Jesus Loves Me Album
Jesus Loves Me Album
Jesus Loves Me Album
Jesus Loves Me
Easy Piano Album III
Hosanna Praise
Jesus Loves Me
I am so glad that our Fa - ther in heav'n, Tells of His love in the Book He has giv'n,
Won - der ful things in the Bi - ble I see; This is the dear - est, that Je - sus loves me.
I am so glad that Je - sus loves me, Je - sus loves me, Je - sus loves me,
I am so glad that Je - sus loves me, Je - sus loves e - ven me.
til the courts of heav - en rang. O the love that
sought me! O the blood that bought me! O the grace that
brought me to the fold, Wondrous grace that brought me to the fold!
arr. Andrew Hsu
Je - sus, my Sav - iour, to Beth - le - hem came,
Born in a man - ger to sor - row and shame;
O it was won - der - ful, blest be His name! Seek- ing for me, for me!
Seek - ing for me, for me! Seek ing of me, for me!
O it was won - der - ful, blest be His name!
Seek-ing for me, for me!
arr. Andrew Hsu
O long I've walked the road of sin With blindness in my eyes; But
when the Lord my heart came in, He did show me the light. Je - sus
Christ healed my sight. I was blind, but, Hal - le - lu - jah, now I see! Je - sus
healed my sight. I was blind, but now I see!
arr. Andrew Hsu
Je - sus keep me near the cross, There a pre - cious foun - tain, Free to all, a
heal - ing stream, Flows from Cal - v'ry's moun - tain.
the cross,
in the cross,
my glo - ry ev - er;Be
Till my rap - tured soul shall find Rest be - yond the riv - er.
All the Way to Calvary
Lyrics: Mrs. W. G. Moyer
Music: I. H. Meredith
arr. Andrew Hsu
Oh, how dark the night that wrapt my spirit round! Oh, how deep the woe my Sav iour found
When His blessed sun - shine flooded all my soul, Bade the dark - ness van - ish: made me whole!
He went for
All the way to Cal - va - ry He went for me,
me, He went for me;
All the way to Cal - va - ry He went for me, He died to set me free.
I hear the Sav - iour say, "Thy strength in - deed is small, Child of
weak - ness, watch and pray, Find in Me thine all in all."
Je - sus paid it all, All to Him I own;
Sin had left a crim- son stain, He washed it white as snow.
arr. Andrew Hsu
I once was a sin - ner with tur- moil with - in, con - demned, trapped and pow - er - less,
liv ing in sin; But then my Lord came down and died on the tree, Oh glo ry! I'm hap py and
free. Now I am free! For - ev-er free!Thus will my proc - la - ma- tion be; I'm
no long - er bound by the shack les of sin! Oh glo - ry to Je - sus! I'm free!
Je - sus, Thy name I love, All oth - er names a - bove, Je - sus, my Lord!
Oh, Thou art all to me; Noth - ing to please I see,
Noth - ing a - part from Thee, Je - sus, my Lord!
great. Like a wa - ter- fall fresh from a - bove, Je - sus, What hap - pi - ness comes from this
spate! Thro' Thy love You be -come flesh on earth, Je - sus, Re- leas - ing Your throne, bright, on
Be -ing bornSon
of Man, un - der law,
Je - sus, Too poor for a place You could
lie. Now my love
is poured out at Thy feet, Je - sus, You sat - is - fy me more than
all, O,Thy beau- ty and good ness ex - cel, Je sus,With joy I a - bide in Thy love.
© Copyright 2014 by A J Music
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Lyrics: Isaac Watts
Music: Lowell Mason
arr. Andrew Hsu
When I sur - vey the won - drous cross,
On which the Prince of glo - ry died,
My rich - est gain I count but loss,
And pour con - tempt on all my pride.
More love to Thee, O Christ! More love to Thee;
Hear Thou the prayer I make On bend - ed knee;
This is my ear - nest plea, More love, O Christ to Thee,
More love to Thee! More love to Thee!
arr. Andrew Hsu
Oh, the bit - ter pain and sor - row That a time could ev - er be, When I
proud - ly said to Je - sus, "All of self, and none of Thee," All of
self and none of Thee, All of self and none of Thee, When I
proud - ly said to Je - sus, "All of self and none of Thee."
arr. Andrew Hsu
I'd rath - er have Je - sus than sil - ver or gold, I'd rath - er be His than have
rich - es un - told; I'd rath - er have Je - sus than hous - es or lands, I'd
rath - er be led by His nail - pierced hand. Than to be the king of a
vast do - main Or be held in sin's dread sway. I'd rath - er have
Je - sus than an - y - thing
This world af - fords to - day.
arr. Andrew Hsu
My Je - sus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine, For
Thee all the fol - lies of sin I re - sign; My
gra - cious Re - deem er, my Sav - iour art Thou; If
ev - er I loved Thee, my Je - sus 'tis now.
arr. Andrew Hsu
Safe in the arms of Je - sus, Safe on His gen - tle breast, There by His love o'er-
shad ed, Sweet - ly my soul shall rest.
