Health Risk Assessment PDF
Health Risk Assessment PDF
Health Risk Assessment PDF
on occupational health
risk assessment
second edition
Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition 1
Executive summary
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the guide
1.2 Occupational health impacts of mining and metals
1.3 Occupational health risk assessment
2. Identification of issues
2.1 Identifying health hazards
2.2 Identifying exposed workers
2.3 Identifying potentially hazardous processes, tasks and areas
3. Assessment
3.1 Assessing exposure levels
3.2 Risk rating
3.3 Deciding health risk acceptability
3.4 Identifying and managing effective controls
3.5 The bow-tie analysis – putting it all together
Executive summary
Healthy workers are essential to the success of mining and metals companies,
and ICMM company members are driven in their protection of the health and
well-being of both workers and local communities by ICMM’s Sustainable
Development Principle 5: ‘Pursue continual improvement in health and safety
performance with the ultimate goal of zero harm.’
Workforce protection should be This guide identifies the occupational Where possible, alignment has also
seen in the context of a vision health impacts of mining and metals been attempted with the ISO 45001
of ‘zero harm’ – ensuring that a processing, outlines good practices international standard ‘Occupational
workplace culture is embraced that in the identification of hazards and health and safety management
recognises occupational illnesses exposed workers, assists practitioners systems – requirements with guidance
are preventable, ensures repeat in estimating exposure levels and for use’. This was in draft at the time
occurrences of occupational disease assessing the effectiveness of controls of review but it is not anticipated that
do not occur, and promotes the setting and explains the importance of quality major changes will take place in the
and implementing of a consistent set analysis and reporting. final version. Many organisations
of standards to prevent occupational may be aligning their internal
illness. ICMM has defined an MUE as an documentation with this standard in
unwanted event where the potential or time, and some of the terminology in
In 2009 ICMM developed the Good real consequence exceeds a threshold the new ISO standard has changed.
practice guidance on occupational defined by the company as warranting The main change has been the
health risk assessment to help site the highest level of attention (eg a alignment of terms between health
practitioners assess and address the high-level health or safety impact). and safety and the environmental
risks posed by hazards in the mining A critical control is a control that is standards in accordance with Annex
and metals sector. It provides those crucial to preventing the event or SL, Appendix 2 of the ISO/IEC
practitioners with the information and mitigating the consequences of the Directives, Part 1, Consolidated ISO
tools they needed to assess the health event. The absence or failure of a Supplement, 2015. However, in the
and well-being of employees and critical control would significantly context of this guidance the changes
contractors. increase the risk despite the existence are not significant.
of the other controls. In addition, a
In 2016 a review was undertaken control that prevents more than one
to bring the text and advice up to unwanted event or mitigates more
date with changes in the field of than one consequence is normally
occupational health risk assessment classified as critical.
and align this document with
the terminology and approaches It is our intention that this publication ‘It is our intention
proposed in ICMM documentation provides a practical tool to assist
published since the first edition, companies in protecting the health
2that this publication
principally the prioritised approach and well-being of their workforce and 2provides a practical tool
to risk management including the it aims to represent good practice 2to assist companies in
identification of material unwanted for companies operating in the 2protecting the health
events (MUEs) and managing those mining and metals sector today.
through the use of critical controls. This document is titled guidance on
2and well-being of their
occupational health risk assessment, 2workforce.’
but since the process of risk
assessment involves assessment of
controls and is an ongoing, continuous
process it necessarily involves
elements of risk management.
4 Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition
1.1 A key component to the success This moral obligation is increasingly
of health risk management is being embedded within the sector
Purpose of the guide through the adoption of the vision of
the commitment and visible
leadership from senior and executive zero harm (ie zero exposures above
This guide is an information resource
management. occupational exposure levels) and zero
for conducting occupational health
serious illness or fatal events from
risk assessments (HRAs). It is
HRAs within the mining and metals occupation health-related exposures
intended for mining and metals
sector are especially complex within a wider health and well-being
managers and advisers who are
because of the breadth and range of at work policy.
responsible for ensuring the
the mining life cycle, which includes
occupational health and well-
(see Figure 1): This vision encompasses four key
being of employees and third party
• exploration aspects:
contractors. Though the guidance
focuses on the occupational health • design • developing a workplace culture
risks to employees and contractors in across an organisation that
• construction
a mining and metals operation, it is recognises that the prevention of
• operation/extraction long-term serious disease is just as
important to note that these risks
can also affect the wider community • processing important as the prevention of
living around that operation. HRA is • engineering services and serious safety events
an integral part of the process of maintenance • making a consistent and sustained
health risk management and often • closure effort to ensure that there are no
the two may be indistinguishable. repeat occurrences of occupational
• rehabilitation/remediation.
