2020 University of Sydney Engineering and Computer Science Postgraduate Guide

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Postgraduate guide 2020

1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864)
Engineering, Computer Science and
+61 2 8627 1444 Project Management
We acknowledge the tradition
of custodianship and law of the

and continue to care for Country.

respects to those who have cared
Country on which the University of
Sydney campuses stand. We pay our
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) is a globally recognised certification overseeing all fibre sourcing
standards. This provides guarantees for the consumer that products are made of woodchips from well-managed
forests and other controlled sources with strict environmental, economical and social standards.
Engineering, Computer Science and
Postgraduate guide 2020

Project Management

Join us
Where will postgraduate study lead you? ....... 2
A world of opportunity���������������������������������������3
Our new precinct.................................................4
Postgraduate coursework options ...................6
Postgraduate courses – summary.................... 7
Fast-track your postgraduate studies..............8

Master of Complex Systems............................. 10
1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864)

Master of Engineering ........................................12

Master of Professional Engineering................ 14
Master of Project Leadership.......................... 16
Master of Project Management....................... 18
+61 2 8627 1444

Master of Project and

Contact us

Program Management..................................... 20
Master of Data Science.................................... 22
Master of Health Technology Innovation...... 24
Master of Information Technology................ 26
Master of Information Technology
Management....................................................... 28
Master of Information Technology and
Master of Information Technology
Management....................................................... 30
Graduate Diploma in Computing................... 32
Master of Transport.......................................... 34

Master of Philosophy........................................ 36
Doctor of Philosophy........................................ 36

Join us
How to apply....................................................... 38
Important dates................................................. 39
Where will postgraduate study lead you?

Whether you want to gain new professional qualifications,

change your career direction or pursue a personal ambition,
the University of Sydney will steer you to places you never imagined.

1st World
Top 60 
in Australia and ranked
in the world for
4th in the world for or above in Excellence
engineering and
graduate employability1 in Research for
Australia ratings3

Our coursework and research Connected with industry Innovative spaces

degrees offer far more than
Our courses are designed with, and To support research and teaching
knowledge. You’ll join leading
taught by, industry professionals excellence, we are investing in the
thinkers to challenge the known
in engineering and information latest technology and exceptional
and explore the unknown, in
technologies. We partner with facilities. Our labs, teaching spaces
a stimulating environment
leaders from business, industry and and learning hubs are designed to
that encourages both learning
academia based here in Sydney and help you get the most out of your
and networking.
around the globe. learning experience.

The University’s people drive our

Our expertise and facilities are Our leading facilities include the:
greatest feats. We give you access
highly sought after, with staff and −− Sydney Institute for Robotics
to leading lecturers, research
students regularly invited to provide and Intelligent Systems, one
supervisors, industry networks,
professional consulting services for of the world’s leading robotics
and cross-disciplinary centres of
business and government agencies. research institutes, instrumental
teaching and research excellence
from Australia and around the world. in developing breakthrough
International partnerships technologies in field robotics
principles and systems
World standard education We are committed to international
−− Centre for Advanced Structural
The University of Sydney

teaching, research and industry

Our graduates are among the Engineering, which houses
partnerships. We encourage our
world’s most sought-after one of the largest structural
students, researchers and staff
employees – we are ranked first in engineering laboratories in
to engage in collaboration that
Australia and fifth in the world for the southern hemisphere
deepens their knowledge and
graduate employability.1
broadens their global outlook. −− Visualisation and High
Performance Computing
Our ranking in the top 60
The faculty has developed Laboratory (VisLAB), one of
universities worldwide for
partnerships with top-100 Australia’s leading facilities
engineering and technology reflects
international institutions, including for advanced visualisation
our outstanding reputation.2 The
a landmark biomedical engineering and computing.
Australian Government ranked all
alliance with Shanghai Jiao Tong
of our research at world standard
University in China.
or above in its latest Excellence in
Page 2

QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2020
QS World University Rankings by Subject 2019
Research for Australia ratings.3 3
Excellence in Research Australia Rankings 2018
A world of opportunity

We are committed to international teaching, research

and industry partnerships. We encourage our students to
deepen their knowledge and broaden their global outlook.

Find your overseas adventure
Student exchange gives you a unique
opportunity to see the world and graduate
with a truly global perspective. industry partners
−− sydney.edu.au/student-exchange across the globe

Postgraduate guide 2020

Globally recognised qualifications
Our accredited courses enable to you
practise as an engineering, IT professional
or project manager in Australia and around exchange partners
the world.

26,550 global network

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

of alumni

Page 3

Our new precinct

We’re making a At the University of Sydney we are determined to

foster a healthy learning environment that keeps
multimillion-dollar students engaged, motivated and inspired. As part of
investment in this, the Faculty of Engineering is undergoing a major
redevelopment project, transforming our precinct with
your future. contemporary architecture, thoughtfully designed to
enhance the student experience.
The University of Sydney

By 2020, you can expect to find yourself working in

vibrant study spaces, modern teaching facilities and
advanced laboratories.

Highlights include:
−− dynamic activity-based working zones
−− activated public spaces incorporating
food outlets and recreation areas
−− future-focused learning environments
−− flexibility to adapt to new ways of working
−− new innovations in design construction.
Page 4
Artist’s impressions of our new precinct
Page 5 Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management Postgraduate guide 2020
Postgraduate coursework options

Graduate certificates and Master’s degrees We offer hundreds of units of

study across selected faculties,
graduate diplomas Master’s degrees are ideal if you including many that you can use
Graduate certificates and graduate need specialised knowledge and to earn continuing professional
diplomas are usually based on skills, and want to take the next development (CPD) credit or to
master’s degrees and offer a subset step in your career. You can gain explore subjects of general interest.
of the master’s units. They are professional qualifications for
alternatives worth considering if your next job, upskill for your Regardless of which option you
you want to try out postgraduate current role and develop academic choose, you will receive an official
study or increase the breadth of expertise in your chosen field. academic transcript at the end of
your expertise and knowledge, or if your studies and may be able to
you don’t quite meet the admission Master’s degrees typically require request credit for a longer course,
between one and two years of

criteria for a master’s degree. such as a master’s degree.

full-time study. If you can’t commit
Once you’ve finished a graduate to a full-time master’s degree
Fast-track your
certificate (usually six months straight away because of family,
work or other commitments, we postgraduate degree
of full-time study or 12 months
part time), you may then be able offer the flexibility of part‑time Related study or professional
to progress to the associated study for domestic students. work experience may be counted
graduate diploma (usually one year as credit towards your degree.
full time or two years part time) Short courses This is known as recognition of
or ultimately to a master’s degree. prior learning (RPL; also sometimes
If you’re not sure about studying a
See the progression diagram below called ‘credit for previous studies’).
full degree, or if you’re interested in
(but please note that progression
professional development, you can
requirements can vary). For more details, see page 8
choose to take a single unit of study
or visit:
as a ‘non-award’ course.
A graduate certificate or graduate −− sydney.edu.au/study/credit
diploma is also an excellent option
if you don’t want to commit to a
full master’s but would still like to
upskill and get a solid grounding in
your chosen field.
The University of Sydney

Master’s degree
Graduate diploma Gain specialised skills and
Graduate certificate Complete more units of study knowledge or professional
Complete some of the towards a master’s degree qualifications
essential units of study Usually one or two years of 
Usually one year of
towards a master’s degree full-time study
full-time study
Usually six months of
full-time study
Page 6
Postgraduate courses – summary
Duration (years)
CRICOS Credit Full Part Mode of
Course name code points time time delivery Page

Complex Systems

Graduate Diploma in Complex Systems 089811G 48 1 2 On-campus 10

Master of Complex Systems 089810G 96 2 4 10


Graduate Certificate in Engineering 063747B 24 0.5 1 On-campus day 12

Graduate Diploma in Engineering 061793A 36 1 2 12
Master of Engineering 077463K 72 1.5 2-3 12
Master of Professional Engineering 077470M 144 3 5-6 14
Master of Professional Engineering (Accelerated) 098247M 96 2 3-5 14

