Santisimo Rosario National High Schoo2
Santisimo Rosario National High Schoo2
Santisimo Rosario National High Schoo2
Objective/s Objective/s
Stockpile all surplus materials according to company
Check and maintain the assigned area for gardening disposition guidelines
Procedure Procedure
1. Daily classroom routine 3. Daily classroom routine
2. Activities: 4. Pre-asessment
Group 1 and 2 – Sweeping/ Cleaning 5. Continuation of Lesson Presentation
Group 2 and 3 – Planting Anti- Insect Varieties C. What are the guidelines for separation
Group 5 – Watering plants and crops distance?
6. Make an illustration of proper stockpiling of
surplus materials.
Materials needed:
1 oslo paper
Coloring materials
Evaluation Evaluation
Answer Key:
1. True 4. True
2. True 5. False
3. False
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
Objective/s Objective/s
Stockpile all surplus materials according to company Stockpile all surplus materials according to company
disposition guidelines disposition guidelines
Procedure Procedure
1. Daily classroom routine 7. Daily classroom routine
2. Pre-asessment 8. Pre-asessment
3. Lesson Presentation 9. Continuation of Lesson Presentation
A. What is stockpile? D. What are the guidelines for separation
B. What are the requirements for management distance?
and assessment of stockpile? 10. Make an illustration of proper stockpiling of
C. What are the guidelines for separation surplus materials.
4. Make an illustration of proper stockpiling of Materials needed:
surplus materials. 1 oslo paper
Materials needed: Coloring materials
1 oslo paper
Coloring materials
Evaluation Evaluation
Answer Key: Answer Key:
1. True 4. True 1. True 4. True
2. True 5. False 2. True 5. False
3. False 3. False
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
The same lesson for 9-Yakal is to be presented tomorrow, The same lesson for 9-Yakal is to be continued tomorrow,
January 26, 2016. January 27, 2016 due to time constraint.
The same lesson for 9-Acacia is to be continued tomorrow,
January 26, 2016 due to time constraint. 26/30 in 9-Acacia reached the mastery level, Jan. 26,
Objective/s Objective/s
Know the OHS requirements for agriculture employers and Know the OHS requirements for agriculture employers and
employees employees
Procedure Procedure
1. Daily classroom routine 1. Daily classroom routine
2. Pre-assessment 2. Pre-assessment
3. Lesson Presentation: 3. Lesson Presentation:
Group 1 – First Aid, General Responsibilities for Group 3 – Training, Housekeeping and Job Site
Safety and Health Inspection, PPE
Group 2 – General Safety Rules, Terms of Group 4 – Chemical Safety, Fire Extinguisher,
Employment Machinery Operation
Group 3 – Training, Housekeeping and Job Site Group 5 – Buiding, Workplace Checklists, Joint
Inspection, PPE Health and Safety Committee
Group 4 – Chemical Safety, Fire Extinguisher,
Rubrics 5 4 3 2
Machinery Operation Preparedness
Group 5 – Buiding, Workplace Checklists, Joint Organized
Health and Safety Committee Presentation
Rubrics 5 4 3 2 Loud and
Preparedness Clear
Loud and
Evaluation Evaluation
Supply the missing word. Supply the missing word.
1. One _______ shall be located in each vehicle and 1. One _______ shall be located in each vehicle and
at the main office. at the main office.
2. Handle chemicals only if properly instructed and 2. Handle chemicals only if properly instructed and
under the direction of a ____________. under the direction of a ____________.
3. ______ and ______ are one of the most common 3. ______ and ______ are one of the most common
accidents and can cause injury. accidents and can cause injury.
4. Only authorized and trained employees shall 4. Only authorized and trained employees shall
operate _____________. operate _____________.
5. ____________ committee is composed of people 5. ____________ committee is composed of people
who represent the employees and the employer who represent the employees and the employer
for improving health and safety conditions in the for improving health and safety conditions in the
workplace. workplace.
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
The same lesson for 9-Yakal is to be continued on Tuesday, The same lesson for 9-Acacia wasn’t able to continue due
February 3, 2016 and 9-Acacia on Monday, February 2, to my absence so I provided an activity for them.
2016 due to time constraint. To be continued tomorrow, February 3, 2016.
Evaluation Evaluation
Supply the missing word.
1. One _______ shall be located in each vehicle and Scoring Rubric for the Performance Activity
at the main office.
