M221 Programming Guide - EIO0000001360.03 PDF
M221 Programming Guide - EIO0000001360.03 PDF
M221 Programming Guide - EIO0000001360.03 PDF
EIO0000001360 11/2014
Modicon M221
Logic Controller
Programming Guide
The information provided in this documentation contains general descriptions and/or technical
characteristics of the performance of the products contained herein. This documentation is not
intended as a substitute for and is not to be used for determining suitability or reliability of these
products for specific user applications. It is the duty of any such user or integrator to perform the
appropriate and complete risk analysis, evaluation and testing of the products with respect to the
relevant specific application or use thereof. Neither Schneider Electric nor any of its affiliates or
subsidiaries shall be responsible or liable for misuse of the information contained herein. If you
have any suggestions for improvements or amendments or have found errors in this publication,
please notify us.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, without express written permission of Schneider Electric.
All pertinent state, regional, and local safety regulations must be observed when installing and
using this product. For reasons of safety and to help ensure compliance with documented system
data, only the manufacturer should perform repairs to components.
When devices are used for applications with technical safety requirements, the relevant
instructions must be followed.
Failure to use Schneider Electric software or approved software with our hardware products may
result in injury, harm, or improper operating results.
Failure to observe this information can result in injury or equipment damage.
© 2014 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.
2 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Table of Contents
Safety Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
About the Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Part I Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chapter 1 About the Modicon M221 Logic Controller . . . . . . . . . 17
TM221C Logic Controller Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
TM221M Logic Controller Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Chapter 2 Configuration Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.1 Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Object Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Addressing I/O Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Maximum Number of Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.2 Task Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Tasks and Scan Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Maximum Number of Tasks and Priorities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.3 Controller States and Behaviors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Controller State Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Controller States Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Controller State Transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Persistent Variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Output Behavior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.4 Post Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Post Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Post Configuration File Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Part II Configuring the M221 Logic Controller . . . . . . . . 59
Chapter 3 How to Configure a Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Building a Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Configuring the M221 Logic Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Updating Firmware using Executive Loader Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Chapter 4 Embedded Input/Output Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
4.1 Digital Input Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Configuring Digital Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.2 Digital Output Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Configuring Digital Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
EIO0000001360 11/2014 3
4.3 Analog Input Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Configuring Analog Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.4 High Speed Counter Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Configuring High Speed Counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Configuring Dual Phase and Single Counters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Configuring Frequency Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4.5 Pulse Generator Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Configuring Pulse Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Configuring Pulse (%PLS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Configuring Pulse Width Modulation (%PWM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Configuring Pulse Train Output (%PTO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Chapter 5 I/O Bus Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
I/O Configuration General Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Maximum Hardware Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Configuring Cartridges and Expansion Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Chapter 6 Embedded Communication Configuration . . . . . . . . . 105
6.1 Ethernet Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Configuring Ethernet Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Configuring Modbus TCP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
6.2 Serial Line Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Configuring Serial Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Chapter 7 SD Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
File Management Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
SD Card Supported File Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Clone Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Firmware Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Application Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Post Configuration Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Error Log Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Part III Programming the M221 Logic Controller . . . . . . 133
Chapter 8 How to Use the Source Code Examples . . . . . . . . . . . 135
How to Use the Source Code Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Chapter 9 I/O Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Digital Inputs (%I). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Digital Outputs (%Q) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Analog Inputs (%IW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Analog Outputs (%QW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
4 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Chapter 10 Function Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Advanced Expert Input/Output Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Chapter 11 System Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
System Bits (%S). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
System Words (%SW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Glossary ......................................... 173
Index ......................................... 177
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6 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Safety Information
Important Information
Read these instructions carefully, and look at the equipment to become familiar with the device
before trying to install, operate, or maintain it. The following special messages may appear
throughout this documentation or on the equipment to warn of potential hazards or to call attention
to information that clarifies or simplifies a procedure.
EIO0000001360 11/2014 7
Electrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced, and maintained only by qualified
personnel. No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any consequences arising out of
the use of this material.
A qualified person is one who has skills and knowledge related to the construction and operation
of electrical equipment and its installation, and has received safety training to recognize and avoid
the hazards involved.
8 EIO0000001360 11/2014
About the Book
At a Glance
Document Scope
This document describes the configuration and programming of the Modicon M221 Logic
Controller for SoMachine Basic. For further information, refer to the separate documents provided
in the SoMachine Basic online help.
Validity Note
This document has been updated with the release of SoMachine Basic V1.3.
Related Documents
EIO0000001360 11/2014 9
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Modicon M221 Logic Controller - Hardware Guide EIO0000001384 (ENG)
EIO0000001385 (FRA)
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10 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Title of Documentation Reference Number
Modicon TM3 Digital I/O Modules - Hardware Guide EIO0000001408 (ENG)
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EIO0000001411 (SPA)
EIO0000001412 (ITA)
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EIO0000001360 11/2014 11
Title of Documentation Reference Number
Modicon TM2 Expansion Modules Configuration - Programming EIO0000000396 (ENG)
Guide EIO0000000397 (FRE)
EIO0000000398 (GER)
EIO0000000399 (SPA)
EIO0000000400 (ITA)
EIO0000000401 (CHS)
Modicon TM2 Digital I/O Modules - Hardware Guide EIO0000000028 (ENG)
EIO0000000029 (FRA)
EIO0000000030 (GER)
EIO0000000031 (SPA)
EIO0000000032 (ITA)
EIO0000000033 (CHS)
Modicon TM2 Analog I/O Modules - Hardware Guide EIO0000000034 (ENG)
EIO0000000035 (FRA)
EIO0000000036 (GER)
EIO0000000037 (SPA)
EIO0000000038 (ITA)
EIO0000000039 (CHS)
You can download these technical publications and other technical information from our website
at www.schneider-electric.com.
12 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Product Related Information
The designer of any control scheme must consider the potential failure modes of control paths
and, for certain critical control functions, provide a means to achieve a safe state during and
after a path failure. Examples of critical control functions are emergency stop and overtravel
stop, power outage and restart.
Separate or redundant control paths must be provided for critical control functions.
System control paths may include communication links. Consideration must be given to the
implications of unanticipated transmission delays or failures of the link.
Observe all accident prevention regulations and local safety guidelines.1
Each implementation of this equipment must be individually and thoroughly tested for proper
operation before being placed into service.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment
1For additional information, refer to NEMA ICS 1.1 (latest edition), "Safety Guidelines for the
Application, Installation, and Maintenance of Solid State Control" and to NEMA ICS 7.1 (latest
edition), "Safety Standards for Construction and Guide for Selection, Installation and Operation of
Adjustable-Speed Drive Systems" or their equivalent governing your particular location.
Only use software approved by Schneider Electric for use with this equipment.
Update your application program every time you change the physical hardware configuration.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment
EIO0000001360 11/2014 13
14 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Modicon M221
EIO0000001360 11/2014
Part I
This part provides general information about the Modicon M221 Logic Controller and its
configuration and programming features.
EIO0000001360 11/2014 15
16 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Modicon M221
About the Modicon M221 Logic Controller
EIO0000001360 11/2014
Chapter 1
About the Modicon M221 Logic Controller
EIO0000001360 11/2014 17
About the Modicon M221 Logic Controller
The TM221C Logic Controller has various powerful features and can service a wide range of
Software configuration, programming, and commissioning are accomplished with the SoMachine
Basic software described in the SoMachine Basic Operating Guide and the M221 Logic Controller
- Programming Guide.
Programming Languages
The M221 Logic Controller is configured and programmed with the SoMachine Basic software,
which supports the following IEC 61131-3 programming languages:
IL: Instruction List
LD: Ladder Diagram
Grafcet (List)
Power Supply
The power supply of the TM221C Logic Controller is 24 Vdc or 100...240 Vac.
The M221 Logic Controller can be operated externally by the following:
a hardware Run/Stop switch
a Run/Stop operation by a dedicated digital input, defined in the software configuration (for more
information, refer to Configuring Digital Inputs (see page 70).)
SoMachine Basic software (for more information, refer to Toolbar (see SoMachine Basic,
Operating Guide)).
a TMH2GDB Remote Graphic Display (for more information, refer to Controller State Menu
(see Modicon TMH2GDB, Remote Graphic Display, User Guide)).
This table describes the different types of memory:
18 EIO0000001360 11/2014
About the Modicon M221 Logic Controller
Embedded Inputs/Outputs
The following embedded I/O types are available, depending on the controller reference:
Regular inputs
Fast inputs associated with counters
Regular sink/source transistor outputs
Fast sink/source transistor outputs associated with pulse generators
Relay outputs
Analog inputs
Analog outputs
Removable Storage
The M221 Logic Controllers include an embedded SD card slot.
The main uses of the SD card are:
Initializing the controller with a new application
Updating the controller firmware
EIO0000001360 11/2014 19
About the Modicon M221 Logic Controller
20 EIO0000001360 11/2014
About the Modicon M221 Logic Controller
Delivery Content
The following figure shows the content of the delivery for a TM221C Logic Controller:
EIO0000001360 11/2014 21
About the Modicon M221 Logic Controller
The TM221M Logic Controller has various powerful features and can service a wide range of
Hardware configuration, programming, and commissioning are accomplished with the SoMachine
Basic software described in the SoMachine Basic - Operating Guide.
