The Astrological e Magazine Octob 2014

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‘a ia) “= ASTROLOGICAL .... MAGAZINE Chief Editor: Bangalore Niranjan Babu % 50.00 October 2014 aT A LT CATA Ch Hindu Astrology Bieta Aten V0 43 UES BU SCO Sule Boo tP Leth Benedictory Message from our Kulaguru Dakshinamnaya Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri This human birth of ours has been acquired by expending a lot of merit (Punyam). The human body is compared toa boat that has been bought by the money called Punyam. This boat of the human body is to be used to cross the ocean of Samsara before it develops. cracks andsinksi.e, before the human body dies: ea grat ate ere are gemteiis ar area ret 11 If one has done only Papam, he would not get birth as a human. If only Punyam has been done in the past, one will be bornasa Deva. The Shastras say that those who have done both Punyam and Papam are born with a human body: pw fact Riedatea ag Sere oor AAV MAST: 11 Life in this human body acquires importance, because it is only as a human, that one can adhere to Dharma. It is man who is blessed with buddhi or intellect. Suddh is ~ ITHPTAEATA — the ability to diferentiate between what is appropriate for oneself and what is not. We have been blessed with a body which has the inherent ability to differentiate between right and wrong and determine the path that leads to one’s welfare. If we merely use the body for material pursuits, itis a huge blunder, Hence in order to make life meaningful, one has to adhere to Dharma. It is only by adherence to Dharma that one becomes a great person; not by acquisition of wealth, power, a strong physique, or a mass of followers. Seek something only if it is indeed going to help you in adhering to Dharma. Sri Adi Shankaracharya states — 2 fe worfeeet an saci, maT ira, mH Ace FETT — a person who adheres to Dharmaas aid downin the Shastrasis called a Mahatma. Bhagavan Himself states inthe Gita that when one performs His Svadharma, he attains the highest good— = ava: Hate TTT: May everyone adhere to Dharma and make this human birth purposeful vow astologialmagazne com Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi 5 MY TURN — Hindu Astrology, The Eye of Knowledge eos Vastu Tips Remove Destructive Energy from your Home and Office 7 Santana Tithi Planets, Pregnancy and Remedies 14 Predictive 2 1 Astrology — Astrology — & Appendicitis 23 Chief Editor visits 27 Navaratri « United States of America Planets & Inferiority Complex PANCHANGA 29 for October 2014 m= = The Planetary Garland A THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE (OCTOBER 2014 1 sv aetologiaimagazine com KSTROLOGICAL caesar qatar wife: 1 MAGAZINE at amr aremerer Tia dent fae (het Edo Naan Baby Bogaore ‘ieasholopeainagarine cm Those who know Astrology can only indicate hief Editor and Publisher in a way what will take place in future. Bangalore Niranjan Babu Who else, except the Creator Brahma, con @zsrmlopialnegnrioe om can say with certainty what will definitely happen ? The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. ll rights reserved. No part of the m azine may be reproduced in any form or by any means ‘without the prior writen permission of the puters Contents Aricies suited for publication in TRE yan ‘Aatologcal Magarne rms be cried n Syothisha Chinta Niant 5 ‘writing bythe author that they have not been published earlier in any form whatsoever Unsolicited manuscripts will aor berotumned, J D&# 1 Raw Views expressed in the articles are not J MY TURN - Hindu Astrology. The Eye of Knowledge 5 necessarily those of the Faitor. The Editor crves the right Wo eject revise or rewrite J Bsscwone New Base any artisle/materil without assigning any ‘son whatsoever und no corespondence ill be entertained inthis regard Jansere Sexucern Santana Titht - Remedies for Childiessne: ’ stu Tips - Remove Destructive Energy from your Home and Office 7 AI published articles will become automatically copyrighted 1 The Rcloriel eXtasaee dates olberwice [| Words of Wisdom - Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachehidananda Swamiji 12 a Bhugarbha Vinyasa 15 ‘The publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services averised by oer J DR Neos Res Sure MALT, Pu. than The Astological cMagazine. No free] Predictive Astrology - Its Lures and Limitations “4 insertion of any advertisement alleging typographical or other mistakes will be J 4 Coteesnonnexe aiven, Astrology & Appendicitis a Publisher Chief Editor visits USA 2s Niranjan Babu Bangalore OIC, Sarathy Apartment, { Consesvonnes 48, 13h Cross, th Main, Malleswaram, Planets & lntertority compte e angaore-560 003 Tel: 491-80-2336 6864 RS Mon ‘nfo@astrologicalmagazine com Navariin amie Puiiiciaay ONvtitd a ‘wor wastrologicalmagazine-com PP. Wawa, BA, re iS Phala Jyotisha 28 pa a Ths astosogiat sagan Paaebange for catober sore beeen a Vantin ‘Remedies ‘This Month for You October 2014 2 Le ‘Sunrise and Sunset Timings for October 201 39 Timings for Rahal, Gutihabaia and Yamakaniaka © 2ocroseR 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astologialmagazne com Jyothisha Chinta Nidhi wafers fas fafer YAINAVALKYA ‘Thalakkulathur Govinda Bhattathiri* The Astrological Genius of Kerala HATTATHIRI CONTINUED HIS sojourn to Calicut and Chirackal, which were the two of the then famous kingdoms on the Malabar Coast. He met the kings and got valuable presents in recognition of his extraordinary powers of prediction, There is a legend, still current in many parts of Kerala concerning Bhattathiri and Leelasuka or Vilvamangalam ‘Swamigal, the author of the famous Srikrishnakarnameutam, ‘who was a contemporary of Bhattathiri Leelasuka was suffering from chronic abdominal pain, During his mystic trance, Leelasuka used to encounter ‘Venugopalakrishna, his Ishtadeva or chosen personal God, almost every day. Though Leelasuka pleaded with Him many times to save him from the torture of the ailment, GOD did not heed or give any suggestion for the cure. One day a mendicant gave him some medicinal powder. When he took it, he was cured of his ailment completely. During his next encounter with Lord Krishna, in his trance, Leelasuka narrated the incident. Lord said to him "It was zy intention to give you salvation from the cycle of birth and death sooner your present Janma was over. By curing yourself you have now delayed it by three more births.” Deeply distressed by the reaction of the Lord, Leelasuka chose t© consult Bhattatiri. He wanted to know from Bhattathiri the probable nature of his future births. Bhattathiri told him that he has to take births as a snake, a bull and finally a Tulasi plant in succession, Bhattathiri e re-born in a human ous accidents likely to befall him during the last of these births. Leelasuka, as predicted, had three more births. In the third he was born as a Tulasi plant in the premises of a temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Bhattathiri in his third birth was sitting on the mandapa doing japa. On a day, when the temple priest ‘was preparing forthe pooja, he found Tulasi leaves missing, “continued from the September 2014 issue of The AeM On a search in the yard he found one. When he tried to pluck a few leaves, the plant was uprooted. It came out of the soil completely. Taking a few leaves, he was about to throw away the plant, Bhattathiri suggested him to place it at the feet of the idol. The priest did so. And Lo! The plant tantly absorbed by the idol, Sri Mahavishnu, giving As an astrologer, par excellence, there was no difficulty for Bhattathiri to cast his own horoscope and to know what was, in store for him in the future, To his surprise he found that hhe was destined to become a brishta or an outeaste, This was, bound to happen one day due to his close association with, ‘a person of a low caste, He was more or less certain that, it could not be avoided. He knew that God had ordained it that way. He preferred to keep for himself this writ of fate, which he knew beforehand, He did not share his findings with anyone or seek an advice from any of his close friends, Being a wise man, as Bhattathiri was, he was too sure that nothing could shield him from an irrevocable fate. Hence he ‘was not over-depressed by what he foresaw for the future. He waited patiently for that day and for circumstances leading to such an event with plans to avert it, if possible, Bhattathiri had a neighbour. He was an extremely poor Brahmin, One day, that Brahmin came to Bhattathiri to find ‘out whether there was any chance for him, during his lifetime, to got out of the situation of his abject penury. Bhattathiri, as his nature was, was moved and took pity over that poor fellow. He went into deep meditation to "unravel what was in store for that poor Brahmin, through his faculty of trikalajnana, which he had aequired with his deep knowledge of Astrology and impeccable mantrasiddhi. He consoled the visitor. "Please do not get depressed with this present state of affairs. You can come out of this gruelling situation and be free from your poverty. But you have to do ‘what I say. The full moon day is to arrive shortly. On the Dwadasi day next to that full moon, be at the North gate of the Vadakkunnathan temple at Trichur, at midnight. Two Brahmins will come that way. Follow them. ‘They may protest. But take no heed and do not leave them. They may try to avoid you and try to escape. But be with them and THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘ocTowER aor 3 sv aetologiaimagazine com plead them to take you also along with them wherever they are heading for, You must not tell them who had advised you toact like this. You will gt the final remedy to your poverty.” Following the advice of Bhattathir, to the letter and spi the Brahmin went and perched himself at the north gate of the temple, He saw two persons coming. He was quick to join them walking behind them, The duo tried their level best 10 keep the poor Brahmin off or give a slip. ‘The poor fellow was a hard nut. Realizing that the midnight visitor ‘was bent upon not leaving them, one of them asked: "Hey Man! Why are you following us? Where do you want to go?” The poor man in reply wanted them to say where they were going. They said that they were going to Badaryasrama, The poor man was quick to retort that he was also going to the same place, "Even if it be so, is it necessary that you should follow us? Please mind your business and leave us." "But [ have determined to accompany you, What prevents you in taking me also with you? What is the big difficulty in helping me?" "Please tell who told you to meet us at this midnight at this, place?” Please do not ask me that. Teannot say that. Kindly do not compel me to tell that.” Pausing for a moment they said, "We are aware of who is, behind this trick. We have no other option to curse him. Let that wise person who gave you this hint to accost us, become an outcaste, You have taken the trouble of meeting, uspersonally. We cannot therefore discard you or reject your request. We shall take you to our destination. Close your eyes and hold our hands." ‘The poor Brahmin was ready toobey their command, When he was asked fo open his eyes afitte later he saw himself ata house at Badaryasrama. The two divine Brahmins were also there, They told him. "There isa man lying in his death bed in this house. He is your uncle, the brother of your father. This isthe one who undertook a pilgrimage to Kasi (Benares) years ago, Perhaps you may remember that event. After his, pilgrimage and dips in the holy Ganges he was on a long Kshetraadana and finally came here. Since then he has been staying here and doing Service in the temple, Now he is at the gates of death. We are the messengers of Vishnu, We ‘want to take him to Vaikunta. You may go in, if you wish and see him breathing his last." The Brahmin entered the house and walked into the room where the ailing person was lying. He bad no difficulty in recognizing his old uncle breathing heavily. The last moment ‘was nearing. The uncle was still conscious. He recognized his nephew. His face brightened on seeing his true heir, who wwas very far away. He had no hope of seeing him atthe last ‘moment of his death, He felt consoled to see that a rightful heirto do the Pirukarma had arrived on time. With his feeble hhands he took from beneath his pillow, a key. It was ofthe box in which he had secured all his life savings. He handed over the key to the poor visitor nephew and breathed his lst Finishing his uncle's funeral rites and other ceremonies the man returned home. He was no longer poor. With the ‘wealth inherited in a strange way and so unexpectedly, he hhad become rich as presaged by that illustrious Bhattathir. Reaching home he went to Bhattathiri and prostrated before him. Narrating every bit of the details of what all had hhappened, with tears rolling down his cheeks, he nearly collapsed when he broke the news to Bhattathiri that the Brahmin duo cursed Bhattathiri to become an outcaste, He felt guilty that he was in a way responsible for the plight of Bhattathiri, But Bhattathiri was nonchalant. He was not surprised. For him the curse of the messengers of Vishnu against him was not unexpected. He was aware of the fate as foretold by the stars atthe time of his birth and the curse ‘was only a hand of God to make the event happen. ‘The fateful day did soon arrive, Bhattathiri thought it wise to spend the whole day in seclusion in a boat, in the waters of the Pazhoor River with nothing to do with anybody, to save him from any remote possibility of getting associated ‘with anyone of a low caste. Early in the morning Bhattathiri boarded the boat along with some of his chosen and trusted friends, posing to go on a cruise. The day was, uneventful ‘They spent it comfortably on the boat, During the sunset they ccame to shore for performing Sandyavandhanam, After the ablutions they again gotinto the boat, The night sky was clear ‘and the Moon was shining brightly, Everyone in the boat was happy and Bhattathiri was more so. He had an immense relief and confidence that he had somehow overcome the curse of, becoming an outcaste, with his discreet act. Inserutable are the ways of God. Soon after midnight the sky ‘was over-clouded. A suelden darkness set in and it began to rain heavily. Aheavy storm also descended, It was awfully dark and none could see each other or anything. The river, growing turbulent with strong currents began to rock the boat, The boat itself was going helter-skelter and was about to sink at any moment, as water was geting into it speedily. Al were anxious to get back to the shore somehow. With the grace of God, alter sometime, the boat though swinging heavily, reached the banks, Fully drenched and shivering, all of them jumped out ofthe boat and ran in different directions in search of some shelter from the torrential rain in that ‘murkiness of night. (1o be continued) 1: 4 ocTosER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astologialmagazne com MY TURN Hindu Astrology, The Eye of Knowledge* Dr. B. V. Rava NDERSTANDING THE VARIOUS branches of ancient wisdom is necessary so that the world may steer clear of the dangers of materialism and spiritual degradation. For over 50 years, Ihave consistently spoken against the dogmatic scienticism of our age, because of which holistic understanding of the universe was ignored, and the growth of human knowledge was hindered. India's heritage sees religion, philosophy, art and science as harmoniously integrated around human life and emanating froma common fountainhead. Nearly 5.000 years ago, the Hindus had attained proficiency ina variety of branches of, knowledge-both secular and spiritual, Astronomers could assess the age and expanse of the universe in figures that remarkably agree with those of today. They were not only savants of laws of movements of celestial bodies, but also could formulate moral and spiritual laws comresponding to these physical laws. Astronomy was seen as but the means to the development of astrology, built upon the concept that human life is inseparably and intimately allied to the ‘multifarious movements of the cosmos. Parasar's Suryasiddhanta, the literary pole star of Hindu astronomy regarded by scholars as at least 5,000 years old declares jyotisha to be the most important limb of the Veda, constituting the eye of knowledge-divine, pure, supreme, secret and exalted knowledge. The Vedic seers believed that the universe, or brahmanda, is the result of evolution, of the creative power inherent in the primordial Being, and therefore that it is intelligent and non-mechanical in character. The physical aspect of the universe, or ‘macrocosm, has its counterpart in the physical aspect of the individual pindanda. or microcosm. Therefore, change occuring in the universe must have its repercussion on the individual. Astrology and karma are interrelated, and astrology is said to help a man through the various vicissitudes of life. Astrological predictions are tendencies of nature in the way towards fulfillment or manifestation, and we can ‘Hinduism Today, December 1992 **Hinduism Today, December 1996 either strengthen or weaken their momentum in the de- sired direction by recourse to suitable remedial measures prescribed in ancient astrological books. Inthe ordinary man, freewill is not very strong. His actions in life will, therefore, correspond to a very large extent, to the forecast given by his horoscope. But in those of reat spiritual development, there will be some variation, even though the general pattern will remain. Since sages give importance to human volition, and since certain afflictions in the horoscope can be offset by human effort and other palliatives, absolute determinism is ruled out in astrology. There are many points where a psychological (or emotional cause can be interrupted before it manifests in material consequences. That is the difference between fatalism and freewill ges laid down qualifications for the astrologer ch, judged by modern standards, are rigorous. He should have no mean motive, be pure in thought, word and deed, should have proper initiation from a qualified guru, and be actuated by a sense of service. He should possess creative or inferential ability. The real secrets