Project Management

Graduate Certificate in Project Leadership 074717F 24 0.5 1 On-campus 16

Graduate Diploma in Project Leadership 074716G 36 1 2
online; intensive 16

Postgraduate guide 2020

Master of Project Leadership 074715G 48 1 2 On-campus evening;
intensive 16
Graduate Certificate in Project Management 031912C 24 0.5 1 On-campus 18
Graduate Diploma in Project Management 031913B 48 1 2
online; intensive 18
Master of Project Management 082914A 72 1.5 3 On-campus 18
day/evening; online;
Graduate Certificate in Project and Program Management 097699B 24 0.5 1 20
block mode; Summer
Master of Project and Program Management 097700C 48 1 2 and Winter School 20

Computer Science

Graduate Certificate in Data Science 087980F 24 0.5 1 On-campus 22

Master of Data Science 087981E 48 1 2 22
Graduate Diploma in Health Technology Innovation 083977M 60 1.5 3 24

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

Master of Health Technology Innovation 083976A 96 2 ≤6 24
Graduate Certificate in Information Technology 039122B 24 0.5 1 On-campus day 26
Graduate Diploma in Information Technology 039123A 48 1 2 26
Master of Information Technology 082912C 72 1.5 26
Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Management 055187G 24 0.5 1 28
Graduate Diploma in Information Technology Management 055185J 48 1 2 28
Master of Information Technology Management 082913B 72 1.5 3 28
Master of Information Technology and Master of 083638G 96 2 4 On-campus evening 30
Information Technology Management
Graduate Diploma in Computing 096317G 48 1 2 On-campus day 32


Graduate Certificate in Transport 099888C 24 0.5 1 On-campus 34

Graduate Diploma in Transport 099889B 48 1 2 34
Master of Transport 099890J 72 1.5 3 34


Master of Philosophy (Engineering) 061790D N/A 1-2 3-4 Research 36

Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) 000703B N/A 3-4 6-8 Research 36
Page 7

Note: Part-time study is available only to domestic students. All courses have a mid-year intake.
For up-to-date course information, please see sydney.edu.au/courses
Fast-track your postgraduate studies

Related study or professional work experience may be credited to

your degree as recognition of prior learning (RPL). This means you
won’t have to repeat similar units and could graduate sooner.

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) How do I apply for RPL?

You may be eligible for recognition of prior You need to apply for RPL when

learning if we assess your previous studies completing your online course

or professional work experience as being application. We will let you know in
directly equivalent to our units of study. In your offer letter if you have been
some cases you may be granted a block of successful.
credit if it is in the same subject area. Some
courses have existing RPL arrangements for For more information about
some qualifications. course‑specific admission criteria,
visit the relevant course website.
The diagrams on the next page demonstrate
how RPL can be credited towards a Master For more information, visit
of Engineering and a Master of Professional −− sydney.edu.au/study/credit
Engineering. Please note that this is only a
guide – all RPL granted is subject to faculty
assessment and approval.

The admission criteria listed in this guide

are based on the University of Sydney’s
grading system.

For qualifications gained outside Australia

(or where grading systems differ), the
University determines equivalencies and
The University of Sydney

admission criteria based on the country,

institution and qualification.
Page 8
Examples of credited prior learning

Master of Professional Engineering (3 years/144 credit points)

One year One year One year

144 credit points

Enter with no credit

–– Bachelor’s degree in a non-engineering discipline* with a 68.5 percent average

24 credit points 120 credit points

Master of Professional Engineering

Enter with up to 24 credit points (0.5 years) if you have one of the following:

(144 credit points)

–– Bachelor of Engineering degree in an unrelated field of engineering, with a 68.5 percent average
–– Bachelor of Science or similar, in a discipline directly related to your intended specialisation, with a
68.5 percent average.

Postgraduate guide 2020

48 credit points 96 credit points

Enter with up to 48 credit points (1 year) if you have a Bachelor of Engineering degree in a related field of
engineering, with a 68.5 percent average (includes honours degrees).

72 credit points 72 credit points

Enter with up to 72 credit points (1.5 years) if you have a specific postgraduate engineering
degree in a related field of engineering, with a 68.5 percent average.

* T
his degree should contain studies equivalent to a minimum of one year in mathematics, physics, chemistry,
biology, geology, computing or statistics, as related to the intended engineering specialisation.

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

Master of Engineering (1.5 years/72 credit points)

One year 0.5 year

72 credit points

Enter with no credit with one of the following:

–– Bachelor of Engineering degree in the same field of engineering as your intended specialisation,
with a 65 percent average
–– Bachelor of Engineering degree, and five years of relevant work experience in the same area
Master of Engineering

of specialisation.
(72 credit points)

24 credit points 48 credit points

Enter with up to 24 credit points (0.5 years) if you have one of the following:
–– Bachelor of Engineering degree in the same field of engineering as your intended specialisation, with a
75 percent average
–– University of Sydney Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma in Engineering in the same area of
specialisation, with a 65 percent average (graduate diploma holders can receive up to 36 credit points
Page 9

for a completed qualification).

Master of Complex Systems

Modern smart cities, infrastructure and ecosystems are susceptible to

abrupt, large-scale and disruptive dynamics. There is growing demand
for professionals who are capable of anticipating, controlling and
managing the unexpected.

Complex systems are composed of large numbers of diverse Course structure

interacting parts, making them susceptible to unexpected,
large-scale and apparently uncontrollable behaviours. This program comprises core
units of study along with electives,
Small changes can generate large, amplified effects. For culminating in a specialisation in

example, a single malfunction in a local substation can lead to your chosen field.
cascading statewide electricity grid failures, or the emergence
of a new pathogen in a remote village can give rise to a Specialisations
devastating global epidemic.
Leveraging the Centre for Complex
Systems’ research strengths, you
Our graduates gain the expertise to model, analyse and design
have the flexibility to tailor your
resilient strategies for crisis forecasting and management in
learning to your professional
complex technological, socioeconomic and socioecological
interests, with your choice of
systems. You will develop skills in quantitative modelling and
specialisations from:
computational simulation of system dynamics, complementing
your existing skills in engineering, computer science, information −− biosecurity
technology, physics, mathematics, health, biology or business. −− engineering
−− research methods
As the only degree of its kind in the southern hemisphere*,
−− transport.
complex systems is especially important for the Asia-Pacific
region. With booming populations and growing megacities,
You will also undertake an industry-
countries and businesses must work across discipline
based capstone project focused on
boundaries to glean insight and solve complex global challenges.
modelling a complex problem and
*University of Sydney–commissioned research December 2017 delivering a novel solution. Projects
can be directly related to your
area of specialisation or to your
vocational objectives or interests.
The University of Sydney

“I chose this degree as I wanted to pursue

university study in artificial intelligence. It has
allowed me to work on interesting projects using
the skills I’ve developed in computation modelling,
data visualisation and systems dynamics.”
Mike Li
Page 10

Graduate, Master of Complex Systems

Available courses Indicative course progression
This program can be taken at the level of Example progression for Master of Complex Systems
a master’s degree or a graduate diploma, with a specialisation in Engineering
as shown below.
Unit code Unit of study Sem cp

Postgraduate guide 2020

Credit Duration Year 1
Course name points (full time)
STAT5002 Core: Introduction to Statistics 1 6
Master of Complex Systems 96 2 years
COMP9001 Core: Introduction to Programming 1 6
Graduate Diploma in 48 1 year
Complex Systems ENVI5801 Core: Social Science of Environment 1 6

CSYS5010 Core: Introduction to Complex Systems 1 6

Depending on the level and type of your prior CSYS5030 Core: Information Theory and 2 6
studies, you may be eligible for recognition of Self-organisation
prior learning (RPL), which could reduce the COMP5048 Core: Visual Analytics 2 6
length of this degree. See page 8 for details.
QBUS5001 Elective: Quantitative Methods 2 6
for Business
Admission criteria PMGT5886 Core: System Dynamics Modelling for PM 2 6

