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Joint Entrance Exam

(JEE Main) 2020

An exclusive Guide by
JEE Main 2020 Results Visit on Shiksha
JEE Main result 2020 f or January session will be released by the National T esting Agency (NT A) on January 31.
However, looking at the previous year trends, it is expected that the JEE Main 2020 result will be announced earlier i.e.
around January 18. T his year, the JEE Main result will be announced f or three papers - Paper-1 (BT ech), Paper-2
(BArch) and Paper-3 (BPlan). T o view JEE Main 2020 result and percentile score, candidates will need their Application
Number and Password/Date of Birth.

Along with the result, NT A will also release the list of candidates who will score 100 percentile and JEE Main 2020 state
toppers. NT A will not dispatch JEE Main 2020 scorecard through mail or post to aspirants who appeared f or the exam.
T his year, the process of normalisation has been used to determine the JEE Main results/merit list.

Latest: JEE Main 2020 answer keys and recorded responses released

JEE Main syllabus JEE Main Question Papers JEE Main Exam Pattern

Enter your JEE Main 2020 Score or Percentile and predict your Rank using Shiksha's JEE Main 2020 Rank
Predictor.Also check which colleges you are eligible f or based on the rank you get.

Predict JEE Main Rank

JEE Main 2020 result f or April session will be announced by NT A on April 30. T he NT A scores f or JEE Main 2020 Paper-
1, 2 and 3 f or both the sessions (January and April) will be merged to compile the exam result and prepare overall JEE
Main 2020 merit list. T he best of the two NT A scores will be considered f or f urther processing f or candidates who have
appeared f or both the sessions.

Important Dates related to JEE Main Result 2020

T he important dates f or the release of JEE Main result and related events are given below:

Event s January Exam

JEE Main 2020 January exam January 6 to 11, 2020 April 3 to 9
Release of Answer Key and OMR Sheets January 13, 2020 Third wee
JEE Main 2020 result for January session January 31, 2020 April 30, 2
Snapshot of JEE Main 2020 scorecard

JEE Main 2020 scorecard will be released only af ter the declaration of the JEE Main result 2020. It is expected that the
scorecard will be on similar lines with that of 2019.

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Number of candidates registered and appeared for JEE Main 2019 Paper 1

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JEE Main 2019 Paper 1 Statistics

Part iculars St at ist ics

Candidates registered for January session 9,29,198
Candidates appeared in January session 8,74,469
Candidates registered for April session 9,35,755
Candidates appeared for April session 8,81,096
Unique registrations in JEE Main January and April exam 12,37,892
Unique appeared in JEE Main January and April exam 11,47,125
JEE Main 2019 Paper 2 Statistics

Part iculars St at ist ics

Candidates registered for January session 1,80,052
Candidates appeared in January session 1,45,386
Candidates registered for April session 1,69,759
Candidates appeared for April session 1,44,032

How to Check JEE Main 2020 Result?

Visit the of f icial website of JEE Main or NT A to check your JEE Main results

Click the tab 'JEE (Main) January 2020 score'

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Enter your JEE Main Application Number and password/date of birth

Submit the required details, JEE Main 2020 results will be displayed online

Download or print your JEE Main 2020 scorecards

Candidates are advised to keep their scorecards saf e till the admission process conclude

JEE Main Result 2020: Details Mentioned on Scorecard

JEE Main 2020 result and scorecard contains the f ollowing inf ormation:

Name of the candidate

Roll number

Date of birth

Parents name

State code of eligibility

Category and nationality

Subject-wise NT A scores

T otal NT A scores obtained in the f irst attempt

Marking Scheme of JEE Main 2020

NT A will f ollow the predetermined marking scheme of JEE Main to calculate scores. T his year, the authority has also
introduced numerical based questions. Below is the marking scheme f or all the three papers.

