Radix-4 Modified Booth's Multiplier Using Verilog RTL
Radix-4 Modified Booth's Multiplier Using Verilog RTL
Radix-4 Modified Booth's Multiplier Using Verilog RTL
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Abstract: This paper presents a description of modified booth’s algorithm for multiplication two signed binary numbers. Radix-2
booth’s algorithm is explained, it is then identified that the main bottleneck in terms of speed of the multiplier is the addition of
partial products. Radix-4 Booth’s algorithm is presented as an alternate solution, which can help reduce the number of partial
products by a factor of 2.The booth’s multiplier is then coded in Verilog HDL, and area and timing analysis is performed on it.
Radix-4 Booth’s multiplier is then changed the way it does the addition of partial products by utilizing a configuration register for
range detection to reduce the number of partial product additions. Results of timing and area are then shown. The results table
contain device utilization and timing results of 2 multipliers i.e. Radix-4 booth’s multiplier) and radix-4 modified booth’s
multiplier with configuration register.
Index Terms - Booth’s multiplier, Radix-4, Xilinx, Multiplier, Verilog, Configuration Register, Optimization.
1.1 Radix-2 Booth’s Algorithm
The radix 2 booth algorithm is explained, and using the radix-2 booth algorithm, radix-4 will be explained. In case of a radix-2
booths multiplier, we add a dummy zero at the least significant bit of the multiplier, and sign extend the most significant bit.
Initially the partial product is set to 0.The least significant 3 bits of the multiplier are considered,[3]
If 000, do nothing (no-op)
If 001, add the multiplicand
If 010, do an addition, and replace the 1 with a 0
If 011, do nothing (no-op)
If 100, do nothing (no-op)
If 101, do a subtraction, and replace the 0 with a 1
If 110, do a subtraction
If 111, do nothing (no-op)
Multiply the multiplicand by 2 (or, shift multiplicand by 1).
Look at the next 3 bits of the multiplier, and repeat the steps. When we run out of bits, return the partial product, which will now
be the full product. An example of this algorithm in practice is here:
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This is a mechanism for doing radix-2 Booth’s multiplication that ensures that we only do n/2 addition/subtraction operations for
an n-bit multiplier. Unfortunately, even though we are guaranteed n/2 addition/subtraction operations, we do not actually see any
performance benefit. This is because we are still shifting the multiplicand and multiplier by 1. The fact that we are shifting by 1
(multiplying by 2) is why it is called a radix-2 multiplication.
Theoretically, if we ensure n/2 addition/subtraction operations, we should be able to shift the multiplicand and multiplier by 2
(multiply by 4). This is because every addition/subtraction operation will always be followed by a no-op. An algorithm that shifts
by 2 is what is known as radix-4 multiplication. However, with our Modified Booth’s algorithm, there are 2 classes of corner
cases that preclude us from shifting by 2. The first is for a multiplier string like 00011. For the least significant 3 bits, we will see
011 and then do nothing, as per our algorithm. Then, if we shift the multiplier by 2, our next 3 bits are 000, which also means that
you do nothing. Unfortunately, by shifting by 2, we have missed a 001, so we are missing an addition. We need to handle this
case. The other type of corner case is for a multiplier string like 11100, which has the same problem. The least significant 3 bits
are 100, necessitating a no-op, and then if we shift by 2, our next 3 bits are 111, which is also a no-op. Of course, you see that in
this case, we are missing a 110 subtraction case, which we need to handle.[2]
To fix this, we need to adjust our 100 and 011 cases so that they actually perform an operation instead of doing a no-op. What
should the operation be? Well, for 011, if we were shifting by 1, we would do a no-op followed by an addition. Likewise, for 100,
we would be doing a no-op followed by a subtraction if we shifted by 1. So, if we shifted by 2 instead of 1, we need to do a single
operation that is functionally equivalent. Of course, you realize that the single operation for the 011 case is to double the
multiplicand and add it. Likewise, for the 100 case, we must double the multiplicand and subtract it. So, our updated radix-4
algorithm will be:
Add a dummy zero at the least significant bit of the multiplier
Note: we no longer need to sign-extend the MSB for even-bit multipliers. For odd-bit multipliers, we need to sign-extend by 1 bit.