2. Handle chemicals only if properly instructed and 10 – Cooperation and proper working procedures are
under the direction of a ____________. always observed
3. ______ and ______ are one of the most common 8 – Cooperation and proper working procedures are
accidents and can cause injury. frequently observed
4. Only authorized and trained employees shall 6 – Cooperation and proper working procedures are often
operate _____________. observed
5. ____________ committee is composed of people 4 – Cooperation and proper working procedures are
who represent the employees and the employer sometimes observed
for improving health and safety conditions in the
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
26/ 31 in 9- Yakal and 25/29 in 9-Acacia reached the 29/31 in 9-Yakal and 22/29 in 9-Acacia passed the long
mastery level. quiz and the same activity for 9-Yakal is to be continued
tomorrow, February 4, 2016 due to time constraint.
Objective/s Objective/s
Undertake nursery work in a safe, appropriate, and
Check and maintain the assigned area for gardening environmentally sound manner according to nursery
Procedure Procedure
1. Daily classroom routine 1. Daily classroom routine
2. Performance Activity 2. Pre-assessment
3. Lesson Presentation
Group 1 and 2 – Sweeping/ Cleaning Group 1 (Talk show)- Repetitive Strain, Lifting,
Group 2 and 3 – Weeding Pushing and Pulling, and Slips, trips and falls
Group 5 – Watering plants and crops Group 2 (Drama) - Ladders, Powered Vehicles,
Powered Equipment, Forklifts
Group 3 (Talk show)–Chainsaws, Vehicle and
Equipment Maintenance and Fueling, Heat Stress,
Group 4(Drama) – Manual and Electric Power
Hand tools, Fall Protection, Working around
Electricity, Pesticides
Group 5 (Newscasting)– WHMIS, PPE, Respirators,
Confined Spaces
Rubrics 5 4 3 2
Loud and
Evaluation Evaluation
Scoring Rubric for the Performance Activity Fill in the blank.
10 – Cooperation and proper working procedures are 1. Working in hot environments and doing heavy physical
always observed work can affect the body’s cooling system and lead to
8 – Cooperation and proper working procedures are ____________.
2-3. Uneven ground, debris, tools, and wet grass are all
frequently observed
potential causes of _______, trips and _______ for nursery
6 – Cooperation and proper working procedures are often and greenhouse workers.
observed 4.Workers must be well ___________ before operating
4 – Cooperation and proper working procedures are powered vehicles.
sometimes observed 5._______________________ should be the last line of
defense for all the types of hazard.
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
Objective/s Objective/s
Undertake nursery work in a safe, appropriate, and
environmentally sound manner according to nursery
Procedure Procedure
1. Daily classroom routine
No classes due to celebration of Chinese New Year. 2. Pre-assessment
Kung Hei Fat Choi! 3. Lesson Presentation (Continuation)
Group 3 (Talk show)–Chainsaws, Vehicle and
Equipment Maintenance and Fueling, Heat Stress,
Group 4(Drama) – Manual and Electric Power
Hand tools, Fall Protection, Working around
Electricity, Pesticides
Group 5 (Newscasting)– WHMIS, PPE, Respirators,
Confined Spaces
Rubrics 5 4 3 2
Loud and
Evaluation Evaluation
Fill in the blank.
1. Working in hot environments and doing heavy physical
work can affect the body’s cooling system and lead to
2-3. Uneven ground, debris, tools, and wet grass are all
potential causes of _______, trips and _______ for nursery
and greenhouse workers.
4.Workers must be well ___________ before operating
powered vehicles.
5._______________________ should be the last line of
defense for all the types of hazard.
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
22/29 in 9- Yakal and 21/25 in 9- Acacia passed the long
quiz and the same group activity for 9- Yakal is to be
performed tomorrow due to time constraint.
Objective/s Objective/s
Check and maintain the assigned area for gardening Check and maintain the assigned area for gardening
Procedure Procedure
Evaluation Evaluation
Scoring Rubric for the Performance Activity Scoring Rubric for the Performance Activity
10 – Cooperation and good workmanship are always 10 – Cooperation and good workmanship are always
observed observed
8 – Cooperation and good workmanship are frequently 8 – Cooperation and good workmanship are frequently
observed observed
6 – Cooperation and good workmanship are often 6 – Cooperation and good workmanship are often
observed observed
4 – Cooperation and good workmanship are sometimes 4 – Cooperation and good workmanship are sometimes
observed observed
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
Evaluation Evaluation
Solve these problems. Solve these problems.
