Multilingualism PDF

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Trainer’s handbook
How to use this handbook 3
Multilingualism objectives OHT 4
Advantages of Multilingualism
Trainers notes 5
Advantages of Multilingualism OHT 6
Multilingualism OHT 6
Multilingualism quiz
Trainers notes 7
Multilingualism quiz OHT 8
Multilingualism quiz key handout 9
Theories of bilingualism OHT 10
Language biographies
Trainers notes 11
Language biographies handout 12
Patterns of language OHT 13
Language, culture and identity OHT 13
Models of education
Trainers notes 14
Arguments against the mother tongue in education OHT 15
Arguments for the mother tongue in education OHT 15
Mother tongue based bilingual education OHT 16
Models of education activity handout 17
Models of education activity: key handout 17
Advantages of multilingualism OHT 18

How to use this handbook

This module sets out to:

• provide an understanding of theories of bilingualism

• explore participants’ attitudes towards bilingualism
• challenge myths about multilingualism
• consider the implications of bilingualism for eductaion.

The topics covered are:

• advantages of multilingualism
• multilingualism quiz
• language biographies
• models of education

Each activity:
• starts with teacher’s notes which set out the purpose of the activity, the materials required
and instructions for how to proceed
• Is followed by the relevant OHTs and handouts.


Teacher’s notes



Advantages of multilingualism

To explore participants’ attitudes towards multilingualism.

For this activity you will need:
• Multilingualism OHT
• Advantages of multilingualism OHT


Display Multilingualism OHT.

Ask participants to think first about their own situation and then to brainstorm in small groups
of 3 or 4 on the benefits of bilingualism.
Take feedback from the group.
Then display Advantages of multilingualism OHT as a point of comparison with the group

Multilingualism quiz

To explore participants’ attitudes towards multilingualism and challenge some important

Multilingualism quiz OHT
Multilingualism quiz key handout
Theories of bilingualism OHT

Display Multilingualism quiz OHT
When participants have completed the quiz, distribute Multilingualism quiz: key handout,
which gives the answers.
Note any comments and direct people to the suggestions for further reading on the handout if
they wish to follow up on any of the issues raised.
Follow up by showing Theories of bilingualism OHT.

Multilingualism quiz: key
1. Speaking two or more languages places unnecessary emotional strain on children.
FALSE: speaking more than one language does not create emotional strain. Higher levels
of self-esteem have been reported in children who have a good grounding in their mother
tongue and also know other languages.

2. Children who learn more than one language do not become fluent in any of these
FALSE: Children can become fluent in more than one language and for many people
throughout the world multilingualism is very common. The level of fluency depends on
factors such as the language programme children follow in school and the extent of
parental support. In Canada and the USA, many rich parents choose to send their
children to schools with immersion programmes in French.

3. Multilingualism is a positive social and personal resource.

TRUE: The ability to speak the mother tongue as well as the national language and an
international language creates a much wider range of life choices for individuals but can
also achieve national unity.

4. Speaking more than one language interferes with children’s intellectual development.
FALSE: There is no scientific evidence that learning more than one language is
intellectually damaging. Children who have a good understanding of how different
languages function are more likely to have good analytical skills and are often more
effective communicators.

5. Multilingual societies are usually poor and underdeveloped.

FALSE: There is no evidence to show that multilingual countries are more disadvantages
than monolingual countries. Social disadvantage is caused by factors other than

6. It is important educationally that children learn in their mother tongues in the early years
of schooling.
TRUE: Research shows that supporting children’s first language will enhance the
acquisition of the second and third language.

For further reading on multilingualism see:

Baker, C. (2000) A teachers’ and parents’ guide to bilingualism. Clevedon, Avon: Multilingual
Baker, C. (2000) Foundations of bilingualism and bilingual education. Clevedon, Avon:
Multilingual Matters.

Language biographies

To make participants think about their own patterns of language use and the links between
language, culture and identiy.

Language biographies activity
Patterns of language OHT
Language, culture and identity OHT

Distribute the Language biographies activity and explain how the model drawing was
Ask participants to make their own drawings.
Choose several participants to share their silhouettes with the whole group.
Display Patterns of language OHT which should sum up some of the points which will have
arisen from the discussion.
Now display Language, culture and identity OHT. Ask participants to consider in pairs or
small groups whether these summary statements correspond with their own views and

Language biographies
The drawings below were produced as part of a language biography workshop. Participants
were given a silhouette and asked to find a way of indicating which languages they
associated with different parts of their bodies.
Make your own silhouette to show the associations you have with the languages you speak.

Models of education

To help participants:
• understand the arguments for and against the use of mother tongue education.
• familiarise themselves with the different models of educational provision in multilingual

Arguments for the mother tongue OHT
Arguments against the mother tongue OHT
Mother tongue based bilingual education OHT
Models of education activity
Models of education: key handout
Advantages of multilingualism OHT

Ask participants to discuss in pairs or small groups the advantages of mother tongue
Take feedback, then display Arguments for the mother tongue OHT.
Ask participants to discuss in pairs or small groups the disadvantages of mother tongue
Take feedback, then display Arguments against the mother tongue OHT.
Now display and read through the Mother tongue based bilingualism OHT.
Ask participants to think about their own situation and consider whether this model could work
for them.
Distribute the Models of education activity. Ask participants to fill in the blanks in the table.
Distribute the Models of education: key handout. When taking feedback, pay special
attention to:
• The ways in which children benefit from bilingual education.
• The ways in which instruction in the language of power (ex colonial language) places
them at a disadvantage.
By way of summary, display Advantages of multilingual education OHT.


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