3. What is your own reflection based on the film and your understanding?
Being Filipinos doesn’t only mean the physical ties we have with the land, or with tradition, or even with
our family, it is recognizing ourselves as the protector of our land and protector our fellow men. It is being
able to fight for what is good for our country and preserve the dignity and freedom our ancestors have
fought for our land. It is easy to say “I’m a Filipino” but hard to truly embody it’s principle. Many of our
thoughts and involvements have changed. Technology rises and new tendencies have been made.
Sometimes, we somehow tend to bury what is of important. We were able to believe rationally. We, Filipinos
presents are merely traveling with the flow. The sense of being a “Filipino” is in the terminal forgotten. We
patronize more the merchandises that came from other states instead than the merchandises that were
made in ours.
Therefore, our society has a lot of problems right now just like the film that we’ve watched and we are aware
that there will be a lot more as time goes by. So stop being a burden in our society. We must follow rules and submit
to our authorities. Also, praying for our nation is the best I can contribute to our country. Lastly, embracing our
culture is one of the best things I can do for our country.