Building Laws Answers
Building Laws Answers
Building Laws Answers
Answer: Class B
Q2) Under PD 1185, what is the minimum width for Fire Escape for Existing Stairs?
Q4) In all occupancies, floors above the first story having an occupant load of more than ten (10)
shall not have less than ____ exits.
Answer: 2
Q5) Under the National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP), which is part of the Gross
Floor Area (GFA)?
Answer: 2 or more
Q7) As per PD 1096, what is the size of automobile parking slot for perpendicular or diagonal
Q9) Under FCP, the number of revolving doors used as exit doors shall not exceed the number
of swinging doors within ____ meters except when revolving doors may serve as exits without
adjacent swinging doors for street floor elevator lobbies, if no stairways or doors from other
parts of the building discharge through the lobby, and the lobby has no occupancy other than
as meas of travel between elevators and street.
Answer: 6
Q10) According to BP 344, Handrails should be installed at _____ and _____ above the steps or
Q11) As per BP 344, what is the maximum distance between rest-stops of turn-around spaces in
Answer: 12 mtrs.
Q12) Under NBCP, projections beyond the exterior wall shall not exceed beyond a point ____
the distance from an assumed vertical plane located where the fire-resistive protection of
openings is first required to the location on property whichever restrictive.
Answer: 1/3
Q13) As per BP 220, what is the minimum distance between two buildings wherein the taller
building has 3 or 4 storeys?
Answer: 6 mtrs.
Q14) Under PD 1185, what is the maximum height between landings for CLASS B RAMP?
Answer: 3.66 MTS
Q15) For buildings/structures intended for the use or occupancy of the handicapped, a
minimum provision of one parking slot for the handicapped per 50 parking lots up to _____
parking slots and an additional slot for every 100 slots thereafter.
Answer: 150
Q16) As per Fire Code, what is the maximum force that is applied to the releasing device of the
panic hardware in the direction of exit travel that shall cause the door latch to release?
Answer: 7 kg-f
Q17) Under NBCP, towers, spires and steeples, erected as parts of the building and not used for
habitation or storage may extend but not exceed _____ meters above the prescribed building
height limit (BHL) for each occupancy group, if of combustible materials.
Answer: 6
Q18) Under the FCP for Places of Assembly. What is the occupant load for an assembly area of
Concentrated Use without fixed seats such as auditoriums, church, dance floor?
Q19) Under FCP, what is the minimum width of a single door in a doorway?
Q20) As per PD 1185, buildings over this height shall be required throughout with automatic
fire sprinkler system.
Answer: 15M
Answer: Alteration
Q22) Under FCP, what is the minimum number of apartment units requiring a fire alarm system?
Answer: 12
Q23) For public assembly buildings such as theaters, cinemas, auditoria, stadia, etc., what is the
minimum required parking is 1 slot per how many sqm. of spectator area?
Answer: 50
Answer: 1.12 M