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March 2004 HORIZONTAL - 6

Digestion of Solid Matrices

Desk Study - Horizontal

Kirsten J. Andersen
Monika I. Kisser

Eurofins A/S, Denmark

NÖ Umweltschutzanstalt, Austria
This work has been carried out with financial support from the following EU Member States:
UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Nordic Counsil, Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, EU DG XI
and JRC, Ispra.


2.1 Overview of methods and principles 9
2.2 Partial digestion methods 13
2.3 Selection between methods 14
3.1 Aqua regia digestion 17
3.1.1 Soil 17
3.1.2 Sludge 18
3.1.3 Soil improvers and growing media 19
3.1.4 Waste 20
3.1.5 Water (EN ISO 15587-1) 21
3.1.6 Sludge and sediments (DIN 38 414 S7) 22
3.2 Nitric acid digestion 23
3.2.1 Soil (SS 028311) 25
3.2.2 Water, sludge, and sediment 25
3.2.3 Sediment, sludge, soil and oil (US EPA 3051) 26
3.2.4 Water (EN ISO 15587-2) 26
4.1 General 27
4.2 Aqua regia digestion methods 27
4.3 Nitric acid digestion 31
5.1 Aqua regia digestion method 35
5.2 Nitric acid digestion method 35
5.3 Conclusions and recommendations 36


DATA EN 13657

Table 1 National and international standard methods - total and partial digestion 10
Table 2 Comparison of digestion methods – sand dust 11
Table 3 Comparison of digestion methods – melting dust 12
Table 4 Aqua regia digestion (International standards) 17
Table 5 Short description of the method ISO 11 466 17
Table 6 Short description of the method EN 13346 18
Table 7 Short description of the method EN 13650 19
Table 8 Short description of the methods in EN 13657 20
Table 9 Short description of the method EN ISO 15587-1 21
Table 10 Short description of the method DIN 38 414 S7 22
Table 11 Nitric acid digestion (National and International standards) 23
Table 12 Short description of the method SS 028311 25
Table 13 Short description of the method DS 259 25
Table 14 Short description of the method US EPA 3051 26
Table 15 Short description of the method EN ISO 15587-2 26
Table 16 Evaluation of available ISO and CEN standards resulting in a draft horizontal
standard 30
Table 17 Evaluation of standards for nitric acid digestion in autoclave and proposal for
horizontal standard 33
Table 18 Influence of sample particle size on aqua regia digestion method (Giove 2000) 52
Table 19 Results of the round robin test for validation of EN 13567 53
Table 20 Comparison of reproducibility for all the samples used in the round robin test
for validation of EN 13567 55
Table 21 Data from interlaboratory comparison on two municipal sludge samples.
Particle size < 4 mm. No of participants: 17. 56
Table 22 Data from interlaboratory comparison on two municipal sludge samples.
Particle size < 2 mm. No of participants: 19 (Denmark, Norway and Sweden) 56
Table 23 Results in the Finnish PTs 57

Figure 1 Solubility of silicium during digestion with different acids (van der Sloot, 2003) 14
Figure 2 Comparison of solubility of cadmium under different leaching/extraction
conditions (van der Sloot 2003) 15
Figure 3 List of reference materials for which recovery rates were shown in Hofer, 1997 40
Figure 4 Recovery rate of Arsenic in different matrices by digestion with different acid
mixtures (Hofer, 1997) 41
Figure 5 Recovery rate of Lead in different matrices by digestion with different acid
mixtures (Hofer, 1997) 41
Figure 6 Recovery rate of Chromium in different matrices by digestion with different
acid mixtures (Hofer, 1997) 42
Figure 7 Recovery rate of Cadmium in different matrices by digestion with different acid
mixtures (Hofer, 1997) 42
(Hofer, 1997) 43
(Hofer, 1997) 43
Figure 10 Comparison Cd (HCl/HNO3) and Cd (HF 44
Figure 11 Comparison Cr (HCl/HNO3) and Cr (HF) 45
Figure 12 Comparison Cu (HCl/HNO3) and Cu (HF) 45
Figure 13 Comparison Ni (HCl/HNO3) and Ni (HF) 46

Figure 14 Comparison Pb (HF) and Pb (HCl/HNO3) 46
Figure 15 Comparison Zn (HCl/HNO3) and Zn (HF) 47
Figure 16 Comparison Cd 48
Figure 17 Comparison Cr 49
Figure 18 Comparison Cu 49
Figure 19 Comparison Ni 50
Figure 20 Comparison Pb 50
Figure 21 Comparison Zn 51

Choice of digestion methods
The report in hand concerns an evaluation of the potential for horizontal standardisation for the
digestion of samples prior to the determination of trace elements covering sludge, soil, treated
biowaste and neighbouring fields.

The detailed comparison of standards for the digestion prior to the determination of trace
elements demonstrates the possibility of preparing horizontal standards in this field, however
investigation has to be initiated prior to the establishment.

From an environmental impact evaluation perspective the composition derived from either
"partial" or "total" digestion is hardly relevant, as the fraction which even under extreme
environmental condition will be brought into solution (and made available for plants etc.) is
several orders of magnitude lower. Thus for control purposes or for monitoring or evaluation of
developments in element concentration, the use of "partial" methods are considered acceptable.
However, it is of vital importance that the methods provide comparable results with a
sufficiently high reproducibility for the elements and matter in question.

In many European countries, digestion methods used for solid environmental samples such as
waste, sludge and soil are based on the use of aqua regia in accordance with the relevant
European and International standards for the different areas. However, in some European
countries, e.g. the Nordic countries, the digestion methods are based on the use of nitric acid.
The reason for this choice being the smaller interference effects from using nitric acids on some
of the subsequent analytical procedures.

Aqua regia digestion methods

One major difference in the existing standards is identified. The ISO standard on aqua regia
digestion of soil and the EN standard on digestion of soil improvers and growing media include
only digestion by the use of hot-plate heating, while the EN standards on digestion of waste and
sludge also include methods for microwave heating.

To take into account the developments that have taken place in many European laboratories, the
development of a harmonised horizontal standard that includes both hot-plate heating and
microwave-oven heating (open and closed heating) is proposed. Data exist for waste and sludge
samples that suggest that comparable data can be obtained, but for other matrices more
investigations are needed. Comparability of data is of high importance. An investigation of the
optimum particle size of a test sample is needed for soil, sediment and biowaste.

A draft horizontal standard is described. Sediments, soil, sludge and waste are proposed to be
included in the final scope of the horizontal standard.

Nitric acid digestion method

Autoclave digestion methods exist in the Nordic countries covering sludge and sediment (and
water) and the same standards are generally prescribed for soil and biowaste. An equivalent
method exists in Sweden covering soil samples. Microwave-assisted heating of nitric acid
digests is validated as a US EPA method.

A draft horizontal standard covering nitric acid digestion in an autoclave equipment equivalent
to the existing autoclave heating method has been prepared. It is proposed that sediments, soil,
sludge and waste be included in the final scope of the horizontal standard.

It is suggested that investigations on the comparability of autoclave heating and microwave-
assisted heating be carried out for consideration of a possible inclusion of microwave heating in
the final standard, alternatively exchange of the autoclave assisted heating with microwave
heating. Inclusion of the conditions given in the US EPA methods is suggested.

The overall objective of the European project "Horizontal" is to develop horizontal and
harmonised European standards in the fields of sludge, soil and treated biowaste and to facilitate
regulation of these major streams in the multiple decisions related to different uses and disposal
governed by EU Directives.

The revision of the Sewage Sludge Directive 86/278/EEC, the upcoming Directive on the
Biological Treatment of Biodegradable Waste and the Soil Monitoring Directive calls for
standards on sampling, on hygienic and biological parameters and on methods for inorganic and
organic contaminants and for mechanical properties of these materials.

The work for developing horizontal and harmonised European standards is split up in coherent
Work Packages (WPs), each of which addresses a main aspect of all relevant standards required,
or likely to be required, in EU regulations regarding sludge, biowaste and soil.

The report in hand deals with a desk study under WP 6: Inorganic Parameters: Assessment of
the feasibility of draft horizontal standards for:

• the digestion of samples prior to the determination of trace elements

covering sludge, soil, treated biowaste and neighbouring fields

Existing standards and/or draft standards are assessed and key points where possible differences
exist are identified and the differences evaluated in order to prepare draft horizontal standards.

In addition, assessments of ongoing activities in the relevant CEN/TC workgroups are included
in the project:

CEN/TC 292/WG 3 Waste

CEN/TC 308/WG 1, Sludge

CEN/TC 345, Soil (the TC is newly established)

CEN /TC 223, Soil improvers and growing media

In many European countries, digestion methods used for solid environmental samples such as
waste, sludge and soil are based on the use of aqua regia in accordance with the relevant
European and International standards for the different areas. However, in some European
countries, e.g. the Nordic countries, the digestion methods are primarily based on the use of
nitric acid.

The report in hand covers an evaluation of both principles with a view to the development of
horizontal standards.

2.1 Overview of methods and principles
In most cases, the determination of elements in solid matrices is a combination of a digestion
procedure for dissolution of the elements and subsequent analyses/quantification of the
dissolved elements. Various digestion methods are used for the analysis of elemental
composition of soils, waste, sludge, sediments and biowaste. The digestion methods vary from
"true" total determination using complete dissolution of the solid matrix to methods dissolving
only part of the elements - “partial" digestion and leaves a residual fraction unaffected. Several
of these methods have been developed and described in a prenormative research for the
development of digestion standards for waste (Hofer, 1997). An extract of the evaluation of the
influence of the acid mixtures on the recovery rates of different elements is shown in Annex 1.

Alternative extraction methods are and may be developed in future to provide a quicker or
easier dissolution of the matrix with less chemical consumption. Due to inherent limitations of
the digestion/extraction fluids as opposed to instrumental analysis methods, the “partial”
digestion methods, as well as the "true" total methods for that matter, will be adequate for some
and may have limitations for some other elements.

In the following, the term "digestion" is used for the description of the process instead of terms
that describe different grades of dissolution as extraction, dissolution and destruction. The
process is a combination of oxidation/destruction of organic matter and dissolution of the
mineral phase to a certain extent to bring the elements of interest into solution.

Selected standardized methods for partial and total digestion of metals from solid environmental
matrices, such as soil, sludge and waste, are listed and described in Table 1. Digestion methods
designed to extract the "bio-available" fraction or designed to simulate weathering conditions
are not included. The list includes standards from international and national standardisation
organisations (ISO, CEN, US EPA, ASTM, SS, and DS). The list includes total digestion
methods that uses e.g. hydrofluoric acids and partial digestion methods that uses acid mixtures
(e.g. aqua regia) or only nitric acid.

One alternative to the partial digestion by nitric acid or aqua regia (as focused on in this study)
is digestion with a mixture of hydrofluoric acid (HF) and aqua regia (HCl + HNO3), where,
typically, the materials to be digested are boiled under pressure with acid solutions (e.g. EN
13656). The main advantage of these methods are that for most, but not all, inorganic
components the results in the subsequent analysis are often good indicators of the total content
of these components in the soil or mineral solid waste materials (Annex 1). The results may
therefore, in contrast to the results based on partial digestion, be used for mass balance
calculations and mass stream analyses. Among the disadvantages are, firstly, that only very
small amounts of samples are digested and that, as a consequence, a representative sample may
be difficult to collect and, secondly, that for safety reasons it is necessary to take special
precautions when working with hydrofluoric acid.

Several other digestion methods are available, among which are digestions with other
combinations of strong acids as well as fusion in different alkali solutions. A number of these
methods are used for special purposes and for specific parameters. In addition, there is a number
of non-destructive analytical methods for the determination of the total content of inorganic
components in soil and waste residue matrices. Among these methods are neutron activation
analysis (NAA) and various forms of x-ray fluorescence (XRF). Table 2 and Table 3 illustrate
for a number of elements on 2 samples (sand dust and melting) the degree of solubility achieved
by using different acids on digestion.

Table 1 National and international standard methods - total and partial digestion
Method and reference Solid sample/Matrix Approved or recommended elements
Total dissolution by acid
ISO 14869-1:2001 Dissolution for determination of of total trace Soil, 0.25 g sample The trace elements: Al, Ba, Cd, Cs, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, K,
element content. Part 1: Dissolution with hydrofluoric and Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Sr, V, Zn
perchloric acids
EN 13656:2003: Characterization of waste. Microwave assisted Waste, 0.2-0.5 g sample Al, Sb, As, B, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mg, Mn,
digestion with hydrofluoric (HF), nitric (HNO3) and hydrochloride Hg, Mo, Ni, P, K, Se, Ag, S, Na, Sr, Sn, Te, Ti, Tl, V,
(HCl) acid mixture for subsequent determination of elements in Zn
US EPA 3052: Microwave assisted acid digestion of siliceous and Siliceous, organic and other complex Al, Sb, As, B, Ba, Be, Cd, Ca, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn,
organically based matrices matrices. Up to 0.5 g sample for soils, Hg, Mo, Ni, K, Se, Ag, Na, Sr, Tl, V, Zn
ash, sediments, sludges, and siliceous
ASTM D 3683-94: Standard test method for trace elements in coal Coal and coke ash (coal and coke ashed Be, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, Zn
and coke ash by atomic absorption at 500°C), 0.2 g
Partial dissolution by acid mixtures
ISO 11466:1995: Soil quality – Extraction of trace elements Soil and similar materials, containing Trace elements, not further specified. Reference to: Cd,
soluble in aqua regia less than 20% organic carbon, 3 g sample Cr, Co, Cu, Pb, Mn, Ni, Zn
EN 13657:2001: Characterization of waste. Digestion for Waste, 0.2-0.5 g sample Al, Sb, As, B, Ba, Be, Cd, Ca, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mg,
subsequent determination of aqua regia soluble portion of elements Mn, Hg, Mo, Ni, P, K, Se, Ag, S, Na, Sr, Sn, Te, Ti, Tl,
in waste V, Zn
US EPA 3050B: Acid digestion of sediments, sludges, and soils Sediment, sludge, and soil, 1 g sample Al, Ag, As, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg,
Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, K, Pb, Se, Tl, V, and Zn.
EN 13650:2000: Soil improers and growing media – Extraction of Soil improvers and growing media Interlaboratory trial included: P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, B, Cu,
aqua regia soluble elements Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn, S, Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni
Partial dissolution by nitric acid
Swedish Standard SS 02 83 11: Soil analysis – determination of Soil, up to 5 g sample Not specified. Reference to: Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi,
trace elements in soils – extraction with nitric acid Ca, Cd, Co, (Cr), Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni,
P, Pb, S, Sb, Se, Si, Sn, (Sr), Ti, V, W, Zn, Zr
DS 259, DS 2210: Determination of metals in water, sludge and Sludge and sediments, up to 1 g (dry Not specified. Documentation found re: Ca, Li, Mg,
sediments weight) samples Mn, Ni, Fe, Cr, Cu, Cd, Co, Pb Zn
US EPA 3051: Microwave assisted acid digestion of sediments, Sediment, sludge, and soil, 0.25-0.50 g Al, Ag, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K,
sludges, soils, and oils samples Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, Tl, V, and Zn
Nordic guidelines for Chemical Analysis of Contaminated Soil Soil
Samples . NT Techn report 329:1996

Table 2 Comparison of digestion methods – sand dust
Summary of the mean results in mg/kg for a sample of sand dust, obtained by use of different methods”. N denotes the number of replicates. From Laine-
Ylijoki et al. (1999).

