Department of Mathematics
First Year: 1st Semester
Course No. Course Title Hours/ Week Credits
Theory + Lab
MAT 111 Fundamentals of Mathematics 3+0 3.0 A
MAT 113 Calculus I 4+0 4.0 A
STA 101 Principles of Statistics 3+0 3.0 A
PHY 101 Mechanics, Properties of Matter and Waves 3+0 3.0 A+
BNG 101/ENG 101 Basic English 2+0 2.0 A
BNG 102/ENG 102 Basic English Lab & viva voce 0+2 1.0 C+
MAT 119 Viva Voce 0+0 2.0 B
Total 15 + 2 =17 18.0
Detailed Syllabus
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Sets: Elementary idea of set, subsets, power set of a set, product set. Basic set operations and related theorems on sets, Venn
diagrams, countable and uncountable sets, cardinality of a set. Real Number system: set of natural numbers, rational numbers,
irrational numbers and real numbers along with their geometrical representation, idea of open & closed interval, product set of real
numbers and their geometric representation, Idea of absolute value of real number. Axioms of real number system and their
application in solving algebraic equations. Equation and Inequality: Elementary idea of law of inequality, solution of equations
and inequalities. Relations and Functions: binary relations, reflexive, symmetry anti-symmetry and transitive relations, Pictorial
representations of relations, properties of relation. Variable of a set, functions of a variable, domain and range of a function
Polynomial, graph of single polynomial functions, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric functions and their graphs, algebra of
functions, inverse of functions and its graph. Vertical line test for a function and test for symmetry of functions, test for continuity of a
function from its graph. Complex Number system: Geometrical representation and properties.
Books Recommended :
1. Seymour Lipschutz: Set Theory
2. R. David Gustafson & Peter D. Frisk: Functions and Graphs
3. Earl W. Swokowski: Calculus with Analytic Geometry
4. George B. Thomas Jr. & Ross L. Finney: Calculus with Analytic Geometry
Matrix: Introduction to matrices, addition and multiplication of matrices, determinant of matrix, H. sc. typs adjoint and inverse of a
matrix, elementary row operations and echelon forms of matrix, rank, row rank, column rank of a matrix and their equivalence, use
of rank and echelon form in solving system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations. Vector space and subspace over real
numbers and direct sum, linear combination, linear dependence and independence of vectors, basis and dimension of vector space,
quotient space and isomorphism theorems. Linear transformations, kernel, rank and nullity, matrix representation, change of basis,
eigenvalues and eigenvectors, characteristic equations and Caley-Hamilton theorem, diagonalization of matrices, similar matrices,
canonical forms. Orthogonal and Hermitian matrices, inner product, orthogonal vectors and orthonormal basis, Gram-Schmidt
orthogonalization process, bilinear and quadratic forms.
Books Recommended:
1. Hamilton, A. G.: Linear Algebra
2. Anton, H. and Rorres, C. Elementary Linear algebra with Applications.
3. Kolman, B.: Elementary Linear Algebra
4. Nering, E. D.: Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory
5. Lipschutz, S.: Linear Algebra
Formula, estimating approximate errors, increasing & decreasing functions, concavity and point of inflection, asymptotes
and symmetry, maxima and minima, cure sketding involute, evolute, envelop.
Transcundental Functions:
Derivatives of trigonometric functions and related integrals, the natural logarithm and its derivative groph of exponential
and logarithmic functions. Applications of exponential and logarithmic functions.
Hyperbolic functions: Derivatives and integrals, hanging cables.
Polar coordinates: Graphs of polar equations, polar equations of conice and other courses, integrals. Evaluation of improper
integrals. Reduction formulae, Gamma and Beta functions.
Applications of definite integrals:
Area between two courses, calculating volumes by slicing, volumes modeled with shelhs and washers, langth of a plane
curve, area of a surface of revolution, average value of a function, moments and centre of mass.
Books Recommended:
1. Lipschutz, S : Set Theory and Related Topics
2. Bernard & Child : Higher Algebra
3. Spiegel, M. R. : Vector Analysis
Books Recommended:
1. Ayres, F.: Differential Equations
2. Piaggio, H. T. H.: Differential Equations
School of Physical Sciences 7
Books Recommended:
1. Churchill and Brown: Complex variables and Applications
2. Stewart and Tall: Complex Analysis
3. Spiegel, M. R.: Complex Variable
4. Copson, E. I.: Theory of Function of Complex Variables
uniform convergence, differentiation and integration of series. Continuous functions on metric space: Boundedness, intermediate
value theorem, uniform continuity. Functions of several variables: Linear transformations, differentials, the inverse function theorem,
the implicit function theorem, the rank theorem, Jacobian. Contraction mapping theorem. Introduction to Lebesgue’s integral.
