. I am still spending the
whole day in the department and continue working at home far into the night.

To illustrate my present state of activity let me overview just the books I published
since my 80th birthday on May 30, 2005.

In 2005, the monograph “The Brain and Its Self” (Springer) (176 pages)
summarizing the essence of my lifework appeared.

In 2006, an extended version of my theory (266 pages) was edited in Hungarian

by the Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

In 2009, I wrote a book in Hungarian in which I tried to argue out my theory

within the capacity of everybody. The book “Az emberiség jövje”(The future of
mankind) (366 pages) was published in 2010, online, by the Semmelweis
Publishing House in Budapest. I am planning to write next an English version of
this book.

Now, as I am writing this eBook for Bentham Science, I have already completed
my 86th year.

Nevertheless, what takes most of my time in the department is the still unchanged
high-priority of research, since only in the continuous surveillance of running
experiments roots the drainless resource of ideas.

All in all, after living 22 years on a never interrupted, low daily dose of (-)-
deprenyl, I venture the remark that my self-experiment augurs so far well.

Joseph Knoll
All rights reserved-© 2012 Bentham Science Publishers
How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging, 2012, 93-106 93

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D was created in the 1960s, in the midst of the golden era when within less than
20 years the development of crucially new families of important pharmacological
agents, monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, phenothiazines, tricyclic
antidepressants and uptake inhibitors, were brought into being. These discoveries
led to the science of neuropsychopharmacology, which changed the principles of
behavioral studies in a revolutionary manner and radically altered human attitudes
toward derangements in psychic function. A volume edited in 1998 by TA Ban, D
Healy and E Shorter, a retrospective of “The Rise of Psychopharmacology and the
Story of CINP”, stated that “Deprenyl, the first catecholaminergic activity
enhancer” (pp. 91-94) belongs to the mainstream of drug development.

The most relevant interviews which informed the general reading public of
deprenyl research include the following:

Medical Odyssey. Drug for Ills of the Old Is Drawing Deprenyl Attention after 30-
year Struggle. Long Sidetracked, Helps with Parkinson’s And Possibly Much More.
Trading on Hungary’s Jewels. By Michael Waldholz. An interview with Joseph
Knoll. The Wall Street Journal. Vol. LXXII. No.31. Tuesday, November 27, 1990;

CBS Sixty Minutes (May, 1993);

David Healy: The Pharmacologists III. Arnold (2000). An interview with Joseph
Knoll (Budapest). The Psychopharmacology of Life and Death, pp.81-110;

David J. Brown: Mavericks of Medicine. Conversations on the Frontiers of

Medical Research. SmartPublications (2006). An interview with Joseph Knoll.
Shattering the Barriers of Maximum Life Span, pp.137-147;

Knoll J interviewed by Ban TA, in An Oral History of Neuropsychopharmacology

- The First Fifty Years: Peer Interviews (Thomas A. Ban editor), Volume 3 –
“Neuropharmacology” (Fridoline Sulser, volume editor). Nashville: American
College of Neuropsychopharmacology; 2011. pp. 297-328.
Joseph Knoll
All rights reserved-© 2012 Bentham Science Publishers
108 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

The last period of our structure activity relationship (SAR) study leading finally to
the selection of dl-phenylisopropylmethyl-propinylamine • HCl (E-250), later
named deprenyl, for development, coincided with the publication of a calamitous
number of clinical reports in 1963 in Lancet I and II (Blackwell I. p.167, II. p.414;
Davies II. p 587; Foster II. p.587; Maan II, p.639; Womack II, p.463). These
reports gave accounts of the patients treated with MAO inhibitors
(tranylcypromine, nialamide, pargyline) developed temporarily clinical symptoms
similar to paroxysm produced by pheochromocytoma and this finding threw the
MAO inhibitors into disrepute. Thus, the time was ripe and compelling for the
development of new spectrum MAO inhibitors.

The aim of my planned SAR study was the development of a new stimulant that
combines the psychostimulant effect of E-phenylethylamine (PEA), the
physiologically highly important trace amine, with the psychoenergetic effect of
the MAO inhibitors, the newly developed family of antidepressants. In
compliance with this aim, the starting molecule of our SAR study was
methamphetamine (MA), the long acting synthetic PEA-derivative. We
synthetized new MA-derivatives and attached to each of the new, patentable
molecules, a propargyl group to the nitrogen. This group binds covalently to the
flavin in MAO and by this means blocks the enzyme irreversibly.

We found a couple of new PEA/MA-derivatives which acted like PEA and

blocked MAO. I decided finally to select E-250 because of the unique behavior of
this compound. E-250 significantly inhibited the pressor effect of amphetamine.
This constituted a striking contrast to the effect of known MAO inhibitors which
potentiated the pressor effect of amphetamine. This anomaly was shown in the
first paper (Knoll et al., 1965, Fig. 1).

Further studies soon revealed that reasonable considerations shaped our SAR
study and the selection of E-250 for development was a lucky decision.

The SAR study leading to the selection of D started in 1960, thus 52 years ago. In
retrospect we can divide the 52 years into three periods.
Appendix How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 109


D achieved its place in research and therapy as the first selective inhibitor of
MAO-B and we firmly believed that this unique effect of the drug is of primary
therapeutic importance.


Accumulation of experimental data furnishing unequivocal evidence that D

facilitates dopaminergic neurotransmission and the development of the concept
that preventive D medication which facilitates dopaminergic and ‘trace-
aminergic’ activity in the brain is a reasonable strategy to improve the quality of
the postdevelopmental (aging) period of life. The performance of the two
longevity studies showing that maintanence on D prolongs the life of rats
significantly. Experimental evidence with the development of (-)-PPAP, the D-
analoge free of MAO-B inhibitory potency of its parent compound, that the
peculiar stimulation of the catecholaminergic neurons in the brain by D is
unrelated to the selective inhibition of B-type MAO. The development of the
method that ensured to get convincing evidence for the operation of the enhancer
regulation in the life-important catecholaminergic and serotonergic neuronal
systems in the brain stem.


Attention focused on the enhancer-regulation in the catecholaminergic and

serotonergic neurons in the brain. The proof that PEA is a natural
catecholaminergic activity enhancer (CAE) substance and in high concentration
only a releaser of catecholamines from their interneuronal pools. Evidence that D
inhibits MAO-B activity in high doses only and is primarily a synthetic PEA-
derived selective CAE substance devoid of the catecholamine-releasing property
of the parent compound. The proof that D is almost ineffective on the serotonergic
neurons when compared to the dose in which it exerts its CAE effect. The
development of R-(-)-1-(benzofuran-2yl)-2-propylaminopentane, (-)-BPAP (B), a
highly potent serotonergic activity enhancer compound and a hundred times more
potent CAE substance than D.
110 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

The following data provides evidence of the still undiminished international

interest in D-research.

E-250/D/Selegiline(S) papers published since 1964. From 1978 until 2011 the S/D papers
recorded in PubMed were considered.

Research Periods Total Number of Published Papers Average/Year

1964-1978 51 3.4
1979-1994 1010 63.1
1995-2011 1461 85.9

D is still used in research as the international reference compound to block B-

type MAO selectively. As a therapeutic agent D, used to treat Parkinson’s disease,
Alzheimer’s disease and major depressive disease, is registered in 63 countries,
and marketed world-wide under more than 100 trade-names.
Appendix How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 111



1960-1965 The structure activity relationship (SAR) study and the Knoll J, Ecsery Z,
selection of E-250 (later named deprenyl) for further Kelemen K, Nievel J,
development. Knoll B (1964)
The chemical part of the SAR study was performed in (in Hungarian)
collaboration with a group of chemists in Chinoin Knoll J, Ecseri Z,
Pharmaceutical Company (Budapest) led by Zoltan Kelemen K, Nievel J,
Ecsery. Knoll B (1965)
It is mentioned already in the discussion of the first (in English)
publication that “Preliminary investigation (E. Varga,
personal communication) indicated that E-250 is highly
active in cases of depression” (Knoll et al., 1965, p.163).
1964-1967 The first clinical study with D.
A preliminary note on the promising results of the Varga E (1965)
running clinical trial with (±)-E-250 in depressed (in German)
patients. Varga E & Tringer L
The first paper showing that (±)-E-250 is an efficient (1967)
prompt acting antidepressant.
1966-1967 The analysis showing that (-)-E-250 is a more potent Magyar K, Vizi ES,
MAO inhibitor than (+)-E-250. Ecseri Z, Knoll J

1967 (-)-E-250 was selected for further development.

