Tutoriale-Auto - Ro-Proceduri VAG COM VW Passat B6
Tutoriale-Auto - Ro-Proceduri VAG COM VW Passat B6
Tutoriale-Auto - Ro-Proceduri VAG COM VW Passat B6
April 24,
Retineti orice modificare facuta !!! NU EXISTA optiunea “RESTORE TO FACTORY SETTINGS”
[09 – Centr. Elect.]
[07 – Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 9: Debifati toate casutele sau modificati casuta DEC in cifra 0
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]Coming Home & Leaving Home
[09 – Cent. Elect.]
[07 – Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 0:
bifati Bit 5 (Assistance Driving Light – Leaving Home active)
bifati Bit 7 (Coming-Home active)
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[09 – Cent. Elect.]
[10 – Adaptation]
Channel 01: numarul de secunde care doriti ca coming home sa fie activ
de la 0 pana 120
Channel 02: numarul de secunde care doriti ca leaving home sa fie activ
de la 0 pana 120
[Done, Go Back]
[09 – Centr. Elect.]
[07 – Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 18:
debifezi Bit 5 (Cold Diagnosis Turn Signals active)
debifezi Bit 7 (Cold Diagnosis Side Turn Signals active)
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[17 – Instruments]
[10 – Adaptation]
Channel 02 :
00001 – German
00002 – English
00003 – French
00004 – Italian
00005 – Spanish
00006 – Portuguese
00007 – no text
00008 – Czech
[Done, Go Back]
[56 – Radio]
[10 – Adaptation]
Channel 02: 0 = dezactivare / 1 = activare (afisarea vitezei in km/h pe
display-ul radioului)
[Done, Go Back]
Dupa aceasta operatie se apasa butonul meniu (de la radio-CD) si in acelasi timp se apasa pe
butonul de pornire (power).
Inchidere proiectoare cand dai flash sau faza lunga
[09 – Centr. Elect.]
[07 – Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 17: bifati Bit 5 (Front Fog lights deactivated with High Beam)
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[46 – Cent. Conv.]
[10 – Adaptation]
Channel 03: Auto Lock after 15km/h (1 = Activate / 2 = Deactivate)
[Done, Go Back]
[46 – Cent. Conv.]
[10 – Adaptation]
Channel 04: Auto Unlock after removing the key (1 = Activate / 2 =
[Done, Go Back]
Activare DRL(s) pe faza scurta sau proiectoare la 50% din intensitate
[09 – Central Electric]
[07 – Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 00: – bifati Bit 4 (Daytime Running Lights (North America))
pentru DRL pe proiectoare:
Byte 17: – bifati Bit 4 (Daylight Running Light via Front Fog Lights)
pentru DRL pe faza scurta
Byte 17: – debifati Bit 4 (Daylight Running Light via Front Fog Lights)
Indiferent de varianta aleasa, proiectoare sau faza scurta:
Byte 20:
in casuta DEC modificati valoare (in procente) in 50
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[46 – Central Conv.]
[07 – Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 6:
bifati Bit 6 (Comfort function autom. closing)
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[53 – Parking Brake]
[04 – Basig Settings]
Grup: 006
Activating basic settings
(Aici etrierul se va deschide.)
[Done, Go back!]
Acum se pot inlocui placutele de frana
[53 – Parking Brake]
[04 – Basig Settings]
Grup: 007
Activating basic settings
(Aici etrierul se va inchide.)
[Done, Go back!]
Nota: Grupul 010 in „basic settings” are caracter de test; in prima faza etrierul se deschide 1x,
dupa care strange de 3x
[09 – Cent. Elect.]
[10 – Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 23:
bifati Bit2 (Internal Turn Light Control Algorithm active)
selectia la Bit-ul 3-4: 08 Turn Lights via Fog Lights
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[01 – Engine]
[Login – 11]
Enter 11463 to activate cruise control
[Do It!]
Nota: Din diverse motive, VW nu permite deschiderea trapei din telecomanda, doar inchiderea ei, desi
exista un bit cu aceasta functie
[46 – Cent. Conv.]
[Long Coding – 07]
[Long Coding Helper]
Click on each of the Byte numbers in step 3) and you’ll see the
selectable options below.
debifati bit „Comfort function power windows/sunroof via remote
control inactive”
bifati bit „Comfort opening power windows via remote control active”
bifati bit „Comfort closing power windows via remote control active”
bifati bit „Closing sunroof via remote control active”
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[46 – Cent. Conv.]
[10 – Adaptation]
Channel 04: Auto Unlock after removing the key (1 = Activate / 2 = Deactivate)
[Done, Go Back]
[09 – Centr. Elect.]
[07 – Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 3:
bifati Bit 4 (Xenon without Shutters)
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[Done, Go Back]
[17 – Instruments]
[Login – 11]
introduceti codul 11463 sau 01283 sau 13861 pentru a activa adaptarile speciale
[Do It!]
[Adaptation – 10]
[46 – Central Conv.]
[07 – Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 9: Bifati Bit 1 „Rain Closing (0 = nonrecurring / 1 = permanent)”
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[09 – Cent. Elect.]
[07 – Coding]
Se selecteaza 2 – 1K0 955 559 AF — RLS 190808 046 0204
Se selecteaza Coding Helper si se bifeaza Bit 1 „Rain Light Function Active” si Bit 2 „Rain
Closing Active”
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]
[Display] – less common modules
[76 – Parking Aid]
[Adaptation – 10]
Observati cum se modifica nivelul si frecventa avertizarii sonore, si daca sunteti multumiti
Atentie! 0 poate fi vazut ca Germania, dar mai nou este inclusa in optiunea 1
1 – Europa (EU)
2 – USA (US)
3 – Canada
4 – Marea Britanie (UK)
5 – Japonia(JP)
6 – Arabia Saudita(SA)
7 – Australia (AUS)
[Transfer coding]
[Do it!]
[09 – Centr. Elect.]
[07 – Coding]
[Long Coding Helper]
Byte 22: Bifati casuta „Rear Parking Lights as Blinker active(North America)” (bit 6)
[Transfer Coding!]
[Do It!]