Expectancy Sheet 1-1-20
Expectancy Sheet 1-1-20
Expectancy Sheet 1-1-20
Dear Students,
Welcome to an introduction of Micro and Macro Economics concepts. Economics is the
study of how people make choices regarding how they allocate their time, money and other
scarce resources. Contrary to popular opinion it is not all about $$ MONEY $$! I’m hoping to
make this semester engaging and fun while learning about many practical, relevant economic
concepts that can serve you well in your future endeavors!
Warmest Regards,
Eric Sendelbaugh
[email protected]
Desert Ridge High School
To enhance the learning environment and make maximum use of the short time we are
able to spend together, there are a few daily procedures which will be consistently adhered to:
1) To avoid being marked Tardy with the associated tardy assignment, students should be in their
desks and prepared to connect with the content when the bell rings. We must maximize our short
class time together.
2) Bathroom breaks are as needed but only one student at a time will be allowed to leave and cell
phones shall be left in the room. This avoids talking and texting with friends while in the hall!
3) A noisy classroom where discussion about the subject are occurring is a beautiful thing! A
noisy classroom where students are interrupting instruction or blurting out answers is NOT so
wonderful. We will know the difference with very little practice.
4) Cell phones, smart watches and other mobile devices will not be used in class unless
specifically asked to be out as part of an instruction exercise. In case of family emergency the
front office can call the classroom phone.
5) Courteous and respectful behavior shall be the norm so all students have access to the content
and can engage in the discussion free from disrespectful taunts or commentary.
6) Mr. Sendelbaugh is available for extra help with questions during Jaguar Cares Time (JCT) or
during prep hour. Prep hour timing is TBD and will be posted in the classroom.
7) Absences are handled per district policy. Missed work or testing will need to be made up
during JCT or other arrangements made during the student’s free time. It should NOT take away
from other class time.
This class will have approximately 10 unit tests and a comprehensive final exam. Class
participation is a big part of learning. To ensure your presence in class there will be a
participation grade of 2 points on a daily basis. Often 1 point will be for your physical,
appropriate classroom presence and 1 point will be assigned for completing in class assignments.
If you are absent you are unable to make up the presence points. Graded class work can be made
up as per the district policy of 1 extra day for each EXCUSED day of absence. Frequently there
will be a requirement to have parent signed grade sheets returned to class throughout the
semester. This is to keep parents informed and generate proactive conversations regarding
assignments will be very limited. The FINAL GRADE will be based on the unit tests
(Approximately 40% of your grade), in class graded projects, grade sheets and participation
(Approximately 40% of your grade) and the final exam (a firm 20% of your grade). The tests and
in class grade percentages are not firm as there may be small shifts, as needed, depending on the
class progress in the content as well as the need for more OR less incentives to ensure
appropriate participation.
The key to success in this class is simple; MAKE THE EFFORT TO LEARN! If you are
actively making the effort and completing the effort based in class assignments you will be very
likely to learn and earn a passing grade in this class. Check Google Classroom frequently and
review the materials that are contained therein! That too shows EFFORT!
I am looking forward to having your student in my class this semester! As I also mentioned in
my expectancy sheet/syllabus, I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Oregon
State University 1998. Since then I have worked professionally in sales, Insurance sales,
corporate training, remote work in the stock market as well as successfully running my own
businesses. Teaching young, up in coming citizens and leaders is a career change for me. It is a
switch to something which I find more meaningful! I am in the student teaching phase of my
Master’s degree, under the supervision of master teacher Mr. Dan Caryl. I will earn my Masters
in Teaching and Teacher Education from the University of Arizona in May of 2020.
It is my goal to be engaging and make learning about Economics fun and interesting through the
use of in class projects and instruction. There will be limited homework assignments and nearly
all graded assignments will be completed in class. Therefore, consistent attendance is very
important to ensure timely completion of graded content. Power points, study guides and articles
used in class, will be posted to Google Classroom. Grading will be posted in Infinite Campus.
Should you have any questions or if additional information is required, please do not hesitate to
contact me by email at [email protected] Mr. Caryl, as teacher of record, will
have access to your contact information through Infinite Campus. If you could take a moment
and complete the attached parent/guardian contact sheet that would be very helpful to myself. I
have allowed for 5 points of extra credit for a timely return of this document during the first
week of class. Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from you!
Parents/Guardian Name(s):________________________________________________________