Fase 1 Inglés

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Dear student,

This guide has been designed with the purpose to guide your learning process
based on different topics and support material, which helps to activities
developing during this academic moment.

Estimado(a) estudiante,

Esta guía ha sido diseñada con el propósito de orientar su proceso de aprendizaje

a partir de diferentes temáticas y material de apoyo, los cuales servirán para el
desarrollo de actividades durante este momento académico.

Los temas que abordaremos son:

Tema 1: Review: Verb to be (repaso del verbo to be)

Tema 2: Present perfect tense (Uso del presente perfecto)

Tema 3: Past tense (Uso del tiempo verbal en pasado con relación al presente

Temáticas de apoyo

A continuación, encontrará temáticas y material de apoyo para que pueda

realizar cada una de las actividades propuestas por el curso.


Verb to be is the one which indicates name, profession, status or place. It could
be in present or in past and acts as auxiliary verb as well.

(el verbo to be es el cual indica nombre, profesión, estatus o lugar. Este puede
darse en presente o pasado y actúa como un verbo auxiliar también)

In next image, you can appreciate how verb to be is conditioned by subject and
that’s the key to identify the use as:
As you can see, each form of verb to be is used with specific pronouns and
according with it; you can use names instead of pronouns following the same
pattern into the structure to use it. (Como puede ver, cada forma del verbo to
be es usada con unos pronombres específicos; de acuerdo con esto, puede usar
nombres en reemplazo de los pronombres actuando con la misma estructura)

These are the uses of verb to be when you use it in present and past. The
examples you can see in the last image, correspond to present progressive and
expresses an immediate activity which affects directly present. (existen unos
usos del verbo to be cuando se usa en presente y en pasado. Los ejemplos que
puede ver en la ultima imagen, corresponden al presente progresivo y expresan
una actividad inmediata la cual afecta directamente el presente).

For example:


I am the engineer I was on the sofa I am cooking I was reading his novel.
He is Carlos She was doctor It is eating the Peter was doing his
dogfood homework.
They are couple We were friends You are Maria and Laura were
developing the speaking and singing in
activity French
First Practice: you have to read the following text and fill the blanks according
with the correct form of verb to be: (Usted debe leer el siguiente texto y llenar
los espacios con la forma correcta del verbo to be)

Second Practice: You are going to create a personal presentation to the

persons from next images you are going to see and use it verb to be in present
and past.

The unknown

I usually thought about she from that moment when she arrived…

“Hi, my name ____ Julie, I ___ 17 years old and I ___ from Ireland. I have two little sisters; they
____ twins and ____ 6 years old. I had to move here because my mom ___ nurse and starts to work
on the Principal hospital which ___ in the center.

My dad ___ teacher here, but, in our last home, he ___ scientific and both with my mom ____
working on a project investigating some sicknesses.

They had some troubles with it, so we must move on.”

Then, her father interrupt and take her away. No one see her again.

Text written by Carolina Martinez

Take in mind the following aspects:

 Personal information
 Hobbies
 Professional information
 Description
Imagen1,2 y 3: tomadas de

Third Practice (writing exercise): You will find a chart in which you can
choose a situation, a place and character. You will construct a short text (at
least 10 lines) where you can use verb to be into it. Its necessary you use
present and past form of verb to be. (ejercicio de escritura: usted encontrará un
cuadro en el cual podrá seleccionar una situación, un lugar y personaje. Usted
construirá un pequeño texto de al menos 10 renglones, en donde usted podrá
usar el verbo to be en él. Es necesario que use la forma de presente y pasado
en el verbo to be)

1 Character: a
family from 4
2 Character: a
3 Character:
Interviewer and
couple employ

Situation: a
Situation: into a seeking for a job
small trip to a
transportation. in an important
parent's house.

Place: a gift
Place: Boss
shop on the Place: chairs.

You can interact with any character, situation and place from others*


Present perfect tense is used to express an action which is developed in present
and past. (el presente perfecto es un tiempo usado para expresar una acción la
cual es desarrollada en presente y pasado)

•I have read the •Have you seen
biology article. •They haven't check the red pencil?
•She has planned the english homework •Has it eaten
the trip •He hasn't attend the cookies?

affirmative interrogative

As you can see, the structure to When you want to do simple

In this case, the structure is:
organize words are: questions, the structure is:
Noun + have or has + not + verb in
Noun + have or has + verb in past Have or has + Noun + verb in past
past participle + complement
participle + complement participle + complement + ?


Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I have cooked my dinner We have not/ haven’t Have you visited your
for two weeks developed the activity grandma?

He has worked for a long She has not/ hasn’t Has it destroyed the
time ago. answered the test yet. pillow?