Books Recommended:
1. Rudin, W.: Principle of mathematical Analysis
2. Apostol, I.: Mathematical Analysis
3. Phillips, E. G.: Course of Analysis
4. Spiegel, M. R.: Real Variables
statements: control statements (GO TO); logical IF; compound IF statements; IF-THEN-ELSE construct , Block-IF; (single
alternative), case construct (multiple alternative). Loop control statements: The CONTINUE statements; the DO WHILE
statements, computed GO TO statement. Forming a Database: Subscripting variables; input/output of arrays in
FORTRAN; the DIMENSION and PARAMETER statement. Functions/subroutine/subprograms: Types of sub-programs;
arithmetic statement functions (in details); dummy variables; the function subprogram; the subroutine subprogram.
equivalence, common and data statements Formal – Statements : I,F,E, A- format-statements;
Books Recommended:
1. Kumar: Programming with FORTRAN-77
2. Francis Scheid: Numerical Analysis
3. Hilderman, F.B.: Introduction to Numerical Analysis
4. Noble B.: Numerical Methods Vol. I & II
transmission, mathematical representation of wave motion and conditions at the free surface, surface waves, speed of propagation
and wave length, progressive and standing waves, kinetic energy of waves, group velocity and wave at interface.
Books Recommended:
1. Milne-Thompson, L. M.: Theoretical Hydrodynamics
2. Chorlton, F. : Fluid Dynamics
3. Lamb, H.: Hydrodynamics
4. Raisinghania: Fluid Mechanics
5. Gupta, P. P.: Hydrodynamics
6. Ramsey : Hydrodynamics
7. Rutherford, D. E. : Fluid Mechanics
spaces, components, locally connected spaces and simply connected spaces. Separation axioms: T 1 -spaces, Hausdorff
spaces, regular spaces, normal spaces, completely normal spaces and completely regular spaces.
Books Recommended:
1. Simmons, G.F.: Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis
2. Gal, S.: Point Set Topology
3. Lipschutz, S.: General Topology
4. Kelley,J.L.: General Topology
5. Hockling and Young: Topology
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Local Analysis: Approximate solution of linear differential equation (LDE): Classification of singularity of homogenous
LDE, asymptotic solution at irregular singular point of homogenous and non homogenous LDE, irregular
singularity at infinity, asymptotic solution of LDE for large value of the independent variable..
Perturbation methods: Perturbation theory, regular and singular perturbation theory, perturbation method
for linear eigenvalue problems. Global analysis: Boundary layer theory: Introduction to BL theory,
mathematical structure of BL, Higher order BL theory, distinguished limits and BLS of thickness 0.
WKB theory: The exponential approximation for dissipative and dispersive phenomena, conditions for
validity of WKB approximation, WKB solution of inhomogeneous linear equations.
Books Recommended:
1. Carl, M. Bender & Steven, A. : Advanced mathematical methods for scientist and Orszag engineers
2. J. D. Cole : Perturbation methods in applied mathematics
Sets: Elementary idea of set, set notation, set of natural numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers and real
numbers along with their geometrical representation, idea of open & closed interval, subsets, power set of a set,
basic set operations and related theorems on sets and venn diagrams. Real Number system: Idea of absolute
value of real number. Axioms of real number system and their application in solving algebraic equations.
Equation and Inequality: Elementary idea of law of inequality, solution of equations and inequalities.
Variable and Functions: Variable of a set, functions of a variable, Polynomial, graph of single polynomial
functions, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric functions and their graphs, domain and range of a function;
sum, difference, product, quotient, composition and inverse of functions.
Books Recommended :
1. Seymour Lipschutz: Set Theory
2. R. David Gustafson & Peter D. Frisk: Functions and Graphs
2 Hours/week, 2Credits
Complex numbers: Definition of complex numbers and their properties. De-Moivre’s theorem (for integral and rational
exponents) and its applications. Inequalities: Cauchy, Chebyshev and Jensen’s inequality. Theory of equations:
Polynomials, division algorithm, fundamental theorem of algebra, multiplicity of roots, relation between roots and
coefficients of algebraic equations, Descartes rule of signs.
