Article X Presentation
Article X Presentation
Article X Presentation
LOCAL GOVERNMENT – refers to a
political subdivision of a nation or state
which is constituted by law and has
substantial control of local affairs, with
officials elected or otherwise locally
SECTION 1 Territorial and political subdivisions of
the Republic of the Philippines are the:
Co m p o s itio n:
1.) Provinces
2.) Cities
3.) Municipalities; and
4.) Barangays
The re s ha ll be Auto no m o us re g io ns in:
SECTION 2 Local Autonomy of the territorial and
political subdivisions
1.) All political subdivisions shall enjoy local autonomy.
2.) This doesn't mean that the LGU's are completely free from
the central government.
2.) Initiative - legal process whereby the registered voters of
a local government unit may directly propose, enact, or
amend any law or ordinance at polls called for the purpose
independently or the regularly constituted local legislative
component barangays.
SECTION 5 Each local government shall have the power
to create own sources of revenue/levy taxes, fees and
Limitations on Power
1) It is subject to such guidelines and limitations as Congress may
provide. See Local Government Code for examples.
The taxes, fees and charges shall accrue exclusively to the local
governments. 04/26/16