1967-1968 The exact experimental analysis showing that (-)-E-250 Knoll J, Vizi ES,
is a unique MAO inhibitor which does not potentiate the Somogyi G (1968)
catecholamine-releasing effect of tyramine, thus the
compound is free of the cheese effect.
Varga E showed in an unpublished pilot study that in
harmony with our findings in animal experiments (-)-E-
250 is also free of the cheese effect in humans. This
finding was cited in the discussion of our paper: ”Even
provocative cheese consumption (Varga, personal
communication) failed to produce headache or
hypertensive crisis” (p.111)
1968-1971 The first report on the clinical trial with (-)-E-250 in Tringer L, Haits G,
depressed patients showing its significant antidepressant Varga E (1971)
1970-1972 The discovery that (-)-deprenyl (D) is a selective Knoll J Magyar K
inhibitor of B-type MAO. Lecture by Knoll J, (1972)
First Symposium on MAO in Cagliary (Italy) (1971)
First published paper demonstrating in detail that D is a
selective inhibitor of B-type of MAO. The paper became
a Citation Classic in 1982.
112 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

1974-1976 Analysis of the pharmacological effects of selective Knoll, J (1976)

MAO inhibitors. The simultaneous oxidation of labeled
monoamines in the presence and absence of selective
MAO inhibitors (D and clorgyline) by rat liver and brain
mitochondrial MAO was studied with double-labeling
technique. Striking differences in the effect of D and
clorgyline on isolated organs was demonstrated. The
therapeutic aspect of the selective inhibitors was
Lecture at the Second International Symposium on MAO.
CIBA Foundation Symposium. London (1975)
1976-1978 The first study showing the peculiar pharmacological Knoll J (1978)
spectrum of D from new aspects. It was shown that D
was unique in inhibiting tyramine uptake in a battery of
tests. D was found to inhibit the release of acetylcholine
in isolated striatal slices of the rat, owing to its blocking
effect on the uptake of dopamine.
The drug protects the nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons
from the toxic effect of 6-hydroxy-dopamine. First proof
of the neuroprotective effect of D.
1977-1978 Two papers published in the same year, produced Elsworth JD, Glover V,
sufficient proof that D is free of the cheese effect in Reynolds GP, Sandler
humans. After pretreatment with D parkinsonian M, Less AJ, Phuapradit
volunteers who received levodopa or P, Shaw KM, Stern
levodopa+carbidopa suffered no adverse pressor reaction GM, Kumar P (1978)
after challenge with oral tyramine in considerably greater Sandler M, Glover V,
amounts than those likely to be encountered in a normal Ashford A, Stern GM
diet. (1978)
1975-1982 The first clinical trial proving that with the concurrent Birkmayer W, Riederer
administration of levodopa with D the levodopa sparing P, Ambrozi L, Youdim
effect is achieved in patients without signs of significant MBH (1977)
hypertensive reactions. This study initiated and the Lancet Editorial (1982)
following Lancet Editorial enhanced the world-wide use
of D in Parkinson’s disease.
1978-1980 The first confirmation of the significant antidepressant Mann JJ, Gershon S
effect of D in major depressive disease. (1980)
Appendix How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 113



1979-1982 Accumulation of experimental data furnishing Knoll J (1982)
unequivocal evidence that D facilitates dopaminergic
neurotransmission and the development of the concept
that preventive D medication which facilitates
dopaminergic and ‘trace-aminergic’ activity in the brain
is a reasonable strategy to improve the quality of life in
the latter decades. The restitution and longterm
maintenance of full scale sexual activity in aged male rats
continuously treated with D was demonstrated as an
experimental model in support of the view that the
longterm administration of small doses of D may improve
the quality of life in the declining years.
Lecture at the Strategy in Drug Research IUPAC-
IUPHAR Symposium, (1981) Noordwijkerhout, The

1982-1985 Final proof of the facilitation of dopaminergic activity by Knoll J (1985)

D and experimental evidence that this effect is unrelated
to the inhibition of B-type MAO.
Lecture presented at the 7th European Symposium on
Basic Research in Gerontology, (1983)
Budapest (Hungary)

1977-1985 In an open, uncontrolled study the long term (9 years) Birkmayer W, Knoll J,
effect of treatment with Madopar alone (n=377) or in Riederer P, Youdim
combination with D (n=564) have been compared in MBH, Hars V, Marton
parkinsonian patents. The survival analysis revealed a V (1985)
significant increase of life expectancy in Madopar+D
group regardless of the fact whether or not the significant
demographic differences between the two groups were
taken into account.

1986-1987 Two clinical studies, published independently from each Martini E, Pataky I,
other in the same year, described the beneficial effect of Szilágyi K, Venter V
D-treatment in Alzheimer’s disease. (1987)
Tariot PN, Cohen RM,
Sunderland T,
Newhouse PA, Yount
D, Mellow AM (1987)
1985-1988 The first longevity study with D on Wistar-Logan rats Knoll J (1988)
starting with 2-year old males. Knoll J, Dalló J, Yen
The proof that the maintenance of aged male rats on D TT (1989)
restored full scale sexual activity and prolonged their life
significantly. The longest living rat in the saline-treated
114 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

group lived 164 weeks. The average lifespan of the group

was 147.05±0.56 weeks. The shortest living animal in the
D-treated group lived 171 weeks and the longest living
rat died during the 226th week of its life. The average
lifespan was 197.98±2.36 weeks, i.e. higher than the
estimated maximum age of death in this robust strain of
rats (182 weeks). This was the first instance in which
medicated members of a species lived beyond the
estimated lifespan maximum.
The evidence of the outstanding learning performance of
8-month-old sexually active rats compared to their
sexually inactive peers.

1987-1989 First proof that D-treatment enhances significantly the Knoll J (1988)
activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the striatum of Knoll J (1989)
both male and female rats.
The justness of the conclusion that the increased SOD
activity was just a sign of D-induced enhanced activity of
the nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons was demonstrated
by measuring SOD activity in the cerebellum which, as
expected, remained unchanged in D-treated rats.

1989-1990 First confirmation that D prolongs the life of rats. Milgram MW, Racine
The longevity study was performed on the short living RJ, Nellis P, Mendoca
Fischer F-344 strain of rats. A, Ivy GO (1990)

1990-1991 First confirmation that D enhances scavenger function in Carrillo MC, Kanai S,
the striatum. Nokubo M, Kitani K
Daily sc. injection of D for 3 weeks in young male rats (1991)
caused a threefold increased in SOD activity in the
striatum of the brain compared with the value in saline-
injected control rats. It was shown that the activity of
catalase (but not of glutathion peroxidase) was also
significantly increased by D-treatment.