Books Recommended:
1. Bernard & Child, Algebra
2. 2. Hall & Knight, Higher Algebra
3. 3. Rahman M.A. Algebra and Trigonometry
4. Shahdullah & Battacharjee, Albegra and Trigonometry
PART–B: Co-ordinate geometry of two dimensions - Co-ordinate system, pair of straight lines; circle; tangent & normal at
a point on a circle; General equation of second degree.
Co-ordinate geometry of three dimensions - distance between points; angle between two straight lines; plan through three
points; angle between two planes; straight line through two points.
Books Recommended:
1. Thomas and Finney, Calculus and Analytic Geometry
2. E. W Swokowski, Calculus with Analytic Geometry
3. H. Anton, Calculus
4. Rahman & Bhattacharjee; Co-ordinate geometry of two & three dimensions.
5. Loney, S. L.: Coordinate Geometry of Two dimensions
6. Smith, C.: The Analytical Geometry of Conic Sections
Books Recommended:
1.Sanley I Grossman, Applied Mathematics for the Management Life and Social Sciences
2. Finney & Thomas, Calculus and Analytic Geometry.
3 Hours/ week, 3 Credits
Differential calculus: Differentiation of explicit and implicit functions and parametric equations, sucfessive
differentiation of various types of functions, Leibnitz’s theorem, Rolls theorem, Mean value theorem. Taylor’s
theorem in finite and infinite forms. Laclaurin’s theorem in finite and infinite forms, lagrange’s form of
remainder, Cauchy’s form of remainder. Expansion of function by differentiation and integration. Partial
differentiation. Euler’s theorem. Tangent and normal, subtangent and subnormal in Cartesian and polar
coordinates. Deteremination of maximum and minimum values of functions, point of inflexion, its applications.
Evaluation of indeterminant forms by L’Hospital’s rule. Curvature, radius of curvature, centre of curvature and
chord of curvature. Evolute and involute. Asymptotes, Envelopes, curve tracing.
Books recommended:
1.Thomas and Finney: Calculus and Analytic Geometry
2. Swokowski, E. W.: Calculus with Analytic Geometry
3. Mohammad and Bhattacharjee: Defferential Calculus
4. Mohammed & Bhattacharjee , Integral Calculus .
5. Ayres , F., Differential equation
6. Edward , J.,Integral Calculus.
3 hours/Week, 3 Credits
16 Department of Mathematics
Co-Ordinate Geometry
Co-Ordinate Geometry of two dimensions, Change of axes, Transformation of co-ordinates, Pairs of straight line, General
equation of second degree, Co-ordinate Geometry of three dimensions, System of co-ordinates, Distances of two points,
Section formula, Projection, Direction cosines, equations of planes and lines.
The Matrix The Matrix and Matrix Operations, Inner Product and Cross Product, Geometric Vectors, Orthogonal Vectors,
Different types of matrices, algebraic operations on matrices, Adjoint and inverse of a matrix, Rank and elementary
transformation of matrices, Normal and canonical form, Diagonalisation of matrices. Solution of linear equations, Vector
spaces, Characteristics roots and vectors.
Systems of Linear Equations Equivalent Systems of Equations, The General Solution of a Linear System, The Row-
Reduced Form of a Matrix and Rank, Homogeneous Systems.
Square Matrices The Multiplicative Inverse of a Square Matrix, The Determinant of a Square Matrix, Cofactors and
Inverses, The Determinant of a Product and Nonsingular Matrix, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
Vector Spaces Vector Spaces and Subspaces, Linear Independence, Spanning Set and Basis, Coordinate and Dimension,
Null Space, Row space and Column Space, Change of Basis.
Linear Transformations Linear Transformations, Matrix Representation, Composition of Transformations, Change of Basis.
Diagonalization Representation of a Linear Transformation by a Diagonal Matrix, The Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a
Symmetric Matrix, Quadratic Form, Functions of a Square Matrix.
Inner Product Spaces Definition and examples, Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, Orthogonality, Orthonormal Basis and Gram-
Schmidt Process
Pre-requisite: N/A
Textbook: Elementary linear, algebra applications version, ninth edition
by Howard Anton and Chris Rorres
Reference: Linear algebra, with applications, fifth edition, prentice hall, 1998 by Steven J. Leon.