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

To apply for the Master of Complex Systems,
Year 2
you need to have a recognised bachelor’s
degree with a minimum credit average (65 CSYS5050 Capstone: Complex Systems Capstone 1 6
Project A
percent) in a quantitative discipline such as
CSYS5020 Core: Interdependent Civil Systems 1 6
engineering, computer science, information
technology, mathematics, statistics, physics, COMP5313 Core: Large Scale Networks 1 6
transport, business or finance, or any honours  QBUS6810 Elective: Statistical Learning and 1 6
degree from the University of Sydney. Data Mining

ELEC9103 Elective: Simulations and Numerical 2 6

Alternatively, you need to hold a Graduate Solutions in Engineering

Diploma in Complex Systems from the CSYS5051 Capstone: Complex Systems Capstone 2 6
University of Sydney with a credit average, Project B

or a qualification deemed equivalent by CSYS5040 Core: Criticality in Dynamical Systems 2 6

the University.
COMP5318 Elective: Machine Learning and Data 2 6

Learn more Sem = semester;  cp = credit points

Indicative progression based on a 96 credit point master’s

For more information on the course degree with Semester 1 enrolment
structure, including specialisations and unit
of study descriptions, visit
−− sydney.edu.au/courses
Page 11
Master of Engineering

This is a specialised program for qualified engineers seeking to

move into management or a senior technical role. It is designed
to help qualified engineers to strengthen their management
capability and technical expertise. Qualified engineers looking to
specialise or update their skills could also consider this program.

Course structure
This program comprises core units of

study along with electives to broaden your

knowledge. You will complete a sequence
of specialised units that comprise a major
in your chosen field. This program has a
strong focus on project work to enhance
self‑directed learning.

The Master of Engineering allows you to build
on your existing undergraduate engineering
degree by developing specialised technical
knowledge in one of 15 engineering majors:
−− automation and manufacturing
systems engineering
−− biomedical engineering
−− chemical and biomolecular engineering
−− civil engineering Available courses
−− electrical engineering This program can be taken at the level of a master’s
−− fluids engineering degree, a graduate diploma or a graduate certificate,
as shown below.
−− geomechanical engineering
The University of Sydney

−− intelligent information engineering

Credit Duration
−− mechanical engineering Course name points (full time)

−− power engineering Master of Engineering 72 1.5 years

−− risk management Graduate Diploma in Engineering 36 1 year

−− software engineering Graduate Certificate in Engineering 24 0.5 years

−− structural engineering
−− sustainability and Depending on the level and type of your prior studies,
environmental engineering you may be eligible for recognition of prior learning
−− telecommunications engineering. (RPL), which could reduce the length of your degree.
See page 8 for details.
Page 12
“Engineers are creative people who find
solutions to problems before society
often realises we have them.”
Professor Branka Vucetic
Director, Centre of Excellence in Telecommunications

Admission criteria Indicative course progression

To apply for this master’s degree, you need Example progression for Master of Engineering with a
to have a recognised Bachelor of Engineering major in Power Engineering

Postgraduate guide 2020

degree in the same or a similar field of study
Unit code Unit of study Sem cp
to the major for which you are applying, with
at least a credit average (65 percent). Year 1

ENGG5102 Core: Entrepreneurship for Engineers 1 6

Alternatively, you need to hold a Graduate
Diploma in Engineering from the University of ENGG5202 Core: Sustainable Design, Engineering 1 6
and Management
Sydney, with at least a credit average.
ELEC5204 Specialist: Power Systems Analysis 1 6
and Protection
If you don’t meet these criteria, you may be
considered for admission to the Graduate PMGT5871 Core: Project Process Planning 1 6
and Control
Diploma in Engineering. If you achieve a credit
average in the first semester, you can apply to ENGG5103 Core: Safety Systems and Risk Analysis 2 6

transfer to the Master of Engineering. ELEC5206 Specialist: Sustainable Energy Systems 2 6

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

ELEC5212 Specialist: Power System Planning 2 6
Learn more and Markets

ELEC5020 Research: Capstone Project A 2 6

For more information on the course
structure, including majors, visit Year 2
−− sydney.edu.au/courses ELEC5021 Research: Capstone Project B 1 6

ELEC5211 Specialist: Power System Dynamics 1 6

and Control

ELEC5208 Specialist: Intelligent 1 6

Electricity Networks

ELEC5616 Elective: Computer and 1 6

Network Security

Sem = semester;  cp = credit points

Indicative progression based on a 72 credit point master’s

degree with Semester 1 enrolment
Page 13
Master of Professional Engineering

Acquire a solid foundation for a career in engineering,

a qualification in high demand around the world.

If you would like to change career and Specialisations

become an engineer, obtain accredited
qualifications that will enable you to practise The following available specialisations are
engineering in Australia and overseas, or fully accredited by Engineers Australia, the
move into a different field of engineering, you national engineering accreditation body:
might like to consider this master’s program. −− biomedical engineering
−− chemical and biomolecular engineering
It will give you the professional engineering
−− civil engineering

practice and research skills that lead to

recognition as an Australian graduate −− electrical engineering
engineer. Your qualifications will also be −− mechanical engineering
recognised internationally through the −− power engineering
Washington Accord of the International
−− structural engineering
Engineering Alliance.
−− telecommunications engineering.

Course structure
The specialisations below are provisionally
This program comprises foundation accredited by Engineers Australia:
units, elective units in the area of your −− aerospace engineering
specialisation and a 12-week practical
−− fluids engineering
industry experience component. You can
also choose from several professional −− geomechanical engineering
electives and complete a capstone project −− intelligent information engineering
in your final year. −− software engineering.

The Master of Professional Engineering

(Accelerated) is also available and can be
completed in two years.
The University of Sydney

“I wanted to build a stronger foundation

in chemical engineering and become a
professional engineer. Choosing the Master
of Professional Engineering is one of the
best decisions I’ve made. I’m now working
as a risk and safety engineer in Sydney.”
Page 14

Michelle Liu
Graduate, Master of Professional Engineering
Available courses Indicative course progression
This program can only be taken at the level of Example progression for Master of Professional
a master’s degree. Engineering with a specialisation in Civil Engineering

Unit code Unit of study Sem cp

Credit Duration
Course name points (full time)
Year 1
Master of Professional 144 3 years*
CIVL9802 Core: Statics Jan* 6
CIVL9110 Core: Materials 1 6
Master of Professional 96 2 years
Engineering (Accelerated)
CIVL9201 Core: Structural Mechanics 1 6

CIVL9700 Core: Transport Systems 1 6

* For many students, the Master of Professional
Engineering degree can be completed in two years.
GEOL1501 Core: Engineering Geology 1 2 6

CIVL9410 Core: Soil Mechanics 2 6

Depending on the level and type of your prior

Postgraduate guide 2020

studies, you may be eligible for recognition of CIVL9611 Core: Introductory Fluid Mechanics 2 6

prior learning (RPL), which could reduce the CIVL9810 Core: Engineering Construction 2 6
length of this degree. See page 8 for details. and Surveying

Year 2
Admission criteria
ENGG5204 Core: Engineering 1 6
To apply for this degree, you need to have a Professional Practice

recognised bachelor’s degree in engineering, CIVL9205 Core: Concrete Structures 1 1 6

science or applied science, with at least an
CIVL9612 Core: Fluid Mechanics 1 6
honours, honours equivalent or 68.5 percent
CIVL5351 Elective: Geoenvironmental 1 6
average, and sufficient tertiary knowledge Engineering
of mathematics and science‑based units,
ENGG5205 Core: Professional Practice in 2 6
depending on your specialisation. Project Management

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

CIVL9206 Core: Steel Structures 1 2 6
Professional accreditation
CIVL9811 Core: Engineering Design 2 6
The Master of Professional Engineering and Construction

and the Master of Professional Engineering CIVL9235 Elective: Structural Analysis 2 6

(Accelerated) are accredited by Engineers
Australia. They include a mandatory 12-week Year 3

internship and capstone project. CIVL5020 Core: Capstone Project A 1 6

ENGG5217 Core: Practical Experience 1 0

Learn more CIVL9903 Core: Civil Engineering Design 1 6

For more information on the course CIVL5452 Elective: Foundation Engineering 1 6

structure, including specialisations and
CIVL6666 Elective: Open Channel Flow and 1 6
unit of study descriptions, visit Hydraulic Structures

−− sydney.edu.au/courses CIVL5021 Core: Capstone Project B 2 6

CIVL6455 Elective: Engineering Behaviour of Soils 2 6

CIVL6264 Elective: Composite Steel-Concrete 2 6

Accredited by: Structures

CIVL6268 Elective: Structural Dynamics 2 6

* Intensive January (Summer) session

Sem = semester;  cp = credit points

Page 15

Indicative progression based on a 144 credit point master’s

degree with January/February Intensive enrolment
Master of Project Leadership

Develop sophisticated, high-level management skills

to lead complex projects on a large scale.