Programming Languages
The M221 Logic Controller is configured and programmed with the SoMachine Basic software,
which supports the following IEC 61131-3 programming languages:
IL: Instruction List
LD: Ladder Diagram
Grafcet (List)
Power Supply
The power supply of the TM221M Logic Controller is 24 Vdc.
The M221 Logic Controller can be operated externally by the following:
a hardware Run/Stop switch
a Run/Stop operation by a dedicated digital input, defined in the software configuration (for more
information, refer to Configuring Digital Inputs (see page 70))
SoMachine Basic software (for more information, refer to Toolbar (see SoMachine Basic,
Operating Guide)).
a TMH2GDB Remote Graphic Display (for more information, refer to Controller State Menu
(see Modicon TMH2GDB, Remote Graphic Display, User Guide)).
This table describes the different types of memory:
22 EIO0000001360 11/2014
About the Modicon M221 Logic Controller
Embedded Inputs/Outputs
The following embedded I/O types are available, depending on the controller reference:
Regular inputs
Fast inputs (HSC)
Regular transistor outputs
Fast transistor outputs (PLS/PWM/PTO)
Relay outputs
Analog inputs
Analog outputs
EIO0000001360 11/2014 23
About the Modicon M221 Logic Controller
24 EIO0000001360 11/2014
About the Modicon M221 Logic Controller
Delivery Content
The following figure shows the content of the delivery for a TM221M Logic Controller:
EIO0000001360 11/2014 25
About the Modicon M221 Logic Controller
26 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Modicon M221
Configuration Features
EIO0000001360 11/2014
Chapter 2
Configuration Features
Configuration Features
This chapter provides information related to M221 Logic Controller memory mapping, task, states,
behaviors, objects, and functions. The topics explained in this chapter allow the operator to
understand the featured specifications of M221 Logic Controller that are primarily needed to
configure and program the controller in SoMachine Basic.
EIO0000001360 11/2014 27
Configuration Features
Section 2.1
28 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Configuration Features
In SoMachine Basic, the term object is used to represent an area of logic controller memory
reserved for use by an application. Objects can be:
Simple software variables, such as memory bits and words
Addresses of digital or analog inputs and outputs
Controller-internal variables, such as system words and system bits
Predefined system functions or function blocks, such as timers and counters.
Controller memory is either pre-allocated for certain object types, or automatically allocated when
an application is downloaded to the logic controller.
Objects can only be addressed by a program once memory has been allocated. Objects are
addressed using the prefix %. For example, %MW12 is the address of a memory word, %Q0.3 is the
address of an embedded digital output, and %TM0 is the address of a Timer function block.
EIO0000001360 11/2014 29
Configuration Features
Object Types
The language objects for the M221 Logic Controller are classified as follows in the SoMachine
Basic software:
Memory objects
System objects
I/O objects
Software objects
30 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Configuration Features
Memory objects and software objects are generic objects used in SoMachine Basic, whereas
system objects and I/O objects are controller-specific. All controller-specific objects are discussed
in the Programming (see page 133) section.
For programming details of memory objects, software objects, and communication objects, refer
to the SoMachine Basic Generic Functions Library Guide.
For programming details of PID objects and PTO objects, refer to the Advanced Functions Library
EIO0000001360 11/2014 31
Configuration Features
Addressing Examples
This table shows addressing examples for various object types:
32 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Configuration Features
EIO0000001360 11/2014 33
Configuration Features
This table provides information about the maximum number of objects supported by the M221
Logic Controller:
34 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Configuration Features
EIO0000001360 11/2014 35
Configuration Features
36 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Configuration Features
Section 2.2
Task Structure
Task Structure
EIO0000001360 11/2014 37
Configuration Features
The Modicon TM221M Logic Controller supports the following task types:
Master task
Periodic task
Event task
The master tasks can be configured in either of the following scan modes:
Freewheeling mode
Periodic mode
For more information, refer to the Configuring Program Behavior and Tasks (see SoMachine
Basic, Operating Guide).
Master tasks are triggered by continuous cyclic scanning or by the software times by specifying the
scan period 2...150 ms (default 100 ms) in the periodic mode.
Periodic tasks are triggered by software timers, so are configured by specifying the scan period
5...255 ms (default 255 ms) in the periodic mode.
Event tasks are triggered by the physical inputs or the HSC function blocks. These events are
associated with embedded digital inputs (%I0.2...%I0.5) (rising, falling or both edges) or with the
high speed counters (when the count reaches the high speed counter threshold). You can
configure up to two events for each HSC function block, depending on the configuration.
You must configure one priority for each event task. The priority range is 0...7 and the priority 0 has
the highest priority.
Scan Modes
The freewheeling mode is a continuous cyclic scanning mode. In this mode, a new scan starts
immediately after the previous scan has completed.
This figure shows the relationship between master tasks and periodic tasks when the master task
is in freewheeling mode:
38 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Configuration Features
In periodic mode, the logic controller waits until the configured scan time has elapsed before
starting a new scan. Every scan is therefore the same duration.
This figure shows the relationship between master tasks and periodic tasks when the master task
is in periodic mode:
Event priorities control the relationship between the event tasks, master tasks, and periodic tasks.
The event task interrupts the master task and periodic task execution.
This figure shows the relationship between event tasks, master tasks, and periodic tasks in the
periodic mode:
The event tasks are triggered by a hardware interruption that sends a task event to the event task.
Watchdog Timer
You can configure a specific watchdog timer for the master task and periodic tasks. If the task
execution time exceeds the configured watchdog timer period, the logic controller goes to the
HALTED state. This watchdog timer is managed by the software timers.
A system watchdog timer checks if the user logic is loading more than 80% of the CPU processing
EIO0000001360 11/2014 39
Configuration Features
This table summarizes the task types, available scan modes for each task, scan mode triggering
conditions, operator configurable ranges, maximum number of each task, and their execution
40 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Configuration Features
Section 2.3
Controller States and Behaviors
This section provides you with information on controller states, state transitions, and behaviors in
response to system events. It begins with a detailed controller state diagram and a description of
each state. It then defines the relationship of output states to controller states before explaining the
commands and events that result in state transitions. It concludes with information about persistent
variables and the effect of SoMachine Basic task programming options on the behavior of your
EIO0000001360 11/2014 41
Configuration Features
42 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Configuration Features
This section provides a detailed description of the controller states.
Never assume that your controller is in a certain controller state before commanding a change
of state, configuring your controller options, uploading a program, or modifying the physical
configuration of the controller and its connected equipment.
Before performing any of these operations, consider the effect on all connected equipment.
Before acting on a controller, always positively confirm the controller state by viewing its LEDs,
confirming the condition of the Run/Stop input, checking for the presence of output forcing, and
reviewing the controller status information via SoMachine Basic.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment
When using Automatic Start in Run, the controller will start executing program logic when power is
applied to the equipment. It is essential to know in advance how automatic reactivation of the
outputs will affect the process or machine being controlled. Configure the Run/Stop input to help
control the Automatic Start in Run feature. In addition, the Run/Stop input is designed to give local
control over remote RUN commands. If the possibility of a remote RUN command after the
controller had been stopped locally by SoMachine would have unintended consequences, you
must configure and wire the Run/Stop input to help control this situation.
Confirm that the automatic reactivation of the outputs does not produce unintended
consequences before using the Automatic Start in Run setting.
Use the Run/Stop input to help avoid an unwanted restart in Run mode and to help prevent
the unintentional start-up from a remote location.
Verify the state of security of your machine or process environment before applying power to
the Run/Stop input or before issuing a Run command from a remote location.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment
EIO0000001360 11/2014 43
Configuration Features
44 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Configuration Features
EIO0000001360 11/2014 45
Configuration Features
NOTE: The system word %SW6 indicates the logic controller state (EMPTY, STOPPED, RUNNING,
46 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Configuration Features
Boot Controller
Effect: Command a reboot of the controller, for details about power-on sequence see the controller
state diagram (see page 42).
Power cycle
Reboot by script
The script on an SD card can issue a REBOOT as its final command.
Application Download
Effect: Download the application into the controller memory.
SoMachine Basic online button:
Select the PC to controller (download) command.
Effect: Erase the current application and set the controller in EMPTY state. If download is
successful, a Cold Start is done and the controller is set in STOPPED state.
Application file transfer by SD card:
Effect: At the next reboot, erase the current application and copies the application files from
the SD card to the controller memory. If download is successful, a Cold Start is done and the
controller is set in STOPPED state.
Initialize Controller
Effect: Sets the controller in EMPTY state, and then after a Cold Start in STOPPED state.
SoMachine Basic online button:
Select the Initialize controller command.
RUN Controller
Effect: Command a transition to the RUNNING controller state.
Run/Stop switch on front face:
It commands a transition to RUNNING state on rising edge.
Run/Stop input:
The input must be configured in the application (Configuring Digital Inputs (see page 70)).
It commands a transition to RUNNING state on rising edge.
EIO0000001360 11/2014 47
Configuration Features
STOP Controller
Effect: Command a transition to the STOPPED controller state.
Run/Stop switch on front face:
It forces a transition to STOPPED state on low level.