of, astrology should be taught only to those few deserving and trusted disciples capable of using the science only for the good of mankind. We Need the Vedas More Than Ever** We have to recognize that all intelligible reality space, time and matter is an aspect of intelligent consciousness, But in the Western or modern sciences, we specialize and compartmentalize, we grasp aspects of reality in isolation space, time, matter, mind, morality, art, history. In each sphere we find order, but each sphere shows itself to be incomplete and to have “ragged edges" that imply other realities necessary to give meaning to it. The mind begins to look fora total synthesis that can make the universe as a whole meaningful and self-explanatory. As the great Aurobindo says, "The Vedas and Upariishads are not THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘ocTowER aor § sv aetologiaimagazine com only the sufficient fountain of the Indian philosophy and religion, but of all Indian art, poetry and literature. It was the soul, the temperament, the ideal mind which later carved out the great philosophies, built the structure of the dharma which created so many nal institutions in science, created 50 rich a glow of the aesthetic.” The spiritual climate-of the Vedas and Upanishads became the inspiration of all later developments in Indian culture and ci allthe branches of human activity. lization in In India today, an undue emphasis is being laid on the so-called "scientific temper," which means denigrating religious observances, practices and beliefs, all of which re erroneously dubbed assupersti-tion. Religious observances, practices and beliefs are based on faith, Does science exclude faith and belief? Is not be cf inthe existence of truth in Nature a sustainer of the scientifie spirit? While inculcation of a scientific attitude may be desirable, its limitations must be understood and caution exercized in its overemphasis. An essential difference between the approach of the rishis and the modern Wester scientists and their Indian counterparts is that the former are comprehensive, integral, holistic and spiritual, while the later are mostly ad hoe, fragmentary reductionist and ‘mechanistic. Today, Indian political leaders are at sea, hopelessly floundering in their search for the principles and methods of education and nation or man building. The work of Vecla ‘Wyasa provides a wonderfully suggestive object lesson in the task of national leaders but not political leaders if only they can see the vision that lies clearly embodied in his codification. Sage Vyasa regarded the Vedas as containing a clear vision and scheme of life to preserve and hand on to later generations through cultural media- sutra, darshana, music, dance, purana, drama, temple architecture, festivals, customs and ways of life. One of the greatest gifts of the Vedic seers is the point of view that envisages spiritual knowledge along with scientific knowledge as a one organic whole, with no gulf or conflict between them. The Vedas solved the problem of the right relation between religion and science for India and the world. Hence, we find the lawgiver, ‘Mana saying that in the beginning people of all races or quarters of the Barth came here for instruction in the arts of life. India became the World Teacher in the beginning of history on account of the inheritance of the Vedas, which were them selves the crystallization of an earlier epoch. This view of tolerance and understanding toward all the ultimate points of view embodied in different religions became a still outstanding characteristic of Indian cultare. (FOR) . Books By Dr. B. V. RAMAN A Manual of Hindu Astrology Rs. 70,00 US $7.00 Astrology for Beginners Rs. 35.00 US$3.50 Predictive Astrology Rs. 80.00 US $8.00 ecg Hindu How to Judge a Horoscope Vol: Rs. 95.00 US $ 10.00 Vol IT: Rs. 150,00 US $ 15.00 The Astrological eMagazine Web :; mail : [email protected] Available with all leading booksellers 6 ocToBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE ‘wn atologealmagazne com Vastu Tips Remove Destructive Energy from your Home and Office BaNGaore Niranian Basu ASTU LAYS EMPHASIS on the Pancha bhutas (primary elements) water, fie, space, air and earth. Communication very important aspect of every habitation, be it human or divine. Is there harmony when two people or a group of people are conversing with each other? Do the communicating partners enjoy the conversations between each other? Is there constant argument between them? Where are they and you seated? Communication is a game of words. When the game is smooth communication does make its mark on the other. Business deals snap. Family decisions are harmonious and an energy of comfort remains in the habitation though the words spoken are not seen, Make this harmonious energy gather and work positively in your habitation. Follow these four commandments, 4. Open your windows ‘When ventilation in and out is good, communication becomes worthwhile. Air entering into our business/residence home creates the life energy for things to happen positively. This can help youngsters trying to pursue their education or their jobs abroad, Like the human nostril, windows should bring in good energy and take out bad energy. Have ventilators on the top of windows to push out not only the warm air but also negative energies. The morning energy coming into the habitations is very special in that it only betters communication but also keeps the health and harmony among the residents good, 2. Keep Your Rooms Clean Dust and liter in rooms create negative energies. Never make them accumulate in the room ~ comers, against walls, in shelves, on and below tables, computer and televisions screens, on the doors and windows and never on the mirrors. Many a time dust accumulates to such an extent that spiders form webs releasing great negative energy into the rooms. This could result in lethargy, improper thinking and excessive suspicion. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘ocTowER 2014 7 sv aetologiaimagazine com Keep a track on such energy piles and clean them everyday. Sweep and swamp the floors clockwise, as much as possible, Never keep trash cans in the southwest or northeast of your home, room or table too. 3. Salt Power Hate, jealousy and suspicion ending in communicative vengeance creates great negative energy in your home or business center. Remember there are people who hate you for your achievement and are happy at your downfall. This energy can physically and mentally affect you and your actions to your detriment, though not immediately, but over period of time. To ward of such destructive energy, finish your bath with salt water. Mix a spoon of rock salt in half a bucket of warm water and pour the water on you after your usual bath is over. Salt energy can create a protective aura round you and at the same time drain out the accumulated energy from you 4. Speak Softly, Speak Good As earlier indicated communication is an important part of your schedule that can create good or bad energy. Good words create an atmosphere of harmony that can contribute wealth and happiness in the family or business while bad words can cause differences that lead to uncontrolled expenditure and irrecoverable bad debts. Do not put down others before listening to their views, think for a while and then answer. While dining do not discuss topics that could create stress among the group. Let your words make you loved and not hated by others. ‘The four Vastu tips not only can eliminate destructive energy but can also carry in positive energy that can fetch abundance of wealth, fame and happiness. i wre _ Handbook of Vastu The Aste Maui: Web : wwwasttologicalmagazine com BanGaLore NirANJAN Basu Available with all leading booksellers Email: [email protected] BocTOBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE ‘wn atologealmagazne com Santana Tithi Planets, Pregnancy and Remedies* avast SARANATHAN Di BLY. Rasay whose books enriched her perception of astrolog With a Masters degree in astrology, she isa practitioner of astrotogy (and palistry) for twenty years. She is currently doing Research In asirologs: While her teacher was maternal grand father, Kaachivur Bashyam Iyengar, she says she owes her knowledge largely to ‘5 times the Sun’s longitude from 5 times the Moon’s S ANTANA TITHIIS CALCULATED by deducting, longitude, This can be written as follows: ‘Santana Moon ~ Santana Sun = Santana tithi. ‘Santana tithi falling in Krishna Paksha, in tithis such as 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 14th and New-Moon days and in Vishti and fixed karanas namely Shakuni, Chatushpada, Nagava and Kimstugna causes delays or deters the birth of children. When the paksha, tthi and karana are good for both the husband and wife, progeny is assured. A sample case of a couple having strong Santana tithi is given below. They were blessed with three children, Husband Moon: 295.455; Santana Moon: 1477.275; Sun: 145.316; Santana Sun; 726.58; Santana tithi = 30.695 degrees. SuklaPaksha, Tritiya tithi, Garakarana Wife Moon: 219.416; Santana Moon: 1097.08; Sun: 212.493: Santana Sun: 1062.465; Santana tithi = 34.615 degrees. SuklaPaksha, Tritiya tithi, Garakarana, Both of them have the same Santana tithi features — all positive, though the husband was born on SuklaTrayodasi and the wife on SuklaPratipat. Birth in SuklaPaksha has always favoured Santana tithi except however on certain degrees that have Vishtikarana. Following are the degrees of Vishtikarana which must be noted while checking Santana tthi degree, “Part ofthe article has appeared inthe September 2014 issue of Tae Asrpotocicat EMacass Vishti in SuklaPaksha ‘The 2nd half of the 4th tihi ‘The Ist half of the 8th tithi = 84 to 90 degrees. ‘The 2nd half of the 11th tithi = 126 to 132 degrees. ‘The Ist half of Full Moon = 168 to 174 degrees. Vishti in Krishna Paksha ‘The 2nd half of the 3rd tithi ‘The Ist half of the 7th tithi = 252 to 258 degrees. ‘The 2nd half of the 10th tithi = 294 to 300 degrees. ‘The Ist half of 14th tithi = 336 to 342 degrees. 2 to 48 degrees. 210 to 216 degrees. Remedy for Vishti Karana For Vishtikarana, the cause of childlessness is some harm done to serpents. For Santana tthi in SuklaPaksha ish, the curse of the serpents is recent, For Krishna Paksha Vishti, the curse is old. For all the 8 cases of Vishtikarana as mentioned aboveSarpa Bali must be performed. Devotional music concerts must be arranged in temples ‘where Nagas (serpents) are worshiped. The following are recommended for Santana tithi in Vishtikarana:- Remedy for all Karanas including Sthira Karanas Recital of PurushaSukta and worship of Lord Krishna Vishti in 4th tithi of Sukla Paksha Worship of Lore! Ganesha and Nagaraja. Vishti in 8th tithi of Sukla Paksha ‘Worship of Lord Krishna and japa of Krishna Mula mantra, (Om KleemKrishnayaNamaha) Vishti in 11th tithi of Sukla Paksha Fasting on Ekadashi and worship of Lord Narayana, THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘OCTOBER 2014 9 sv aetologiaimagazine com Full Moon day Vishti Karana PurushaSukta must be recited. If Moon is afficted in the horoscope, stories regarding the Moon and its origins etc, ‘must be listened to, Doing Sathya Narayana Puja is also recommended. Vishti on 3rd tithi of Krishna Paksha Worship of Nagaraja and Goddess Durga Vishti on 7th tithiof Krishna Paksha Worship of Lord Sankara Narayana Vishti on 14th tithi of Krishna Paksha Worship of lord Shiva A sample case of couple is given here where the husband hhas Santana tthi in Vishti, while the wife does not have so, Both of them have 2 out of 3 features negative in Santana tithi. The horoscopic features also show average prospects for progeny. But their observance of religious austerities and worship blessed them with three children, Husband (born on Krishna Ekadasi) Moon: 331,024; Santana Moon : 1655.12; Sun: 25.079; Santana Sun: 125. 395; Santana tithi = 89.725 degrees. SuklaPaksha, Ashtami thi, Vishtikarana (fag end of Vishti as it ends at 90th degree) Wife (born on Krishna Dwitiya) Moon: 275.721; Santana Moon: 1378.60: Sun: 74.684; Santana Sun: 373.42; Santana tithi = 285. 185 degrees. Krishna Paksha, Navami tithi, Garakarana, One lesson that we need to learn in tis case study is not to have Vishtikarana for both man and the woman. In the absence of Vishti at least for one of them, progeny is possible through remedies. Remedy for Adverse tithis 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th and L4thtithis in any Paksha and Amavasya are inauspicious for Santana tithi. The following remedies are suggested 4th tithi (Santana tithi from 36 to 48 degrees and 216 to 228 degrees) Worship of Lord Nagaraja, 6th tithi (Santana tit 240 to 252 degrees) Worship of Lord Subrahmanya. 8th tithi (Santana tithi from 84 to 96 degrees and 264 to 276 degrees) Worship of Lord Krishna with Krishna Mula mantra, rom 60 to 72 degrees and 9th tithi (Santana tithi from 96 to 108 degrees and 276 to 288 degrees) Recital of Valmiki Ramayana. 12th tithi (Santana tithi from 132 to 144 degrees. and 312 to 324 degrees) Fasting on Ekadashi and offering food to others on Dwadashi 14th tithi (Santana tithi from 156 to 168 degrees and 216 to 228 degrees) Worship of Lord Shiva. Remedy for Krishna Paksha ‘Santana tithi coming earlier than the 6thtithi of Krishna Paksha shows delay in birth of children. From 11th tithi to New Moon, progeny is very difficult as shown in case study-1 in the previous part ofthis article. However Brahma Rishi Samvadam suggests remedies for Krishna Pakshathereby giving hope for progeny. In general, worship of Shiva is recommended for Krishna Paksha- Santana tithi. Krishna Pakshais divided into 3 equal parts and remedies are given for each of these parts, 180 to 240 degrees of Krishna Paksha = worship Nagaraja, 240 to 300 degrees of KrishnaPaksha = worship ‘Subrahmanya, 300 to 360 degrees of KrishnaPaksha = worship Narayana. ‘The tthi-wise remedies for Krishna Paksha given in Prasna Marga are as below: antana tithias New Moon. Worship of ancestors, Ashtakasraddha, Parvanasraddha and Tila Homa must be done. 1st tithi of Krishna Paksha ‘The above as told for New Moon must be done. In addition ‘Santana Gopala must be worshiped 2nd tithi: Intake of Pancha-gayya and other medicated ghees. In today’s parlance, it refers to recourse to Ayurvedic treatment of reproductive organs Worship of Goddess Durga Worship of Lord Ganesha + Worship of family deity 10 0cTOBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astologialmagazne com 6th tithi : Worship of Lord Subrahmanya 7th tithi : Worship of Lord Sankara Narayana 8th tithi : Worship of serpent God 9th tithi : Worship of Goddess Durga 10th tithi : 1000 Brahmins must be fed and Gana Homa must be performed 1th tithi : Oblations must be done in holy places 12th tithi : Brahmins must be fed on the day ruled by Sravananakshatra 13th tit + Jaya bali should be offered, 14th tithi : Brahmins must be worshiped on Mondays. Pitra Bali must be performed and Pitru Pinda must be offered in holy places. Asample ease of couple having Krishna Paksha Santana tithi is shown below. They were advised to perform remedies which gave fruit after 4 years. Husband (Born on Krishna Trayodasi) Moon 139.495; Santana Moon = 697.475; Sun 169.656; Santana Sun = 848.28; Santana tithi=209.195 degrees. Krishna Paksha, Trtiya tithi, Vanijakarana, Wife (Born on Sukla Panchami) Moon 126.703; Santana Moon = 633.515; Sun 68.161; Santana Sun = 340,805; Santana tithi= 292.71 degrees. Krishna Paksha, Dasamitithi, Vanijakarana, Both of them have Krishna Paksha Santana tithi, Therefore they were asked to worship Naga and Lord Shiva. For the husband's 3rd tithi, they undertook worship of Goddess Durga and for the wife’s Dasami, they were asked to offer food items to Brahmins. They had done remedies based on planetary combinations in the horoscopes. All this resulted in the birth of a girl child Growing Plants and Animals One of the major remedies for childlessness is to help in the growth of plants or trees or animals assigned for specific stars. Each of the 27 stars is assigned a tree, an animal and a bird. Whichever of them is applicable or ‘maintainable, they must be protected and given care. To identify this, one must deduce the Sth lord from lagna ‘or Moon or Jupiter that is most affected or causing the delay in progeny. The star dispositor of that planet in th natal chart must be identified, The corresponding tree or plant of that star must be protected or grown in the temples of serpent worship. For example ifthe star of the afflicted planet is Pushya, peepal tree must be protected or grown or maintained in the temple where serpents are ‘worshiped. Peepalis the tree assigned to Pushya. Like this, some growth potential must be promoted by the childless couples in auspicious places like temples or temple gardens or near temple tanks. If not possible itis advised to grow and maintain the sthalavruskha of the serpent temples or the temples of Gods identified for remedies, Astrology does not sound a fatalistic note on anything, ‘To quote Prasna Marga verse 131 of the 18th chapter on SanthathiPrasna, though it is told that progeny is denied for Santana tthi in the later part of Krishna Paksha nearing New Moon, “pethaps he (the native) may have an issue at the end by the special force of his Karmas”. The japa, tapa, dhyna and daana activities that one does with the aim of getting progeny does alter his karma and get him progeny ~at last . A Catechism of Astrology The Astrological eMagazine Web :; Email Available with all leading booksellers Dr. B. V. RAMAN Price : Rs. 75.00/ US $7.50 Forwanding charges extra [email protected] THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘ocrOBER 014 11 sv aetologiaimagazine com Sri Sri Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji Wate _® Shirking duty } LJ Mu fl to do sadhana dro Ih ‘i od 12ocTOBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astologialmagazne com Mr. Niranjan Babu gets the sacred Bhugarbha Vinyasa event done for the upcoming Shirdi Sai Temple at Plano, Texas, USA. ugarbha Vinyasa, Bhugarbha Vinyasa is a process of venerating (and germinating) mother earth - BhuMatha — before a physical structure is built. This is the first