Designed for senior managers with a Course structure

minimum of five years’ work experience,
this professional degree will develop your This program comprises core project leadership units
decision-making skills to incorporate of study, along with your chosen electives.
open-systems innovation, dynamic social
networks and design thinking. To accommodate your professional commitments, our
flexible study options include block or intensive mode,
Equipped with an in-depth understanding of evening classes and online delivery, or you can choose
projects and their portfolios, you will learn a combination of these.
to apply strategic complex systems thinking
approaches for successful organisational Available courses
leadership and governance.
This program can be taken at the level of a master’s
degree, a graduate diploma or a graduate certificate.
An innovative and challenging program,
this master’s degree takes you beyond
The University of Sydney

conventional concepts of leadership, Credit Duration

Course name points (full time)
management, governance, risk, resilience
and sustainability. You will focus on the Master of Project Leadership 48 1 year

importance of interpersonal skills for Graduate Diploma in Project Leadership 36 1 year

effective leadership, and learn how to apply
Graduate Certificate in Project Leadership 24 0.5 years
the principles of emotional intelligence
to influence and achieve successful
project outcomes. Depending on the level and type of your prior studies,
you may be eligible for recognition of prior learning
(RPL), which could reduce the length of your degree.
See page 8 for details.
Page 16
Admission criteria Indicative course progression
To apply for this degree, you need to have Example progression for Master of
a recognised bachelor’s degree in any Project Leadership
discipline, with at least a credit average
Unit code Unit of study Sem cp
(65 percent).
Year 1
Alternatively, you need to hold a Graduate
PMGT5860 Core: Project Leadership Thesis A 1 6
Diploma in Project Leadership from the
University of Sydney, with a credit average. PMGT5875 Core: Project Innovation 1 6

Both options also require at least five years’ PMGT5898 Core: Complex Project Leadership 1 6

work experience in a middle or senior PMGT6871 Elective: Project Planning 1 6

Postgraduate guide 2020

management role. and Governance

PMGT5897 Core: Disaster Project Management July* 6

Learn more PMGT5861 Core: Project Leadership Thesis B 2 6

For more information on the course PMGT5896 Core: Sustainability and 2 6

Intelligence in PM
structure, including unit of study
descriptions, visit PMGT6891 Core: Risk Dynamics and Resilience 2 6

−− sydney.edu.au/courses * Intensive July (Winter) session

Sem = semester;  cp = credit points

Indicative progression based on a 48 credit point master’s

degree with Semester 1 enrolment

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

“This program looks at projects and leadership

from the most innate levels. You’ll explore
coordination theory, complex adaptive systems,
emotional intelligence and sustainability. Delving
into these concepts at an academic level, you start
to understand the foundations of success for large
and complex projects.”
Christian Porter
Page 17

Graduate, Master of Project Leadership

General Manager, Strategic Bidding, Downer
Master of Project Management

This professional qualification will provide you with a sound

educational platform to confidently launch and develop
your project management career.

This master’s degree will equip you with the To accommodate your professional
fundamental methodologies, modelling and commitments, our flexible study options
analytical techniques for the design and include block or intensive mode, evening
implementation of projects across a wide classes and online delivery, or you can
range of industries, including infrastructure, choose a combination of these.

mining, the arts, manufacturing, IT, finance,

law and consultancy. Specialisations
The initial stage of the program will develop Available specialisations include:
your critical thinking and analysis skills, which −− global organisational project management
you will then apply in the context of projects. −− risk and control
−− strategic change implementation.
You will also develop core project
management skills in process and planning,
We also offer an embedded research
people and stakeholder management,
pathway for people interested in pursuing
project finance and risk, and effective project
a research degree after completion of the
delivery. Towards the end of the program you
Master of Project Management.
will have the opportunity to specialise in a
particular area of project management.
Available courses
Course structure This program can be taken at the level of a
master’s degree, a graduate diploma or a
This program comprises core project
graduate certificate.
management units of study, industry-linked
learning, and your chosen electives.
Credit Duration
Course name points (full time)

Master of Project 72 1.5 years

The University of Sydney


Graduate Diploma in Project 48 1 year


Graduate Certificate in 24 0.5 years

Project Management

Depending on the level and type of your prior

studies, you may be eligible for recognition of
prior learning (RPL), which could reduce the
length of your degree. See page 8 for details.
Page 18
“I was attracted to study project management
because of the rapid growth of projects in the
banking and financial services sector. I’ve
developed skills in high demand, opening doors to
different areas of business development that would
not have been available to me otherwise.”
Swati Vedi
Graduate, Master of Project Management

Admission criteria
To apply for the master’s degree, you need to
have a recognised bachelor’s degree in any
discipline with a credit average (65 percent).
Indicative course progression

Postgraduate guide 2020

Alternatively, you need to hold a Graduate
Diploma in Project Management from the Example progression for Master of Project
University of Sydney, with a credit average. Management with a specialisation in Strategic
Change Implementation
If you hold a bachelor’s degree without Unit code Unit of study Sem cp
a credit average, you may be considered
for admission to the Graduate Diploma Year 1
in Project Management. After achieving a
ENGG5205 Core: Professional Practice in 1 6
credit average in four units of study, you Project Management
may apply to transfer to the Master of ENGG5811 Core: Critical and Systems Thinking 1 6
Project Management.
ENGG5820 Core: Applied Project Management 1 6

Applicants without a bachelor’s degree PMGT6867 Core: Quantitative Methods: 1 6

Project Management

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

who have three years’ relevant experience
may apply for the Graduate Certificate in PMGT5871 Core: Project Process Planning 2 6
and Control
Project Management.
PMGT5872 Core: People and Leadership 2 6

Professional accreditation ENGG5812 Capstone: Project Delivery Approaches 2 6

PMGT5876 Elective: Strategic Delivery of Change 2 6

The Master of Project Management is
accredited by the Project Management
Institute’s Global Accreditation Centre (GAC) Year 2

for Project Management Education Programs. PMGT5850 Capstone: Project Management 1 6

Capstone Project

Learn more PMGT5873 Core: Project Economics and Finance 1 6

PMGT5891 Core: Project Risk Management 1 6

For more information on the course
structure, including specialisations and unit PMGT5875 Elective: Project innovation 1 6
of study descriptions, visit
Sem = semester;  cp = credit points
−− sydney.edu.au/courses
Indicative progression based on a 72 credit point master’s
Accredited by: degree with Semester 1 enrolment
Page 19

Master of Project and Program Management

Take your project management career further

with advanced skills in strategic planning,
stakeholder management and leadership.

Designed for project managers with a This master’s degree allows you to
minimum of two years’ work experience, draw on your workplace experience
this professional degree will take you as you learn. You’ll work closely with
beyond conventional concepts of a range of industry partners who will
project management and help you to share their knowledge, experience and
excel in your program management opportunities throughout all aspects
career. of the course – from workshops to
assessments – and learn from others
The University of Sydney

You’ll develop your strategic thinking who are facing and solving complex
capabilities and gain the organisational project and program challenges.
skills to manage larger projects and
program portfolios. You’ll also focus You can also choose to undertake
on interpersonal skills for effective an international study tour, working
leadership, and learn how to apply the with students from other leading
principles of emotional intelligence to international universities.
influence and achieve successful project
and program outcomes.
Page 20
Course structure Admission criteria
The program comprises critical project and To apply for this master’s degree, you need to have
program management units of study. After two years of relevant work experience and a recognised
completing these units, you will bring your bachelor’s degree in any discipline, with a credit average
workplace projects to your studies. You’ll (65 percent). Alternatively, you need to hold a Graduate
extend your thinking and improve both your Diploma in Project Management or Graduate Certificate
work and your study outcomes by focusing in Project and Program Management from the University
on real-world learning experiences. of Sydney, with a credit average.