It is important to note that health diseases in any workplace setting of
risk management is not synonymous an organisation
This life cycle also encompasses the
with hazard identification and risk • setting and implementing a simple,
movement of products, equipment
assessment. The latter forms only consistent and non-negotiable set
and personnel by road, rail, air and
part of the more comprehensive of health and safety standards
sea and the associated transportation
management approach. across an organisation that aims to
networks and distribution facilities
(eg ports and warehouses), as well prevent occupation-related illnesses
The aim of occupational HRAs is
as the manufacturing, recycling and • for businesses to identify their
to systematically and proactively
disposal of goods made from the ‘material unwanted health events’
identify health hazards, assess their
metals and minerals extracted from and manage these in accordance
potential risks to health, prioritise
mines. with ICMM’s Health and safety
these, including the identification of
critical control management: good
material unwanted events (MUEs),
There are no specific figures for the practice guide (2015).
and determine appropriate control
international mining and metals
measures (including the identification
sectors but every year, across all
of critical controls to prevent MUEs)
industries around the world, it is
to protect the health and well-being
estimated that there are 2.3 million
of workers. The HRA process is a
deaths from occupational injury and
partnership between occupational
disease with 1.9 million of these due
health advisers, occupational/
to disease.1
industrial hygiene advisers, managers
and operational staff with each –
Workers are an important and valued
depending on the circumstances –
part of the mining and metals sector
using their knowledge, experience and
and that places a moral obligation
skills to support the HRA process.
on the sector, alongside the legal
obligations placed on it, to protect the
health and well-being of its workers.2
In addition to the cost of occupational Figure 1: The mining and minerals lifecycles3
ill health in terms of preventable
human suffering, which affects
not just workers but their families
and communities, work-related Exploration
illness also directly impacts on
the productivity and bottom line of Rehabilitation
companies in the mining and metals
sector. This is usually through:
• higher presenteeism and
• lower worker morale Construction life cycle Closure
• higher turnover rate
• loss of skilled and experienced
• loss of investment in training and Extraction services and
development maintenance
• difficulties in recruiting new Processing
high-quality workers.
3. Adapted from Stephens, C and Ahern, M (2001). Worker and community health impacts related to mining
operations internationally: a rapid review of the literature. Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development
project, no 25. London: International Institute for Environment and Development, World Business Council for
Sustainable Development and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Available at (accessed 31 October 2016).
6 Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition
Introduction continued
Introduction continued
• assessment of the risk through: 2 Identify the potentially exposed individuals and groups (ie similar
exposure groups).5
• use of techniques such as the
bow-tie analysis 3 Identify the processes, tasks and areas where hazardous exposures
could occur.
• identification and assessment of
the effectiveness of current 4 Assess, measure or verify the exposures.
controls. 5 Assess the potential health risks of the hazardous exposures
(eg duration of exposure, frequency of exposure, level of exposure
An occupational health risk compared against occupational exposure limit, etc).
assessment (HRA) is therefore 6 Rate and prioritise the health risks (high, medium and low), including the
the structured and systematic identification of potential health MUEs.
identification and analysis of 7 Identify existing controls and assess the effectiveness of these control
workplace hazards with the aim measures. For MUEs determine if any of the identified controls meet the
of reducing the risks of exposure criteria for a critical control.
to these hazards through the 8 Establish a risk and controls register.
development and implementation
9 Decide on risk acceptability and set priorities for action.
of measures to prevent release of
the hazard and mitigate the effects 10 Implement corrective action – develop, implement and monitor a risk
of exposure should it occur. In the control action plan or review existing risk control action plan.
For identified MUEs this involves the use of a control framework that is
occupational setting, it is the first
aligned with ICMM’s Health and safety critical control management: good
step in health risk management. practice guide (2015).
Health risk management is the 11 Timely reinstatement of controls if they fail (particularly critical controls).
decision-making process involving 12 Maintain accurate and systematic records of the HRA or amend existing
considerations of political, social, risk control action plan and use alternative and/or additional control
economic and engineering factors measures.
combined with risk assessment 13 Review and amend at regular intervals or earlier if changes to processes
information to develop, analyse or new developments are proposed.
and compare options and to select
between them.4
4. Gray, GM, Jeffery, WG and Marchant, GE (2001). Risk assessment and risk management of non-ferrous metals:
realizing the benefits and controlling the risks. Ottawa: International Council on Metals and the Environment.