step in the planning and construction of our new Shirdi Sai Temple. ‘The entire temple site is cleaned, tilled and all waste material like hair, bones are removed. A Peetha Mandala of certain specified measurement is created in an identified space of the site with the help of rice flour, turmeric, kumkum and flowers. This mandala symbolizes the four panchabhootas (primary elements) in the four corner sectors viz., Water - Udaka - in the northeast, Fire - Agni- in the southeast, Space (akasha) in the southwest, Air (Vayu) in the northwest. The center module is the primary element earth. ‘The four cardinal sectors of the mandala - north (Kubera), east (Indra), South (Yama) and west (Varuna) symbolize the four vedas - Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva. After Puja, different seeds that germinate are offered along with sweet porridge to the different sectors amidst prayers, music with the assistance of instruments, sound of conch, bells and mantras. Atthe same time the nabhi of the total site is also identified where a similar act of germinating seeds takes place after the necessary puja. The process - offering the germinating seeds - is continued for several days. ‘The mandala area is barricaded and is taken care of for several months until the plants grow to a certain designated height, A cow and or a calf are then allowed to graze the area and eat the plants. The left over plants are ploughed back into the soil. Temple volunteers, devotees and several ‘matajis’ were each assigned with particular tasks and a priest is encouraged to actively involve in this very auspicious event. The process primarily induces fertility into the sacred soil on which the temple comes up. In a way this is the creation of a metaphysical foundation for the temple of divinity and assists in the successful completion of the temple construction process. The healthy growth of the plants is in a way indicative of the smooth construction process later. The people involved in the Bhugarbha Vinyasa activity should primarily take the responsibility of seeing that the plants grow healthy and long This Bhugarbha Vinyasa Puja was a special event that was done at our new temple site in Plano on Saturday 21st June 2014, Our Vastu consultant Sri Niranjan Babu from Bangalore orchesterated this event along with Priest Narasimbhaji. This is the first step before a formal Bhumi Puja is done later this year. (Report by Temple Committee). THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘OcTOBER 2014 13 sv aetologiaimagazine com Predictive Astrology Its Lures and Limitations Dr. R. NAGA RAJA SARMA, M.A.L-T,, PuiD. Y THE KINDNESS of the accdm-plished and distinguished Editor of Tae ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE, Thad been enabled to place before the public, in the course of my contribution to the 1949 Annual, one or two aspects regarding the contents of Dhruva-Naii, fractions of which transeribed from the original (grantha character) into Devana-gari had reached me, and I propose to draw the attention, in the Annual for 1950, of students and practitioners of Predictive Astrology to certain characteristic lures and limitations which per- petually fascinate even the best confirmed sceptics and sophisticated critics of rational and scientific mentality and which not merely seriously endanger the prestige and professional soundness and solidarity of the practitioners of the Predictive Astrology but cause heart-breaking and disappointment in the minds of clients and customers that flock to astrologers, respectively. At the very outset, IT would like to correct an error that had crept into my contribution appearing in the 1949 Annual. T had stated that the Dhruva-Nalt is available in the Madras Govern- ‘ment Oriental Manuscripts Library. That is incorrect. It is only the Suhra-Naii that is found in that Library. Its contents would be a fitting subject-matter for future research and investigation. Itis common knowledge that Jyotisha has been considered and evaluated to be a Veianga and a certain amount of elementary or rudimentary training in Astrology and acquaintance with some of the fundamental and basic truths and principles'‘of that science had been insisted upon a an essential and indispensable part of a person's general and cultural training and education. In the course of the historical evolution of Indian Education and Educational systems, As trology, as a compulsory subject’ must have dropped out, for some reason or another, and then, it ‘must have become the close preserve of the professional practitioner. While the genetic study of any department of knowledge may have its own advantages, its application to Predictive Astrology seems to me to be of doubtful utility. The firsts human beings and sections of mankind anthropologically the earliest to take domicile and habitation on this planet would have, very naturally, turned their gaze on the starry Heavens, It is doubtful whether they worried themselves at all with the Moral Law within in the dim, distant past- The well-known Uniformities of Nature, such as the regular succession of the seasons, rising and setting of Heavenly bodies and even the waxing and the waning of the Moon and so forth must have profoundly impressed the mentality of primitive mankind albeit untutored and uncultivated. These Uniformities and concomitant phenomena like periodicity in rainfall ‘must have taught primitive minds the Universal Law of Causation. Thus, by a gradual process of observation, hi and miss method of procedure, the human mind must have sme to connect the appearance of the stars and planets in specific positions and combinations with certain specific events in global order and constitution. There are gaps and lacunae in the subsequent evolution of Predictive Astrology. It is vain to speculate at this distance of time on the intriguing question—who first cast a horoscope, and whether in fact the horoscopes of Adam and Eve had at all been cast for the pur-pose of predictive analysis and interpretation Whatever the vicissitudes of historical continuity in the pro-gressive development of Predictive Astrology, it is amusing to note that in contemporary society both believers and unbelievers are falling ready vietims, day in and day out, to the lures of that elusive and fascinating branch of know-ledge. All activities ranging between the simplest pursuit of hum-dram-routine daily profession and the highly speculative and adventuresome pursuits of racing, betting, castle-builing in share-market and so forth now form a subject-matter for astrological analysis, and it may be in order briefly to investigate where in lies the tragic and compelling imesistibility ofthe lure of astrology. ‘The problem is simply psychological in its constitution, (do not of course mean the pathetic pretender of modem 14 0cToBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astologialmagazne com Psychology without a soul, mind and con-sciousness, but, just with an illassorted bundle of odd elements of physiology, neurology, anatomy and biology processed and treated into an amusing conglomeration by means of what is known as Experimental Analysis). Indian Psychology, since the dawn of reflection has maintained that each nervous organism embodies a spiritual entity the self or the soul, (Atman). It receives sense impressions through the specialize ed structures. (Indriyas). These sense-impressions are transformed of transfigured into the finished product of knowledge. (Jnyana). The most important agency that establishes the appropriate con-tact between external world and the self, or the rapprochment, is the Mind (Manas). Psychology is the Science of the Mind. It is described as the Antahkarana the inner sense. It is differentiated into four, each with a specific function—Manas, Buddhi, Aham-kara, and Chitta-Mat conceives, conjectures, criticises and examines this or that alternative. (Sankalpa-vikalpa). Buddhi decides one from amongst the different alternatives. (Adhyavasaya). ‘Ahamkara is the deep-rooted Egoawareness found even in children, (Abhimana). Finally, Chitta accomplishes the crowning function of attentive, assimilative apperception by means of which the subject becomes dynamically conscious that a piece of knowledge is his that urges him on to some specific action, (Ava-dharana). Itis such a Mind that is responsible forall our experiences, It is such a mind that has to be disciplined and controlled iffeffective escape from evil is to be achieved. The mind though working and functioning within the limitations of time and space, has yet, the astonishing capacity to trascend time and space. Ido not believe anybody worries much over or about the past that is dead and gone. No one is anxious to preserve skeletons in cupboard, It is the present that actually counts and matters. Even then, the present of a person bon with a silver or golden spoon in his ‘mouth is not necessarily a sharp stinging stimulus to fall a victim to the lure of astrology. On the contrary, a present that is by no means pleasant and happy, and what is worse a present that is fraught or pregnant with potentialities for future mischief and discomfort, misery and maladjustment is the most powerful stimulus that drives people to the lurid lure of astrology. It isa perfectly legitimate motive. The present is troublesome. The mind stands confronted with maladjustment, Is there a way out ? Hope springs eternal in the human breast. All hope isa sustaining tonic. In fulfilment of its characteristic function of Sankalpa, constructive imagination, particularly anticipation of future, the mind drives the, person to him who undertakes to tell him something about the future. Day and night succeed one another. You cannot have it all day- Nor can 1. Confronted with misery and maladjustment, the mind, in its endless wayfaring of search for escape, safety and Comfort, excogitates — will the night end ? Will the day dawn ? Will there be a way out ? It is then, very naturally lured to astrology and astrologers in such a perplexing situation or juncture. m1 ‘The second lure is to be found in the instinct of curiosity. It may be legitimate or may degenerate into illegitimate. In the latter case, it develops into inquisitiveness, officiousness, gossiping ete, The ordinary, normal curiosity o know something about one’s future is understandable. That is however not correctly described as a lure. Tt is only in its illegitimate manifestation it proves t0 be a positive danger. For instance, imagine a prodigal son and his girl waiting for the moment when they would inherit a large fortune. They actually stand on the tenterhooks of expectation. They are impatient. They want to know ‘when exactly something would happen to the elderly man who, of course could not transfer his bank balances to the other world, nor take them with him, and who willy-nilly must leave all to the young spark $ ! In such a poign- antly prompting context, the lure of predictive Astrology becomes irresistible. Under such circumstances, the party would rush to the nearest professional and consult him regarding his future, ‘There is another type or variety of curiosity that determines and governs diplomatic and international relationship. Ina recent issue of Tie Asrrotocicat. Maaazine, an article from a foreign journal had been extracted which contained an account of what an English Astrologer told or foretold what German Astrologers could or would have told or foretold Hitler. Whatever the truth of the ‘matter, whether for every military move he had made and contemplated Hitler had the guidance of his astrologers, or not, Tdo not personally believe that either Napoleon or Hitler had their militaristic campaigns determined and conducted on the advice of and guidance and direction forded by professional or State-astrologers. It is true that in Varaha Mihira’s Brihatsamhita occasions and periods, durations and seasons for the commencement of a campaign (Chapter XLIV for instance) are indicated. How far these indications, are followed is doubtful. There is no evidence to show that when America subdued Japan and when Russia conquered Germany, the two powers hhad astrological advice Nevertheless, human nature being what it is, it may be assumed that though not publicly, at least privately, the war-mongers had been consulting soothsayers regarding the most favourable time for the launching of campaigns and attacks against the enemy. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘OCTOBER 2014 15 sv aetologiaimagazine com WV The anxiety complex is practically universal. (Chinta as the Indian texts have it), There are hundreds of cases of bonatide anxiety-complexes. A prolonged illness that may be defying medical analysis and diagnosis, a baffling piece of domestic infelicity such as desertion of, wife by husband, continued mental worries and physical disabilities, and similar maladjustments produce the anxiety-complex, and the lure of astrology again becomes iesistible as an escape from perpetual obsessions, anxiet- ies and fixed ideas. The mind seeks some light of the course of events. Prolonged habituation to anxieties steels the mind against consequences. Let the worst be known, Relief from tension, freedom from suspense, escape from "uncertainties are naturally supremely welcome even when the future is described by astrologers to be definitely gloomy. The mind is capable of taking unexpected turns, ‘Apparently, weak and feeble, a mind may sometimes rally and recover in a remarkable manner when it knows the worst, and gets prepared to bow to the inevitable. If the future is described to be bright by astrologers, there ‘may or may not result any excessive joy and enthusiasm bordering on euphoria, but, definite knowledge even of the worst that isto follow is infinitely more welcome than the state of suspense, blank, and void in the absence of such knowledge. Feverish and hysterical knocking at the doors of astrologers, the endless Nadihunt, the nervous search for practitioners of palmistry, are all traceable tothe unsettling, and disconcerting anxiety-complex which is third lure (0 which nearly cent per cent of the people succomb. v The spirit of adventure and speculation, enterprise and greed would be seen to be a fourth lure. To-day, race- Boers market-speculators, share-manipulators, and stocks- somersaultists Frequently resort to astrology and astrolo- gers, and Daily News Papers derive huge and fabulously large revenues from the advertisements they publish containing shockingly exaggerated and hyperbolical praise and commendation of the so-called success achieved by the professional astrologers in speculative dealings. They earnedly talk of Rama-Rajya, Universal Prohibition and a thousand other reforms directed to convert the Universe into a cosmic colony of Saints. But, then, all forms of speculation are allowed to thrive unrestrictedly that benefit the microscopic minority of capitalists and ruin the vast ‘majority of the middle and the poorer classes. T do not personally grudge some professional astrologers making their millions by spotting out the win-s and place-s, but, it is the lamentable lure of speculation and the lure of guiding astrologers against which normal folk should be strictly warned. Lure of speculation perpetually feeds on periodical or intermittent good turns and I am aware personally of instances in which a clever and designing astrologer with eyes fixed on his fees disingenuously goads and drives greedy and gullible folk on to launching of speculative enterprise that are blinded by delusions of coming good luck. Let such a speculation alone for a ‘moment VL The innate and congenital desire to exploit one's, fellowmen less clever and less fortunate is yet, a fifth lure that relentlessly drags people on to predictive astrology and its practitioners. The Ahalya story is too well known to be repeated. If, in a way, the sage Gautama circumvented Destiny and walked away with Ahalya as his prize, Indra ‘would never remain idle. He must exploit the situation. He ‘must know when he can carry on his intrigue with Ahalya, I do not mean to suggest that when Indra embarked on the perilous and destructive adventure of seducing an innocent ‘woman, the king of gods had consulted his state-astrologer regarding the precise outcome of the romantic expedition, but, itis absolutely doubtful whether, if he had been so consulted the Astrologer of Indra, would have been able to halt the final catastrophe. That is by the way. X borrows a large sum from Y having mortgaged his house. Y consults an astrologer to ascertain whether he ‘may be enabled to knock the house off in cheap auction ‘on account of inability or incapacity of X to return the oan. This may be taken to be typical and representative of the lure of astrology that figures pro-minently attracting scheming and designing persons eager to ex-ploit the difficulties and ill-hick of their fellowmen. Or, take the case of a young woman whose husband has left her without making his where-abouts known. On pretext of doing a bit of social service and sympathetic help, a neighbour gets interested in her. The dis tracted wife naturally falls a prey to the lure of astrology. The neighbour in his turn as a pre-tended helper yields to the lure of astrology. ‘The former wants to learn when her husband would return, The latter wants to know if he would succeed in enticing the unlucky woman, Both ap-proach the nearest astrologer. There is no need to elaborate the story. The eagemess and desire to exploit less fortunately placed and circumstanced fellowmen constitute the parents of the ag-gressive lure of astrology. There is no need to multiply instances, and multiply the varieties of the species of the general class or genus off 18 ocTOBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astologialmagazne com the lure of predictive astrology. No extraordinary genius is required to mark off the bona fiie type of the lure, and the malignant and mala fide type. Even a person of averag ability and commonsense ca easily discriminate between the two, From the analysis of the luri attempted in the foregoing para graphs, it must be fairly obvious that all cases and instances of people falling an eaxy prey to the Fascination of astrological