Safety Alert Article - Scissor Lift Safety

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Safe Operation of Scissor Lifts

lifts are large pieces of versatile is performed first. Be sure to ask the supply center for the
equipment that are commonly operator’s manual to ensure it is operated appropriately.
used inside warehouses and Operator controls should be easily accessible and properly
factories, during sporting events and on construction marked. Obtain the maintenance history of the lift prior to
jobsites. These lifts have proven to be invaluable for using it. It is a common practice for the rental company to
operators and have replaced some of the common everyday provide the employer with a complete walk around as well
use of scaffolding and traditional ladders. However, scissor as a brief training on the lift.
lifts can be dangerous when not properly maintained and
serviced, used inappropriately or used by an untrained Preventative Maintenance
operator. All equipment, including scissor lifts, should receive
Today, scissor lifts come in a variety of styles and sizes regular preventative maintenance to ensure it is in good
to meet the operator’s needs. These lifts can be pneumatic, condition. Repairs should be made as needed. All equipment
hydraulic or mechanical and whether being used indoors should be serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s
or outdoors, they can be powered by fuel such as gasoline, recommendations. Using substitute parts or poor repair
diesel or electricity. The platform on a scissor lift only moves methods could result in the equipment failing, and thus lead
vertically and functions through connected supports, which to an incident. Prior to making any modifications to the
mimic a zigzagging letter “X” design (see photo below). A lift, the employer must obtain written permission from the
scissor lift platform can extend as high as 50 feet in the air. manufacturer.
As with any type of equipment, the operator’s safety is of
the utmost importance at all times during operation. Safety Regular Lift Inspections
precautions should not Once the lift is on the
be taken lightly. The jobsite and prior to using
following are some the equipment, a visual
of the most important inspection must occur. To
safety tips for operators be effective, inspections
to follow while using a must be conducted before
scissor lift. each work shift and after
any occurrence that could
Training affect the structural
One of the most integrity of the equipment.
important aspects of Foregoing this inspection
the safe operation of has the potential to be life-
these lifts includes threatening. It is essential to
ensuring the operator conduct a visual inspection
has received the proper by walking around the lift
training to safely operate to ensure the lift is in good
the scissor lift. To be working order. Operators
effective, training must must review safety devices,
be specific to the type of scissor lift or equipment employees emergency controls, fall protection equipment, the lift’s
will operate. Training should include the load capacity; tires and other critical components.
requirements of the manufacturer; and procedures for If the lift device is equipped with outriggers, they should
dealing with dangers and hazards involving falling from be inspected for wear and damage and used in accordance
the lift, falling objects and electricity. Under certain with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Creating a daily
circumstances, it may be necessary to retrain scissor lift safety checklist may prove to be beneficial to ensure all lift
operators. Retraining should occur as often as necessary. features are adequately reviewed during each inspection.
Often, these lifts as well as other equipment may be rented Unsafe equipment should be taken out of service immediately
from a jobsite supply center. Before renting any equipment until repair. And operators should immediately report any
from a supply center, ensure a detailed maintenance check damage to the equipment to their supervisor.
Scissor Lift Safety
Work Area Inspections Adverse Weather Conditions
Areas in which the lifts will be Outside weather conditions must be regularly
operated must also be inspected. During monitored while scissor lifts are being used.
these inspections, operators must Weather conditions that should be monitored
pay special attention to any ground include rain, snow, sleet, hail and wind. It is important
depressions or obstructions such to note, not all lifts are rated for outdoor use. Outdoor
as drop-offs, debris and potholes. scissor lifts generally have a maximum wind speed
Operators must be instructed to not of 28 miles per hour. Employers should review the
operate these lifts near potholes, drop- equipment’s operator manual and ensure employees do
offs or loading docks. Scissor lifts should not operate scissor lifts in adverse weather conditions.
not be raised on uneven or soft surfaces.
Equally as important, this type of equipment Additional Resources
should not be used on sloped ground. The path in which For more information about the safe use of scissor lifts,
the scissor lift will be operated must also be reviewed to please contact INSafe by email at [email protected] or by
ensure there are no extension cords, tools or materials lying phone at (317) 232-2688.
around. Free onsite OSHA consultation is also provided by
Secondly, operators should conduct a scan of the sky to INSafe to assist employers in developing and implementing
ensure there are not any overhead obstructions with which occupational safety and health programs. In addition,
lifts may come in contact. Obstructions may include power the INSafe Consultant will work with employers in the
lines, trees, pipes, building structures, canopies as well identification and correction of workplace safety and health
as many other obstacles. Operators should maintain a hazards. An onsite consultation visit may be initiated by
minimum clearance of at least ten feet from the nearest completing the online request form at
overhead power lines. insafeconsultation.

whether or not it is safe to continue work from the scissor
It Happened Here: lift in adverse weather conditions.
St. Joseph County ◘ Regularly inspect all
equipment prior to use
Background: Nationwide in 2009, 22 workers suffered a (i.e., daily, monthly and
fatal occupational injury while operating a man lift. Scissor annually).
lifts are classified as a type of man lift. ◘ Service and maintain
Event: During the afternoon of October 27, 2010, in all equipment in
St. Joseph County, a 20 year-old student employee was accordance with
videotaping a university football practice from a scissor lift the manufacturer’s
that was positioned 39 feet in the air. The National Weather recommendation.
Service had issued an active wind advisory for Northern ◘ Ensure lifts and
Indiana that day. The notice advised that sustained winds other equipment are
of 25-35 miles per hour, with gusts as high as 45 miles per not positioned near
hour, were likely that afternoon. A strong gust of wind blew overhead power lines,
the lift over. The student employee was killed. on soft or uneven
Lessons Learned: To reduce the likelihood of and ground or on weak
prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future, utility covers (i.e.,
employers and employees should: underground sprinkler
valve boxes).
◘ Train employees to recognize the safety and health
hazards associated with each job, task and site. ◘ Foster a culture of workplace safety and health, and hold
yourself accountable for your employees’ understanding
◘ Provide employees with the appropriate training to ensure and following of all written safety and health policies, rules,
the safe operation of all equipment used. procedures and regulations.
◘ Ensure outside weather conditions are routinely monitored
when using scissor lifts outdoors. Routinely evaluate
Scissor Lift Safety

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