1. The fertilizer recommendation for rice crop planted in clay 1. The fertilizer recommendation for rice crop planted in clay
loam soil type is (45 – 0 – 0). Determine the amount of loam soil type is (45 – 0 – 0). Determine the amount of
fertilizer needed to supply the recommended rate if you use fertilizer needed to supply the recommended rate if you use
ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) and urea (46-0-0) to supply the ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) and urea (46-0-0) to supply the
nitrogen. nitrogen.
2. The fertilizer recommendation for clay soil is 40 – 20 – 0. 2. The fertilizer recommendation for clay soil is 40 – 20 – 0.
Determine the kind and amount of fertilizer needed to supply Determine the kind and amount of fertilizer needed to supply
the recommended rate using ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) as the recommended rate using ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) as
the source of (N)and ordinary superphosphate (0-20-0) as the the source of (N)and ordinary superphosphate (0-20-0) as the
source of P2O5.. source of P2O5.
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
Mang Seve Dalaw, a traditional farmer was encouraged by Mang Seve Dalaw, a traditional farmer was encouraged by
the success stories of farmers adopting the new technologies of the success stories of farmers adopting the new technologies of
farming. He had his farm analyzed for the first time and came up with farming. He had his farm analyzed for the first time and came up with
the recommended rate of fertilizer application of 95-65-50.Find the the recommended rate of fertilizer application of 95-65-50.Find the
number of bags needed using the following fertilizers: number of bags needed using the following fertilizers:
Reference Reference
Fertilizer samples Fertilizer samples
a. Organic a. Organic
b. Inorganic b. Inorganic
Evaluation Evaluation
Solve these problems. Solve these problems.
1. The fertilizer recommendation for rice crop planted in clay 1. The fertilizer recommendation for rice crop planted in clay
loam soil type is (45 – 0 – 0). Determine the amount of loam soil type is (45 – 0 – 0). Determine the amount of
fertilizer needed to supply the recommended rate if you use fertilizer needed to supply the recommended rate if you use
ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) and urea (46-0-0) to supply the ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) and urea (46-0-0) to supply the
nitrogen. nitrogen.
2. The fertilizer recommendation for clay soil is 40 – 20 – 0. 2. The fertilizer recommendation for clay soil is 40 – 20 – 0.
Determine the kind and amount of fertilizer needed to supply Determine the kind and amount of fertilizer needed to supply
the recommended rate using ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) as the recommended rate using ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) as
the source of (N)and ordinary superphosphate (0-20-0) as the the source of (N)and ordinary superphosphate (0-20-0) as the
source of P2O5. source of P2O5.
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
The same lesson for 9- Yakal wasn’t able to continue due The same lesson for 9- Yakal and 9- Acacia wasn’t able to
to general practice of Post Valentine Soiree 2016. continue due to preparation for Post Valentine Soiree
Objective/s Objective/s
Review the student’s learning in the past lessons through Review the student’s learning in the past lessons through
group recitation as preparation for the upcoming Semi group recitation as preparation for the upcoming Semi
Final examination. Final examination.
Procedure Procedure
1. Daily classroom routine 1. Daily classroom routine
2. The class is divided into 5 groups. Each group is 2. The class is divided into 5 groups. Each group is
provided with one show me board and a chalk for provided with one show me board and a chalk for
answering the teacher’s questions composed of 50 answering the teacher’s questions composed of 50
items. They need to raise the show me board after items. They need to raise the show me board after
the allotted time given in answering the the allotted time given in answering the
corresponding question. The scores that the group corresponding question. The scores that the group
will gain will be their grades for the recitation. will gain will be their grades for the recitation.
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
29/30 in 9-Acacia participated in the recitation. 30/31 in 9- Yakal participated in the recitation
Objective/s Objective/s
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
Enumerate the kinds of fertilizer materials Compute the recommended rate of fertilizer per given
Procedure Procedure
1. Daily classroom routine 1. Daily classroom routine
2. Pre-assessment 2. Pre-assessment
3. Lesson Presentation 3. Lesson Presentation
-Proper Storing of Fertilizer -Fertilizer Computation Formula
-Kinds of Fertilizer -Sample Problems and Computations
4. Activity 4. Compute what is being asked.
The class will be divided into two groups, each Mang Seve Dalaw, a traditional farmer was encouraged by the
member has to identify the given examples of fertilizer as success stories of farmers adopting the new technologies of farming. He
had his farm analyzed for the first time and came up with the
Organic or Inorganic. The first student to say the right recommended rate of fertilizer application of 95-65-50.Find the number
answer will be scored. The group with the highest score is of bags needed using the following fertilizers:
the winner.