consultation may be brought under or subsumed under one or more of the main and fundamental patterns. There is no special sacrosanctity about number ornumerical strength as such. The lures may be five more orless, according as they are further split up or simplified. What profoundly and significantly matters is that the Mind (particularly functioning in its Satikalpa aspect) in its struggles for the removal of maladjustments and restoration of harmony is anxious to secure glimpses of the future and coming events with a view to deriving from such forevision or foreknowledge strength fend sustaining power and dynamic energy without which struggles for existence and restoration If environmental harmony could not be successfully carried on. vir In characteristic situations, mankind approaches a lawyer for help. In other situations, help of a medical expert is sought. In yet other situations, astrologers are consulted. Lawyers and Medical men and women fail as often as they succeed, Lawyers and Doctors (medical- not Doctors in philosophy!) are (appallingly callous. Just for the application of the magic wand of the stethoscope to the region of the heart, and for scribbling the name of a patent preparation, the Doctor's fee is as high as that running to 3-digits!! The Lawyer does not lag behind, While for their lamentable failures Doctors and Lawyers are not criticised and chastised at all, it isthe Astrologer who is often the target of all kinds of attack from those who loudly complain that the predictions have not been correct. Let me therefore, examine some limitations that are inseparable from predictive astrologers and its practitioners, The limitations may be divided into subjective and objective, textual and applicational, ‘methodological and interpretational. Other logical divisions and classifications are, possible. I shall confine myself to an analysis of what appear to me to be basic or foundational limitations, appreciation of which must go a great way to put the practitioner of predictive astrology in proper perspective. The first limitation under which they have to work is the uncertainty of the data placed at their disposal ism throughout the world is anxious for quick return in the shape of material rewards and world’s goods. Usually, a chart already cast, or the time of the asking of the query and a chart for it are all the data on which the course of future events has to be predicted, Thave already drawn the. attention of your readers to the fact that even a difference of 24-seconds (in my article in the 1949 Annual) as pointed out in the Dhruva- nadi would radically and completely alter the destiny of individuals, or more accurately, would indicate an altogether different horoscope and a different individual Under conditions of professionalism and routine, under the stress and pressure of many calls and demands on professional attention and capacity, it must bel absolu- {ely impossible to verify or correct the time of birth, All that a professional astrologer can do would be to take the time of birth as correct according to the data supplied by the party itself and base his calculations and conclusions oon the assumption of the correctness of the moment of birth, When the professionals themselves happen to be in such a predicament, the less said about the quacks and amateurs the beter. There is, under such circumstances, no ‘wonder that the error-percentage in predictions, happens sometimes to be fairly high, But, then, we all know our benevolent Railway Administration carries all, goods, parcels and even passengers at the risk of the parties concerned, and the professional astrologer has to do the same. The predictions and readings of the future are all rendered at the risk of the consulting parties. This is a fundamental limitation. In a sense itis also a blessing in disguise. While honest professionals with integrity and a high moral sense of duty would try and endeavour to do their best, the quacks will always take refuge or umbrage under the too ready and facile plea that the time of birth had not been correctly given, when complaints are made that their predictions have failed vor The second besetting or characteristic limitation is the difference of view prevalent amongst authors of repute. Consider for instance, the question of determination of the duration of one’s life or longevity. Having in a way complimented Satya in another way, Varahamihira, ¢ bahusamyam-samupaiti - Satyavakyam...7 - 9), seeks to cancel or neutralise the compliment. (.kurvanti ~ ayog-yam...7-13), Of course, he has indicated a method of his own, which is not altogether free from laborious calculations associated with the procedure of Satya. Recently, quite a formidable lot has appeared in Tie ASTROLOGICAL MaGaziNe, on the problem of determination of the duration of life, but, the greater THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘OocToBER 2014 17 sv aetologiaimagazine com ind more voluminous the material, the greater and more tantalising the indecision, Much is sought to be made of the system of Jaimini by some. The guidance afforded and the method indicated by Jaimini is by no means a simple or straightforward one. In the aphorism " Nathantah-samah- prayena ", [am afraid, the whole case is given away in the use of the elusive term " Prayen ‘Varahamihira concludes the chapter on” Ayurdaya ", with specification of a planetary mapping that indicates endless life or immeasurable life. In a booklet entitled Yoga-Ayur- daya, specific combinations and positions of planets are given for particular years such as the 85th, 90th, 100th and so on, One interesting thing is that the Yoga mentioned by Varahamihira is not to be found in the horoscope of Sri Rama who is computed to have lived for a period of 11,100, years. (.. Dasavarsha-sahasrani dasavarsha satanicha...) [easily anticipate the answer that longevity of ‘Sri Rama's chart may be indicated by other configurations. Tam rather inclined to think that even to-day, no fook-proof ‘methods have been discovered in the matter of reading the ‘mapping of heavenly bodies as determinants or indicators of human destiny, notwithstanding the claims made by certain astrologers, Absence of such scientific precision and absence of universally valid laws derived from an inductive examination of the data and facts collected, in the realm of predictive astrology would seem to be responsible for the largely empirical character of the conclusions arrived at. Ix Mention of Sri Rama's horoscope incidentally put ‘me in mind of the force and power of tradition and ancient reckoning that have the capacity to persist ap- parently endlessly even after their untenability had been demonstrated. A rigid and inflexible, and withal an unadaptable tradition is a third characteristic limitation of predictive astrology. That the celebrated Varahamihira himself had been hypnotised by such a tradition must be obvious to all acquainted with the exclamation of his—How can Mercury and Venus be in the fourth from the Sun ? (12-6) I am aware of the explanations offered, and 1 do not however believe that Varahamihira was so superficial in critical intelligence as notto have understood the possibility and factuality of that particular planetary position. The tradition again, has recorded that at the time of the birth of Sri Rama, five planets including the Sun had been exalted. Ithas been pointed out that there is no scientific support or sanction for the exaltation of the Sun. The issues involved had been debated exhaustively years ago in the Marathi Journal Kundali-Vijnyana, and also in the pages of South Indian Tamil. Periodical. The tithi (Navami), star Punarvasu, and Sun in Mesha would not coincide, by any calculation, Sayana or Nirayana and so on. have ‘with me a copy of the planetary positions in the chart of | Sri Rama, One copy mentions that Sun is in Aw ‘That would not give Navami, Another copy mer Sun is in Uttarabha irapa la-4. That seems all right. Here are the other Pada-charas—Sun-Uttarabhadrapaia-i Punarvast-4-Moon ; Sravana-3-Mais : Mercury—s Sun ; Pushy a-l Guru ; Revati-4-Sukvei ; Svathi-4-Sani ; Poorvaphalgunu4*Raihu and Poorvabha irapafa-2-Kethu, Ihave carefully reproduced the mapping from an ancient ‘manuscript, and in this context, further discussion cannot be attempted. ‘Valmiki's language, however, as it stands supports the correct view, The 12th month referred to (Dvadase- ‘mase) would show that the Sun must have been in the 12th sign—Meena, Reference to Chitra month must be according to the lunar reckoning. The expression "Svocchya-samsth-eshu-panchasu” as it stands seems correct. Jt must mean that the number of planets in own house and exaltations would be totalling to five. It may not ‘mean all the five were in exaltation, But, unfortunately, Govindaraja, the unrivalled prince of commentators on Ramayana has simply reproduced the traditional account that 5-planets were in exaltation, Personally, I have considerable perference for the remarkable commentary of Govindaraja, but in the present context, I am unable to reconcile his traditional account with the simple piece of arithmetics of the distance between the Sun and the ‘Moon to constitute navarmi. Here again, I can anticipate a defence that in the age or the epoch sanetified and glorified by the presence of Sri Rama, the duration of a tithi might have been shortened or shriveiled or contracted in such a wise as to accommodate navami with the presence of Sun in Mesha, Such controversies again cannot be entered into here and now. The point is that the several Nabhasa and other yogas, exaltations of planets ete. as found embodied in ancient traditions and texts seem to break down in more than one instance increasing the difficulties of practitioners of predictive astrology and adding considerably to the amusement of crities and traducers. x Professionalism and professionalistic code or etiquette constitute a fourth characteristic limitation of astrology. ‘The Lawyer, the Doctor and the Astrologer stand in th same boat. A Lawyer with a keen eye on professional advancement would never tell you that your ease is a weak one, He would try all arts and artifices to convince 1B ocTOBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astologialmagazne com you that whatever the inherent weakness of your case, he would use magic of his forensic force and hypnotise the judge into giving « decision in your favour. The behaviour of the Doctor is worse. Visits from the Doctor ted day in and out, The charges mount up. Stil, there is no indication of the truth, For the Doctor is still observing Till the poor patient bids good-bye to the planet, the Doctor goes on giving and encouraging hope. Perhaps professionalisee proceduralism requires all that. But, soon the unsophisticated man in the street would be disillusioned The Professional Astrologers have fallen easy victims to painting rosy pictures, to depict the future as a veritable Gulisthan of joy and bliss, and generally to feed their clientele with all sorts and conditions of defined and undefined hopes, anticipation and expectations. All such happiness engendered by hope is bound to be short-lived. Sooner of later, often much sooner than anticipated, the shock does overtake the clientele assailed by misfortunes from all directions, There are two distinet matters. The astro-loger himself may not perceive the truth and feed his client with hope. Or, the astrologer himself may well perceive the truth that is unpleasant and seek to hide it from the client. Either way this is a serious limitation Unless the practitioner of predictive astrology sets before himself a very high and exalted standard of honesty and straightforwardness, and unless he makes up his mind always to reveal the truth as seen by him to his clients, he could not be of any help to them, Without abandoning or sacrificing professional standards, a golden mean, the ‘middle path, between the two extremes of brutal openness and frankness on the one hand and uncommunicativeness and sugarcoating of pills from start to finish on the other. Many of your readers may be acquainted with the story that may bear repetition, An Astrologer of repute was brut- ally frank. A test case was presented to him for solution. On examining it he declared that the lioroscopian must have been bom as the result of illicit amor between a widow and her paramour. It was with considerable difficulty the poor astrologer came home unscathed. Truth should not be hidden from clients. Nor should the clients be psychologically scared away or terrified by the narration of the events to come. XI It is sometimes said that all roads lead to Rome. But un- luckily all methods of calculation do not lead to the same results. A fifth and final limitation is the divergence to be noticed amongst the different methods employed for determination of the destiny of individuals. The apparently endless disputes and differences between the adherents of the Nirayana system and those of the Sayana, the existence and prevalence of different almanaes and panchangSj and the divergences of judgment on the use of the several systems of Dasa ani Bhukti available, and allied matters form a formidable limitation to predictive astrology. Asa theoretical proposition that calculations are calculations whatever the method ‘adopted, it stands to reason that methods may not conflict with one another, The wearer ‘must know where the shoe pinches. In the face of solid, stubborn and confronting facts, and divergent results, it would be difficult to swallow the conclusion that all ‘methods of approach have the same value and significance, in practical application, Some give greater importance to actuall' degree-position of planets. Others take a long-range view extending to an entire Bhava. Yet others concentrate all attention on Gochara. One is bound to come across the strangest phenomenon in search for astrologers. Some ignore both the Moon and ascendant and commence reading of chart from the position of the Sun. They first classify planets into two groups those belonging to the Sun (Surya-pakshecya) and those that belong to Saturn. (Sani- paksheeya). The predictions made by them had been astonish-i ng ly correct. Some det a i led account of the divergent methods and tendencies had been given in the pages of the Kundali-vijnya-. na (I regret a few numbers of the journal which a friend took from me have not yet been returned to me) and without making a fetish of any fone method in particular, a gifted practitioner is sure to impress the entire transaction with the indelible stamp of his own personality and endeavour to arrive at an eclectic oreumulative methodology. That isa tall and a large order. | suggest that on the lines of the Indian National Congress (which by the way is now revealing strange behaviorism after the disappearance of John Bull from the shores of Bharatavarsha) an annual conference of theorists and practitioners of predictive astrology should be held at some central place in India (T do not want any world-congress or ‘world-organization) in which a full, frank and exhaustive discussion may be attempted of the characteristic lures and limitations of predictive astrology. I recall recently a reader of The Astrological Magazixe wanted the Journal to be wound up because it has been catering to needs of unscientifically-minded folk as he thought them, and encouraging belief in religion, superstition and so forth. Such a frivolous suggestion needs no repudiation as it constitutes its own effective refutation, but, any day and on any scale of evaluation, a research-worker who may be able to discover a new line of approach to predictive astrology, @ new solution to a persisten-problem, must be judged intellect tually and culturally far superior to THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘OCTOBER 2014 19 sv aetologiaimagazine com the band of researchers responsible for the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by means of the Uranium- ‘weapon. Tam sure THe ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE is bound to play a distinguished role in India’s history. xu ‘The obscurantisms and esoteri-cisms contained in the Nadi-works are presenting as it were an inpenetrable phalanx of limitations in the path of predictive astrology. T made it clear in my contribution of last year that the authors of Nadi-works had not recorded their life-readings on the basis of intuition or yogic visions. They seem to have been strictly guided by a study of the houses and a tenfold division of cach. Ibis evident that there must have existed voluminous literature which pethaps served as a ready-reference- book. As a major portion of the elucidative literature is lost; one is not able at this distance of time to identify the specific lines of reasoning by the application of which the Nadi-authors had been able to give such remarkably correct results, On the basis of 150-Amsas of a sign each divided into two, 300-horoscopes would accommodate a given sign. Thus, the total would stand at 3600-charts for all the 12-zodiacal signs. T have not yet been able to verify lacking the full text of this or that Nadi whether the entire human history in typical or representative stages or phases could have been covered by these 3600 charts, The lure of these Nadis is as .great as their limitations. Reading, searching, copying and translating charges are unconscionably mounting, and even supposing that vyielding to the imperious urge of curiosity, one bears the charges, there is no guarantee thatthe events recorded will correctly unfold themselves. I have also heard another story. It seems the Nadis (some of them) contain only the horoscopes of those who in due course would g0 to the ‘owner to consult the Nadi and the Rishis are not anxious to give the benefit of their wisdom to every Tom, Dick and Harry. If this is true, the entire history of the Nadi—the ‘Owner and the Client who consults it is enveloped in an atmosphere of strictest Determinism or Pre-destination. Further, the nature of the scientific conditioning is not clear. For instance, in the matter of distribution of the different amsas, one and the same name has to do duty and function in three contexts. For instance, the