Concentrations, mg/kg sample

Lab. N Method
Al As Cd Co Cr Cu Pb Zn

1 1 XRF (Philips PW2404): Semi-quantitative analysis 80000 <100 <100 <100 32000 880 380 1900
2 2 Decomposition by the use of HF, HNO3 + HCl + H2O, 103000 NA 14 110 37000 830 460 2100
HClO4, Li2CO3 + Li2B4O7 , K2S2O7
1 3 Decomposition by the use of Li2B4O7 87000 - - 57 34000 700 - 1800
1 3 Microwave-assisted digestion (HNO3 + HF + H2O2) 79000 5.7 3.6 53 19000 800 360 1700
9 3 Microwave-assisted digestion (HNO3 + HF + H2O2) (EPA 48000 <13 9 36 18000 1020 560 2400
8 1 Microwave-assisted digestion (HNO3 + H2O2) 17000 4 5 25 280 NA 350 1500
1 3 Aqua regia digestion 29000 6.4 4.1 24 970 780 350 1800
3 3 Aqua regia digestion (DIN38414/7) 28000 50 5 30 690 690 400 1700
4 3 Aqua regia digestion (ISO/DIS 11466) 22000 <15 <10 35 560 640 300 1500
5 3 Acid digestion (HNO3 + HF) 85000 3 2 44 34000 730 540 1900
6 3 Acid digestion (HNO3) 16000 3 4 20 340 580 310 1300
7 1 Acid digestion (HNO3) 20000 <10 4 22 320 730 380 1500

NA = not analysed

Table 3 Comparison of digestion methods – melting dust
Summary of the mean results in mg/kg for a sample of melting dust by the use of different methods. N denotes the number of replicates. From Laine
Ylijoki et al. (1999).

Concentrations, mg/kg sample

Lab. N Method
Al As Cd Co Cr Cu Pb Zn

1 1 XRF (Philips PW2404): Semi-quantitative analysis 9700 <100 <100 <100 <100 1200 1900 89000
2 2 Decomposition by the use of HF, HNO3 + HCl + H2O, 9400 NA 63 100 220 1800 2900 130000
HClO4, Li2CO3 + Li2B4O7, K2S2O7
1 3 Decomposition using Li2B4O7 7800 NA NA 71 NA 1 400 NA 110000
1 3 Microwave-assisted digestion (HNO3 + HF + H2O2) 7200 77 43 59 130 1 800 2700 130000
9 3 Microwave-assisted digestion (HNO3 + HF + H2O2) 6000 110 81 79 150 2 200 3800 146000
(EPA 3052/96)
8 1 Microwave-assisted digestion (HNO3 + H2O2) 2400 55 61 37 33 NA 2600 130700
1 3 Aqua regia digestion 4900 77 44 51 71 1500 2000 120000
3 3 Aqua regia digestion (DIN38414/7) 4900 54 59 74 84 1600 2500 109000
4 3 Aqua regia digestion (ISO/DIS 11466) 4000 79 52 84 94 1500 2800 130000
5 3 Acid digestion (HNO3 + HF) 9600 64 66 63 240 1400 3100 120000
6 3 Acid digestion (HNO3) 2800 55 42 32 40 1300 2400 107000
7 1 Acid digestion (HNO3) 2900 64 47 31 38 1600 2800 140000

2.2 Partial digestion methods
One reason why for many years partial digestion methods have been used to describe element
compositions in various solid matrices in preference to "total" digestion methods is pragmatism
driven by a concern for the potential hazards of using hydrofluoric acids.

Partial digestion methods are empirical in the sense that the final results may be determined by a
number of factors defining the method. They should at least dissolve the organic matter and the
easily digestible inorganic compounds in the sample. Depending on the composition of the
sample they can even lead to results similar to those of the “total” digestion methods for some
matrices (Annex 2A) or correlation factors can be determined for the different elements (Annex
2B). There are various different partial digestion methods with different combinations of acids,
amounts of acids, energy source for heating, time period for heating etc. The two group of
digestion methods (aqua regia methods and nitric acid methods) considered in the present study
only represent part of the available methods; however, the nitric acid methods and the aqua
regia methods are among the most frequent methods being standardized.

Considering the partial digestion methods. Some parts of the matrix may be left un-dissolved
(e.g. silicates) leading to results differing from 100% dissolution and differing for each element
considered (Annex 1). Elements are associated with different fractions of the solid sample (soil,
sludge or waste), such as the silicate fraction, exchangeable fraction, carbonates, iron,
manganese and organic matter. Therefore, a situation exists where different acids do not have
the same potential for dissolution of all elements, so pragmatism is needed if there is a wish to
use the same digest for the analyses of a broad range of elements. One acid or combination of
acids preferable for some elements might be less appropriate for other elements.

Kind and amount of acids or combinations of acids used are key factors determining the rate of
dissolution of refractory matrices. Another factor is the kinetic driving the reactions. In order to
optimize the reactions and conditions, an external energy input to the system is generally
necessary. It may be a hot-plate heating in either open or closed vessels combined with high
pressure or it may be microwave-assisted heating in open or closed vessels. Conventionally,
hot-plate heating was used, but recently, microwave-heating digestion systems have become
more common and methods for this technique have been standardized during the last years.

As a consequence of more digestion methods having been standardized during the years and
used on a routine basis, a horizontal and modular approach within the field of water analyses
(wastewater, ground water, drinking water, etc.) was developed within CEN and ISO. The new
approach aimed at defining in the standard the conditions for digestion that could take new and
modern equipment into account. The standard (EN ISO 15587, part 1 and 2) defines the energy
input to the system and defines the acid composition. Energy sources can then be selected,
provided that the energy input for the given time period is achieved. The standard only makes
distinctions between open digestion (at the boiling point – e.g. hot plate or microwave oven) or
closed digestion (at high pressure – e.g. microwave oven or autoclave).

Two different principles for partial digestion are evaluated in the present study: Nitric acid and
aqua regia (mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid). Aqua regia standard methods are
presently implemented for most of the matrices considered in most of the present EU countries;
however, nitric acid is the method of choice for partial digestion in the Nordic countries. Thus,
historic data are in many countries based on partial digestion using aqua regia and in others
based on nitric acid digestion. For this reason, both acids and acid mixtures are evaluated for the
present study.

2.3 Selection between methods
The key question in relation to judging the suitability of a specific method for a particular
purpose is what type of information the method should provide. Another aspect is to identify the
purpose of the method. If the intention is to judge the environmental properties of a material in
relation to exposure of humans or the ecosystem to elevated concentrations of undesirable
constituents, then neither the "partial" nor the "total" digestion methods are the proper
assessment tools, as the total composition is in no way related to the release of substances from
soil, sludge or biowaste under any given set of environmental exposure condition. In that case,
the release of contaminants under simulated environmental conditions or test of bio-availability
of constituents are more appropriate measures.

To put the latter aspect in a context for discussion, data on total and partial destruction methods
applied to soil, sediment, compost, and sewage sludge (from the EU project on harmonization of
leaching/extraction tests) have been plotted in linear and log scale relative to leaching as a
function of pH (van der Sloot, 1998 and van der Sloot et al, 2003 - deskstudy no. 23). This has
been done for a range of metals, oxyanions, major and minor components. The variability in
composition of several constituents brought into solution is relatively small, even for different
destruction methods, when judged in the broader context of environmental effects. There are
some typical elements that are very sensitive to certain extractants (van der Sloot 1998). Silicate
is very responsive to HF but silicium (Si) is to a minor extent brought into solution by using
aqua regia and nitric acid. Because of their partial incorporation in the Silicate matrix, vanadium
(V) and chromium (Cr) may vary with the extent to which Si is dissolved by a specific “partial”
digestion method.


[Si] (mg/kg)

100 Own

1 3 5 7 9 11 13

Aqua Regia
HNO3 Bomb
Aqua Regia/HF/ Boric acid Microwave

Figure 1 Solubility of silicium during digestion with different acids (van der Sloot, 2003)

Figure 2 illustrates the situation on solubility of cadmium from a sludge sample when a different
extraction media is used, ranging from the stronger digestion media of hydrofluoric acid and
perchloric acid to leaching tests that simulates natural leaching conditions. The stronger
digestion methods show solubilities of up to 104 times the amounts brought into solution in
leaching tests. The solubility obtained when aqua regia and nitric acid digestions are used are
comparable to that of the "total" digestion when hydrofluoric acid is used. Data from extraction
studies for other elements may be seen from the desk study on leaching tests (van der Sloot,

By comparing the potential total and partial leachable (extractable) and leaching with water at
controlled pH, it is seen from that study that from an environmental impact evaluation
perspective the total composition (and the composition derived from partial digestion) is hardly
relevant, as several orders of magnitude difference may exist between the total composition (and
partial composition) and fraction that under even extreme environmental conditions in the
relevant pH range for the materials will be leached to the environment. From this perspective,
the choice of the partial destruction method may be less critical than deciding what information
is really important from an environmental impact evaluation perspective.


[Cd] (mg/kg)

Own pH



1 3 5 7 9 11 13
Aqua Regia
HNO3 Bomb
Aqua Regia/HF/ Boric acid Microwave

Figure 2 Comparison of solubility of cadmium under different leaching/extraction conditions

(van der Sloot 2003)

For mass balance purposes or other cases, where the total content is of importance, “total”
digestion methods or XRF has to be applied, otherwise the “partial” methods are judged
sufficient. Different "partial" methods can be used provided that the methods lead to comparable
results for given matrix.

Much data material shows that aqua regia and nitric acid digestions provide close to 100% of
the total element composition depending on the matrix considered. (Exceptions are e.g. element
bound to silicate matrix as shown above). For environmental analysis partial digestion fits for
the purpose. To achieve comparable results by a certain method the conditions of the procedure
should be defined clearly, in order to keep the reproducibility of the digestion step in a
reasonable range.

Among other factors, the uncertainty of the determination step is influenced by the composition
of the digestion solution and also depends on the method of determination. In general, the
determination of trace elements by the use of graphite furnace atomic absorption (HGAAS) or
inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICPMS) exhibits major interference effect for a number
of elements, whereas flame atomic absorption (FAAS) and optical emission spectrometry (ICP-
AES) generally exhibit less effects (but have higher detection limits). However, the
consideration of interference effect differs from element to element. For digestion solutions the
major interferences originates from the acids used for digestion. An important interference,
which is related to aqua regia in particular, is the interference from high chloride concentrations
in the extract on ICPMS and HGAAS determinations. Thus the choice of digestion method is

not only a question of the digestion itself; proper consideration also needs to be given to the
subsequent determination step.

The uncertainties on the measurement of trace element composition in solid matrices consist of
uncertainty from the digestion step and the uncertainty from the determination step. The
combined uncertainties may be seen from the results from interlaboratory studies, however,
often the data do not leave the possibility to determine the size of uncertainty coming from the
digestion and the uncertainty attributed to the determination. The distinction between the two
uncertainty elements is only possible in interlaboratory studies where the participating
laboratories receive both a solid sample and the same digested sample (Annex 2E) or in studies
where the laboratories conduct the digestion step and analysis is done by one central laboratory
with the same method for all samples.

3.1 Aqua regia digestion
Aqua regia is an acid mixture containing three volumes of concentrated hydrochloric acid and
one of nitric acid. It is commonly used for digestion of solid samples and subsequent analysis of
elements as it has a strongly oxidising effect. Nevertheless, the analysed concentration after
aqua regia digestion cannot be called "total content" for the dissolution is not complete for all
kinds of matrices. Especially elements bound to the silicate matrix will not be totally
solubilized. Therefore, some experts speak of aqua regia extraction for the subsequent analysis
of the aqua regia soluble portion of elements.

The organic matrix is usually totally dissolved by aqua regia, proven by several studies
(validation data EN 13346 and EN 13657) where a comparison of analytical data of sewage
sludge digested with aqua regia and hydrofluoric acid (mixture) – normally regarded as total
dissolution – was conducted.

