Premnarayan Chouhan

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JANA Jana Small Finance Bank EMPLOYEE JOINING DOCKET EMPLOYEE NAME parr NAVAYAN Choon) EMPLOYEE CODE DESIGNATION DEPARTMENT DIVISION LOCATION usa ain Jana Small Finance Bank Ltd. Vaishnavi, No. 23, Union Street, Of Infentry Road, Bengaluru “ 560 001 JANA SMALL FINANCE BANK LTD. NEW EMPLOYEE JOINING CHECKLIST EMPLOYEE NAME DESIGNATION. DOJ LOCATION: ft. no] PARTICULARS YES | NO ‘TO BE FILLED BY CORPORATE HCs ONLY 01 _| WRITTEN TEST PAPERS 02_| RESUME / BIODATA OF THE EMPLOYEE (03__| COMPANY APPLICATION FORM 04 | APPOINTMENT LETTER (05. | PHOTO ID PROOF L ‘TO BE FILLED BY REGIONAL HCs ONLY 06 | A 10TH MARKS CARO -attested ee (O7 | & 12TH MARKS SHEET - attestec lL (08 | C. GRADUATION & POST GRADUATION CERTIFICATES - attested | | ~ 09 | OTHER CERTIFICATES - IF ANY- attested — 10_| PASSPORT SIZE - PHOTOGRAPHS - 3 NO'S 41 | RELIEVING LETTER & SERVICE CERTIFICATE FROM Ls PREVIOUS EMPLOYERS /RESIGNATION ACCEPTED LETTER 32 | copy OF ‘A. ESI DECLARATION - FORMS NO. “(ONE SETS) - if applicable 8. PF DECLARATION FORM © _EPF NOMINATION - FORM NO 2 (ONE SETS) D.GRATUN NOMINATION FORM F 13. | NEW EMPLOVEE DUTY JOINING REPORT 14 | DETAILS FOR EMPLOYEE IDENTITY CARD 45 | COPY OF PAN CARD OF THE ENPLOYEE 6 | GOPY OF ADDRESS PROOF OF THE EMPLOYEE = W7_| COPY OF AADHAAR GARD = Signature of HC - Representative pate: | | 08 | 2el9 To, Human Capital - Operations i Jana Small Finance Bank Ltd | JANA Vaishnav, No. 29, Union LY) Jana Small Finance Bank Street, Off infantry Road, Bengaluru - 560 | PROONAREYAN CHOWAN son /Daughterot MpWAN LAL CHOU AN do hereby declare having joined JANA SMALL FINANCE BANK LTD. as 9.0 with effect from (date) The above date may be deemed to be my date of joining the organization for purposes of alll records. | nereby agree to inform you of any change in the above addresses with documentary evidence Date Signature of the Employes: > Pace ASDA Employee Name: O ROMAWRAYAN C © rove) DETAILS FOR EMPLOYEE ID CARD FullName — [PREMAPRAYHN Ce VHAN Blood Group o+ pateoran | OG |v \\SS0 Date of Joining Employee Code! Employee SAssgyuy iy c& Contact No. Emane | 6 [Tose eVe x Bx - jew 12[*? Joel? EMPLOYEE'S CONDFIDENTIALITY UNDERTAKING it MemsPeemelARAraicee'ss 1 oreenanlcAl Chet pan gis about. years residing at/#sf7riven. Wile [/1JAiLy........hereinafter referred tb as the Employee’ which term shall mean and include where the context so requires or permits his legal heirs, executors, representatives and administrators of the One Part horeby on Day of ...)"5. 20'.°1 undertakes and executes this Confidentiality Undertaking: In favor of Jana Small Finance Bank Lid. (Formerly known as Janalakshmi Financial Services Ltd) 2 company incorporated under the provisions of Companies Act. 1956 and licensed under Banking Regulation act, 1949 to cary on the Small Finance Banking Activity in India and having its registered office at Vaishnavi, No. 20, Union Street, Off Infantry Road, Bengaluru - 560 001 hereinafter to as ‘Company’ which term shall mean and include where the context so requires or admits its permitted assigns and successors of the other Patt Whereas the Company is engaged in Small Finance banking business and extending various financial services and products in India, Whereas the Employee has been identified by the Company to undertake in terms of the offer letter dated .... ata WHEREAS, the Employee will have access to information relating to the Company details and its dient information and other confidential information relating to intemal organization and structuring, vendor negotiations and other related company information (confidental information). Whereas in view of the above, the Employee agreed to provide a suitable confidentiality undertaking in favor of the Company as herein below; HENCE THIS CONFIDENTIALITY UNDERTAKING IS