Run/Stop input:
The input must be configured in the application (Configuring Digital Inputs (see page 70)).
It forces a transition to STOPPED state on low level.
Download command:
It needs the controller to be set in STOPPED state (after the download the controller is in
STOPPED state).
Remote Graphic Display.
Cold Start
Cold Start is defined to be a power-up with all data initialized to its default values, and User Logic
started from the beginning of the program with all program variables cleared. In a Cold Start
everything is initialized: software and hardware settings.
Cold Start occurs for the following reasons:
Boot controller without validated application online modification.
PLC without a charged backup battery always powers up via a Cold Start.
Application Download
Initialize controller
48 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Configuration Features
Warm Start
The Warm Start simply resume running the USER logic program, in its last operating state, with all
counters, function blocks, and system words and bits preserved.
EIO0000001360 11/2014 49
Configuration Features
Persistent Variables
50 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Configuration Features
Output Behavior
The controller defines output behavior in response to commands and system events in a way that
allows for greater flexibility. An understanding of this behavior is necessary before discussing the
commands and events that affect controller states.
The possible output behaviors and the controller states to which they apply are:
Managed by application program
Initialization values
Fallback Mode
Maintain values
Fallback values
Output forcing
Initialization Values
This output state applies in the BOOTING, EMPTY and POWERLESS states.
In the initialization state, the outputs assume the following values:
For embedded outputs:
Fast transistor output: 0 Vdc
Regular transistor output: 0 Vdc
Relay output: Open
Expert I/O functions (HSC, PLS, PWM and PTO): 0 Vdc
Fallback Values
This output state applies in the STOPPED and HALTED states.
In the fallback mode, the outputs assume the following values:
For embedded outputs:
Fast transistor output: according to fallback setting
Regular transistor output: according to fallback setting
Relay output: according to fallback setting
Expert I/O functions (HSC, PLS, PWM and PTO):
- Fallback value: according to fallback setting
- Maintain values: 0 Vdc
EIO0000001360 11/2014 51
Configuration Features
Output Forcing
The controller allows you to force the state of selected outputs to a defined value for the purposes
of system testing, commissioning, and maintenance.
You are only able to force the value of an output while your controller is connected to SoMachine
To do so, use the Force command in an animation table.
Output forcing overrides all other commands to an output irrespective of the task programming that
is being executed.
The forcing is not released by online change or logout of SoMachine Basic.
The forcing is automatically released by Cold Start (see page 48) and Download application
(see page 47) command.
The forcing does not apply for expert I/O functions (HSC, PLS, PWM and PTO).
You must have a thorough understanding of how forcing will affect the outputs relative to the
tasks being executed.
Do not attempt to force I/O that is contained in tasks that you are not certain will be executed
in a timely manner, unless your intent is for the forcing to take affect at the next execution of
the task whenever that may be.
If you force an output and there is no apparent affect on the physical output, do not exit
SoMachine Basic without removing the forcing.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment
52 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Configuration Features
Output Rearming
In the case of a short-circuit or current overload, the common group of outputs automatically enters
into thermal protection mode (all outputs in the group are set to 0), and are then periodically
rearmed (each second) to test the connection state. However, you must be aware of the effect of
this rearming on the machine or process being controlled.
Inhibit the automatic rearming of outputs if this feature is an undesirable behavior for your
machine or process.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment
If necessary, you can use system bits and words to both detect that a short circuit or overload has
occurred and on which cluster of outputs it has occurred. System bit %S10 can be used to detect
within your program that an output error has occurred. You can then use the system word %SW139
to determine programmatically which cluster of outputs a short circuit or overload has occurred.
The automatic rearming feature can be disabled by setting the system bit %S49 to 0 (%S49 is set
to 0 by default).
EIO0000001360 11/2014 53
Configuration Features
Section 2.4
Post Configuration
Post Configuration
This section describes how to manage and configure the post configuration file of the Modicon
M221 Logic Controller.
54 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Configuration Features
Post Configuration
Post configuration is an option that allows you to modify some parameters of the application
without changing the application. Post configuration parameters are defined in a file called
Machine.cfg, which is stored in the controller.
By default, all communication parameters are set in the configuration of the application. However,
under certain conditions, some or all of these parameters can be modified automatically via the
mechanism Post Configuration. One or more communication parameters can be specified in the
post configuration file, and those parameters can override the parameters specified by the
configuration. For example, one parameter may be stored in the post configuration file to change
the Ethernet IP address of the controller while leaving the other Ethernet parameters, such as the
gateway address, unchanged.
The post configuration file allows you to modify network parameters.
Ethernet parameters:
Address configuration mode
IP address
Subnet mask
Gateway address
Device name
Serial line parameters, for each serial line in the application (embedded port or TMC2SL1
Physical medium
Baud rate
Data bits
Stop bit
Modbus address
Polarization (for RS-485)
Operating Mode
The post configuration file is read and applied:
after a Warm Start (see page 49)
after a Cold Start (see page 48)
after a reboot (see page 47)
after an application download (see page 47)
For further details on controller states and transitions, refer to Controller States and Behaviors
(see page 41).
EIO0000001360 11/2014 55
Configuration Features
The file Machine.cfg must be stored in the directory /usr/cfg of the controller.
The post configuration file can be transferred, modified, or deleted with an SD card.
The Ethernet parameters of the post configuration file can also be modified with SoMachine Basic
during the connection with a logic controller.
NOTE: A post configuration file example is available in the directory
Firmwares & PostConfiguration\PostConfiguration\add_change\usr\cfg of the
SoMachine Basic installation directory.
56 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Configuration Features
EIO0000001360 11/2014 57
Configuration Features
58 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Modicon M221
Configuring the M221 Logic Controller
EIO0000001360 11/2014
Part II
Configuring the M221 Logic Controller
This part provides information about how to configure the M221 Logic Controller references.
EIO0000001360 11/2014 59
Configuring the M221 Logic Controller
60 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Modicon M221
How to Configure a Controller
EIO0000001360 11/2014
Chapter 3
How to Configure a Controller
This chapter describes how to build a configuration in SoMachine Basic and configure the M221
Logic Controller.
EIO0000001360 11/2014 61
How to Configure a Controller
Building a Configuration
Configure a controller by building a configuration in SoMachine Basic. To build a configuration, first
create a new project or open an existing project.
Refer to SoMachine Basic Operating Guide for information on how to:
create or open an existing project
replace the default logic controller
add an expansion module to the logic controller
add a cartridge to the logic controller
save the project.
Some general information about the SoMachine Basic user interface is provided below.
Start Page
The start page window is always displayed when you launch SoMachine Basic. Use this window
to register the SoMachine Basic software, manage the connection to the logic controller, and
create or select a project to work with.
1 Toolbar
2 Status bar
3 Module tabs
62 EIO0000001360 11/2014
How to Configure a Controller
Item Description
Toolbar Provides easy access to commonly used functions.
For more information, refer to the Toolbar .
Status bar Displays status and information messages on the current system status.
For more information, refer to the Status bar.
Module tabs To develop an application, work your way through the module tabs from left to right:
Set up the project properties.
Replicate and configure the hardware configuration of the logic controller and
associated expansion modules.
Develop the program in one of the supported programming languages.
Manage the connection between SoMachine Basic and the logic controller,
upload/download applications, test, and commission the application.
Hardware Tree
The hardware tree is displayed on left-hand side in the Configuration window. It shows a
structured view of the current hardware configuration. When you add a controller, an expansion
module, or a cartridge to the project, several nodes are automatically added to the hardware tree.
NOTE: The nodes in the hardware tree are specific to the controller and the hardware
configuration. These nodes depend on the I/O functions that the controller, expansion modules,
and cartridges provide.
This figure shows the hardware tree of the controller configuration:
Item Description
Digital inputs Use to configure the embedded digital inputs of the logic controller.
Digital outputs Use to configure the embedded digital outputs of the logic controller.
n Serial line number (1 or 2, controller-specific).
EIO0000001360 11/2014 63
How to Configure a Controller
Item Description
Analog inputs Use to configure the embedded analog inputs of the logic controller.
High Speed Counters Use to configure the embedded high speed counting functions (HSC).
Pulse Generators Use to configure the embedded pulse generator functions (PLS/PWM/PTO).
IO Bus Use to configure the expansion modules and cartridges connected to the logic
ETH1 Use to configure the embedded Ethernet communications.
Modbus TCP Use to configure the Modbus TCP for the Ethernet communications.
SLn (Serial line) Use to configure the embedded serial line or the serial line added using a cartridge.
n Serial line number (1 or 2, controller-specific).
The editor area is displayed in center of the Configuration window. It displays the graphical
representation of hardware configuration of the devices. The hardware configuration in a project
can be:
only a controller
a controller with cartridge
a controller with expansion modules
a controller with cartridge and expansion modules.
If you add an expansion module to the configuration, the expansion module appears at the right-
hand side of the controller or the previously added expansion module. Cartridges are added on the
controller in the cartridge slot.
When configuring a controller, a cartridge, or an expansion module, the configuration properties of
the node currently selected in the hardware tree are displayed below the graphical configuration.
These properties allow you to configure the device.