1987-1989 In the DATATOP multicenter clinical trial (USA, Tetrud JW, Langston
Canada) in 23 University Institutions, the ability of D and JW (1989)
tocopherol, antioxidant agents that act through Parkinson Study Group
complementary mechanisms were studied, expecting to (1989)
delay the onset of disability necessitating levodopa
therapy (the primary end point) in patients with early,
untreated Parkinson’s disease. Eight hundred subjects
were randomly assigned in a two-by-two factorial design
to receive D, tocopherol, a combination of both drugs, or
placebo, and were followed up to determine the
frequency of development to the end point.
The DATATOP study proved that the treatment of de
novo parkinsonians with D (selegiline) has a unique
beneficial influence on the natural history of Parkinson’s
Appendix How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 115

disease. D-treatment delayed significantly the need for

levodopa therapy.
The study also revaled that in contrast to the expectation
of the authors, D-tocopherol was devoid of the beneficial
effect of D.
The reason of this difference between D and D-tocopherol
was shown by us later. D is enhancing the impulse
propagation mediated release of dopamine (CAE effect)
whereas D-tocopherol is in this respect ineffective
(Miklya I, Knoll B, Knoll J, 2003).
The DATATOP multicenter trial proved the justness of
our conclusion that the CAE effect of D is responsible for
the beneficial effect of the drug.

1990-1999 The finding of the Parkinson Study Group that it is Allain H, Gougnard J,
reasonable to start treatment of de novo Parkinson’s Naukirek HC (1991)
disease with D in order to delay the onset of disability Myttyla VV, Sotaniemi
associated with early, otherwise untreated Parkinson’s KA, Vourinen JA,
disease, was confirmed in French, Finnish, Swedish, and Heinonen EH (1992)
Norwegian-Danish multicenter studies. Palhagen, S, Heinonen,
EH, Hägglund, J,
Kaugesaar T, Kontants
H, Mäki-Ikola O, Palm
R, Turunen J (1998)
Larsen JP, Boas J,
Erdal JE (1999)
1990-1992 A SAR study aiming to develop a D-analog free of the Knoll J, Knoll B, Török
MAO-B inhibitory potency. Z, Timár J, Yasar S
The selection of 1-phenyl-2-propylaminopentane [(-)- (1992a)
PPAP], a D-analog which differs from D by containing
instead of the propargyl-group a propyl-group, thus is
free of the MAO-B inhibitory potency. The proof that (-)-
PPAP is as potent as D as a CNS stimulant.
The chemical part of the SAR study was performed with
a group of chemist in Chinoin Pharmaceutical Company
(Budapest) led by Zoltan Török.
The development of (-)-PPAP was direct proof that the
peculiar stimulation of the catecholaminergic neurons in
the brain by D is unrelated to the inhibition of B-type

1990-1992 Morphological evidence in rats that D-treatment prevents Knoll, J, Tóth, V,

aging-related pigment changes in the substantia nigra. Kummert, M, Sugár, J
With the aid of TV-image analysis, the number, the area (1992b)
and the density features of melanin granules in neurocytes
of the substantia nigra in a group of 3-month-old naïve
male rats and in a 21-month-old group of male rats
treated for 18 months with saline and D respectively,
were determined.
116 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

1990-1994 The second longevity study starting with 28-week-old Knoll J, Yen TT,
Wistar-Logan male rats. Miklya I (1994)
Out of 1600 sexually inexperienced rats the 94 sexually
inactive (low performing, LP) and the 99 most sexually
active (high performing, HP) rats were selected. The LP
rats died significantly earlier than their HP peers and D-
treatment eliminated this difference.
The rats were treated from 8th month of their life three
times a week with 0.25 mg/kg D and saline, respectively,
until they died. The salt-treated LP rats (n=44) never
displayed ejaculations and lived 134.58±2.29 weeks, their
D-treated peers (n=48) became sexually active and lived
152.54±1.36 weeks. The salt-treated HP rats (n=49) lived
151.24±1.36 weeks, their D-treated peers (n=50) lived
185.30±1.96 weeks and out of the 50 rats 17 lived longer
than the estimated technical lifespan (TLS).
This longevity study was further unequivocal
experimental evidence that D-treatment prolongs the life
of rats significantly.
1992-1994 First proof that D reduces PC12 cell apoptosis by Tatton WG, Ju WY,
inducing new protein synthesis. Holland DP, Tai C,
Kwan M (1994)

1992-1994 The HPLC method with electrochemical detection Knoll J & Miklya I
allowed measuring exactly the release of dopamine from (1994)
the striatum, tuberculum olfactorium and substantia nigra,
the release of norepinephrine from the locus coeruleus,
and the release of serotonin from the raphe, in the
amounts released from freshly excised brain tissue. The
method ensured to get convincing evidence for the
operation of the enhancer regulation in the life-important
catecholamin-ergic and serotonergic neuronal systems in
the brain stem.

1993-1994 Confirmation of the prolonged lifespan of mice on D. Freisleben, HJ, Lehr, F,

Fuchs, J (1994)
Appendix How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 117



1994-1995 Demonstration that in both male and female rats the Knoll J & Miklya I
resting release of transmitters from brain (1995)
catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons during the
period from weaning until the end of the second month of
age, i.e. during the crucial developmental phase of their
life, was significantly higher than either before or after
that period, signalling the transition from the
developmental to the post-developmental (aging) phase
of life.
This finding showed that on one hand, sexual hormones
might play the main role in terminating the enhanced
catecholaminergic activity characteristic to the post-
weaning period, since the enhancer regulation is
terminated at the end of the second month of age when
the rats arrive to sexual maturity. On the other hand, this
finding clearly indicated that safe and effective measures
are needed to maintain the catecholaminergic system at a
higher activity level during the post-developmental,
downhill period of life.

1995-1996 Demonstration that E-phenylethylamine (PEA), the Knoll, J, Miklya, I,

physiologically highly important stimulatory trace-amine Knoll, B, Markó, R,
in the brain, known as a classic releaser of Rácz, D (1996c)
catecholamines from their intraneuronal pools, is a mixed
acting sympathomimetic. PEA is in low concentration
devoid of the releasing property and acts as a natural
CAE substance, a selective enhancer of the impulse
propagation mediated release of catecholamines.

1995-1996 Demonstration that D and (-)-PPAP, the D-derivative Knoll, J, Miklya, I,

free of MAO-B inhibitory potency, are unique PEA- Knoll, B, Markó, R,
derivatives which lost the ability of PEA to induce the Kelemen, K (1996a)
continuous release of catecholamines from intraneuronal
pools, but maintained the specific catecholaminergic
activity enhancer (CAE) property of their parent
1995-1997 The first controlled trial of D (selegiline) as treatment for Sano M, Ernesto C,
Alzheimer’s disease. Thomas RG, Klauber
MR, Schafer K,
Grundman M,
Woodbury P, Growdon
J, Cotman CW,
Pfeiffer E, Schneider
LS, Thal LJ (1997)
118 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

1987-1999 First proofs for the protective effect of enhancer

substances (D, B) against various neurotoxins.

D protects against MPTP toxicity. Cohen G, Pasik P,

Cohen B, Leist A,
Mitileneou C, Yahr
MD (1984)
Heikkila, RE, Hess, A,
Duvoisin, RC (1985)

D-treatment protects the dopaminergic neurons from the Knoll J, (1978, 1987)
toxic effect of 6-OH-dopamine (6-OHDA). Hársing LG, Magyar
K, Tekes K, Vizi ES,
Knoll J (1979)

D blocks DSP-4 toxicity. Gibson CJ (1987)

D prevents the neurotoxic effect of 5,6- Ebadi, M, Sharma, S,

dihydroxyserotonin. Shavali S, El Refaey H

D protects against AF64A toxicity. Ricci A, Mancini M,

Strocchi P, Bongrani S,
Bronzetti E (1992)

B protects cultured hippocampal neurons from the toxic Knoll J, Yoneda F,

effect of E-amyloid25-35. Knoll B, Ohde H,
Miklya I (1999)

1996-1997 Confirmation of the lifespan prolonging effect of D on Stoll, S, Hafner, U,

Syrian hamsters Kranzlin, B, Muller,
WE (1997)
Treatment with D prolongs life in elderly dogs. Ruehl WW, Entriken
TL, Muggenberg BA,
Bruyette DS, Griffith
WG, Hahn FF (1997)
1998 The final analysis in support of the concept that D Knoll J (1998)
(selegiline) is a PEA derived selective CAE substance
devoid of the side effect of its parent compound which in
higher concentration elicits the continuous release of
catecholamines from their intraneuronal pools. D exerts
its CAE effect in concentrations below the ones needed to
block MAO-B activity significantly.