Imagen 4: tomada de la página: https://www.really-learn-english.com/

Fourth Practice: Take the highlighted sentences which are in present perfect
and write in front of them, the corresponding translation to each one. (tome las
oraciones resaltadas las cuales están construidas en presente perfecto y escriba
al frente de estas, la traducción correspondiente para cada una)

Fifth Practice: build 10 questions using present perfect in which you are going
to act as interviewer. (Construya 10 preguntas usando presente perfecto en el
cual usted actuara como entrevistador.)
For example: Have you eaten raw seafood?

(as you can read, the example is not specifically based on any topic)

Past tense:

Past tense is the form you use to express actions in past which are not
continue developing.
(el tiempo pasado es la forma que usted usa para expresar acciones en
pasado, las cuales no se continúan haciendo)

Let’s have clear something:

When you use any verb, its necessary to be sure about uses of this verb and
if it is regular or irregular. The regular verbs are the ones which in past, you
only add -ed or -d at the end of the word: (cuando usa cualquier verbo, es
necesario estar seguros de los usos de este verbo y si este es regular o
irregular. Los verbos regulares son aquellos que en pasado, usted agrega -
ed o -d al final del verbo)

 Work - worked
 Try – tried
 Taste – tasted

If you find a verb with an ending y, its necessary change it to a I, as the second
example. If you find a verb which already has an ending e, you just add -d.

Irregular verbs:
These are the actions which change its form when we use past or past participle.
Remember that past is used to simple past and past participle is used to present
perfect as our last topic. (Existen unas acciones las cuales cambian su forma
cuando las usamos en pasado o pasado participio. Recuerde que el pasado es
usado para el pasado simple y el pasado participio es usado para el presente
perfecto como vimos en el anterior tema.)

Imagen 5: tomada de http://www.soamasterclass.com/the-list-of-the-common-irregular-verbs/

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Juan brought groceries My family didn’t go to Did they write the
my soap opera. scientific essay?
Both of us came to see Aunt and her husband Did Marie check the
her grandson. did not answer the drawings on the floor?
In a longer text:

Imagen 6. The stubborn hunter, short story, simple past. Tomada de: http://www.english-for-

Sixth Practice: With the last short story, you are going to underline the
sentences you find in simple past.

Seventh Practice: write a short story (15 lines at least) in which you talk
about your childhood including simple past.

Main activity
You are going to do a small book in which you integrate topics you study
through this guide and using a tale with illustrations, a cartoon, timeline or
any kind of text you want, where you can use topics and talk about one of
the next themes:

 Social network.
 Life project.

Aspects to consider into the main activity:

 Its mandatory to avoid plagiarism because during grade process, all

information in the guide and the main activity will be checked. (Es
obligatorio eliminar el plagio ya que, durante el proceso de calificación,
toda la información de la guía y la actividad principal será revisada)
 Taking as reference the kind of product you have to construct, its
important to do a well-built book and there is no possibility to obtain
a good score if it is not well developed. (Tomando como referencia la
clase de producto que usted tendrá que construir, es importante hacer
un libro bien estructurado y no hay posibilidad de obtener un buen
puntaje si este no está bien desarrollado)
 According to last topics, social network and life project, its necessary
to choose one topic from the bigger ones. (de acuerdo con los temas
anteriores, redes sociales y proyecto de vida, es necesario escoger un
tema mas pequeño teniendo en cuenta estas grandes temáticas)
 Take in mind, practices will be grade as well. (Tenga en cuenta, las
practicas serán calificadas también)

Preguntas orientadoras

Por medio de este espacio se busca afianzar los conocimientos en los temas
relacionados y su aplicación en diferentes contextos, por tal motivo, esperamos
que usted realice un comentario en el que escriba su opinión personal sobre los
conceptos abordados. Recuerde que debe responder las preguntas en inglés.

1. What is the importance to study English through yourself and contents

discussed in this guide?
2. If you had the opportunity to change any situation of your life, what
could be this moment?
Los temas que abordaremos son:
Tema 1: Internet
Tema 2: Social and mass media (redes sociales y medios masivos)
Tema 3: Personal information (información personal)
Tema 4: Hobbies (pasatiempos)

Temáticas de apoyo
A continuación, encontrará temáticas y material de apoyo para que pueda
realizar cada una de las actividades propuestas por el curso.
These topics are concentrated into the communicative approach to
reinforce skills to achieve a better competence in foreign language. (estos
temas están concentrados dentro del acercamiento comunicativo para
reforzar las habilidades y alcanzar una mejor competencia dentro de la
lengua extranjera)
The idea is to exercise, your writing and reading skills. (La idea es ejercitar
sus habilidades de escritura y lectura)

