First of all,thanks to Allah SWT.because of the help of Allah,writer finished writing the
Critical Book Review right in the calculated time.
The pourpose in writing this Critical Book Review is to fulfill the assignment that given
by Mis.Fadilah Arfah as course lecturer in Eanglish Language.
And in the writing this Critical Book Review,the writer has many obstacles,but with the
support of the closest people and help from Allah SWT can be overcme.writer also realized there
are still many mistakes in process of writing this Critikal Book Review.
Because of that,the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the prosess of
writing this Critical Book Review,hope fully Allah SWT replies all helps and bless you all.And
the author realizes that writing Critical Book Review is far from perfect,therefore hopefully you
can understand it,and hopefully writing this Critikal Book Review can be useful for special
writers ad for all of us in general.
And the authors expect suggestion and constructive criticism from readers for the
perfection of this Critical Book Review.
TABLE OCONTENTS…………………………………………………………….…...
CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY……………………………………………………………
1.1 Background………………………………………………………………………..
1.2 Purpose……………………………………………………………………………….
1.3 Benefit………………………………………………………………………………...
1.4 Book identity………………………………………………………………….……
Often we are confused about choosing reference books for us to read and
understand.sometimes we choose one book,but it doesen’t satisfy our book,but it doesen’t satisfy
our hearts.for example in terms of the information contained therein.
Therefor,the writer reads this Critical Book Review to make it easier for readers to choose
reference books.Basides that,one of the factors underlying the author’s review of this critically
and know the advantages of a book.
1.2 Purpose
c.Train yourself to think critically and look for the information given by each chapter of the
1.3 Benefits
Benefits of CBR fulfill one of the learning evaluation subject assignments. increase the knowledge of readers.
c.make it easy for readers to understand the contents of the book.
d.add author’s insight.
e.train the writer to think critically.
*the subject of a verb,or.
*the object of a verb.
The subject of a verb does the action of the verb.The personal pronouns I,you,he,she,it,we, and
they can all be used as the subject of a the subject of a the following two sentence.
The object of a verb receives the action of the verb.the person pronoun me,you,him,her,it,us, and
them can all be used as the object of a verb.Look at the following two sentence.
Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns.They give you more information about
people,places,and things.
To compare two people or things,use the comparative form of an adjective.the comparative form
of an adjective.The comparative form is usually made by adding er to the adjective.
When you compare three or more people or things,use the superlative form of an adjective.the
superlative form is usually made by adding est to to adjective.
Determiners,or noun signals,are special adjectives used before nouns.there are different kinds of
The words a,an and the are called the articles.
The words a and an are indefinite articles.They are used with singular nouns.Use a before nouns
that begin with a consonant.use an before nouns that begin with a vovel.
The words this,that,these,and those are also special pronoun called determiners.They are used to
point out which thing or thing or person you mean.they are called demonstrative determiners.
The words what,which and whose are used before nouns to ask question.Introgative Determiners
appear just before nouns
The word my,your,his,her,its,our and there are use before nouns to show ownership.They are
called possessive determiners.
A Sentences is a group of word that expresses a complete thaught.sentence always have a subject
and a verb
It si raining
*An exclamatory sentence makes a very stong statement called an shows a strong
feeling such as surprise or anger.
Some people are always happy and some people are always sad.
She opened the bag and took out a book
*Yes or no question
When you ask a yes or no question,you want the answer yes or the answer no.Use the
verbs be,have and do along with helping verbs such as can,will and should when you ask these
question.Here are some examples of yes or no question,with answers.
The helping verb comes before the subject,as it does in yes or no question.Here are some
examples.Again,the helping verb is printed in bold and the subject is printed in color.
*Indirect Speech
You can report what someone says without using their exact do this,use a verb
like say,ask or tell,followed by that.This is called Indirect speech.There are several differences
between a sentence with direct speech and a sentence with indirect speech.
You don’t use question marks with indirect speech.
You change the tense of the verb.
I arrive at school. I see another girl criying . I ask her why she is sad. She says she
hasn’t got any friensds to play with. I tell her that she can play with me.
Use the simple present tense to talk about things that will happen in the future.
The words am,is and are are the simple present forms of the verb be.
Here is a table to help you remember how to use is,am and are.
Singular plural
First person I am We are
second person You are You are
third person He/she is They are
It is They are
The simple past tense
Use the simple past tense to talk about things that happened in the past. The simple past tense is
usually made by adding ed to the verb
With some short verbs that end in a consonant, you must double the consonant befire adding ed
Use there with is and are to say what exists or what you can have. Use there is with singular
nouns, and there are with plural nouns
The present progressive tense Is used to talk about things that are continuing to happen
*Make the present progressive tense by using am,or are with a verb that ends in ing
The present progressive tense is used to talk about things that are continuing to happen
Make the present progressive tense by using am,is or are with a verb that ends in ing
The present progressive tense is also used to talk about things that are palnned for future
Tenses adalah akata kerja yang dipengaruhi oleh waktu dan sifat kejadian.semua kalimat dalam
bahasa inggris tidak lepas dari tenses karena semua kalimat pasti ada hubunganya dengan waktu
dan sifat kejadianya.
Waktu Present Past future
A.pola kalimat
Contoh :
1. Simple Present digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu peristiwa, kejadian, kegiatan yang terjadi
berulang-ulang, atau merupakan suatu kebiasaan (habit).
