Reaction Paper Foundation 102

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Republic of the Philippines


Los Baños, Campus
Los Baños, Laguna

I. Title: Philosophical Foundation of Education

II. Discussion/Analysis

Idealism emphasizes the importance of mind, soul and sprit. Truth is to be

found in the consistency of ideas. Goodness is an ideas state something to be

strived for. Plato, an idealist philosopher believes on the conception of

unchanging truth and value. Idealist students are passive recipient of knowledge,

taught the wisdom of past heroes. Teachers are intellectually and morally

excellent. School’s function is to sharpen intellectual processes.

Realism stresses that the world is made up of real, substantial and

material entitles. The knowledge is derived from senses, standard of value are

determined by reason. It is based on the preservation of society.

Existentialism came from the word to exist means life is what we make it,

focuses on the world is one personal subjectivity, where goodness, truth and

reality are individually defined. Exist life is what we make it. Jean Paul Sartre

stated that “Each one creates his/her own meaning or essences.”

Pragmatism derived from Greek word pragma meaning a thing done, the

meaning of ideas is determined by the consequences of their test or practice.

John Dewey the proponent of pragmatism- “Education should be both

conservative and reconstructive ( to improve human conduct). It is the centers on

the human experience wherein experience is the best teacher, everything is

change. The school gives child balance and genuine experience in preparation

for democratic living.

Progressive educators focus on the improvement and reform in the human

condition are both possible and desirable, human beings are capable of

improving and perfecting their environment. Education is always in the process of

development. The schools viewed as a microcosm of the society (sets up a

democratic classroom environment).

Social Reconstructionism, aim for education is to change and social

reform. Mans plans and control his society, that in democratic society this should

be done in the public interest. Society is in need of constant reconstruction.

George Counts the proponent of Social Reconstructionism, stated “Curriculum

should include broad areas of social and technological knowledge”.

Perennialism, goodness is to be found in rationally itself. The teacher

interprets and tells eternal truths. The role of the teacher is to teach things of
everlasting importance. The students are taught to reason through structured

lesson, drills, and from reading and analyzing the Great Books.

Essentialism, individuals should be able to distinguish between the

essentials and the non-essentials in one’s existence. It is very traditional and

conservative, in direct opposition to progressive education.

III. Conclusion

To fully understand the true meaning of education precisely to the present

setting and educational system, we need to study the evolution of the philosophy

of education. We must know how they gave or valued education before. Did they

affect their lives, influences to the society or to the universe in general, how did it

transcend to the present generation?

The different philosophic theologies dimensions show the objectivity of the

principles. Education has ever been indispensable to all mankind. It was then

treated and the most essential part of their lives because this would give them

the great opportunity to rule their countrymen. Education for them before was

power and prestige.

Philosophic theologies served as a guide for the educators, it is

dimensions become the basis of educational and its objective in technological

era. In every college they put them a mission and vision to put in philosophic,

while others incorporate to the core values with specific objectives.

All of these transforming changes of the educational system and

curriculum are strong manifestation of the perpetuating existing power structure

and the evolution according to the context and needs of the time period. Finally,

educational system or curriculum involves to the present context and needs as

well as to the present structure of existing power in our society.

IV. Recommendation

Whatever would be the philosophic perspective view apply to the learner

we need to focus on what the students needs for the total development.

Continually search for the most effective and efficient philosophy in the

parlance of education thus defining as a continuous process of learning. A

learning that would change the perception and lives of the people, increase

knowledge, or even changes behavior in measurable manner as a determining

factor of an experience.

The application should be a combination but it should be appropriate to

the needs of the learners as well as the society.

Republic of the Philippines
Los Baños, Campus
Los Baños, Laguna

I. Title: Psychological Foundation of Education

II. Discussion/Analysis

Sigmund Freud believes that all human beings pass through a series of

psychosexual stages. Each stage is dominated by the development of sensitivity

in a particular erogenous or pleasure giving spot in the body. Each stage poses

for individuals as unique conflict that they must resolved before they go to the

next higher stage. If individuals are unsuccessful in resolving conflict, the

resulting frustration become chronic and remains a central feature of their

psychological make-up. Individuals may become so addicted to the pleasure of a

given stage that they are unwilling to move on to the later stages.

The moral development of each successive generation is of obvious

significance to society. Although moral standards may vary from culture to

culture, every society has devise rules that its constituents must obey in order to

remain members in good standing. Lawrence Kohlberg expanded on Piaget’s

studies of moral development by making moral dilemmas that could be

appropriate for older children. Thus in 1963, he developed the description of the
three levels of moral reasoning: Level I. Pre-conventional Morality, Level II.

Conventional Morality, and Level III. Post-Conventional Morality.

Personality is the overall profile or combination of characteristics that

capture the unique nature of a person as that person reacts and interacts with

others. It is combines a set of physical and mental characteristic that reflect how

person looks, thinks, acts, and feels. Predictable relationships are expected

between people’s personalities and their behaviors.

Learning it is a change in behavior resulting from the interaction of the

organism with its environment. Change brought about by development is not

learning (ex. Ability to stand). It involves relatively permanent change in behavior

or knowledge which is the result of experience or practice. Learning is a process

of acquiring, remembering, applying skills, knowledge, attitudes and other

models or response.