For aqua regia digestion of different materials, the following international standards have been

Table 4 Aqua regia digestion (International standards)

Soil Sludge Biowaste Waste Water
ISO 11466 EN 13346 EN 13650 EN 13657 EN ISO 15587-1

The degree of dissolution of the solid sample with aqua regia depends on the input of energy
and the reaction time as well as on the matrix and grain size of the sample. The cited methods
differ in some of these parameters. They were prepared for different matrices and use different
energy sources: ISO 11 466 and EN 13650 describe only methods by thermal heating while in
EN 13346, EN 13657 and EN ISO 15587-1 it is allowed to use either thermal heating or energy
supply by a microwave oven. The main points are described in the following short descriptions
of the different methods:

3.1.1 Soil
Reference: ISO 11466 Soil quality – Extraction of trace elements soluble in aqua regia

Table 5 Short description of the method ISO 11 466

ISO Standard: Soil quality – extraction of trace elements soluble in aqua
regia (ISO, 1995)
Country ISO member countries world-wide
Materials/matrices Soil and similar materials, containing less than 20% organic carbon
Pre-treatment According to ISO 11464 or mill and sieve through the 150 µm sieve
Sample size 3 g milled sample with particle size less than 0,115 mm
Reagents H2O
HCl (12.0 mol/L, density ≈ 1.19 g/L)
HNO3 (15.8 mol/L, density ≈ 1.42 g/L)
Procedure Weigh sample into reaction vessel, moisten with 0.5 – 1.0 mL of water
add, while mixing 21 mL HCl followed by 7 mL HNO3 drop by drop. Add
15 mL dilute HNO3 (0.5 mol/L) to the absorption vessel and connect with
reaction vessel and allow to stand for 16 h at room temperature. Raise
temperature until reflux conditions and maintain for 2 h, then allow to
cool, add contents of the absorption vessel to reaction vessel via

condenser, rinse with further 10 mL dilute HNO3 (0.5 mol/L), decant
relatively sediment-free supernatant carefully through filter and collect
filtrate in volumetric flask. Wash insoluble residue onto the filter paper
with nitric acid, collect this filtrate with the first.
Modifications/ Materials containing more than about 20% organic carbon require
alternatives treatment with additional HNO3
Approved elements Trace elements not further specified. Reference to Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Pb,
Mn, Ni, Zn
Analysis method AAS techniques
Other comments
Updated and supplemented from Nordtest techn. report 446 (Hjelmar et al, 1999)

For soil samples, usually the fraction <2 mm is used for further sample preparation (air drying,
grinding, sieving). A note in paragraph 3 Principle states that for some soil types experience has
shown that there is little difference between the results before and after grinding.

3.1.2 Sludge
Reference: EN 13346 Characterisation of sludge – Determination of trace elements and
phosphorus – Aqua regia extraction methods

The standard describes 4 different methods for digestion, two using conventional heating, and
two using microwave oven.

Table 6 Short description of the method EN 13346

Characterisation of sludge – Determination of trace elements and
phosphorus – Aqua regia extraction m
Materials/matrices Sludge and sludge products
Pre-treatment Weigh a representative amount of the wet sample, to give a sufficient dry
mass for the method used, in a porcelain dish and prepare it according to
EN 12880. Take the dried sample and grind with contaminant free pestle
and mortar or mill. Keep the sample under dry conditions.
Variations: air-drying or freeze-drying
Sample size Method A: Approximately 3 g, weighed to the nearest 0.001 g
Method B: Approximately 0.5 g, weighed to the nearest 0.001 g
Method C: Approximately 0.3 g to 1 g, weighed to the nearest 0.001 g
Method D: Approximately 0.5 g to 1 g, weighed to the nearest 0.001 g
Reagents Deionized or distilled water purity grade 2 of EN ISO 3696
HCl (12.0 mol/L, about 37% (m/m), _ _ 1.18 g/mL)
HNO3 (15.8 mol/L, about 65% (m/m), _ _ 1.42 g/mL)
Procedure Method A: Transfer sample to the 250 mL reaction vessel. Moisten with
about 0.5 mL to 1.0 mL of water and add 21 (± 0.1) mL of HCl followed
by 7 (± 0.1) mL of HNO3. Connect the condenser to the reaction vessel,
leave at room temperature until any effervescence has almost settled (?).
Transfer to the heating device and raise the temperature of the reaction
mixture slowly to reflux conditions and maintain for 2 h ensuring that the
condensation zone is lower than 1/3 of the height of the condenser, then
allow to cool. Rinse the condenser into the reaction vessel with 10 mL of
Method B: Transfer the sample to the 50 mL glass tube. Add 1.0 (± 0.1)
mL of water to wet the sample. Carefully run 6 (± 0.1) mL of HCl down
the side of the tube followed by 2.0 (± 0.1) mL of HNO3. Place the tube in
the heating apparatus and adjust the control so that the sample gently
refluxes. After 10 (± 2) min., wash down the sides of the tube with about 5
mL of water. Reflux for a further 5 (± 1) min., then remove the tube from

the block. Allow cooling and make up to volume with water. Stopper the
tube and mix by inversion. Transfer the digested sample into a suitable-
sized volumetric flask and dilute to the mark with water.
Method C: Transfer the sample to the vessel. Add (2 ± 0.1) mL HNO3
and 6 (± 0.1) mL of HCl. Place cover and spring on the top of the vessel.
Weigh the reaction vessel to the nearest 0.1 g. Place it in the rotor. Place
the rotor in the microwave oven and start the digestion programme. Cool
the rotor to room temperature. Check the mass of the vessel and the
condition of the safety membrane or cover. Control that the loss of mass
does not exceed 10% (m/m) of the initial mass. Open the vessel slowly
under fume extraction. Transfer the digested sample into a suitable-sized
volumetric flask and dilute to the mark with water.
Method D: Transfer the sample into the vessel, add the acids according to
the programme chosen, cap the vessel with the reflux column and place
the vessel in the microwave unit and run the programme. At the end of the
microwave programme, allow the vessel to cool to room temperature.
Uncap and vent under fume extraction. Transfer the digested sample into a
suitable-sized volumetric flask and dilute to the mark with water.
Modification/ 4 methods in the standard
Approved elements As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn and P
Analysis method Spectrometric techniques: AAS, ICP-OES, ICP-MS
Other comments
Updated and supplemented from Nordtest techn. report 446 (Hjelmar et al, 1999)

3.1.3 Soil improvers and growing media

Reference: EN 13650 Soil improvers and growing media – Extraction of aqua regia soluble

Table 7 Short description of the method EN 13650

Soil improvers and growing media – Extraction of aqua regia soluble
Materials/matrices Soil improvers or growing media
Pre-treatment Take approximately 5 g of the sample prepared in accordance with EN
13040:1999, clause 9, and grind the sub-sample by using a mill until all
the sub-sample has passed through a 500 µm sieve
Sample size Approximately 1 g to 3 g, to the nearest 0.001 g
Reagents HCl (12 mol/L; 1.18 g/mL; 37% mass/volume)
HNO3 (15 mol/L; 1.42 g/mL; not less than 65% mass/volume)
Procedure Weigh the test sample into the reaction vessel. Moisten with about 0.5 mL
to 1.0 mL water. Add while mixing, 21 mL of HCl followed by 7 mL
HNO3. Leave at room temperature for 16 h. Add a few roughened glass
beads and place the reaction vessel on a cool heating apparatus. Raise the
temperature of the reaction mixture slowly until reflux conditions are
reached and maintain for 2 h ensuring that the condensation zone is lower
than 1/3 of the height of the condenser, then allow to cool. Transfer the
contents of the reaction vessel to a 100 mL volumetric flask. Wash the
reaction vessel at least three times with water by decanting each washing
into the volumetric flask before adding the next. Dilute to the mark with
water and mix. Leave until most of any insoluble residue settles out of
suspension. Decant the relatively sediment-free supernatant onto a filter
paper discarding at least the first 10 mL of filtrate.
Modification/ If there is more than 0.85 g of organic matter (corresponding to about 0.5
alternatives g of organic carbon) in the test sample, then reduce the quantity of sample

analysed or proceed as follows. Leave the first reaction with aqua regia to
subside. Then add an extra 1 mL of nitric acid only to every 0.17 g of
organic matter above 0.85 g. Do not add more than 10 mL of nitric acid at
any time, and leave any reaction to subside before proceeding further. If
there is any doubt about the amount of organic matter present, carry out a
determination according to EN 13039.
Approved elements Elements not further specified. Reference to P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, B, Cu, Fe,
Mn, Mo, Zn, S, Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni
Analysis method ICP-AES, AAS, flame emission spectrometry, photometry
Other comments
Updated and supplemented from Nordtest techn. report 446 (Hjelmar et al, 1999)

3.1.4 Waste
Reference: EN 13657 Characterisation of waste – Digestion for subsequent determination of
aqua regia soluble portion of elements

Table 8 Short description of the methods in EN 13657

Characterisisation of waste – Digestion for subsequent determination of
aqua regia soluble portion of elements in waste (European Standard, 2002)
Materials/matrices Waste
Pre-treatment The test portion without any pre-treatment, if possible. Only if the test
portion is representative for the laboratory sample and the effectiveness of
the digestion is proven. If not, pre-treatment of the laboratory sample
without changing the concentration of the elements of interest. Pre-
treatment should include drying or grain size reduction to a particle size
below 250 µm for solid waste or homogenizing by the use of a high-speed
mixer or sonification for liquid samples.
Sample size 0.2 – 0.5 g for closed microwave digestion
0.2 - 1.0 g for semi-open microave digestion
1 - 10 g for thermal heating in reflux system
Reagents H2O
HCl (35 – 37% (m/m)
HNO3 (65 – 70% (m/m)
Procedure Microwave-assisted digestion in closed vessels:
Weigh sample into vessel, if necessary moisten with minimum of water,
add 6 mL of HCl and 2 mL of HNO3, close and transfer vessel into
microwave unit and heat for 2 min. at 250 W, 2 min. at 0 W, 5 min. at 250
W, 5 min. at 400 W and 5 min. at 500 W. Let vessel cool to room
temperature. Confirm that no loss of digestion solution occured during the
procedure (e.g. by control of burst membrane, referring to the
manufacturer's specifications or controll of mass). Otherwise, the samples
have to be discarded. Uncap and vent each vessel in a fume hood, then
transfer into a volumetric flask and fill to the mark.
Microwave-assisted digestion in semi-open vessels:
Transfer the digestion vessels into the microwave-unit cavity according to
the manufacturer's instructions and start the following digestion
procedure. Add 9 mL HCl and 3 mL HNO3 and heat for 15 min. at 40 W,
then add again 9 mL HCl and 3 mL HNO3 and heat for 15 min. at 40 W.
Leave the vessels to cool down to room temperature. Transfer into a
suitable-sized volumetric flask and dilute to the mark.
Thermal heating digestion in reflux system:
Add HCl followed by nitric acid. The mass: volume ratio between sample
and acid mixture shall be 1:10. Connect the condenser to the reaction

vessel, fill the absorption vessel with aqua regia. Connect the absorption
vessel to the condenser and leave at room temperature until effervescence
has settled. Raise the temperature of the reaction mixture slowly to reflux
conditions and maintain for 2 h, then allow to cool. Add the content of the
absorption vessel to the reaction vessel via the condenser, rinsing both the
absorption vessel and condenser with further 10 mL of diluted nitric acid.
If the digested mixture contains particles, the sample may be centrifuged,
allowed to settle or be filtered. In the case of filtration, dilute the content
of the vessel before filtering, rinse and then dilute to the mark of the
volumetric flask.
Modification/ 3 methods in the standard
Approved elements Al, Sb, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mg, Mn, Hg, Mo, Ni, P,
K, Se, Ag, S, Na, Sr, Sn, Te, Ti, Tl, V, Zn
Analysis method AAS-methods, ICP-OES and ICP-MS
Other comments
Updated and supplemented from Nordtest techn. report 446 (Hjelmar et al, 1999)

3.1.5 Water (EN ISO 15587-1)

Reference: EN ISO 15587-1 Water quality – Digestion for the determination of selected
elements in water – Part 1: Aqua regia digestion

Table 9 Short description of the method EN ISO 15587-1

Water quality – Digestion for the determination of selected elements in
water – Part 1: Aqua regia digestion
Materials/matrices Water
Sample size 25 mL
Reagents H2O
HCl (35 – 37% (m/m)
HNO3 (65 – 70% (m/m)
Procedure 2 digestion principles:
Digestion in an open system
Digestion in a closed system
Modification/ 4 methods of energy input given as informative annexes:
Alternatives Digestion in an open system by the use of electrical heating
Digestion in an open system by the use of microwave-assisted heating
Digestion in a closed system by the use of microwave-assisted heating
Digestion in a closed system by the use of an autoclave
Approved elements Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P,
Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr, Tl, V, Zn
Analysis method -
Other comments Equation for the ratio between digestion period and digestion temperature

This standard describes 2 methods for aqua regia digestion of water samples – closed vessel and
open vessel. The method is developed for water of low content of suspended solids and may not
prove comparable to methods developed for solid samples, due to dilution of digestion solution.
The digestion in open vessels prescribe a digestion time period of ? hours. For the closed
vessel digestion, an equation describes a relation between the temperature of the digestion
vessel and the time needed for digestion, thus enabling laboratories to choose. No information
has been identified as to the applicability of this method (or the principle in it) for solid
environmental samples.

Additional to the mentioned international standards there are several national standards on aqua
regia digestion available in the member states. One example is DIN 38 414 S7 from 1983 for
sludge and sediments.