PROVIDED BY THE EMPLOYEE AS FOLLOWS IN FAVOUR OF THE COMPANY; 4. “CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION” means all proprietary information, business plans, customer database, technical data, financials and other information relating to the business of the Company and customer details whether designated as confidential or not by the Company including information relating to the client of the Company and which comes into the possession/knowledge of the Employee during the course of hisiher association with the Company and shall also include all confidential information generated, developed and is exclusive to the Company. 2. The Employee hereby undertakes that he/she shall hold confidential all Confidential Information of the Company and shall use the same only for the discharge of hisiher obligations under the offer letter dated given by the Company. 3. The Employee shall not disclose all or any Confidential Information to any third party Under any circumstances whatsoever and Employee shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that all Confidential Information in hisfher possession/knowledge is kept confidential 4, The Employee hereby acknowledges that the Confidential Information which comes to his/her possession is the property of the Company and the Company has propriely rights over the same. The Employee shall notuse, disclose, share or commercially expleit the whole or any part of the Confidential Information whether directly or indirectly for any personal beneft and ensure that no detriment is caused to the interests of the Company by any disclosure of the Confidential Information, 5. In the event of the termination of the offer letter dated. for whatever reason. the Employee shall handover / return all forms of the Confidential Information in his/her possession to the Company and hereby undertakes that he/she shall not utilize such information in any of hisfher business in any manner whatsoever from the date of his/her disassociation trom the Company and thereafter. The Employee shall not and undertakes not to either during hisiher association with the Company of upon termination make any copies in whatever form of any of the Confidential Information that comes in hisiner possession or retain all or any of the Confidential Information for whatever purpose after histher disassociation from the Company for whatever reason. 6. The Employee is aware that any unauthorized personal utilization or commercial Ltilzation of any or whole of the Confidential Information and any breach of the terms of this undertaking shall cause immeasurable damage to the Company and which damage cannot be compensated in terms of the money and shall be considered as serious misconduct. The Company reserves the right to terminate the offer letter dated in the event of breach of any terms and conditions of this undertaking and further reserves the right to recover the damages. The decision of the Company in this matter shall be final and binding on the Employee. 7, The Company further reserves the right to any injunctive relief against the Employee and such other legal remedies as the Company may be entitled to atits sole discretion notwithstanding the payment of the iquidates damages as \above. 8. This undertaking shall be valid during entire period of the subsistence of the offer letter dated. and survives thereafter. 