Vasu- dhamsa, takes rank as first in a movable sign, the last, in a fixed sign and as the 76th in a neutral sign. So do the other amsas, The difficulty now felt by students of the Nagi is that when a chart of Vasuihamsa is being read out, it is not certain to which lagna precisely, the said chart belongs. Readings go on by a hit and miss method. The first requirement is that the Nadi should first be classified and arranged lagna by lagna or star by star so that when ‘a client comes with this or thaj; lagna or star, the chart concerned may immediately be traced. The particular plan arrangement according to which the professional Nadi- readers proceed is not divulged to the public. This seems an insurmountable difficulty, a limitation impossible to overcome. XU After all to err is human, Dasaratha decided he should crown Rama on the next morning being Pushya (Ayodhya-4). I do not believe going through the text of the Ramayana that Dasaratha held any astrological consultations. Assuming he had, his royal astrologers were unable to determine the future correctly. Pushya is ruled by Saturn, There is no wonder in any ex post facto explanation that Satum made Rama rule in forests—not Ayodhya then. Or again, what became of planetary art and consultations during the time of the capture of Rukmini by the Lord. The purohits it is said did all they could to ward off the evil effects, (Bhagavatha, 10-53-12) ‘There doubtless did occur a marriage, But what a striking divergence was there between anticipation of Rukmini’s brother and the actual occurrence !! Vyasa is said to have got sore at heart on the eye of the Maha-bharata War that the parties did not care to consult him regarding the future. (...Na-mam- bhavishyam-pricchanti...) Bala-rama, unable to prevent the Mahabharata Armageddon followed the wise and educative course of going on a pilgrimage Why ? Even the Lord could not avert the disaster. All this would unerringly indicate that the progress of human destiny cannot exatly be foretold or predicted by any astrologer. Just as there is no armour against fate, there is no remedy against this fundamental limitation. The more concentrated thinking is bestowed on the matter the more transparent it would become that the evolution of individual and cosmic ‘events cannot be predicted. On this account, however the astrologer is not going all together to lose hjs occupation ‘The lure is irresistible Dr. B. V. Raman, Editor Tre Astrotocicat, Maaazine, courageous and balanced protagonist of ancient Indian Astrolog has been telling the public that Astrology takes into consideration just potentialities and tendencies which could be altered, and moulded, by the free-will and judgment of man. To be-forewamed is to be forearmed. Knowledge is power. If through the agency of Astrology ‘continued on 38 20 ocro8En 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astologialmagazne com Astrology © Appendicitis A Corres N THE MARCH 1946 issue of Tie AstrotocicaL Macazive, it was mentioned that the Sun, the Moon and the ascendant should be strongly disposed to ensure good general health. The strongest planet in the horoscope determines the predominance of the physical, mental and spiritual peculiarities of the person. Character, health, vitality, environment, etc., are merely the expression of the Karmic or ethical consequences of action and thought. ‘When this fundamental truth is fully understood by those who suffer in health or who are psychically afficted in any way, the first step to permanent cure has been taken. The individual must realise that the Universe is but a ‘mirror in that it gives back into the immortal soul the just outcome of his efforts. If such a statement based as it is upon the recorded wisdom of many centuries of philosophical thought seems unreasonable, then the whole scheme of astrology collapses; for it is manifestly unjust that one individual be born to wealth and ease, another to sickness or poverty. If the unerring law of consequence, ethical causation or Karma be a delusion, then why should there be such a diversity of fortune among human beings? Why crime, ignorance, abuse, disease, and sorrow exist, save unless they are the result of the violation of the law of life? It is evident to the philosophical astrologer that ‘man only gets what he desires and never what he does not deserve. When the karmaic basis of disease is calmly (not fatalistically) accepted, the diagnosis becomes easier. We shall deal with some of the comman diseases which ‘modem civilisation is heir to Appeaileitis —Of late, this disease has been of conan occurrence especially amongst the elite, A-cording to Ayurveda, weakness of the digestive fire is the cause of almost all varieties of abdominal dropsy. Such food as produces indigestion and accumulation of water in the stomach provoke the ‘faults’ which accumulate and obstruct the sweat-bearing and water-bearing ducts of the “Hindu Predictive Astrology, by Dr. B. V. Raman, III Ei rONDENT body and vitiate the Prana and the Apana and the digestive fire. When the spleen or the liver becomes excessively enlarged, or when the intestines suffer any injury and water accumulates within them, abdominal dropsy is produced, ‘This particular disease is of eight varieties according as it is produced by (1) Vayu, (2) Pitta, (3) Kapha, (4) a combi-nation of all the three humours, (5) Spleen, (6) Liver, (7) accumulated stool, (8) accumulated water and (9) intestinal wounds, Without getting into the intricacies of the medical causes, we can safely say that when the Sth or 6th house is afflicted, some form of abdominal disease is not ruled out. The planet in the sixth indicates the ‘humour’ responsible for the disease. According to modem medical explanations, appendicitis is avery prevalent disease, bting a condition of inflammation of the vermiform appendix. The appendix seems to te a vestigoal organ that has no function in the anatomy ‘of man in his present state of biological evolution and consequently is an atrophying organ. Appendicitis appears tobe, toa decided extent, a disease caused by the affliction of the sixth house and the Moon, "Abdominal diseases, appendicitis, ete, are caused by the movements of the Sun and the Moon in Vitgo. When the 6th house is occupied by a malefic particuarly Mars, Kethu or Rahu, the disease will be in a latent state Ttmay gradually develop under the directional inffuences of the planet concerned or the tendencies may be resisted by taking proper precautions from the very beginning in the shape of regulating diet and habits. When the disease becomes acute and dangerous, there will usually be found an affliction in the Sth or 6th house by the transit ‘of Mars and mutual aspects between transiting Mars and transiting Saturn. Obviously the prevailing Dasa and bhukthi influences provide their quota of evil. The ‘tendencies’ in the chart take the form of acute disease by the progressed influences. Mars as we have said above, has a baneful influence on this disease. This is due to THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘OCTOBER 2014 21 sv aetologiaimagazine com his effect upon the adrenal glands. The effect of Martian influence on the adrenal glands is to set up a chemical inbalance which may localise in the appendix and set up irritation therein due to the fact that it is shown to be weak and susceptible to irritation and inflammation by the horoscopic indications, ‘These unfavourable martian influences tend to overwork the adrenal glands and weaken and deplete their hormones, so that the supply of adrenalin and intercortin, the chemical agents which resist infection become insufficient. Pus then begins to form in the appenclix and if this condition increases the poisons spread through the blood stream and death ensues. This is the dangerous and often fatal stage when septic peritonitis sets in. This septic peritonitis results from the breaking down and decay of the tissues of the appendix —a gangrenous condition. The affiction of Jupiter in Pisces or Satur in Virgo or Pisces or Rahu in Scorpio or Mars in Gemini or Virgo, the affliction happening to occur in the Sth or 6th house is likely to bring about appendicitis. It will be seen that the 6th house is not only the general seat of disease but has special governance over the abdomen. Hence a malefic of the type of Rahu, or Mars, is decidedly unfavourable especially if the sign happens to be Virgo and the Moon is also there, Summing up our observations, we can say that the following combinations show a predisposition to appendicitis: — (a) AtMiction of the 22nd Drekkana particularly by Rabu or Mars, (b) The sixth house being subjected to powerful Papakarthari Yoga. (©) The Moon being posited in Virgo, Scorpio or Aquarius and subject to malefic influences. (@) The Sun in Leo or Aquarius receiving the aspect of Saturn, Mars or Rahu or being associated with any of these three planets. In the light of the above principles, one can safely find out, if any tendencies for appendicitis are to be found in a horoscope. ‘The following horoscope is typically illustrative of some of the above principles we ae sc | yi xe ito |e ahs we Resi Navamsa reo | | dg rec sewn | wen | | rau | necay | “Sin vies Examining the horoscope carefully, we find that the Moon placed in Virgo subjected to powerful Papakarthari Yoga and receiving the aspect of Mars—lord of 2 from Lagna and the 3rd and 8th from the Moon. Therefore, the liability to attack by this disease is plain, and unmistakable, Kethu is inthe 6th, ruling the abdomen. Even the Lagna is subject to strong affliction, Saturn is in the 8th house. The native underwent an emergency operation for appendicitis about August 1926 which terminated fatally, Rahu's situation in the 6th from the Moon is equally indicative of predisposition for appendicitis. The operation took place and death occurred in the Dasa of Rahu and subperiod of Venus. Rahu is to give the results of Saturn and Saturn is in the house of Maraka from the Moon. Venus is in conjunction with Mars. Added to all these, Mars was transiting in Cancer and Saturn in Libra. The Blarata influence coupled with the powerful mutual aspects between transiting Mars and Saturn all contributed to the acceleration of death Readers suffering from appendicitis who go through this article will kindly send their horoscopes to the Editor of this Journal, so that they may be used for research purposes. (FOR) . The Astrological eMagazine Web :; Email : [email protected] Soft Copy Now I l avaitbicon LULU.COM ‘Sri Surya Prakash Memorial Endowment Lecture was delivered by Prof. 'T. R. Vijayakumar, General Secretary, Bharatiya Jyotisha Samstiana, Bangalore ‘on September Sth, 2014. This well attended lecture at the Indian Institute of World Culture, Bangalore was. on Ashtakavarga in Daily Life and Remedies. We propose to publish his lecture as an aritcle in a forth coming issue of THE ASTROLOGICAL EMAGAZINE 22 octosen 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astologialmagazne com Chief Editor visits USA Mr, Niranjan Babu, Chief Editor of The Astrological eMagazine and his wife Mrs. Umarani travelled to Grass Valley, California, USA on a special invitation by Sivananda Yoga Ashram(founded by Swami ‘Vishnudevananda, disciple of Swami Sivananda in 1960) for delivering lectures and advising them on their eighty acre beautiful land of rolling hills and meadows in the Gold Country of the Sierra Nevada foothills, The landscape consisted of picturesque meadows and oak woodland, The Ashram has a pond for swimming and many hiking trails, a beautiful temple of Durga and a temple of Lord Shiva apart from their offices, boutique and other residential and business buildings. ‘Mr. & Mrs, Niranjan Babu had discussions with Swami Sitaramananda about the Vastu of the various structures on the sacred land that included the temple areas too. A gifted speaker and teacher of yoga and meditation, Swami Sitaramananda has been serving since 1981 worldwide in the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Ashrams & Centers (SYVC). She has been the director of the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm in Grass Valley, CA since 1995 and leads the daily satsang, sessions (meditation, chanting, and lecture) and personally instructs and coaches resident students while at the ashram, She has been the main teacher of the Yoga Teacher Training and is the Asian head of all the Sivananda Ashrams. A very respected and able speaker, she is an expert in the philosophy of yoga and its practice. ‘The Babus were also taken to the Ananda Village, Nevada City for consultations. ‘They also covered San Francisco, San Jose, Fremont, Los Angeles where they visited the famous ship Queen Mary that was launched on Sept. 26, 1934, on the River Clyde in Scotland, ‘The Queen Mary is special for the Raman family since it was on this ship that Dr. Raman travelled from New York to London in October 1959. Reaclers are referred to chapter 12 of his book Hindu Astrology and the West where he speaks of his sojourn in this historical ship. The Queen Mary has a brilliant history as a cruise ship (200,000 people turned out when the ship was launched), and a troop ship during World War II (it carried as many as 16,000 troops), Mr Niranjan Babu’s last lap of journey was in the suburb of Chicago, Lake Zurich where they stayed with his brother Dr. Sureshwara and sister-in-law Mrs. Sumathi Sureshwara. They visited the Venkateswara ‘Temple at Arora and the Sri Rama Temple in Lemont apart from spending some time in the beautiful botanical gardens of Lake Zurich THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE (OCTOBER 2014 23 sv aetologiaimagazine com Planets 6 Inferiority Complex ‘A Conresronpenr HE CREATION OF A COMPLEX upon any subject arises from mental conditions, for an idea entering the ‘mental sphere of an individual does not remain for long an independent unit, as itis the fundamental characteristic of thought to seek alliances or associations with other ide or thoughts, These thought alliances or associations with other ideas become mental groups, ideas or complexes, To trace them to their origin the investigator will usually be lead into many by-paths and side issues which do not seem related to the subject at all and yet are nevertheless associated with the growth of the complex as a whole, Many such complexes have their basis in the great primary instinets that are rooted in the human subconscious, Such instincts as the self-preservative, the dominative, the religious and reproductive, form the basis of many thought complexes. Behind the manifestation of which stands desire and emotion or the egotistic will. Thus it is that even an astrological complex can be rooted in the primany instinets of this race, Asall ideas connected with a certain impulse or complex tend to associate together we thus find the feeling of inferiority to be. firmly founded upon the psychic consequences of a chain of ideas, born of painful experiences, which range in time from extreme youth to the present time. These ideas crystalize into mental attitudes and are, according to modern psychology, the cause of the inferiority complex. Astrology, on the other hand, reveals that the ideas are but the manifestation of a latent psychological urge or impulse which produces the psychic state or feeling of inferiority. Certain, zodiacal types tend to produce the feeling of inferiority more so than others. ‘The watery signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, tend to such complexes due to their negativity of character, extreme emotionalism, sensation, Scorpio is the most positive of the watery signs and complexes tend more to resentment arising from its latent inability to. gain appreciation or approbation, We find the earthy signs, Taurus, Virgo. and Capricom, also victims of the inferiority complex. While this triplicity is more solid and self-satisfied than other Zodiacal groupings it will be found, neverthless to figure in this psychological failing. Capricom can sometimes be noted for its studied humbleness; it can often be proud ofitshumbleness. Virgo often produces inferiority, ‘when there exist heavy afflictions in the sign or at least dominating the horoscope, because it is a negative sign tending to prudishness. faar, timidity, reserve and intense sensitivity. One born in Taurus however, figures in cases of inferiority due to his self-satisfaction and aversion to change. While, of course, the ubiquitous inferiority complex will be found through the twelve signs, yet it ‘would seem as if the earth and water tripiicities (Bhu and Jalatatwa rasis) figured the highest as the air and lire (Vayu and Agnitatwarasis) tripiicities are usually more ‘mentally and physically aggressive. Every sign .has its own peculiar type of complex, however, and a study of the sign should reveal the basic trend. Gemini, for instance, would tend to complexes along mental lines, literature, short journeys, lecturing, brothers and sisters, letters, writing and thinking. One should not pat too much reliance upon the inferiority trends of a particular sign, however, until other causes are considered. ‘The Practical astrological procedure of discovering the latency of the inferiority complex is based on the study of certain planetary positions and aspect influences rather than in an analysis of the signs themselves. ‘The primary cause of the feeling of inferiority is always Saturn, Saturn is the planetary principle of frustration, as it limits, censorizes, obstructs frustrates and devitalizes, thus creating that feeling of anxiety, fear, timidity, self- consciousness and lack of confidence that accompany the feeling of inferiority. To understand the occult reason for the manifestation of these trends of mind it should be understood that in Occult Astrology it is through Saturn that humanity evolved selfhood or self-consciousness. ‘The basic psychic cause of inferiority can be said to spring from selfishness ora too prominent sense of one's own self: 24 octosen 2016 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astologialmagazne com While the consequences of the fecling of inferiority are by ‘no means small, tisnevertheless not necessary that one’s physical, mental orspiritual make-up really be inferior