2019 NWS Summer Newsletter
2019 NWS Summer Newsletter
2019 NWS Summer Newsletter
Inspiration comes to us not only from our own 6 NWS EXHIBITIONS are scheduled for
experience but from seeing anew through celebrating the NWS Centennial 2020! Plan
the eyes and artistic expression of another. now to enter several!
Sharing with each other through exhibitions • Stories of a Century
is essential to the growth of artists; and (Stories from our attics and scrapbooks)
exhibitions have been the heart and soul of Showcase of NWS Eras and Artists
NWS from the beginning. They continue to
be our most important purpose. This year and (Exhibition Dec. 2019 – Feb. 2020)
next, 2019 – 2020, are an indication of NWS Submit NWS stories for consideration
expanding exhibition opportunities for artists. now to Robbie Laird or Penny Hill
In addition to our two major NWS Annual
Exhibitions, a local organization, The South • Visions Adjoin
Bay Watercolor Society, is currently renting NWS and CSPWC Celebrate
the NWS Gallery for their annual exhibition this Anniversaries Together
summer. Exchange exhibition with Canada, shown
in both countries.
This newsletter features images from our
(Exhibition Nov. 2020 – Feb. 2021) September 15 South Bay Waterolor Society
Exhibition closes
There are a lot of committees forming to
help with all facets of our events. Call us October 3 First Thursday Opening
and volunteer to be a part of the fun and International Open Exhibition
INSPIRATION! 18 1:00 PM: NWS Annual Meeting
I hope our paths will cross as we participate (at Double Tree Hotel )
together in one of our NWS events. 2:30-4:00: Program by
I look forward to seeing you there, Awards Judge Brian Rutenberg
(at Double Tree Hotel)
Saturday, Oct 19th, 12:00 – 2:00 pm, Make sure you give them Group code: NW3
Recognition Luncheon, a delicious luncheon
This will take you to a reservation site for the NWS
served in elegant Double Tree style as Awards
event. At the bottom of the page, click the “Book
are presented to our Exhibition Winners and we
a Room” button to make your reservation – the
welcome our New Signature Members to the NWS
dates will show Oct 17 – 21, 2019, however, you
family. Madeo Room, DoubleTree, San Pedro.
can change the dates as per your schedule.
Recognition Luncheon is $55 (taxes and
tip included). For more details, and to make
Reservations and Entrée selection, see the NWS
Saturday, Oct 19th, 2:30 – 6:00 pm, NWS 99th
Annual International Open Exhibition Reception at
the NWS Gallery, 915 S. Pacific Ave, San Pedro.
NWS 2019 Annual Members Exhibition
APRIL 4 – JUNE 23, 2019
Little did the founders of NWS dream of a day when we would be almost 100 year old, and going strong!
A small group of artists on the West Coast, whose mission was to educate and support the medium
of watercolor through exhibitions, now numbers in the thousands of water media artists around the
world. How proud and encouraged they would be to know that we are following that mission with many
exhibitions throughout the year at our home gallery here in San Pedro, in museums and partnering with
societies around the world.
This year we have switched to CaFÉ for our entries system, which has involved fewer volunteer hands on
interaction. It is very user friendly and familiar to most artists. Our administrator for the Members Exhibition
was Hans Groeneveld in Haarlem, Netherlands. There were 75 exhibitors.
Juror for our 2019 Annual Members Exhibition was Kelly Kane, editor-in-chief of Plein
Air magazine and the American Watercolor Weekly newsletter, and former editor-in-
chief of Watercolor Artist magazine, content director for Artists magazine, Drawing,
Acrylic, Artist and Pastel journals.
Gallery hours are Thursday and Friday, 10 am – 2 pm, Saturday & Sunday, noon –
4 pm. Appointments may be made through the gallery. Also our YouTube channel
allows viewing of all accepted works and award winners online at NWS STREAM.
Member Show Awards:
Denny Bond
Lee Wexler Award
Keiko Tanabe
George James Award
What motivated you to join the board of NWS? What is your happiest art moment?
Robbie Laird asked me if I would be willing to be the A juror who connects with my art honors my vision and
interim treasurer. I am a signature member of NWS. all the artists who have carried me forward.
The “other side” of my brain is active in accounting, What piece by another artist is your favorite, or
computerized accounting software and business most memorable?
management. I have the background and experience to I am driven by great Neolithic Art from Ireland, Scotland,
be useful. I was in a position to consider giving my time England — any country on the Northern coasts of
and efforts to NWS as the treasurer. I am enjoying the Atlantic Europe. I visited the Neolithic passage grave of
challenge. Knowth in Ireland and knew I had to dedicate my energy
What inspires you as an artist? to making art.
I love travel and painting. Every year — for 20 years What advice can you give someone wanting a
now — I go to the west coast of Ireland and paint. I have career in the arts?
three trips this year: Ireland, Iceland and Ghost Ranch in Travel and see art first hand. Find art that can entrance
NM. Iceland was a dream come true! you the rest of your life. Find good people to enjoy art
If you couldn’t be an artist, what would you have with you. Art friends are the BEST friends. v
done instead?
Archeologist cataloging in the finds hut… or self-
publishing books… or maybe an artisan bread baker…
What is your favorite painting, and why?
My favorite is Richard Diebenkorn’s Ocean Park #125. I
spent a week with it at the Orange County Museum of
Art. I have been entranced by his art since I was a child.
The Grand Rapids Art Museum has Ingleside from 1963.
What is your favorite painting tool?
My 1 ½” brushes – they make great marks and really
deliver the paint.
Painting in Ireland
• Stipulate your member status (signature or associate)
• ACCOLADES: Submit your information PROPERLY
FORMATTED and in the 3rd person. Use the
Accolades section in this newsletter as a guide. Be
Widely considered to be one of the finest American specific about titles and dates.
painters of his generation, Brian Rutenberg has • ARTICLES will be reviewed for content and
spent forty years honing a distinctive method of relevancy. NWS reserves the right to accept or reject
compressing the rich color and form of his native articles and to edit the contents to fit.
coastal South Carolina into complex landscape
• IN MEMORIAM: NWS will publish one submitted
paintings that imbue material reality with a deep
photo, space permitting.
sense of place.
• CALL FOR ENTRIES: Submitted and applicable to NWS
He is a Fulbright Scholar, a New York Foundation for will be posted on our website.
the Arts fellow, a Basil Alkazzi USA Award recipient, • WE REQUIRE A PERSONAL SUMMARY OF YOUR
an Irish Museum of Modern Art visiting artist ACHIEVEMENTS. A MONTHLY NEWSLETTER WILL
program participant, and has had over two hundred NOT BE GLEANED FOR CONTENT.
exhibitions throughout North America.