9. On all matters arising out of this Agreement, only the courts at Bangalore shall have the exclusive jurisdiction. Thanking You ( (Employee Signature) Prace U3 Jahn pate Ig]oa)zel4 FORM OF NOMINATION BY EMPLOYEE hereby declare that in the event of my deat! leave which was not aveiled shall be paid to who is my Lysis __ and resides at: byigial 1e balance of my pay dues for the period of the | also authorize the Company to treat this nomination as valid for all the payments to be made by tne Company to me, other tnan those for which have given seperate nomination Witnesses: (Name and acdress of the witness) (Name and address of the witness) oe 13 \48 | 2019 cams LYLE Zee emo AES BOA, AD Nowus ater afar fata eet Employees Provident Fund Organisation iso attra soa Ghataime waved (heey asia wel / Nomination and cecieraton Form brnoi Hhn0be / Dancy Shao: xogron BES gy (Ets ge me oe aoe eaTaral Faq so Di ) For UnexerplediExemgted Establishment Form “© (Revised) S409 omy Bp sissy fPHG aout chareatonD ata ay ED ATO Ae Sree ea aah eg ef oe ree I and Neminatinn Form under the Employees Provident Fund & Employee's Pension Scheme ede yam 80 chacee 1952 #o8 33 say 611) sody Houde aut caret, 19986 vee 3 anh fact fata ata, oes & er az as (a) a aaberd ara dion Tee4 & Baa Davration anc Norinaon Farm anesthe EmpoveesProvdent Fund & Employees Pension Scheme 1, 3/7 / Nome PRECUVERAY GN CHBUIAY 7, amet aan tem 2, sectomoateexan/ Fee | aft aT aR PIOKAN LAL C Hover! Acca :KNL wenn Faeroe Rare 08 incre 3, Buea SIM coocram:2f 103) /290 * ap 2 Gem) FAT/Sex: aba OU Noe ued S| Farale en ree sabe Eee! Maral site MARIO ROH SE Morven soi (gn) / 1 (sate wie Fe) | Pana (EPE) se phe NO andene ate ageing He sberhaeneeig xelates ae dor Hae mes Asbeebabdet | ‘eiter Baeb AdreDy Sayteeh Gebyloeh wi fefodeaRy mer Debrebe soa 9 owe ig cs Pres ae Ch) ot hen er set Pet gan ios wt wR Safa aa (2) aia er 1 I nereby neminate the person (s\cancal the romlnatlon made by me previously and nominate te person(s) mentioned: below fo reseive he emount slang to my Cetin ine Employees Provcent Fund, Inthe erent of ry death = 3 Hi erg a 8 Eg. Ay) oe flag tabi A) ePVGE Gam nO Stace, 19520 HORE (G) HEN HN Hibeo MOMBNY Sak wel Hoe ies aeodae we wa etreonsy\ensies coproutech eeteriesotoanes . sorts sar st faerie araer 4x Be ell) & ere re ag ar aE | wa re He afar swe aries a ATT | Ceres that have 10 lary as defied In pare ig) of mo Employes’ Provident Fund Schema, 1052 end ehculé | Soiurea family hereafter he above nominaton scoudive decried os eared Rg 300 / ROSRGORS He uelOoDNED comb amarietoncene soa Ora arn fa, Pet / ana we eta x - ies tnt my FaforMomer Iare dependem upo" 2 wageomanigrg aches apa So4p xb wee BeyR rs ait rem fee oy SI FAUT TEL IR Stoke our whichever isnot appcable Signature or thumb inpraston of he Subscrber : Ba aaa HB WaT FOR OFFICE USE Buna. wal he sf ofa Re 13 ar 1908. oh) (HAM) / Pert- B(EPS) (sce) / (Re - 3¢) | (Para 1) ‘8H RDUFLargsig OED / sR LoL asetahes UasreNES Ke WDoNS ABIINOR,, Ge vectiod Atadogest. ‘it Seon fea | weed a are over ee bg # ae ae & weet ar chr fr fr vere wage are {ey lurigh bsion particulars ofthe members of my fay who would be eile to receive WicawChidren Pension SEL e siaay add Hawg Deoe weLDewed | Aaygocbhevelneney fear Feet ATH ‘Been / Hat /Adsress far ea 8 dia Name of ne family mentor Date o'arn | Reimlonshop wih member [PREMNAWA TEN ChOUMYT TES Folvinle pelea ]T990] Sey KS‘oti cHovaad | His Colony — |!e/ou | 18s) whic N [ZNmoRE RoWo is [eC ]2019 Son | Beech CoV A mayan icCaovward | Y23A iN Izor]oor4 © FRSGH aout dated, 19586 9008 217) 02 oi peisnd We tba why wow kor RaoSa noms THoweg DOMES, Seer Me AOS decbgee, oe one Je pnfen fora Fs sd ee eee elo) esa a tat Ba ee a, edi hn rep wa | Ceres that fave no family cfd in para 2() of h Employee's Pension Scheme, 1995 and should aqure a ‘aly hereaf | shal furishpartcuars thereon in the above fr. + re, svorbacgele oxen acute ea ton devil (¥om8 s6(2) (a (fay (WD € wens votre) asses svecaisogy mad acreamgee, SR eta fg fu en eta Bite ha a ges wen E {I naraby paminte tne tolontng persone: recevig te worthy widow pension (admissible uncer pera 182}) Hane (mine ever ct ny Gea watou fava ny ag ary momber for tocoling pension THES Aarne an Saget Rome eayseobAsse doued site wm 7 eT oer fat re a iy Name & Adaross of Nominee Date of set Relatonship witn