Books Recommended:
1. Thomas and Finney : Calculus and Analytic Geometry
School of Physical Sciences 17
Matrices: Types of matrices, null and unit matrices, algebraic operations on matrices, determinant of a square matrix,
matrix equivalence, adjoint and inverse of a matrix, orthogonal and unitary matrices, linear equations, vector spaces, linear
transformations, similarity, characteristic roots and vectors, diagonalization of matrices.
Vector Analysis: Scalars and vectors; operation on vectors, Null and unit vectors; components of a vectors, scalar and
vector products of two, three and four vectors, their applications; vector components in spherical and cylindrical systems,
derivative of vectors, vector operators, Del, Gradient, Divergence and Curl, their physical significance, vector integration,
line, surface and volume integrals, Greens’, Gauss’ and Stokes’ theorem and their applications.
Geometry: Review of equation of a straight line, circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. Pair of straight lines, General equation of the
second degree. Three-dimensional coordinates. Equations for a plane, sphere, cylinder, cone, ellipsoid and paraboloid.
Books Recommended:
1. Ayres, F., Matrices
2. Kolman, B., Elementary Linear Algebra.
3. Speigel M R.: Vector analysis
4. Smith C.: An elementary treatise on coordinate geometry of three dimension
5. Rahman & Bhattacharjee: A Text Book on coordinate geometry
6. Harun Ar Rashid: A Text Book on coordinate geometry
Differential calculus: successive differentiation, Leibnitz’ theorem and its application, Euler’s theorem on
homogeneous functions and related problems. Maxima ad minima of a functions encountered in practical
situations. Concept of assymtotes, envelope and curvature.
Integral calculus: Techniques to integrate standard functions, properties of definite integrals, inductive and
recursive integration, differentiation under the integral sign. Elementary concept and applications of Gama and
Beta functions.
Ordinary differential equations: Classifications and solutions of first order ordinary differential equations.
Solutions of second order linear (homogeneous and non-homogeneous) ordinary differential equations with
constant co-efficients. Solution techniques to solve first degree 2 nd order ordinary differential equations with
variable co-efficients (Cauchy type equations).
Partial differential equations: first order partial differential equations with emphasis on Charpit’s method.
applications; spherical, polar and cylindrical coordinate systems, unit vectors and vector components in these systems, derivative of
vectors with respect to scalars, vector operators - DEL, gradient, divergence, curl & their physical significance.
Books Recommended:
1. Spiegel, M. R.: Vector Analysis and an Introduction to Tensor Analysis
2. Das & Mukharjee : Higher trigonometry
Books recommended:
1. Dass & Mukherjeee : Differential Calculus
2. Dass & Mukherjeee : Integral Calculus
3. Thomas and Finney : Calculus and Analytic Geometry
4. Swokowski, E. W. : Calculus with Analytic Geometry
5. Tierney : Calculus with Analytic Geometry
Matrix: Definition, elementary properties and solution of system of linear equations with the help of matrices. Vector Analysis:
Scalars and vectors, algebraic operations on vectors, scalar and vector product of two vectors. derivative of vectors with respect to
scalars, vector operators gradient, divergence and curl. Out lines of line, volume and surface integration.
Books Recommended:
1. Ayres, F. : Matrices
2. Kolman, B. : Elementary Linear Algebra.
3. Speigel M R. : Vector analysis
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
Differential Calculus: Function of a real variable and their Graphs, limit, continuity and derivatives, Physical meaning of
derivative of a function, successive derivative, Leibnitz’s theorem, Rolle’s theorem, Mean value & Taylors theorem
(statement only), Taylor’e & Maclaurins series and Expansion of function, Maximum & minimum Values of functions,
functions of two and three variables. Partial and total derivative,
Integral calculus: Physical meaning of integration, integration as a inverse process of differentiation, definite integral as the limit
of a sum and as an area, Definition of Reimann integral, fundamental theorem of integral calculus and its application to definit
integrals, reduction formula, improper integrals, double integration, evaluation of areas and volumes by integration.
Differential equations: Definition and solution of ordinary differential equations, first order ordinary differential equations,
second order ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficients, solutions by the method of undetermined
coefficient and variation of parameter, initial value problems.
