HR Probationary-Form
HR Probationary-Form
HR Probationary-Form
Fill in this form if difficulties arise during the probationary period which means that extending the probationary period
and/or non-confirming the employee in post are possible outcomes. Non-reporting will result in the assumption that
the employee’s probation period is progressing satisfactorily. Mantra X monthly review will also need to be filled in.
The manager should ensure that the employee is given a copy of this document at each stage of their probation
and should retain the original to monitor progress against set objectives at follow-up meetings.
Probation Record
This section should be completed by the manager within a month of the employee commencing their employment.
SECTION A: Objectives
Employee’s Signature:
Manager’s Signature:
Section A: The manager should identify specific objectives for the employee (for 3 and 6 months, as appropriate)
These will be statements of what should be achieved during the probationary period, including indicators of
success and timescales for achievement.
Section B: To support the employee in achieving these objectives, the manager should identify any training and
development needs and specify how and when these needs will be addressed during the probationary period.
PART 2 – First review (1st month) - a second copy of PART 2 of this form may also be used to conduct a 3-month
review with an employee whose probationary period is 6 months)
To be completed by the Manager in discussion with the employee.
Where concerns have been identified, please summarise how these will be addressed during the
remaining period of probation.
Employee’s Signature:
Manager’s Signature:
The employee may provide any comments about their experience of the probationary process here.
Employee’s signature:
Manager’s signature:
CEO/Director signature:
PLEASE NOTE: At the final meeting, the manager should confirm verbally whether or not the employee has successfully completed their
probationary period, then inform HR in writing. HR will ONLY issue a letter after completing the probation form to trigger issuing of the
probation extension letter.