5. A similar exposure group (SEG) is a group of workers having the same general exposure profile for the
agent(s) being studied because of the similarity and frequency of the tasks they perform, the materials and
processes with which they work and the similarity of the way they perform those tasks (Mulhausen, J (2015).
‘Establishing similar exposure groups’. Chapter 4 in Jahn, SD, Bullock, WH and Ignacio, JC (eds), A strategy
for assessing and managing occupational exposures (4th edn). Falls Church, Virginia: American Industrial
Hygiene Association). An alternative view is workers who are protected by a common critical control for
a hazard.
Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition 9
Identify potentially Identify and
exposed individuals/ manage critical
groups (SEGs) controls
3. controls
Identify processes,
tasks and areas
where exposure
can occur Identify any
4 & 5.
verify exposure and Issue based
assess health risks RA
6. Critical control
Rate and prioritize management
8. 9. 10.
Establish risk and Decide on risk Implement
controls register acceptability corrective action
10 Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition
Introduction continued
Introduction continued
Introduction continued
Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition 15
Key competencies needed to conduct Table 2: Key competencies for undertaking occupational HRA
an HRA
Domain Competency
The key individual and team
competencies needed to undertake Knowledge An understanding and experience of conducting HRAs.
HRAs successfully are shown in An understanding of the workplace operations being
Table 2. assessed.
An understanding of the methods for controlling
exposures and reducing risks in mining and associated
Organisational The ability to collect information systematically and
Scientific The ability to predict any potential departures from expected
or observed practice and understand its significance.
The ability to undertake simple diagnostic tests, for example
using a smoke tube to test air movement, simple sound level
metering or using colorimetric tubes, etc.
The ability to identify and review the relevant scientific and
technical literature.
The ability to look critically at existing arrangements.
The ability to observe so that they can clearly appreciate
the activity being performed and the significance of what is
being witnessed, particularly where written procedures are
not being followed.
The ability to assess exposures and estimate the potential
health risks arising from them.
The ability to develop credible, statistically valid and robust
conclusions from the analysis of health risks.
Medical Knowledge and understanding of the health effects of major
physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic and psychological
exposures in the mining and metals sector. An ability to
integrate this knowledge with the control strategy.
Managerial The ability to investigate, and pursue with management, the
opportunities to eliminate hazardous exposures at source.
The ability to perceive the range and limitations of possible
control measures and their relative reliability.
Communications The ability to ask the right questions to operational staff,
managers and advisers and understand the significance of
the answers.
The ability to specify and follow up on the type of control
measures needed and their implementation.
The ability to record findings in an understandable manner.
Personal An awareness of the limits of own competence and the
confidence and persistence to be able to ask for, and get,
specialist assistance when required.
16 Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition
Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition 17
of issues
18 Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition
Identification of issues
2.1 Figure 3: Illustrative flow chart for a mining operation
6. Health surveillance can vary from simple questions from trained supervisors to comprehensive medical
supervision undertaken by an occupational health physician. It is important to assess the strength of
evidence and determine the appropriate weighting given to the information that is available. An adverse report
from a responsible person undertaking screening skin inspections will generally have less weight than that of
an occupational physician or a dermatologist who diagnoses an occupational skin disorder.
Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition 19
A walk-through survey of the area, • Are workers exposed to chemicals • Do workers have to carry out heavy
process or task enables the assessor that could affect normal physical or manual tasks?
to get a sense of the types of potential mental functioning in the short or • Are workers involved in repetitive,
health hazards, the levels of exposure, long term? awkward or unnatural movements;
the types of workers and workers’ • What chemicals are being used? or do they have to remain in a static
general levels of health, physical and Review the site hazardous position for long periods?
mental functioning through the careful chemicals register if available. • Is work performed under extreme
use of the senses – vision, hearing, • Does the process allow for environmental conditions (heat,
smell and feel. chemicals to be mixed, and could cold, wet)?
that give rise to a hazard? • Do they wear occlusive protective
Some key aspects to be considered
• What products, by-products and clothing that restricts free
Physical environment issues wastes (gaseous, liquid or solid) are movement or requires greater
• What noisy equipment or processes being produced? exertion?
are present? • What potentially hazardous building • Does the job require immediate
• Are cutting and welding activities construction materials have been mental alertness and agility? Could
carried out that emit infrared or used? fatigue, distraction and the use of
ultraviolet light radiation? Is any • Are there any safety or health medication create a hazard?
equipment used that emits ionising hazards related to the compatibility
radiation? of chemicals stored together?
