Acceptance of Technology With Network Externalities - An Empirical
Acceptance of Technology With Network Externalities - An Empirical
Acceptance of Technology With Network Externalities - An Empirical
Wang, C-C., Y. Hsu , W. Fang., “Acceptance of Technology with Network Externalities: An Empirical
Study of Internet Instant Messaging Services,” Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application
(JITTA), 6:4, 2005, 15-28.
Chih-Chien Wang, Yahui Hsu, Wenchang Fang
perceived ease of use (PEOU) are the two Todd (1995), Davis (1989), Davis, Bagozzi,
most important factors determining system and Warshaw (1989), Doll, Hendrickson and
usage. He defined PU as the degree to which a Deng (1998), Gefen and Straub (1997), Hong,
person believes that using a particular Thong, Wong and Tam (2001), Hu and Chau
information system will enhance his or her job (1999), Lucas and Spitler (1999), Mathieson
performance (Davis 1989); PEOU was defined (1991), Moon and Kim (2001), Szajna (1994),
as "the degree to which a person believes that Venkatesh and Davis (2000), Venkatesh,
using a particular information system would be Speier, and Morris (2002), and Wober and
free of effort." The TAM approach assumes Gretzel (2000) and some others. The
that PU is influenced by PEOU -- that is, technologies used to test the effectiveness of
systems that are perceived as easier to use are TAM include email, voice mail, word
also perceived as being more useful processors, spreadsheets, database programs,
(Venkatesh & Davis 2000). graphic systems, decision support systems, and
the World-Wide Web browsers. In the
A long list of researchers have used
majority of these studies, use of the TAM
various technologies to test, assess, and verify
model was supported by the empirical results.
TAM, which included Adams, Nelson and
Todd (1992), Agarwal and Prasad (1997), However, there are other factors that
Bhattacherjee (2000), Chau (1996), Chau and influence behavioral intention to use (BI) and
Hu (2001), Chen and Lou (2002), Chin and actual usage behavior (AB)--for instance,
Few researchers have looked at instant messaging service (IMS) adoption and
acceptance, especially the effect of network externality on IMS acceptance. The issue is
important because IMS software that possesses network externality is positioned to become a
globally accepted interpersonal communications technology.
In this paper, we combine the technology acceptance model (TAM) with network
externality to examine IMS user acceptance. We added two constructs to perceived usefulness
(PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU) in order to analyze the influence of network externality
on technology acceptance: technology utility (TU) to represent a standalone utility and
perceived number of users (PNOU) to represent a network externality utility. Our results show
that the combination of the original TAM with network externality was useful to explain the
acceptance of technology in the presence of network externality.
We believe this paper makes at least three contributions to the literature on this topic:
First, we found that TAM could be used to explain the adoption of IMS. Second, our study
provided as an evidence for the existence of network externality and the influence of network
externality to the acceptance of IMS. It might be an important contribution since that most
papers in the topic of network externality are conceptual and empirical studies have been done.
Finally, this study found that it is necessary to combine the network externality variables into
TAM when discussing the adoption of technology in the presence of network externality.
To practitioners, this study pointed out the importance of raising ease of use and
increasing the user base to the intention of using IMS. In keeping with the overall goal of
increasing the number of IMS users, our focus was to help IMS firms identify potential users
based on perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, technology utility, and perceived number
of users. Potential users can be targeted via a marketing campaign that emphasizes the value of
IMS to adopters (ease of use and usefulness), provides the required tools to learn how to use the
service correctly (behavioral intention to use), and provides information on IMS itself
(technology utility) and number of users (network externality).
Although this study was conducted within the IMS context, we believe the results are
applicable to other communication-based IT services with network externalities--for instance,
telephone service firms and bulletin board system services.
