Water and Salt Science Invistegatory Project

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I would like to acknowledge and give thanks to those people who contributed and
helped to make this study successful. I would like to thank God for the guidance he had
given to me. I would also like to thank my fellow classmate and friends for helping me to
finish this research study. Likewise I am very thankful to the teachers who taught, guide,
help me in this study namely Sir. Eric Arenga. the investigatory project adviser.
Furthermore I want to thank my parents who are always there to give moral and full
understanding. I’m very grateful on those people because without them this study
cannot be successful .
Chapter I


We all know that the world is now facing energy crisis and everyone is trying to do
something about that. Now you can show everyone that electrical energy or electricity
can be made from air and saltwater. After all, both the air and the saltwater are freely
available everywhere, these are the two things that we have plenty of them.

This may seem impossible. I could not believe it myself the first time that I heard
about it. It almost sounds like a magic trick. Finally, I decided to test it.

I tried different concentrations of salt water, different temperatures, and different

electrodes and had no success. It took me a few months thinking about it until the
problem in my mind and decided to repeat my tests again. This worked fine and I was
able to make enough electricity to light up a small light bulb. The concept is easy. The
same way that you burn wood and make heat energy, you should be able to burn
metals and get electricity (or electrical energy).

The difference is that are not really burning anything, instead, you are producing a
condition for oxidization which by itself is the same as slow burning. So what you really
do is saltwater using the oxygen from the air or any other source. (At least, that’s my
theory at this time) I don’t know if this method of producing electricity is economical and
cost effective. What know is that it is worth to try. If with one cup of salt water and some
metals I was able to light up a small light bulb, maybe you can light up the entire
building by a tank of salt water and a few hundred pounds of scrap metal. No matter
what is the results, I am proud that I can make an emergency battery for myself if I need
Background of The Study

Philippines is a country that is surrounded by water. Saltwater is very abundant in

our country; so, this study tries to find more uses of the saltwater. In this study,
saltwater is used as a battery of a light bulb to prove that it can be a source of energy.
This will possibly help solve the energy crisis that our country is suffering now.

A compound can produce electric energy when it has enough oxygen in it. Saltwater
is a kind of a compound that can possibly produce energy. Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) is
also used in this study, to have more oxygen in the compound. Hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2) is a very pale blue liquid which appears color less in a dilute solution,
slightly more viscous than water. It is a weak acid. It has strong oxidizing properties and
is therefore a powerful bleaching agent that is mostly used for bleaching paper, but has
also found use as a disinfectant, as an oxidizer, as an antiseptic, and in
rocketry particularly in high concentrations as high-test peroxide or HTP as
a monopropellant, and in bipropellant systems. The oxidizing capacity of hydrogen
peroxide is so strong that the chemical is considered a highly reactive oxygen species.
Hydrogen peroxide is naturally produced as a by product of oxygen metabolism, and
virtually all organisms possess enzymes known as peroxidases, which harmlessly and
catalytically decompose low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen.
Oxygen helps a compound to produce more energy.

This study will try to help our country especially today that the country is suffering
energy crisis.
Statement of the problem

Our country is now suffering energy crisis. People are paying their electric bill almost
half of their salary. Others can’t afford it, while other parts of the Philippines don’t have
any source of energy. In this study, this will try to solve some of our problems. Saltwater
is everywhere and it is abundant in our country. This can possibly solve the energy
crisis that our country is suffering now.

Specifically, this study tries to answer the questions:

→ Can saltwater be a source of energy?

→ How do saltwater produces energy?

→ Will it be able to light a bulb?

→ Is it comparable with the present energy source?

Significance of the Study

This study will try to help our country’s problem concerning in electrical energy. This will
try to use the saltwater as a source of energy because the saltwater is very abundant
especially in our country. Energy is very important, especially electrical energy,
worldwide. Nowadays, our countrymen are spending lots of money for the electric bill.
This study will provide safer and cheaper source of energy.
Scope of Limitations

In this study, it will need more oxygen in the water to conduct more electricity. As
soon as there will be no more oxygen in the water, it can’t provide more electricity. It will
not be able to light a bulb. We may use larger container to be able to get more electricity
and heat is also needed in this study to have more oxygen in the saltwater. Although,
the saltwater is not a very strong source of energy but it is cheaper and safer source of
energy than the present source of energy.
Chapter II

Review of the Related Literature

Any compound can produce electricity even a juice. Using saltwater as an alternative
source of energy will be cheaper. Saltwater is a kind of compound that can produce
energy. The more oxygen in the compound, the more energy can be produced. The
saltwater can also be heated to produce more oxygen in the compound because heat
produces oxygen. The Hydrogen Peroxide is added because it can add more oxygen to
the compound. These materials are safer and cheaper than the materials used in
today’s energy source. The materials used here, are the materials that can help the
compound produce more energy.