3.1.6 Sludge and sediments (DIN 38 414 S7)

Reference: DIN 38 414 S7: Sludge and Sediments (Group S). Digestion using aqua regia for
subsequent determination of the acid-soluble portion of metals (S7)(DIN,1983)

Table 10 Short description of the method DIN 38 414 S7

Method German standard method: Sludge and Sediments (Group S).
DIN 38 414 S7 Digestion using aqua for subsequent determination of the acid-soluble
portion of metals (S7) (DIN, 1983)
Country Germany
Materials/matrices Sludge and sediment samples
Sample size 3 g milled sample with particle size less than (0.1 mm)
Reagents H2O
HCl (density = 1.19 g/mL)
HNO3 (density = 1.40 mg/L)
Procedure Weigh sample into reaction vessel, moisten with little H2O, add while
mixing 21 mL HCl, followed by 7 mL HNO3, add 10 mL dilute HNO3 to
the absorption vessel and connect with reaction vessel and leave for
several hours at room temperature. Raise temperature until boiling
conditions and maintain for 2 h, then allow cooling. Add contents of the
absorption vessel to reaction vessel via condenser, rinse with further 10
mL dilute HNO3, decant relatively sediment-free supernatant carefully
through filter and collect filtrate in volumetric flask for analysis

Modification/ Materials containing more than about 20% organic carbon require
alternatives treatment with additional HNO3
Approved elements Elements not further specified. Reference given to other DIN Standards
Approved elements Reference given to other DIN Standards
Other comments
Updated and supplemented from Nordtest techn. report 446 (Hjelmar et al, 1999)

3.2 Nitric acid digestion
Nitric acid digestion results in dissolution of many common metals and is especially useful for
oxidation of organic matter. Nitric acid is manufactured in very pure form with a very low
content of trace element. Furthermore, nitric acid is the acid of choice considering the low
interference effect in respect to many subsequent analytical methods. This makes it very suitable
for analytical chemistry purposes. Due to the strong oxidising effect and low interference effect
in the subsequent analysis it is commonly used for digestion of solid samples. Since this method
is a partial method and not intended to accomplish total decomposition of the sample, the
extracted element concentration may not reflect the total content in the sample. Like aqua regia,
especially silicate matrix will not be totally solubilized. The fraction dissolved may be described
as the "nitric acid soluble portion" of elements in a given matrix.

For nitric acid digestion of different environmental matrices the following international and
national standards have been identified:

Table 11 Nitric acid digestion (National and International standards)

Soil Sludge Sediment Water
SS 02 83 11 SS 02 81 50, 2.ed. SS 02 81 50, 2.ed. EN ISO 15587-2
US EPA 3051 DS 259, DS 2210 DS 259, DS 2210 SS 02 81 50
US EPA 3050B + equivalent + equivalent DS 259, DS 2210
Norwegian and Norwegian and + equivalent
Finnish standards. Finnish standards. Norwegian and
US EPA 3051 US EPA 3051 Finnish standards
US EPA 3050B US EPA 3050B
Updated and supplemented from Nordtest techn. report 446 (Hjelmar et al, 1999)

A majority of the presented methods for nitric acid digestion as shown in Table 11 is based on
the use of autoclave heating at 120ºC or 200 kPa (closed vessel digestion). However, during the
last years microwave techniques have been taking over. The EN ISO 15587-2 is a modular
international standard in which the digestion is defined from the energy input (defined for open
and closed digestion by the temperature and the digestion time period), coming from e.g.
autoclave digestion, open vessel on a heating block or digestion in a microwave oven.

US EPA 3051 describes a method on microwave digestion of soil, sludge and sediment using
nitric acid. It provides a rapid multielement digestion technique and an alternative to methods
using hydrochloric acid (such as US EPA 3050 A or equivalent EN standards). It is developed
due to the analytical problems encountered in the analysis of hydrochloric acid based digest by
the subsequent analytical procedures – graphite furnace atomic absorption (GFAAS) and
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). The use of GFAAS and ICPMS are
especially relevant for solid samples of low content of elements (e.g. clean soil) requiring low
detection limits and for the analyses of arsenic and selenium in solid samples. USA EPA 3050B
is a hot plate digestion method, in which there is a choice between nitric acid and hydrochloric
acid digestion, depending on the detection limit requirements. For arsenic and selenium only
nitric acid digestion is prescribed. The method again reflects that nitric acid is superior for
elements requiring GFAAS and ICPMS determination.

The nitric acid digestion method by the use of autoclave has been selected as the method of
choice in "Nordic guideline for chemical analyses of contaminated soil samples". Prior to
publication, the method was validated in an interlaboratory comparison with 26 participants
from the Nordic countries. The method was validated for As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, and Zn.
(Karstensen, 1996).

Numerous data based on the digestion with nitric acid in combination with autoclave digestion
are available from interlaboratory comparisons and can be used for characterization of the
method in respect to analyses of soil, sludge, and sediment. Fewer data exist for waste.

3.2.1 Soil (SS 028311)
Reference: SS 028311 Soil analysis – determination of trace elements in soils – extraction with
nitric acid.

Table 12 Short description of the method SS 028311

Swedish Standard: Soil analysis – determination of trace elements in
soils – extraction with nitric acid (Swedish Standards Institute SSI,
Materials/matrices Soil with low content of trace elements
Pre-treatment Reference to ISO 11 464
Sample size Up to 5 g, organic rich samples maximum 2 g
Reagents H2O
Procedure Weigh sample into vessel, add 20 mL 7 M HNO3, heat in autoclave at
200 kPa or 120°C for 30 minutes. Cool at room temperature, filter or
centrifuge solution into volumetric flask
Approved elements Trace elements, not further specified. Reference to 33 elements: Ag,
Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na,
Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Se, Si, Sn, Sr, Ti, V, W, Zn, Zr.
Analysis method ICP and AAS techniques
Other comments

Updated and supplemented from Nordtest techn. report 446 (Hjelmar et al, 1999) (Pre-treatment

3.2.2 Water, sludge, and sediment

Reference: DS 259: Determination of metals in water, sludge and sediments. General guidelines
for determination by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in flame (Technical equivalent to
Finnish Standard SFS 3044, Norwegian Standard NS 4770 and Swedish Standard SS 02 81 50

Table 13 Short description of the method DS 259

Danish Standard: Determination of metals in water, sludge and
sediments. General guidelines for determination by atomic absorption
spectrophotometry in flame (Danish Standard, 1982)
Materials/matrices Water, sludge and sediments
Sample size Up to 1 g (dry weight) or equivalent wet sample size
Reagents H2O
Procedure Weigh sample into vessel, add 20 mL 7 M HNO3, heat at 200 kPa
pressure (120°C) for 30 min.
Cool at room temperature, decant sediment-free supernatant, if
necessary through filter,
and collect filtrate in volumetric flask. Dilute to 100 mL.
Modification Different procedure described for water samples
Approved elements Not specified
Analysis method AAS flame, but generally used in combination with other AAS
techniques (equivalently described in DS 2210), ICP and ICPMS

Other comments The content of the standard is technically equivalent to Finnish
Standard SFS 3044, Norwegian Standard NS 4770 and Swedish
Standard SS 02 81 50
Updated and supplemented from Nordtest techn. report 446 (Hjelmar et al, 1999)

3.2.3 Sediment, sludge, soil and oil (US EPA 3051)

Reference: US EPA 3051. Microwave-assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils, and
oils (US EPA, revised 1998)

Table 14 Short description of the method US EPA 3051

Microwave assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils, and
Materials/matrices Sediments, sludges, soils and oils
Sample size Up to 0.5 g
Reagents H2O
Concentrated HNO3
Procedure Weigh sample into vessels, add 10 mL conc. HNO3, close and place
vessel in microwave unit. Heat to 175°C within 5.5 min., maintain
175°C for remaining part of 10 min.
Uncap and vent, transfer sample to acid-cleaned bottle and
centrifuge, allow to settle or filter, dilute with H2O to known volume
Modification -
Approved elements 26 elements: Ag, Al, Sb, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg,
K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, Tl, V, and Zn
Analysis method AAS flame and graphite furnace, ICP-AES and ICP-MS
Other comments Options for improving the performance for certain analytes, such as
antimony, iron, aluminium, and silver by addition of hydrochloric
acid, when necessary.

3.2.4 Water (EN ISO 15587-2)

Reference: EN ISO 15587-2 Water quality – Digestion for the determination of selected
elements in water – Part 2: Nitric acid digestion

Table 15 Short description of the method EN ISO 15587-2

Water quality – Digestion for the determination of selected elements in
water – Part 2: Nitric acid digestion
Materials/matrices Water
Sample size 25 mL
Reagents H2O
HNO3 (65 – 70% (m/m)
Procedure 2 digestion principles:
Digestion in an open system
Digestion in a closed system
Modification/ 4 methods of energy input given as informative annexes:
alternatives Digestion in an open system by the use of electrical heating
Digestion in an open system by the use of microwave-assisted heating
Digestion in a closed system by the use of microwave-assisted heating
Digestion in a closed system by the use of an autoclave
Approved elements Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na,
Ni, P, Pb, Se, Sr, Tl, V, Zn (Not suitable for Sb and Sn)
Analysis method -
Other comments Equation for the ratio between digestion period and digestion temperature

4.1 General
Two general principles of partial digestion have been evaluated: Methods using aqua regia and
methods using nitric acid. Among each group of methods more principles are described. There
are e.g. slight modifications in regard to amount of sample, reagent composition and heating
time, many of which can be explained by the matrices that the standards are intended to describe
and each of which theoretically could lead to different extraction ability and thereby different
results. One general observation in regard to variability of methods is the different heating
principle described in the methods. The principles range from conventional heating in open
vessels for 2 hours, heating in autoclave (under pressure) for 30 minutes and heating in a
microwave oven (open or closed) for 15 to 30 minutes.

One of the driving forces for development of more digestion techniques rather than using the
conventional heating block technique is the demand on analytical methods that are in
accordance with the development of modern laboratory techniques. For the development of a
horizontal and modular standard it is proposed to continue this effort, however in due
consideration to the comparability to more conventional and tedious methods.

As is the case with the horizontal standard EN ISO 15587 (part one and two) for digestion of
water samples, it is suggested to develop the nitric and aqua regia standards for the solid
matrices in a parallel manner, except for the acid mixtures used.
Aqua regia methods are the conventional group of methods in many EU countries. Nitric acid
based methods are the methods of choice in e.g. the Nordic countries. Thus the majority of data
(e.g. monitoring data) are based on these methods, respectively. Aqua regia, composed of three
parts of hydrochloric acid and one part of nitric acid, increases the difficulties of detection with
some analytical techniques or influences the limit of detection and potentially results in data of
lower reproducibility – compared to the use of nitric acid alone (data from evaluation of US
EPA 3051). Nitric acid on the other hand shows lover extractability for certain element (e.g.
aluminium (Al), silver (Ag) and antimony (Sb)). The choice of method in a given situation
should be based on consideration of the quality requirement needed for the particular purpose
and it is questionable if one digestion method alone is suitable for all elements considered.

4.2 Aqua regia digestion methods

For the drafting of a horizontal standard the following existing standards have been taken into

ISO 11466 Soil quality – extraction of trace elements soluble in aqua regia (ISO,
EN 13346 Characterisation of sludge – Determination of trace elements and
phosphorus – Aqua regia extraction
EN 13650 Soil improvers and growing media – Extraction of aqua regia soluble
EN 13657 Characterisation of waste - Digestion for subsequent determination of
aqua regia soluble portion of elements in waste (European Standard, 2002)

For the evaluation of the different standards they were compared in detail chapter by chapter
and the text that seems to be more general or best fitting for a broad variety of matrices was
selected as proposal for the common draft standard as described in the table below.

The scope is rewritten as a common scope for all matrices covered by the standard. As there are

not enough validation data available for all kinds of materials, elements and analytical methods
that should be covered by this draft horizontal standard, the elements and analytical
measurement standards for elemental analysis are not mentioned in the scope.

Normative references
References were made to the digestion standards and one general measurement standard – more
detailed references can only be made after the results of the project HORIZONTAL on analysis
of elements, TOC and dry residue are available.

Definitions are very poor in most of the cited standards, in this case the broadest definitions
seemed to be useful.

Safety remarks
A chapter on safety remarks is included due to e.g. the potential hazards on the use of strong

Reagent and equipment

For reagents and equipment the most detailed descriptions in the different standards were

A chapter containing interference is included.

Pre-treatment of samples
A critical point is the way the samples are treated before digestion. In addition to many
possibilities of loss and contamination during drying, milling, grinding and sieving the particle
size proved to be crucial for the grade of digestion, especially for refractory matrices (Giove
2000). As a compromise between the varying requirements, a particle size of 250 µm is
proposed for the horizontal draft standard, as this proved to be the minimum requirement of the
cited robustness test. It may be supposed that for sludge and some kind of soils the particle size
may not have that influence on the grade of digestion as for other matrices. Especially for
silicates the recovery rates depend on the particle size (Annex 2C), a standardized particle size
is thus a precondition for comparable data.
A robustness study on this issue for the matrices covered in the project "Horizontal" is
necessary before any concrete specification on particle size and grade of milling as well as on
the possible influence of drying methods will be fixed. The rather general statements in this
chapter of the draft standard are only proposals for further investigation.

Three procedures were selected for the draft standard, as it seemed to be the most pragmatic
way to lay down concrete conditions not only for conventional heating but also for microwave
digestion. As many labs use microwave digestion in their every day practice anyway, it makes
no sense to standardise only the best-known conventional heating method and leave the
conditions of microwave digestion open for the labs. However, many routine labs use
microwave digestion anyway and if they make in-house validation to prove comparability with
the standardized heating method, many different power programs/temperatures will be used all
over Europe and will potentially lead to more varying results, than if power settings/temperature
is prescribed in the standard. But more research work has to be done and results of
interlaboratory trials for all the different matrices must be available before the procedures are

The decision of choosing the three already standardized methods was taken due to pragmatic
reasons as they are well known, broadly used and a lot of validation data are already available
(Annex 2D). In the round robin test for validation of the standard on waste reproducibility

proved to be in a rather wide range, because the participating labs were free to use their own
analytical methods (Annex 2E). The draft horizontal standard must be validated by separating
the variation of the analytical step from the digestion step in a joint validation of these two
modules, digestion and analysis. Additional robustness studies are necessary for investigation of
the influence of specific digestion conditions, especially the influence of temperature as
mentioned in ISO 15587-1.

In the sludge standard a fourth method with heating in a tube is mentioned. This procedure
should be taken into account for the research and validation studies. Till now only validation
data for sludge are available, but it may proves to be applicable also for other matrices.