• What tasks involve exposure to
hand-arm transmitted or whole- Biological issues
body vibration? • What systems are present for
• Are there any working areas where drinking water, effluent, sanitation
extremes of heat, cold or humidity and sewage? What is the potential
are present or could occur? for pathogenic microorganisms?
• Are there any specialist tasks • What washing facilities are present? ‘A walk-through
Are they adequate for the number
involving changes in atmospheric
of workers and are they cleaned
survey of the area,
pressure, for example tunnelling
work under compressed air? regularly? process or task
• Is ventilation adequate? Is there a • Does the site have a legionella enables the assessor
of potentially harmful gases? management and control to get a sense of the
• Are employees potentially exposed
programme? types of potential
to non-ionising radiation? • In restaurants and canteens and health hazards, the
eating places, what is the
potential for insects, rodents and
levels of exposure,
microorganisms? the types of workers
• Are there air conditioning systems? and workers’ general
What is the potential for pathogenic levels of health,
microorganisms? physical and mental
• Are there any disease-carrying functioning’
insect or rodent vectors in the local
environment, for example malaria-
carrying mosquitoes, leptospirosis
and plague-carrying rats, etc?
• Are there any cultural practices
that may increase the risk of
infectious disease, for example
eating bushmeat?
20 Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition
7. These records are held by the occupational health clinic and only concern medical examinations and tests
done in relation to exposures in the workplace. They thus differ from personal medical records that are held
by the employee’s personal doctor or primary care records that may be held by the occupational health clinic.
Personal medical records are confidential, but there may be some access to anonymised medical surveillance
records. In general, consolidated data or information that has had the identification removed may be viewed.
Should it be necessary to view an individual’s record without removing their identity then the employee’s
permission will need to be sought.
24 Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition
Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition 25
26 Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition
3.1 Direct quantitative assessment of • Review non-routine and intermittent
exposures activities, for example maintenance
Assessing exposure levels operations, loading and unloading
Direct measurement of exposures to
and changes in production cycles.
Introduction health hazards should be considered
when: • Take account of unplanned
The aim of estimating exposure but foreseeable events such as
levels is to characterise exposures • doubts arise about compliance with
interruptions in work activity,
in terms of their intensity, frequency recognised exposure limits
potential for accidental exposure
and duration for SEGs, processes, • excessive exposure could involve and machinery failure.
tasks and areas. Exposures can be serious health effects
• Review whether the medical
estimated indirectly and qualitatively, • justification is needed to implement emergency response arrangements
or quantified by direct measurement. control measures are appropriate, for example first aid
All exposure measurements should
• the choice of control measures measures and transfer of victims to
follow a validated statistical sampling
depends on the levels of exposure specialist facilities.
and assessment methodology as
well as quality control procedures. • the effectiveness of a control • Consider whether workers not
Figure 4 provides a decision flow measure needs to be evaluated directly involved in a particular
chart to aid decision-making on which • workers’ concerns need to be activity but present in the vicinity
exposure measurement strategy to alleviated are exposed to a hazard.
use in a particular context. • it is, or has become, a regulatory
Indirect qualitative assessment of
• investigating or responding to
reported health effects.
Indirect qualitative assessment of
exposures can be made either during Key matters to consider when
a walk-through survey to identify estimating exposures
the potential health hazards, or
The following points can help in
based on previous direct quantitative
estimating exposure levels:
measurements of exposure, or a
combination of the two. The level of • Are levels of exposure consistently
exposure is assessed by taking into high or low, are there peaks and
account the hazards that have been troughs in the levels of exposure
identified; the SEGs that have been and are they continuous or
defined; and the processes, tasks intermittent?
and areas that have been considered • Note any aspects of processes and
through the review of documents, the tasks that may increase exposure.
walk-through survey and discussions • Speak to staff to understand their
with managers and workers. perceptions and experience of the
task and the associated hazards.
• Are there any controls in place?
Are they effective? ‘All exposure
• Is a programme in place that 2measurements should
monitors the effectiveness of the 2follow a validated
2statistical sampling
• Are employees familiar with the
controls, their performance criteria
2and assessment
and limitations? 2methodology as well
• Review control maintenance and 2as quality control
inspection records. 2procedures.’
Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition 27
Figure 4: When to use the different types of direct exposure measurement surveys
Has the initial exposure survey shown that exposures are above or potentially YES
above occupational exposure limits (OELs)?
Is there potential exposure to carcinogens or reproductive toxins (ALARP applies)?
YES Has the initial exposure survey shown that exposures are well below OELs,
and is the judgment that they are likely to remain so?
Provide evidence and justification for your answer.
Has the detailed exposure survey shown that exposures are above OELs? YES
Ensure a validated statistical sampling and assessment
methodology has been used.
YES Has the detailed exposure survey shown that exposures are well below OELs,
and is the judgment that they are likely to remain so?
Provide evidence and justification for your answer.
Conduct or continue
routine exposure monitoring
Has routine exposure monitoring shown exposures to be above OELs?
Has routine exposure monotoring shown that exposures are well below OELs,
and is the judgment that they are likely to remain so?
Provide evidence and justification for your answer.
Is there a need or requirement to continue routine/periodic exposure monitoring?
Provide evidence and justification for your answer.
Document survey and monitoring in HRA record Develop or amend the risk control action plan
28 Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition
Assessment continued
3.2 Identifying material unwanted events The business will need to also
consider how MFL is to be calculated
Risk rating The new step in the HRA process is
with respect to the plausibility of
the identification of MUEs, unwanted
no controls being in place for the
Introduction events where the potential or real
duration of exposure identified as
consequence exceeds a threshold
Once the exposures have been being necessary for the event to
defined by the company as warranting
estimated by hazard, by SEG and by occur. It is therefore critical how the
the highest level of attention. By their
process, task or area, then it is time business actually defines the risk
very definition they must be relatively
to analyse the potential health risks event.
few in number, because otherwise
and the significance of those health
‘if everything is important, nothing
risks categorised. Examples from ICMM company
is important’. It is not the intent to
members on health MUEs include:
replicate the guidance contained in
Risk rating or characterisation is the • the exposure of large numbers of
ICMM’s Health and safety critical
process for estimating the incidence workers to carcinogenic agents at
control management: good practice
and severity of adverse health levels that exceed occupational
guide (2015), but simply highlight a
effects likely to occur due to actual exposure limits (OELs) (discounting
few key points.
or predicted exposures to workplace the protection afforded by personal
health hazards. It is the final product protective equipment – as required
Materiality criteria
of the HRA that can be used to in defining materiality)
develop and prioritise controls and to Materiality criteria define the
threshold that a risk must exceed • the exposure to silica in a workforce
communicate risks.
before being considered a material with high prevalence of HIV and the
risk. The perceived likelihood of an associated risk of silicotuberculosis.
The decision on the risk rating and
priority for action that is attached to a event by any one individual might
be inaccurate, especially for low- Section 3.4 describes the principles
particular risk is an internal company
probability/high-consequence events. associated with the good management
decision. Generally, a materiality level
It is recommended that materiality of controls in general. However,
for risk acceptance is set and a start
should be defined based on MUEs require an additional level of
is made with the most serious risks,
consequences, such as the maximum management focus and therefore
working downwards as these are
foreseeable loss. should be managed in accordance
brought under control. This process
with ICMM’s Health and safety critical
of setting priorities determines what
Maximum foreseeable loss (MFL) control management: good practice
is a material risk for which an MUE
guide (2015).
is identified. That is then fed into the It is usual to assume there are no
bow-tie analysis and a management controls in place.
programme developed. Inherent in
this is the identification of critical With respect to health risks,
controls that will be carefully where due to the long latency that
managed so as to prevent the exists between first exposure
consequences of the unwanted (eg carcinogenic agent) and onset of
event at the centre of the bow tie disease (eg lung cancer), it can be
(ie the MUE). difficult to attribute the disease to the
workplace and the worker may well
be long retired. Therefore, the
perception of risk is likely to be
very low or discounted altogether,
reinforcing the need to evaluate
based upon MFL.
Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition 29
8. ICMM and Institute of Environment and Health (2007). The setting and use of occupational exposure limits:
current practice. London: ICMM.
Assessment continued
Medium/ Between 50% and 100% Frequent contact with the potential B Control
moderate of OEL hazard at moderate concentrations, or
(>0.5–1 x OEL) infrequent contact with the potential Need active monitoring of
hazard at high concentrations. controls to ensure exposure
remains below OEL.