to others in orderto give rise to the complex, because Saturnian psychology distinctly tends in that direction Only those who have suffered, during youth and early ‘manhood or womanhood, from the sense of inferiority can really understand or appreciate its real nature that it can hamper and restrict the normal development of otherwise intelligent individuals. Yet, if we accept the evidence available in the fives of the really great, we will discover that the more individualised the ego the more the sense of inferiority can be a stimulant to individual progress and achievement. In most cases of inferiority the student will discover Saturnian afflictions involving the Sun, Moon, Mercury or the Ascendant to the fore, which tend to thwart one’s ambitions, limit expression, lower vitality, affect digestion and so produce feelings of doubt, timidity or inadequacy. Itis perhaps not entirely possible to completely eliminate these feelings, yet through self-devised and selfdirected effort one can build up ability, gamer knowledge, gain confidence and become the equal ifnot the superior of others and so to some extent free one's self from the Complex. In order so succeed, however, character must be commensurate with the goal one secks, for Saturn crushes and submerges ‘weak characters, Itwould seem as if Satur was the Initiator, the Opposer and the tester ofthe souls of men, The ancients regarded him as Dhuhkam Dinesatmajaha Precursor of Sorrow—the great Malefic Benefactor of humanity, who ‘opposed mankind only to bring out the good, the true, and the beautiful in human nature. Without opposition and struggles we should have remained as jellyfish on the shores of “some antedeluvian sea and the race of man would never have been bor, Saturn is the anvil of the blacksmith, the backbone of man, the solid earth beneath, the pressure ofthe atmosphere and the cohesion of matter, a prineiple without which we could not live. ‘Thus it is that we find the rare person, driven on by a sense of inferiority, acheiving great things in the field he or she desires to exploit. It is by no means easy to free one self from such hampering and restricting psychological traits, yet it is well wortS while. It is not too much to say that ‘many of the great men and women of the world achieved their ambitions and made their offering to the welfare and progress of humanity because they were spurred on to ‘overcome and conquer this sense of inferiority. Thus those who feel hampered by such psychological traits should take heart and make fresh effort to overcome them. Viewed philosophically the inferiority complex is not necessarily evil as it has its part in the discipline and evolution of the human soul and in the struggle to overcome it the finer attribute of the real egoistie man become apparent.Inferiority becomes pernicious only ‘when itis not recognised for what itis, and no steps being taken to overcome it, On the other hand, however, one can find no justifiable praise for the so-called superiority complex, This complex is often, in the case of snobbishness, only a mask for genuine inferiority which desires to hide under apparent superiority. This complex is usually the result of too much self-confidence or bluff brought about by strong and prominent planets or by a strong, dominent and afflicted Mars. Mars in affliction to the Sun or the Moon, or otherwise prominent in a horoscope g overabundance of confidence and animal vitality which produces that feeling of physical superiority. The abuse of superiority or when it degenerates into self-righteousness Cor too, much self-esteem will usually be found where there also exist afflictions between the Sun, Jupiter and Rabu indicating strong self-approval. In cases of positive inferiority which arises primarily from physical causes or defects rather than psychic, the individual is usually defective or limited in the use of some organ or sense or is perhaps devoid of mental or emotinal equilibrium. In such cases one will often find severe malefic afflictions to the significator of the organ or sense affected,without counter balancing benefic aspects. When appearing in the psychology of a person well endowed physically by Nature the sense of inferiority is largely due to Saturn: Even a well aspected Saturn can produce inferiority, especially when it is prominently placed either in the Ascendant or the Midheaven, or at least in an angle of the horoscope, The horoscope of Abraham Lincoln bears out this truth and is excellent example for this study. Lincoln has Satur in Sagittarius conjoined to his ascendant. His physiogonomy and physique bear out the strong Saturn impiession. The tall, bony and angular body and the sad, serious and profound face with its deep- welled eyes are typically Saturnian. Lincoln was a high type of the individualised Aquarian under the Saturnian ray His Sun in Aquarius is aspected by Saturn and his Mercury tn Aquarius also comes under the malefic influence of Saturn on the ascendant, regardless of how it is aspected usually tends to make one rather backward, self-conscious, timid or to lack "push" and so it brings about the inferiority complex. Saturn gives a dearth of opportunity and so Lincoln was born into an environment that by no means promised success or even provided a remote chance to better oneself. Yet Lincoln THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘OCTOBER 2014 25 sv aetologiaimagazine com studied and struggled under difficulties that would have daunted many a man, Throughout his life we see the influence of Saturn over his affairs. The innate timidity and shyness of the man is well evidenced by his failure to show up at his own wedding Even when Lincoln had reached the height of his fame and power he could not throw off the feeling of doubt, anxiety, depression and fear that this powerful position of Saturn instills into the subconscious mind, He would walk the floors of the White House late at night sunk into intense ‘moods of depression, worrying over the affairs of state and his lack of "success" in such matters. Yet one could hardly call Lincoln an “inferior” person, for by sheer will power and persistence he rose from nothing to become the most respected statesman of bis day. Saturn on the ascendant or aspecting the lagna gives a tremendous sense and capacity for organisation, responsibility, duty and ethics. If the character is strong it gives a keen sense of ambition and an understanding of government, In Lincoln's case the Sun is supported by Mars which endowed + him with more self-confidence and energy than is usual with this position of Saturn. The Moon afflicted by Mars is indicative of his tragic end as it rules the Eighth house, signifying violent death, Venus in trine aspect to the powerful Saturn shows a nature instinctively ‘moral, ethical and honest, and considering the general tenor of his horoscope—a humanitarian devoted to the service of his race. Few individuals can bear up for long undera malefic Satum placed on this ascendant, and it is doubtful that many can really appreciate the inner struggle, moods of black despair or depression and ill-health that this position usually signifies. The principle of Saturn is the primary cause of frustration, neurosis and the so-called inferiority complex. The strongerthe individuals the more malefic configurations ‘we will find in their horoscopes. It is axiomatic truth that 4 too fortunate nativity with too many good aspects prevailing is not inthe long run really fortunate as it tends to produce softness of character due to lack of stern or hard experience and struggle. A horoscope with many squares and oppositions, however, brings, much experience and so in the very struggle of life, courage, character and intelligence are developed. One could give numerous examples where the affictions are indicative of a stormy life and struggle without, however, any sense of inferiority. The inferiority complex strongly shows the latent Saturn psychological traits of timidity, fear, too much caution, pessimism, worry and lack of hope; thus to these tendencies the Jupiter psychological characteristics of optimism, openness, joviality, interest in other people, generosity and buoyancy, or the Venus qualities of convivialty and sociability should be cultivated. Until we find a scientific way of changing human nature, however, we would not forget that the psychology indicated by the dominent planets of our horoscopes is firmly rooted in the blood stream, the subconscious, the nervous system, endocrine ot ductless glands and consequently affects our health digestion, disposition and temperament. Thus to control and ultimately eliminate feelings of doubt, anxiety, bashfulness, timidity, fear or inferiority, one must take active steps to create through a natural regime of proper diet, exercise and thought, the ‘opposite traits of character. One should study well the position of Satur ina horoscope, its zodiacal position and the aspects cast to it from other planets. It will depend ‘upon the nature of the affiictions directed to Saturn as to the discipline you are under. ‘The student should remember, however, that there are two kinds of inferiority, those who ate really inferior and those who feel inferior. The horoscope of Abraham Lincoln is an excellent example of the feeling of inferiority. ‘The planets aspected by Saturn will usually give the key to the complex. Afflictions to the Sun sometimes indicate thwarted ambitions, to the Moon, depression, discontent, taciturnity, fear, timidity, forebodes, a feeling of inadequacy, as well as deficiences brought about mainly through improper digestion. To Venus (in a man’s chart) ‘or Mars (in woman's chart) difficulty in love, frustration of affection, and to Mercury, difficulty in self expression ‘The Sun, Moon, Mercury and the ascendant are the most important factors as they are the significators of character, personality and mentality No aspect can be entirely taken by itself however, as counterbalaning aspects of either Jupiter or Venus ean modify the effects of the influence. Regarding the matter in the light of Karma or ethical causation, the natural law of retribution, regard and punishment. we must consider planetary afflictions, especially when they produce this so called inferiority complex, as adiscipline we have eamed at some period in the unfathomable past of the soul's existence and that itis ‘our present t duty to restore the equilibrium of Nature. This we can do by the study of Astrology and the application of its truths to the knowledge of self. Thus the secret ‘of conquering the inferiority complex is to consciously develop that quality of character the absence of which causes us (0 feel “inferior”, and especially to apply it to useful service. If Astrology does nothing else than to convince us of the futility of the inferiority complex it will have served a useful purpose; for afterall to give in to this psychological tendency is to admit one is guilty of the most mediocre of modem signs—the inferiority complex. (FOR) . 26 octosEn 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astologialmagazne com Navaratri © The Planetary Garland R.S, Mania ‘This year Navaratri (9 nights dedicated to Goddess Durga) begins on the 24 September-The Lunar month of Aswayuja commences at Delhi with lagna rising at 18°24” Scompio and Sagittarius Navamsa Jupiter Venus Mercury scat, Mars This period is considered to be of great spiritual strength, as planets forma garland (grahamaalika)— 8 planets that include Rahu (but exclude Ketu) are placed between Cancer and Scorpio — Jupiter exalted in Cancer, Venus in Leo, Moon, Sun and Rahw in Virgo, exalted Satum in Libra with Mercury and Mars in Scorpio while Keta (planet of intuition) is in Pisces. Jupiter is in a movable sign (chararasi) — Cancer and Mars in a fixed sign (sthirarasi) ~ Scorpio while Ketu is a common sign (ubayarasi) — Pisces. These three planets form a garland of trines. Mars is in 5® from Jupiter, while Ketu is in the 5® from Mars while Jupiter is in the 5" from Ketu. Exalted Jupiter aspects Mars (5*) and Ketu (9), Mars will be in the constellation of the Mahanakshatra Anuradha while Ketu (moksha planet) will be in the constellation Revati (the star of emancipation). This phase has a great spiritual significance with two planets — Jupiter and Saturn —in exaltation, Such a combination is next possible 617 years later ~ in 2631. The Navamsa chart also tells us that Sun and Moon occupy the last sign of the zodiac Pisces which is the house of Jupiter and is indicative of benefic Jupiter influence over the zodiac. Readers are advised to make use of this very powerful spiritual period in prayer to Devi. DurgaSaptashati (or parts of it) can be recited daily. If possible, abhisekham (water) to Devi, can also be donesince the planets having trinal aspects — Jupiter, Mars and Ketu — are all placed in jalatatwa rasis - watery signs. The abhisekham water (with the added strength of the chants) can be consumed as theertham and also used for bathing. The nectar of spirituality will flow as the watery signs are fully charged with metaphysical strength. May the Divine Mother’s blessings be always on you! THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘OcTOBER 2014 27 sv aetologiaimagazine com enoooenoocosnooconnooonanodceannoeEHNOocEHOCO TEER (See report on page 13) aR) 1 SRI SHIRDI SAI BABA TEMPLE OF DFW i 2109 W. Parker Road, Suite 212. Piano, Texas 75023, a www, Ph: (469) 467-3388 SATGURU SAINATH MAHARA4g KI JAI 2014 BHUGARBHA VINVASA PUJA (at our new Temple site) Program Bhugarbha Vinyasa Puja is a special event that is being done at our new temple site in Piano. Our Vastu consultant Sri NiranjanBabu from Bangalore will conduct this event. This puja is done to induce fertility into mother earth. This is the creation of a metaphysical foundation for any structure, primarily for divine habitations of temples. A simple relevant mandala is created and sprouting seeds are put in the soil and growth is induced. This is the first step before a formal Bhumi Puja is done. : Sat Jun 24 9:05am —_Sanesha Puja, tAanda\a puja Bhugarbha Vinyasa Puja 1:00pm — Mahaprasad New Temple Land Directions: ‘The land for our new temple is located on 2699 W. g ae Piano Parkway in Piano Texas. It is adjacent to 2699 W Plane Phy Republic Title and opposite to Dell building on Piano Parkway. @) 28 octosEn 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astologialmagazne com The Astrological eMagazine PANCHANGA October 2014 rt column gives the English dates and next to it the names of the regional months and dates. The ending moments of Tithi, ‘Nakshatra, Yoga and Kerana are given in the 24 hour clock extending to 30 hours Of the Nityayogas, Vishkumbha, Parigha, Watipata, Vajra, Vyaghata, Vaidhruthi, Sula, Ganda and Atiganda are generally spurned. {or auspicious events and they are marked in red in the Panchanga. Vydhruti pervades from 346°40" to 360° and Vyatipata from 213°20" to 226°40" of the sum of the Nirayana longitudes of the Sun and the Moon. Vydhruti and Vyatipata punyakaala are observed on the day when the yogas prevail for 1¥8 hours or more, when Sraddha is performed by the astute. These nwo belong, {o the shannavati -96- Sraddhas ordained for a householder. Considering the astronomical implications, the Sayana Vydhruti and ‘Wyatipata days are also indicated in the Panchanga. The auspicious Amritayoga and Siddhayoga and inauspicious Maranayoga and Prabalarishtayoga come under Amirtaadiyoga scheme and are different from the Nityayogas. ‘The Karana is the half ofthe Tithi, They are mainly classified as Sthira-fixed or immovable and Chara or moveable, The Chara Karanas are seven in number and the Sthira are only four. The fixed ones are inauspicious. They are Sakuni, Chatushpada, Naga and Kimsatugna. The seven movable Karanas are in their order, Bava, Baalava, Kaulava, Taitila, Gara, Vanija and Vishtt (or Bhadra.) Among the movable Karanas Vishti or Bhadra is considered to be of dreadful. The forbidden Karanas are marked in red for easy identification. We have most of our religious observances pegged on to the Tithis. Pournamipooja Chandradarisana, Sankataharachanurthi Vrata, Shastivrata, Bkadasi Vrata and Pradosha are specially mentioned in the Panchanga, Pournamipaoja is done in the evenings ‘on days the full Moon is prevatent, Chandradarisana is observed on the evening on the day when the crescent Moon appears {for the frst time in the west after the Amavasya. Chaturthi of the Krishnapaksha or Bahula Chaturthi of every month is known ‘as Sankataharachaturthi, The evenings of Sukla and Krishna Trayodasi days are specially observed as Pradosha Vrata days. The important dates and festivals for October 2014 are as follows: 0, Wetesday - Darga Poof begins (Mahsaptamd, Saraswat Sapam, Sorasvat Stopana, Saraswat Aavashant 02. Thursday - Durga Askin, Smart Soraswat = Aaya Poo, Mokaanavons, Measham dayadhe Pooja, Molar Gand Bthdey Gand -Avon, 0. Pray Smarr Vjave Dass, Toisas Saran Aes Pooa Mahaonavom, ja Dacan(Dureha or Davohar), Sarne saris for 20k 7), Dag Pog (Mahan), Daasehr or Desahara 4 Sasa Papantuas (Pasanon) Eka, martha Shblpalse), armbbam, java Dasa (Bengt & Kea), Bushowre Vaya asa Madhavachara Jean, Bhara Nay, Sarasa Tuarjoe, Day of tanomon (om Kippur) (Tess, Srovanvrate Darga Paola (Tava Das (5 Sumdey-Ekndesi esther and Vihera), Madona Drvntari Vatadarambba (3 dey) 08 Monday ~Soma Pradthe (Shaklee), tas Vek, ‘Savona Pte ds Zoha hr) (Moston! 