Internet An electronic communications network

The that connects computer networks and internet
becomes organizational computer facilities in an essential
tool to around the world —used our daily life
and let us with the except when being used keep in touch
with any attributively part of the
Taken from: https://www.merriam-
As this webster.com/dictionary/Internet
internet consists in:
Let’s see:
Here you have a article which takes place in UK and talk about the uses
of technological devices to be connected on internet (aquí encontrara un
reportaje el cual tiene lugar en Reino Unido y habla acerca de los usos de
los aparatos tecnológicos para estar conectados a internet)
Imagen 1: article of uses of internet. Tomada de: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/writing/advanced-c1-

First practice: Read carefully the last article and take each sentence
which is built on verb to be (present or past) and write again in this space.
(lea cuidadosamente el anterior articulo y tome cada oración la cual esta
hecha con verbo to be en presente o pasado y escríbalas de nuevo en
este espacio)
Second practice: Answer the following questions: (responda las
siguientes preguntas)
 Have you seen the increase of adoption of new technologies on the
graphic? How did you evidence it?
 What is the most important device?
 What could you evidence with social media?
 Have you analysed these data in Colombia? How could you think it
could be here in our country?

Third practice: You have to do a graphic which demonstrates uses of

internet and social media in Colombia. You can check information to
support your graphic, but you must refer those searches as well (take
care with plagiarism).
(usted tiene que hacer un grafico que demuestre el uso del internet y las
redes sociales en Colombia. Usted puede consultar información que
soporte su imagen, pero debe referenciar estas consultas también.
Cuidado con el plagio.)

Mass media:
Mass media is denominated the ways to inform and give information.
Those mass media are different and were designed to be actual and show
information as fast as people want.

Imagen 2, Mass media. Tomada de: https://www.definicion.xyz/2018/09/mass-media.html

As you can see, we are in touch with mass media all time and of course,
social media become in an important issue from our lives.

Fourth practice: Answer the following questions: (resuelva las siguientes

 Have you used a social media? Which one?
 Have you used mass media? Which one?
 Why did you decide to use it? (support your ideas)

Social media:
The social media are the networks which were designed to connect people
and facilitate communication with persons around the world. On other
hand, it becomes in an important platform to expose social problems and
get attention using images, videos and sort other resources. (las redes
sociales son redes las cuales fueron diseñadas para conectar personas y
facilitar comunicación con personas alrededor del mundo. Por otro lado,
esta se convierte en una plataforma importante para exponer problemas
sociales y atrapar la atención usando imágenes, videos y otros diversos
Let’s check: Here you have an article which talk about the consequences
of use social networks in teenagers:
Social media and teens: how does social media affect teenagers’ mental health, article, 2019. Tomado de:
Fifth practice: read the article and do a list of 10 conclusions based on
the reading comprehension. Try to use present perfect and simple past.
(lea el articulo y realice una lista de 10 conclusiones basadas en la lectura.
Intente usar presente perfecto y pasado simple)

Personal information

According with all information you have acquired, personal information

has been changed and today, we have to introduce ourselves with other
sort of data to answer to those requirements. Nowadays, its important to
show our information with hobbies and special moments based on the
dynamics of social networks.

Sixth practice: How could you show your personal information?

 Family
 Friends
 Age
 Hobbies
 Unforgettable times
 plans

Main activity

You have to construct a proposal in which you will create a social network
where you can consider the last information you checked. (usted tiene
que construir una propuesta en la cual creara una red social donde usted
tendrá en consideración la información anteriormente suministrada.)

Considerations to do the proposal:

 You must construct the proposal by yourself, using your own ideas.
 Take care with plagiarism.
 The proposal includes information about the social network, name,
uses, resources, profiles and restrictions.
 You must include a drawing which represents how could be the
appearance of it.
Good luck!
Actividades para desarrollar
A continuación, encontrará cada uno de los pasos que debe realizar para
cumplir con la entrega respectiva de este momento académico. Para ello,
es indispensable tener en cuenta lo siguiente:
 Tener presente la información suministrada como material de apoyo
para el desarrollo de actividades.
 El desarrollo de cada entregable lo puede hacer utilizando un
procesador de texto (computador) o realizarlo a mano.
 Utilizar un lenguaje propio.
 Realizar todas las prácticas de la guía
 Verificar el desarrollo de cada uno de los ítems propuestos y los
criterios de evaluación.
 Las actividades para desarrollar corresponden al 40%.

Preguntas orientadoras
Por medio de este espacio se busca afianzar los conocimientos en los
temas relacionados y su aplicación en diferentes contextos, por tal
motivo, esperamos que usted realice un comentario en el que escriba su
opinión personal sobre los conceptos abordados. Recuerde que debe
responder las preguntas en inglés.
1. What are the challenges we face as users of a social media?
2. What are the most important elements you could get by the
developing of this guide?

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