membor yor) CHOURA [TopA SST] Fe rood / Pe | Date x< ronegrodejaidy shecc wot eee 2 oes 1 ar Ea Te fe aT siren a Renee ST BIE ‘Skike out whicnever isnot applicable Signeture of humb impression of ine subscriber ‘Snoeed aiainre ais, / rites ZIT THT | Cerificate by Employer sstopa phate mar cons are Belo _éeeh ated vad a) dete ms digs. vad ay ood ReebetLanadiags. RDM Egan DoOTCAR LB, aoa aeveaaNEES HSSADE apiariedoronn, ‘es Fe, Sate aha ato we we ee gan deh. ver gata A, ee TET TTT | fed hatebove declaration, and nominalln has boss signed thumb Inpressed elora me, by SA/StKum, ee “ ‘employed in ry establishment after hevshe hes read ihe eniiewhave been ‘pad over to himihet by ma snd got confirmed by hiner. A ified a eae mot / Rais | Date sinOe86 ae | oad vous vor Ae ‘drs ar weer Fat Sore vitae se & sense Surette reece Declaration Form (To be retained by the Employer for future reference) Employee Provident Fund Organisation ‘THE EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUNDS SCHEME, 1952 (PARAGRAPH-34 & 57) & ‘THE EMPLOYEES PENSION SCHEME, 1995 (PARAGRAPH-24) 1) Name (Time) | | naps TST PIRIEDM NIRA IA PY) (CIN O]U] alr Poastiey | CELI T L 2) bareorBar4 STORMY YY SoS 1] 9/2 fo 3) Farrens/ mM O[HAINETA TET [CTH [04] I I | ssauos nave [| t - + l LETTE! [ 4) RearTonsutP in ResECT OF (3) ABove [FATHER Tse (Preise Tien) t= 5) Geicer Vaz [Fear | Tenscminen (PesseT) ea 5 7 —— 9 pemenes [wl= a [4 ays [e ES jempiray IR Te IN A Ie PLS Sy 6 Io v eA AT alam Tee re fefe [at _| im 8) When exes KERB OF Te BOLDYEES PROMDEN FIND SORE, ED? (PLEASE Tee) YES no ] 9) WHETHER EARLIER A NEMBER OF THE EMPLOYEES PENSION SCWEME, 1995? (ese 09) ve wo] tr nesponse 1o ant om nor oF (8) & (9) ASOVETS YES, THEN NANDATORILY FIL UP THE PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT DETAILS ar(10,11842); 5 10) Te DTH cr THe Uv. ACCOUNTNontek(YAN) c&.105 PF MEMBERID wn [ or Previous PF Mewsen ID [ RrGion Cook | Ornci Cove | EstasuswvenriO | Extension | Account Numser | 1 11) parcoreatronmrevins [DO TO TM] N |] Y|[Y [YY Menger ID (OD/MM/YYYY) 12) (A) Ie soveue CERTIFICATE ISSUED FOR PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT, THEN SCHEME CERTIFICATE NUMBER: {@) Ir pexsion pavHENT ORDER (PPO) ISSUED FOR PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT, THEN PPO NUMBER: 13) InreanxTiona: Wort Ys Ne (Pusase Ties) {If THE REPLY TO (13) ABOVE IS YES, THEN ENTER THE DETAILSIN 23(A), 13(6) & 13(c): 13(A) Counray oF omIGin (Please Tek) TNOIK ‘OTHER THAN INDIA (IFES, PLEASE [MENTION NAME OF THE COUNTRY) 134) Passport NUMBER 13(c) Passport vatto FROM STUTAT AT YT YT YT To DO] ss YY [YY 14)Eoucariona [yy Now ‘Seok Post TECHNICA DepwcaTion, | HTEMTE| sear | MITRE | seccnonnr [SMOUTE | Guouare | OPT | moreso (PLEASE Tox) L- 15) Maxria Stans Toamies | Ununaes | winow/ WinoweR | DIVORCEE (Passe T109) = r6)seecanyanes = [VE ) { TFYES, Tek THe CATEGORY (Pesce T109) tocmonve | visa Heanonc 18 17) KYCDerans KYC Docwnent Tree | HE AS OF RVC Docanen Tunes RERARE, ANY [Baw Accoure = TPRAROraa CSOSeTS at BERMANENT ACCOUNT ~ | NuMeeR (PAN) CRG PPZLELT | PASFORT T 7 Dawe LER PIVEN SET ECSTHS TT pate ELECTION Cano RITZ TIS RATION CRD BiCGR * Mandatory Field (NOTE: BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER (ALONG WITH IFSC CODE) IS MANDATORY. YOU ARE HOWEVER ADVISED TO PROVIDE AL KY DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE WITH YOUIN ADDITION TO MANDATORY KYCS TO AVAIL BETTER SERVICES. SELF-ATTESTED PHOTOCOPIES OF THE DOCUMENTS MUST 3¢ ATTACHED WITH THIS FORN, ceUNbERT TTCERTIFY THAT ALL THE INFORMATION GIVEN APOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. ‘TW CASE, EARLIER A MEMBER OF EPF SCHEME, 1952 AND/oR EPS, 1995, (2) T Have ENSURED THE CORRECTNESS OF My UAN/ PREVIOUS PF MEMBER 1D, (i) THis May ALSO BE TREATED AS MY REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS AND SERVICE