Books Recommended:
1. Thomas & finney: Calculus and analytic geometry
2. Swokowski E W: Calculus with analytic geometry
3. Mohammed & Bhattacharjee: Differential calculus
4. Das & Mucharjee: Differential calculus
5. Mohammed & Bhattacharjee: Integral calculus
6. Das & Mucharjee: Integral calculus
7. Ayres, F: Differential calculus
Differential Calculus: Functionof a real variable and their Graphs, limit, continuity and derivatives, Physical meaning of derivative
of a function, successive derivative, Leibnitz’s theorem, Rolle’s theorem, Mean value & Taylors theorem (statement only), Taylor’e
& Maclaurins series and Expansion of function, Maximum & minimum Values of functions, functions of two and three variables.
Partial and total derivative. Integral calculus: Physical meaning of integration, integration as a inverse process of differentiation,
definite integral as the limit of a sum and as an area, Definition of Reimann integral, fundamental theorem of integral calculus and its
application to definit integrals, reduction formula, improper integrals, double integration, evaluation of areas and volumes by
integration. Differential equations: Definition and solution of ordinary differential equations, first order ordinary differential
equations, second order ordinary linear differential equations with constant coefficients,solutions by the method of undetermined
coefficient and variation of parameter, initial value problems.
Books Recommended:
1. Thomas & finney : Calculus and analytic geometry
2. Swokowski E W : Calculus with analytic geometry
3. Mohammed & Bhattacharjee : Differential calculus
4. Das & Mucharjee : Differential calculus
5. Mohammed & Bhattacharjee : Integral calculus
6. Das & Mucharjee : Integral calculus
7. Ayres, F : Differential calculus
Books Recommended::
1. Das & Mukherjee; differential Calculus
2. Das & Mukherjee, integral Calculus
3. J. Edwards; differential Calculus
4. J. Edwards; integral calculus
5. R.A. Sardar; differential Calculus
6. S. L. Ross; Differential equations
Differential Calculus: Differentiation of explicit and implicit functions and parametric equations, sucfessive differentiation
of various types of funnctions. Leibnitz’s theorem, Rolls theorem, Mean Value Theorem. Taylor’s theorem in finite and
infinite forms. Laclaurin’s theorem in finite and infinite forms, lagrange’s form of remainder, Cauchy’s form of remainder.
Expansion of function by differentiation and integration. Partial diffferentiation. Euler’s theorem. Tangent and normal,
subtangent and subnormal in cartesian and polar coordinates. Determination of maximum and minimum values of
functions, point ofinflexion, its applications. Evaluation of indeterminant forms by L’ Hospital’s rule. Curvature, radius of
curvature, centre of curvature and chord of curvature. Evolute and involute. Asymptotes , Envelopes, Curve tracing.
Vectors: Definitions of vectors Equality of vectors, Addition and multiplication of Vectors, Triple products and multiple products.
Books recommended:
1.Thomas and Finney : Calculus and Analytic Geometry
2. Swokowski, E. W. : Calculus with Analytic Geometry
3. Mohammad and Bhattacharjee : Defferential Calculus
4. Spiegel, M. R. : Vector Analysis
5.Bell, R. J. T. : An Elementary Treatise on Coordinate Geometry of Three Dimension.
6.Rahman and Bhattacharjee : A Text Book on Coordinate Geometry
functions, point of inflexion, its applications. Evaluation of indeterminant forms by L’ Hospital’s rule. Curvature, radius of
curvature, centre of curvature and chord of curvature. Evolute and involute. Asymptotes , Envelopes, Curve tracing.and
symmetry Three dimensional coordinate geometry : System of coordinates, distance between two points, Sections formula,
Projections, Direction cosines and direction ratios. Equations planes and straight lines.
Books recommended:
1. Thomas and Finney : Calculus and Analytic Geometry
2. Swokowski, E. W. : Calculus with Analytic Geometry
3. Mohammad and Bhattacharjee : Defferential Calculus
4. Spiegel, M. R. : Vector Analysis
5. Bell, R. J. T. : An Elementary Treatise on Coordinate Geometry of Three Dimension.
6. Rahman and Bhattacharjee : A Text Book on Coordinate Geometry
3 hours/Week , 3 Credits
Integral calculus: Difinition of integration,integration by method of substitution , integration by parts , standard integrals ,
method of successive reduction. Definite integral ,its properties and use in summing series. Walli’s formulae. Improper
integral, Beta and Gamma function. Area under a plane curve in cartesian and polar coordinates , area of the region enclosed
by two curves in cartesian and polar coordinates, Trapezoidal rule .Simpson’s rule, Arc length of curves in cartesian and
polar coordinates, parametric and pedal equations , intrisic equation. Volumes of solid of revolution Volumes of hollow solid
of revolution by shell method , area of surface of revolution .