64 EIO0000001360 11/2014
How to Configure a Controller
This figure shows the configuration of a controller with an expansion module (the controller is
The catalog area is displayed on right-hand side in the Configuration window. It displays the
complete range of the logic controllers, expansion modules, and cartridges that can be configured
using SoMachine Basic. It also provides a short description of the selected device.
You can drag-and-drop the objects from the catalog area to the editor area. You can also replace
the existing controller by a different controller with simple drag-and-drop from the catalog.
EIO0000001360 11/2014 65
How to Configure a Controller
This figure shows the catalog of the logic controllers and the expansion modules:
66 EIO0000001360 11/2014
How to Configure a Controller
Controller Configuration
Controller configuration depends on the number and type of embedded input/outputs, I/O objects,
and communication ports.
Use the Configuration tab to configure the properties of your controller and the expansion
modules. Select a node in the hardware tree to configure the properties of the controller.
This table shows the available configurations of the M221 Logic Controller:
EIO0000001360 11/2014 67
How to Configure a Controller
You can update the executives of the controller using the executive loader wizard (OS loader).
Refer to Controller States and Behavior (see page 41) for information on the logic controller
operating states and status of the LEDs.
Step Action
1 Close all Windows applications, including virtual machines.
2 Click Start →Programs →Schneider Electric →SoMachine Basic →M221 Firmware Update
or run the ExecLoaderWizard.exe from SoMachine Basic installation folder\Execloader folder.
68 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Modicon M221
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
EIO0000001360 11/2014
Chapter 4
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
This chapter describes how to configure the embedded I/O objects of the M221 Logic Controller.
The number of embedded inputs and outputs depends on the controller reference. For more
information, refer to the tables for:
TM221C Logic Controller (see page 19)
TM221M Logic Controller (see page 23)
EIO0000001360 11/2014 69
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
Section 4.1
Digital Input Configuration
By default, all digital inputs are used as regular inputs. Some of the digital inputs are fast and can
be used by configuring the high speed counters (see page 78) while other inputs can be configured
as event sources.
Step Action
1 Click the Digital inputs node in the hardware tree to display the digital input properties.
This figure shows the properties of the digital inputs in the editor area:
70 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
EIO0000001360 11/2014 71
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
Run/Stop Yes True/ False False Allows you to configure 1 digital input as an additional Run/Stop
If you configure a digital input as Run/Stop switch, you cannot use
the input in any other function block (for example, high speed
counter function block, fast counter function block, and so on).
If you enable Run/Stop for an input, you cannot configure that
input for:
Event Yes Not Used Not Allows you to select an event that triggers the inputs
Falling Edge Used %I0.2...%I0.5.
Rising Edge By default, this option is disabled due to default value of Filtering.
Both edges Set the Filtering to No Filter to enable the Event option.
If you select an event from the drop-down list (other than Not
Used), the Priority parameter enables for editing to set the priority
of the event.
Priority Yes 0...7 7 Allows you to set the priority of the triggering event for the inputs
You can set the priority of each event using the Priority parameter
that is editable only for the inputs configured as event.
Assign each configured event a different priority: if 2 events have
same priority, a detected error message appears in the window.
Subroutine No any empty Displays the number of the subroutine associated with an input
configured as an event.
Comment Yes – – Allows you to specify a comment to associate with the digital input
Double-click in the Comment column, type the comment and
press Enter.
Additional configuration details are displayed in the Programming tab. For more information, refer
to Digital Inputs (%I) (see page 140).
72 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
Section 4.2
Digital Output Configuration
By default, all digital outputs are used as regular outputs. For controllers equipped with transistor
outputs, 2 outputs are fast transistor outputs and can be used by configuring the pulse generators
(see page 88).
Step Action
1 Click the Digital outputs node in the hardware tree to display the digital output properties.
This figure shows the properties of the digital outputs in the editor area:
EIO0000001360 11/2014 73
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
Additional configuration details are displayed in the Programming tab. For more information, refer
to Digital Outputs (%Q) (see page 141).
74 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
Section 4.3
Analog Input Configuration
The analog inputs do not have any configurable property in SoMachine Basic. By default, analog
inputs are used as regular inputs.
Step Action
1 Click the Analog inputs node in the hardware tree to display the analog input properties.
This figure shows the properties of the analog inputs in the editor area:
EIO0000001360 11/2014 75
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
Additional configuration details are displayed in the Programming tab. For more information, refer
to Analog Inputs (%IW) (see page 142).
76 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
Section 4.4
High Speed Counter Configuration
EIO0000001360 11/2014 77
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
You can configure high speed counters to perform any one of the following functions:
Dual Phase [A=Pulse, B=Direction] (or Up/down counter)
Dual Phase [Quadrature X2] (or Bi-phase counter)
Single Counter
Frequency Meter
The high speed counter supports counting of digital inputs up to frequencies of 60 kHz in single
word or double word computational mode.
The High Speed Counter function blocks use dedicated inputs and auxiliary inputs and outputs.
These inputs and outputs are not reserved for the exclusive use of High Speed Counter function
If the dedicated input/output is not used by an HSC instance, it is available for the application
as a regular digital input/output.
If the application does not use a HSC dedicated input/output as a regular digital input/output, it
is available for the corresponding HSC instance.
78 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
Step Description
1 Click the High Speed Counters node in the hardware tree.
Result: The High Speed Counters list is displayed:
2 Click ... in under Configuration to select the type of high speed counter to assign and to display the High
Speed Counter Assistant window.
For detailed information on the high speed counter, refer to the table below.
EIO0000001360 11/2014 79
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
This table describes each parameter of the high speed counters configuration:
For details on the configuration of the Dual Phase [A=Pulse, B=Direction], Dual Phase
[Quadrature X2], and Single Counter, refer to Configuring Dual Phase and Single Counters
(see page 81).
For details on the configuration of the Frequency Meter, refer to Configuring Frequency
Meter (see page 85).
80 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
Item Description
1 Displays the title of the assistant dialog window for the selected HSC instance %HSCi.
2 Displays the dedicated inputs, auxiliary inputs, and reflex outputs.
Properties in this area of the assistant window are different for each counter type and the HSC
instance. For more details, refer to Dedicated I/O Assignments (see page 78).
EIO0000001360 11/2014 81
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
Common Parameters
This table describes parameters common to the counter types: Dual Phase [A=Pulse,
B=Direction], Dual Phase [Quadrature X2], and Single Counter:
82 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
EIO0000001360 11/2014 83
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
84 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
EIO0000001360 11/2014 85
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
86 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
Section 4.5
Pulse Generator Configuration
EIO0000001360 11/2014 87
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
The pulse generator function blocks, Pulse (PLS), Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), and
Pulse Train Output (PTO) are used to generate square or modulated wave signals on
dedicated output channels %Q0.0 or %Q0.1.
The PWM outputs feature a modulated wave signal with a variable width and duty cycle, while the
PTO outputs generate a a square wave to control a linear single-axis stepper or servo drive in open
loop mode. The PLS also creates a square wave for a programmed number of pulses.
Step Action
1 Click the Pulse Generators node in the hardware tree to display the pulse generator properties.
This figure presents the properties of the pulse generators in the editor area:
2 Edit the properties and click [...] to configure the pulse generator output.
For detailed information on the pulse generator configuration parameters, refer to the table below.
88 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
PLS Configuration
Refer to Configuring Pulse (%PLS) (see page 90).
For more details on the Pulse function block, refer to the Modicon M221 Logic Controller
Advanced Functions Library Guide, chapter Pulse (%PLS).
PWM Configuration
Refer to Configuring Pulse Width Modulation (%PWM) (see page 92).
For more details on the Pulse Width Modulation function block, refer to the Modicon M221
Logic Controller Advanced Functions Library Guide, chapter Pulse Width Modulation (%PWM).
PTO Configuration
Refer to Configuring Pulse Train Output (%PTO) (see page 94)
For more details on the Pulse Train Output function block, refer to the Modicon M221 Logic
Controller Advanced Functions Library Guide, chapter Pulse Train Output (%PTO).
EIO0000001360 11/2014 89
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
90 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
The table describes each parameter available when the channel is configured in PLS mode:
EIO0000001360 11/2014 91
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
92 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
The table describes each parameter available when the channel is configured in PWM mode:
EIO0000001360 11/2014 93
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
94 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
The table describes each parameter available when the channel is configured in PTO mode:
EIO0000001360 11/2014 95
Embedded Input/Output Configuration
96 EIO0000001360 11/2014
Modicon M221
I/O Bus Configuration
EIO0000001360 11/2014
Chapter 5
I/O Bus Configuration
This chapter describes how to configure the I/O bus (expansion modules) of the M221 Logic
EIO0000001360 11/2014 97
I/O Bus Configuration
Update the configuration of your program each time you add or delete any type of I/O expansions,
or you add or delete any devices on your field bus.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment
98 EIO0000001360 11/2014
I/O Bus Configuration
The M221 Logic Controller is a control system that offers an all-in-one solution with optimized
configurations and an expandable architecture.
Application requirements determine the architecture of your M221 Logic Controller configuration.
