1. What is mutuum?
2. Who gives consent? Who are the parties? What may be its object?
3. When you say fungible, is it necessarily consumable? Give an example of a consumable which is not
4. Can a non-consumable property be an object of mutuum?
5. What is the cause?
6. In the case where A deposits in his savings account in Bank B a sum of money, who is the owner of the
money deposited?
A: See BPI case (?)
7. If this is a checking account, would it be the same?
8. Pedro Santos opens a checking account in BDO for ₱100,000. He draws a check payable to Juan dela Cruz
for ₱50,000. Juan dela Cruz presents the check at BDO. Who are the parties? What are their relations?
9. Is there mutuum between Pedro and Juan? Is there mutuum between Pedro and BDO? Is BDO a party in the
mutuum or just a collecting bank?
10. Can the bank use the money deposited by Pedro Santos for his checking account?
11. If BDO issues a credit card to Juan, is this transaction commodatum or mutuum?
12. Is a credit card consumable?
13. A is a holder of a credit card issued by Metrobank. A then used the credit card to purchase a bag at Rustan.
How should A, Metrobank, and Rustan be respectively addressed in this transaction?
14. B lent his credit card issued by Metrobank to A. A bought merchandise from Rustan’s using the such credit
card. What is the transaction between A and Rustan’s? Between A & Metrobank? Between A & B?
A: Kaso raw to [sic]
15. Who would pay the interest?
16. In mutuum, can interest be charged?
17. Pedro and Juan entered into a contract of loan without providing that it shall earn interest. When the
obligation became due and demandable, can A, the creditor, demand the payment of interest? Why?
A: See Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. CA and Naver v. Gallery Frames & BSP-MB Circular No. 799 s. 2013
18. What is the difference between the interest in mutuum and the interest awarded by the court?
19. Suppose there is no agreement that interest shall be paid, but the debtor pays. What law shall govern the
relationship between the parties?
20. What are the kinds of interest?
21. State the rule on imposition of interest in case of money judgments.