Differential Equation : Ordinary differential equation and formation of differential equations , Solution of first order
differential equations with various method. Solutions of general linear equations of second and higher order with constant
coefficients. . Solutions of homogeneous linear equations , applications . Solution of differential equations of the higher
order when the dependent and independent variables are absent . solutions of differential by the method based on
factorization of the operators.
Book Recommended:
1. Thomas and finney ,. Calculus and Analytic Geometry .
2. Swokowski , E.W., Calculus and Analytic Geometry
3. Mohammed & Bhattacharjee , Integral Calculus .
4. Ayres , F., Differential equation
5. Edward , J.,Integral Calculus
3 hours/Week , 3 Credfits
Integral calculus: Difinition of integration,integration by method of substitution , integration by parts , standard integrals , method of successive
reduction. Definite integral ,its properties and use in summing series. Walli’s formulae. Improper integral, Beta and Gamma function. Area
under a plane curve in cartesian and polar coordinates , area of the region enclosed by two curves in cartesian and polar coordinates, Trapezoidal
rule .Simpson’s rule, Arc length of curves in cartesian and polar coordinates, parametric and pedal equations , intrisic equation. Volumes of solid
of revolution Volumes of hollow solid of revolution by shell method , area of surface of revolution .
Differential Equation : Ordinary differential equation and formation of differential equations , Solution of first order differential
equations with various method. Solutions of general linear equations of second and higher order with constant coefficients. .
Solutions of homogeneous linear equations , applications . Solution of differential equations of the higher order when the dependent
and independent variables are absent . solutions of differential by the method based on factorization of the operators.
Book Recommended:
1 1. Thomas and finney ,. Calculus and Analytic Geometry .
2. Swokowski , E.W., Calculus and Analytic Geometry
2 3. Mohammed & Bhattacharjee , Integral Calculus .
3 4. Ayres , F., Differential equation
4 5. Edward , J.,Integral Calculus
Differential Equation: Ordinary differential equation and formation of differential equations, solutions of first
order differential equations with various method. Solution of general linear equations of second and higher
order with constant coefficient. Solutions of homogeneous linear equations, applications. Solutions of
differential equations of the higher order when the dependent and independent variables are absent, solutions of
differential by the method based on factorization of the operators.
Partial Differential Equation: Introduction. Equation of the linear and non-linear first order. Standard forms.
Linear equations of higher order. Equations of the second order with variable coefficients.
Fourier series: Real and complex form. Finite transformation. Fourier integral. Fourier transforms and their
uses in solving boundary value problems.
Laplace Transform: Definition. Laplace transforms of some elementary functions. Sufficient conditions for
existence of laplace transform. Inverse Laplace transforms. Laplace transforms of derivatives. The unit step
function. Periodic function. Some special theorems on Laplace transforms. Partial fraction. Solutions of
differential equations by Laplace transform. Evaluation of improper integrals
Book Recommended:
5 1. Thomas and finney ,. Calculus and Analytic Geometry .
2. Swokowski , E.W., Calculus and Analytic Geometry
3. R.A. Sardar; differential Calculus
4. S. L. Ross; Differential equations
5. Stephenson : Mathematical Methods
6. Ross, S. L. : Differential Equations
7. Spiegel, M. R.: Laplace Transform
8. Khanna, M. L. : Partial Differential Equations
9. Khanna, M. L. : Laplace Transforms
10. H Jaffreys & B Jaffreys: Methods of Mathematical Physics
3 Hours/Week, 3 Credits
Basic Mathematical Concepts: Principles of permutation and combination. Logarithm and indices and their uses in
Geographical studies. Trigonometric elements and their uses in geography. Set theory: Elementary idea of sets, set
notations, set of natural, rational and real numbers along with their geometrical representations. Basic set operations and
related theorems on sets. Venn diagrams. Vector Analysis: Scalars and vectors, algebraic operations on vectors, scalar and
vector products of two vectors, derivative of vectors with respect to scalars. Vector operators: gradient, divergence and curl
with their physical interpretations. Matrix: Definition, elementary properties of matrices. Solutions of systems of linear
equations with the help of matrices. Calculus: Basic operations of differential and integral calculus. Coordinate
Geometry: Basic concepts of coordinate systems in two dimension and three dimensions. Rectangular, Spherical and
cylindrical polar coordinates. Equation of straight lines, circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola.