To get the energy from the compound, the magnesium electrodes and the iron
electrodes are used. They are the types of electrodes than can get the energy from the
compound to the bulb. The electrodes will not work if they are too near to each other.
So, it is recommended to use larger containers in able to keep them apart.

These materials will be used to know that the compound, saltwater, can be used as a
source of energy. Hydrogen Peroxide is a very pale blue liquid which appears colorless
in a dilute solution, slightly more viscous than water. It is a weak acid.
Chapter III


This study will present the materials or equipment used to conduct this experiment. The
treatment or general procedure that used a step by step method that provides details for
the experiment.


This are the material list that needed for the experiment.

 Miniature light bulb (low voltage, low current)

 Miniature base for light bulb
 Pair of insulated solid copper wire AWG = 20
 Pair of alligator clips
 Magnesium electrodes
 Iron electrodes
 2 cups of salt water
 Screws for the miniature base

Additional optional materials you may use

 A wooden board to mount the miniature base (light holder)

 Plastic container about 4” x 4” x 4”
 Hydrogen peroxide

 Remove the plastic insulation of about one inch from both ends of the wires.
 Loosen the screw on both contacts of the bulb holder. Place one end of the red
wire under the screw, make a loop and then tighten the screw. Place one end of
the black wire under the other screw, make a loop and then tighten the screw.
 Pass open end of the red wire through the arm of the red alligator clip and secure
it under the screw.
 Pass the open end of the black wire through the arm of the black alligator clip
and secure it under the screw
 Screw the light bulb on the miniature base.
 Connect the red alligator clip to the iron electrode and secure it on one side of
the plastic container or the cup.
 Connect the black alligator clip to the magnesium electrode and secure it on the
opposite side of the container.
 In another pitcher, prepare some strong, warm salt water. Add enough salt so at
the end some salt will be left at the bottom of the pitcher.
 Transfer the salt water from the pitcher to the container.
 At this time, if all the connections are secure and the electrodes are large
enough, you should get a light.
Chapter IV
Results and Discussions
In this chapter, the results of the experiment will be observed by the researcher.
Through tabular form, the results will be shown and after this, it will be discussed.

Table 1: The table of the researcher’s observation in the 1st trial

Amount of Amount of Brightness Time lasted (light)
saltwater Hydrogen
300mL 5mL dim 2min.
300mL 10mL bright 2.4min
300mL 15mL brighter 3min

Table 2: 2nd trial

Amount of Amount of Brightness Time lasted (light)
saltwater Hydrogen
400mL 5mL bright 2.3min.
400mL 10mL bright 2.5min
400mL 15mL brighter 3.4min

Table 3: 3rd trial

Amount of Amount of Brightness Time lasted (light)
saltwater Hydrogen
500mL 5mL bright 2.5min.
500mL 10mL bright 2.6min
500mL 15mL bright 3.5min
In the first trial, 300ml of saltwater was used in the experiment but there are different
amount of Hydrogen Peroxide. Based on the results observed, the amount of Hydrogen
Peroxide used affects the brightness and the time lasted by the bulb to light.
In the second trial, more amount of saltwater was used but the same amount, as the
first trial;, of the Hydrogen Peroxide was added. The brightness was affected by the
different amount of saltwater and the time was longer with the help of the Hydrogen
In the third trial, more amount of hydrogen peroxide was added. The brightness was the
same as the second trial but the time was longer.
Chapter V
Conclusion and Recommendation

It was concluded that the saltwater can be a source of energy. With the help of the
Hydrogen Peroxide, more energy can be gotten from the compound. The more
saltwater that will be used, the longer time will the bulb light.

More experimentation and study is recommended by the researcher. Maybe there are
cheaper products that can be used as an alternative for the Hydrogen peroxide,
magnesium and iron electrodes.





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