Frequently can expect the exposure to
meet or exceed 10% of the OEL, but less Workplace sampling strategy
than 50% of the OEL, or infrequently can is aimed at quality control and
expect the exposure to meet or exceed checking on controls.
50% of the OEL, but less than 100% of
the OEL. Medical surveillance of
workers exposed at >50% of
Exposures are at or controlled up to the OEL.
OEL, there is a potential for breaches
of the OEL and this may cause an
adverse health effect in some workers,
eg vulnerable groups.
High At or greater than OEL Frequent contact with the potential A Intervention
(>OEL) hazard at high concentrations, or
infrequent contact with the potential Need active intervention to
hazard at very high concentrations. reduce exposure to below
Frequently can expect the exposure to
meet or exceed 100% of the OEL. Control may be identified as
Exposures are above and/or not
controlled to the OEL and are likely
to cause adverse health effects in the
majority of workers exposed either in
the short or long term.
32 Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition
Assessment continued
Quantitative Table 5: Example risk factor values for use in a quantitative approach
An illustrative example of a
Risk factor Value
quantitative approach is provided.
It produces a numerical result, as Probability of Continuously exceeding 10
illustrated in the following method: exceeding OEL Intermittently 6
Unusual, but possible 3
Risk rating = consequence rating x
likelihood rating Only remotely possible 1
(has happened somewhere)
where: Conceivable, but very unlikely 0.5
• consequence is based on severity of Period exposed Continuous for 8-hour shift 10
harm or damage that can occur Continuous for between 2 and 4 hours per shift 6
• likelihood rating is based on the Continuous for between 1 and 2 hours per shift 3
chance of exposure and the Short periods of time (a few times per month) 2
proportion of time exposed to the
Unusual (a few times per year) 1
Rare (once per year) 0.5
• the likelihood rating is based on
both level of exposure to a hazard Consequence One or more fatalities 100
and the frequency and duration of Major disability 50
exposure. Serious illness – absent for longer than 14 days 15
Major illness – absent for longer than 7 days but 7
less than 14 days
5– The unwanted
almost event has occurred
certain frequently, occurs
11 16 20 23 25
1 year in order of one or
(Medium) (Significant) (Significant) (High) (High)
more times per
year and is likely
to reoccur within
1 year
4– The unwanted
likely event has occurred
3 years infrequently,
occurs in order of 7 12 17 21 24
less than once per (Medium) (Medium) (Significant) (High) (High)
year and is likely
to reoccur within
3 years
3– The unwanted
possible event has
10 years happened at some 4 8 13 18 22
time or could (Low) (Medium) (Significant) (Significant) (High)
happen within
10 years
2– The unwanted
unlikely event has
30 years happened at some 2 5 9 14 19
time or could (Low) (Low) (Medium) (Significant) (Significant)
happen within
30 years
1– The unwanted
rare >30 event has never
years been known to
1 3 6 10 15
occur or it is highly
(Low) (Low) (Medium) (Medium) (Significant)
unlikely that it will
occur within
30 years
34 Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition
Assessment continued
What is a control?
Is it a human act,
Once the exposures have been object or system? NO
estimated by hazard, by SEG and
by Control measures are the acts,
objects or technological systems that
help to eliminate or reduce the levels
of hazardous exposure.
A control
Assessment continued
Hierarchy of control Though personal protective equipment mobile equipment plays a large role in
should only be used as a last improving operator comfort, reducing
There are several levels of control
resort, it can be a valuable addition exposure to noise, dust, muscular
measures that can be put in place to
to any hazard control programme stresses and extreme temperatures
deal with adverse exposures. These
and, in some instances, may be and reducing fatigue. Work refuge
are generally termed the hierarchy
the only effective option. When it stations or cabins can be used in a
of control. In order of reliability,
is used, it should be associated variety of locations to isolate workers
effectiveness and likelihood of
with a well-planned programme of from hazards such as dust, noise,
reducing exposures they are:
training, routine maintenance and chemicals and heat.
• elimination replacement.
• substitution Administration (including training
• source or process modification The following are examples of how the and education)
hierarchy of control might work in a Making changes to work procedures,
• automation
specific instance. for example restricting when work is
• engineering (including isolation/
carried out or the number of hours
containment/enclosure) Elimination worked, more frequent rotation of
• administration (including education Remove a major emission source of tasks and work permits to allow
and training) particulates and various gases by workers into designated areas, can
• personal protective equipment. replacing diesel- powered equipment reduce exposure to hazards. Education
with electrically powered equipment. and training to understand hazards
Ideally, all hazards would be This completely prevents the release and the measures taken to combat
eliminated from the workplace, but of the hazard since the hazard no them are also important, especially
in practice, most controls fall into the longer exists. where health hazards are linked to
engineering category and below, since the proper use of equipment or a
elimination and substitution, by their Substitution particular task, for example manual
nature, fundamentally alter the risk. Electrically powered tools such as handling.