Acceptance Of Technology With Network Externalities
perceived utility from a network externality predictor of BI, PEOU is thought to exert a
effect. According to Rohlfs (1974) and Katz significant influence on PU, and both PU and
and Shapiro (1985), network externality is the PEOU influence an individual's behavioral
characteristic of change in product value intention to use a new system (Fliegel &
according to the number of users. In short, the Kivlin 1966; Ostlund 1974; Szajna 1996;
utility that a user derives from consuming a Tornatzky & Klein 1982; Zaltman, Duncan &
good or product increases as the number of Holbek 1973). PU and PEOU are therefore
consumers of the same good or product also believed to be useful as predictive tools. At
increases (Katz & Shapiro 1986). least two studies have shown that BI also
influences actual usage behavior (AB) (Davis,
Communication products serve as one
Bagozzi & Warshaw 1989; Szajna 1996).
example of merchandise for which network
externality strongly influences user utility. Four of the most important concepts
Internet-based Instant Messaging Services that have been repeatedly discussed in the
(IMSs) are relatively recent communication TAM literature are perceived ease of use,
products that possess network externality. User perceived usefulness, behavioral intention and
acceptance of an IMS may be determined not actual usage behavior. The perceived
only by perceived usefulness or ease of use, usefulness of a technology increases with
but also by the network effect based on the perceived ease of use. The more useful and
number of users. According to marketing simple (ease of use) a user thinks a new
research conducted by Jupiter Media Metrix, technology is, the stronger his or her intention
53.8 million Americans used an instant to use the system; furthermore, the stronger the
messaging product in their home at least once usage intention, the greater the actual usage
during September, 2001, an increase of 28 behavior. Based on this background, the first
percent compared to September, 2000. A four hypotheses were established as
smaller but still significant number of
H1: Perceived ease of IMS use positively
Americans (13.4 million) used instant
and directly influences perceived IMS
messaging at work during September of 2001
(Denison, 2002).
H2: Perceived IMS usefulness positively
The adoption behavior of IMS users is
and directly influences behavioral
the primary focus of this study. The main
intention to use IMS.
research questions are (a.) can IMS be used to
reconfirm the usefulness of TAM to explain or H3: Perceived ease of IMS use positively
predict acceptance of an IS product? and (b.) and directly influences behavioral
can the combination of the TAM approach and intention to use IMS.
network externality be used to explain and/or
H4: Behavioral intention to use IMS
predict the adoption of IMS?
positively and directly influences actual
IMS usage.
Technology Utility
Technology utility (TU) is standalone
To develop his TAM model, Davis utility which is unrelated to user size and used
(1989) incorporated features of theory of to describe utility not arising from the network
reasoned action (TRA), which had previously externality effect (Farrell & Saloner 1986;
been used to explain and predict a broad range Kauffman, McAndrews & Wang 2000;
of behaviors such as choosing a career and Saloner & Shepard 1995). Occasionally, an
voting for a presidential candidate (see also older product with a large user base is pushed
Davis, 1989 and Davis, Bagozzi & Warshaw, out of a market and replaced with a new
1989). The literature contains considerable product that has greater technological utility.
evidence showing a strong link between The new product is often successful due to a
perceived ease of use (PEOU) and behavioral unique design feature or function. IMS has a
intention to use (BI). Furthermore, perceived considerable TU because it would exist
usefulness (PU) is considered a significant regardless of the level of adoption by other
users. The primary IMS function--instant large number of IMS users may encourage
information exchange among users-- IMS adopters to take the necessary time to
determines its technological utility. learn about a specific program's features and
functionalities, to get hands-on experience, or
Through the increase of customers'
to ask for demonstrations from other IMS
perceived technology valuation, technological
users. As more time is spent exchanging
utility can influence user perceptions of
information, IMS adopters will increasingly
usefulness and intention to use (Kauffman,
accept the attitude that IMS is not difficult to
McAndrews & Wang 2000). In the IMS
learn or use, and they will likely share that
example, users may regard a particular IMS as
perception with other potential users (Lou,
being especially useful because it has
Luo & Strong 2000). Accordingly, the next
functions that are not available from other IMS
hypothesis was established as
types--e.g., allowing for interactions among a
large group of message-sharers, the ability to H8: Perceived number of IMS users
exchange large files, or the ability to deliver positively and directly influences
high quality audio or images. These kinds of perceived ease of use.
features may increase intention to use.
