Ga 0820
Ga 0820
Ga 0820
Grid Solutions
DS Agile v6.1
Featuring DS Agile aViewTM, the next-generation Key Benefits
user interface for substation automation Powerful, user-friendly and fully
customizable HMI
As power networks become more efficient and intelligent, substation automation systems Total situational awareness
need to provide new and smarter solutions. The DS Agile v6.1 Digital Control System Hardware performance adaptable per
incorporates a brand new, state-of-the-art graphical user interface that help users specific needs
optimally monitor, control, operate and maintain modern electrical substations.
IEC 61850 inter-operability
Full Situational Awareness High level of standardization
Reliable redundant architectures
The new generation of DS Agile incorporates a new, state-of-the-art user interface that
provides holistic and accurate monitoring of the substation for its optimal control, Wide-area automation
operation and maintenance. Secure Web access to HMI
Global teams for project delivery
Any type of electrical and non- electrical parameters are acquired by using sensors and
and support
condition monitoring IEDs across the substation, integrated in the DS Agile database and
displayed in the universal interface through fully customizable graphical interface:
Electrical topology and measurements
Primary equipment and secondary devices condition data
Indoor & outdoor environmental conditions
Auxiliary services state
Substation infrastructure information
Success Guaranteed
GE provides a complete portfolio of software and hardware solutions for substation
automation, which are pre-tested & validated for their successful integration to the DS
Agile system. Third-party devices can also be easily integrated in the architecture, IED’s
that do not support PRP (Parallel Redundancy Protocol) or HSR (High availability Seamless
Redundancy) can be integrated into the substation network using GE’s Redbox .
Imagination at work
DS AGILE v6.1 aView Graphical Interface
DS AGILE v6.1 aView Graphical Interface 3
DS AGILE v6.1 aView Graphical Interface
One of the essential functions of the DS Agile is to concentrate Once a control operation is initiated by an operator, locally or
and process data, based on the information that comes from a remotely, multiple checks are performed by the system before
variety of sources, both analog and digital. For example, when the effective issue of the control order or signal, in order to make
integrating legacy equipment, analog data can be acquired it fully secure. For instance, interlocks are ensured by logical
directly from current and voltage transformers while digital data equations or as the result of a dynamic topological analysis
can be acquired over serial communications links or via coupled with expert rules. Interlocks are managed as close to the
hardwired links. process as possible to provide the best security of operation.
DS Agile manages many types of data from the substation's Interlocking conditions are graphically displayed on the
primary and secondary equipment such as: transformer tap operator's screen in order to immediately identify the locking
changer and switchgear positions, control signals, measurement conditions, if any, allowing the operator to make the appropriate
values, disturbance records, settings, etc. Each item of qualified changes before issuing the order.
data is uniquely referenced in the system configuration tool in
order to ensure full consistency of the information, as well as Automation
allowing it to be re-used in other parts of the system.
The operator can configure specific control sequences or
automation schemes, across one or more sites (e.g. automatic
Monitoring and Diagnostics re-closing, System Integrity Protection Schemes (SIPS), synchro-
Among the numerous DS Agile standard features, diverse check). Such applications can work based on local or remote
functions for local or remote monitoring and analysis of collected data. Similarly, the outputs can perform local or remote actions.
data are available. Key situational information can be obtained Programmable logics can be implemented using either
either from the embedded LCD screens of the C264 bay Programmable-Scheme Logic (PSL) or Programmable-Logic
controller or other monitoring devices, or, at substation level, Controller (PLC) methods. PSL is used for fast automation
through the powerful graphical user interface DS Agile aView, applications and it is available within the C264 bay controller.
which provides more sophisticated and clear monitoring views. Since PSL is event-driven, there is no cycle time. The optional
The user can then benefit from customized displays for easier PLC tool is fully compliant with IEC 61131-3 and it can be used for
awareness and maintenance, comprehensive alarm annunciator complex or sequential automation applications.
screens, accurate fault location, etc. Other typical features
include advanced reporting, dual-language display and DS Agile v6.1 provides additional inbuilt libraries of automation
disturbance record analysis. functions, including functions for feeder protection, automatic
reclosing and voltage regulation of parallel transformers.
DS Agile system capabilities
aView aView
GTW Full IEC 61850 GTW
Flexible network
Interbay interlock Up to 250 IEC architecture
61850 servers PRP/HSR
IEC 61850-9-2/
IEC 61850-8-1
monitoring CT/VT
SCU COSI MU digitalization
DS AGILE v6.1 aView Graphical Interface
Redundant Architectures
The DS Agile system architecture is built or to another DS Agile aView
Substation + H19x HSR DS Agile C264 BCU
around an Ethernet network that links
the different components from the base Switch
architecture with the HMI workstation,
gateway and protection and control IEDs. 5
DS AGILE v6.1 aView Graphical Interface
DS AGILE v6.1 aView Graphical Interface
GE's Switches
DS Agile gateway
GE's H-series Ethernet switches use a combination of advanced
redundancy protocols and fiber-optic connections to ensure
reliability and availability of substation communications networks.
Grid Solutions' Relays
GE provides the most complete family of protective All this, while maintaining the flexibility of being able to connect
relays for transmission, sub-transmission, generation and to standard Ethernet networks and thus ideal for substation
industrial substations. refurbishment or upgrades.
Reason H49, GE’s all in one gigabit redundancy solution, has been
especially designed for the digital substation, for use on the
substation bus and process bus, in a mix of PRP dual star and HSR
MiCOM P40 protection relay rings. The 1000 Mbps HSR ring allows to transport multiple
Sampled Value streams on the same ring, simplifying network
topology. In addition, IEEE 1588v2 and Power Profile compliance
allow for high precision timing application such sampled value
timestamping. 7
Agile Digital Substation by GE
For more information please contact
IEC is a registered trademark of Commission Electrotechnique Internationale. IEEE is a registered
GE Power trademark of the Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers, Inc.
Grid Solutions
GE and the GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company.
Worldwide Contact Center GE reserves the right to make changes to specifications of products described at any time without
notice and without obligation to notify any person of such changes.
DS-Agile-v6.1-aView-Brochure-EN-2018-08-Grid-GA-0820. © Copyright 2018, General Electric
Phone: +44 (0) 1785 250 070 Company. All rights reserved.
Imagination at work