A mixture of ‘lower level’ controls rock drills can emit lower levels of
in the hierarchy of control will be noise and vibration than pneumatically Personal protective equipment
applied. For example, while education powered ones. Automation options The use of personal protective
and training approaches alone are could also be considered under equipment, for example hearing
unlikely to achieve adequate control, substitution controls. protection devices, face masks, body
they are usually an essential element suits, etc, can also protect workers
in ensuring that other measures Engineering (including isolation) from noise, dust and chemical
are applied and used correctly. Engineering controls fall into two exposures. However, this can never
The hierarchy of control can be categories: those that prevent release be regarded as an effective control
applied to all health hazards, and of the hazard and those that reduce as its effectiveness is very dependent
one or more control measures from exposure. Prevention of release acts on the user.
the different levels usually need to be on the source of the hazard
put in place (ie multilevel controls). whereas reduction of exposure acts
However, not all the levels of control on the hazard itself. For example,
are applicable to every potential health prevention of dust creation acts on
hazard. An iterative process of the source whereas wetting of dust
reviewing hazards and controls should acts on the dust. In some areas such
be implemented to ensure that a as ore processing plants, enclosures
continuous drive ‘up’ the hierarchy around screens and other noisy
of control is embedded in the equipment can reduce noise levels
operational culture. in the remainder of the plant.
Vibration-reducing mountings and
damping can reduce both vibration
and noise levels. The cabin design on
Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition 37
Key questions to consider when Managing the effectiveness of the equipment to provide
assessing control measures controls appropriate protection and to suit
the individual’s facial
Existing control measures can be No matter how good the controls
characteristics. It will also include
either assessed directly on their ability applied to solve a particular problem,
fit checking and quantitative
to eliminate or reduce the levels of they can only be effective if they are
fit testing to ensure appropriate
exposure through the measurement used, and used properly. They also
protection as well as information,
of exposures with and without control need to be properly maintained and
instruction and training on the
measures, or they can be inferred managed effectively.
wearing, cleaning and maintenance.
indirectly from existing information,
for example previous exposure There are many examples where • Emergency procedures for dealing
measurements, the walk-through expensive control measures are with leaks, spills, failure of controls,
survey and any available health installed only for them to remain etc.
records. unused, used infrequently, used • Good housekeeping practices,
• What are the current standards incorrectly or poorly maintained, to minimise accumulation of
used to determine the level and thereby rendering them ineffective. contaminants.
nature of the control measures? Management measures therefore
need to be put into place to ensure Finally, the effectiveness of the control
• Are there existing control measures
that the controls continue to work strategy as a whole should be checked
for processes, tasks and areas with
effectively. Such measures are likely by periodic reassessment and
high levels of exposure to hazards?
to include: exposure monitoring if appropriate –
Have these control measures been
• Supervision to ensure that the closing the loop on the management
set up, operated and maintained
procedures are followed. cycle.
• Are there high levels of exposure • Maintenance to ensure that
despite the control measures in engineering controls continue to
place functioning effectively? operate effectively.
• Are working practices and the use of • Testing of controls which should
control measures different from that apply to organisational measures
prescribed by workplace protocols as well as engineering controls.
and guidance? In the case of engineering controls,
such as local exhaust ventilation,
• Are control measures part of an
ongoing maintenance programme?
this will require regular visual ‘No matter how good
• Is there a regular assessment of the
checks and a thorough examination the controls applied
effectiveness of controls?
and testing at least annually.
to solve a particular
• Air monitoring and health
surveillance, which are, effectively,
problem, they can only
Rating control measures
additional checks on the be effective if they
Control measures can be rated in a effectiveness of controls. are used, and used
similar way to exposures with a scale • Information, instruction and training properly.’
that classifies the level of inadequacy to ensure workers know why the
of the control measures currently in controls are needed, how to use
place and the potential need for action them correctly, procedures for
to remedy this. reporting faults, etc. For example,
workers should be trained in the
hazards of the materials, the
procedures and control measures
necessary and how to use them
effectively. In the case of respiratory
protective equipment, for example,
this will include careful selection of
38 Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition
Assessment continued
Cause Consequence
Control Control
Cause Consequence
Control Control
Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition 39
How to conduct the bow-tie analysis 7. Identify the controls for the threats
to the controls. The principle is one
1. Identify the hazard, the sources
of building multiple layers of control
and its consequences (this comes
and redundancy in the system.
