SRT Assignment
SRT Assignment
SRT Assignment
I have chosen the authentic written text “NO CASH FOR GIFTS? SHARE YOUR TASTE IN MUSIC
INSTEAD!” by Melissa Dutton provided by my tutor M.Blanchard. I have chosen this text because music is the
language of the soul and despite people having different tastes in music, it is something that connects us and
creates a common talking ground. Music is something that everybody can enjoy regardless of where they are
from and whether they understand the lyrics. Depending on the mood it can alleviate sadness and calm us down
in distress.
This text is suitable for the level of my learners because it can spark common interest and it is in fairly simple
language. Most of the terms used are easy to understand and will not need a lot of pre-teaching. It consists of
terms that are very commonly used today regarding technology and music. This text would get the learners
excited and since everyone would want to share their opinion, it would generate interesting interaction and
After the activity, the learners would pair check the answers and then open class feedback would be done. A
lesson without feedback “is teaching that proceeds forward without reference to what impact this is having on
the learner’...” (Learning Teaching, Third edition 2011, Jim Scrivener, Macmillan)
The learners will be reminded to search for the specific information being asked for and don’t have to read the
entire article word by word. This skill is helpful in real life as it saves time and also allows the learner
confidence and trust in his own abilities to gather information he needs without having to read every word, for
example an exhibition brochure for venue and timings, or a menu for a specific dish.
The sub-skill required for this activity is to grasp the concept of what is written and does it answer the question
being asked or not. This skill is relevant in real life when we have to interpret what is being said without it
being explicit. “Successful interpretation of this kind depends largely to a large extent on shared schemata as in
the example of the lecturer who, by saying to a student you’re in a non-smoking zone was understood to be
asking the student to put out her cigarette. (Harmer,J.The Practise of English Language Teaching, 3rdEdition,
Longman, 2001)
After the task, the learners can share their written thoughts with their partner and tell what they learnt about
their partner in open class feedback. This way they get to share with everyone their favorite music and the
reasons behind their choice. The teacher will give feedback on content and use of appropriate terms with the
Creative writing is “a journey of self-discovery and self-discovery promotes effective learning”. (Gaffield Vile,
N 1998 Creative writing in the ELT classroom, Modern English Teacher 7/3)
Writing as a productive skill is appropriate as learner get to use the terms they have read in the lesson and the
teacher can get a good idea of how well the concept has been grasped by the learners. The sub skills required for
this task are using appropriate word order, grammar and knowledge of how to express a particular meaning
using different forms of grammar.
1. Brown, H. Douglas, Teaching by Principles. An interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, Prentice Hall
Regents, 1994
3. Gaffield Vile, N 1998 Creative writing in the ELT classroom, Modern English Teacher 7/3
a. _________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________
You have to give music as a gift.
3. List 3 songs that you would send. Give one reason each for choosing that particular song.
List all the ways in which people can share their music as stated in the article.
a. ____CD___________
c._____spotify _______
2. It is a great way of showing people what you did, the places you visited and how they affected you.
4. It is easy to seek put new music and sharing it with people and getting feedback from around the world.