Complete fertilizer 14-14-14
Ammonium phosphate 16-20-0
Urea 45-0-0
Fertilizer samples
a. Organic
b. Inorganic
Evaluation Evaluation
Enumerate the following: Solve these problems.
1-2) Kinds of fertilizer 1. The fertilizer recommendation for rice crop planted in clay
loam soil type is (45 – 0 – 0). Determine the amount of
3-5) Classifications of commercial fertilizer fertilizer needed to supply the recommended rate if you use
Answer Key: ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) and urea (46-0-0) to supply the
1-2) Organic, Inorganic nitrogen.
3-5) Single element, complete, incomplete 2. The fertilizer recommendation for clay soil is 40 – 20 – 0.
Determine the kind and amount of fertilizer needed to supply
the recommended rate using ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) as
the source of (N)and ordinary superphosphate (0-20-0) as the
source of P2O5.
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
28/31 in 9-Yakal and 26/29 in 9-Acacia reached the The same lesson is to be presented to 9- Yakal tomorrow,
mastery level. March 1, 2016.
Nutrient Management
Objective/s Objective/s
Procedure Procedure
1. Daily classroom routine Noli me tangere practice
2. Lesson Presentation (continuation)
-Sample Problems and Computations
4. Compute what is being asked.
Mang Seve Dalaw, a traditional farmer was encouraged by the
success stories of farmers adopting the new technologies of farming. He
had his farm analyzed for the first time and came up with the
recommended rate of fertilizer application of 95-65-50.Find the number
of bags needed using the following fertilizers:
Fertilizer samples
c. Organic
d. Inorganic
Evaluation Evaluation
Solve these problems.
1. The fertilizer recommendation for rice crop planted in clay
loam soil type is (45 – 0 – 0). Determine the amount of
fertilizer needed to supply the recommended rate if you use
ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) and urea (46-0-0) to supply the
2. The fertilizer recommendation for clay soil is 40 – 20 – 0.
Determine the kind and amount of fertilizer needed to supply
the recommended rate using ammonium sulfate (21-0-0) as
the source of (N)and ordinary superphosphate (0-20-0) as the
source of P2O5.
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
Objective/s Objective/s
Procedure Procedure
Schedule of
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
Objective/s Objective/s
Review the student’s learning in the past lessons through Assess the student’s learning in the past lessons through
group recitation as preparation for the upcoming written test as a review for the upcoming Achievement
Achievement Test Test
Procedure Procedure
1. Daily classroom routine. 1. Daily classroom routine
2. The class is divided into 5 groups. Each group is 2. The students will answer the test provided
provided with one show me board and a chalk for composed of 50 items as their review or
answering the teacher’s questions composed of 50 preparation for the upcoming examination.
items. They need to raise the show me board after 3. Checking
the allotted time given in answering the 4. Recording
corresponding question. The scores that the group
will gain will be their grades for the recitation.
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
Procedure Procedure
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
Procedure Procedure
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
Date: Date:
Day: Day:
Lesson/Topic Lesson/Topic
Objective/s Objective/s
Procedure Procedure
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
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Day: Day:
Lesson/Topic Lesson/Topic
Objective/s Objective/s
Procedure Procedure
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
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Lesson/Topic Lesson/Topic
Objective/s Objective/s
Procedure Procedure
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
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Lesson/Topic Lesson/Topic
Objective/s Objective/s
Procedure Procedure
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
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Objective/s Objective/s
Procedure Procedure
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
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Objective/s Objective/s
Procedure Procedure
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
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Objective/s Objective/s
Procedure Procedure
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
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Objective/s Objective/s
Procedure Procedure
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
Date: Date:
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Lesson/Topic Lesson/Topic
Objective/s Objective/s
Procedure Procedure
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
Date: Date:
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Lesson/Topic Lesson/Topic
Objective/s Objective/s
Procedure Procedure
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
Date: Date:
Day: Day:
Lesson/Topic Lesson/Topic
Objective/s Objective/s
Procedure Procedure
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks
Date: Date:
Day: Day:
Lesson/Topic Lesson/Topic
Objective/s Objective/s
Procedure Procedure
Evaluation Evaluation
Assignment Assignment
Remarks Remarks