1995-1999 The development of R-(-)-1-(benzofuran-2-yl)-2- Knoll J, Yoneda F,

propylaminopentane [(-)-BPAP] (B) a tryptamine- Knoll B, Ohde H,
derived selective enhancer of the impulse propagation Miklya I (1999)
mediated release of catecholamines and serotonin in the
Appendix How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 119

The chemical part of the SAR study was performed in
collaboration with a group of chemists in Fujimoto
Pharmaceutical Company (Osaka) led by Fumio Yoneda.
1999 Prolongation of life with D in an experimental Jordens RG, Berry
model of aging in Drosophila melanogaster. MD, Gillott C,
Boulton AA (1999)

1996-2000 Demonstration that, in harmony with our expectation Knoll, J, Miklya, I,

(Knoll & Miklya, 1995), sexual hormones terminated the Knoll, B, Dalló, J
significantly enhanced basic activity of the (2000)
catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons in the brain,
characteristic to the post-weaning period, and brings
back the enhancer regulation in these neurons to the pre-
weaning lower level.
This exactly measurable qualitative change signals the
transition from the pleasant but short developmental,
uphill period of youthfulness, into the longer lasting,
slowly decaying, post-developmental, downhill, aging
period of life, irresistibly leading to death. The discovery
of this mechanism clearly indicated that the aging-related,
irresistible decay of the enhancer-regulation in the
catecholaminergic neurons which play a leading role in
the activation of the cortex, is a key important factor in
brain aging. Thus, the maintenance of the activity of
these neurons on a higher activity level during the
postdevelopmental phase of life might significantly
improve the quality of life in senescence.

2000-2005 The final analysis that D is a unique anti-aging drug Knoll J (2001, 2003,
because it slows as a specific CAE substance the aging- 2005)
related decay of the catecholaminergic system in the
This conclusion is supported by the outcome of studies
into the nature of the enhancer regulation in the
catecholaminergic system, thus finding that this
regulation is enhanced after weaning and sexual
hormones bring back the regulation to the pre-weaning
level. The results of the longevity studies with D argue
definitely in favor of the concept that the aging of the
brain starts as soon as sexual hormones terminate the
enhanced catecholaminergic tone in the brain
characteristic to the post-weaning, developmental, uphill
period of life. Thus, sexual hormones elicit the transition
of the developmental phase of life into the post-
developmental, downhill (aging) period. The aging
related slow decline of the enhancer regulation in the
catecholaminergic system in the brain stem, the main
activator of the cortex, is the prime factor of brain aging.
The decay of the enhancer regulation in the most rapidly
120 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

aging dopaminergic system is, for example, mainly

responsible for the decline in learning ability and sexual
activity with the passing of time.
The catecholaminergic system’s ability to activate the
higher brain centers sinks finally below a critical
threshold and an emergency incident transpires, where a
high level of activation is needed to survive and the CNS
can no longer be activated to the required extent. This
would explain why a common infection, a broken leg, or
any other challenge easily surmountable given
catecholaminergic machinery working at full capacity
may cause death in old age. All in all, to keep the system
via the administration of a small daily dose of a CAE
substance (for example D) on a higher activity level, thus
to fight against the physiological aging-related slow
decay of this life-important system, improves the quality
of life in senescence and prolongs life as shown by
longevity studies performed with D. In conclusion, the
enhancer substances are the first anti-aging compounds
the safe prophylactic administration of which during the
post-developmental, downhill period of life slows the
physiological aging of the brain.

1953-2005 The enhancer regulation is now an integral part of the Knoll J (1969, 1994,
theory that tries to analyse the neurochemical basis of 2001, 2003, 2005)
the drives (Knoll J, 2005).
The first attempt, based on the results of behavioral
studies performed from 1953 until 1969, was summarized
in a monograph (Knoll J, 1969). The second attempt,
based on the results of the research period from 1969
until 2005, was summarized in a new monograph (Knoll
J, 2005).
In behavioral studies ’drive’ is the commonly used
technical term to define the force that activates the
mammalian organism. It is the inner urge that initiates a
response, incites activity, and that represents a basic or
instinctive need, such as the hunger drive, the sexual
drive, and so on.
The neurochemical basis of both categories of drives - (a)
the innate ones necessary for the survival of the
individual and the species, and (b) the acquired ones for
attaining an unlimited number of dispensable goals - is
unknown. The brain mechanism that keeps the innate
drives in action is presumably the less complicated part
of the problem. The real crux of the issue seems to be the
cortical mechanism that renders the acquisition of an
unnatural urge possible.
Being familiar with a technical term we may occasionally
have the erroneous impression of possessing full
knowledge of the subject it connotes. For example: An
eagle pounces upon a quiet, eating rabbit with lightning
Appendix How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 121

speed. The rabbit is given a split second to run for life.

Common sense, practical explanation independent of
specialized knowledge, is simple. Hunger drives the eagle
and fear drives the rabbit. In reality, drive is just a useful
description for the still unknown brain mechanism that
activates the organism and keeps it in motion until the
goal is reached.
For living beings with highly refined brain organization
the cortex has absolute priority in maintaining the
sophisticated integration between an apparently
confusing network of cells, synchronizing them into a
lucidly arranged, harmoniously operating system. For a
highly refined organism, life means the operation of the
integrative work of the brain, and natural death means the
cessation of this function. This is clearly shown by the
fact that cells of vital organs, including the brain,
maintain vigorous activity for a short while even beyond
the termination of the integrative work of the brain.
Enhancer regulation, primarily in the catecholaminergic
neurons, keeps the telencephalon active and thus the
system alive. The operation of the catecholaminergic
system is comparable to an engine ignited once and for
all in an early phase of development, and is signalled by
the appearence of the EEG. Due to its enhancer
regulation, the catecholaminergic system dynamically
changes the activation of the cortex during lifetime
according to need. Life is terminated because of the
progressive decay of the efficiency of the
catecholaminergic system during postdevelopmental
lifespan until at some point, in an emergency situation,
the integration of the parts in the highly sophisticated
entity can no longer be maintained. Thus natural death,
signalled by the disappearence of EEG, sets in (Knoll,
The catecholaminergic tone determines the three basic
modes of brain activity. The system performs: (a) at its
lowest possible level in the ’non-vigilant resting state’
(sleeping); (b) at a steady low level in the ’vigilant resting
state’ (leisure); and (c) operates, according to the need, at
a dynamically enhanced activity level in the ’active state’
(exemplified by ‘fight or flight’ or goal-seeking-
Experimental evidence and theoretical considerations led
to the conceptualization that an until recently unknown
brain mechanism, the enhancer regulation in the brain, is
primarily responsible for the innate drives, and a special
form of it in the cortex is primarily responsible for the
acquired drives. Furthermore, data supports the
conclusion that age-related changes in the enhancer
regulation of the catecholaminergic brain engine are
primarily responsible for: (a) the youthful power of the
mammals from weaning until sexual maturity; (b) the
122 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

transition from the uphill period of life into

postdevelopmental longevity; (c) the progressive decay of
behavioral performances during the downhill period; (d)
the transition from life to death.
Finally, the data reinforce the proposal that prophylactic
administration of a synthetic CAE substance during
postdevelopmental life could significantly slow the
unavoidable decay of behavioral performances, prolong
life, and prevent or delay the onset of age-related
neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and

2002-2003 B up-regulates neurotrophic factor synthesis in mouse Ohta K, Ohta M,

astrocytes. Mizuta I, Fujinami A,
Shimazu S, Sato N,
Yoneda F, Hayashi K,
Kuno S (2002)
But only the nonspecific enhancer effect of D and B is Shimazu S, Tanigawa
detectable on mouse astrocytes. A, Sato N, Yoneda F,
Hayashi K, Knoll J

2000-2006 The development of the selegiline transdermal system Bodkin JA &

(STS). Amsterdam JK (2002)
The first double blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group
study in outpatients with STS.
Emsam, the first transdermal antidepressant was
registered in the USA in 2006.

