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Credit: 3
Lecture Hours: 48
Course Objectives
The main objective of this course is to familiarize students with the concepts and practices of human
resource management. This course provides an overview of the HRM. This course is designed to
provide students with specific knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with human resource
management so that they are actually prepared to perform the essential functions that human resource
professionals are expected to perform.
Course Description
This course contains an overview of HRM, analysis and design of job, human resource planning,
recruitment, selection and socialization, human resource development and training, career planning,
performance evaluation and compensation management, labour relations and collective bargaining,
recent trends in human resource management.
Course Details
Unit 1: An Overview of Human Resource Management LH 6
Concept, Developments in HRM Concepts, HRM environment, Ethics in HRM, Strategic
HRM, The roles of the HRM functions in strategy formulation, Dimensions of International
human resource management, globalization and HR policy, Human resource management in
Unit 6: Employee Career Planning and Mentoring LH4
Concept and Objectives of career planning, Stages of career development and planning, Need
of career planning, Individual career counseling and mentoring, Importance of mentoring in
work place, Career planning in Nepalese organizations.
Reference Books:
Armstrong, M.,(2015). A Handbook of Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Aditya.
Adhikari, D.R.,(2015) .Human Resource Management, Buddha Publication.
Books. Armstrong, M., (2015). A Handbook of Human Resource Management, Aditya Books
Bernardin J.H., (2014).Human Resource Management: An Experiential Approach, McGraw-
Hill.Cascio, W., (2015).Managing Human Resources, McGraw-Hill.
Decenzo, D.A.,(2014). Fundamentals of HRM, Wiley.
Dessler, G. and Varkkey, B,(2016). Human Resource Management, Pearson.
Geprge W. Bohlander,(2016). Principles of Human Resource Management, Cenage Learning India
Private Limited
MSC 517: Production and Operations Management
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 48
Course Objectives
This course aims to impart knowledge and skills of production and operations management to students
so that they can relate the theoretical aspects with real world operations.
Course Description
The course contains basic concepts and introduction, production planning and scheduling, materials
management, managing for quality and optimization techniques
Course Details:
Unit1: Basic Concepts and Introduction LH 6
Concept, Transformation model, manufacturing versus Service operations, Historical
Development of Operations Management, Types of production system, operations strategy,
global view of operations, achieving competitive advantage though operations, concept and
types of Productivity.
Suggested Readings
1. Stevenson, W.(2012). Operations Management.11th ed. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. Vohra N.D., (2004). Quantitative Techniques in Management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-
3. Hillier F.S.,Liberman G.J. (2005). Introduction to Operations Research: Concepts and
cases. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.
4. Adam, E and Ebert R. (2007). Production and operations management Concepts, Models
and Behaviour.5th ed. New Delhi: Prentice -Hall of India Private Limited.
5. Krajewski L, Ritzman L., Malhotra, M.(2007): Operations Management Process and Value
Chains.8 ed. New Delhi: Prentice Hall.
6. Chase Richard B., Aquilano Nicholas J and Jacobs F. Robart (1999): Production and
Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services, 8th edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company, New Delhi
9. Regmi L., Joshi P.R. ,Chaudhary A.K., & Fago G, . (2012). Production and operations
management. Kathmandu: Buddha Publication
MGT 518: Business Environment
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours: 48
Course Objectives
The course aims to provide the students with the knowledge of different facets of external business
environment that are necessary for the survival of a business firm in the contemporary business world.
It also aims to develop capacity and skills in the students of analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating
these facets and applying them in the formulation of business and strategies. This course examines the
relationship between business organizations and their functional areas.
Course Description
The main topics covered in the course are: the business-environment interaction, analysis of the
economic, political, social, cultural, legal, and technological environments and their effects on
international business; trade policy instruments and implications for business; economic policies and
reforms, corporate social responsibility; globalization and regional economic integration, multinational
corporations; major drivers behind, and barriers to, foreign direct investment; impact of international
institutions and organizations like WTO on Nepalese business. The purpose is to develop a solid
understanding of the external, economy-wide factors that affect the performance and management of
Nepalese business firms.
Course Details
Unit 1: Introduction LH 3
Concept, relationship between business system and its environment, Importance and
components of business environment, Process and techniques of environmental analysis,
Business environment analysis for strategic management, Recent trends and emerging
business environment in Nepal.
Unit 4: Regulatory Environment LH 7
Pant, Prem R. Business Environment in Nepal. Buddha Academic Publishers and Distributors,
Agrawal, G. R. Dynamics of Nepalese Business Environment. M. K. Publishers, Kathmandu.