Hark! 'tis the voice of
an - gels,
Borne in a song to
O - ver the fields of
glo -
O - ver the Jas - per
sea. Safe in the arms of Je - sus, Safe on His gen - tle breast,
There by His love o'er - shad - ed, Sweet - ly my soul shall rest.
The love of God is great - er far Than tongue or pen can ev - er tell; It goes be
yond the high - est star, And reach - es to the low - est hell; The guilt - y
pair, bowed down with care, God gave His Son to win; His err -ing child He re -con
ciled, And par - doned from his sin. Oh love of God, how rich and pure! How meas- ure
less and strong! It shall for - ev - er - more en- dure, The saints' and an - gels' song.
If you are tired of the load of your sin, Let Je - sus come in - to your heart;
If you de - sire a new life to be - gin, Let Je - sus come in - to your heart.
Just now, your doubtings give o'er; Just now, re - ject Him no more;
Just now, throw o - pen the door;
Let Je - sus come in - to your heart.
arr. Andrew Hsu
I was sink - ing deep in sin, Far from the peace - ful shore, Ver - y deep - ly
stained with - in, Sinking to rise no more; But the Mas - ter of the sea
Heard my des - pair - ing cry, From the wa - ters lift - ed me, Now safe am
I. Love lift - ed me! Love lift - ed me! When noth - ing
else could help, Love lift - ed me. Love lift - ed me!
Love lift - ed me! When noth - ing else could help, Love lift - ed me.
© Copyright 2014 by A J Music
O, How He Loves You and Me
Lyrics & Music: Kurt Kaiser
arr. Andrew Hsu
OHe how
loves you
O how He loves you and me;
He gave His life, what more could He give?
O how He loves you, O how He loves me,
O how He loves you and me.
arr. Andrew Hsu
3 3
O the deep, deep love of Je - sus, Vast, un - mea - sured, bound - less, free!
3 3
Roll - ing as a might - y o - cean In its full - ness o - ver me!
3 3
3 3
Un - der - neath me, all a - round me, Is the cur - rent of Thy love
3 3
Lead - ing on - ward, lead - ing home - ward, To Thy glo - rious rest a - bove!
Were you there when they cru - ci - fied my Lord? Were you there when they
cru - ci - fied my Lord? Oh! Some - times it
caus - es me to trem - ble, trem - ble, trem - ble.
Were you there when they cru - ci - fied my Lord?
The world all a - bout me has now no al - lure: Its pleas - ures bring
pain, Its wis - dom is vain; I seek a foun - da - tion that's steadfast and sure: I'll
put Je - sus first in my life. In all that I say, In all that I
Thro' - out
do, the world of toil and strife, By day and by
night, Thro' trust in His might, I'll put Je -sus first in my life.
arr. Andrew Hsu
There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing its worth; It
sounds like mu - sic in mine ear, The sweet - est name on earth. Oh, how I love
Je - sus, Oh, how I love Je - sus, Oh, how I love
Je - sus, Be - cause He first loved me.
O don't go a-way with - out Je - sus, O don't go a-way with - out Him; You
know He is will - ing to save you, And cleanse from your heart ev -'ry sin; O
yield to His of - fer of mer - cy, O take of the grace He im - parts, And
don't go a - way with - out Je - sus In your heart.
clud - ed me, Yes, He in - clud - ed me, When the Lord said "Who - so - ev - er,"
He in - clud - ed me; Je - sus in - clud - ed me, Yes, He in
clud - ed me,
When the Lord said "Who - so - ev - er," He in - clud - ed
arr. Andrew Hsu
I was lost
but Je sus res-cued me, He's a won-der-ful Sav-iour to
me; I was bound by fear, but Je - sus set me free, He's a won - der - ful Sav - iour to
me. For He's a won - der - ful Sav - iour to me, He's a won - der - ful Sav - iour to
me; I was lost in sin, but
Je - sus took me in: He's a won - der - ful Sav - iour to me.
© Copyright 2014 by A J Music
Jesus Will Walk with Me
Lyrics & Music: Haldor Lillenas
arr. Andrew Hsu
Je - sus will walk with me down thru the valley, Je - sus will walk with me o - ver the plain;
When in the shad - ow or when in the sunshine, If He goes with me I shall not com - plain.
Je - sus will walk with me, He will talk with me; He will walk with me; In
joy or in sor - row, to - day and to - mor - row, I know He will walk with me.
Je - sus my Lord will love me for-ev - er,
From Him no pow'r of
e - vil can sev - er,
He gave His life to ran - som my soul,
Now I be - long to Him;
Now I be - long to
Je - sus, Je - sus be - longs to me,
Not for the years of time a - lone, But for e - ter - ni - ty.
arr. Andrew Hsu
The God of A - braham praise, All prais - ed be His name, Who
was, and is, and is to be,
same! For
The aye the
one e - ter - nal God, Ere aught that now ap - pears; The
First, the Last: be - yond all tho't His time - less years!