Lou, Luo and Strong (2000) have
Individuals making a choice among several
argued that information system acceptance
types of IMS software should consider the
requires the participation of many individuals
standalone utility of the technology and the
to create a sense of collective action. Few
network effect utility associated with the
people are willing to use technology on their
number of current users. Based on the
own or in small numbers; when it comes to IT,
assumption that the perceived usefulness and
there is a strong perception of safety in
behavioral intention of IMS increases with its
numbers (Shapiro & Varian, 1998). Pae and
technology utility, we established the next two
Hyun (2002) recently offered evidence
hypotheses as
showing that network externality is positively
H5: Technology utility positively and associated with technology adoption, and that
directly influences perceived IMS consumers value compatibility because it gives
usefulness. them access to larger networks. Chakravarty
(2003) found that over 80 percent of
H6: Technology utility positively and
technology buyers do so in anticipation that
directly influences behavioral intention to
other buyers will buy the same technology in
use the IMS.
the future, even though it may be more
Network Externality expensive. Additional support for the idea that
behavioral intention and adoption behavior is
Rohlfs (1974) and Katz and Shapiro influenced by network externalities comes
(1985) proposed and developed the network
from Lange, McDade and Oliva (2004). Based
externality concept to explain the phenomenon on this background, our final hypothesis is
that perception of product utility is tied to the
number of product users. Essentially, network H9: The perceived number of IMS users
externalities occur when the perceived benefit positively and directly influences
of using a product increases with the perceived behavioral intention to use IMS.
number of users (PNOU) of that product. In
An illustration of our proposed
this study, we were less concerned with actual
modification of the TAM model is shown in
user numbers than with user perceptions of the
Figure 1.
number of people adopting IMS. Accordingly,
we established the next hypothesis as
H7: The perceived number of IMS users
positively and directly influences Instrument Development and Data
perceived IMS usefulness. Collection
The perceived number of users can A questionnaire survey was constructed
affect technology acceptance by altering users' and used to examine the effects of network
perceived ease of use. The perception of a externality and TAM on IMS behavioral
Acceptance Of Technology With Network Externalities
intention and actual usage. Specifically, the and 21-25 (1.86 million) age segments. The
collected data were used to determine the large majority of users in these age brackets
effectiveness of PEOU, PU, and BI as are high school and college students, which
predictors of AB. PEOU and PU attributes supports our decision to create an entire
were measured using modified multiple-item sample consisting of student volunteers from
perceptual scales from Davis (1989) and several Taiwanese colleges.
Venkatesh and Davis (2000). Four BI items
The questionnaire was administered to
were used to assess the behavioral intentions
517 students; 437 (84.53%) fully completed
of respondents who had downloaded and
questionnaires were accepted for data analysis
installed IMS software, or whose computers
(283 female, 154 male). Respondent ages
already had IMS software installed.
ranged from 17 to 33; only 10 stated that they
All responses were measured along a had no experience using an IMS program. The
Likert-type scale, with 1 ="strongly disagree," most frequently used IMS services were MSN
4 = "neutral," and 7 = "strongly agree." AB Messenger (85%), Yahoo Messenger (67%)
was assessed with two items that were and ICQ (13%); these figures indicate that
designed to measure the respondents' IMS many respondents were familiar with more
usage. TU and PNOU were individually than one IMS service.
assessed with three items each. Respondents
Reliabilities and Validation
were asked to assess IMS in terms of technical
usefulness and value in order to examine the Cronbach alphas were calculated with
TU construct. The PNOU items were designed SAS software in order to measure the
to measure the number of IMS users. The reliability of the six constructs (see Hair,
questionnaire also collected demographic data. Anderson, Tatham and Black 1998, for a
The scales are presented in an appendix to this detailed description of the Cronbach alpha
paper. formula). We calculated Cronbach alphas of
0.91, 0.89, 0.94, 0.95, 0.84 and 0.80 for the
The survey was pre-tested with 30
PEOU, PU, BI, AB, TU and PNOU scales,
students from a university in northern Taiwan
respectively, thus confirming their individual
to assess the scales' psychometric attributes.
reliability. All of the reliabilities exceeded
Several items were modified based on their
0.70, well within the commonly accepted
responses and comments.
range (Gefen, Straub & Boudreau 2000)
A convenience sampling approach was (Table 1).