JEE Main marking scheme for MCQs

Feat ure Det ails

Correct answer 4 marks will be awarded for every correct response
Incorrect answer 1 mark will be deducted for every incorrect response

Unanswered/marked for review No marks will be given for un-attempted/un-answered question

JEE Main marking scheme for Numerical Based Questions

Feat ure Det ails

Correct answer 4 marks will be awarded for every correct response
Incorrect answer No mark will be deducted for an incorrect response
Unanswered/ marked for review No marks will be given for un-attempted/un-answered question

Af ter the exam, NT A will publish JEE Main 2020 answer keys & recorded responses of multiple-choice questions of
Paper-1 Paper-2 and Paper -3 on NT A’s of f icial website

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JEE Main 2020 result will be based on the f inal answer keys of the exam

Aspirants, who are not satisf ied with the recorded response, will be allowed to challenge the same by f illing the online
application f orm and paying the processing charge of Rs.1000/- per question

Evaluation of multiple-choice questions of Paper-1 (BT ech), Paper-2 (BArch) and Paper-3 (BPlan) will be carried out
using f inal answer keys. T he f inal marks obtained by a candidate will be considered f or calculating the result of JEE
Main 2020

How to calculate JEE Main Result/Rank?

JEE Main 2020 result will be determined through the process of normalisation. T he exam will be held on dif f erent days
and sessions, thus, some candidates may get an easy paper while others have to answer tougher questions in JEE Main
2020 exam paper. T o make sure that no aspirant benef its or is at a disadvantage due to this, the process of
normalisation will be adopted to determine JEE Main results and ranks. NT A will rank students on the basis of the
percentile score obtained in the exam. T his percentile score will be calculated as per a pre-determined f ormula.

What is Percentile Score?

T he percentile score will be based on the relative perf ormance of all the aspirants appearing in the exam. T he score will
be obtained af ter transf orming the scores into a scale ranging f rom 100 to 0 f or each session of examinees.

As per the of f icial website, "T he Percentile Score indicates the percentage of candidates that have scored EQUAL T O
OR BELOW (same or lower raw scores) that particular Percentile in that examination. T heref ore the topper (highest
score) of each session gets the same Percentile of 100 which is desirable. T he marks obtained in between the highest
and lowest scores are also converted to appropriate Percentiles."

Difference between Percentage and Percentile

Percentile and the percentage of marks are two totally dif f erent entities. T hus, aspirants should not conf use both the
above terms. Here’s the dif f erence:

Percent age Percent ile

Percentage is Percentile score of a candidate will reflect how many candidates have scored below that
a number out candidate in an exam. A Percentile score is the value below which a certain percent of
of 100 observations fall.
Declaration of the final JEE Main 2020 result and All India Ranks

NT A conducts JEE Main 2020 in two attempts - January and April. Since the exam is held in multiple shif ts each day
across the two sessions, the calculation of score to a single percentile score is done through a normalization process.

What is Normalization?

Normalisation is the process of identif ying a candidate's actual merit/rank by creating the same level playing f ield f or
every student. T he very process is used in other exams across the country to resolve similar issues.

T he formula to calculate JEE Main 2020 scores is:

NT A, to avoid bunching ef f ect and reduce tie-breaking, calculates the percentile scores up to 7 decimal places.

Steps Involved in normalisation and preparation of JEE Main 2020 merit/rank list:

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Step-1: Distribution of examinees in two days and in two shifts per day

Candidates will be distributed into f our sessions randomly so that each session has an approximately equal number of
candidates. T hese f our sessions are as f ollows:

Session-1: Day-1 Shif t-1

Session-2: Day-1 Shif t-2

Session-3: Day-2 Shif t-1

Session-4: Day-2 Shif t-2

Step 2: Preparation of results for each Session

JEE Main 2020 results f or each session will be prepared in the f orm of :

Raw Scores

Percentiles Scores separately f or each of the three subjects (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry) and the total score.

T he f ollowing f our percentiles will be calculated f or each candidate in a session:

Step 3: Compilation of NT A score and preparation of overall merit/rank list

T he percentile scores f or the total Raw Score of all the f our sessions as calculated in the above step will be merged
and known as NT A scores. T his will then be used f or the compilation of result and preparation of overall JEE Main 2020
Merit List / Ranking.

Please note that the percentile of all f our sessions will be calculated separately to determine the total Raw Score and
Raw Scores in three subjects: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

Find out how the NT A score will be determined with examples.