DETAILS IF APPLICABLE FROM ‘THE PREVIOUS ACCOUNT AS DECLARED ABOVE TO THE PRESENT P.F. ACCOUNT, (THE TRANSFER WOULD BE POSSIBLE ONLY IF THE IDENTIFIED KYC DETATLS APPROVED BY PREVIOUS EMPLOYER HAS BEEN VERIFIED BY PRESENT EMPLOYER USING HIs DIGITAL SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE). (11) X am awane THAT I CAN SUBMTT MY NOMINATION FORM THROUGH UAN BASED MEMBER PORTAL. x< ‘Srenarus Dar OF Memaen “THE MEMBER Mr./Ms./¥FS. AS. JOINED CNV ‘AND HAS BEEN ALLOTTED PF MENER ID D, —_INCASE-THE PERSON WAS EARLIER NOT A MEMBER OF EPF SCHEME, 1952 AND EPS, 1995: + (Post ALLOTMENT oF UAN) THE UAN sLLOTTED FOR THE MEMBER(S + PLEASE TICK THE APPROPREATE OPTION: “THE KYC DETAILS OF THE ABOVE MEMBER INTHE UAN DATABASE 1D -HAVENOT BEEN UPLOADED (O_-HAVEEEN UPLOADED BUT NOT APEROVED © __Haveocen urLoapen AND APPROVED WoTH DSC C.—_IVCASE THE PERSON WAS EARLIER A NENBER OF EPF Scene, 1952 aN EPS, 1995: ++ THE ABOVE NENBER ID OF THE MEMBER AS MENTIONED IN (A) AEOVE HAS EEE TAGGED WITH rus/HeR UAN/PREVIOUS [MEMBER ID AS DECLARED BY MEMBER. + PLEASE TICK THE APPROPRIATE OPTION:* C1 THE KYC DETAILS OF THE ASOUE MEMBER IH THE UAN DATABASE HAVE BEEN APPROVED WITH DIGITAL ‘SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE AND TRANSFER REQUEST KAS BEEN GENERATED ON PCRTAL. AS THE DSC OF ESTABLSHMENT ARE NOT REGISTERED WITH EPFO, THE NEMBER HAS DEIN INFORMED TO FILE PRYSICAL CLAIM (FORM=13) FOR TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM HIS PREVIOUS ESTABLISHMENT, ‘StoNATURE OF EMPLOVER WITH SEAL OF ESTABLISHMENT pee (203 |z09 7 To, Nomination Form under Pa ratuity ACT, 1973 Human Capital - Operations Jana Small Finance Bank Ltd. \Vaishnavi, No. 29, Union Street, Off infantry Road, Bengaluru - 560 004 cvsm muman A REMNARAIBY CHOUMAIN,. qame in fol here) whose Forel a9 llr ihe sstmrt bio Torey nominates fore (6 orld blew be Tocnve te rely payonie afer my cea beer et arauTt hos Decor payeds or neving fecome pave has rot beer ald ard delat tne ee mount of ray shal be pad ih aporion tuctecpgunet tna ate arrose) 2 therebycerttythatihe persons) mentioned isa re member(s) of my emily witha te meeningot clause hot sectonz of Peymentof Gratuly At, 1972, 3 Iherebydeclare that | haveno familywithin the meaningofclause(h) of Section 2 of thesaidAct. 4 @) Mytather! mother paren ee not dependeaton me {©) Mynusbanes tain? moter /perent s/arenot dependent on my husband 5 Ihave excluded my husband ftom my faily by a noice dated to the Contraing ‘uber intomecttho provaetociause (ho SactonZoithe sade! & Nomination made nereininvalcates my previous nomination. . NOMINEE (S) ‘SL | Name in full with fall aderess | Relatonship win | Age of Proportion by which the No. of nominee(s) the employee _| Nominee gratuty will be shared 7 RTYETT CHOUBAN Wife | os loon Tes Tae ig 2 a ColonAy INDORE [RoRS US SAIN a Statement Nara Enpoje nl PREMNARAyAT CHovnan | 2:| See MALE 3 | Ratigion Noa 4 | inter unmaried aries mA aried Department’ Branch/ Section where employed «6 | Empleyeo Code 7 | Date ot appartment @ | Permanentaacress TESA Prive HIS COND Y FAIRE RoAD Whi nce x p ye . cate Y3SA\N Signatize / Thur i ofthe Employee Nomina signs thumb impressed etre me Name nul ap fl adios of winesses: arate ve 1 4 a 2 race: owe Certificate by the employer CCerttied thatthe particuiars of the above nomination have been verified and recorded in this establishment Employer's reterence No. if any: Signature of employer Name and address of the establishment Acknowledgement by the Employee Receives the duplicate copy of nomination in Form -F filed by me and duly cetfied by the employer rece: WISN < Pie ‘of Employee om Jaleo EAD 2 Medical Enrolment Form |, the undersigned, would lke to cover below dependents under Group Mediclaim policy. [| oe 1 [S2¢ | PREMNAR AYE CHouMAT my & [ele Tek po 2 [Wike Sox C Moo eifp, irnALelielots[th9 1 Lo org J20' 