How To Start A Community Garden - Spokane WA
How To Start A Community Garden - Spokane WA
How To Start A Community Garden - Spokane WA
Gardening gets your body
There are many ways to start a community garden. Whether
you're working with friends, neighbors, a school, or a local
organization, there are many things you'll want to consider. The
American Community Garden Association's website has great
resources that can help. You’ll find checklists and in-depth
“ community garden
is an area used for
growing plants or
animals, which has been
collaboratively created and
moving, improving your
information on each of the following steps at: is maintained by members
fitness and reducing your of the public. A community
risk of disease.
garden.php garden can take place on
Gardens provide public or private land and
individuals and families 1. Gather Neighbors & Community Members can involve a broad cross-
access to fresh, nutritious What kind of garden? Choose a well-oganized coordinator. Form section of the public, as in a
food. committees to accomplish tasks. Consider a sponsor. Choose a neighborhood community
name. Decide on a budget and administration. garden. Or it can involve
Community gardens can specific sectors of the
increase property values 2. Find a Garden Site population, such as school
in low-income Identify the owner. Do you need a lease agreement? Do you need garden that involves
neighborhoods. insurance? Site should be relatively flat and get at least 6 full students, teachers, parents,
hours of sun each day. Consider availability of water. Do a soil test and other community
Gardens get people for contaminants and fertility. members who support the
outdoors where they can garden for education. In the
talk, get to know their 3. Create & Build Your Garden curriculum, the term
neighbors, and keep track Clean the site. Develop your design. Gather your resources. community garden is
of what is going on in the Organize work crews. How large should plots be? How will plots generally used as a broad,
neighborhood. be laid out? Mark plots with names. Plan for a storage and catch-all term. Sometimes,
compost area. Will the garden be organic? more descriptive names are
Gardening is a mentally used, such as school garden
stimulating activity that 4. Create the Gardening Community or neighborhood garden.”
may reduce depression. Are there conditions for membership? Will there be dues? How
will plots be assigned? Will some things be done cooperatively ~ Growing Communities Curriculum
Gardens inspire other (e.g., composting)? If someone leaves, who will get their plot?
The American Community Gardening
Association, 1 (877) 275-2242
changes in a How will you deal with vandalism? Will there be a children’s plot?
neighborhood, increasing Will there be regular meetings? Will gardeners share tools? Will
community pride. there be written rules, and how will they be enforced?
Community gardens add
5. Insurance
beauty and heighten
Try working with an agent who deals with many different carriers
awareness and
(so you can get the best policy for your needs); is local and has
appreciation for living
already done this type of policy or one that works with social
service agencies in the area. continued...
Gardens bring people
back into contact with
nature and the outdoors. Physical Activity & Nutrition Program
1101 West College Ave., Spokane, WA 99201-2095
509.324.1555 | TDD 324.1464
Funds provided with a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention through a partnership with the WA State Department of Health