used to verify the hypotheses. According to
Since all data were collected at the
research published by the Taiwan Network
same time using the same instrument, we
Information Center (TWNIC) in July of 2003,
needed to address the potential for common
the largest numbers of computer network users
in that country are in the 16-20 (1.62 million)
Technology Utility
(TU) H6
Perceived Usefulness
Perceived Number H7 H2
of User
(PNOU) Actual Usage
H9 H4 Behavior
H1 Intention (BI)
H8 (AB)
Perceived H3
Ease of Use
method variance (Gefen, Karahanna & Straub variables on the PEOU, PU, BI and AB
2003; Straub, Limayem & Karahanna 1995; endogenous variables. SEM is a confirmatory
Woszczynski & Whitman 2004); we therefore approach to data analysis that requires a priori
made use of Harmon's one-factor test (Igbaria, assignments of inter-variable relationships. It
Zinatelli, Cragg & Cavaye 1997; Podsakoff & consists of statistical tests of a hypothesized
Organ 1986). We performed an exploratory model to determine consistency between the
factor analysis of all 20 items in our survey model and sample data. SEM provides an
and extracted four factors with eigenvalues assessment of predictive validity, specifies
greater than 1. Just under three-fourths direct and indirect relations among latent
(72.38%) of all variance was explained by variables, and quantifies explained and
these four factors; one factor accounted for unexplained variance in a model (Byrne 1998;
49.08 percent. We therefore concluded that Schumacker & Lomax 1996; Wisner 2003).
common method variance did not affect the We used it to test our proposed model and to
data. develop a new model based on the best data fit
(Rosen-Grandon, Myers & Hattie 2004).
Convergent validity is assessed by
reviewing a measurement model's factor SEM does not offer a single test of
loading (Anderson & Gerbing 1988). significance for absolutely identifying a
Convergent validity is assumed if the factor correct model given sample data (Schumacker
loadings for all indicators measuring the same & Lomax 1996). Since several goodness-of-fit
construct are statistically significant. As shown criteria have been established, some
in Figures 2 and 3, all factor loadings in this researchers recommend presenting more than
research were identified as significant. one index to assess model fit (see, for
Discriminant validity addresses the example, Bentler 1992 and Garver & Mentzer
degree to which measures of different 1999).
variables are unique (Bagozzi, 1982). This is
Before analyzing our proposed model,
achieved when correlations between any two
we analyzed the normality assumption of SEM
latent variables are found to be significantly
and got the results that Skewness was
different from unity, i. e. significantly less than
calculated at -1.38 and Kurtosis 1.33;
1.00 (Bagozzi, Yi & Phillips 1991; Segars &
standardized Z values were -11.78 and 5.68,
Grover 1998). Correlations among TU, PNOU,
both significant at p<0.05. We chose
PEOU and PU are listed in Table 2. The
SAS/CALIS to analyze our proposed model.
confidence intervals of the correlations show
that the values were significantly less than TAM
unity (1.00), thus confirming discriminant
validity. First, the original TAM model for IMS
was examined. The SEM analysis indicated
acceptable model fit. According to Gefen,
DATA ANALYSIS Straub, and Boudreau (2000), and Hair,
Anderson, Tatham, and Black (1998),
Structural equation modeling (SEM)
goodness of fit index (GFI), comparative fit
was used to identify factors and to measure the
influences of the TU and PNOU exogenous
Construct Reliabilities
Perceived ease of use (PEOU) 0.91
Perceived Usefulness (PU) 0.89
Behavioral intention to use (BI) 0.94
Actual usage behavior (AB) 0.95
Technology Utility (TU) 0.84
Perceived number of users (PNOU) 0.80
Acceptance Of Technology With Network Externalities
PNOU 0.424(0.049)
PEOU 0.528(0.041) 0.729(0.031)
PU 0.542(0.041) 0.522(0.044) 0.549(0.038)
Note: Numbers in parentheses represent standard errors. All differences from unity were
statistically significant at p<0.05.
index (CFI), normed fit index (NFI), and non- study followed this point and examined the
normed fit index (NNFI) are best if above 0.90 network externality. The SEM analysis
and demonstrate marginally acceptance if showed acceptable model fit. The GFI was
above 0.80, adjusted goodness of fit index 0.95, AGFI was 0.91, CFI was 0.97, NFI was
(AGFI) above 0.80, root mean square residual 0.95, NNFI was 0.95, and χ 2 to degrees of
(RMR) below 0.05. Jiang, Klein, and Carr freedom ratio is 3.79 ( χ 312 = 117.41 ), all within
(2002) also recommended the ratio of χ 2 to
the accepted thresholds. Figure 3 summarized
degrees of freedom below 5. The GFI of this the results of SEM analysis. The model
model was 0.94, AGFI was 0.90, RMR was demonstrated that PU was influenced by TU
0.04, CFI was 0.97, NFI was 0.96, NNFI was and PNOU. All paths in the model were
0.96 and χ 2 to degrees of freedom ratio of significant at p<0.05.