3. Simple Present juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang akan terjadi di waktu yang
akan datang, jika kita membicarakan suatu Jadwal, program, dan lain-lain.
1. Adverb of frequency
always : selalu
Usually : biasanya
generally : umumnya
ever (?) : pernah
Sometimes : kadang-kadang
occasionally : kadarag-kaclang
never : tidak pernah
2. Adverb of quantity
A. Pola Kalimat
Contoh :
1. Present continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa
yang sedang terjadi atau berlangsung saat kita sedang bicara
My brother is painting the house.
Please be quiet! The baby is sleeping.
Listen! The neighbors are quarrelling again.
2. Present continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa
yang bersifat sementara (temporary).
Contoh: I am living with my friend until I can find a house.
This machine is not working well.
John is living in his friend's flat at the moment.
David is always busy because he is working on his thesis.
3. Present continuous tense digunakan tamtuk menunjukkan suatu keadaan atau situasi yang
4. Present continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang akan dilakukan di
waktu yang akan datang dan telah direncanakan atau ditentukan sebelumnya.
5. Beberapa kata kerja tidak digunakan dalam present continuous tense. Kita tidak boleh
mengatakan, "I am liking mango very much," tapi kita harus mengatakan, "I like mango very
much." Beberapa kata kerja yang tidak digunakan daIam present continuous tense adalah:
kata yang menyangkut pancaindera : see, hear, notice, recognize.
Pola Kalimat
Contoh :
1. Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang terjadi
pada waktu lampau dan masih berlangsung sampai sekarang.
We have occupied this house for seven years. (Kami sudah menempati rumah ini selama
tujuh tahun)
My brother has studied English for seven months. (Saudara saya sudah belajar bahasa Inggris
selama tujuh bulan)
2.Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang terjadi
pada waktu lampau dan masih ada hubungannya dengan waktu sekarang atau akibatnya dapat
dilihat/dirasakan sekarang.
Contoh :
My father has bought a new car. (Ayah saya sudah membeli sebuah mobil baru)
Brenda has passed from senior high school. (Brenda sudah lulus dari sekolah menengah
3. Present perfect tense juga digunakan dengan "this morning, this afternoon, today, this week,
this month, this year" untuk menunjukkan bahwa sesuatu kejadian atau perbuatan telah
dilakukan berulang kali.
I have tried to contact him three times today. (Saya sudah mencoba menghubunginya tiga
kali hari ini)
She has visited this country twice this month. (Dia sudah mengunjungi negara ini dua kali
bulan ini)
1. Simple past tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian, peristiwa atau keadaan
yang terjadi pada waktu lampau.
The children enjoyed the party last night.
His father died when he was ten years old
2. Simple past tense juga digunakan untuk menanyakan waktu terjadinya suatu kejadian
atau peristiwa
When did you buy this new car?
When did she get married?
When did you buy this English dictionary?
Pola Kalimat
Contoh :
Pola Kalimat
Contoh :
Simple future tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang akan
terjadi atau dilakukan pada waktu yang akan datang. Untuk menunjukkan suatu rencana, "will"
digunakan untuk semua kata ganti. Tapi dalam bahasa lisan biasanya digunakan bentuk
singkatan (contraction form), yaitu I'll, We'll dsb.
Question-Taqs adalah pertanyaan pendek yang diletakkan di akhir suatu pernyataan tyang
digunakan untuk meminta persetujuan/ konfirmasi.
Aturan penggunaan:
1. Apabila pernyataan positive, maka question taqs-nya negative dan sebaliknya.
2. Question Taqs harus berupa Pronoun ( kata Ganti). Yaitu : I, You, They. We, He, She, It,
Contoh :
Note :
I/We+ You/they/he/she/it = We
Dan bila tidak terdapat “I,We dan You”, maka kombinasikombinasisubject menggunakan kata
ganti “They”.
Contoh :
I am supposed to to be here, aren’t I?
I am not a student anymore, am I?
Can (dapat)
May (boleh)
Example :
Dalam penggunaan modal tidak boleh ada 2 modal auxiliary dalam datu kalimat, sehingga
diperlukan penggunaan similar modal. Similar modal:
Contoh :
Passive Voice adalah kalimat yang obyeknya dikenai pekerjaan. Syarat :dalam kalimat aktif
harus ada obyek yang nantinya berubah menjadi subyek pada kalimat pasif
Ving = BEING
3.1 Weagness
1.The cover or appearance of the book prefix is lessattractive,making the reader less
attractive to read and collect the book.
2.The printed book which is the result of a photocopy,the results of the picture and
writing system are not very interesting.
3.2 Excellence
1.This book can be a reference for learning so that is is good for basic concepts and basic
2.Each chapter of the book is discussed clearly so it is easy to understand and provides
many good examples.
4.1 Conculusion
One of the important things that we hanve to know from the beginning in learning
English is what is your goal in learning English?it is just learning or there are certain
needs.Many reasons make us endlessly learning English,especially in the area of globalization
that increases the need for real use of English.
4.2 Suggestion
This book has content that is able to support success in learning English,but to provide
more value so that the interest of the reader increases so it would be nice if the cover of the book
is made more marure and also the contens of the book are still copied so it is to be able to master
the language,both English and other languages so that later when meeting strangers no longer
feel awkward to invite him to communicate.
In the word of working English has a very important role,so we sould be able to master
the English language,becauses this age is the age of globalization where international langue is
English,so to carry out cooperation with foreign countries we must have English language skills