The following figure represents the components of a local configuration:
EIO0000001360 11/2014 99
I/O Bus Configuration
NOTE: You cannot mount a TM2 module before any TM3 module as indicated in the following
Application requirements determine the architecture of your M221 Logic Controller configuration.
NOTE: You cannot use TM2 modules in configurations that include the TM3 transmitter and
receiver modules.
The following figure represents the components of a remote configuration:
NOTE: The configuration with its TM3 and TM2 expansion modules is validated by SoMachine
Basic software in the Configuration window.
NOTE: In some environments, the maximum configuration populated by high consummation
modules, coupled with the maximum distance allowable between the TM3 transmitter and receiver
modules, may present bus communication issues although the SoMachine Basic software allows
for the configuration. In such a case you will need to analyze the consummation of the modules
chosen for your configuration, as well as the minimum cable distance required by your application,
and possibly seek to optimize your choices.
NOTE: Expansion modules consume current from the 5 Vdc and 24 Vdc supplied to the I/O Bus.
Therefore, the current delivered by the logic controller to the I/O Bus defines the maximum number
of expansion modules that can be connected to the I/O Bus (validated by SoMachine Basic
software in the Configuration window).
In your project, you can add the following devices to the controller:
TMC2 Cartridges
TM3 Digital I/O Modules
TM3 Expert I/O Modules
TM2 Digital I/O Modules
TM2 Analog I/O Modules
TMC2 Cartridges
For more information about cartridge configuration, refer to the following programming and
hardware guides:
Chapter 6
Embedded Communication Configuration
This chapter describes how to configure the communication features of the M221 Logic Controller.
Section 6.1
Ethernet Configuration
Ethernet Configuration
You can configure the TCP/IP connection to the logic controller by configuring the Ethernet
network. The Ethernet establishes a local area network (LAN) between the logic controller and the
other devices. The Ethernet configuration provides you the ability to configure the IP address of
the network device.
NOTE: The controller-PC link uses the TCP/IP protocol. It is required for this protocol to be
installed on the PC.
You can obtain the Ethernet IP address by the following protocols:
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP)
You can also specify the Ethernet IP address by specifying the following addresses:
IP address
Subnet mask
Gateway address
Ethernet Configuration
This table describes how to configure the Ethernet:
Step Action
1 Click the ETH1 node in the hardware tree to display the Ethernet properties.
This figure shows the Ethernet properties in the editor area:
You can configure the Ethernet port to enable the embedded Modbus TCP server giving the logic
controller Modbus TCP abilities.
Step Action
1 Click the Modbus TCP node that appears below the ETH1 node in the hardware tree to display the
Ethernet/IP adapter properties.
This figure shows the properties of the Ethernet/IP adapter in the editor area:
Step Action
1 Enter the IP address in the Address field.
2 Enter the value for Unit ID and Connection timeout (100 ms).
3 Click the Add button.
Result: A list of remote servers that you have added, appears on the screen.
This figure shows the table listing the remote servers:
This table describes each column of the table listing the remote servers:
Section 6.2
Serial Line Configuration
The M221 Logic Controller references are equipped with at least 1 serial line. The controller
references without the Ethernet feature support 2 serial lines:
SL1 (serial line)
SL2 (serial line)
The SL1 port supports a modem connection (SL2 port does not support modem connection). The
modem enables remote access to the controller for the purposes of programming and monitoring.
NOTE: A local modem must be connected to the PC running the SoMachine Basic software and a
modem connection configured, as described in the SoMachine Basic Operating Guide.
Each serial line can be configured for any one of the following protocols:
Modbus RTU
Modbus ASCII
You can configure both physical and protocol settings for the serial line. Serial lines are configured
for the Modbus RTU protocol by default.
Step Action
1 Click the SL1 (Serial line) or SL2 (Serial line) node in the hardware tree to display the serial line properties.
This illustration shows the properties of the SL1 port for Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII protocols:
1 The parameters Modem and Init command are not available on the SL2 port.
This figure shows the properties of the serial line for ASCII protocol:
Step Action
2 Edit the properties to configure the serial line.
For detailed information on the serial line configuration parameters, refer to the table below.
Chapter 7
SD Card
SD Card
The Modicon M221 Logic Controller allows file transfers with an SD card.
This chapter describes how to manage Modicon M221 Logic Controller files with an SD card.
The Modicon M221 Logic Controller allows the following types of file management with an SD card:
Clone management (see page 124): back up or restore a complete controller (using an empty
SD card)
Firmware management (see page 126): put and get firmware on a controller
User application management (see page 127): put and get the user application on a controller
Post configuration management (see page 129) put, change, or remove post configuration
information on a controller
Error log management (see page 131): get or delete an error log file from a controller
Logic controller logic solving and services execution continues during file transfers.
The Modicon M221 Logic Controller accepts only SD cards formatted in FAT or FAT32.
SD card operations are performed regardless of any user access-rights that may be enabled in
the target logic controller.
With the use of the SD card, powerful operations can be automatically conducted affecting the
behavior of your logic controller and resident application. Care must be taken when inserting an
SD card into the controller; you must be aware of the affect that the contents of the SD card will
have on your logic controller.
You must have operational knowledge of your machine or process before connecting an SD
card to your logic controller.
Ensure that guards are in place so that any potential affect of the contents of the SD card will
not cause injury to personnel or damage to equipment.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment
If there is a power outage or communication interruption during the transfer of the application
program or a firmware change, your device may become inoperative. If a communication
interruption or a power outage occurs, reattempt the transfer.
Do not interrupt the transfer of the application program or a firmware change once the transfer
has begun.
Do not place the device into service until the transfer has completed successfully.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.
This table lists the file locations and types of file that can be managed by cloning or script
Delete commands:
Delete “/usr/app/*”
Delete “/sys/log/PlcLog.csv”
Reboot command:
Script Log
A script.log file is automatically created in the SD card root directory after script operations.
The status of the script operations can be verified reading this file.
Clone Management
Cloning allows you to automatically back up the application, firmware, and post configuration (if it
exists) of the Modicon M221 Logic Controller to the SD card.
The SD card can then be used to later restore the firmware, application, and post configuration (if
it exists) to the logic controller, or copy them to another logic controller with the same reference.
Before cloning a controller, the M221 Logic Controller checks if the application is not copy-
protected (Password Protecting an Application).
The SD card must be empty and correctly formatted to perform this procedure.
The detected error log and data memory are not cloned.
If the application is password-protected, the clone operation is blocked (the SD led is blinking).
Step Action
1 Format an SD card on the PC.
2 Insert the SD card in the controller.
Result: The clone operation starts automatically. During the clone operation, the following LEDs
are ON: PWR, and SD.
3 Wait until the clone operation is completed (the SD LED turns OFF).
NOTE: The clone operation lasts 2 or 3 minutes. The clone operation has a low priority in order to
minimize impact on the user logic and communication performance of the logic controller.
Depending on the amount of free time in your program, the operation may take considerably longer
to complete if the logic controller is in RUN or STOP mode than if it is in BOOTING mode.
4 Remove the SD card from the controller.
Step Action
1 Remove power from the controller.
2 Insert the SD card into the controller.
3 Restore power to the controller.
Result: The clone operation is in progress.
NOTE: The SD LED is turned on during the operation.
Step Action
4 Wait until the end of the download (the SD LED is turned off).
In case of a detected error, the SD LED is flashing, and the ERR LED begins flashing.
5 Remove the SD card to restart the controller.
NOTE: Downloading a cloned application to the controller first removes the existing application
from controller memory, regardless of any user access-rights that may be enabled in the target
Firmware Management
You can use an SD card to download firmware updates directly to the logic controller.
Refer to Controller States and Behavior (see page 41) for information on the logic controller
operating states and status of the LEDs.
Step Action
1 Stop the logic controller and unplug the USB programming cable if connected.
2 Insert an empty SD card into the PC that is running SoMachine Basic.
3 Create a file called script.cmd in the SD card root directory.
4 Edit the file and insert the following commands:
Download "/sys/os"
5 Create the folder path \sys\os in the SD card root directory and copy the firmware file in the
os folder:
NOTE: A firmware file example and the script are available in the directory Firmwares &
PostConfiguration\M221\ of the SoMachine Basic installation directory.
The default firmware file name for the M221 Logic Controller is M221.mfw.
6 Remove the SD card from the PC and insert it into the SD card slot of the logic controller.
7 Start the logic controller.
Result: Copying of the firmware file begins. During the operation, the SD system LED on the
logic controller is on.
NOTE: Do not stop the logic controller while the operation is in progress.
8 When the SD system LED is turned off, remove the SD card.
9 Reconnect the USB programming cable to the logic controller and login to the logic controller
with the SoMachine Basic software.
10 The status of the controller firmware update can be verified reading the script.log file
created automatically in the SD card root directory.
Application Management
You can use an SD card to back up and restore your controller application, or copy it to another
controller with the same reference.
Backing Up an Application
This table describes how to back up the controller application on the SD card:
Step Action
1 Create a script.cmd file with a text editor on your PC.
2 Edit the file and insert the following line:
Upload "/usr/app"
3 Copy the script file to the root folder of the SD card.
4 Insert the prepared SD card in the controller.
Result: Copying of the application file begins. During the operation, the SD system LED on the
logic controller is on. Do not stop the logic controller while the operation is in progress.