07. Tasday Rogar Lat Pia (enga), Kumara Pournma, Koja Lakshminda Poo) ako Pg (ni uly, Pournaniponya ri Matra ABhcete 08, Wednesy ~ Goma Jagara rat (Lakshmiponja performed avout the nig brings Prosper), Sorat Pournima, Maharshi Valhts Biches OH ends a), Lamar Eee Covad We Ina: 09. Tardy - Fst dy of Taernactes Sacoth) (ht) Aya SayonaVrata 1. Stonay = rita, Sankaaharacatth, Kara Chath (Kar Cho), Dara Chater 12 Sunde - parade 1B Mond = Shastra (Kehna) 1. Wednesday = hey Aston. Kersh, Ay! Ashand (Panjab): 16. Thareday = Kelashamt. Rade Jaen 17. rida: Kaye Sarma Sana Las doy of Sucerh (Sint Tra ei) Kat ibn sam 14 Saunas Tad Snana Aarambo: 1. Send = Rm hada. (Ksnapash), Sana Vuh 20, Monday -Govase Dada 21. Teds Tama Depa, Dhawan vn, Basu o” Ravina Prados {Keihnopatsh), Dhana Trea, Naat Chaurat Seana (a igh. 22. Bees ~ Macasnaratn, Narita Cheat (Purorimada), Haein (9, Inia) Prrviraodaye). Deepavali nde), Keli Chana. Laks Kabra Poo, Vrdkotsoddha: 28. Thersday-Depevalt Kai Poa Lashed Paci, Kamu Dp, Latshms Dison, Kedaragourt Vos, Mahaina Nisan (in). Solar clipe (part) Not Vibes nda, Amaya, Maa Laks Poo 24. Fry -Golreana Prathama, Karta Sedladi (Mahara Nirvana Era 2841 bess), Govardhan Poa, ali Pooja, dnwat, Unt Nations Day: Kande ‘Sheu Vata duro 28 Saturday = ewaharet Day Tk Ceremony, laa Dwiteera, Dat Poa (Bier). Bhar Dries (Benga), Chanda saa: (Cahae ha): Sasrata (Shatlapotsha) $1, Praay=Darghtam,Sovanerato, Gopi or Goxthashtans, Misandram Ara (Kral ‘Moon enters: Makara on O37 at O34 32m: Kubla on 05th at OSh I4mr; Meena on O7(h at O5h S7m; Mesha om OOth at O7h 16m; Vrishabha on 11th at 10h 47m; Mina on 131h at 17h 42m; Kataka on 16th at O4h 7m; Sima on 18th at 16h 37m; Kanya om 20st a Oth 37m: Thala on 23rd «at 15h 23m; Vrischika on 25th at 23h 22m; Dhanus on 28th at 05h O8m: Makara on 30th at 09h 13m; The Sun in Simba enters: In Kanya enters Thala on 17th at 18h 10m, Jn Hasta emers Chira on 11th at Ok 35%, In Chitra enters Swati on 24h at 11h 05m; THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘OCTOBER 2014 29 sv aetologiaimagazine com ena | ora was eavay | pom | St eaves 90 ehuen | $80 as eure | oak | Ht ‘ehuen | Ting weve | Fs as apa | won| EP secnem | OF 6z "SBD | OF 90 waa Bnav | S| Tap | oF 87 ae cee] W590 S| eave |_| TE wien | waa ee emi | BPS. Sawa we | aaa | ST wary | a [or wee wee st 0 wee] 9t 00 wus] ee eave | mar | 6 Tia ora ean | 060 rus] zz | seen |v eave | pam | a er ‘opin | ee eas 1 | semana |e eavey| oat |Z Te wet ens | WEE RES S| oF | een | er earay | vow | 3 ‘oar apne eas] at | peeneing | eavoy | wns |S ae aR | or | wee | OF way || Har woul} TO Co wan] | peena wary] a |e wanes | CST ape | wOET_| i eure | Ma |—E we eine | EOE ‘oor | Oe eT_| — ees Sans] | — senna 7 ean [pom | —T F10B 49q0190 10} BBuRYUeg THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE 30 octoBER 2014 ‘wn atologealmagazne com | a woe ily | @ ewe] wa |e ci ese |Z eae] al | 0 Say Bee & veer | pan | ea bad may TE ney] aL | Be TS ae ae wow | a ea Bey | & ey ws | Be cd | easipad ieee] © cemaey| | SE eas i Tae aD) eT wer] |e 7 aa) war eS ee aaa S Bea wary] ma | ee a a ES Bue Turdiedereun| cual = ily | eave | Pam | ee OS wie enuuy _urieydesenn| eu ed | 22 ewsy| oar | ae Ts TROUT] EET | ROA. = Tea Be Toney | won | OE eu Baad Ba San] wre | — Pea z Beay se earey | 5 | or co ae eae | Oat | ay | We eaney| | aE ET usta] eo et | iueven ssemnend| & ewey| |e F10S 49q0190 10} PBuRYUeg ‘ocTopen 2014 31 THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE sv aetologiaimagazine com This Month for You OCTOBER 2014 ‘Varananiea, October Pisces respectively. The Sun enters Libra on 17th October. Mars enters Sagittarius on 18th October Mercury enters Virgo 16th Venus enters Libra on 19th October. Jupiter, Saturn, Raku and Ketu stay in Cancer, Libra, Virgo and MESHA (Aries) Aswini, Bharani and Krittika 1 ‘The Sun in the first half, Mercury in the second half, and Rahu grace you. Others do not. This is not encouraging. In fact by and large you meet with experiences which do not make you happy. In the beginning you may get some favour from the higher-ups or the Government. It may relate to your application for loan, licence and the like. At the same time general matters remain unsolved, You may find many domestic problems including the defiance of children, indifference of your consort etc, But these do not improve very much, At the same time some successes in life give a boost and you are applauded. You act with sagacity and solve ticklish issues, Yet yourclose associates try to belittle your achievements, ‘You cannot ignore and remain with close-lipped patience until good days dawn on you. Marriage proposals do not click easily. The intrusions of ‘women connected with them create hurdles. Newlyweds are not happy. They may face problems created by senior ‘women.Childbirth also gets delayed though in some cases there will be symptoms of progress. Aswini: Unfavourable currents disturb you. Problems of health cause concern. You win in disputes, Bharani: You gain from disputes. Investments fetch good returns, Favourable currents cheer you up. Krittika 1: You face injuries. Investments fetch handsome returns. Favourable currents cheer you up. VRISHABA (Taurus) Krittika 2, 3, 4, Rohi Mrigasira 1, 2 nd ‘The Sun in the latter half, Mercury in the first half, Venus in the first half, Saturn and Ketu are favourable, This is not an interesting picture. It is true that succeed in relatively minor ventures, but the major problems offer tantalizing bait. You friends who are men of consequence do not offer the help when required, At the same time with the help of professional colleagues, you may be able to expand your activities. In some cases the birth of child or grandchild is likely though some difficulties are experienced. You may have a get together with friends which may prove useful in your profession and business. You may have pleasant memories of the past and some quarrels which have been disturbing you now get forgotten, Problems of health distur you and property disputes cause mental agony. Your travel plans meet with failure. Towards the close some disputes with the members of the family cause concem, You may be sidelined by some antagonists and this has a demoralizing effect on you. Though you want to take revenge, the time is not yet ripe Marriage proposals do not click in ge are partially happy. eral. Newlyweds Krittika 2, 3, 4: You lose in disputes. You enjoy the support of seniors, Favourable currents make you happy. ini: Unfavourable currents disturb you, You win in disputes. You gain from investments. Mrigasira 1, 2: Problems of health cause concern. You lose in disputes. Favourable currents cheer you up. 82 octOBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astologialmagazne com MITHUNA (Gemini) Mrigasira 3, 4, Aridra and Punarvasu 1, 2,3 Mars in the first half, Mercury in the second half, Jupiter, and Venus grace you, Others do not. This is indeed a good position of planets. You are crowded with success in ventures, Even if there is opposition, it vanishes quickly. Your personality also develops. If you are politician, you emerge as charismatic leader and fayoured in the party by an enviable position. You acquire new properties, vehicles and other costly goods. ‘You enjoy life with your family and undertake travel and enjoy yourself. The circle of friends also grows larger. People in service enjoy the favour of the higher ups and in some cases merit promotion is also likely. Your old ‘woes are over and you find happiness in ife.An old friend of yours suddenly meets you and gives you some happy information. Mattiage proposals click and you choose the consort of your liking. Newlyweds enjoy themselves. They have the goodwill of kinsmen, They travel and have ‘memorable honeymoon Mrigasira 3, 4: Problems of health cause concem. You are defeated in disputes. Favourable currents make you happy. Aridra: Unfavourable currents disturb you. from disputes. Investments fetch you returns. ‘You gain Punarvasu 1, 2, 3: You lose in disputes. Problems of health cause concer, Favourable currents cheer you up. KARKATAKA (Cancer) Punarvasu 4, Pushya and Aslesha ‘The Sun in the first half, Mars in the second half, Mercury in the first half, Venus, and Rahu are favourable. Others are not. This presents an average picture. The routine life goes on in the usual way. There is no cause to rejoice or celebrate. The higher-ups are indifferent to your attempts to be smart, and you also feel disappointed. But there is low of income to the extent needed. But you can do your acts independently and your professional skill is strong enough to make you confident. You face some opposition in the early part of the month and your expenses also mount high because of the machinations of your foes, yet you counterblast everything in the end and emerge victorious. With all these scandalmongers continue 10 disturb you and annoy you. There is income from an unexpected source and you find it useful for investment in matters like construction, renovation etc. ‘The problems created by children slightly disturb you. But you pacify them and supply their needs in the end and restore the peace of mind. The fact is that you have to cajole them or even implore them at times. Marriage proposals generally draw flak, But in the some cases, ‘women favour you to progress in the matter Newlyweds feel quite happy. Punarvasu 4: You lose in dispute, Problems of health disturb you. Favourable currents make you happy. Pushya: Unfavourable currents impede your progress. You gain from investments, You gain from disputes. Aslesha: You may face injuries. You gain fron investments. Favourable currents lead you to financial gains. SIMHA (Leo) (Makha, Poorvaphalguni and Uttaraphalguni 1) ‘The Sun in the latter half, Mercury in the latter half, Venus, and Saturn grace you. Others do not This offers a fairly good picture. Though you are disappointed a bit because of some revenge, you have pleasant experiences. You get as gifts costly goods. In financial matters you are successful. Your contacts and connections help you to improve your financial position. ‘Those in the academic field get money through academic ventures. Students get scholarship as they desire. Your skilful act at times helps you to solve ticklish issues. ‘Though you may not get the position aspired for, you wield power and influence within the restricted sphere ‘of movement. ‘Your travel plans bear fruit and you may even undertake the travel which fetches you fame and wealth. Some friends who were indifferent to your matters now change ‘and extend their favour to you. Marriage proposals partially succeed. Though there is some opposition you can ‘overcome by the help of some close kinsmen. Newlyweds feel quite happy though the indifferent attitude of some seniors is a source of annoyance. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘OCTOBER 2014 33 sv aetologiaimagazine com Makha: Unfavourable currents disturb you. You win in disputes. Problems of health cause concern, Poorvaphalguni: You gain from investments. You enjoy the support of seniors. Favourable currents make you happy. Uttaraphalguni 1: Problems of health cause concern, Injuries are likely. Favourable currents lead you to success, KANYA (Virgo) Uttaraphalguni 2, 3, 4, Hasta and Chitta 1,2 Mars in the latter half, Jupiter, and Venus favour you. Others do not. This offers a fairly good picture. In general you succeed in all your ventures. In official life you dominate though im the latter half, Your smartness is not relished by co- workers. You get rewards for your smartness. Your solitary enjoyment is not a pleasant experience, Those who are engaged in business expand the business and make profit exceeding the natural expectations. There will be financial gain and investments give good returns. Your industry rewards you. Short and long travels prove beneficial. A quarrel with your cousin on property or wealth gets settled in your favour. But it also becomes a cause for estrangement during the latter half of the month, Some lapses on your part become a topic for discussion among your antagonists. But the exaggerated way in which your demeanour is presented annoys you Marriage proposals click and you choose the consort of your liking. Newlyweds enjoy the favour of senior Kinsmen and have a happy honeymoon. Uttaraphalguni 2, 3, 4: Problems of health disturb you. You lose in disputes. Favourable currents make you happy. Hasta: Unfavourable currents make you unhappy. You gain from disputes. You also gain through investments. Chitta 1,2: You lose in disputes. Problems of health cause concem, Favourable currents make you happy. The Astrological eMagazine TODAY! and NOW!! ‘ie: wn astlogcalnagazine com @ Enal:info@astologcalnagarinecom TULA (Libra) Chitta 3,4, Swati and Visakha 1, 2, 3 Mars in the latter half, Mercury in the early half, Venus, and Ketu grace you, Others do not.This is neither too ‘good nor too bad, Itis true that you have to face several challenges. ‘There will be problems in profession, loss of money and above all the recurrence of health problems which disturbed ‘you earlier frightens you. With all these your individual ability increases and you deal with matters with smartness to the extent of annoying the antagonists. Despite health problems your willpower helps you to face even tough situations. At times you will be bafiled by the intricate way in which your rivals wove the web of conspiracy. It takes some time to find out the root cause of all the roubles you face. ‘There will be financial gains. At times unnecessary expenses disturb you. Repayment of loan may pose problem Marriage proposal partially succeed, Newlyweds are quite happy though they have reasons to gramble. Chitta 3,4: You lose in disputes. Problems of health cause concern, Favourable currents cheer you up. ‘Swati: Unfavourable currents torment you. You gain from investments, You also win in disputes. Visakha 1, 2, 3: Problems of health cause concern, You lose in disputes. Favourable currents make you happy. VRISCHIKA (Scorpio) Visakha 4, Anuradha and Syestha ‘The Sun in the first half, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Rahu favour you. ‘This offers a bright picture. You are graced by the Goddess ‘of Fortune in many places and easily get your things. This is true particularly in profession and financial matters. In profession, you make your mark and establish your lead clearly over your rivals. When you are sent on a mission you impress the concemed persons by talk and your actions. Supply of money is good. Your desire to reconstruct the house and decorate it gets fulfilled. Even long cherished desires get fulfilled, though you may fee! things could have been better. Your children make you 34 octoBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astologialmagazne com happy. If they are grownups they go by your advice in the choice of appropriate course of study or the choice of consort. Even if they like to do things independently they seek your advice, Some problems created by your kinsmen disturb you But you can solve them with ease and nonchalance. Marriage proposals click without any hitches and you choose the consort of your choice. Newlyweds feel happy and execute their plans comfortably. Those who are religiously inclined have a pleasant pilgrimage. Visakha 4; Problems of health disturb you. You face defeat in disputes. Favourable currents cheer you up. Anuradha: Unfavourable currents make you dissatisfied. You gain from investments. Disputes prove successful. Jyestha: You may face injuries. You gain from investments. You are happy about the favourable currents, DHANUS (Sagittarius) Moola, Poorvashada and Uttarashada 1 ‘The Sun in the latter half, Mercury in the latter half, Venus, ‘Saturn and Rahu favour you, Others do not, This offers a fairly good picture. Jupiter, who is a major planet, transits a bad house, but he is exalted. There are ‘many other favourable planets. ‘Thus there isan admixture of good and bad results, but predominantly good. In profession you are successful. Your ventures generally succeed. You are applauded for the skilful actions. Favour of the higher-ups makes you happy. But some problems of health may stand in the way. But gradually obstacles vanish and your way is made clear. There is follow of income and investments fetches good returns. People who have borrowed money from you return that with ‘more interest than you expected. Moreover, you may get wealth from your consort. Marriage proposals click though some obstacles are felt. ‘Newlyweds are happy and have a happy honeymoon, You may face some minor injury. Also setbac! connected with family properties ate likely. whole, a fairly good period, ‘Moola: Unfavourable currents disturb you. You gain from disputes. Problems of health cause concern, Poorvashadha: You enjoy the support of seniors. There will be gains from investments, Favourable currents make you happy. Uttarashadha 1: You are troubled by problems of health, ‘You lose in disputes. Favourable currents make you happy MAKARA (Capricorn) Uttarashada 2, 34, Sravana and Dhanistha 1,2 The Sun inthe latter half, Mars in the first half, Mercury in the first half, Jupiter, Venus in the first half and Ketu grace you. Others do not This offers a good picture. First of all you find that your life has become quite comfortable and requirements are casily fulfilled. A plan which has been envisaged by you earlier now reaches consummation, ‘There are some minor obstacles caused by jacks-in-office and they can be easily removed, The higher bureaucratic network favours you, ‘You may reconstruct the house and decorate the house. ‘There is abundance of health to undertake your schemes. ‘You find that much to your surprise and attempt to sideline you is foiled. You may get new vehicles and undergo travel with pleasure. You have a happy life in the family and you may visit the ancestral house or at Teast renew your relationship with the people in your place. Marriage proposals click and you choose the consort of your liking Newlyweds have a pleasant time in general though in the latter half they are a bit disappointed.A powerful opponent is cowed down partly by force. ‘There is peace of mind, but some unpleasant feeling lurks in your ‘mind for reasons best known to you. Uttarashadha 2, 3, ‘You lose in disputes. Problems of health cause concern. Favourable currents make you happy. Sravana: Unfavourable currents disturb you, You gain in disputes. You enjoy the support of seniors Dhanistha 1, 2: You lose in disputes. You incur the displeasure of seniors. Favourable currents cheer you up. KUMBHA (Aquarius) Dhanistha 3, 4, Satabhisha, and Poorvabhadrapada 1, 2, 3 Mars in the latter half, Mercury in the second half and, ‘Venus in the latter half, favour you. ‘This does not give a promise, In fact with meagre supply of good results and plethora of unpleasant experiences you are put to hardship. You are really exhausted because of THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘OCTOBER 2014 35 sv aetologiaimagazine com the hard