Ok Jackstone MD
Ok Jackstone MD
Ok Jackstone MD
A. 172 mm A. 5.382 HP
B. 179 mm B. 4.395 HP
C. 192 mm C. 3.683 HP
D. 158 mm D. 6.472 HP
Ans. A Ans. B
A single threaded trapezoidal metric thread has a pitch of 4 A flywheel has a mean diameter of 4 ft and is required to
mm, and a mean diameter of 18 mm. It is used as a handle 2200 ft-lb of kinetic energy. The flywheel has a width
translation screw in conjunction with a collar having an of 8in. Normal operating speed is 300 rpm and the
outside diameter of 37 mm and an inside diameter of 27 mm. coefficient of fluctuation is to be 0.05. Find the weight of the
Find the required torque in N-m to raise a load of 400 kg if rim assuming that the arms and hub are equivalent is 10% of
the coefficient of friction is 0.3 for both thread and collar. the specific weight.
Ans. B Ans. B
Determine the diameter of the stud bolt that are required to Find the rim thickness for a cast iron flywheel with a width
fasten down the cylinder head of a 203 mm x 304 mm gas of 200 mm, a mean diameter of 1.2 in a normal operating
engine. There are ten bolts on the block. The explosion speed of 300 rpm, a coefficient fluctuation of 0.05 and which
pressure is 31 kg/sq.cm and studs are made of ordinary is capable of hanging 3000 N-m of kinetic energy. Assume
bolts material SAE 1020. How deep should the bolt be that the hub and arms represent 10% of the rim weight and
drilled? the specific weight of cast iron is 7200 kg/m³
A. 38.1 mm A. 25.28 mm
B. 40.2 mm B. 28.82 mm
C. 37.3 mm C. 28.25 mm
D. 35.5 mm D. 25.25 mm
Ans. A Ans. C
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MD: A cast iron flywheel is rotated at a speed of 1200 rpm It is a cold-working process in which metal is gathered or
and having a mean rim radius of 1 foot. If the weight of the upset.
rim is 30 lbs. What is the centrifugal force? Use factor C=41.
A. Heading
A. 14,800 lbs B. Cold rolling
B. 70,000 lbs C. Spinning
C. 14 860 lbs D. Stamping
D. 14,760 lbs
Ans. A
Ans. D
What is other name of the high-leaded brass used for
The maximum-strain theory which apples only in elastic instrument, lock and watch parts?
range of stresses are also known as _______
A. Red brass
A. Hooke’s Law B. Commercial brass
B. Saint Venant’s Theory C. Yellow brass
C. Stress-strain Theory D. Engraver’s brass
D. Cataligno’s Theory
Ans. D
Ans. B
Which of the following is the most common alloying elements
It refers to the collision of two or more masses with initial used in cast iron?
A. Nickel
A. Shock B. Chromium
B. Impact C. molybdenum
D. All of these
C. Creep
D. Load Ans. D
Ans. C
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MD: A 80 mm solid shaft is to be replaced with a hallow shaft What load P which causea total deformation of 0.036 inch of
of equal torsional strength. Find percentage of weight saved, a steel rack which has a cross-section area of 4 sq. inches and
if the outside of the hallow shaft is 100 mm. a length of 5 ft.
A. 56.53% A. 55,000 lb
B. 67.31% B. 72,000 lb
C. 48.49% C. 60,000 lb
D. 52.90% D. 50,000 lb
Ans. D Ans. B
A line shaft is to transmit 200 hp at 900 rpm. If the line shaft is A lubrication where lubricant is introduced between
connected with a speed of 1600 rpm find the horsepower surfaces which are in rolling contact such as roller gears or
transmitted. rolling bearings?
Ans. A Ans. A
What do you call the phenomenon occurring when two Which of the following is the type of failure due to
touching surfaces have a high contact pressure and when unstability?
these surfaces have minute relative motion?
A. Buckling
A. Prestressing B. Stability
B. Friction C. Slenderness formulas
C. Fretting D. Euler formula
D. Carving
Ans. A
Ans. C
What type of spring made in the form of dished washer?
What type of bolt threaded on both ends and can be used
where a through bolt impossible? A. Air spring
B. Volute spring
A. Coupling C. Belleville spring
B. Stud bolt D. Motor spring
C. Carriage bolt
D. Machine bolt Ans. C
A. 11
B. 17
C. 21
D. 12
Ans. D
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MD: Two shaft at right angles to each other may be A 100 mm diameter solid shaft is to be replaced with a
connected by what arrangement? hollow shaft equally strong (torsion) and made of the same
material. The outside diameter of the hollow shaft is to 27
A. Half turn mm. What should be the inside diameter? The allowable
B. ¾ turn shearing stress is 41.4 MPa?
C. Quarter turn
D. One turn A. 107.42 mm
B. 105.82 mm
Ans. C C. 291.53 mm
D. 109.60 mm
What is the recommended initial tension of the belt?
Ans. A
A. 75 lb/in of width
B. 71 lb/in of width If the weight of 6” diameter by 48” long SAE 1030 shafting is
C. 73 lb/in of width 174.5 kg then what will be the weight of chromium SAE
D. 80 lb/in of width 51416 of same size?
A. Extrusion
B. Intrusion
C. Forging
D. Hot rolling
Ans. A
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MD: A tolerance where the size of a part is permitted to be A multiple disc clutch of 10 steel disc and 9 bronze disc. the
either larger or smaller than the given dimension. effective outside and inside diameter are 20.32 cm and 15.24
cm, respectively if the axial force of 450 Newton is applied
A. Bilateral and the shaft turns at 1200 rpm, find the horsepower
B. Unilateral capacity, assume a coefficient of friction of 0.27.
C. Lateral
a. 39.566 hp
D. None of these b. 40.482 hp
c. 37.456 hp
Ans. A d. 35. 659 hp
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Ans: C
MD: A flange coupling is to be designed, using 25 mm
diameter bolts at a distance of 152 mm from the center of
the shaft. allowable shearing stress on the bolt is 103 Mpa. if
the shaft is to transmit 5,600 hp at a speed of 1200 rpm, how
many bolts are needed in the connection?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
Ans: D
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