Deixis Analysis in A Tale of The Child
Deixis Analysis in A Tale of The Child
Deixis Analysis in A Tale of The Child
by Charles Dickens
Iwan Sutanto
Language cannot be separated from human’s life because it functions as an instrument for
communication with each other. With no language we may not be able to communicate
smoothly. It is more than a symbol. By using language, people can interact with each other for
any purposes. The existence of language in a human community is a natural phenomenon. It can
be used either written or spoken. There are many sub fields of structure focused on linguistic, one of
the fields is pragmatic. Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicate by a speaker
or writer and interpreted by listener or reader. Yule (1996:3) states that pragmatic is the study of speaker
meaning which relates to the utterance situation. Levinson (1983:9) also states that pragmatic is the study
of those relationships between languages and context that are grammatical or encode the structure of the
language. Therefore, pragmatic deals with the situation of speech and context. In the other words
pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning. Therefore there must be a relationship between
language and the context. The most obvious way to reflect the relationship between language and
context is through deixis. Deixis is derived from the Greek word means pointing. Deixis is the
words which the referents always change depending on the context. The discussion of deixis has the
meaning of pragmatics because deixis is a part of pragmatics. Levinson (1983:54) states that deixis is the
single obvious way in which the relationship between language and context is reflected in the structures
of language themselves. Levinson also categories the deixis into five kinds, they are person deixis, spatial
deixis, temporal deixis, discourse deixis and social deixis. In addition, Deixis is a technical term from
Greek for one of the most basic things we do with utterance that means ‘pointing’ via language (Yule,
1996:9). Yule also categories the deixis into three kinds they are to indicate people via person deixis (me,
you), to indicate location via spatial deixis (here, there), and to indicate time via temporal deixis (now,
then). In this research the writer would like to analyze five types of deixis of Chares Dickens’s
story “The Child’s Story”.
The writer chooses to analyze a story because in a story there must be a context that surrounds
the language. Moreover, in the context and the language there must be deixis between them.
Therefore, a story is a good material to be analyzed in finding the deixis.
In this research, the writer chooses the story of “The Child’s Story” by Chares Dickens because
this story is famous and very interesting.