Whistle Blower Policy
Whistle Blower Policy
Whistle Blower Policy
In line with above, the Bank had developed a scheme titled “RBL Bank Protected Disclosure
Scheme”, which is currently in force.
The proposed comprehensive Whistle Blower Policy shall replace and supersede all the
existing policies on the subject matter.
RBL Bank Limited, (“the Bank”) believes in the conduct of the affairs of its constituents
in a fair and transparent manner by adopting highest standards of professionalism,
honesty, integrity and ethical behavior.
The Bank is committed to developing a culture where it is safe for all Whistle Blower/s
to raise concerns about any poor or unacceptable practice, wrong doings and any
incidence of misconduct.
The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework to promote responsible and secure
whistle blowing. It protects the Whistle Blower wishing to raise a concern about
irregularities within the Bank.
The policy neither releases Whistle Blowers from their duty of confidentiality in the
course of their work, nor is it a route for taking up a grievance about a personal situation.
This policy will be posted on the Bank’s intranet for the information of its employees.
In addition, an abridged version shall be posted on the Bank’s website.
This Policy is applicable to all employees and Directors of the Bank, and also to third
parties such as suppliers, contractors and vendors, of the Bank.
The Policy has been drawn up so that Whistle Blowers are eligible to make Protected
Disclosure. The Protected Disclosure may be on areas of concern affecting the Bank
and are summarized in paragraph 5.
However, reporting a concern does not automatically provide immunity to the Whistle
Blower, if the person himself / herself is a party to the offense.
The Policy covers malpractices and events which have taken place/ suspected to have taken
place involving, but not limited to:
a) Abuse of authority
b) Breach of contract
c) Manipulation of Bank data/records
d) Financial or compliance irregularities, including fraud, or suspected fraud
e) Criminal offence having repercussions on the Bank or its reputation.
f) Pilferation of confidential/proprietary information
g) Deliberate violation of law/regulation
h) Misappropriation or misuse of Bank funds/assets
Protection to Whistle Blower:
a) Bank will protect Whistle Blower from Unfair Treatment by virtue of
his/her having reported a Protected Disclosure under this Policy.
b) The Bank, as a policy, condemns any kind of discrimination, harassment,
victimization or any other unfair employment practice adopted against
Whistle Blower.
c) Whistle Blower will be protected against any unfair practice like
retaliation, threat or intimidation or termination/suspension of service,
disciplinary action, transfer, demotion, discrimination, any type of
harassment, biased behavior or the like including any direct or indirect use
of authority to obstruct the Whistle Blower’s right to continue to perform
his/her duties/functions including making further Protected Disclosure.
d) The Bank will take steps to minimize difficulties, which the Whistle
Blower may experience because of making the Protected Disclosure.
The identity of the Whistle Blower shall be kept confidential at all times, unless as
required under applicable laws and regulations.
Bank will protect any other Employee/Third Party assisting in the said investigation or
furnishing evidence to the same extent as the Whistle Blower.
Protection under this Policy is available provided that:
The communication/disclosure is made in good faith;
Whistle Blower is not acting for personal gain or animosity against the Subject.
If any person is aggrieved by any action on the ground that he/she is being victimized
due to the fact that he/she filed a complaint or protected disclosure, he/she may file an
application before the Chief of Internal Vigilance or Head Human Resources.
Whistle Blowers, who make any Protected Disclosures, which have been subsequently
found to be mala fide, frivolous or malicious, shall be liable to disciplinary action under
Bank’s Code of Conduct.
All Protected Disclosures can be made in the following manner:
a) By writing an email addressing to [email protected] and the Subject of Email
to be mentioned as “Private and Confidential"
b) By sending a complaint letter in a sealed envelope marked “Private and
Confidential" to the Chief of Internal Vigilance to the following address.
Chairman - MDAC
1.1. In this regard, the Vigilance team may perform all such acts as it may deem
fit at its sole discretion, including, but not limited to the following
1.2. Obtain legal or expert view in relation to Protected Disclosure;
1.3. Appoint external agency to assist in investigation;
1.4. Seek assistance of internal auditors;
1.5. Seek explanation or solicit Subject’s submission on Protected Disclosure
or give reasonable opportunity to respond to Subject on material findings
contained in an investigation report.
1.6. Request for any information /document and explanation from any
employee of the Bank or Third parties as they may deem appropriate for
the purpose of conducting an investigation.
1.7. In case, Vigilance is unable to complete the enquiry/investigation within
prescribed timeline, interim report should be submitted to the stakeholders
giving inter alia, the tentative date of completion.
2. Any inquiry/ investigation conducted against any subject shall not be construed
by itself as an act of accusation and shall be carried out as neutral fact-finding
process, without presumption of any guilt.
3. The inquiry/ investigation shall be conducted in a fair manner and provide
adequate opportunity for hearing to the affected party and a written report of the
findings should be prepared for submission.
4. If the identity and contact details of the Whistle Blower is available, Bank will
inform progress and final outcome of the investigation, within the constraints
of maintaining confidentiality.
5. In case the Protected disclosure made does not have any specific & verifiable
information, the Chief of Internal Vigilance is authorized not to take any action.
This would be suitably recorded and placed before the Board/ACB (“Audit
Committee of the Board”).
6. In case of repeated frivolous complaints being filed by a Director or an
employee or other person allowed under his Whistle Blower Policy, the ACB
may take suitable action against the concerned Director or employee or such
other including reprimand.
6.1. Subject shall co-operate with the investigator and not interfere or
obstruct with the investigation process.
6.2. Conduct Investigation within prescribed timeline from the date of
receipt of complaint as below.
a) All Non-Advances cases to be investigated within three months.
b) All advance cases with sanction value up to INR 1 crore to be
investigated in three months.
c) All advance cases with sanction value above INR 1 crore to be
investigated in six months.
6.3. Once the enquiry is convened, the investigator shall make an
assessment on the Protected Disclosure whether the Bank has a duty to
make a report to any regulatory or enforcement authority under any
law or regulation.
6.4. Once an investigation is complete, a detailed report shall be prepared
after completion of the Investigation and shall include appropriate
recommendation for the management to take action on the Subject. The
report shall be placed by the management at an ACB or MDAC
meeting for review by the members of the respective committee. The
ACB or MDAC may suggest suitable action against the Subject, as it
deems necessary. Provided that if any of the members of the ACB or
MDAC have a conflict of interest in a given case, they should recuse
themselves and the others on the ACB or MDAC would deal with the
matter on hand.
The Whistle Blower, the Subject and Vigilance team and everyone involved in the
process shall:
Non-compliance of the above process may lead to disciplinary action by the Bank.
Chief of Internal Vigilance shall report status of all Whistle Blower cases/protected
disclosures (including NIL report) to the Audit Committee of the Board, together with
results of investigations and an update on the actions taken by the management at least
once every year.
Chief of Internal Vigilance in consultation with Head – Human Resources may amend
Whistle Blower Policy from time to time and place before ACB and Board.