31 Som AROS Cao BAN Imai [is /oe]201 4| Som [mayan Crouse! mare fo|-2 2027 5. mat [6 7 8 | agree to pay the amount of Premium for my parents and/or In-laws (if included) above as per the prevailing policy. | understand that the premium would be deducted from salary in ‘two consecutives payroll. Signature: none PRE MNARAYAN CHOOHE I! Jn id: Date: \3 \sa 2043 ey > Maximum Members Covered Under ‘Group Medelaim policy > JanaNayaks (2) > Speuse (3) » chad(a) > Parerts (2) > Parents intaw (2) Janatiayaks + Spouse + 2 Children ¢ 2 Parents & naw (you can maximum ‘cover self «Any 7 dependents. inthis policy ender one Roster Sum insured Covered Covered covered Covered coveres NA NA First 2 ing clsren up to aage of 25 years Restricted up to ageot year, Restricted up to age ot ‘90 years PO UREN aay Senay October 2017 to October 2018 ©HDFC SALES Date:12-October-2016 Emloyee No:19722 TQ WHOM SO EVER IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that Mr.Premnarayan Chouhan designated as “Jr.Ojfricer-Sates(Jol) " Was working in our organization from 01 October, 2014 to Sept.2016. ‘Mr.Premnarayan Chouhan resigned from services.of his own volition and has been Relieved from his duties effective close of working hours on 30 sept,2016 For HDFC SALES Qo Authorized Signatory Ga Wing A/4th Floor, HUL Building, H'T Parekh Marg, 165 166 BeckBay Reciamation Churehgate, Mumbsi-400020 Tel. +91 22 61552400, Fex: + 91 2261552440 Email: response( Website : CIN : U65920MH2O04PTC1441 82 HDEC Sales Pvt. Lid. [A geup company of DFC LTD. SHRIRAM December 27,2019 Mr. premaarayan chouhan (SU8U/) HNO 175\a tven: ills eolony Ujjain Dist yan Madhya Pradesh 456010 SUB: RELIEVING Dear Mr, Premnarayan Chouhan ‘This is to certify that Mr. Premoarayan Choukan designation as “Trainee Relationship Fxecative(OP2T) Was Working in our organization from 01 sept. 2017 to oct 2018 Further to your resignation letter dated 24/10/2018 you are hereby relieved fre services of the company and as per our records your tast working date. Is L2Aonois. We wish you all success in your future endeavors. For SI M TRANSPORT FINANCE Co. LTD. VICE PRESIDENT PERSONNEL SINFRA. Shriram Transport Finance Company Limited ead Offee: 101s088nv Chambers Hoot B Wing Seer -#,CHD Navi Murnbat 400614 v9)2540887875 ovine ce octamba Comples S Pot Wo. Lady Destoad mayer che 520004 amt ma aT vate as oadsnnas ete: yee | crpontn nny Hino) -LassITMEEERLCETTS Sept. 02,2017 SHRIRAM Ref No:CANO35396 Mr.PREMNARAYAN CHOUHAN H.No. 175/A Teves His Colony, Uijain Dist. Ujain MP Maghya Pracesh-456010. Mob No.: 9479441368 . Dear. PREMNARAYAN CHOUHAN ‘SUB: OFFER AS “TRAINEE-RELATIONSHIP EXECUTIVE” “This 's wih reference to your application and to the subsequent interview you had with vs for the above mentioned post of TRAINEE. In this connectiomje are pieesed to offer you an opportunity a5 “TRAINEE-RELATIONSHIP EXECUTIVE” In our organization uncer the folowing terms ene congitiors: 1, Your training period will be for duration of one year from your date of joining 2. Your intial pace of posting forthe purpose of training will De at our MAHEDPUR located at, Plot No 307 Gholsa Road Bhimakhada,Near Rathi Incian Oil Petroloump, Mahidpur Oist- Ujjain, MAHTDPUR-456443 and this location is subject to cchonge at the sole ciscretion of management. 3. You willbe trained in ai functional areas of Lending, Recovery, Credit and Documentation. 4. You will report to your respective Brench Head. 5, During your trening perig, you wil be pale STIPEND and OTHER ALLOWANCES/REIMBURSEMENTS es per Annexure attached 6 Your taining wil be for @ period of one year fram the date of Joining. On successful completion of taining, the Company shall offer you employment on probation for a period of 6 months. 