N. Brindha, Et Al
N. Brindha, Et Al
N. Brindha, Et Al
Milk has been recognized as an almost complete food for man and it act as a source of
essential nutrients like carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. Milk is required
for promoting growth and maintenance of health. It can however also serve as a vehicle for
the transmission of chemicals and other impurities. The study was carried out keeping
view on adulteration of milk with various additives to increase its marketability. This study
Keywords explain in detail about the hygienic status of cooperative societies, local vendor and private
sector packed milk, samples are collected in and around Thuraiyur district of Tamil Nadu,
Adulteration, Milk India and tested for determination of adulteration. Qualitative analyses were carried out on
sample, Hygienic 30 samples collected from this three sectors analyzed by using standard adulterant kit
quality milk. purchased from private dealer, Thuraiyur, Tamil Nadu, India. Following are the significant
Article Info observations of the study reveals cooperative societies show neutralizer 13%, Sodium
chloride 16%, Acidity and Heat stability 23%, Mastitis 20%; Local vendor show
Accepted: neutralizer 10%, sodium chloride 13%, Acidity and Heat stability 40% and Mastitis 23%;
26 October 2017 private sector milk shows only 3% for Sodium chloride. All percentage values are shows
Available Online: presence of adulterant. Due to rules laid by FSSAI, most of branded milk company follows
10 December 2017 standards for producing hygienic and good quality of milk. The finding of this study
highlight’s that majority of milk samples were adulterated with commonly using
adulterants and preservatives which has both economic and public health importance.
Hence, there is urgent need for creating awareness among the consumers and local milk
vendors and cooperative societies about unethical malpractices in milk supplying chain
which may cause health hazards to consumers.
Milk is an important source of nutrient added to increase the shelf life of milk. Next
required for growth in infants and children to egg, milk has high biological value.
and for maintenance of health in adults. Milk Adulteration in milk is considered to reduce
is a perfect food, readily digested and the quality and to increase the quantity of
absorbed. It is a sole natural food for infants milk. Adulterants are mainly added to
and children. But these days it is being increase the shelf life of milk. When
adulterated with harmful substances which consumers buy milk they have the right to
enhance its quantity and characteristics but assume that it will be pure and unadulterated.
reduces its quality. Adulterants are mainly But, unfortunately, this is not always the case.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(12): 3303-3310
It is sad to note that most Indians are resigned powder, but impure water is the highest
to drinking milk diluted with water which not contaminant.
only reduces the nutritious value of the
beverage but also poses risk to health. According to National Survey on Milk
Adulteration conducted by FSSAI (India) in
Normally, the adulteration in food is done 2011, water is the most common adulterant
either for financial gain or lack of proper followed by detergent in milk. Of these 16.7
hygienic conditions of processing, storing, % were packet or branded milk and rest were
transportation and marketing. This ultimately loose milk samples from dairies. In the urban
leads to the stage that the consumer is either areas, 68.9 % milk was found to be
cheated or becomes victim of diseases. Such adulterated with water, detergent, urea and
types of adulteration are quite common in skim milk powder. In India, 88% milk was
developing countries. It is equally important found to be adulterated.
for the consumer to know the common
adulterants and their effects on health. Milk is Materials and Methods
produced throughout the year. However, milk
production is greatly reduced during summer Survey method
months due to heat stress and scarcity of
fodder. Milk is transported from point of The local milk vendors, cooperative societies,
production to cities mainly through packed milk from private sector were chosen
middlemen. Such milk is watered/ skimmed via random sampling method. 30 samples
to increase profit. To maintain its from these three sectors were collected in a
composition, materials like starch, flour, urea, sterilized container and subjected to
cane sugar and vegetable oil are added as laboratory techniques to determine the
adulterants. Milk dealers may either dilute the adulterants present in milk sample.
milk or extract valuable components and there
after add cheap substances to maintain its Study design
compositional parameters. These substances
include starch, urea, preservatives like Random sampling Design.
formalin, hydrogen peroxide, boric acid and
various antibiotics. Urea is added for Sample size
whitening of milk and only few grams of urea
are enough to bring milk in its original state. 30 unpasteurized milk samples were collected
Hydrogen peroxide is used as preservative from 3 different sectors (Milk vendor,
usually in summer season when Cooperative societies and packet milk from
environmental temperature is very high. This private sector) located in and around
unethical activity is usually adapted to Thuraiyur district, Tamil Nadu. Samples were
prevent the financial losses due to the kept in a sterilized container and stored in a
spoilage of milk during its transportation and refrigerator, later which were analyzed for
sale. According to Basic Animal husbandry adulteration properties which includes water,
Statistics (2015-16) stated that the milk urea, starch, detergent test etc.,
production for 2015-16 is 155.3 million
tonnes. A national survey in India has Test
revealed that almost 70% of the milk sold and
consumed in India is adulterated by MAT (Milk Adulteration Testing kit)
contaminants such as detergent and skim milk consisting of reagent bottles for qualitative
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(12): 3303-3310
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(12): 3303-3310
mixed. Red color or deep rose red color Normal milk gives a yellow color. Milk from
indicates the presence of neutralizers in milk. infected udders gives a green color
5ml of milk samples in a test tube was taken; 5ml of milk sample in a test tube was taken
2 ml of sugar reagent-1 (s-1) and 4 drops of and 2 drop of formaldehyde reagent-1 was
sugar reagent-2 (s-2) were added. The added and mixed. Then 1ml of formaldehyde
contents in tube were placed in boiling water reagent-2 was added very slowly and
both for 2 min, a red color indicates the carefully along the side of the test tube a
present of sugar in milk violet color ring at the junction of the milk
and reagent indicates the presence of
Detection of acidity and heat stability formaldehyde in milk. Normal milk gives a
light brown color ring at the junction.