Precision and accuracy

Validation data were available from several existing standards. As the proposed methods in the
draft horizontal standard – as it is now – do not differ remarkably from the original standards,
the validation data may be used as an annex to the draft. But for the finalized version, additional
data should be available.

Table 16 Evaluation of available ISO and CEN standards resulting in a draft horizontal standard
Paragraphs ISO 11466 EN 13346 EN 13650 EN 13657 Proposal Horizontal

Foreword yes yes yes yes

Introduction no yes no yes
Scope soil sludges soil improvers and growing media waste Soil, sludge, soil improvers and growing media,
References ISO 3696 (1987), ISO 10694 (1995)- EN 1233. EN 1483, EN 12880 (TS), EN EN ISO 3696, EN 13039 (TOC), EN EN ISO 3696 (1995), ENV 12506 EN ISO 3696, EN 12506
TOC, ISO 3696, EB ISO 5961, EN ISO 11885, 13040 TOC and dry matter – proposal Horizontal
ISO 11464 (1994), EN IOS 11969, ISO 5725-2, ISO 8288
ISO 11465 (TS),
Definitions --- Aqua regia, TS (EN 12880) Defintions as in EN 13039, 13040 Aqua regia. TS, digestion, sample, ... As in EN 13657
Principle Short description (1 method) + Note (pre- Short description 4 methods Short description 1 method --- ---
treatment) pretreatment
Safety remarks as foreword --- in foreword + (8) procedure (4) Safety remarks As (4) in EN 13657
Reagents (4): H2O, HCl c in mol/L, , HNO3 (5) H2O, HCl, HNO3 conc + 1% c in mol/L (5): H2O in general, HCl, HNO3 conc. + (7): H2O in general, HCl, HNO3 conc in % + As (5) in EN 13650
conc.+diluted (0,5 mol/L) +% dil. 0,5 mol/L dil. 0,5 mol/L
Apparatus (5): all for 1 method, (6) gen: cleaning (6): Gen cleaning + note, (6): oven + vessel for 3 methods + general As in EN 13346
gen: cleaning incl. preteatment vessel, oven, filter, for 4 methods pretreatment, vessel + all for 1 method equipment
Interferences --- --- --- (8) As in EN 13657
Sample/pre- (6) air dry, ISO 11464 or mill 150 µm (7) dry at 105°C (EN 12880) (7) EN 13040 (9), mill 500 µm particle (5) if possible without pretreatment, dry, 250 Air dry (or freeze dry), mill if necessary
treatment (or NOTE 2) – 20 g water content of Homogenization with mortar + pistil or size µm, >200 mg test portion 250 µm particle size
milled sample Annex A freeze dry
blank test - (9) (8.3) (9.1)
A) Conventional (7) 3 g sample test portion (8.1) 3 g (8.2) 1 g – 3 g (9.4): 1 g – 10 g A) Conventional heating
Heating 250 mL vessel + 0,5 – 1 mL H20 250 mL vessel + 0,5 – 1 mL H2O 250 mL vessel + 0,5 – 1 mL H2O m:v = 1:10 3 g ( if necessary 1-10g)
+ 21 mL HCl + 7 mL HNO3 21 (± 0,1) mL HCl + 7 (± 0,1) mL HNO3 + 21 mL HCl + 7 mL HNO3 reflux + absorption vessel procedure as in EN 13 346
Reflux + absorption vessel Reflux if TOC > 0,85 g add HNO3 if TOC > 0,5 g (30 mL a.r.) Plus TOC as in EN 13650
16 h room temperature at room temperature until no reaction 16 h at room temperature add HNO3
2 h reflux 2 h reflux 2 h reflux 2 h reflux
B) Closed --- (8.3) 0,3 – 1 g + 2 mL HNO3 + 6 mL HCl --- (9.2)
microwave Note: power prog: 2 min – 250 W; 2 0,2 g – 0,5 g + 6 mL HCl + 2 mL HNO3 B) Closed microwave
min.0W; power prog.: 2 min – 250 W; 2 min – OW; 5 0,2g –1 g
5 min – 250 W, 5 min – 400 W; 5 min 500 min – 250 W; 5 min – 400 W; 5 min – 500 W procedure as (9.2) in EN 13657
W (calibration in Annex A
(calibration in Annex B)
(9.3) 0,2 g – 1 g
C) Open --- power prog: C) Open microwave
microwave (8.4) 0,5 - 1 g + reflux --- 9 mL HCl + 3 mL HNO3 – 15 min – 40 W 0,2 g– 1 g
Note: power prog: + 9 mL HCl + 3 mL HNO3 – 15 min – 40 W procedure as (9.3) in EN 13657
15 min – 40 W 3 mL HNO3 + 9 mL HCL
D) Glass tube 15 min – 40 W 3 mL + 9 mL HCl
--- --- --- ---
(8.2) 0,5 g
50 mL glass tube + 6 mL HCl + 2 mL HNO3
an room temp. until no reaction
reflux 10 min + 5 mL H2O
reflux 5 min
Analysis inf. Annex A (10) references to analytical standards (9) Annex B informative ISO standards methods in scope, literature Infomative annex as Annex C in EN 13346
scope: atomic spect. techn. informative Annex C with possible
Test report (8) (12) (12) (10) As (12) of EN 13346 combined with (10) of EN
Precision/Valida- -- (13) Round robin test + Annex D (for 8.3, (11) + Annex A Annex B: Round robin test + Robustness + Validation data for method A: (13) in EN 13346,
tion 8.4) certified reference mat.) certified reference mat. Annex A in EN 13650, Annex B in EN 13657
Validation data for method B) and C): (13) and
Annex D in EN 13346, Annex B in EN 13657

4.3 Nitric acid digestion
For the drafting of a horizontal standard the following existing standards have been taken into

SS 02 83 11 Soil analysis – determination of trace elements in soils –

extraction with nitric acid.
DS 259, DS 2210 and equivalent Determination of metals in water, sludge and sediments.
Nordic standards (SFS 3044/ General guidelines for determination by FAAS/HGAAS
NS 4770/
SS 02 81 50)
US EPA 3051, revised 1998 Microwave-assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges,
soils, and oils

The two first mentioned standards are technically equivalent, except for the scope of the
standard. The third method is a method where the heating is accomplished by the use of
microwave digestion. For the proposal of a horizontal standard the two first standards are
compared in details and further compared to the text of the proposed horizontal standard for
aqua regia. As it is proposed that the text of the two draft horizontal standards on digestion be
harmonized the draft horizontal standard on aqua regia is taken into account. The comparison
and proposal for a horizontal standard is given in Table 16.

The Swedish standard SS 02 83 11 is based on the digestion principle given in the Nordic
standard DS 259/ DS 2210/ SFS 3044/ NS 4770/ SS 02 81 50 for determination of metals in
water, sludge and sediment. Thus there is a great deal of similarity, but SS 02 83 11 is a more
modern standard due to its resent development. However, information such as safety remarks,
interferences, quality control and test report is not covered in any of the standards.

US EPA 3051 is a method revised in 1998 covering nitric acid digestion in microwave oven.
The method is precise and well described and is validated for sediment, sludge, soil and oil
samples. It is validated for 26 elements. The method includes an alternative digestion solution
with the addition of concentrated hydrochloric acid to the nitric acid. The alternative solution is
used for the stabilisation of certain elements, such as silver, barium and antimony and high
concentrations of iron and aluminium in solution.

The US EPA 3051 method gives quality control proper attention. Regular duplicate analyses,
regular spike addition and the use of reference material are covered. Furthermore, the standard
precisely prescribes in detail procedures for calibration of the microwave oven. The digestion is
controlled via requirements on the temperature, but calibration methods for instruments with
power control are given. Further it gives due attention to interferences, safety precautions,
equipment requirement, calibration and standardisation.

The method of choice, for those European countries in which nitric acid digestion is preferred,
is the autoclave digestion. Therefore, priority has been given to the description of a horizontal
autoclave digestion procedure, which should undergo further developments/validation during
the present study. However, it is foreseen that, in future, laboratories will be using microwave
digestion techniques. As numerous data already exist on the validation of the EPA 3051 on
various matrices and on the comparison between this method and methods using hydrochloric
acid, it is suggested that the method is compared to the autoclave method during the coming
study, with the possibility to include the microwave digestion method in the horizontal method.

The following evaluation is limited to an evaluation of the autoclave method and is referring to
the overview given in Table 16.

The scope shall be rewritten as a common scope for all matrices that are to be included. So far
there is not enough validation data available for all kinds of materials and elements that could be

Detailed references are to be made to the relevant modular horizontal standards on the analysis
of elements. Further more references are given to the horizontal standard on dry matter.

Definitions are given in none of the evaluated standards. The definitions, as proposed in the
parallel standard on aqua regia, are suggested for this standard on nitric acid digestion.

Safety remarks
Safety is not covered in SS 02 83 11, nor is it properly mentioned in the other nitric acid
standards. For the use of strong acid it is recommended to use a text equivalent to the text used
in the parallel aqua regia standard.

Are to summarize the final method.

A chapter containing interference similar to the chapter proposed for the aqua regia methods,
where relevant, is proposed. Interferences are to be in accordance with results of the further
evaluation of the method.

Pre-treatment before digestion is critical, as variability of results may be attributed to different
procedure in regard to drying, milling, grinding and sieving. It is recommended that the text in
regard to pre-treatment be harmonised with the parallel methods using aqua regia. Further
investigations are needed, see also chapter 4.2.

The requirements regarding apparatus, vessels etc. are equivalent to the text in SS 02 83 11,
except for the addition on requirement of an analytical balance.

The procedure is limited to a method that prescribes autoclave heating at 120 or 200 kPa for 30
The argumentation for the aqua regia digestion method mentioned in the previous chapter may
also partly be used for the choice of a microwave oven digestion as opposed to autoclave
digestion. However, it is recommended to await data on comparability of a microwave
procedure to that of the autoclave method before implementation of the description in the

Validation data are to be included in the final version of the standard. Validation data from
proficiency tests are presently available and included in Annex 3 and 4.

Table 17 Evaluation of standards for nitric acid digestion in autoclave and proposal for horizontal standard
Paragraphs Swedish standard SS 02 83 11 DS 259/DS2210/ SFS 3044/NS 4770/ US EPA 3051A Proposal Horizontal
SS 02 81 50
Introduction Yes - - Given for horizontal standards
Scope Soil Water, sludge and sediment Sediments, sludges, soils, and oils Soil, sludge, soil improvers and growing media, waste
(include digestion as well as the Note on validated elements
analyses of the digests) and subsequent analytical methods
References EN ISO 3696 National standards on: - EN ISO 3696
ISO 11 464 + reference to various Swedish standards on Sampling Horizontal standards for TOC and dry matter
determination of elements in the digested solution Dry matter Horizontal standards for determination of elements in the digested
Analysis of digests solution
Horizontal standard for pre-treatment of relevant matrices
Definitions - - Reference to EPA definitions Definition according to EN 13657 (equivalent to horizontal standard on
aqua regia)
Principle Given as a summary Given as a summary Given as a summary Short description/summary
Safety remarks - - Given as precaution notes throughout Equivalent to horizontal standard on aqua regia
the text
Reagents • Water (grade 2) or better Water (grade 1) HNO3 conc. • Water (grade 2) or better
• HNO3 conc.+diluted (7 moll/l) HNO3 conc.+diluted (7 moll/l) HCl conc • HNO3 conc.+diluted (7 mol/l)
(quarts distilled, if accuracy demands Water
requires) Requirement, that the reagent blank
HNO3 diluted (7 moll/l) is less than MDL
Apparatus Digestion vessels, autoclave, volumetric flasks and filter Digestion vessels, autoclave, volumetric Microwave apparatus with • Digestion vessels
paper flasks and filter and filter paper temperature monitoring and feed • Autoclave
back control (temperature sensor • Volumetric flasks and filter paper
within ± 2ºC) • Analytical balance with an accuracy of 0,1 mg or better
(alternatively, programmable power
, controlled to within ± 12 W)
A rotating turntable or equivalent
Volumetric flasks
Filter paper, filter funnel
Analytical balance
Interferences - Interferences in regard to the subsequent High pressure upon digestion Equivalent to horizontal standard on aqua regia
analysis are covered Refractory sample matrix
Corrosion from vessels

Sample/pre-treatment Reference to ISO 11 464 No requirements, except for storage Reference to horizontal standard for pre-treatment of relevant matrices
Procedure Max. 5 g (2g) sample test portion- Test portion equivalent to max. 1 g Requirement on temperature control Blank test
blank test Add 20,0 mL HNO3 (7 mol/l) dried sample Washing procedure for vessel +
E) Conventional Heating Allow to stand until visible reaction has stopped Add 20.0 mL HNO3 (7 mol/l) Digestion procedure: Max. 5 g (2g) dry sample test portion-
Heat in autoclave for 30 min. at 200 kPa or 120ºC Heat in autoclave for 30 min. at 200 Max. 0,5 g sample test portion- Add 20,0 mL HNO3 (7 mol/l)
Allow to cool kPa or 120ºC Add 10,0 mL HNO3 (alternatively 9 Allow to stand until visible reaction has stopped
Filter or centrifuge the digest Allow to cool mL HNO3 + 3 mL HCL) Heat in autoclave for 30 min. at 200 kPa or 120ºC
Transfer the filtrate to 50 mL volumetric flask and fill to Filter or centrifuge the digest, if needed. Allow to stand until visible reaction Allow to cool
F) Closed microwave mark with water Transfer the filtrate to 100 mL has stopped Decant or filter the digest
volumetric flask and fill to mark with Heat in microwave oven for 10 min. Transfer the filtrate to volumetric flask and fill to mark with water
water. at 175ºC
Allow to cool
Let settle, filter or centrifuge the
G) Open microwave Transfer the filtrate to volumetric
flask and fill to mark with water

H) Glass tube ---

Requirements on
• digestion of quality control
• periodic duplicate sample
• spike samples
• maintenance of quality control
• validation of temperature
• power calibration

Analysis Reference to Reference to: Literature on microwave digestion Reference to be given as normative reference
SS 02 81 50 (AAS flame) National standards and on validation data
SS 02 81 83 (AAS graphite furnace)
ISO 11885 (ICP-OES)
DIN 38 406 Teil 22 1988 (ICP)
EPA 200.7 (ICP)
Test report - On digestion: Equivalent to horizontal standard on aqua regia
Information on digestion procedure with
reference to the method.
Precision/validation - No information related to digestion Validated on soil, sediment and oil Results from interlaboratory comparisons
reference materials.

