SymPy Cheatsheet

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my sympy and python cheat sheet

Nasser M. Abbasi

July 19, 2019 Compiled on July 19, 2019 at 6:49pm

1 How to solve a first oder ODE? 1

2 How to solve a first oder ODE with initial condition? 2

3 How to solve and ODE and convert the result to latex string? 2

4 How to solve a PDE in sympy? 2

5 How to check if something is derivative? 3

6 How to find function name and its arguments in a proc? 3

1 How to solve a first oder ODE?

Solve y 0 (x) = 1 + 2x for y(x)
import sympy
x = sympy.symbols('x')
y = sympy.Function('y')
ode = sympy.Eq(sympy.Derivative(y(x),x),1+2*x)
sol = sympy.dsolve(ode,y(x))
# Eq(y(x), C1 + x**2 + x)
# (True, 0)


2 How to solve a first oder ODE with initial

Solve y 0 (x) = 1 + 2x for y(x) with y(0) = 3
import sympy
x = sympy.symbols('x')
y = sympy.Function('y')
ode = sympy.Eq(sympy.Derivative(y(x),x),1+2*x)
sol = sympy.dsolve(ode,y(x),ics={y(0):3})
# Eq(y(x), x**2 + x + 3)
# (True, 0)

3 How to solve and ODE and convert the result to

latex string?
Solve y 0 (x) = 1 + 2x for y(x) with y(0) = 3
import sympy
x = sympy.symbols('x')
y = sympy.Function('y')
ode = sympy.Eq(sympy.Derivative(y(x),x),1+2*x)
sol = sympy.dsolve(ode,y(x),ics={y(0):3})
# Eq(y(x), x**2 + x + 3)

y(x) = x2 + x + 3

4 How to solve a PDE in sympy?

PDE solving is still limited in sympy. Here is how to solve first order pde
Solve ut (x, t) = ux (x, t)
import sympy as sp
x,t = sp.symbols('x t')
u = sp.Function('u')
pde = sp.Eq( sp.diff(u(x,t),t) , sp.diff(u(x,t),x))
sol = sp.pdsolve(pde)

u(x, t) = F (t + x)

5 How to check if something is derivative?

import sympy
x = sympy.symbols('x')
y = sympy.Function('y')
expr = sympy.Derivative(y(x),x)
type(expr) is sympy.Derivative

if type(expr) is sympy.Derivative:


This also works, which seems to be the more prefered way


6 How to find function name and its arguments in a

Suppose one passes y(x) to a function, and the function wants to find the name of this
function and its argument. Here is an example
def process(the_function):
print("the function argument is ", the_function.args[0])
print("the function name itself is ",

import sympy
x = sympy.symbols('x')
y = sympy.Function('y')

This prints
the function argument is x
the function name itself is y

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