2001-2002 Proof that enhancer substances stimulate the enhancer- Knoll J, Miklya I,
sensitive neurons in the brain in a peculiar manner. Two Knoll B (2002a)
bell-shaped concentration effect curves characterize the
effect. The one in the low pico-femtomolar level with a
peak-effect at 10-13-10-14M concentration clearly
demonstrates the existence of a specific form of the
enhancer regulation; the second, in the micromolar range,
with a peak effect 10-5-10-6M concentration shows the
operation of an obviously non-specific form of the
enhancer regulation in the enhancer-sensitive neurons.

2001-2003 Due to its enhancer-effect B enhances the electrical Miklya I, Knoll J

stimulation induce release of [3H]-norepinephrine with (2003)
the highly characteristic bi-modal, bell-shaped dose-
effect relationship. We measured in this test in
comparison to B the effect of drugs
(desmethylimipramine, clorgyline, lazabemide,
bromocryptine, pergolide, fluoxetin) used today clinically
to stimulate the activity of the noradrenergic and/or
dopaminergic and/or serotonergic neurons in the brain
stem. None of the tested compounds shared with B the
Appendix How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 123

enhancer effect.

2002-2003 In the DATATOP study the authors expected D to be Miklya I, Knoll B,

efficient in their trial because of its MAO-B inhibitory Knoll J (2003a)
effect. Their hypothesis was that the activity of MAO and
the formation of free radicals predispose patients to nigral
degeneration and contribute to the emergence and
progression of Parkinson’s disease. In accordance with
their working hypothesis they expected that D, the MAO-
inhibitor, and tocopherol, the antioxidant, and the
combination of the two compounds will slow the clinical
progress of the disease. They selected patients with early,
untreated Parkinson’s disease and measured the delay in
the onset of disability necessitating levodopa therapy. In
contrast to their expectation the study revealed that the
risk of reaching the end of the trial was reduced by 57%
for the subjects who received D, and these patients also
had a significant reduction in their risk of having to give
full time employment (Parkinson Study Group 1989).
Tocopherol, however, was ineffective. The
ineffectiveness was finally concluded following the
course of changes (Parkinson Study Group 1992).
Since our studies convincingly proved that the observed
beneficial effect of D in the DATATOP study must be
related to its exactly demonstrated peculiar enhancer
effect on the dopaminergic neurons, we compared the
effect of D and tocopherol in our tests and, as expected,
we found that tocopherol was devoid of an enhancer

2010- We started on May 2010 our first longevity study on

Wistar (Charles-River) male rats with D and B,
treating the animals with low doses in which D and B
exert their specific and nonspecific enhancer effect,
In the belief that the beneficial effects of D is related to
the inhibition of MAO-B, we treated the rats in our
earlier longevity studies with 0,25 mg/kg D. This is the
lowest dose in which D blocks MAO-B activity in the
brain completely. In this still running study we treat the
rats with 0.001 and 0.1 mg/kg D, respectively.
This is our first longevity study with B. We treat the rats
with 0.0001 and 0.05 mg/kg B, respectively.
Chapter 9 is summarizing our experiences with the rats in
this still running longevity study to the end of the 18th
month of their life.
Since the running longevity experiment is the first
analysis with low doses of D and B, respectively, the
already observable differences in the dying out of the
saline versus drug treated rats supports the opinion that
the CAE effect is responsible for the well-known lifespan
124 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

prolonging effect D and B acts in this respect like D.

Since the catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons in
the brain stem play a leading role in the control of a lot
of life important mechanisms, the discovery of the
operation of the enhancer regulation in these neurons
makes by itself the importance of this previously unknown
regulation obvious. On the other hand, the finding that D
is a selective CAE substance and practically ineffective
on the serotonergic system, whereas B, a CAE substance
much more potent than D, is even a more potent
enhancer of the serotonergic neurons, clearly indicate
that on a molecular level the enhancer regulation in the
catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons cannot be
identical. There can be little doubt that we are at the very
beginning to take the measure of the physiological role of
the enhancer regulation in the brain. At present we just
see the peak of an iceberg. It is reasonable to concentrate
our efforts in the near future on the exploration of
hitherto unknown enhancer-sensitive regulations in the
mammalian brain. The fact that B exerts its specific
enhancer effect in vivo in a dose as low as 0.0001 mg/kg
and on cultured neurons in a concentration as low as 10-
-10-14M, means that we already possess a particularly
suitable experimental tool for such studies.
How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging, 2012, 125-135 125

Author Index
Adams SJ, see Bickford PC
Adham N, see Borowsky B
Agnoli A, 64, 93
Ahlskog JE, 57, 93
Aisen PS, see Lawlor BA
Albano C, see Loeb C
Alexander B, see Ritter JL
Alexopoulos GS, 74, 93
Allain H, 54, 93
Alzheimer A, 62
Amsterdam JD, 73, 93; see Bodkin JA
Angst J, 71, 93
Ansari K, see Tatton WG
Archer JR, 51, 93
Armantero M, see Samuele A
Arttamankul S, see Bunzow JR
Ashford A, see Sandler M
Au WL, see Zhao YJ
Azzaro AJ, 73, 93

Bakhshalizadeh S, 41, 93
Ban TA, ii, 71, 107, 93
Barbui C, see Cipriani A
Basak JM, see Kim J
Barsky J, see Zeller A
Berry MD, see Jordens MG
Bertler A, 46, 93
Bickford PC, 51-52, 93
Bierer LM, see Marin DB
Birkmayer W, 5, 53, 60, 87, 93
Birks J, 64-65, 94, see Wilcock GK
Blackwell B, 3, 94
Blaschko H, xv-xvi, 94
Blott LF, see Azzaro A
Boas J, see Larsen JP
Bodkin JA, 73, 94
Borowsky B, 44, 94
Boulton AA, 44, 94; see Davis BA
Bovet D , 77, 94; see Kelemen K
Bovet-Nitti F, see Bovet D
Boyson P, see Banasr M
Joseph Knoll
All rights reserved-© 2012 Bentham Science Publishers
126 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

Braga CA, 41, 94

Brambilla D, see Le Dougmaguet B
Bremner JD, 70, 94
Bunzow JR, 44, 94
Butler R, see Cipriani A
Burke WJ 64, 94

Campbell S, 65, 94
Campi N, 64, 94
Campion D, 63, 94
Carageorgiou H, 67, 94
Caron MG, see Premont RF
Carlsson A, 45, 94
Chachich ME, see Ingram DK
Chari G, see Zesiewicz TA
Charlet A, see Dobbs SM
Chieuch CC, see Markey SP
Cipriani A, 74, 94
Cohen B, see Cohen G
Cohen G, 37, 95
Cohen RM, see Tariot PN
Cole JO, see Klerman GL
Compton WM, 69, 95
Conway P, see Compton WM
Copeland N, see Wecker L
Costa E, xv, 95, see Wilner J
Crane GE, 71, 95

Dalló J, 51, 95, see Knoll J
Davidson JR, see Matza LS
Davis BA, 44, 95
Davis CM, see Goad DL
Davis M, see Klein DF, see Nies A, see Robinson DS
DePaoli A, see Ruehl WW
Davis SO see Quitkin RT
Dobbs RJ see Dobbs SM
Dobbs SM, 60, 95
Downer RGH, see Boulton AA
Drevets WC, 70, 95
Duman RS, see Banasr M
Dumanchin C, see Campion D
Dunn S, ix, 95
Duvoisin RC, see Heikkila RE
Author Index How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 127