5.1 Aqua regia digestion method
All the standards described in the last chapter use similar methods for the digestion of solid
samples with aqua regia. But one main difference is obvious at the first look at each standard:
While ISO 11466 and EN 13650 describe only one method, EN 13650 contains 4 and EN 13657
3 different methods in one standard. One method of digestion is more or less similar in every
standard: Digestion by conventional heating under reflux condition, which is the traditional
method used for many years in many laboratories. The experience that many labs have with this
method makes this method worth to be chosen as a horizontal standard. As it is a rather time-
consuming digestion method (let stand at room temperature for 16 hours, heat for 2 hours, cool
down to room temperature) it is not used nowadays in routine labs but mostly replaced by
microwave digestion.

Two methods of microwave digestion - in closed system and under reflux conditions – are
described in addition to the conventional heating in EN 13346 and EN 13657. In the sludge
standard, a quick method for conventional heating in a tube is the fourth method. For sludges,
all four methods lead in most cases to comparable results as is indicated by the validation data
(EN 13346, 2000). For the tested waste samples in EN 13657 the results indicate comparability
for many elements too, as the standard deviations of the different methods overlap (Muntau
2000). But these indications were not proved by statistical calculation, as an additional round
robin test with experienced labs that proved to be experienced in digestion of solid samples
should have been carried out before a solid data basis could be provided.

The crucial point for drafting a horizontal standard is the decision whether only one or several
methods should be mentioned. The advantage of mentioning only the best-known conventional
heating method is the comparability of the results for many different matrices. The disadvantage
of this approach is the fact that most European labs already work in practice with microwave
digestion and they will be cut back in their decision on which method to use. Besides, the
microwave method is the more modern one and much faster to apply in routine analyses. To a
certain extent, the validation data available in the two standards EN 13346 and EN 13657
indicate comparability, with some additional research need.

Therefore, it is recommended that a horizontal standard be prepared that includes all these three
methods for which validation data for several matrices are already available. Further research on
robustness and comparability of the three methods are necessary and may result in slight
modifications of the draft standard or to the exclusion of one method.

5.2 Nitric acid digestion method

Standards on nitric acid digestion of solid samples are in EU primarily used in the Nordic
countries. Here, the only standardized heating method is the autoclave heating method.
However microwave heating is used more and more in routine laboratories. Standards on nitric
acid digestion are widely used also in the United States (hot plate and microwave oven
digestion). Nitric acid digestion is especially superior for samples and elements, where low
detection limits are required (ICPMS or GFAAS analysis).
It is considered an advantage to include a high temperature microwave technique in a coming
standard on nitric acid digestion to take development into proper consideration. US EPA 3051a
is a well-described and validated microwave standard, which is recommended as a basis. This
will 1) enable the use of already existing data on comparability with an aqua regia method, 2)

support method comparability internationally and 3) if comparability is demonstrated, provide a
very fast digestion method compared to existing methods.

Validation data exist for nitric acid digestion in combination with the subsequent analysis, such
as results from interlaboratory comparisons. Examples are given in Annex 3 and 4. Information
on the uncertainty component originating from digestion alone has not been identified.

Comparisons exist between the results from using principles equivalent to the draft proposals on
aqua regia digestion and on nitric acid digestion, but are usually focussed on other aspects, also.
Furthermore, the results, which originate from using methods equivalent to the draft horizontal
standards on nitric acid and on aqua regia has not been identified. Thus a comparison based on
statistical sufficient data is needed covering the matrices in question.

5.3 Conclusions and recommendations

The comparison of standards for the digestion of solid samples prior to the subsequent analyses
demonstrates a potential for preparing horizontal standards for sediment, sludge, soil, and waste.
However, some decisions have to be taken. Apart from sludge, soil and biowaste, it is proposed
in the final scope of the horizontal standard to include sediment and waste.

One key question is the decision whether to include more heating principles in the standard to
take into account the new development (as in the present EN standards on waste and sludge) or
to include only the conventional hot plate heating (as in the present ISO standard for soil). The
report in hand proposes to include more heating principles, but comparisons are needed that
demonstrate that equivalent results are obtained by using the methods on matrices like sediment,
soil, municipal sludge and compost.

It is not likely that one partial digestion method alone (nitric acid or aqua regia digestion) will
be the most suitable for all elements, solid sample types and subsequent analytical procedures.
More data is needed to define the optimum choice of digestion method.

A proposal on investigations to be established prior to validation of methods may be

summarised as follows:

• Establishment of requirement on particle size of the laboratory sample (soil, compost,

sludge and sediment) for optimisation of reproducibility

• Comparability of hot plate digestion and microwave digestion (open and closed vessel) for
digestion of soil, compost, municipal sludge and sediment in relation to aqua regia digestion
– covering the elements of interest for monitoring and control purposes in Europe.

• Comparability of the autoclave digestion method and the US EPA method on microwave
assisted digestion on selected elements and matrices – covering the elements of interest for
monitoring and control purposes in Europe.

• Comparability of nitric acid digestion and aqua regia digestion. It is proposed to investigate
comparability between the above aqua regia methods and both autoclave and microwave
digestion using nitric acids.


The draft standards are attached as separate documents.


Ciesielski, H.: unpublished information provided to the authors July 2003

Ciesielski, H., Proix, N., Sterckeman, T.: 1997, Détermination des incertitudes liées à une
méthode de mise en solution des sols et sédiments par étude interlaboratoire, Analusis,
25, 188-192
DHI Institute for Water and Environment – Proficiency test SOLID-5 (2001- 1): Physical
parameters, nutrients and metals in soil. 2001
DIN 38 414 S7 German standard method: Sludge and Sediments (Group S). Digestion using
aqua regia for subsequent determination of the acid-soluble portion of metals
EN 13346 Characterisation of sludge – Determination of trace elements and phosphorus –
Aqua regia extraction methods 2000
EN 13650 Soil improvers and growing media – Extraction of aqua regia soluble elements 2002
EN 13657 EN 13657: Characterisation of waste – Digestion for subsequent determination of
aqua regia soluble portion of elements, 2002
EN 13656: Characterisation of waste - Microwave assisted digestion with hydrofluoric (HF),
nitric (HNO3) and hydrochloric (HCl) acid mixture for subsequent determination of
elements, 2002
EN ISO 15587-1 Water quality – Digestion for the determination of selected elements in water
– Part 1: Aqua regia digestion 2002
EN ISO 15587-2 Water quality – Digestion for the determination of selected elements in water
– Part 1: Nitric acid digestion 2002
Eurofins – proficiency test. Proficiency test SOLID-5 (2002 - 4): Trace elements, nutrients and
physical parameters in sludge. 2002
Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Proficiency test results SYKE 5/2002
Giove,A.; Politi,M.; Cavallo,G.: Robustness study on standard methods developed by CEN TC
292/WG3, Italy 2000
Hjelmar, Ole; Holm Peter E.: Determination of total or partial trace element content in soil and
inorganic waste material, Nordtest report 446, Finland 1999
Hofer, Kirchner, A.: State of the art document on microwave digestion für CEN/TC 292/WG 3,
University of Leoben, Austria 1997
ISO 11466 Soil quality – Extraction of trace elements soluble in aqua regia 1995
ISO 14869-1: Dissolution for the determination of total element content. Part I : Dissolution
with hydrofluoric and perchloric acids
Kåre Helge Karstensen. "Nordic guidelines for Chemical Analysis of Contaminated Soil
Samples" NT Techn Report 329, 1996.
Muntau, H.; Kisser, M. I.; Yuste, C.; Giove, A.; Bianchi, M.: The validation of CEN draft
standards for the analysis of waste, Joint Research Centre, European Commission EUR
19680 EN, European Communities 2000
Nieuwenhuize, J.,Poley-Vos, C.H. van der Akker, A.H. and vanDelft, W " comparison of
microwave and conventional extraction techniques for the determination of metals in

soils, sediment and sludge samples by atomic spectrometry" Analyst 116, 347-351
van der Sloot, H. A.: Difference between aqua regia destruction and total analysis. Results from
the RIVM, ECN Mammoet project 1982, 1998
van der Sloot H.A., R.N.J. Comas, and J.J. Dijkstra: Leaching methods for soil, sludge and
treated biowaste. Horizontal Desk study no 23 , August 2003
van der Sloot, H.A.: unpublished information given at CEN TC 292 ad hoc meeting, June 2003,
US EPA 3051a: Microwave assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils, and oils –
reference to: www.epa.gov/epaoswer/hazwaste/test/pdfs/3051a.pfd. Revised 1998
US EPA 3050b: Acid digestion of sediments, sludges, and soils. Revised 1996.


Figure 3 List of reference materials for which recovery rates were shown in Hofer, 1997

Matrix Acronym
BCR CRM 38 coal fly ash CRM 38
BCR CRM 143 amended soil CRM 143 am. soil, CRM 143
BCR CRM 144 sewage sludge CRM 144 sew. sludge, CRM 144
BCR CRM 146 industrial origin sewage sludge CRM 146 ind. sew. sludge, CRM 146
BCR CRM 176 city waste inc. ash CRM 176 city waste inc. ash, CRM 176
BCR CRM 277 estuarine sediment CRM 277 est. sed., CRM 277
BCR CRM 320 river sediment CRM 320 river sed., CRM 320
BCR CRM-144 domestic origin sludge CRM 144 dom. origin sludge, CRM 144
BCR CRM-145R mixed origin sludge CRM 145R mixed origin sludge, CRM 145R
BCR-CRM-141 loam soil CRM 141 loam soil, CRM 141
BCR-CRM-185 river sediment CRM 185 river sed., CRM 185
MESS-1 sediment MESS-1 sed.
NBS-SRM 1648 urban particulate SRM 1648 urb. part., SRM 1648
NIES CRM No.2 pod sediment CRM No.2 pod sed.
NIST SRM 1632b bituminous coal SRM 1632b bit. coal, SRM 1632b
NIST SRM 1633a coal fly ash SRM 1633a coal fly ash, SRM 1633a
NIST SRM 1633b coal fly ash SRM 1633b coal fly ash, SRM 1633b
NIST SRM 1645 river sediment SRM 1645 river sed., SRM 1645
NIST SRM 2704 river sediment SRM 2704 river sed., SRM 2704
NIST SRM 2710 soil SRM 2710 soil, SRM 2710
NIST SRM 2711 soil SRM 2711 soil, SRM 2711
NRCC BCSS-1marine sediment BCSS-1 mar. sed., BCSS-1
NRCC PACS-1 sediment PACS-1 sed., PACS-1

Figure 4 Recovery rate of Arsenic in different matrices by digestion with different acid
mixtures (Hofer, 1997)

As in Si - Matrix / acid mixtures

Recovery rate %








SRM 1632b

SRM 1633a

SRM 1633a

SRM 1633a

SRM 1633a

SRM 1633a

SRM 1633a

SRM 1633a
CRM 176

CRM 176

CRM 176

CRM 277

CRM 277

CRM 277

CRM 277

CRM 277

SRM 2704

SRM 2704

RT 007
BCR 38

Reference materials

Figure 5 Recovery rate of Lead in different matrices by digestion with different acid mixtures
(Hofer, 1997)

Pb in Si - Matrix / acid mixtures

Recovery rate %








SRM 1633b
CRM 277

CRM 277

CRM 277
BCR 38


RT 007
CRM 176

CRM 176

CRM 176

CRM 176

SRM 1648

SRM 1645

SRM 2704
SRM 1633a

SRM 1633a

RT 007

RT 007
SRM 2710
SRM 1645

Reference materials

Figure 6 Recovery rate of Chromium in different matrices by digestion with different acid
mixtures (Hofer, 1997)

Cr in Si - Matrix / acid mixtures

Recov. rate %

RT 7
M 3a

M 3a

M 3b

M 4
IS 10


R 5
M 6

M b



SR 70




SR 33


SR 63

SR 63

SR 63














Reference materials

Figure 7 Recovery rate of Cadmium in different matrices by digestion with different acid
mixtures (Hofer, 1997)

Cd in Si - Matrix / acid mixtures


Recovery rate %









CRM 277

CRM 277

CRM 277


SRM 1633a

SRM 2704

SRM 2711



RT 007

RT 007
CRM 176

CRM 176

CRM 176

Reference materials


closed microwave digestion using HF/HNO3/HCl

SRM 1633a fly ash CRM 38 coal fly ash NIES CRM No.2 sed. MESS-1 sed.
BCSS-1 sed. PACS-1 sed. CRM 277sed. SRM 1645 sed.
2704 soil SRM 2710 soil SRM 1632b coal

recovery [%]

Ag As As Ba Be Be Cd Cd Co Cr Cr Cu Fe Hg Mn Mn Mn Ni Pb Pb Sb Sb Se Tl V Zn


closed microwave digestion using aqua regia

CRM-144 sew. sludge CRM-145R sew.sludge CRM-146 sew. sludge
CRM 38 coal fly ash CRM 176 inc. ash SRM 1633a fly ash
MESS-1 sed. PACS-1 sed. SRM 1085 wear metals in oil
recovery [%]


Ag As Be Be Cd Cd Co Co Cr Cr Cu Cu Hg Mn Mo Mo Ni Ni Pb Pb Sb Se V V Zn Zn Zn

A. Comparison of the quantities of trace elements extracted from sludges with aqua regia
(EN 13346) and with hydrofluoric and perchloric acids (AFNOR NF X 31-147)
Information provided by Henri Ciesielski, INRA - Laboratoire d'Analyses des Sols, France

This document gives the relationships observed for trace elements extracted from sludges
according to a CEN standard and a French standard. The following results (graphs 1 to 6) were
presented during a TC 308 WG1/TG1 meeting. Comparisons for nutrients are also available.