NOTE: The application backup process has a low priority in order to minimize impact on the user
logic and communication performance of the logic controller. Depending on the amount of free
time in your program, the operation may take considerably longer to complete if the logic
controller is in RUN or STOP mode than if it is in BOOTING mode.
5 When the SD system LED is turned off, remove the SD card.
Result: The application file (*.smbk) is saved on the SD card.
6 The status of the application backup can be verified reading the script.log file created on the
SD card root directory.
Step Action
1 Edit the script.cmd file in the root folder of the SD card with a text editor.
2 Replace the content of the script by the following lines:
Delete "/usr/app"
Download "/usr/app"
3 Remove power from the controller.
4 Insert the prepared SD card in the controller.
Step Action
5 Restore power to the controller.
Result: Copying of the application file begins. During the operation, the SD system LED on the
logic controller is on. Do not stop the logic controller while the operation is in progress.
NOTE: Before the execution of the Download command, the integrity of the *.smbk file is
checked, in case of detected error the download is canceled.
6 When the SD system LED is turned off, remove the SD card to restart the controller.
7 The status of the application transfer can be verified reading the script.log file created on
the SD card root directory.
You can use an SD card to add, change, or delete the post configuration file of your controller.
Step Action
1 Insert an empty SD card into the PC that is running SoMachine Basic.
2 Copy the post configuration file (Machine.cfg) to the folder \usr\cfg and the script file to
the root folder of the SD card:
NOTE: A post configuration file example and the associated script are available in the directory
Firmwares & PostConfiguration\PostConfiguration\add_change\ of the
SoMachine Basic installation directory.
3 If necessary, edit the Machine.cfg file to configure your post configuration parameters.
4 Insert the prepared SD card in the controller.
Result: Downloading of the post configuration file begins. During the operation, the SD system
LED on the logic controller is on. Do not stop the logic controller while the operation is in
NOTE: Before the download the file format is checked, as well as if all of the channels,
parameters, and values configured are valid; in case of detected error the download is aborted.
5 When the SD system LED is turned off, remove the SD card.
6 Restart the controller to apply the new post configuration file.
7 The status of the operation can be verified reading the script.log file created on the SD card
root directory.
Step Action
1 Insert an empty SD card into the PC that is running SoMachine Basic.
2 Copy the script file available in the directory Firmwares &
PostConfiguration\PostConfiguration\remove\ of the SoMachine Basic installation
directory to the root directory of the SD card.
3 Insert the prepared SD card in the controller.
Result: The post configuration file is removed. During the operation, the SD system LED on the
logic controller is on. Do not stop the logic controller while the operation is in progress.
4 When the SD system LED is turned off, remove the SD card.
5 Restart the controller to apply the application parameters.
6 The status of the operation can be verified reading the script.log file created automatically
in the SD card root directory.
You can use the SD card to back up or delete the error log file of the logic controller.
Step Action
1 Create a script.cmd file with a text editor on your PC.
2 Edit the file and insert the following line:
Upload ”/sys/log”
3 Copy the script file to the root folder of the SD card.
4 Insert the prepared SD card in the logic controller.
Result: Transfer of the error log file begins. During the operation, the SD system LED on the
logic controller is on. Do not stop the logic controller while the operation is in progress.
NOTE: The backup process has a low priority in order to minimize impact on the user logic and
communication performance of the logic controller. Depending on the amount of free time in your
program, the operation may take considerably longer to complete if the logic controller is in RUN
or STOP mode than if it is in BOOTING mode.
5 When the SD system LED is turned off, remove the SD card.
Result: The error log file (PlcLog.csv) is saved on the SD card.
6 The status of the operation can be verified reading the script.log file created automatically
in the SD card root directory.
Step Action
1 Create a script.cmd file with a text editor on your PC.
2 Edit the file and insert the following line:
Delete ”/sys/log”
3 Copy the script file to the root folder of the SD card.
4 Insert the prepared SD card in the logic controller.
Result: Deleting of the error log file begins. During the operation, the SD system LED on the
logic controller is on. Do not stop the logic controller while the operation is in progress.
5 When the SD system LED is turned off, remove the SD card.
Result: The error log file (PlcLog.csv) is deleted from the logic controller.
6 The status of the operation can be verified reading the script.log file created automatically
in the SD card root directory.
After an upload through the SD card, the code is represented as in the example below:
02/06/14, 12:04:01, 0x01110001
This table describes the meaning of the hexadecimal error representation:
Part III
Programming the M221 Logic Controller
This part provides information about the system and I/O objects specific to the M221 Logic
Controller. These objects are displayed in the Programming tab.
For descriptions of all other objects, refer to SoMachine Basic Generic Functions Library Guide.
Chapter 8
How to Use the Source Code Examples
Except where explicitly mentioned, the source code examples contained in this book are valid for
both the Ladder Diagram and Instruction List programming languages. A complete example may
require more than one rung.
Reversibility Procedure
Only Instruction List source code is shown in this book.
To obtain the equivalent Ladder Diagram source code:
Step Action
1 In SoMachine Basic, create a new POU containing an empty rung.
2 In this rung, click the LD > IL button to display Instruction List source code.
3 Select and copy (Ctrl+C) the source code for the first rung of the sample program.
4 Right-click on the line number 0000 of the first instruction and choose Paste Instructions to paste
the source code into the rung:
NOTE: Remember to delete the LD instruction from the last line of the rung if you have pasted the
instructions by inserting the line(s) before the default LD operator.
5 Click the IL > LD button to display the Ladder Diagram source code.
Step Action
Repeat the previous steps for any additional rungs in the sample program. Click on the
toolbar to add new rungs.
Instruction List program:
Chapter 9
I/O Objects
I/O Objects
Digital input bit objects are the image of digital inputs on the logic controller.
Step Action
1 Select the Tools tab in the left-hand area of the Programming window.
2 Click I/O objects →Digital inputs.
Result: Digital input properties appear on the screen.
Digital output bit objects are the image of digital outputs on the logic controller.
Step Action
1 Select the Tools tab in the left-hand area of the Programming window.
2 Click I/O objects →Digital outputs.
Result: Digital output properties appear on the screen.
Analog input word objects are the digital values of an analog signal connected to the logic
Two 0-10V analog inputs are embedded in the logic controller. The embedded analog inputs use
a 10 bits resolution converter so that each increment is approximately 10 mV (10V/210-1). Once
the system detects the value 1023, the channel is considered to be saturated.
Refer to M221 Hardware Guide and TMC2 Cartridges Hardware Guide used in the configuration
for more details.
Step Action
1 Select the Tools tab in the left-hand area of the Programming window.
2 Click I/O objects →Analog inputs.
Result: Analog input properties appear on the screen.
Analog output word objects are the digital values of the analog signals recieved from the logic
controller using cartridges.
Two 0-10 V analog outputs and two 4-20 mA analog outputs are embedded in the cartridges
TMC2AQ2C and TMC2AQ2V respectively.
Refer to TMC2 Cartridges Hardware Guide used in the configuration for more details.
Step Action
1 Select the Tools tab in the left-hand area of the Programming window.
2 Click I/O objects →Analog outputs.
Result: Analog output properties appear on the screen.
Chapter 10
Function Blocks
Function Blocks
The M221 logic controller provides:
Four fast inputs (%I0.0, %I0.1, %I0.6 and %I0.7)
Two fast outputs on controller references that contain transistor outputs (%Q0.0 and %Q0.1)
NOTE: No fast outputs functions are supported on controller references that contain relay outputs.
The M221 logic controller supports the following expert I/O functions (depending on the reference):
Functions Description
Counters Fast Counter The FC function can execute fast counts of pulses from
(Advanced input sensors, switches, and so on.
High Speed Counter The HSC function can execute fast counts of pulses from
sensors, switches, and so on, that are connected to the fast
Pulse Pulse The PLS function generates a square wave pulse signal on
Generators dedicated output channels.
Advanced output
Pulse Width Modulation The PWM function generates a modulated wave signal on
functions) dedicated output channels with a variable duty cycle.
Pulse Train Output The PTO function generates a pulse train output to control a
linear single-axis stepper or servo drive in open loop mode.
These functions and their function blocks are described in the Modicon M221 Logic Controller
Advanced Functions Library Guide.
When an input is used as Run/Stop, it cannot be used by an expert function.
When an output is used as Alarm, it cannot be used by an expert function.
Chapter 11
System Objects
System Objects
This section provides information about the function of system bits.
Step Action
1 Select the Tools tab in the left-hand area of the Programming window.
2 Click System objects →System Bits.
Result: System bit properties appear on the screen.
%S10 I/O Normally set to 1 (TRUE on control panel). This bit can be set to 0 1 S
communication (FALSE on control panel) by the system when an I/O communication
status interruption is detected. When %S10=0, the ERR LED flashes.
%S11 Watchdog Normally set to 0. This bit can be set to 1 by the system when the 0 S
overflow program execution time (scan time) exceeds the maximum scan time
(software watchdog).
Watchdog overflow causes the controller state to change to HALT.
%S12 PLC in RUN This bit reflects the running state of the controller. 0 S, SIM
mode The system sets the bit to:
1 when the controller is running,
0 for stop, init, or any other state.