7 You snail produice the folowing documents priar or on joining cur organization. a. 2 Passport Size Photos . Xerox of Pan card & Aadhaar card(compulsory) &. Copy of Address 10 proof 4. Proof of Educational Quaification (Onginal & Xerox CODY). fe. Delving License submission is mandatory. {Canceled Creque/Bank Passbook copy for updation of selary bank account details 8, Please note that this offer is being issued on the particulars of your qualifications, training, exoerience, age, present or previous remuneration anc benefits etc. furnished by you in your bio-data/ application fo" te"ning in our organization, Should any of the particulars furnshed by you be found to be Incorrect or not genuine, your training shal be liable to be terminated witnout any notice or notice pay in lieu of notice period or any terminal benefits. “This offer of training is valid for a period of 15 days only, failing which, your offer stands cancelled & withdrawn automatically. we would appreciate, if you could send us 8 confirmation tat theze terme and conditions are acceptaale to you and would join us at ‘he eariest with timation to MR. NAGESH [email protected] (022-40959527) Please sign and return to us te cupicate copy of this letter as.a token of your ecceptance of this effer Best Wishes, HRDepartment (Accepted) Disclalmer: Shriram Transport Finance Co Ltd do not engage ary consultants or agencies for reeruitments, + This isa system generated letter & does nct reauire signature ‘Shriram Traneport Finance Company Limited aro eeartacsuanona Gomsine 34 fot ho 4 cay Sema Read Mylapore Corns 635 904 Ten Nagy, ng “hhoute ara de! Eahartenty Nasty) osrer N38 Ctra 27eson7! Fan 83 72 2758 0076 TP APseea Pa 19740 2088 sre Interview Assessment Form (ring Manager) eed eo — ear i tend eee eed rs foe teres cree’ (Phone, Name) fREM ATARAYAN CHAUHAN femmayinioknii@gout wr ) TENS O07 7 yy iz ee CFSTA, Tove WA Gin) Tadee Fel Usate Ob 02-1975 | [einer] eierenes J [tasteetences 2 E.g, Whyis there ao in your oge to-employment? What were you doing ofter studies ifage gop)? Why do you think you wil be ble to do this job? What ore your strengths ond weaknesses? Poaityve Atnhude How dy pln your dy? WN tine doo tr ond what your orig hrs? Dar Cibhinet ie paviniey Fe peat [wt é pee be Curr aid feline and Cl (Pose cect on calucton experience or ole experience? hot recess you flow on ealectionsles? Qel\\ Riel wey ire ya. How do you ensure integrity? Have you encountered someone deing fraud? Wht did you doin this scenario? Did youever compromise on integrity te meet your business targets? Baw Vera Profesional reference st S299 uy2: 9755 G026)2 |] IS FEZARADN (Tobe cledby manage) (Tobe caled by manope) \ (ete called by manage) Spouse nome/ phone ramber Perens nore/ phone DvP oe MORANLAL ¢ povHAN| lraysHP L MBP! = wy) ‘Manager Assessment; ato certify thot! have personaly spoken 1 both references Tarai meet) (omens OE A Amys) C97 Interview Assessment Form (HR Interview) name of candsaxe ere | aa ( | Eza Candicate email Permanent address me ED (cn ee (en [ter (me [one er casein Cems) [otters ‘Ask question relating to behavior, culture, et. Deere £.g. Why de you think you willbe able to do ths job? Coveeraspirtion? eat ‘Ask question on values ond alto prabe on integrity ond Discipline. aa cere) parce CECIF®M ond Performance voting forre hires = Fined ond incentive: Notice evi: aerate eee) ‘HR Assessment; \confrm thot Ihave verified the coneidate’ desc os mentioned above. thove ate referred to ard am setisfied withthe 7 RT = APH & i MOTHER'S NAME — RAJU BAI CHOUHAN afar DATE OF BIRTH 96.03.1990 SIXTH MARCH -NINETEEN NINETY \ Ta / aR JARNAGAR UJJAIN SCHOOL/ CENTRE NAME GOVT BOYS HS SCHOOL, BARNAGAR Uy) : 1 | oF ae | * fa | fara /suBJecTs | | al alow [wir |_| REMARKS | aks | to | emer | meow | aeicr | rom. a | es ae a | HINDI. (SPECIAL) }400 | 33 ot ost | i ENGLISH (GENERAL) so 7 og 019 | SANSKRIT (GENERAL) jso itr | 037 | MATHEMATICS 033 i SCIENCE oat | SOGIAL SCIENCE 03 | fc eae ay hi pp serie wah oun TOTAL IN WORDS er PASS IN SECOND DIVISION Ta WH TR Foc Rar Shas ny) iat ter 9 goon 8 in Roy ra at aes : testes 09-26-2008 ‘afaa / SECRETARY a . ; BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION, MADHYA PRADESH, BHOPAL © * © rar aavstt ape aSfindee Uttar (104+2)20100 HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION, 2010. MARKSHEET mies | ar we ENROLMENT / REGISTRATION NUMBER. 