To accommodate your professional If you hold a bachelor’s degree with a credit average
commitments, our flexible study options but no work experience, you may be considered for
include block or intensive mode, weekend admission into the Master of Project Management. If you
and evening classes and online delivery, or do not hold a bachelor’s degree but have considerable
you can choose a combination of these. work experience, you may be considered for a graduate
certificate in one of our project management degrees.
We also offer an embedded research
pathway for people interested in pursuing Indicative course progression table

Postgraduate guide 2020

a research degree or who wish to dive into
a deeper analysis of a project or program Example progression for Master of Project and
related topic. Program Management

Unit code Unit of study Sem cp

Available courses
Year 1
This program can be taken at the level of a
PMGT6812 Integrated Project Delivery Approaches 1 6
master’s degree or a graduate certificate.
PMGT6871 Project Planning and Governance 1 6

Credit Duration PMGT6872 Project Leadership and Communications 1 6

Course name points (full time)
PMGT6888 International Project Study Tour 1 6
Master of Project and 48 1 year
Program Management PMGT5879 Strategic Portfolio and Program 2 6
Graduate Certificate 24 0.5 years

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

in Project and Program PMGT5896 Sustainability and Intelligence in PM 2 6
PMGT6873 Project Economics and Investment 2 6

PMGT6850 Project and Program Management 2 6

Depending on the level and type of your prior Capstone
studies, you may be eligible for recognition of
Sem = semester;  cp = credit points
prior learning (RPL), which could reduce the
Indicative progression based on a 48 credit point master’s
length of your degree. See page 8 for details. degree with Semester 1 enrolment

Learn more
For more information on the course
structure, including unit of study
descriptions, visit
−− sydney.edu.au/courses
Page 21
Master of Data Science

Drive business decision making

or research output by drawing
meaningful knowledge from data
with this professional degree.

Data is a vital asset to any Course structure

organisation. It provides valuable
insights into areas such as customer The Master of Data Science program comprises four core
behaviour, market intelligence and units, two elective units and a capstone project in which you
operational performance. Data will apply your skills to a real‑world data science problem.

scientists build intelligent systems to You can tailor your degree by selecting elective units and a
manage, interpret, understand and project that complement your particular interests, background
derive key knowledge from data. and qualifications.

For those with strong mathematical The Graduate Certificate in Data Science comprises just the
or quantitative backgrounds, this following four core units:
degree will apply your analytical −− COMP5310 Principles −− COMP9120 Database
and technical skills to data science, of Data Science Management Systems
guiding strategic decisions in your −− STAT5002 Introduction −− COMP9007 Algorithms.
area of expertise. You can tailor to Statistics
your learning to your professional
and personal interests. For the master’s program you can select your elective units from
the following data science subjects, or from other disciplines
Leveraging the University’s research relevant to your background and qualifications:
strengths, you will explore the
−− COMP5338 Advanced −− INFO5060 Data Analytics
latest in data mining, machine
Data Models and Business Intelligence
learning and data visualisation,
while developing the skills to −− COMP5328 Advanced −− COMP5329 Deep Learning
communicate data insights Machine Learning −− COMP5046 Natural
effectively to key stakeholders. −− COMP5349 Cloud Language Processing
Computing −− QBUS6840 Predictive
−− COMP5425 Multimedia Analytics.
The University of Sydney


“In my experience, employers have become

far more interested in candidates who possess
industry-specific expertise, complemented by data
science capabilities. The Master of Data Science
bridges that gap in the labour market.”
Nicholas James
Graduate, Master of Data Science
Page 22

Candidate, PhD in machine learning

Hedge fund analyst
Available courses “Data is at the centre of the digital
This program can be taken at the level of a age. It provides valuable insights
master’s degree or a graduate certificate. into areas such as customer
behaviour, market intelligence

Postgraduate guide 2020

Course name
(full time)
and operation performance. Our
research leverages the University
Master of Data Science 48 1 year
of Sydney’s many strengths to
Graduate Certificate of 24 0.5 years
Data Science explore all facets of data analytics
and machine learning, and best
Depending on the level and type of your prior practices on how to use it.”
studies, you may be eligible for recognition of
prior learning (RPL), which could reduce the Associate Professor Fabio Ramos
Co-director, Centre for Translational Data Science
length of your degree. See page 8 for details.

Admission criteria
Indicative course progression
To apply for this master’s degree, you

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

need to have a bachelor’s degree with Example progression for Master of Data Science
honours and at least a credit average in a
Unit code Unit of study Sem cp
quantitative discipline such as computer
science, mathematics, statistics, engineering, Year 1
physics, economics or finance from a
COMP5310 Core: Principles of Data Science 1 6
recognised Australian or overseas university
(or qualifications deemed equivalent by the COMP5318 Core: Machine Learning and Data Mining 1 6
University of Sydney). COMP5349 Elective: Cloud Computing 1 6

COMP5329 Elective: Deep Learning 1 6

If you have studied honours in other areas,
such as health or education, you may be COMP5048 Core: Visual Analytics 2 6

eligible for the Graduate Certificate in Data STAT5003 Core: Computational Statistical Methods 2 6
Science to provide you with the data science
COMP5703 Project: Information Technology 2 12
capability to complement your existing skills Capstone Project
and open a pathway to the master’s program.
Sem = semester;  cp = credit points

Indicative progression based on a 48 credit point master’s

Learn more degree with Semester 1 enrolment

For more information on the course

structure, including unit of study
descriptions, visit
Page 23

−− sydney.edu.au/courses
Master of Health Technology Innovation

If you are a health practitioner, engineer, IT professional or

scientist, this unique program will equip you with the skills to
deliver improved health outcomes for patients through the
innovative use of health technologies.

Healthcare solutions are increasingly dependent on the Available courses

innovative use of modern technologies. The Master of Health
Technology Innovation is an ideal professional degree if you This program can be taken at the
are seeking to expand your career options and take advantage level of a master’s degree or a
of exciting opportunities in this emerging field. graduate diploma.

Recognising the changing healthcare landscape, this program Credit Duration

Course name points (full time)
will help you to bridge the gap between the technical and
clinical arenas by working alongside engineers, IT specialists Master of Health 96 2 years
and health professionals on cross-disciplinary projects at the Innovation
University’s flagship Charles Perkins Centre.
Graduate Diploma in 60 1.5 years
Health Technology
The program is taught by leaders in health, engineering and Innovation

technology from across the University and its extensive

network of hospitals and healthcare facilities.
Depending on the level and type
of your prior studies, you may
Course structure be eligible for recognition of
The program comprises core units, foundation units, specialist prior learning (RPL), which could
units and a capstone project. You can choose units that reduce the length of your degree.
complement your particular background and qualifications. See page 8 for details.