Reagent: acidity reagent (A-1)
Detection of maltodextrin
2ml of milk sample in a test tube was taken
and 2ml of acidity reagent (a1) was added and Reagent: maltodextrin reagent (MD-1),
mixed well. The color of the mixture and maltodextrin reagent (MD-2).
presence of any flakes or clots were noted.
The present of flakes of clots indicate a 10 ml of milk in a test tube was added with
positive result of acidity in milk. Milk 1ml of maltodextrin reagent 1 and boiled for
showing positive result is not suitable and not few min., cooled and filtered. To a 5ml of
considered for the manufacture of evaporated filtrate, 2-3 drop of maltodextrin reagent 2
milk. The percentage of acidity with respect was added and mixed well. A brown color
to size of the flask and color is approximately indicates the presence of maltodextrin in milk
as follows and normal milk gives a golden yellow color.
Detection of hydrogen peroxide
Detection of nitrate nitrogen
Reagent hydrogen peroxide reagent -1 (hp-1)
Reagent: nitrate nitrogen reagent 1(NN1)
5ml of milk sample in a test tube was added
with 1ml of hydrogen peroxide reagent 1 and 2 ml of milk in a test tube was added with 0.5
mixed well and kept for 5 min. ml of nitrate nitrogen reagent 1 along the side
of the test tube, a blue color indicate the
A distinct yellow color indicates the presence presence of nitrate nitrogen in milk.
of hydrogen peroxide in milk.
Results and Discussion
Detection of mastitis
Adulteration with neutralizer
Reagent: mastitis reagent (m-1)
The data belonging to extent of adulteration in
5ml milk sample in a test tube was added with milk samples is given in Table 1 and the
1ml of mastitis reagent and mixed well. findings regarding neutralizer are presented in
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(12): 3303-3310
Figure 3. Neutralizers are generally used to of sodium chloride in milk could affect the
mask the pH and acidity values of badly acid base balance in body and may develop
preserved milk passing it off as fresh milk regression loss of acquired immunity, kidney
(Faraz et al., 2013). As per the results, 12% problems, speech and sensory disturbances
and 20% of samples collected from MV and reported by Ayub et al., (2007).
RS respectively were positive for neutralizers
and 23 samples were negative results for Adulteration with acidity
neutralizers. Similar results were obtained by
Chintha siva Swetha et al., (2014), Ramya et The data belonging to extent of adulteration in
al., (2015) and Singuliri and Sukumaran milk samples is given in Table 1 and the
(2014). According to (Rideout et al., 2008) findings regarding neutralizer are presented in
presence of neutralizers may cause disruption Figure 5. Acidity and heat stability was added
of hormones which are important for to correct the pH of milk. As per the results,
development and reproduction. 37% samples show the positive results for
acidity. Similar results were observed by
Adulteration with sodium chloride Indumathi and Obula Reddy (2015).
30% sodium chloride
20% acidity
neutraliers mastitis sodium acidity
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(12): 3303-3310
mastitis adulterated
6 Packed milk
0 local
society milk
4 packed milk
0 local
society milk
Lilac - Up to 0.14%
Pale red - 0.14 to 0.17%
Reddish brown to brown Small flasks 0.17 to 0.20%
Brownish yellow to yellow Large flasks Above 0.20%
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(12): 3303-3310
sodium chloride
adulterated sample sodium chloride test Acidity and heat stability test
2 packed milk
0 local vendor
society milk
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(12): 3303-3310
After surveying and testing the milk samples, Chinta Siva Swetha, Bharathy Sukumar and
the results were quite shocking. People only Sudhanthiramani Sudhanthirakodi 2014. The
expected water to be present as an adulterant in Study on Detection of Adulteration in Milk
their consumed milk but for some cases tests Samples Supplied by Local Vendors in
Tirupathi Region, India- shanlax
indicated the presence of other adulterants that
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are harmful for health. Therefore this Vol.2 No.2
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spreading the awareness among the people of adulteration, chemical composition and
about different types of adulterants that can be hygienic status of milk supplied to various
present in milk and harmful effects on their canteens of educational institutes and public
health can be an appropriate recommendation in places in Faisalabad. J. Animal Plant Sci. 23:
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gathered, administration is very lenient in this
husbandry-statistics-division BAHS-2016.
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collect samples and do tests to make sure the evaluation of milk samples collected from
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How to cite this article:
Brindha, N., P. Chitra, R. Janarthanan and Murali, A. 2017. A Study on Detection of Adulteration in
Milk Samples from Different Regions of Thuraiyur District in Tamil Nadu, India.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(12): 3303-3310. doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2017.612.384