EN 13346: Determination of trace elements and phosphorous – Aqua regia extraction methods
(method A)

AFNOR NF X 31-147: Soils, sediments - Total solubilizing by acid attack. This method was
subsequently standardised in ISO TC 190 under the reference ISO 14869-1.

Samples and results

100 samples collected in various urban wastewater treatment plants of France. The study was
carried out in the Soil Analysis Laboratory of Arras belonging to the French National Institute
of Agronomic Research.

For any element considered, results are well correlated (R2 > 0.98).
Except for Cr, differences between the calculated slopes do not exceed ± 3%.
HF extracts higher quantities of Cr than aqua regia.

Figure 10 Comparison Cd (HCl/HNO3) and Cd (HF

Comparison Cd (HCl/HNO3) and Cd (HF)

Cd (HCl/HNO3) in mg/kg

16 y = 0,9845x
R2 = 0,9951
0 5 10 15 20
Cd (HF) in mg/kg

Figure 11 Comparison Cr (HCl/HNO3) and Cr (HF)

Comparison Cr (HCl/HNO3) and Cr (HF)

Cr (HCl/HNO3) in mg/kg
600 y = 0,9374x
500 R2 = 0,9904
200 For C<100 mg/kg y = 0.9176x
100 R2 = 0.9827
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Cr (HF) in mg/kg

Figure 12 Comparison Cu (HCl/HNO3) and Cu (HF)

Comparison Cu (HCl/HNO3) and Cu (HF)

Cu (HCl/HNO3) in mg/kg

600 y = 1,0274x
500 R2 = 0,9923
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Cu (HF) in mg/kg

Figure 13 Comparison Ni (HCl/HNO3) and Ni (HF)

Comparison Ni (HCl/HNO3) and Ni (HF)

Ni (HCl/HNO3) in mg/kg

200 y = 0,9949x
R2 = 0,9887

For C<100 mg/kg y = 0.9451x
50 R2 = 0.9367
0 50 100 150 200 250
Ni (HF) in mg/kg

Figure 14 Comparison Pb (HF) and Pb (HCl/HNO3)

Comparison Pb (HF) and Pb (HCl/HNO3)

Pb (HCl/HNO3) in mg/kg

600 y = 1.0078x
500 R2 = 0.9966
For C<250 mg/kg y = 0.9824x
R2 = 0.9869
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Pb (HF) in mg/kg

Figure 15 Comparison Zn (HCl/HNO3) and Zn (HF)

Comparison Zn (HCl/HNO3) and Zn (HF)

Zn (HCl/HNO3) in mg/kg

y = 0,9847x
2000 R2 = 0,9975
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Zn (HF) in mg/kg

B. Comparison of the quantities of trace elements extracted from soils with aqua regia
(ISO 11466) and with hydrofluoric and perchloric acids (ISO 14869-1)
Information provided by Henri Ciesielski, INRA - Laboratoire d'Analyses des Sols, France

This document gives some relationships (graphs 1 to 6) observed between the quantities of trace
elements extracted from soils according to 2 ISO standards.

ISO 11466: Extraction of trace elements soluble in aqua regia

ISO 14869-1: Dissolution for the determination of total element content

Part I: Dissolution with hydrofluoric and perchloric acids

Samples and results

20 acid and calcareous soil samples collected in various regions of France. Results were
obtained within interlaboratory trials organised by BIPEA (French organisation for the
development of analytical methods) involving about 15 laboratories for each method.

Except for Pb the results are well correlated (R2 > 0.94).
HF, compared to aqua regia, extracts more than 30% of Cr. For the other elements, HF always
gives higher results but the differences in the calculated slopes do not exceed 11%.

Figure 16 Comparison Cd


0,8 y = 1,0685x
Cd HF in mg/kg

R2 = 0,9765
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8
Cd HCl-HNO3 in mg/kg

Figure 17 Comparison Cr


Cr HF in mg/kg

y = 1,3242x
R2 = 0,942
0 20 40 60 80
Cr HCl-HNO3 in mg/kg

Figure 18 Comparison Cu


y = 1,0936x
Cu HF in mg/kg

30 2
R = 0,9666
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Cu HCl-HNO3 in mg/kg

Figure 19 Comparison Ni


Ni HF in mg/kg

y = 1,0552x
25 R2 = 0,9812
0 10 20 30 40
Ni HCl-HNO3 in mg/kg

Figure 20 Comparison Pb


Pb HF in mg/kg

y = 1,1077x
R2 = 0,8002
0 10 20 30 40 50
Pb HCl-HNO3 in mg/kg

Figure 21 Comparison Zn


Zn HF in mg/kg

200 y = 1,1128x
150 R2 = 0,9952



0 50 100 150 200
Zn HCl-HNO3 in mg/kg

C. Influence of sample particle size on aqua regia digestion method
Results of the robustness study for EN 13656 and EN 13657

Table 18 Influence of sample particle size on aqua regia digestion method (Giove 2000)
Matrix: coal bottom ash, analytical results in mg/kg

mg µm Al StdDev Ba StdDev Be StdDev Mg StdDev

100 90 108614 7001 1400 89 6.7 0.4 615.5 34.0
Aqua 300 90 100263 4301 1162 22 5.7 0.2 560.0 18.6
regia 500 90 100365 4642 1137 65 5.6 0.2 545.8 21.7
300 560 81163 8667 949 77 4.5 0.4 420.1 42.9
100 90 162888 3983 2088 101 8.9 0.3 876.2 43.0
300 90 152504 3781 1798 109 8.4 0.2 734.1 44.6
Total 400 90 160125 4122 1875 69 8.2 0.1 799.3 32.6
500 90 159060 11191 1817 17 7.9 0.4 755.2 15.9
300 560 119963 18421 1577 153 9.0 0.2 600.7 127.2

mg µm Co StdDev Cr StdDev Cu StdDev Fe StdDev

100 90 30.9 2.2 40.7 2.1 26.5 0.9 24873 1946
Aqua 300 90 25.2 1.0 34.5 1.3 22.6 1.0 22021 690
regia 500 90 24.3 0.8 34.3 1.4 22.9 0.5 20751 745
300 560 18.3 2.3 24.7 3.5 18.3 1.4 15725 1948
100 90 47.5 2.3 131.1 5.8 40.3 1.1 35766 2572
300 90 43.9 1.0 122.1 1.4 38.1 0.8 34535 1311
Total 400 90 42.2 0.6 116.1 2.2 37.4 0.7 30883 1397
500 90 41.2 2.0 112.8 6.7 36.9 2.4 31749 2446
300 560 44.9 0.8 122.6 1.8 38.2 1.0 34025 1308

mg µm Mn StdDev Mo StdDev Ni StdDev Pb StdDev

100 90 339 13 2.6 0.4 122 5 22.5 1.2
Aqua 300 90 287 13 2.3 0.2 108 7 20.4 0.8
regia 500 90 279 13 2.0 0.1 116 8 18.2 0.6
300 560 224 24 1.9 0.5 91 9 15.3 2.8
100 90 431 16 3.0 0.8 152 17 28.6 2.6
300 90 413 6 2.5 0.4 148 5 29.4 4.6
Total 400 90 404 8 2.1 0.2 135 8 29.4 1.2
500 90 389 18 2.2 0.3 133 9 25.9 1.8
300 560 426 7 2.1 0.3 151 8 25.4 1.7

mg µm Sn StdDev Ti StdDev V StdDev Zn StdDev

100 90 5.5 1.8 5020 423 249 6 38.7 1.6
Aqua 300 90 3.7 1.1 3749 116 223 6 25.7 1.1
regia 500 90 3.6 1.0 3481 74 226 9 24.8 1.5
300 560 3.4 2.6 2689 437 196 15 28.7 4.1
100 90 13.7 1.5 8459 230 293 14 47.7 3.7
300 90 8.9 1.1 8299 268 279 3 41.7 4.0
Total 400 90 7.5 0.3 8237 184 277 7 35.6 0.4
500 90 6.6 0.8 8346 505 267 13 34.5 2.5
300 560 9.1 1.6 8589 219 281 8 44.0 3.4

Most selected elements (Al, Ba, Be, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Pb, Ni, Ti, V) show almost
the same behavior: as the particle size of sample increases, recovery gets lower.

D. Validation data for Sewage Sludge of EN 13657
Table 19 Results of the round robin test for validation of EN 13567
Method A: Microwave assisted with aqua regia in Method - B: Microwave assisted, with aqua regia in Method C: Thermal heating, with aqua regia in
closed vessel semi-open vessel reflux systems
% % % % % % % % %
N L NA XREF Mean Recov Reprod Repeat N L NA XREF Mean Recov Reprod Repeat N L NA XREF Mean Recov Reprod Repeat
Al 67 16 5 81847.8 6.7 2.5 21 6 1 77367.8 16.7 1.7 29 7 0 79678.5 24.6 6.4
Sb 44 11 0 9.77 151.1 30.8 8 3 0 3.24 56.5 1.8 22 5 0 2.99 64.1 10.6
As 39 10 4 4.67 78.3 14.6 10 3 0 4.42 32.1 8.3 28 7 0 2.41 73.4 20.1
B 33 8 2 279.94 15.6 3.4 12 3 1 282.57 14.1 0.9 19 4 0 328.05 28.4 16.6
Ba 51 12 8 76.52 8.6 2.7 22 6 4 75.52 4.5 1.2 27 6 0 61.8 18.9 7.9
Be 26 6 6 0.45 48.9 11.3 6 2 0 3 74.5 0 14 3 0 1.13 55.5 13.7
Cd 78 19 11 0.68 99.6 12 23 6 0 1.02 112.4 20.8 30 7 9 0.26 67.6 36.3
Ca 60 14 0 57231.7 11 5.9 19 5 5 58796.6 4 5.8 21 5 0 58521 17.2 2.6
Cr 97 24 5 78.02 10.9 4 27 7 0 73.22 10.8 3.1 44 10 0 80.18 19.6 5.4
Co 57 15 0 3.99 57.3 8.6 12 4 0 5.43 48.1 52.5 30 7 0 3.41 49.5 10.7
Cu 100 24 1 96479.8 12.9 3.5 31 8 0 93526.1 6.3 1.4 40 10 5 94191.3 9.5 2
Fe 85 21 3 4449.03 10.8 3.5 26 7 0 4437.73 4.2 2.3 47 11 0 4125.21 13.8 6.9
Pb 100 24 3 9339.37 10.9 2.8 31 8 0 9323.84 3.5 1.2 42 10 5 9739.83 10.2 3.3
Mg 60 14 0 2309.07 14.2 4.2 21 6 4 2177.29 5 2.9 21 5 0 1992.14 19 5.6
Mn 96 24 1 591.06 12 3.2 31 8 0 583.76 3.6 1.4 50 12 1 590.52 8.8 3
Hg 43 11 0 0.33 121.4 27 16 4 0 0.36 32.9 6.2 23 5 0 0.15 66 11.3
Mo 26 7 6 4.31 10.2 6.4 20 5 0 4.91 49.9 9.5 15 4 0 3.65 12 6.9
Ni 104 26 1 1727.32 10.4 3.2 26 7 5 1719.96 5.5 1.7 49 11 0 1710.41 25.1 5.8
P 18 4 10 4724.51 3.8 6.3 22 5 0 5834.64 33.9 5.6 13 3 0 4012.85 24.7 6.7
K 48 12 4 629.48 39.1 6.8 11 3 0 436.27 31.7 5.5 21 5 0 467.76 58.6 3.8
Se 26 6 0 5.52 99 16.5 2 1 0 10 0 0 9 2 0 2.78 81 0
Ag 28 7 0 10.53 14.7 13.1 18 4 0 7.73 20.5 11.8 18 4 0 9.68 21 7
S 26 6 0 61982.3 8.8 1.7 7 2 0 60495.7 2.6 2.5 10 2 0 59697.9 12.8 1.8
Na 64 15 0 11040.6 22.7 6 7 2 0 12595.7 7.7 1.3 28 6 1 11805.5 10.8 4.3
Sr 41 10 10 200.79 5.6 2.4 15 4 0 197.3 3.3 2.2 18 4 0 195.16 9.5 2.2
Sn 35 8 5 19154.7 5.2 6.6 15 4 0 16768.4 15.1 5.1 14 3 0 17840 18.2 1.8
Te 9 2 0 7.78 36.2 0 9 2 0 1.44 38.9 0 10 2 0 7.5 35.1 0
Tl 11 3 7 1.81 9.8 11.1 11 3 0 3 173.2 0 9 2 0 7.22 38.9 0
Ti 21 5 3 29.78 28.2 8.9 8 3 9 26.34 10.1 0.5 12 3 0 24.64 35.7 3
V 31 8 23 5.75 12.3 2.2 22 6 0 6.09 89.4 31.7 22 5 5 8.32 70.4 24.1
Zn 103 25 0 230.12 34.2 5.5 31 8 0 323.33 44.6 7 52 12 1 209.32 34.1 22.2
N = Number of results, L = Number of laboratories, NA = Number of outliers, XREF = Conventional true value (where applicable)