from the baseline and issues-
based HRA), for example silica dust
8. Identify the indicators for failure of
and pneumoconiosis. The hazard
the controls. These may be regarded
sits on the far left of the diagram
as incidents for the purposes of
and the consequences on the far
investigation and can vary from
direct measurements of the
hazardous agent and health effects
2. Decide on the MUE, for example
seen at medical surveillance to
release of the hazard/critical control
proxies such as pipeline pressures
failure. This is at the centre of the
and voltage draw on motors.
diagram and is the point at the end
of the fault tree and beginning of
Creating the bow tie is an iterative
the event tree. All controls beyond
process that may involve changing
this point are mitigation or recovery
the MUE as the process unfolds.
from the event.
Controls initially thought to be
preventive may actually be recovery
3. Assess the threats. The threats are
(mitigation) as understanding of the
factors on the left of the MUE that
management process develops.
potentially result in the event
(release of the hazard), for example
crushing process and transfer
points on a conveyor (those factors
that result in generation of dust).
‘The bow tie is a useful
4. Identify the controls. Controls are way of organising
measures that are put in place to controls, the threats
manage a threat. Controls can be to them and the
found on both sides of the MUE with
those on the left being preventive
consequences of
and those on the right being failure in a graphical
recovery or mitigation, that is they format that shows
reduce or limit the severity of the which controls are
preventive and which
5. Identify the critical controls. In HRA are used for mitigation
a critical control can be defined as of the consequence.’
a control that prevents significant
release of the hazard.
Analysis and
42 Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition
10. The Gothenburg consensus paper on health impact assessment (1999) was the product of a joint effort
between the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe and the European Centre for Health Policy
and has been adopted worldwide (WHO European Centre for Health Policy (1999). ‘Health impact
assessment: main concepts and suggested approach’, Gothenburg consensus paper, December 1999.
Brussels: WHO Regional Office for Europe.
Available at (accessed 31 October 2016)).
Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition 45
HIA methodology
HIA follows a similar methodology to
ESIA. The HIA process is generally
made up of eight overlapping stages:
• screening
• scoping
• baseline and community profiling,
evidence gathering
• stakeholder involvement
• analysis of impacts
• developing mitigation and
enhancement measures and/or
‘HIA is the systematic
making recommendations analysis of the
• writing the HIA statement and differential health
presenting to decision-makers and well-being
• follow-up (monitoring of the health impacts of proposed
impacts and evaluation of the HIA plans, programmes
and projects so that
Though the steps above are presented positive health impacts
as linear, HIA tends to be an iterative are maximised and
process where findings and issues negative health
that emerge in later steps mean
that earlier steps are revisited and
impacts minimised
the scope and analysis amended within an affected
accordingly. community.’
Benefits of the HIA
Just as HRA demonstrates the value
and care an organisation has for its
workers, so HIA demonstrates an
organisation’s care and concern for
the welfare of the local communities.
HIA can help to structure the thinking
about how best to support, alongside
local and national governments, the
health and well-being of local people.
46 Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition
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(2001). HERAG Fact Sheet 8. Choice of assessment factors in
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African mining industry.
Johannesburg, South Africa: Safety in Mines Research ICMM, EBRC, Eurofer and Eurometaux (2007).
Advisory Committee. HERAG: Health Risk Assessment Guidance for Metals.
Available at London: ICMM.
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The setting and use of occupational exposure limits:
ICMM (2010). current practice.
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ICMM (2015). (1999).
Critical control management implementation guide. Guide to data gathering systems for risk assessment of
London: ICMM. metals and metal compounds.
Ottawa: International Council on Metals and the
ICMM (2015). Environment.
Health and safety critical control management: Available at
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International Finance Corporation (2007).
ICMM, EBRC, Eurofer and Eurometaux (2007). Environmental, health and safety guidelines for mining.
HERAG Fact Sheet 1. Assessment of occupational dermal Available at
exposure and dermal absorption for metals and inorganic IFC-Environmental-Health-and-Safey-Guidelines.pdf
metal compounds. London: ICMM. (accessed 31 October 2016).
Good practice guidance on occupational health risk assessment – second edition 47
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