905-441004-109 way ora ‘STUDENT'S NAME fee at FATHER'S | HUSBAND'S NAME MOHANLAL CHOUHAN “aren rt MOTHER'S NAME ay fir : DATE OF BIRTH 06.03.1990 SIXTH MARCH -NINETEEN NINETY + ea se SCHOOL / CENTRE NAME. PREMNARAYAN CHOUHAN RAJU BAL SUNSHINE H S SCHOOL, GOVIND CLOLONY, INDORE ~ Fem | oe | fe A fara / SUBJECTS ae ha NAR T | | T i | HINDI. (SPECIAL) | ENGLISH. (GENERAL] | | | | | | PHYSICS CHEMISTRY MATHEMATICS 88 i i | 500 |GRAND TOTAL IN WORDS : THREE HUNDRED THIRTY FIVE leftarraset | RESULT PASS IN FIRST DIVISION [tft ferva / ADDITIONAL SUBJECT MADHYA PRADESH BHOJ (OPEN) UNIVERSITY, BHOPAL Statement of Marks for the Term End Examination of LE BA GHDG) RAL VERR INi2 | REGISTRATION NO —: 10141608001 © Reaudet sitet (Ars) freafeerata, state a NAME , PREMNARAYAN CHOUHAN SIDIW OF : MOHANLAL CHOUHAN 3 CENTRE : UNHEL. DIST.- UJJAIN (MP) (1415) Pate SUBJECTS ‘SCHEME OF MARKS MARKS OBTAINED TWAT! 12 13 TH PR MIN MIN TMAT! 12 73 TH PR TOT 001 Fe — 50 50 50.460 — 50 — — 035 om O21 a7 — O77 1. HINDILANGUAGE: 4, ENGLISH LANGUAGE MW, COMPUTER 015 POLITICAL SCIENCE 20 75.75 — 180 — 00 — GR 030 003 ose — 082 018 SOCIOLOGY 8075 75 — 180 -~- 6) — 017 O46 045 -— 108 — 108 017 ECONOMICS 3075 75 — 180 — 60 — Off 035 029 — 075 O75, far oh ner & estes eg odes, aie Yt ore a4 & 00 Raw & afew af fret eh INWORDS : THREE HUNDRED FIFTY TWO OUT OF 620 TOTALMARKS: 362/690 RESULT —: PASS. DIVISION: _ SECOND + Indleates Failure in the Subject(s) w | Fpstycar [secon year | FINALYEAR — | GRANDTOTAL | aps indicates Absentin the Subject(s) A & _Indlcates Carried Forward Marks aR D Indicates Distinction [Tota fouror | ror | ouror | toraL |ouroF | TOTAL JOUTOF | indicates Grace Marks in the Subject (6) US —Indleates Subject Cancelled due to UFM UP Indicates Peper Cancelled due 1o UFM x42 | 690 | 303 | 690 | 352 | @90 |997 | 2070 | cia Continuous intemal Assessment TNA Tutor Marked Assignmont ae ss @ Le dt 7 4 ROT Regwual Director IS MAY 70, | GA DIRECTOR (ARE) REGIBNUOMAECRSKE DATE ‘REGISTRAR, Nolo 1 Stes we reased sony or resanatonretiing 1 rested URE ny aug a 30 ys ater ksi cate ot ashes. 7 Sturt may apt fr crest na mart-aneet within 30 days afar sve date ofthe mark-sheel ough regonal err. Af his period ne arpcaton wa b8consdees {LAny eno emsion ssc to cexrecton by MPBOU Mile RESUME Premnarayan Chouhan Permanent Address — 175/A Triveni Hills ( ‘olony Indore Road Ujjain (M.P.) 456010. Mob- 9479441368) Email id — [email protected] To lea and work with dedication so as to enhance my knowledge and skills to cope with latest business trends and serve the organization at my best Education Details :- * High school MP. Board Bhopal © Higher Secondary MP Board Bhopal * BA Bhoj University Bhopal ‘ork experi * Thave been working for more than 2 years for HDFC Sales for home loan © L years work as a Shri Ram Transport Finance Company Ltd // ce = v 1. Presently working as a Relationship Officer Smg Financial And 2. Loan Advisiory Service Job Responsibilities * Mortgage Home Loan Agrilanding & Vechile Finance Professional Skills: * DCA Basic PERSONAL PROFILE:- Name Premnarayan Chouhan Father Name : Mr. Mohanlal Chouhan Date of Birth : 06/03/1990 Gender > Male Language Hindi and English Nationality Indian Hobby : Singing, & Reading books ERATION:- There by declare that the above information furnished by me is true to best of my knowledge and belief. Date: Premnarayan Chouhan Place:

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