Ebadi M, 37, 95
Ebeling M, see Lindemann L
Eckert B , 45, 95
Ecsery Z, see Knoll J, see Magyar K
Edwards DJ, see Student AK
Ellis CE , see Nussbaum RL
Elsworth JD, 112, 95
Entriken TL, see Ruehl WW
Erdal JE, see Larsen JP
Ernesto C, see Sano M
Esmaeili F, 41, 95, see Bakhshalidzadeh S
Etminan M, 64, 95
Evans J, see Birks J

Fabbrini G, see Agnoli A
Fawcett J, see Sabelli HC
Falsaperla A, 64, 95
Feiger AD, 73, 95
Findi G, see Piccinin GL
Fioravanti M, see Agnoli A
Fischer E, 43, 95
Filip V, 45, 96
Follmer C, see Braga CA
Forno LS, see Langston JW
Fowler CJ, 45, 96
Fouts JE, see Zarow C
Frattola L, see Mangoni A
Freedman M, 64, 96
Freisleben HJ, 51, 96
Fuchs J, see Freisleben HJ
Fuselier CC, see Goad DL

Gainetdinov RR, see Premont RT
Galimberti D, 66, 96
Garret NJ, see Mantle TJ
Gershon S, see Mann JJ
Gibson CJ, 118, 96
Gill S, see Etminan M
Gillott C, see Jordens RG
Glover V, see Elsworth JD, see Sandler M
Gnemmi P, see Monteverde A
Goad DL, 64, 96
Godbold JH, see Olanow CW
128 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

Gold M, see Zesiewicz TA

Goldmann M, see Tanner CM
Goldstein B, see Tariot PN
Gordon MN, 73, 96
Gottfries CG, see Eckert B
Gougnard J, see Allain A
Grassi MP, see Mangoni A
Green C, see Lawlor BA
Greenshow AJ, 44, 96
Grimley J, see Birks J
Grundman M, 64, 96
Gusovsky F, see Sabelli HC

Hafner U, see Stoll S
Hägglund J, see Palhagen S
Haits G, see Tringer L
Hall DWR, 4, 96
Hannequin D, see Campion D
Hardy B, 64, 96
Hare MLC, xvi, 96
Harrison DE, see Archer JR
Harrison W, see McGrath PJ
Hársing LG, 35, 118, 96
Hauger RL, 44, 96
Hayflick L, 30, 96
Head E, 66, 96, see Milgram MW
Healy D, 107
Heikkila RE, 37, 96
Heinonen EH, 53, 96, see Palhagen S
Helkala EL, see Riekkinen PJ
Heller B, see Fischer E
Helmer C, 63, 96
Hess A, see Heikkala RE
Higuchi H, 75, 96
Holland DP, see Tatton WG
Holtzman DM, see Kim J
Hornykiewicz O, see Birkmayer W, see Tong J
Houshmand F, see Bakhshalizadeh S
Hy LX, 63, 97

Ingram DK, 51, 97
Isobe K, see Kitani K
Issekutz B, ix
Ivy GO, see Milgram MW
Author Index How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 129

James S, see Wecker L
Janssen PA, 44, 97
Johannessen JM, see Markey SP
Johnston JP, 4, 97
Joly P, see Helmer C
Jones K, see Borowsky B
Ju WY, see Tatton WG
Juorio AV, see Boulton AA, see Nguyen TV

Kamata M, see Higuchi H
Kanai S, see Kitani K
Kaur J, 39, 97
Keane PE, see Strolin Benedetti M
Kelemen K, x, xii, 97, see Knoll J
Keller DM, see Hy LX
Kim J, 63, 97
Kitani K , 51-52, 64, 97
Kish SJ, see Tong J
Klein DF, 71, 97
Klerman GL, 71, 97
Kline NS, see Loomers HP
Knoll B, x, xi, 97, see Knoll J, see Miklya I
Knoll J, i-ii, x, xiii, xv-xvi, 4, 6-15, 20, 25-29, 36, 40, 43-46, 48-51, 60, 67-68, 76-77, 111-121,
97-100, see Birkmayer W, see Hársing LG, see Kelemen K, see Miklya I, see Shimazu S, see Tóth
V, see Yen TT
Knorring L, see Ebadi M
Koivisto K, see Riekkinen PJ
Kolibas E, see Filip V
Koller W, see Olanow CW
Kondo T, see Mizuno Y
Kozan B, see Campbell S
Kranzlin B, see Shimazu S
Krotochwil NA, see Lindemann L
Kuhn R, 71, 100
Kuhn W, 72, 100
Kumar P, see Elsworth JD
Kummert M, see Knoll J, see Tóth V
Kuno S, see Mizuno Y
Kwan M, see Tatton WG

Langston JW, 36, 101, see Tetrud JW
Larsen JP, 54, 101
Latenneur L, see Helmer C
130 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

Lawlor BA, 64, 101, see Marin DB, see Sunderland T

LeDroumaguet B, 66, 101
Lees AJ, 59-60, 72, 101, see Elsworth JD
LeFevre HF, see Wilner J
Lehr F, see Freisleben HJ
Lenisa S, see Hardy B
Lestage PJ, see Lockhart BP
Leysen JP, see Janssen PK
Liebowitz MR, see Quitkin RT
Liere P, see Schumacher M
Lindemann L, 44, 101
Lockhart BP, 63, 101
Loeb C, 64, 101
Logan BW, see Hall DWR
Loomers HP, 71, 101
Longo VG, see Kelemen K
Lynnes SA, see Zarow C

Magyar K, 4, 111, 101, see Hársing LG, see Knoll J
Mancinin M, see Ricci A
Mangiagalli A, see Samuele A
Mangoni A, 64, 101
Mann JJ, 72, 101
Mantle TJ, 45, 101
Marcusson J, see Fowler CJ
Marin DB, 64, 101
Markey SP, 36, 101
Markó R, see Knoll J
Martin C, 48, 101
Martini E, 64, 102
Martucci N, see Agnoli A
Matsuishi T, see Satoi M
Matza LS, 74, 102
McGeer EG, 46, 102
McGeer PL, see McGeer EG
McGrath PJ, 74, 102
Megens AA, see Janssen PA
Mehta SH, 57, 102
Mendlewicz J, 72, 102
Miklya I , 7-10, 15, 36, 54, 57, 83-84, 122, 102, see Knoll J, see Shimazu S
Milgram MW, 51, 65-66, 114, 102, see Head E
Minami C, see Kitani K
Mizuno Y, 59, 102
Mizuta I, see Ohta K
Molchan S, see Sunderland T
Author Index How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 131

Monici Preti PA, see Falsaperla A

Monteverde A, 64, 102
Morgan SC, see Mehta SH
Mortimer JA, see Zarow C
Mosnaim AD, see Sabelli HC
Mouri A, see Tsunekawa H
Movahedin M, see Esmaeili F
Muller CD, see Gordon MN
Muller T, see Kuhn W
Muggenberg BA, see Ruehl WW
Myllylä V, see Heinonen EH
Myttyla VV, 54, 102

Naukireck HC, see Allain H
Nellis P, see Milgram MW
Nguyen TV, 44, 102
Nies A, 45, 102, see Robinson DS
Nievel J, see Knoll J
Noda Y, see Tsunekawa H
Nussbaum RL, 102

Ohde H, see Knoll J
Ohta K, 37, 102
Ohta M, see Ohta K
Olanow CW, 57, 60, 103
Oliani C, see Falsaperla A
Olin JT, see Schneider S
Oliverio A, see Bovet D
Oreland L, see Fowler CJ

Palhagen S, 54, 103
Palhano FL, see Braga CA
Paljärvi L, see Rinne JO
Parsons GH, see Hall DWR
Pasik B, see Cohen GP
Pataky I, see Martini E
Paul SM, see Hauger RL
Pavluczyk S, see Schneider LS
Peterson IA, see Nguyen TV
Phuapradit P, see Elsworth JD
Piccinin GL, 64, 103
Piccirilli M, see Piccinin GL
Podgorski CA, see Tariot PN
132 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