Download NTA Score Guide

T ake a look below at how the NT A score will be determined with examples:

Click Here f or more details

Compilat ion and display of JEE Main 2020 Result f or mult i-session

Compilation of JEE Main 2020 Result for the first attempt:

T he f irst attempt of JEE Main 2020 will hold in multi-session, thus, NT A scores will be calculated corresponding to the
raw marks secured by a student in each session according to the process above. T he NT A scores calculated f or all the
sessions will be merged to declare JEE Main 2020 result. T he result will comprise all the f our NT A scores f or each of the
three subjects: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry along with the total of the f irst attempt.

Compilation of JEE Main 2020 result for the second attempt:

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T he same above given method will be f ollowed to compile JEE Main results 2020 f or the second attempt.

Compilation of Result and Preparation of Merit List / Ranking

T he f our NT A scores of each candidate's f irst and second attempts will be merged f or the compilation of JEE Main
result and preparation of overall Merit List/Ranking. Candidates who appeared in both the attempts, their best of the two
NT A scores will be considered f or the preparation of Merit List /Rankings. T he method is explained in the f ollowing

JEE Main 2020 Tie-Breaking Resolution

In case two or more candidates secure equal percentile scores in JEE Main 2020 result, then the ranking will be
determined in the f ollowing way:

JEE Main 2020 T iebreaker for Paper 1(BT ech):

NT A score in Mathematics: Candidate who secures more percentile score in Mathematics will be ranked higher

NT A score in Physics: Candidate who secures more percentile score in Physics will be ranked higher

NT A score in Chemistry: Candidate who secures more percentile score in Chemistry will be ranked higher

Date of Birth: T he older candidate will be ranked higher

Note: In case the tie still stands unresolved, the same rank is given to the candidates

JEE Main 2020 T iebreaker for Paper 2 (BArch):

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NT A score in Mathematics: Candidate who obtains higher marks in the mathematics will be given a higher rank

NT A score in Aptitude T est: Next, if the tie still persists, then aspirant with a higher score in the aptitude test will
be allotted a higher rank

NT A score in Drawing T est: If the tie still persists, then aspirants with higher scores in the drawing test will be
allotted a higher rank

Lesser negative response: Candidates having lesser number of negative responses in the paper.

Date of Birth: T he older candidate will be ranked higher

JEE Main 2020 T iebreaker for Paper 3 (BPlanning):

NT A score in Mathematics: Aspirants who obtain higher marks in the mathematics will be given a higher rank

NT A score in Aptitude T est: If the tie still persists, then aspirant with higher scores in the aptitude test will be given
a higher rank

NT A score in Planning Based Questions: If the above criteria do not break the tie, then the candidate will higher
marks in planning based questions will be given the higher rank

Lesser negative response: Candidates having lesser number of negative responses in the paper.

Date of Birth: T he older candidate will be ranked higher

What Af ter JEE Main 2020 Result?

Cutoff for JEE Advanced

NT A will announce the cut-of f score f or JEE Advanced. In 2019, the cut-of f score f or general category students was
89.75 while that of OBC – NCL students was 74. Check out JEE Main cut of f s f or other categories.

Counselling/Selection Procedure

Af ter JEE Main and JEE Advanced results will be declared, JoSAA conducts joint seat allocation process f or admissions
to 100 institutes including 23 IIT s, 31 NIT s, 25 IIIT s and 28 Other GFT Is. Admission to all these JEE Main and JEE
Advanced participating institutes will be done through a single counselling platf orm.

Predict engineering colleges and their branches f rom 3500 courses, using Shiksha JEE Main College Predictor 2020.
Get Cut of f , Fees, Admission and Placement Reviews of 800 JEE Main Colleges. Shortlist courses f rom IIT s, NIT s,
IIIT s, and 800 JEE Main colleges across India.