labour you did earlier. When you try to rest your laurels you find that the demands are quite high and you cut a sorry figure at times. You have will and determination, But many other factors make you lazy. The absence of and non-cooperation of people on whom. you rely on disturb you. You spend time in isolation to the detriment of your personal activities at times. With all these you develop in your profession and the tenacity you dispiay in removing the adversaries excite even your ‘opponents, At last you emerge victoriou: Marriage proposals do not click in general. But romances succeed in the end, Newlyweds have a fairly enjoyable time though their desires are not fulfilled. Dhanistha 3, 4: You lose line disputes. You ate worried about problems of health. Favourable currents cheer you up. Satabhisha: Unfavourable currents disturb you, You gain from disputes. You enjoy the support of seniors. Poorvabhadra 1, 2,3: You are worried about problems of health. You lose in disputes. Favourable currents cheer you up. A &) MEENA (Pisces): GO SNY Poorvabhadrapada 4, S Uttarabhadrapada and Revati Mars in the latter half, Mercury in the first half, Jupiter, and Venus in the latter are favourable ‘This offers a fairly good picture. In general you are successful, Whether it is profession or in society you get your share which makes you happy. It is true that you are troubled by some women, who are silenced by the end of the month. Your investments are successful and fetches you good returns. At the same time you find that there are some setbacks in the mission towards the close. ‘Though initially you succeed in the mission, the euphoria you develop vanished gradually. You procure valuable goods and undertake travels which prove useful. Because of success you may be overjoyed and the natural complacency deters you from doing different task, much against your spirit. But you receive the momentum from your friends and consort and you become enthusiastic as you were earlier-Those who are inclined to religious practices visit holy places. sin succession ‘Marriage proposals click despite the obstruction created by some women. Newlyweds are quite happy and have an enjoyable honeymoon. Poorvabhadra 4; Problems of health cause concern, You lose in disputes. Favourable currents cheer you up. Uttarabhadra: Unfavourable currents disturb you, You gain in disputes. You gain from investment. Revati: You lose in disputes. You enjoy the help of seniors, Favourable currents cheer you up. . | A Catechism of Astrology Dr. B. V. RAMAN The Astrological eMagazine Web :; Email : [email protected] Available with al Price + Rs.75,00/US $7.50 rwanding charges extra leading booksellers 36 octoBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astologialmagazne com Phala Jyotisha P. P. Vaipyanamaan, BA, Data Yogas HE SUN, MARS and Saturn in three kendras of lagna, ‘and Chandra produce Sarpa yoga. Rahu and Kethu are also malefics, and if they occupy the fourth kendra, then the Sarpa yoga becomes complete. Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon in the 3 kendras of Lagna, produce Mala yoxa. Here Moon must be bright, and Mercury should not combine with any malefic. Suppose in the Sarpa yoga, the ‘malefies occupy their own houses orare exalted. Then the influences of the Sarpa yoga become powerful. Similarly im the Mala yoga, if the benefies are in their own houses or are exalted, the Mala yoga becomes powerful. Suppose the Sarpa yoga and the Mala yoga (as a matter of fact any yoga) occur in the kendra bhavas of lagna only, and do not occur in in the kendras of Chandra, or vice versa, then these yogas are only partly or 50 per cent effective. Similarly if all tne malefies (in Sarpa yoga or all the bene-fes in Mala yoga) occupy only one kendra or two kendras, in the Horoscope, then i.’.so these yogas do not yield maximum results Persons born under Sarpa yoga will be mischievous, and cruel, will quarrel with a id get separated from all friends and relations, will suffer from abject poverty, will be always sorrowful, will be c'ependant on other people for their food, will be sinful and will be doing bad and harmful actions. Persons born under Mala yoga will be handsome, will enjoy worldly pleasures, will own vehicles or carriages, fine dresses, wealth, ornaments, gold, silver and diamonds, beautiful houses and gardens. Sree Rama was born in Kataka lagna. with Moon and exalted Jupiter in the lagna, exalted Satur in the 4tn, exalted Mars in the 7th, exalted Venus in the 9th, exalted Sun in the 10th and Mercury in the 11th, Here we get Sarpa yoga both from lagna and Chandra and we know what a lot of difficulties and calamities, Sree Rama endured, but since all the three malefics are exalted, beneficial results also could be predicted, because exalted malefies give both good and evil in considerable measure. Hitler has Sarpa yoga from lagna only, and there is Karmabandham between Hitler and Mussolini, because both have Mars and Satur in Lagna kendra, and that is why they have Joined hands and started the very disastrous world-war. Horoscope | Horoscope Il sc | tae tas Sun ‘sun ne i sete = Rasi Rasi sie ie wet | 5 Yee ves | ae vas | ie, | vecay Please take note of the fact, that in Horoscope I Sun, Mars and Saturn occupy three separate signs, are placed in the kendras of both Lagna and Chandra; In Horoscope II the malefies Sun, Mars and Saturn, are found in Chandra kendra only, and they are situated in two signs, Gut Rabu and Kethu are not found in the Kendras of Lagna or Chandra, in either chart. The first is the Horoscope of the mother and the second is the Horoscope of the Son, and ‘Sarpa yoga from Chandra is found in both, ‘The Sum is fiery, but Venus is watery The Sun is bright and hot, but Saturn is dark and cold. That is why Venus and Saturn are said to be inimical to Sun and vice-versa, Mars is fiery; Moon and Neptune, watery; Mercury earthy; and Jupiter etherial. Saturn and Uranus are airy. The combinations of Sun and Venus, Sun and Moon, Sun and Saturn, Mars and Saturn, are very unfortunate. Dusthanas and Malefics ‘Saturn is the Karaka for the 6th which represents servants, debt, disease and enem’es; 8th.which indizates death, poverty and sorrows; and 12th which denotes downfall, financial loss and sin. Mars is the Karaka (natural lord) for the 3rd, which represents brothers, courage, death, adventure, anger, help, etc.,and the 6th which denotes debt, disease, and enemies. THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘OCTOBER 2014 37 sv aetologiaimagazine com Thus both Saturn and Mars are the Karakas for the 6th’ The 3rd, 6th, 8th and the 12th are called Dusthanas or evil houses, and Saturn and Mars, are said to be strong, and even beneficial in these bhavas. But the general view is that malefics, as Sun, Mars and Saturn do good in the 3rd, 6th, and L1th; all planets are beneficial in the 11th and harmful in the 8th and 12th; and benefies (Jupiter, Venus, well-associated Mercury and strong Moon) do harm in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, and 12th. Malefies usually destroy the bhavas they occupy, but if they are in their own houses or are exalted, they make the bhavas fruitful. Benefies in 6th, 8th and 12th are harmful, but malefics in 6th 8th and 12th are more harmful, is also the opinion of many earned Astrologers. Thus if Saturn in his own house or his sign of exaltation, is placed in the Lagna, the person will become a King or his equal, and will rule over cities and states, But in other signs, Saturn in the ascendant causes ong, suffering, poverty, ill-health and disease, idleness, sex-madness, and unclean appearance, and habits. Supposing Saturn.the worst malefic of the Solar system owns auspicious houses, and is situated in an auspicious house as Saturn in the Sth for a person born in Thula Lagna, we need have no hesitation in saying that the period of Saturn will be good from beginning to end, Besides being the Karaka for the 6th, 8th and the 12th houses, Saturn is also the Karaka for the 9th and 10th, ‘Sun and Jupiter are also the Karakas for the 9th and 10th houses. Sun represents father and Saturn represents grands father, and Jupiter is Guru, or religiou- guide. Satum denotes our dead ancestor'in the male line. Sun represents fathers Moon-Mother, Mars-Brother, Mercury-Uncle, Jupiter-Son, Venus-Wife, and Saturn-Servant. (FOR) i Predictive Astrology (consimued from 20) future can be known albeit, in vague and hazy out lines, fone can make himself master of his destiny. While there is nothing philosophically untenable or unsound, about this view, the narration of events is Nadi literature, and delineation of destinies of different individuals that have been admitted to be correct by the parties concerned point inefutably in the direction of a stern and inexorable, unalterable and unchangeable Destiny driving mankind towards a pre-determined or pre-ordained goal. It seems to ‘me (as is bound to appear to all average thinking people) that in the lastor final analysis, the problem of Freedom of, Will and Predestination will have to be taken as a persistent problem to which man's finite intellect would not find any solution, I must resist the temptation to cross the frontiers or borders and lapse into the domain of philosophy from that of Astrology, xIv I shall bring the discussion to a pose by indicating certain contusions that emerge from the fore-sketched analysis of the lures md limitations of Predictive Astrology. Whatever the lures and limitations, the human mind has a deep-rooted tendency or uncontrollable desire, almost amounting to a passion in certain cases, to jonsult an astrologer and profit by such consultation, (2) Knowledge, even of the worst coming events, is preferable to absence of information, a ‘mere blank or mental suspense. (3) Provided through contact with a reliable, honest and straightforward professional astrologer, or with a non-professional, some specific knowledge is obtained regarding the future, it may be used for the purpose of securing effective and comrect adjustment to the environment. Itis imperative that Astrology should be restored toits proper place in the scheme of cultural disciplines as Vedanga—a place it had long been enjoying for centuries. together in the past till somehow it came to be dethroned from its eminence. I do not believe the narrow-minded Universities and Governments controlled by time-serving, place-hunting, ;power-politicians would afford the necessary encouragement to the advancement of Astrology. 1 would rather appeal to private individuals and agencies who may be willing to establish a central Research Institute for the purpose oi investigating the nature and conditions of the obscurantist Nadi-literature and of freeing predictive Astrology from the dangerous incursions and depredatory —manouvres of Quacks moving and masquerading under the garb of, professionals with a code of ethics and business-morality Quacks must have their place in the Sun. I quite see that ‘They are a permanent factor in God's universe. But, there is no need for you and Ito fall vietims to them and to their trade. [society and Government are not able to prevent «quacks thriving in other walks of life, there is ample reason that they cannot prevent their brethren practising, predictive astrology, ether. Heredity and environment, intellect and initiative, courage and tenacity have enabled Dr. B. V, Raman to run Tue AstRoLocical. MAGAZINE as India's only journal of its kind and maintain an exalted level of critical and constructive contributions. It must be understood as the bounden duty of all lovers of Indian Culture to afford the maximum possible co-operation and encouragement to Dr. B. V. Raman in his sustained efforts to vindicate the value and validity of Indian Astrology against the onslaughts made by ignorant foreigners, and misguided and atheistic indigenous critics. (FOR) i 38 octoBER 2014 THE ASTROLOGICAL @MAGAZINE vow astologialmagazne com Sunrise and Sunset Timings for October 2014 Date] Bengaluru | Hyderabad | Mumbai New Delhi | Tiruvanantuaparam wise | Sunset | Sunrise | Sunset Sunrise | Sunset Sunrise ] Sunset} Sunrise] Sunset "ME | os tne loca time focal ime focal ime focal ime 1 | 609 | isso | 5:58 | 17:59 | 6:29 | 18:27 | 614 | 18.07 | 6:10 | 18:13 2 | 609 | 18:09 | 5:58 | 1758 | 620 | 18:26) ela | 18:06 | 6:10 | 183 3 | 609 | 18:08 [| 5:58 | 1758 | 629 | 1825 | 615 | 1805 | 610 | 1812 4 | 609 | 18:08 | 558 [1757 | 630 | 1824) 6:15 | 18:04 [| 6:10 | 1811 s_| 609 | 18:07 | 5:59 | 17:56 | 6:30 | 18:24) 6:16 | 18:03 | 6:10 | 18:11 6 | 6:09 | 18:06 | 5:59 | 17:56 | 6:30 | 18:23) G16 | 18:02 | 6:10 | 18:10 7 8 9 6:09 | 18:06 | 5:59 | 17:55 | 6:30 | 18:22 | 6:17 | 18:01 | 6:10 | 18:10 6.09 | 18:05 | 5:59 | 17:53 | 631 | 18:21 | 6:17 | 17:59 | 6:10 | 18:09 6.09 | 18:04 | 5:59 | 17:54] 631 | 18:20) 618 | 17:58 | 6:10 | 18:09 10 | 609 | 18:04 | 5:59 | 17:53) 631 | 18:20) @19 | 17:57 | 6:10 | 18:08 Ti | 6:09 | 1803 | 5:59 | 1753) 631 | 1819 | G19 | 17:56 | 6:10 | 18:08 12 | 6.09 | 18:03 | 5:59 | 17:52 | 6:32 | 18:18 | 6:20 | 17:55 | 6:10 | 18:07 13 | 6:10 | 18:02 [5:59 | 17:52 | 6:32 | 18:17 | 6:20 [17:54 | 6:10 | 18:07 14 | 6:10 | i801 | 5:59 | 1751) 6:32 | 18:17 | 6:21 | 17:53 | 6:10 | 18:07 1s | 6:10 | 18:01 | 5:59 | 17:50 | 6:32 | 1s:6 | 6:22 | 17:52 | 6:10 | 18:06 16 | 6:10 | 18:00 | 5:59 | 17:50) 6:33 | 1815 | 6:22 | 17:51 | 6:10 | 18:06 17 | 6:10 | 18:00 | 600 | 1749 | 6:33 | 1s | 6:23 | 17:50 | 6:10 | 18:05 18 | 6:10 | 17:59 | 600 | 17:49) 6:33 | 1814 | 6:23 | 17-49 | 6:10 | 18:05 19 | 6:10 | 17:59 | 600 | 1748 | 634 | 18:13 | 624 | 1748 | 6:10 | 18:04 20 | 6:10 | 17:58 | 600 | 1748 | 6:34 | 18:12 | 6:25 | 17:47 | 6:10 | 18:04 21 | eat | 17:58 | 600 | 17:47 | 6:34 | 18:12 | 6:25 | 17:46 | 6:10 | 18:04 22 | elt | 17:7 | 6:00 | 17:47 | 6:35 | 181 | 6:26 | 17:45 | 6:10 | 18:03 23 | ett | 17:57 | 601 | 17:46 | 6:35 | 18:10 | 6:27 | 17:44 | 6:10 | 18:03 24 | elt | 17:56 | 601 | 1746 | 635 | 1810 | 627 | 1743 | 6:10 | 18:03 25 [| ett | 17:56 | 601 | 1745 | 6:36 | 18:09 | 6:28 | 17:42 | 6:10 | 18:02 26 | 6:12 | 17:55 | 601 | 1745 | 6:36 | 18:08 | 6:29 | 1742] 6:10 | 18:02 27 | et2 | 1755 | 601 | 17:43 | 6:37 | 18:08 | 6:29 | 1741 | 6:10 | 18:02 28 | 612 | 17:55 | 602 | 1744 | 637 | 1807 | 6:30 | 1740 | 6:10 | 18:01 29 | 12 | i7sé | 602 | 1744 | 637 | 1807 | 6:31 | 1730 | 610 | 18:01 30 | 612 | 17:54 | 602 | 1743 | 638 | 1806) 631 | 17:38 | 1 | 1801 ai | eta [i7sa [602 [1743 | 638 | 18:06 | 6:32 [1737 | @t | 18:01 All times are in local time for the respective cities HATHA YOGA FOR ALL RaJeswar! RAMAN ‘The book takes you through a systematic course of Yoga ina graduated form. Contains 10 photo biocks and 90 line drawings. Pages : 127 : Price : Rs. 65.00 /US $ 650 @ Forwardng charges foe for Subscribers of The Astrological eMagazine 10% G, Saray Aparmarts, 48, 3 Coes, &h Mal Malleswaram, Bangalore - S60 003 “el #481-80:65991685 Ema no@astoogicalmagazine com THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE ‘ocTOBER 2014 39 ew aelogicaimagazins com Timings for Rahukala, Gulikakala and Yamakantaka 12 hours of the day and 12 hours of the night are divided into 8 sections each having duration of 90 minutes or I¥ehours each, The seven Upagrahas kaala, paridhi, dhooma, ardhaprahara, yamakantaka, indrachaapa and Maandi take over by turns their ruler ship of the seven sections, each day, leaving one to Rahu. The period ruled by Rahu is called Raahukala which is generally considered inauspicious. The timings of the ruler-ship of Raahukala forthe seven weekdays are furnished in the table below. The timings given are for days when the sunrise is 06.00 AM and sunset 06,00 PM, For calculating the exact duration of the period of Raahukalam, on any day, the duration of the daytime must be ascertained first and that has to be divided by 8. The result arrived will denote the duration of, the each of the 8 sections for the day. For example take a Sunday having the sunrise at 06.20 AM and sunset at 05.40 PM. The duration of the daytime will then be only 11h.20m.., or 680minutes. Divided by 8 the sectional value will be only 85 minutes, Raahukala generally for Sunday is from 16.30 0 18 hrs. In this case Raahukala must therefore be only for 85 minutes. It would commence 85 minutes before the actual unset of the day namely, 05.40 AM. Therefore the Raahukala for the day will be from 16h.1Sm, to 17h.40m. It has to be worked out accordingly for the periods of other Upageahas also. Gulikakala is considered auspicious. Regarding Yamakantaka, popularly considered inauspicious, opinions however, differ. Weekday Rahukala Gulikakala_| Vamakantaka Sunday 163010 18.00 | 15.0000 1630 | 12.0010 13.30 “Monday [07.30 1009.00 | 13.3010 15.00 | 10.300 12.00 _| Tuesday 15,0010 16.30 | 12.0010 13.30 | 09.000 10.30 Wednesday 12,0010 13.30 | 10.30t0 12.00 | 07.3010 09.00 Thursday 133010 15.00 | 09.0010 10.30 | 06.00 to 07.30 Friday 10.3010 12.00 | 07.301009.00_ | 15.000 16.30 ‘Saturday 09.00 t0 10.30 | 06.001007.30_ | 13.30 t0 15.00 Niranjan Babu's books on Vastu Now available in Kannada 8S da. 125/- Books are available with the author, all le ds ca. 140/- Bosh ones ing booksellers of Karnataka and with the publishers at the following addresses : Sapna Book House 3rd Main Road, Gandhinagar, Bengaluru - §60 009. Ph : 080-40114455. Email : [email protected] Edited and Published by Bangalore Niranjan Babu a 101 C, Sarath Aparonets 48,130 Cross, Sth Main, Mallswavan, Bangalore 860003 and Printed by ‘hin a Sharada Emerprises. #31, Car Stet, Halauru, Bargalore 560008, Ph: 25356015, ‘Email sharudhontrprisesagmaiteom ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE ‘Which Direction Suits You? vy Subscription Form Please enter my subscription to The Astrological eM: Enclosed is bank draft in favour of The Astrological eMagazine for Rs. 550.00 (US $ 45) towards 12 month subscription Speed Post and Courier Charges Extra Name : Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Address City Pin code Country E-mail Telephone Mobile Subscription from New Gin (Tick your Choice) The Astrological eMagazine 1OIC, Sarathy Apartments, No. 48, 13th Cross, Sth Main, Malleshwaram, Bangalore-560 003, Tel: +91-80-65991845, +91-80. Web :; Email : [email protected]

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