III. Conclusion

All theories of human development have had an effect upon decisions

made in research, in classroom and in parental management. They are not

necessarily contradictory or entirely exclusive. All are concerned with the

interaction of the organism and his/her environment.

They do tend to place an emphasis on certain concepts and certain facets

of behavior. They all contain elements of truth.

The development of an organism is the result of the interaction between

heredity and environment. The process of heredity and environment are

interdependent and complimentary. Neither appears to be dominant.

Moral development explained on how to interact with other people with

high morally standards. To relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior,

conforming to a standard of right behavior.

The Different principles of Learning by doing are more effective than just

sitting and listening. The concept should be presented in varied/different ways.

Learning is aided by formulating and asking questions. Effort is put forth when

task are challenging. The principle of readiness is related to the learner stage of

development and their previous learning.

IV. Recommendation

Each stage of development has a characteristic traits vary at each stage

of development. Traits become more complex as the child gets older. The

characteristic together with the value must be considered of a teacher. As a

teacher we need to consider the maturation or readiness should precede certain

types of learning. The theories and principle of Human growth, learning and
development should help for the teacher to understand and keep in their mind

the variations of differences of the learners.

Republic of the Philippines
Los Baños, Campus
Los Baños, Laguna

I. Title: Sociological Foundation of Education

II. Discussion/Analysis

The family varies greatly in form. In many societies, the family unit is

consanguine, a much larger group of bloods relatives with a fringe of spouses.

The Western Family is normally conjugal, composed of husband, wife and

children. Types of family according to the dominant source of authority includes

patriarchal, matriarchal, equalitarian and matricentric.

All societies practice endogamy, requires selection of mates within some

specified groups, as exogamy, requiring that one go outside certain groups for

selection. Although most marriages are monogamous, many societies permit

polygamy, generally polygyny, wherein it is the husband who has more than one


Government is the system by which a state or community is controlled. It

means by which state policy is enforced, as well as the mechanism for

determining the policy of the state. The three types of political system that

sociologist consider: Democracy, Authoritarianism and Monarchy.

Social institutions are established or standardized of rule-governed

behavior. They include the family, education, religion and economic and political

institutions. Political system is a complete set of institutions, interest groups, the

relation between those institutions and political norms and rules that govern their


Drug defined as anything that frees one from certain disease, either curing

or preventing them to occur. Drug abuse if one takes more than enough to cause

him to exhibit abnormal behavior or make him violent socially approved behavior.

The reason why people become drug abusers is Socio-cultural deprivation, faulty

mode of learning, pathogenic Family patterns, identity crisis, cultural correlates,

peer group association.

Developing a clear picture of the factors that are important to determining

demographic trend is needed in addressing population problems. There are three

factors that can change population: (fertility, mortality, and migration). Due to

these factors, the population reaches a certain numerical level. Population

pressures result is stress to the individual, the family and the country.

Human rights Inherent to all human beings whatever our nationality, place

of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other

status. Three groups of human rights are: The right to safeguard the security and

integrity of the individual, the rights that entitle men and women to live as free
and responsible members of society, the rights that enable human beings to

enjoy a standard of living. Child abuse are characterized by beating and

battering, which include skin abrasions, bruises, lacerations, bites, hematomas,

brain injury, fractures, dislocations, burns and scalds. the infliction of physical or

psychological injury, cruelty to, or neglect, sexual abuse or exploitations of a

child. Other social problems and issues are: Poverty, Malnutrition, Child labor,

Street children, unwed mother and illegitimate child, Abortion, Environmental

problem, Unemployment and Underemployment, Gambling, Sexual Harassment,

Squatting, Floods, Traffic Congestion.

III. Conclusion

Sociological foundation of Education determines the basic sociological

foundations of educations which would help us become socially aware of our

responsibilities not only to ourselves but to our society.

Socialization can be considered as a molding and as a creating process,

in which the culture of the group is transmitted to the infant, and in which

thoughts, inner feelings and behavior of the growing. Individually gradually

develop on the basis of that culture or set of values of the group to which he

School should teach students how to respond to the moral problems of the

society emphasizing an authentic concern for the human person. Education

should provide opportunities for maximum development and inculcation of

ethical, cultural, and moral values. School and community need to work together

to develop in the student’s practical consciousness about happening in the

society and to help them form constructive responses through collaborative


Education in democratic society must endeavor to heighten interest and

participate in civic oriented activities to help create a more equitable and just

society. Education should have enough provisions other than curricular offerings

for strengthening one’s sense of Filipinos’ and nationhood.

Schools need to provide the student with a curriculum that gives insights

into their social traditions, customs, and institutions for the perpetuation of the

long established social order.

IV. Recommendation

Every individual gradually develop on the basis of the culture to the group

for which he/she belongs, sociological foundation of educations helps the

teachers to understand the different behavior, religion, family, political and

economical issues of the learners.

He/she learns to appreciate shared beliefs, meanings, and values that

exist and he uses these as a guide for his own conduct. As he/she grows older,

he takes role in accordance with other expectations; he also becomes more

skillful in interacting with other people, thus learning not only the ways of his

immediate culture but for a larger society.

Schools need to have activities that reinforce role and status, expectations

and values, which necessary in the promotions of harmonious relationship

among members of a group/society.

Republic of the Philippines
Los Baños, Campus
Los Baños, Laguna

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