Initially consider the partial product is 0.The least significant 3 bits are considered.
If 000, do nothing (no-op)
If 001, add the multiplicand
If 010, do an addition (Note: Since we are shifting by 2, we do not need to replace the 1 with a 0 or 0 with 1.)
If 011, add 2*multiplicand
If 100, subtract 2*multiplicand
If 101, do a subtraction, and replace the 0 with a 1
If 110, do a subtraction
If 111, do nothing (no-op)
Multiply the multiplicand by 4 (or, shift multiplicand by 2).
Shift the multiplier by 2.
Look at the next 3 bits of the multiplier, and repeat the steps.
When we run out of bits, return the partial product, which will now be the full product.
An example of this is shown below:
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As you can see, by shifting by 2 instead of 1, we reduce the number of steps in our algorithm by a factor of 2.
INPUT [15:0] A;
INPUT [15:0] B;
OUTPUT REG [31:0] C;
REG [31:0] D, E;
WIRE [31:0] TEMP [7:0];
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ELSE IF((A[11:8])!=4'B0000)
ELSE IF((A[7:4])!=4'B0000)
ELSE IF((A[3:0])!=4'B0000)
//////RANGE OBTAINED///////////
INPUT [15:0] INPUT1;
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Here an attempt is made to design a high speed and power-efficient modified booths multiplier. Modified booths multiplier can
be at least twice as fast as booth’s algorithm. Modified booth is an efficient way to reduce no of partial products. The main
concerns are speed, power efficiency and structural flexibility. From the basics of booths multiplication we came to know that
number of passes or cycles to obtain the final product depends upon the operand width. If the input data is of the form of 001110
(multiplier) and 001001 (multiplicand) we have to go for six passes to obtain the result. Since the significant data is contained in
least 4 significant bits, output result can be obtained only after four passes by suppressing most significant bits, being zero.[1]
That will not only reduce the delay but also reduces the switching to a great extent. So, an attempt has been made to modify the
booths multiplier by reducing the delay and power. In this multiplication technique of modified booth multiplier, firstly the range of
booth the operands A and B are detected by the configuration register that is being configured through input ports. Configuration
register will detect whether the computation will be done on 4 bit, 8 bit, 12 bit or 16 bit. There after the further computation will be
done accordingly. A register RangeA is taken, that will store the concatenation of accumulator (4 bit or 8bit or 12bit or 16bit,
initially assigned with 0’s), multiplier A( 4 bit or 8 bit or 12 bit or 16 bit) and an extra least significant bit, LSB (initially assigned
with 0). Figure 5 describes the working of modified booth multiplier. [4]
In this figure multiplier and multiplicand are stored in 16-bit registers. Configuration register detects the range of input data by
performing bit wise OR operation. Booth controller provides the necessary control signals and addition, subtraction and shifting
will be done according to booths algorithm. Final result are stored in accumulator detection by configuration register. The
configuration register will perform bitwise OR operation to determine range. The data detection starts from the most significant
bits, examining each four bit group. In the range detection technique both the input 16-bit operands A [15:0] and B [15:0] are
divided into four parts or sub expressions that are A[15:0], A[11:8], A[7:4], A[3:0] and B[15:12], B[11:8], B [7:4], B [3:0]. For
example if the input data is of 16-bit (A=1010111111001010), then the required sub expressions are:[6].
1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0
16 12 8 4
A [15:0] =1010, A [11:0] =1111, A [7:0]=1100 , A [3:0]=1010.
The size of both operands is checked separately and simultaneously whether they come in the range of 4 bits, 8 bits, 12 bits or 16
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From the above table, it is gathered that while the design was optimized for timing, that is for the most important constraint in
the exercise, radix-4 Booth’s multiplier has a path delay of 11.287 ns , and the modified radix-4 Booth’s multiplier has a path delay
of 10.800 ns.So modified radix-4 Booth’s multiplier is best as far as the timing is concerned. Clearly modified radix-4 Booth’s
multiplier outperformed the ordinary radix-4 Booth’s multiplier when optimized for timing.
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