Ponto LL, 64, 103

Premont RT, 44, 103

Quitkin RT, 74, 103

Racine RJ, see Milgram MW
Rácz D, see Knoll J
Rapaport MH, 74, 103
Rascol O, see Olanow CW
Rebert CS, see Langston JW
Reviczki DA, see Matza LS
Rewilak D, see Freedman M
Reynolds GP, see Elsworth JD
Ricci A, 118, 103
Richter D, see Blaschko H
Rickets K, see Feiger AD
Riederer P, 46, 103, see Birkmayer W
Riekkinen PJ, 64, 103
Rinne JO, 40, 103
Ritter JL, 72, 103
Robinson DS, 45, 103, see Nies A
Robottom BJ, 53, 57, 103
Roccaforte WH, see Burke WJ
Rossi F, see Monteverde A
Röyttä M, see Rinne JO
Ruehl WW, 51, 65, 104
Rusch AJ, see Trivedy MH
Rynn MA, see Feiger AD

Saavedra JM, 43-44, 104
Sabelli HC, 44, 104
Samii A, see Etminan M
Samuele A, 27, 104
Sandler M, xv, 112, 104, see Costa E, see Elsworth JD, see Usdin E
Sano M, 60, 104
Sato N, see Shimazu S
Sato Y, see Kitani K
Satoi M, 44, 104
Saunders JC, see Loomers HP
Scarpini E, see Galimberti D
Scarzella L, see Campi N
Schlossmann H, see Blaschko H
Schneider LS, 64, 104
Author Index How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 133

Selkoe DJ, 64, 104

Sethi KD, see Mehta SH
Sharma D, see Kaur J
Sharma S, see Ebadi M
Shavali S, see Ebadi M
Shaw KM, see Elsworth JD
Sherman KA, see Gordon MN
Shih JC, 45, 104
Shimazu S 37, 44, 122, 104, see Ohta K
Shorter E, 107
Shoulson I, 60, 104
Shulman KI, see Walker SE
Sideris AC, see Carargeorgiou H
Singh R, see Kaur J
Skolnick P, see Hauger RL
Somogyi G, see Knoll J
Sonders MS, see Bunzow JR
Sotaniemi KA, see Myttyla VV
Souguir H, see LeDroumaguet B
Spatz H, see Fischer E
Stewart JW, 74, 105, see McGrath PJ, see Quitkin RT
Stinson FS, see Compton NM
Stoll S, 51, 105
Strocchi P, see Ricci A
Strolin Benedetti M, 45, 105
Student AK, 45, 105
Sudawara Y, see Higuchi H
Sugár J, see Knoll J, see Tóth V
Sunderland T, 64, 105, see Tariot PN
Szilágyi K, see Martini E

Tai C, see Tatton WG
Tailor SA, see Walker SE
Tanigawa A, see Shimazu S
Tanner CM, 63, 105
Tariot PN, 64, 105
Tatton WG, 39, 116, 105
Tekes K, see Hársing LG
Tetrud JW, 54, 114, 105, see Langston JW
Thase ME, see Rapaport MH
Thomas T, 64, 105
Thomas RG, see Sano M
Tímár J, see Knoll J
Tipton KF, see Mantle TJ
Tiraihi T, see Esmaeili F
134 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

Todeschini GP, see Campi N

Tom T, 72, 105
Tong J, 61, 105
Török Z, see Knoll J
Tóth V, 40, 105, see Knoll J
Trettien A, see Campbell S
Tringer L, 72, 105, see Varga E
Trivedy MH, 74, 105
Tsunekawa H, 67, 105

Uitti RJ, see Alskog JE
Usdin E, 44, 105

Varga E, 72, 111, 106, see Tringer L
Vanderberg CM, see Azzaro AJ
Vermetten E, see Bremner JD
Vizi ES, see Hársing LG, see Knoll J, see Magyar K
Vourinen J A, see Myttyla VV
Vythilingam M, see Bremner JD

Wada JK, see McGeer EG
Walker SE, 44, 106
Waters CH, 53, 106
Wecker L, 73, 106
Wee HL, see Zhao YJ
Weil-Engerer S, see Schumacher M
Wengel SP, see Burke WJ
Whitehead A, see Birks J, see Wilcock GK
Wiener HL, see Ingram DK
Wiberg A, see Fowler CJ
Wilcock GK, 65, 106
Wilner J, 43, 106
Wisniewsky SR, see Trivedy MH
Wuketich S see Riederer A

Zarow C, 52, 106
Zeller EA, 71, 106
Zesiewicz TA, 72, 106
Zhao YJ, 59, 106

Xerri T, see Freedman M
Author Index How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 135

Yamada S, see Satoi M
Yasar S, see Knoll J
Yen TT, 50-51, 106, see Knoll J
Youdim MBH, 72, 106, see Birkmayer W, see Mendlewicz J
136 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging, 2012, 136-142

Subject Index
Aging 42-53
- external appearance 42
- decrement of functions 42
- chronological age 42
- physiological age 42
- uphill period of life 26-29
- downhill period of life 26-29
- reparable biochemical lesions of brain aging
-- progressively developing dopaminergic and trace aminergic deficiency
-- enhanced MAO-B activity 44-45
Alzheimer's disease (AD) 62-68
- subtypes 62
- prevalence 63
- sex differences in incidence 63
- geographical differences in incidence 63
- genetic risk factors 63
- morphological changes 64-65
- therapy 64-68
A(1-42) peptide (Abeta peptide) 66
- A(25-35) fragment 38, 67-68, 85
Amphetamines iii, xv, 7-8, 10
- catecholamine releasing effect 13
Amitryptiline 71
Apolipoprotein E (APOE) protein 63
Atypical depression 69-74

(-)-BPAP [R-(-)-1-(benzofuran-2-yl)-2-propylaminopentane]
- enhancer effect 15-17, 78-79
-- specific enhancer effect 15
-- nonspecific enhancer effect 15
-- peculiar dose-dependency of the enhancer effect 17, 78-79
- longevity study 76-86
-- enhanced learning performance 81
-- prolongation of lifespan 82
- protects from the toxic effect of A(25-35) peptide 38, 67-68
- upregulates neurotrophic factor synthesis 121
Bromocryptine 84, 122

Joseph Knoll
All rights reserved-© 2012 Bentham Science Publishers
Subject Index How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 137

Catatonic depression 70
Cheese effect 3-5, 71-72, 111
Clorgyline 84, 112, 127
Cognitive disfunction syndrome (CDS) 65-66
- existence of A plaques 65
- (-)-deprenyl (Anipryl) for treatment in dogs 65
- (-)-deprenyl (Selgian) for treatment in cats 66
Conditioned avoidance response (CAR) 77, 80
Cortical neurons, belonging to
- Group 1 (untrained neurons) xii
- Group 2 (extinguishable conditioned reflex, ECR) xii
- Group 3 (inextinguishable conditioned reflex, ICR) xii
- Group 4 (acquired drive) xii