Method A: Microwave assisted with aqua regia in Method - B: Microwave assisted, with aqua regia in Method C: Thermal heating, with aqua regia in
closed vessel semi-open vessel reflux systems
% % % % % % % % %
N L NA XREF Mean Recov Reprod Repeat N L NA XREF Mean Recov Reprod Repeat N L NA XREF Mean Recov Reprod Repeat
Al 79 20 0 25130 20690.2 82.3 19.1 6 20 6 1 25130 18942.7 75.4 13.7 2.1 37 9 0 25130 21230.3 84.5 25.4 5.4
Sb 32 8 4 16.25 9.23 56.8 21.1 7.4 17 5 0 16.25 9.1 56 57.4 5.6 19 5 0 16.25 7.24 44.6 55.8 4.8
As 56 14 0 6.3 6.33 100.4 50.9 15.8 15 4 0 6.3 8.61 136.6 33.4 11.6 33 8 0 6.3 6.32 100.2 49.9 37.9
B 23 6 0 38.18 36.8 15.4 11 3 0 30.87 33.8 6 15 4 0 21.9 15 16.8
Ba 63 15 0 735 572.84 77.9 20 4.6 19 5 1 735 391.83 53.3 16.9 7.7 23 5 0 735 479.31 65.2 13.9 13.7
Be 31 7 2 0.79 10.5 5.5 18 4 0 1.1 53.3 4.2 18 4 0 1.05 31.4 7.2
Cd 86 21 14 18.76 17.16 91.5 8.6 4.5 22 6 4 18.76 15.75 84 13 2.3 49 12 0 18.76 16.51 88 14.9 9.1
Ca 60 14 0 154600 140455 90.9 8.7 3.7 18 5 5 154600 145312 94 7.3 1.4 27 6 1 154600 154356 99.8 17 4.4
Cr 107 26 0 196 164.91 84.1 13.4 3.4 27 8 4 196 157.48 80.3 12.3 4.4 49 11 4 196 165.94 84.7 14 3.3
Co 66 17 0 7.39 6.05 81.8 19.2 5.7 22 7 0 7.39 7.59 102.8 37.4 22.5 41 10 0 7.39 6.13 82.9 33.7 7.7
Cu 116 28 0 837.9 804.93 96.1 13.1 7.2 35 10 5 837.9 798.91 95.3 9.4 2.3 34 8 9 837.9 771.47 92.1 3.7 2.8
Fe 93 23 0 16100 13906.8 86.4 11.4 3.6 21 6 5 16100 13922.4 86.5 6.8 1.9 38 9 5 16100 13508.3 83.9 11.6 4.8
Pb 102 25 0 608.7 534.3 87.8 13.4 3.4 31 8 0 608.7 562.93 92.5 7.6 1.7 46 11 5 608.7 541.77 89 10.8 3.8
Mg 64 15 0 10460 9031.16 86.3 9.3 3.3 21 6 5 10460 8449.24 80.8 8.1 1.9 30 7 1 10460 9446.1 90.3 17.8 8.5
Mn 96 24 0 323.5 274.45 84.8 10.6 2.8 37 9 0 323.5 281.41 87 8.6 1.6 47 11 0 323.5 265.87 82.2 14.1 3.1
Hg 45 11 0 8.62 7.44 86.3 23.9 10.3 18 5 0 8.62 8.73 101.3 16.8 6.9 35 8 0 8.62 7.21 83.6 26 11.4
Mo 32 8 4 7.95 8.1 5.2 17 5 0 8.09 29.6 5.7 16 4 0 8.67 13.2 2.9
Ni 105 26 4 69.7 61.25 87.9 18.7 4.6 31 8 0 69.7 59.17 84.9 15.3 2.7 53 12 0 69.7 58.4 83.8 17.3 5.4
P 31 7 1 25600 27626 107.9 2.4 2.9 24 6 0 25600 30286.2 118.3 17.5 5 18 4 0 6068.72 8.1 4.3
K 56 14 0 5240 2025.58 38.7 34.7 17.3 16 5 1 5240 1306.19 24.9 24.8 9.4 30 7 5 5240 1313.79 25.1 33.7 5.3
Se 26 6 0 5.46 62.4 10.3 11 3 0 3.48 141.7 4.6 6 2 0 4.22 41.1 0
Ag 38 9 0 190.91 23.1 1.9 24 6 0 205.89 6.6 5.2 18 4 1 198.75 4.4 1.1
S 26 6 0 10620 9188.44 86.5 17.7 2.4 2 1 0 9180 0 0 10 2 0 10620 9021.6 84.9 15.4 8.7
Na 44 11 6 1804 777 43.1 28.1 4.3 6 2 0 481.82 5.9 10.1 41 9 0 1804 701.27 38.9 55.2 18.3
Sr 46 11 5 1179 1027.18 87.1 4.9 2 11 3 1 1179 975.11 82.7 4.4 2.4 19 4 0 1179 1019.59 86.5 10.6 1.3
Sn 30 7 3 95.8 59.79 62.4 32.5 6.3 15 4 0 95.8 61.15 63.8 33 3.8 14 3 0 95.8 63.94 66.7 28.6 4.6
Te 9 2 0 7.78 36.2 0 9 2 0 1.44 38.9 0 9 2 0 7.78 36.2 0
Tl 29 7 0 2771 302.74 10.9 58 21.7 21 6 0 2771 182.77 6.6 59.4 19 14 3 0 2771 183.56 6.6 34.1 7.2
Ti 22 5 0 3.54 44.6 4.3 15 4 0 1.68 127.5 2 9 2 0 3 84.5 0.8
V 50 12 8 42.7 34.08 79.8 8.4 3.5 14 4 8 42.7 27.76 65 3.4 2.8 31 7 0 42.7 41.21 96.5 56.3 4.9
Zn 105 26 7 3061 2858.47 93.4 8.9 4.1 31 8 0 3061 2761.77 90.2 7.1 3.1 47 11 6 3061 2819.79 92.1 11.6 6.4
N = Number of results, L = Number of laboratories, NA = Number of outliers, XREF = Conventional true value (where applicable)

E. Reproducibility % values of "cleaned data sets" Inter-laboratory validation of EN 13656 and EN 13657
Table 20 Comparison of reproducibility for all the samples used in the round robin test for validation of EN 13567
Clean Pre-digested Powder Pre-digested Powder Pre-digested Powder Pre-digested Powder
metals fly ash fly ash ash ash ink sludge ink sludge sludge sludge
solution (CW6) (CW6) (CW4) (CW4) (CW12) (CW12) (SL11) (SL11)
(analysis (analysis (digestion (analysis (digestion (analysis (digestion (analysis (digestion
only) only) + analysis) only) + analysis) only) + analysis) only) + analysis)
Al 9.3 10.5 25.4 13.9 17.7 18.1 22.4 10.4 6.7
Sb 11.4 25.1 24.4 22.6 20 62.1 89.8 21.5 103.9
As 13.2 29.8 30.6 28.8 27.6 25.5 52.5 25.9 78.1
B 36.2 9.1 16.2 8.8 9.4 72.5 68.7 13.1 15.6
Ba 6.5 41.1 36.8 31.7 108.8 9.8 18.9 65.9 8.6
Be 11.3 50.8 11.7 19.9 17.4 109.5 116.9 22.6 147.8
Cd 10.1 11.3 14.1 11.8 12.7 13.5 112 20.5 32.1
Ca 9.5 11.8 14.2 13.3 12.9 10.2 7.9 6 11
Cr 6.3 14.7 12.1 13.7 17.6 13.8 11.4 15 10.2
Co 9.3 28.6 27.9 18.9 22.6 29.9 22.5 18.7 24.9
Cu 9.5 10 20.3 7.5 13 7.8 10.3 12.4 13.2
Fe 9.1 14.2 12.6 9.8 11 9.5 11.8 15.1 11
Pb 7.9 13.3 11.5 8.7 10.8 7.7 8.6 25 11.2
Mg 9.3 7.7 8.8 8.6 12.6 12.1 25.9 5.2 14.2
Mn 7.8 13.9 12.7 13.2 12 11.7 11.9 20.5 12.2
Hg 11.7 28.4 37.4 15.8 17.2 11.1 48.9 45.2 52.7
Mo 4.5 19.3 9.6 14.7 9.8 17.2 70.4 31.6 11.1
Ni 7.3 16.2 13 13.3 19.2 19 31.8 10 10.6
P 16.9 20.4 5.8 6 2.3 10 3.2 24.5 3.8
K 63.6 13.2 9.5 23.3 12.2 18.9 47.9 44.9 39.1
Se 10.7 10.8 8.9 15.1 12.1 37.2 206.7 19.9 110.2
Ag 99.4 27.8 17.3 42.8 24.9 22.3 73.6 24.2 14.7
S 9.5 11.7 10.3 6.9 24.2 9.6 9.4 2.9 8.8
Na 29.9 12 12.5 14.4 20.1 14.7 22.4 16.8 22.7
Sr 7 13.9 11.5 14.2 13.5 15 14.5 11.1 5.6
Sn 10.2 54.9 7.9 11.7 10.6 40.1 147 63.3 5.2
Te 61.9 77.5 8.4 0 4.3
Tl 9.7 109 82.8 104.5 103.8 36.1 75.8 23.2 203
Ti 5.9 35.7 14.2 22.9 23.8 34.5 4.2 50.2 28.2
V 13 38.9 14.9 21.3 13.1 30.6 34.2 21.7 17.6
Zn 12 12.1 9.9 13.4 12.1 9.9 11.5 23.7 34.9
Average 17.4 25.6 18.2 18.7 21.5 23.9 46.4 23.1 35.6

Results from interlaboratory comparison on sludge – digestion method: Nitric
acid/autoclave digestion /Proficiency test SOLID-5 (2002-5) Eurofins 2002

Table 21 Data from interlaboratory comparison on two municipal sludge samples. Particle
size < 4 mm. No of participants: 17.
Parameter Unit Median* Median* SR(A) SR(B) CV (%) CV (%)
Arsenic mg/kg 3.9 7.9 2.3 1.9 59 24
Cadmium mg/kg 1.4 1.3 0.13 0.14 9 11
Chromium mg/kg 21.2 34.3 2.9 5.8 14 17
Copper mg/kg 582 293 33.6 15.7 6 5
Mercury mg/kg 2.0 1.3 0.246 0.136 12 10
Nickel mg/kg 14.6 16.0 2.19 1.95 15 12
Lead mg/kg 81 73 7.5 9.7 9 14
Zinc mg/kg 923 724 66 64 7 14
Selenium mg/kg 1.6 2.3 0.44 0.75 28 29
Molybdenum mg/kg 5.4 5.6 0.97 1.3 17 23
* Excluding outliers

Results from interlaboratory comparison on soil samples – digestion method:

Nitric acid/autoclave digestion /Proficiency test SOLID-5 (2001-4)DHI Water &
Environment 2001

Table 22 Data from interlaboratory comparison on two municipal sludge samples. Particle
size < 2 mm. No of participants: 19 (Denmark, Norway and Sweden)
Parameter Unit Median* Median* SR(A) SR(B) CV (%) CV (%)
Arsenic mg/kg 770 498 44 30 6 6
Cadmium mg/kg 0.089 0.068 0.013 0.014 15* 20*
Chromium mg/kg 20.9 89.8 1.7 7.1 8 8
Copper mg/kg 253 1332 19 98 7 7
Mercury mg/kg 0.130 0.025 0.025 0.005 18 21
Nickel mg/kg 3.16 7.26 0.35 0.89 11 13
Lead mg/kg 22.2 10.7 1.6 1.8 7 16
Zinc mg/kg 33.7 32.9 3.2 4.2 9 13
Selenium mg/kg 0.997 0.171 0.32 0.09 32 56
Molybdenum mg/kg 0.120 0.297 0.021 0.061 18 20
Iron g/kg 3.80 8.28 1.07 1.52 1 2
* Excluding outliers
** Results from ICP-OES determinations included, all though contents were below method detection limit

The data analysis was performed in accordance with ISO 5725: “Accuracy (trueness and
precision) of measurement methods and results” (1994) and as described in detail in Spliid


Results in the Finnish PTs for analysis of metals in solid samples

Table 23 Results in the Finnish PTs

SYKE 5/2002 sludge (mg/kg)

L1 Al Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Mn Ni Pb V Zn Number of labs
X all 13.71 0.821 7.63 104.8 410.6 104.8 0.34 77.07 21.94 18.76 588.7 28 (EDXRF excl)
S(R) % 16 12 22 16 7 9 9 18 14 18 9

labHF 19.38 0.99 7.96 120.3 469.8 127.8 0.52 77.03 26.43 27.28 608.9 1
labEDXRF 16.77 - 37.45 101.4 394.7 99.57 0.377 75.3 21.07 28.9 603.3 1
labHCl 15.3 9.7 120.5 439.4 112.8 0.372 81.7 35.5 19.17 656.8 1
labHNO3 13.19 0.818 7.51 104.2 409.1 103.1 0.337 79.28 21.92 18.84 587.8 22
labH2O2 13.55 0.803 7.4 102.1 396.1 107 0.345 70.78 22.06 18.68 543.3 4

SYKE 7/2000 sludges L1 & L2, soils M1 & M2

L1 Al Cd Cr Cu Fe Mn Ni Pb Zn 24 lab: HNO3
X all 31.15 1.64 63.55 288 5.59 179.5 34.4 96.55 886.5 7 lab: HNO3+H2O2
labEDX 32.1 95.3 245 6.27 204 32.5 97.7 758 2 lab: HNO3+HCl
labHF 37.2 1.99 94.7 296 6.42 195 43 99.8 899 1 lab: HNO3+HF
1 lab: EDXRF
L2 Al Cd Cr Cu Fe Mn Ni Pb Zn
X all 5.335 0.47 11.4 193 148.5 497 16.3 11.35 523
labEDX 5.73 165 149 525 9.85 427
labHF 8.36 0.563 16.1 203 159 533 16.1 14.8 553

M1 Al Cd Cr Cu Fe Mn Ni Pb Zn
X all 9.645 0.46 19.4 92.45 11.95 157.5 30.1 11.15 48.85
labEDX 36.6 35.6 87.5 16.3 315 24.1 19.1 53.3
labHF 46.2 0.514 32.8 97.7 16.2 282 33.3 18.4 61.1

M2 Al Cd Cr Cu Fe Mn Ni Pb Zn
X all 11.1 4.355 230 338 13.2 254 178.5 73.3 408.5
labEDX 43.4 266 312 18.3 437 172 81.7 385
labHF 47.6 5.07 222 350 17.9 371 184 80.8 413


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