1. Set Theory – S. Lipschutz.
2. Vector Analysis and Introduction to Tensor Analysis – M.R. Spiegel.
3. Matrices – F. Ayres.
4. Calculus – Das and Mukherjee.
5. Calculus and Analytic Geometry – Thomas and Finney.
6. A Text Book of Coordinate Geometry – Rahman and Bhattacharjee
Books Recommended:
1. Hamilton A.G Linear Algebra
2. AYres, F. Matrices
3. Kolman B, Elementary Linear Algebra
School of Physical Sciences 23
Solid geometry: concept of three dimensional geometry, direction cosine and direction ratios of a straight line, projection of
a straight line, equation of straight lines, planes, shortest distance, sphere, cylinder and cone
Vector Analysis: Scalars and vectors, equality of vectors. Addition and subtraction of vectors by scalars.
Position vector of a point. Resolution of vectors, Scalar and vector products and multiple products. Application
to geometry and mechanics. Linear dependence and independence of vectors. Differentiation and integration of
vectors together with elementary applications. Definition of line, surface and volume integrals. Gradient
divergence and curl of point functions. Various formulae. Gauss’s theorem, Stoke’s theorem, Green’s theorem
and their applications.
Complex Variable : Complex number system, general functions of a complex variable limits and continuity of
a function of complex variable and related theorems. Complex differential and the Cauchy, Riemann equations.
Mapping by elementary functions. Line integral of a complex function. Cauchy’s integral formula. Kiouville’s
theorem. Taylor’s and Laurent’s theorem. Singular points. Residue. Cauchy’s residue theorem. Evaluation of
residues. Contour integration. Conformal mapping.
Books Recommended:
1. Churchill: Introduction to Complex Variable and Applications
2. Freeman H: Finite Difference for Actuarial Students
3. Macrobeat: Complex Variable.
4. Spiegel, M.R. Complex Variable
5. Spiegel, M.R. Vector Analysis and and Introduction to Tensor Analysis
6. Lass, H. Vector and Tensor Analysis
2 Hours/Week, 2 Credits
24 Department of Mathematics
Transcendental equations, solution of transcendal equations by use of chord method, Bisection method, Newton-Raphson
method, iteration method. Interpolation and extrapolation. Newton back ward, forward interpolations, lagrange interpolation
and their applications.
Numerical differentiation: Euler method, modified Euleri method, Runge-kutta method to solve first order initial value problems.
Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rules, weddles rule and their applications.
Boundary value problems: Concept of solving ODE, PDE boundary value problems.
Numerical Analysis: Interpolation: Simple difference, Newton’s formulae for forward and backward
interpolation. Divided differences. Tables of divided differences. Relation between divided differences and
simple differences. Newtonís general interpolation formulae. Lagrangeís interpolation formulae. Inverse
interpolation by Lagrangeís formula and by successive approximations. Numerical differentiation of Newton’s
forward and backward formula. Numerical integration. General quadrature formula for equidistant ordinates.
Trapezoidal rule. Simpsonís rule. Weddleís rule. Calculation of errors. Relative study of three rules. Gaussís
quadrature formula. Legendre polynomials. Newtonís Cotes formula. Principles of least squares. Curve fitting.
Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations by graphical method. Regula-Falsi method. Newton-Rapson
method, Geometrical significance. Convergence of iteration and Newton-Rapson methods. Newton-Rapson
method and Numerical solution of simultaneous Linear equation. solution by determinants by inverse matrices,
by iteration and by successive elimination of the unknowns. Solution of ordinary first order differential
equations by Picardís and Eularís method. Runge-Kuttaís methods for solving differential equation.
Books Recommended
7. Francis Scheid: Numerical Analysis
8. Hilderman, F.B.: Introduction to Numerical Analysis
9. Noble, B.: Numerical Methods Vol. 1 & II
10. Burden, R. L., and Faires, J. D.: Numerical Analysis
11. Gerald and Wheatley: Applied Numerical Analysis
School of Physical Sciences 25
4 Hours/week; 4 Credits
Complex Variables: DeMoivre’s theorem and its application,Locus problem. Complex numbers and their properties,
functions of a complex variable, limits and continuity of a function of complex variable. Analytical functions, the Cauchy-
Riemann equations, Cauchy’s theorem, Singularity and Poles, Residues , Simple contour integration, and their uses in
solving boundary value problems
Laplace Transformations: Definition of Laplace transform, Laplace transform of different functions, first shift theorem,
inverse transform, linearity, use of first shift theorem and partial functions. Transform of derivative, transform of an
integral, the Heaviside unit function, the unit impulse function, the second shift theorem, periodic functions,
convolutions, solution of ordinary differential equations by Laplace Transform.