DATATOP multicenter study of the Parkinson Study Group 53-57, 87-88, 114-
115, 122-123
Dementia with Lewy bodies 62
(-)-Deprenyl (Selegiline) 3-14, 76-89, 107-115, 123
- E250 (original code name) iii, xv, 4, 10, 107-108
- selective MAO-B inhibitory effect 3-5
- catecholaminergic activity enhancer (CAE) effect 6-16
- tyramine inhibitory property 3-5
- absence of catecholamine-releasing property 3-5
- antiaging effect 40, 76-83
- morphological evidence of antiaging effect 40-41, 115
- enhanced production of neurotrophins (NGF, BDNF, GDNF) 37
- longevity studies 17-20, 48-50, 76-86, 90, 112-114, 116
- prolongs of lifespan 51, 82, 113-114, 116-118
-- beagle dogs 51, 118
-- fly (Drosophyla melanogaster) 51, 118
-- mice 51, 116
-- rats
--- Fischer 344 44, 51-52
--- Wistar-Logan 20, 51, 113-114, 116
--- Wistar (Charles River) 82
-- Syrian hamster 51, 118
- enhanced sexual activity 17-20,
- enhanced learning performance 18-19, 80-81
- enhances scavenger function 114
- protects against neurotoxins 36-37, 118
-- MPTP 36-37, 118
-- 6OHDA 35-36, 118
-- DSP4 37, 118
138 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

-- AF64A 37, 118

-- 5,6-dihydroxyserotonin 118
- reduces cell apoptosis 116
- attenuates aging related enhancement in lipid peroxidation products and
lipofuscin accumulation 39
- benefits in the treatment of AD 64-68
-- benefits in the treatment of CDS of aged pet dogs and cats 65-66
-- chance to decrease the prevalence of AD 67-68
- benefits in the treatment of PD 53-61
-- slows the progress of de novo disease (DATATOP study) 53-57
-- potentiates the effect of levodopa in PD (levodopa-sparing effect)
5, 59, 112
-- the danger of improper combination of levodopa with selegiline
-- chance to prevent the manifestation of the disease 59
-- increased life expectancy from the addition of selegiline to levodopa
treatment 60
- benefits in the treatment of MDD 69-75
-- treatment with selegiline transdermal system (STS, Emsam) 72-73
-- chance to decrease the prevalence of MDD 75
Dep-ProTM 86
Desipramine 73
Desmethylimipramine 83, 122
Donepezil 63, 67
Downhill period of life 26-29
- sexual hormones dampen the enhanced activity of the uphill period and
the transition to the downhill period comes into being 30-33
- continuous, slow aging-related decline of catecholaminergic activity
proceeds 27-28
- innate drives xiii
- acquired drives ix-x, xiii

E-250 – see (-)-deprenyl
Enhancer regulation iii, 6-22
- CAE effect 7-16
-- demonstration of the CAE effect of PEA and tryptamine 11
-- demonstration of the ineffectiveness of (-)-deprenyl, (-)-PPAP and (-)-
methamphetamine 8
- natural enhancer substances
-- PEA 11-12
-- tryptamine 11-12
- synthetic enhancer substances
-- PEA-derived: (-)-deprenyl, (-)-PPAP 8-12
Subject Index How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 139

-- tryptamine derived: (-)-BPAP 15-16

- bi-modal, bell-shaped concentration effect curve describes the character
of the enhancer effect 17, 78-79
-- specific enhancer effect 78-79
-- nonspecific enhancer effect 78-79
- enhanced catecholaminergic and serotonergic activity after weaning 26-
- sexual maturity brings back the enhancer regulation in the
catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons to the preweaning level 27-28
- striking difference between the enhancer effect and the
catecholaminergic releasing effect 13-14
- prove that the catecholamine-releasing effect conceals the detectability of
the enhancer effect 13
- remarkable differences in the enhancer sensitivity between
catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons 6-17
Essential changes during life time of mammals 3-25
Estrone 29-33, 64
- dampens enhancer regulation in the catecholaminergic and serotonergic
neurons 30-33
Extinguishable conditioned reflex (ECR) xii

Fluoxetine 53, 72, 84, 122
Fluoxamine 72
Frontotemporal dementia 62

Galantamine 63
Gingko biloba extract 64
Glass-cylinder-seeking drive x-xi
Glass-cylinder-seeking rats x, xiii

Hepatic encephalopathy 44
Hypertensive crisis 3-5

Imipramine 71
Inextinguishable conditioned reflex (ICR) xii, 30
Iproniazid 79

Lazabemide 53, 83-84, 90, 122
- selective MAO-B inhibitor devoid of CAE effect 83-84
140 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

Levodopa 55, 113

Lewy bodies 40, 62
Lipofuscine i, 39
- (-)-deprenyl treatment of aged rats attenuates the aging-related
enhancement in lipid peroxidation products and lipofuscine accumulation
Lithium carbonate 75
- developmental 23-28
- postdevelopmental 23-28

Major depressive disorder (MDD) 69-75
- subtypes 69-70
- hypofunctional state of the catecholaminergic and/or serotonergic
neurons 71-72
Manipulability of the brain ix-xiv
-- glass cylinder seeking rats x-xi
-- suicide killers xiii
Melancholic depression 69, 74
Memantine 63
Monoamine hypothesis of depression 71
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) 3-5
- MAO "type A" 4
- MAO "type B" 4-5
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) 3-5
- MAO-A inhibition 4
- MAO-B inhibition 4

Natural death 23
Neurodegenerative diseases
- Alzheimer’s disease (AD) 62-68
- Parkinson’s disease (PD) 53-61
Neurotrophic factors
- nerve growth factor (NGF) 37
- brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) 37
- glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) 37
- (-)-BPAP upregulates neurotrophic factor synthesis 122
Nialamide 108

Orienting-searching reflex
Subject Index How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging 141

- enhances activity in the uphill period of life 26

Pargyline 108
Parkinson's disease (PD) 53-61, 87-90
- physiological role of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons 57-58
-- a more active nigrostriatal dopaminergic system means a more active
cerebral cortex 58
- role of aging of the dopaminergic system in PD 58
- selegiline in de novo disease 53-57
- summarized results of the DATATOP study 60
- “idiosyncratic prescribing” of selegiline in combination with levodopa
- chance to decrease the prevalence of PD 59
Pergolide 83, 122
Phenothiazines 107
(-)-Phenylalanin, precursor of PEA 72
- combined with (-)-deprenyl 72
-Phenylethylamine (PEA) iii, xvi, 6-10
- enhancer effect 11
Postpartum depression 70
(-)-PPAP 7-9, 55, 109, 115
- enhancer effect 8
- in contrast to estrone and testosterone, leaves enhancer regulation in the
catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurons unchanged 30

Rasagiline 54, 57
- selective MAO-B inhibitor devoid of CAE effect 54
- in contrast to (-)-deprenyl, failed to decrease need for levodopa in PD 57
Refractory depression 70
- prompt, dramatic therapeutic effect in severe refractory depression with
selegiline 75
Requirements for lifelong preventive medication 84-85
Rett’s syndrome 44
Rivastigmine 63, 67

Scavenger function
- (-)-deprenyl enhances scavenger function in the dopaminergic neurons
Schizophrenia 44
142 How Selegiline ((-)-Deprenyl) Slows Brain Aging Joseph Knoll

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) 53, 72

Selegiline, see (-)-deprenyl
Sexual hormones dampen enhancer regulation 29-33
Sexual activity in human males 47-48
Sexual activity (mounting, intromission, ejaculation) in male rats 49-50
Shuttle box 77
- method for measuring the specific and nonspecific enhancer effect of (-)-
deprenyl and (-)-BPAP in vivo 78-79

Tacrine 63
Talent 21
Technical life span (TLS) xv, 25, 42, 76
Testosterone 29-33
- dampens enhancer regulation in the catecholaminergic and serotonergic
neurons 30-33
Tetrabenazine 77-78, 84
D-Tocopherol 56-57, 64, 87, 115, 123
Trace-amines 43
Trace-amine (TA) receptors 44
Transition from life to death 23-25
Transition from uphill to downhill period of life 26-30
Tranylcypramine 108
Tricyclic antidepressants 107
Tryptamine 8-10
- enhancer effect 11-12
Tyramine 3-5, 73, 111-112
- role in “cheese effect” 3

Uphill period of life 23-30

Vascular dementia 62
Vitamin E: see D-Tocopherol

Weaning 24
- enhanced catecholaminergic and serotonergic activity after weaning 26-

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