3.23 ( χ 692 = 223.29 ), all within the accepted
Extended TAM
thresholds. Figure 2 illustrated the results of We examined three extended technology
SEM analysis. The proposed model states that acceptance models for IMS. Model 1 focused
BI was influenced by PU and PEOU, and that on the direct effect only, model 2 on the
PEOU exerts an indirect effect on BI. All mediation effect, and model 3 on a
model paths were significant at p<0.05. combination of the direct and mediation
Network Externality effects. Furthermore, model 1 was limited to
the direct effect of TU on BI and of PNOU on
Farrell and Saloner (1986) noted that BI; model 2 was limited to the mediation
the value of a product with network effect of TU on BI via PU, and of PNOU on
externalities comprised the standalone benefit BI via PEOU and PU.
(i.e. TU in this study) and the perceived size of
the network (i.e. PNOU in this study). This
Acceptance Of Technology With Network Externalities
Model Description GFI AGFI CFI NFI NNFI χ2 d.f. χ 2 /d.f.
Model 1 (direct effect only) 0.8732 0.8325 0.9272 0.9065 0.9130 655.34 159 4.12
Model 2 (mediation effect only) 0.8975 0.8646 0.9445 0.9233 0.9337 537.38 159 3.78
Model 3 (direct + mediation 0.9000 0.8671 0.9477 0.9266 0.9371 514.88 158 3.26
PU and BI and indirectly affected BI through adoption and acceptance, nor examined the
PU; (b.) PNOU directly and positively effect of network externality on IMS
influenced PU, PEOU and BI, indirectly acceptance.
affected PU through PEOU, and indirectly
Since our hypotheses were rooted in
affected BI through PEOU and PU; (c.) PEOU
TAM and network externality theory (both
directly and positively influenced PU and BI
applicable to goods, services, concepts, and
and indirectly influenced BI through PU; and
ideas), we believe that they would also hold
(d.) BI directly and positively influenced AB.
true for other IT products and services.
These results suggest a successful integration
Additional studies are required to validate our
of the original TAM with a network externality
results. Future researchers may also be
interested in determining whether or not our
This study represents a careful and conclusions are true for America Online
systematic effort to build a model describing (AOL), the largest IMS provider in the U.S.
adoption behavior and test it with IMS as the
Our data was collected via convenience
target product. The research hypotheses were
samples. This constraint blocks the potential
designed to be more illustrative than
for generalizing our findings. Future
exhaustive, and to stimulate further research in
researchers may want to use random sampling
this area. To our knowledge, no researchers to
techniques to obtain representative data.
date have used IMS to study technology
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Chih-Chien Wang, PhD, is 2003. Her research interests include network
currently assistant professor of externality, IT adoption and usage, and product
information management at preannouncement.
the National Taipei
Wen-Chang Fang, professor of Department of
University. His research
Business Administration at
interests include electronic
National Taipei University. He
commerce, online consumer
received PhD degree form
behaviour, Internet rumours, e-mail
Northwestern University, USA.
spamming, and the impact of Internet to
His research focuses are mainly
on electronic commerce and
Ya-Hui Hsu is a PhD student network externalities. He is now
of Department of Business also chief editor for the Electronic Commerce
Administration at National Studies, a quarterly academic journal in Taiwan.
Taipei University. She
received her MBA degree at
National Taipei University in
If I have to use temporarily a computer without IMS software, I intend to download and install
If I own a computer with IMS software, I intend to use it.
Given that I have a computer with IMS, I predict that I will use it.
If I had to reinstall all of my software on my computer, I would download and reinstall IMS
Actual usage behavior (AB)
I use IMS frequently.
I usually use IMS when I use my computer.
Perceived number of users (PNOU)
From my observations, the number of IMS users is large.
Many of my friends and/or relatives frequently use IMS.
In my opinion, many internet users frequently use IMS.
Technology utility (TU)
From a technical viewpoint, IMS is a useful technology.
From a technical viewpoint, IMS is a wonderful innovation.
From a technical viewpoint, IMS is a valuable messaging service.