To accommodate your professional commitments, our flexible

study options include block or intensive mode, evening classes
and online modules, or you can choose a combination of these.
The University of Sydney

“Solving complex health problems through technology

is a key focus of this course. It provides the opportunity
to work with students from different professional
backgrounds and allows you to expand your
understanding in new areas and build on your current
knowledge. Health technology is an exciting and
growing industry where you can make a difference.”
Page 24

Stephanie Yano
Graduate, Master of Health Technology Innovation
Admission criteria Indicative course progression
To apply for this master’s degree, you need Example progression for Master of Health
to have a recognised bachelor’s degree Technology Innovation
with at least a credit average (65 percent)
Unit code Unit of study Sem cp
from the University of Sydney, or equivalent

Postgraduate guide 2020

qualifications. Year 1

HTIN5001 Core: Nature of Systems 1 6

If you do not meet the admission criteria
for the master’s degree, you might wish to HTIN5004 Core: Integrated Approaches to 1 6
Chronic Disease
consider the graduate diploma as a pathway
to the master’s program. MRTY5132 Foundation: Medical Image Perception 1 6

PUBH5018 Foundation: Introductory Biostatistics 1 6

Learn more HTIN5002 Core: Quality Frameworks for 2 6

Health Innovation
For more information on the course
HTIN5003 Core: Health Technology Evaluation 2 6
structure, including unit of study
descriptions, visit COMP5310 Foundation: Principles of Data Science 2 6

−− sydney.edu.au/courses COMP5318 Specialist: Machine Learning and 2 6

Data Mining

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

Year 2

PUBH5010 Specialist: Epidemiology 1 6

Methods and Uses

CLTR5001 Specialist: Trial Design and Methods 1 6

COMP5424 Specialist: Information Technology 1 6

in Biomedicine

HTIN6011 Project: Health Technology Innovation 1 6

Capstone A

MRTY5133 Specialist: Medical Image Optimisation 2 6

BETH5203 Specialist: Ethics and Public Health 2 6

PUBH5224 Specialist: Advanced Epidemiology 2 6

HTIN6012 Project: Health Technology Innovation 2 6

Capstone B

Sem = semester;  cp = credit points

Indicative progression based on a 96 credit point master’s

degree with Semester 1 enrolment
Page 25
Master of Information Technology

Gain a degree that’s specifically designed for IT professionals who

are looking to update and extend their technical knowledge of
advanced computing subjects or move into a new IT specialisation.

This internationally recognised degree can Specialisations

help advance your career in diverse fields
including software engineering, health Available specialisations include:
informatics, data management, data analysis −− software engineering
and more. It’s also an excellent retraining −− data management and analytics
opportunity for professionals who want to
−− digital media technology
specialise in a different area of IT.
−− biomedical and health informatics
It offers you the flexibility to tailor your −− networks and distributed systems
studies, with more than 25 specialist IT units −− cybersecurity.
of study as well as units from electrical
engineering and business. Classes are generally held in the evening
The University of Sydney

to accommodate your professional

Course structure commitments.

The program comprises core units, specialist

We also offer a pathway for eligible people
units, optional electives and a capstone
planning to pursue a research degree.
project. You have the option to focus on one
particular area or combine units from related
Page 26
Available courses Learn more
This program can be taken at the level of For more information on the course structure,
a master’s degree, a graduate diploma or including specialisations and unit of study
a graduate certificate. descriptions, visit
−− sydney.edu.au/courses
Credit Duration
Course name points (full time)
Indicative course progression
Master of Information Technology 72 1.5 years
Example progression for Master of Information
Graduate Diploma in Information 48 1 year
Technology Technology in Cybersecurity

Graduate Certificate in 24 0.5 years Unit code Unit of study Sem cp

Information Technology

Year 1

Depending on the level and type of your prior INFO5990 Core: Professional Practice in IT 1 6

Postgraduate guide 2020

studies, you may be eligible for recognition of
INFO5301 Specialist: Information 1 6
prior learning (RPL), which could reduce the Security Management
length of your degree. See page 8 for details.
INFO6007 Core: Project Management in IT 1 6

ELEC5616 Specialist: Computer and 1 6

Admission criteria Network Security

To apply for this master’s degree, you need CISS6022 Specialist: Cybersecurity 2 6

to hold a bachelor’s degree in information COMP5617 Specialist: Empirical Security Analysis 2 6

technology, computer science, or computer and Engineering

or software engineering from a recognised COMP5618 Specialist: Applied Cybersecurity 2 6

Australian or overseas university, with at least
COMP5216 Elective: Mobile Computing 2 6
a credit average.
Year 2
If you don’t meet these criteria, you may
COMP5349 Elective: Cloud Computing 1 6

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

be eligible for admission to the graduate
INFO5992 Core: Understanding IT Innovations 1 6
diploma or graduate certificate.
COMP5703 Project: Information Technology 1 12
Capstone Project

Sem = semester;  cp = credit points

Indicative progression based on a 72 credit point master’s

degree with Semester 1 enrolment

“The knowledge and skills I’ve acquired

have been invaluable for my professional
work. The Master of Information Technology
has been an excellent investment in my
development and will be crucial to realising
my professional and academic goals.”
James Charters
Page 27

Graduate, Master of Information Technology

Lead Software Engineer, RateSetter
Master of Information Technology Management

Make the transition into IT management with this degree, specifically

designed for IT professionals and technically skilled graduates.

This professional degree will prepare you to Course structure

succeed in the management of areas that
use information technology to manage and This program comprises core units, specialist units,
expand business endeavours. It will equip you electives and a capstone project. You can also choose
with an in-depth understanding of key areas a project that relates to your area of employment.
such as data analytics, business intelligence,
IT strategy and IT project management. There are a variety of specialist units to choose
from, including:

This degree will also help you to −− COMP5206 Information Technologies and Systems
develop the skills to manage the design, −− ISYS5070 Change Management in IT
delivery and operation of business
−− INFO5301 Information Security Management
technologies effectively.
−− INFO6010 Advanced Topics in
It is designed for graduates seeking a career IT Project Management
path into management roles such as IT −− INFO5991 Services Science
project manager, program manager, general Management and Engineering
manager of operations, chief information −− INFO6012 Information Technology
officer or chief technology officer. Strategy and Value
−− ISYS5050 Knowledge Management Systems
−− INFO5060 Data Analytics and Business Intelligence.

Classes are generally held in the evenings to

accommodate your professional commitments.

We also offer a pathway for eligible people planning to

pursue a research degree.
The University of Sydney

“I found the Master of Information Technology

Management appealing because of the core
subjects and the opportunity to undertake a
research project. The classes are well prepared
and the quality of the content is relevant,
not just in Australia, but worldwide.”
Page 28

Giovanna Rojas Sanchez

Graduate, Master of Information Technology Management
Available courses Indicative course progression
This program can be taken at the level of a master’s Example progression for Master of
degree, a graduate diploma or a graduate certificate. Information Technology Management

Postgraduate guide 2020

Unit code Unit of study Sem cp
Credit Duration
Course name points (full time)
Year 1
Master of Information Technology 72 1.5 years
INFO5990 Core: Professional Practice 1 6
in IT
Graduate Diploma in Information 48 1 year
INFO5301 Specialist: Information 1 6
Technology Management
Security Management
Graduate Certificate in Information 24 0.5 years
INFO6007 Core: Project Management 1 6
Technology Management
in IT

ISYS5050 Specialist: Knowledge 1 6

Depending on the level and type of your prior studies, Management Systems
you may be eligible for recognition of prior learning
COMP5206 Specialist: Information 2 6
(RPL), which could reduce the length of your degree. Technologies and Systems

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

See page 8 for details. INFO6010 Specialist: Advanced Topics 2 6
in IT Project Management

Admission criteria INFO5991 Services Science 2 6

Management and Engineering
To apply for this degree, you need to have a bachelor’s
COMP5216 Elective: Mobile Computing 2 6
degree in any aspect of IT, computer science, or
computer or software engineering from a recognised Year 2
Australian or overseas university, with at least a credit
INFO5992 Core: Understanding 1 6
average (65 percent). IT Innovations

INFO6012 Specialist: Information 1 6

Alternatively, you need a recognised bachelor’s Technology Strategy and Value
degree in any discipline with at least a credit average,
COMP5703 Project: Information 1 12
along with a minimum two years of professional Technology Capstone Project
IT experience.
Sem = semester;  cp = credit points

Indicative progression based on a 72 credit point

If you don’t meet these criteria, you may be eligible for master’s degree with Semester 1 enrolment

admission to the Graduate Diploma in Computing.

Learn more
For more information on the course structure,
Page 29

including unit of study descriptions, visit

−− sydney.edu.au/courses
Master of Information Technology and
Master of Information Technology Management

Develop your technical and management skills specific to technology

with this combined degree for IT professionals and graduates.