Fourier Series: Fourier series, Convergence of Fourier Series, Fourier Analysis, Fourier transforms.
Books Recommended:
1. KK Kodaira : Introduction to Complex analysis
2. H Jaffreys & B Jaffreys : Methods of Mathematical Physics
3. Spiegel, M. R. : Laplace Transform
4. Khanna, M. L. : Laplace Transforms
3 Hours/ Week; 3 Credits
Matrix: Types of matrices, null and unit matrices, algebraic operations of matrices, determinant of square matrix, matrix
equivalence, adjoint and inverse of matrices, orthogonal and unitary matrices, linear dependence and independence of vectors, system
of linear equations. Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, complex integration. Differential
equations: Definition, solution of differential equations, basic theory of linear differential equations, homogeneous differential
equations of the 2nd and higher order with constant coefficients, power series solution about ordinary and regular points, non-
homogeneous differential equations, solutions by the methods of undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters, Hermite and
Bessel equations, Legendre and associated Legendre equations, partial differential equations, linear and non-linear partial differential
equations of 1st order. Laplace transforms: Definition of Laplace transform, elementary transformations and properties,
convolutions, solution of differential equations by Laplace transforms, evaluation of integrals by Laplace transforms.
Books Recommended:
1. Ayres, F. : Matrices
2. Stephenson : Mathematical Methods
3. Ross, S. L. : Differential Equations
4. Spiegel, M. R. : Laplace Transform
5. Khanna, M. L. : Partial Differential Equations
6. Khanna, M. L. : Laplace Transforms
Vector Calculus: Differentiations and integration of vectors togather with elementary applications. Line, surface and
volume integrals. Gradient of scalar functions. Divergence and curl of vector functions. Physical significance of gradient,
divergence and curl. Stoke’s theorem. Green’s theorem and their applications. Matrices: Types of matrices and algebraic
properties. Rank and elementary transformations of matrices. Solution of linear equations by mtrix methods. Linear
26 Department of Mathematics
dependence and independence of vectors. Quadratic forms, matrix polynomials. Determination of characteristic roots and
vectors. Laplace transforms: Definition of Laplace transforms. Elementary transformations and properties. Convolution.
Solution of differential equations by Laplace transforms. Evaluation of integrals by Laplace transforms.
Books Recommended:
1. Spiegel, M.R. Advanced Calculus
2. Spiegel, M.R. Vector Analysis and and Introduction to Tensor Analysis
3. Lass, H. Vector and Tensor Analysis
4. Ayres, F : Matrices
5. A G Hamilton : Linear Algebra
6. Spiegel, M. R. : Laplace Transform
7. Khanna, M. L. : Laplace Transforms
3 Hours/week, 3 Credits
Vector Calculus:Definitions of vectors Equality of vectors, Addition and multiplication of Vectors, Triple products and
multiple products. Differentiations and integration of vectors togather with elementary applications. Line, surface and
volume integrals. Gradient of scalar functions. Divergence and curl of vector functions. Physical significance of gradient,
divergence and curl. Stoke’s theorem. Green’s theorem and their applications. Matrices: Types of matrices and algebraic
properties. Rank and elementary transformations of matrices. Solution of linear equations by mtrix methods. Linear
dependence and independence of vectors. Quadratic forms, matrix polynomials. Determination of characteristic roots and
vectors. Laplace transforms: Definition of Laplace transforms. Elementary transformations and properties. Convolution.
Solution of differential equations by Laplace transforms. Evaluation of integrals by Laplace transforms.
Books Recommended:
1. Spiegel, M.R. Advanced Calculus
2. Spiegel, M.R. Vector Analysis and and Introduction to Tensor Analysis
3. Lass, H. Vector and Tensor Analysis
4. Ayres, F : Matrices
5. A G Hamilton : Linear Algebra
6. Spiegel, M. R. : Laplace Transform
7. Khanna, M. L. : Laplace Transforms