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The text discusses the fundamentals of statistical mechanics and its relation to thermodynamics. It introduces concepts such as phase space, ensembles, and distribution functions.

The three main statistical distributions discussed are the Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein, and Fermi-Dirac distributions.

Two properties of liquid helium discussed are Tisza's two-fluid model and the fountain effect.



Madhusudan Jana

Alpha Science International Ltd.
Oxford, U.K.

Preface vii

1. Basics of Statistical Mechanics and its 1.1

Relation to Thermodynamics

1.1 Introduction: Need of Statistical Mechanics 1.1

1.2 Phase Space 1.2

1.3 Volume of an Elementary Cell 1.4

1.4 Concept of Ensemble 1.5

1.5 Ensemble Average 1.7

1.6 Microscopic and Macroscopic Systems 1.8

1.7 Macro and Microstates 1.8

1.8 Number of Phase Cells in a given Energy Range 1.9

1.9 Phase Space Distribution Functions and Liouville's Theorem 1.10

1.10 Statistical Equilibrium 1.12

1.11 Basic Definitions and Thermodynamics 1.14

1.12 Statistical Postulates 1.16

1.13 Boltzmann's Entropy Relation 1.18

1.14 The Principle of Equal a Priori Probabilities 1.19

1.15 The H Theorem 1.20
1.16 Calculation of Probability 1.23

1.17 Behaviour of the Density of States 1.23

1.18 Thermal Interaction between Macrosystems 1.25

1.19 Mechanical Interaction between Macrosystems 1.28

1.20 General Interaction between Macrosystems 1.29

1.21 The Equation of State of an Ideal Gas: Statistical Definition

of Temperature, Pressure and Entropy 1.32
1.22 Calculation of Specific Heats 1.35

1.23 The Chemical Potential 1.36

1.24 Third Law of Thermodynamics 1.37

X Contents

1.25 Some Solved Problems 1.38

1.26 Exercises 1.40

2. Classical Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics 2.1

2.1 Most Probable Distribution 2.1

2.2 Stirling's Theorem 2.4

2.3 Derivation of Maxwell-Boltzmann (Classical) Statistics 2.5

2.4 Graphical Representation of MB Distribution of
Molecular Speed 2.11

2.5 Connection between the Partition Function and

Thermodynamic Quantities 2.12

2.6 Principle of Equipartition of Energy 2.19
2.7 Mean Energy of Simple Harmonic Oscillator 2.20
2.8 Classical Theory of Paramagnetism 2.23

2.9 Dielectric Polarizability 2.26

2.10 Limitation of MB Statistics 2.28
2.11 Some Problems 2.29

2.12 Exercises 2.33

3. Bose-Einstein Statistics 3.1

3.1 Symmetry Requirements in Quantum Mechanics 3.1

3.2 Three Types of Distribution by an Illustration 3.3

3.3 Bose-Einstein's Distribution Law 3.5

3.4 Specific Heats of Solids 3.10

3.5 The Planck Radiation Law 3.20

3.6 Ideal B-E Gas 3.25

3.7 Thermodynamic Properties of an Ideal BE Gas 3.35

3.8 Some Problems 3.40

3.9 Exercises 3.42

4. Properties of Liquid Helium 4.1

4.1 Liquid Helium 4.1

4.2 London's Theory 4.2

4.3 Tisza's Two Fluid Model for Liquid He II 4.3

4.4 Andronikashvili's Experiment 4.6

4.5 Boiling Helium 4.8

4.6 Thermo-mechanical Effect 4.9

4.7 The Fountain Effect 4.10

4.8 Landau Theory of Phonons and Rotons 4.11

Contents xi

4.9 Superfluidity of 3He2 4.18

4.10 Some Problems 4.20

4.11 Exercises 4.21

5. Fermi-Dirac Statistics 5.1

5.1 FD distribution Law 5.1

5.2 Symmetric Nature of Distribution Curve at T > 0 5.5

5.3 Energy Distribution Curve 5.6

5.4 Expression for Fermi Energy £y0 at T = 0 5.7
5.5 Expression for Average Energy of the Free Particles
(Like Electrons in a Metal) at T 0 K = 5.8
5.6 Some Observations 5.10
5.7 Comparative Study of Three Statistics 5.11
5.8 Ideal Fermi-Dirac Gas 5.12
5.9 Electronic Specific Heat 5.20
5.10 Thermo-ionic Emission 5.21
5.11 Pauli's Paramagnetism 5.24

5.12 White Dwarfs 5.27

5.13 Some Problems 5.32

5.14 Exercises 5.36

6. Transport Phenomenon 6.1

6.1 Boltzmann Transport Equation 6.2
6.2 Particle Diffusion 6.3
6.3 Sommerfeld's Theory of Electrical 6.5
6.4 Thermal Conductivity of Metals 6.8
6.5 Viscosity of Gas 6.11
6.6 Hall Effect 6.13
6.7 Magneto Resistance 6.17

6.8 Some Problems 6.20

6.9 Exercises 6.22

7. Phase Transitions 7.1

7.1 Introduction to Ising Model 7.2
7.2 One-dimensional Ising Model 7.7
7.3 Ising Model in Two Dimension 7.10
7.4 The Phase Change Behaviour of the Ising Model 7.11
7.5 Lattice Gas 7.11
xii Contents

7.6 Some Problems 7.12

7.7 Exercises 7.13

8. Method of Ensembles 8.1

8.1 Microcanonical Ensemble 8.2
8.2 Canonical Ensembles 8.13
8.3 Grand Canonical Ensemble 8.23
8.4 Lee-Yang Theory of Equilibrium Phase Transitions 8.32
8.5 Comparison of Three Ensembles 8.36
8.6 Introduction to Laser 8.37
8.7 Some Problems 8.41

8.8 Exercises 8.44

Some Physical Constants A. 1

Some Mathematical Concepts and Formulae A.2

Bibliography B.l

Solutions of Some Selected Problems S.l

Index 1.1

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