This program will improve Course structure Specialisations

your understanding of the
latest advancements in IT and The program comprises four You can choose to specialise in a
how to use them to help drive core units as well as technical number of areas within IT, including:
organisational transformation. and managerial specialist units, −− biomedical and health informatics

electives and a compulsory

−− data management and analytics
The program’s accelerated capstone project.
−− digital media technology
two-year structure gives you an
opportunity to undertake specialist Classes are generally held in the −− cybersecurity
study in a range of IT-related evenings to accommodate your −− networks and distributed systems
disciplines along with a program in professional commitments.
−− software engineering.
IT management.
In addition, IT management subjects
It will deepen your technical will provide you with advanced
knowledge of complex IT training in key management
environments while developing areas including innovation,
your ability to manage the security, services science and
design, delivery and operation of change management.
business technologies.
The University of Sydney
Page 30
“The combined program is incredibly
flexible and diverse. It has given me an
understanding of IT systems and has opened
up numerous professional opportunities.”
Aviral Shukla
Graduate, Master of Information Technology and
Master of Information Technology Management
Data Analytics Manager, KPMG

Available courses Indicative course progression

This program can only be taken at the level of Example progression for Master of Information
a combined master’s degree. Technology and Master of Information Technology
Management (combined), with a specialisation in
Data Management and Analytics

Postgraduate guide 2020

Credit Duration
Course name points (full time)
Unit code Unit of study Sem cp
Master of Information 96 2 years
Master of Information Year 1
Technology Management
COMP5206 Core: Information Technologies 1 6
and Systems

This accelerated program combines COMP5349 MIT Specialist: Cloud Computing 1 6

elements from the two master’s programs
COMP5318 MIT Specialist: Machine Learning 1 6
into a single streamlined course. This means and Data Mining
you can achieve the same learning outcomes COMP5046 MIT Specialist: Natural Language 1 6
and graduate with a combined degree in two Processing
years instead of three. COMP5048 MIT Specialist: Visual Analytics 2 6

INFO5990 Core: Professional Practice in IT 2 6

Depending on the level and type of your prior

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

studies, you may be eligible for recognition of NFO6012 MITM Specialist: Information 2 6
Technology Strategy and Value
prior learning (RPL), which could reduce the
length of your degree. See page 8 for details. COMP5338 MIT Specialist: Advanced 2 6
Data Models

Admission criteria Year 2

INFO5991 MITM Specialist: Services Science 1 6

To apply for this degree, you need to have a
Management and Engineering
bachelor’s degree in information technology,
COMP5329 MIT Specialist: Deep Learning 1 6
computer science, or computer or software
engineering from a recognised Australian INFO6007 Core: Project Management in IT 1 6
or overseas university, with at least a credit INFO5301 MITM Specialist: Information 1 6
average (65 percent). Security Management

INFO5992 Core: Understanding IT Innovations 2 6

Learn more INFO6010 MITM Specialist: Advanced Topics in 2 6
IT Project Management
For more information on the course
COMP5703 Project: Information Technology 2 12
structure, including specialisations and unit Capstone Project
of study descriptions, visit
Sem = semester;  cp = credit points
−− sydney.edu.au/courses
Indicative progression based on a 96 credit point master’s
degree with Semester 1 enrolment
Page 31
Graduate Diploma in Computing

Enhance your career with a strong foundation in IT – integral to

a wide range of industries. This qualification is ideal for non-IT
graduates looking to upskill or pursue a master’s in this field.

“Having a background in linguistics, the

Graduate Diploma in Computing allowed me to

improve my computer science skills quickly and

pursue my passion of computational linguistics.
As well as undertaking a PhD in this field,
I’m now the founder of a startup company.”
Nicky Ringland
Graduate, Diploma in Computing, PhD
Co-founder, Grok Learning

This program will provide you with Course structure Available courses
a strong foundation in IT. You can
also choose to explore a range of In up to four foundation units, this This program can only be taken at
specialist areas, which can then program covers core IT knowledge the level of a graduate diploma.
form the basis of your new career in including programming, data
IT – or you may wish to deepen your management, system analysis and Credit Duration
specialisation with further study. modelling, and networking. You Course name points (full time)
can then choose additional IT or
The University of Sydney

Graduate Diploma in 48 1 year

A Graduate Diploma in Computing IT management specialist units to Computing

can help you design specialist complete your diploma.

IT systems and develop IT skills
that are integral to a wide range Classes are generally held in the
of disciplines including health, evenings to accommodate your
science, engineering and business. professional commitments.
Page 32
Depending on the level and type of your prior
studies, you may be eligible for recognition of
prior learning (RPL), which could reduce the
length of your diploma. See page 8 for details.

If you are interested in pursuing further Indicative course progression

Postgraduate guide 2020

study after completing your diploma,
Example progression for Graduate Diploma
you be eligible for RPL for one of our
in Computing
master’s degrees, such as the Master of
Information Technology. Unit code Unit of study Sem cp

Admission criteria Year 1

COMP9110 Foundation: System Analysis 1 6

To apply for this program, you need to have and Modelling
a recognised bachelor’s degree, including COMP9103 Foundation: Software Development 1 6
units of study with a mathematical foundation in Java
demonstrating significant numeracy skills, COMP9120 Foundation: Database 1 6
with at least a credit average (65 percent). Management Systems

COMP9601 Foundation: Computer and 1 6

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

Alternatively, you may be eligible for Network Organisation

admission if you can demonstrate evidence COMP5415 Specialist: Multimedia Design and 2 6
of prior learning that is considered to Authoring

demonstrate the knowledge and aptitude COMP5048 Specialist: Visual Analytics 2 6

required to undertake this course, of if you
COMP5338 Specialist: Advanced Data Models 2 6
hold a non-degree qualification and have
COMP5427 Specialist: Usability Engineering 2 6
substantial professional IT development
experience. Admission is assessed on a Sem = semester;  cp = credit points
case‑by-case basis. Indicative progression based on a 48 credit point graduate
diploma with Semester 1 enrolment

Learn more
For more information on the course
structure, including unit of study
descriptions, visit
−− sydney.edu.au/courses
Page 33
Master of Transport

Gain the technical skills to analyse, design and

implement transport systems for a career in transport
engineering, planning or policy management.

The Master of Transport is The Master of Transport will also Course structure
Australia’s first interdisciplinary further your abilities in strategic
This program comprises core units
degree focusing on the engineering, and logical reasoning, deduction,
of study along with electives.
urban planning, and business and network and temporal data
management of transport. analysis. You will also have the
To accommodate your professional
benefit of undertaking a
commitments, our flexible study
This professional full-time degree practice-based capstone project.
options include block or intensive
is ideal for graduates wanting to
mode, evening classes and online
pursue a career in the ever-growing This degree leverages the
delivery, or you can choose a
global transport sector, or for strengths of the University of
combination of these.
professionals already in the field Sydney’s Institute of Transport
wanting to upskill. and Logistics Studies – which has
exceptionally strong links with Available courses
It is designed to develop your industry and is recognised by This program can be taken at
critical understanding of the the Australian Government as a the level of a master’s degree, a
prevalence and identification centre of excellence in research graduate diploma or a graduate
of transport systems, your core and education – and the ongoing certificate.
capabilities for analysing and transport engineering research
designing such systems, and being undertaken by the Faculty
Credit Duration
your proficiencies in broad of Engineering. Course name points (full time)
interdisciplinary analysis.
Master of Transport 72 1.5 year
The University of Sydney

Graduate Diploma in 48 1 year


Graduate Certificate in 24 0.5 years

Page 34
Admission criteria Indicative course progression

Postgraduate guide 2020

To apply for this master’s degree, you need Example progression for Master of Transport
to have a recognised bachelor’s degree or
Unit code Unit of study Sem cp
higher qualification in engineering, business,
management, commerce, economics, Year 1
project management, physics, geography,
ARCH9100 Introduction to Urban Design 1 6
architecture or planning, with a credit
average (65 percent). CIVL5703 Transport Policy, Planning and 1 6

If you do not meet the admission criteria ITLS5100 Transport and Infrastructure Foundations 1 6

for the master’s degree, you might wish ITLS5200 Quantitative Logistics and Transport 1 6
to consider the graduate diploma or the
CIVL5704 Transport Analytics 2 6
graduate certificate as a pathway to the
master’s program. ITLS6102 Strategic Transport Planning 2 6

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

ITLS6107 Applied GIS and Spatial Data Analytics 2 6

Learn more PLAN9064 Land Use and Infrastructure Planning 2 6

For more information on the course Year 2

structure, including unit of study
CIVL5702 Traffic Engineering 1 6
descriptions, visit
ITLS6103 Sustainable Transport Policy 1 6
−− sydney.edu.au/courses
PLAN9075 Urban Data and Science of Cities 1 6

PLANXXXX New capstone unit 1 6

Sem = semester;  cp = credit points

Indicative progression based on a 72 credit point master’s

degree with Semester 1 enrolment
Page 35

At the University of Sydney we are

tripling our investment in research
by 2020, to change the way we think
about the world and how we live
and work in it.