%S13 First cycle in Normally set to 0. Set to 1 by the system during the first scan after the 0 S, SIM
RUN controller state has been changed to RUN.
%S14 I/O force Normally set to 0. Set to 1 by the system if at least one input or output 0 S, SIM
activated is being forced.
S Controlled by the system
U Controlled by the user
U → S Set to 1 by the user, reset to 0 by the system
S → U Set to 1 by the system, reset to 0 by the user
SIM Applied in the Simulator
This bit can be set to 0 by the user program and the system (on cold
%S49 Output Normally set to 0, this bit can be set to 1 or 0 by the program. 0 U→S
rearming Set to 0, the automatic re-arming of outputs following a short circuit
is disabled.
Set to 1, the automatic re-arming of outputs following a short circuit
is enabled.
NOTE: The bit is reset to 0 on a cold start; otherwise, the bit value is
The system bit %S10 can be used to detect within your program that
an output error has occurred. You can then use the system word
%SW139 to determine programmatically in which cluster of outputs a
short circuit or overload has occurred.
NOTE: %S10 and %SW139 are reset to their initial state when %S49 is
set to 1.
%S50 Updating the Normally set to 0, this bit can be set to 1 or 0 by the program. 0 U→S
date and time Set to 0, the date and time can be read.
using words Set to 1, the date and time can be updated.
%SW49 to The internal RTC controller is updated on a falling edge of %S50.
S Controlled by the system
U Controlled by the user
U → S Set to 1 by the user, reset to 0 by the system
S → U Set to 1 by the system, reset to 0 by the user
SIM Applied in the Simulator
When this bit is set to 1, the time of day clock data is not valid. The
date and time may never have been configured, the battery may be
low, or the controller correction constant may be invalid (never
configured, difference between the corrected clock value and the
saved value, or value out of range).
State 1 transitioning to state 0 forces a Write of the correction
constant to the RTC.
%S52 RTC = detected This bit managed by the system indicates that the RTC correction has 0 S, SIM
error not been entered, and the date and time are false.
Set to 0, the date and time are consistent,
At state 1, the date and time must be initialized.
%S59 Updating the Normally set to 0, this bit can be set to 1 or 0 by the program. 0 U
date and time Set to 0, the system word %SW59 is not managed,
using word Set to 1, the date and time are incremented or decremented
%SW59 according to the rising edges on the control bits set in %SW59.
%S75 Battery status This system bit is set by the system and can be read by the user. It 0 S
indicates the battery status:
Set to 0, the external battery is operating normally.
Set to 1, external battery power is low, or no external battery is
%S92 %MW variables Set to 1 if there is valid data saved on flash. – S
saved on flash Set to 0 if the data block is invalid or the write operation is in progress.
%S93 Backup %MW User set this bit to 1 to store the %MW variable in the flash (up to 1000). – U
in flash The logic controller must be in STOPPED state to perform this
%S94 Restore %MW User set this bit to 1 to restore the saved data. – U
%S96 Backup This bit can be read at any time (either by the program or while 0 S, SIM
program OK adjusting), in particular after a cold start or a warm restart.
Set to 0, the backup program is invalid.
Set to 1, the backup program is valid.
This section provides information about the function of system words.
Step Action
1 Select the Tools tab in the left-hand area of the Programming window.
2 Click System objects →System Words.
Result: System word properties appear on the screen.
The %SW1 value can be modified in the program at each end of a cycle, in
the program or in an animation table without having to stop the program.
Cycle times can be correctly observed while the program is running.
%SW6 Controller status Controller status: S, SIM
%MW60012 0 = NO CONFIG
2 = STOP
3 = RUN
4 = HALT
(1) If a single expansion module is missing at power-on, then all expansion module bits are set to 1 (error detected).
S Controlled by the system
U Controlled by the user
SIM Applied in the simulator
%SW11 Software Contains the maximum value of the watchdog. The value (10...500 ms) is U, SIM
watchdog value defined by the configuration.
%SW13 BOOT version For example, if %SW13=0010: U, SIM
Vxx.yy 8 MSB=00 in hexadecimal, then xx=0 in decimal
8 LSB=10 in hexadecimal, then yy=16 in decimal
%SW17 Default status for When an error is detected in a floating arithmetic operation, bit %S18 is set S and U,
floating to 1 and the default status of %SW17 is updated according to the following SIM
operation coding:
Bit[0]: Invalid operation, result is not a number (1.#NAN or -1.#NAN),
Bit[1]: Reserved,
Bit[2]: Divided by 0, result is infinite (-1.#INF or 1.#INF),
Bit[3]: Result greater in absolute value than +3.402824e+38, result is
infinite (-1.#INF or 1.#INF).
%SW18- 100 ms absolute The counter works using 2 words: S and U,
%SW19 timer counter %SW18 represents the least significant word, SIM
%SW19 represents the most significant word.
%SW30 Last scan time Indicates the execution time of the last controller scan cycle (in ms). S
(master task)
NOTE: This time corresponds to the time elapsed between the start
(acquisition of inputs) and the end (update of outputs) of a master task scan
cycle. If the scan time is 2.250 ms, the %SW30 will be 2 and the %SW70 will
be 250.
(1) If a single expansion module is missing at power-on, then all expansion module bits are set to 1 (error detected).
S Controlled by the system
U Controlled by the user
SIM Applied in the simulator
%SW98 Post The bits are set to 1 when the post configuration was applied for the S
configuration parameter:
status (Serial Bit[0]: Hardware option (RS485 or RS232)
Line 1) Bit[1]: Baudrate
Bit[2]: Parity
Bit[3]: Data size
Bit[4]: Number of stop bits
Bit[5]: Modbus address
Bit[6]: Polarization (if available in the port)
%SW99 Post The bits are set to 1 when the post configuration was applied for the S
configuration parameter:
status (Serial Bit[0]: Hardware option (RS485)
Line 2) Bit[1]: Baudrate
Bit[2]: Parity
Bit[3]: Data size
Bit[4]: Number of stop bits
Bit[5]: Modbus address
Bit[6]: Polarization (if available in the port)
(1) If a single expansion module is missing at power-on, then all expansion module bits are set to 1 (error detected).
S Controlled by the system
U Controlled by the user
SIM Applied in the simulator
NOTE: The post configuration has priority over the configuration provided
by your application. The configuration of your application is not taken into
account if the M221 Logic Controller has a post configuration.
%SW101 Value of the When bit %S101 is set to 1, you can change the Modbus address of port 1 S
%SW102 Modbus address or port 2. The address of port 1 is %SW101, and that of port 2 is %SW102.
port NOTE: After a cold start (%S0=1) or a warm start (%s1=1) all dynamic values
are lost and the initial port address values are restored.
(1) If a single expansion module is missing at power-on, then all expansion module bits are set to 1 (error detected).
S Controlled by the system
U Controlled by the user
SIM Applied in the simulator
Baud rate:
000: 1200 baud,
001: 2400 baud,
010: 4800 baud,
011: 9600 baud,
100: 19200 baud,
101: 38400 baud,
110: 57600 baud,
111: 115200 baud.
0: disabled,
1: enabled.
00: none,
10: odd,
11: even.
Stop bit:
0: 1 stop bit,
1: 2 stop bits.
Data bits:
0: 7 data bits,
1: 8 data bits.
%SW105 Configuration for When bit %S103 (Comm 1) or %S104 (Comm 2) is set to 1, the ASCII S, U
%SW106 use of the ASCII protocol is used. System word %SW105 (Comm 1) or %SW106 (Comm 2)
protocol must be set according to the elements below:
(1) If a single expansion module is missing at power-on, then all expansion module bits are set to 1 (error detected).
S Controlled by the system
U Controlled by the user
SIM Applied in the simulator
%SW114 Enable schedule Enables or disables operation of schedule blocks by the user program. S and U,
blocks Bit 0: 1 = enables schedule block number 0 SIM
Bit 15: 1 = enables schedule block number 15
Initially all schedule blocks are enabled.
If schedule blocks are configured the default value is FFFF
If no schedule blocks are configured, the default value is 0.
%SW118 Logic controller Indicates conditions on logic controller. S, SIM
status word All the other bits of this word are set to 1 and are reserved. For a controller
which operates properly, the value of this word is FFFFh.
Bit 9: 0 = External error detected or communication interrupted.
Bit 13: 0 = Configuration error detected (I/O expansion configured but
absent or inoperative). In this case, the bus is not started (the bus will be
locked until the bit 13 of %SW118 is equal to zero).
Bit 14: 0 = I/O expansion bus error detected in runtime (last exchange with
at least one TM2/TM3 in error).
Bit 15: 0 = Cartridge error detected (configuration or runtime operation).
%SW120 Expansion I/O One bit per module. S, SIM
module status (1) Address 0 = bit 0
1 = error detected
0 = OK
NOTE: If the value of %SW120 is not 0 just after the controller start, the bus
TM2/TM3 will not start. If the value of %SW120 changes will running, it
indicates an error detected on an expansion I/O module.
%SW121 Configuration for When bit %S103 (Comm 1) or %S104 (Comm 2) is set to 1, the ASCII U
%SW122 use of ASCII protocol is used. You can change the ASCII frame size of port 1 or port 2.
protocol The ASCII frame size of port 1 is %SW121, and that of port 2 is %SW122.
The value is used only on EXCH instruction start. Then, if some bytes are
already received, you cannot stop the reception until the last byte.
(1) If a single expansion module is missing at power-on, then all expansion module bits are set to 1 (error detected).
S Controlled by the system
U Controlled by the user
SIM Applied in the simulator
%SW130 Event execution Indicates the last execution time in µs of the event task associated with the S
time input %I0.2.
%SW131 Event execution Indicates the last execution time in µs of the event task associated with the S
time input %I0.3.
%SW132 Event execution Indicates the last execution time in µs of the event task associated with the S
time input %I0.4.
%SW133 Event execution Indicates the last execution time in µs of the event task associated with the S
time input %I0.5.
(1) If a single expansion module is missing at power-on, then all expansion module bits are set to 1 (error detected).
S Controlled by the system
U Controlled by the user
SIM Applied in the simulator
%SW183 Remote Graphic Indicates the last error detected on the Remote Graphic Display: S
Display last error 0: No error detected
detected 1: Display application transfer unsuccessful
2: Incompatible version of the display
(1) If a single expansion module is missing at power-on, then all expansion module bits are set to 1 (error detected).
S Controlled by the system
U Controlled by the user
SIM Applied in the simulator
Reference Code ID
TM221M16R• 0x0780
TM221ME16R• 0x0781
TM221M16T• 0x0782
TM221ME16T• 0x0783
TM221M32TK 0x0784
TM221ME32TK 0x0785
TM221C16R 0x0786
TM221CE16R 0x0787
TM221C16T 0x0788
TM221CE16T 0x0789
TM221C24R 0x078A
TM221CE24R 0x078B
TM221C24T 0x078C
TM221CE24T 0x078D
TM221C40R 0x078E
TM221CE40R 0x078F
TM221C40T 0x0790
TM221CE40T 0x0791
analog input
Converts received voltage or current levels into numerical values. You can store and process these
values within the logic controller.
analog output
Converts numerical values within the logic controller and sends out proportional voltage or current
A program including configuration data, symbols, and documentation.
(bootstrap protocol) A UDP network protocol that can be used by a network client to automatically
obtain an IP address (and possibly other data) from a server. The client identifies itself to the server
using the client MAC address. The server, which maintains a pre-configured table of client device
MAC addresses and associated IP addresses, sends the client its pre-configured IP address.
BOOTP was originally used as a method that enabled diskless hosts to be remotely booted over a
network. The BOOTP process assigns an infinite lease of an IP address. The BOOTP service
utilizes UDP ports 67 and 68.
The arrangement and interconnection of hardware components within a system and the hardware
and software parameters that determine the operating characteristics of the system.
Automates industrial processes (also known as programmable logic controller or programmable
(dynamic host configuration protocol) An advanced extension of BOOTP. DHCP is more
advanced, but both DHCP and BOOTP are common. (DHCP can handle BOOTP client requests.)
digital I/O
(digital input/output) An individual circuit connection at the electronic module that corresponds
directly to a data table bit. The data table bit holds the value of the signal at the I/O circuit. It gives
the control logic digital access to I/O values.
expansion bus
An electronic communication bus between expansion I/O modules and a controller.
The functioning of a sequential operation in a structured and graphic form.
This is an analytical method that divides any sequential control system into a series of steps, with
which actions, transitions, and conditions are associated.
IEC 61131-3
Part 3 of a 3-part IEC standard for industrial automation equipment. IEC 61131-3 is concerned with
controller programming languages and defines 2 graphical and 2 textual programming language
standards. The graphical programming languages are ladder diagram and function block diagram.
The textual programming languages include structured text and instruction list.
(instruction list) A program written in the language that is composed of a series of text-based
instructions executed sequentially by the controller. Each instruction includes a line number, an
instruction code, and an operand (refer to IEC 61131-3).
instruction list language
A program written in the instruction list language that is composed of a series of text-based
instructions executed sequentially by the controller. Each instruction includes a line number, an
instruction code, and an operand (see IEC 61131-3).
ladder diagram language
A graphical representation of the instructions of a controller program with symbols for contacts,
coils, and blocks in a series of rungs executed sequentially by a controller (see IEC 61131-3).
(local area network) A short-distance communications network that is implemented in a home,
office, or institutional environment.
(ladder diagram) A graphical representation of the instructions of a controller program with symbols
for contacts, coils, and blocks in a series of rungs executed sequentially by a controller (refer to
IEC 61131-3).
(least significant bit/byte) The part of a number, address, or field that is written as the right-most
single value in conventional hexadecimal or binary notation.
A processor task that is run through its programming software. The MAST task has 2 sections:
IN: Inputs are copied to the IN section before execution of the MAST task.
OUT: Outputs are copied to the OUT section after execution of the MAST task.
The protocol that allows communications between many devices connected to the same network.
(most significant bit/byte The part of a number, address, or field that is written as the left-most
single value in conventional hexadecimal or binary notation.
periodic execution
The task is executed either cyclically or periodically. In periodic mode, you determine a specific
time (period) in which the task is executed. If it is executed under this time, a waiting time is
generated before the next cycle. If it is executed over this time, a control system indicates the
overrun. If the overrun is too high, the controller is stopped.
(proportional, integral, derivative) A generic control loop feedback mechanism (controller) widely
used in industrial control systems.
post configuration
(post configuration) An option that allows to modify some parameters of the application without
changing the application. Post configuration parameters are defined in a file that is stored in the
controller. They are overloading the configuration parameters of the application.
The component of an application that consists of compiled source code capable of being installed
in the memory of a logic controller.
A convention or standard definition that controls or enables the connection, communication, and
data transfer between 2 computing system and devices.
(real-time clock) A battery-backed time-of-day and calender clock that operates continuously, even
when the controller is not powered for the life of the battery.
(transmission control protocol) A connection-based transport layer protocol that provides a
simultaneous bi-directional transmission of data. TCP is part of the TCP/IP protocol suite.
Symbols B
%C, 32 Boot controller, 47
%DR, 32
%FC, 32
%HSC, 32 C
%I, 32, 140 cartridges
%IW, 32, 142 configuration, 103
%KD, 32 TMC2, 103
%KF, 32 Cold Start, 48
%KW, 32 configuration
%M, 32 building a configuration, 62
%MD, 32 configuration introduction, 62
%MF, 32 Frequency Meter, 85
%MSG, 32 HSC, 81
%MW, 32 controller
%PLS, 32 configuration, 61, 67
%PWM, 32 configuration features, 27
%Q, 32, 141 controller state, 42, 43
%QW, 32, 144 BOOTING, 44
%R, 32 EMPTY, 44
%S, 32 HALTED, 45
%S (system bits), 148 POWERLESS, 46
%SBR, 32 RUNNING, 45
%SC, 32 STOPPED, 44
%SW, 32
%SW (system words, 155
%SW6, 46 D
%TM, 32 digital inputs, 70
configuration, 70
introduction, 70
A properties, 140
advanced expert functions, 145 digital outputs, 73
analog inputs, 75 configuration, 73
configuration, 75 configuration parameters, 73
introduction, 75 configuring fallback values for, 73
properties, 142 introduction, 73
analog outputs properties, 141
properties, 144 downloading applications, 46
application download, 47
E I/O objects
analog inputs, 142
embedded communication
Analog Outputs, 144
configuration, 105
digital inputs, 140
embedded input/output
digital outputs, 141
configuration, 69
Initialization Values, 51
ethernet, 107
Initialize controller, 47
configuration, 107
introduction, 107
executive loader, 68 M
expansion modules
modbus TCP
configuration, 103
configuration, 110, 110
TM2, 103
introduction, 110
TM3, 103
remote servers, 111
values, configuring, 73
addressing, 32
Fallback Values, 51
addressing examples, 32
definition of, 29
key features, 18, 22
maximum number allowed, 34
firmware, 68, 126
object types, 30
updating with executive loader, 68
object types introduction, 30
updating with SD card, 126
output behavior, 51
firmware updates, 46
Output Behavior, 51, 51, 52
Frequency Meter
Output Forcing, 52
configuration, 85
persistent variables, 50
HALTED state, 48
Post Conf
high speed counters, 78
Presentation, 55
configuration, 79
post configuration
introduction, 78
file management, 56
Post Configuration
configuration, 81
Presentation, 55
programming languages
I IL, LD, 22
IL, LD, Grafcet, 18
I/O assignment, 78
I/O bus
configuration, 97
I/O configuration general information
general practices, 98
pulse generators, 88
configuration, 88
introduction, 88
PLS configuration, 90
PTO configuration, 94
PWM configuration, 92
RUN Controller, 47
Run/Stop, 72
configuring digital input as, 72
SD card, 126
application management, 127
cloning, 124
post configuration management, 129
updating firmware, 126
serial line, 112
configuration, 113
introduction, 112
STOP Controller, 48
supported devices, 103
system bits (%S), 148
system words (%SW), 155
updating firmware, 68, 126
uploading applications, 46
Warm start, 49