We are one of the world’s top research universities, Research centres

and a member of Australia’s prestigious Group of
Eight network and of the Association of Pacific You’ll have access to our research centres
Rim Universities. The latter partners us with other and institutes, including:
universities that excel in research, including Stanford, −− ARC Training Centre for

UCLA, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the University Innovative Bioengineering

of Hong Kong, Nanyang Technological University and −− Centre for Advanced Materials Technology
Tsinghua University.
−− Centre for Advanced Structural Engineering

Embarking on a research degree at Sydney is an −− Centre for Distributed and High-

opportunity to work alongside some of the world’s performance Computing
brightest and most accomplished academics. We −− Centre for Excellence in Advanced
offer exceptional facilities and the latest innovative Food Enginomics (CAFE)
technology across the physical, medical, life and −− Centre for Future Energy Networks
engineering sciences as well as the humanities and
−− Centre for Internet of Things
social sciences.
and Telecommunications
−− Centre for Robotics and
Our research degrees
Intelligent Systems
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) −− Centre for Sustainable
2 years (full time) Energy Development
Undertake research and an advanced specialisation
−− Centre for Wind, Waves and Water
in any area of scholarship or design covered by the
Faculty of Engineering. −− Institute of Biomedical Engineering
and Technology (BMET)
Admission requires a bachelor’s degree with honours −− Sydney Centre in Geomechanics
in a relevant discipline. and Mining Materials (SciGEM)
The University of Sydney

−− Sydney Institute of Robotics

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Intelligent Systems
3 years (full time)
−− UBTECH Sydney Artificial
Receive the highest qualification available in Australia
Intelligence Centre.
and submit a thesis that is an original contribution to
your chosen discipline.
Find out more about our research centres at:

Admission requires a master’s degree with a research −− sydney.edu.au/engineering/our-research

component or a bachelor’s degree with first- or
second-class honours. You may be able to upgrade
from the Master of Philosophy program if you have
made satisfactory progress.
Page 36
Areas of expertise Food products, process We also have a wealth of resources
and supply chain dedicated to infrastructure,
We have dedicated researchers and transport, complex systems, energy
−− Food engineering across
supervisors from around the world and the environment. Find out
the supply chain
who provide expertise in a range more at:
of disciplines. −− Advanced food processing

Postgraduate guide 2020

technologies −− sydney.edu.au/engineering/
The faculty has committed to −− Engineering food properties
investing major resources in the and structure
following key areas to develop Supporting our researchers
−− Sustainable food systems
new facilities, collaborations and and food packaging We are dedicated to providing
partnership opportunities to you with the support you need to
−− Resources recovery from
tackle society’s most challenging achieve your research goals.
the food supply chain
−− Food safety and security
Research training and workshops
Biomedical engineering and −− Food process engineering There are a number of workshops
technologies and modelling and training opportunities available
−− Biomechanics, biomaterials −− Food engineering for to help you develop your skills in
and tissue engineering nutrition and health research, writing, communication

Engineering, Computer Science and Project Management

−− Biomolecular and and project management.
cellular engineering Internet of things and
telecommunications Postgraduate Research
−− Biomedical devices and
−− Fibre-optics and Support Scheme
photonics engineering This scheme provides University
−− Biomedical imaging, visualisation funding to attend conferences
and information technologies −− Wireless networking
around the world. It can also
−− Wireless network control support your fieldwork or
Data science and computer −− Information theory research overseas.
−− Coding theory
−− Computer-human Scholarships
−− Fifth-generation wireless systems
adapted interaction
−− Ultra-high reliability low-latency We offer a range of scholarships
−− Computer, software and
communication systems and other forms of financial
electronic engineering
assistance to help you achieve your
−− Human-centred technology Robotics and intelligent systems professional and personal goals.
−− Image processing −− Agricultural robotics Find out more at:
−− Artificial intelligence −− Control and optimisation −− sydney.edu.au/scholarships
of dynamic systems −− sydney.edu.au/engineering/
−− Intelligent transport systems scholarships
Page 37

−− Marine systems
−− Security and defence systems
How to apply

Coursework Research
To apply for postgraduate study by To apply for a research degree, follow these steps.
coursework, follow these steps.

Step 1 Step 1 Step 3

Choose a course Check admission criteria Develop a research proposal
Search for the course you To be eligible for admission Once you have spoken with an
are interested in, using our to a postgraduate research academic supervisor, you will need
course search website: degree, you usually need to have to develop and submit an initial
−− sydney.edu.au/courses undertaken a significant research research proposal. The supervisor
project or thesis in your previous will read and comment on your
university‑level studies. proposal, and will advise whether

Our course search website also

includes information on course −− sydney.edu.au/research-entry they are willing to supervise you
availability for international student before you submit your application.
visa holders. Step 2
Find an academic supervisor Step 4
Step 2 Our Research Supervisor Connect Identify academic referees
Check the admission criteria online portal lists all the University You will need to provide details
Select the course you wish to research opportunities currently of two academic referees who
apply for, and check that you meet available to new students. Search are familiar with your previous
the admission criteria, including through research ideas, read about academic qualifications and
academic, English language, and supervisors’ areas of interest and achievements, who can then submit
course-specific requirements. expertise, and make initial contact an academic referee report on your
with them: behalf. Instructions are provided
−− sydney.edu.au/courses
within your online application form.
−− sydney.edu.au/research/
Step 3 opportunities
Step 5
Submit your application
Submit your application
Click the ‘Apply’ button on the
Lodge your application online:
course page to proceed with your
online application. −− search for your program of
study at sydney.edu.au/courses
You can also apply for recognition −− select the program for
of prior learning which, if approved, which you wish to apply
could significantly reduce the
The University of Sydney

−− click on the ‘apply’ button to

length of your degree. begin the application process.
−− sydney.edu.au/study/credit

Need more information?

Domestic students
−− sydney.edu.au/ask-domestic
1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864)

International students
−− sydney.edu.au/ask-international
Page 38

+61 2 8627 1444 (from outside Australia)

Important dates

Open Day
31 August 2019

Postgraduate Masterclasses
14–18 October 2019

Postgraduate Expo and Webinars

14–18 October 2019

Postgraduate Open Evening,

Central Business District Campus
4 December 2019

Semester 1, 2020 applications close

31 January 2020

Postgraduate Information Evening,

Camperdown Campus
May 2020

Semester 2, 2020 applications close

June 2020

To find out about other important

dates, visit:
−− sydney.edu.au/application-dates
−− sydney.edu.au/event-dates
−− sydney.edu.au/study-dates

Please note that exceptions apply to application

dates. Please search for your course online to
check exact closing dates: sydney.edu.au/courses
This guide provides key information
you need to apply for a postgraduate
degree in engineering, computer
science or project management, but
the next step is up to you.

To learn more, come and see us


on Open Day, attend one of our

postgraduate information sessions,
call our helpline or visit our website.


Join our online communities

FACEBOOK @Engineering.IT.Sydney.University
TWITTER @Eng_IT_Sydney
instagram @engineering.sydney
LINKEDIN w ww.linkedin.com/showcase/
The University of Sydney

Contact us
1800 SYD UNI (1800 793 864)
+61 2 8627 1444 (outside Australia)

Produced by Marketing and Communications, the University of Sydney, August 2019. The University reserves
the right to make alterations to any information contained within this publication without notice.

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