Predict JEE Main Colleges

Colleges Accepting JEE Main 2020 Score

Nat ional Inst it ut es of Technology (NITs)

T he National Institutes of T echnology (NIT s) are public colleges across the country of f ering engineering programmes in
multiple disciplines. T he admission to these institutes is done on the basis of JEE Main. T he various NIT s are:

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Name of NIT Websit e Counselling Dat es
NIT Allahabad (MNNIT) www.mnnit.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Bhopal (MANIT) www.manit.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Calicut (NITC) www.nitc.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Hamirpur (NITH) www.nith.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Jaipur (MNIT) www.mnit.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Jalandhar (NITJ) www.nitj.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Jamshedpur (NITJSR) http://www.nitjsr.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
NIT Kurukshetra (NITKKR) www.nitkkr.nic.in Yet to be announced
NIT Nagpur (VNIT) www.vnit.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Rourkela (NITRKL) www.nitrkl.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Silchar (NITS) www.nits.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Karnataka (NITK) https://www.nitk.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Warangal (NITW) www.nitw.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Durgapur (NITDGP) www.nitdgp.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Srinagar (NITSRI) www.nitsri.net Yet to be announced
NIT Surat (SVNIT) www.svnit.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Trichy (NITT) www.nitt.edu Yet to be announced
NIT Patna (NITP) www.nitp.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Raipur (NITRR) www.nitrr.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Agartala (NITA) https://www.nita.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Arunachal Pradesh (NITAP) https://www.nitap.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Delhi (NITD) http://nitdelhi.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
NIT Goa (NITG) www.nitgoa.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
NIT Manipur (NITMN) www.nitmanipur.ac.in Yet to be announced
NIT Meghalaya (NITM) http://www.nitm.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
NIT Mizoram (NITMZ) http://www.nitmz.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
NIT Nagaland (NITN) https://nitnagaland.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
NIT Puducherry (NITPY) http://www.nitt.edu/home/nitp/ Yet to be announced
NIT Sikkim (NITSKM) www.nitc.ac.in/sikkim Yet to be announced
NIT Uttarakhand (NITUK) http://www.nituk.com/ Yet to be announced
NIT Andhra Pradesh (NITANP) http://www.nitandhra.ac.in Yet to be announced

Indian Inst it ut es of Inf ormat ion Technology (IIITs)

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T he Indian Institutes of Inf ormation T echnology across the country accept JEE Main score to admit students to its
various undergraduate courses. T he various IIIT s aim at developing and promoting prof essional expertise as well as
skilled manpower in the f ield of Inf ormation T echnology (IT ). T he various IIIT s are:

Name of IIITs Websit e Counselling Dat es

PDSM IIITDM Jabalpur http://www.iiitdmj.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
ABV IIIT Gwalior http://www.iiitm.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
IIIT Allahabad http://www.iiita.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
IIITDM Kanchipuram http://www.iiitdm.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
IIIT Pune http://www.iiitp.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
IIIT Guwahati http://www.iiitg.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
IIIT Kota http://www.iiitkota.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
IIIT Sri City www.iiits.ac.in Yet to be announced
IIIT Vadodara http://www.iiitvadodara.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
IIIT Nagpur http://iiitn.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
IIIT Kalyani http://www.iiitkalyani.edu.in/ Yet to be announced
IIIT Lucknow https://www.iiitl.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
IIIT Dharwad https://iiitdwd.ac.in Yet to be announced
IIIT Bhagalpur https://iiitbh.ac.in Yet to be announced
IIIT Bhopal https://iiitbhopal.co.in Yet to be announced
IIIT Kottayam http://www.iiitkottayam.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
IIIT Ranchi http://iiitranchi.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
IIIT Una http://www.iiitu.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
IIIT Surat http://www.iiitsurat.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
IIIT Manipur http://www.iiitmanipur.ac.in Yet to be announced
IIITDM Kurnool http://www.iiitdmkl.ac.in Yet to be announced
IIIT Tiruchirapalli http://www.iiitt.ac.in/ Yet to be announced
IIIT Sonepat http://iiitsonepat.ac.in Yet to be announced
IIIT Agartala Yet to be announced

Cent rally Funded Technical Inst it ut es (CFTIs)

Various Central Government/State Government f unded colleges and Universities also accept JEE Main score f or
admission to their Engineering Courses. List of such colleges is given below:

List of CFTIs accept ing JEE Main score C

Assam University, Silchar Yet to be announced

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Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi Yet to be announced
Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar Yet to be announced
Indian Institute of Carpet Technology, Bhadohi Yet to be announced
Institute of Infrastructure, Technology, Research & Management, Ahmadabad Yet to be announced
Institute of Technology, Guru Ghasidas Vishawavidyalaya, Bilaspur Yet to be announced
J.K. Institute of Applied Physics & Technology, University of Allahabad, Yet to be announced
Mizoram University, Aizwal Yet to be announced
National Institute of Foundry & Forge Technology, Ranchi Yet to be announced
School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal Yet to be announced
School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi Yet to be announced
School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh Yet to be announced
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, J & K Yet to be announced
Tezpur University, NAPAAM, Tezpur Yet to be announced
Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology, Shibpur Yet to be announced
Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology, Thanjavur Yet to be announced
National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology, Aurangabad Yet to be announced
Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology Longowal Yet to be announced
Harcourt Butler Technical University, Kanpur Yet to be announced
Indian Institute of Petroleum & Energy, Visakhapatnam Yet to be announced
Indian Institute of Handloom Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu Yet to be announced
Jamia Hamdard University, Delhi Yet to be announced
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad Yet to be announced

Popular Privat e Colleges accept ing JEE Main Scores:

Name of College/Universit y Websit e
Dat es
Yet to be
Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Noida https://www.amity.edu/aset/
Yet to be
Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar https://www.ptu.ac.in/
Yet to be
Delhi Technological University, Najafgarh, Delhi http://dtu.ac.in/
Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, Dwarka, Yet to be
Delhi http://www.nsit.ac.in/ announced

Yet to be
Punjab Engineering College (PEC), Chandigarh https://www.pec.ac.in/

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Yet to be
Galgotias University https://www.galgotiasuniversity.edu.in
Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Yet to be
Engineering College, Avadi, Chennai announced
Yet to be
Institute of Engineering & Technology, Chandigarh http://uiet.puchd.ac.in/

List of JEE Main Toppers

Given below is the list of topper candidates in JEE Main f or Paper 1 and Paper 2.

List of JEE Main April 2019 Toppers - Paper 2

Below is the list of top candidates scored 100 percentile in JEE Main 2019 Paper 2:

JEE Main 2019 Paper-2 Toppers

Candidat e’s Name St at e Code of Eligibilit y
Gollapudi N Lakshmi Narayanan Andhra Pradesh
Korapati Nikhil Ratna Andhra Pradesh
Sykam Riteesh Reddy Andhra Pradesh
Gudla Raghunandan Reddy Andhra Pradesh
JEE Main 2019 Paper 2 State Wise T oppers:

JEE Main 2019 Paper 2 Toppers - St at e Wise

Candidat e’s Name St at e Code of Eligibilit y
Miyon Darang Arunachal Pradesh
Neha Pramanik Assam
A victor Adharsh Andaman and Nicobar island
Gollapudi n Lakshmi Narayana Andhra Pradesh
Rishav Ranjan Bihar
Prakhar Gupta Chhattisgarh
Khyati Jain Chandigarh
Ashmit Singh Daman & Diu
Sunit Nandal Delhi
Shruti Shrivastava Dadra and Nagar haveli
Modi Shivakumar Ashok Bhai Gujarat
Jade Lourdes Vaz Goa

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Animesh Barnyal Himachal Pradesh
Tanmay Gupta Haryana
Sayani das Jharkhand
Ayushmaan Sharma Jammu and Kashmir
Udith Kumar v Karnataka
Manasy Rajesh panicker Kerala
Mohamed Nufaiz M Lakshadweep
Elizabeth Nongsiej Meghalaya
Nicholas Haobam Manipur
Moin Ahmed Madhya Pradesh
Chandaliya Samiksha Kantilal Maharashtra
K. Zaithanpuii Mizoram
Thejavizo Rino Nagaland
Aditya Samantaroy Odisha
Jaskaran Singh Pandha Punjab
Vaishali p Puducherry
Tanyut Sharma Rajasthan
Zishan Ali Alam Sikkim
Arkajit pal Tripura
Peddaiahgari Rahul Reddy Telangana
Manishnantha m Tamil Nadu
Sneha Jain Uttarakhand
Arushi Siva prasad Uttar Pradesh
Suryadeep Mandal West Bengal
Ritika Jodhani Foreign/OCI/PIO/Nepal/Bhutan

List of JEE Main April 2019 Toppers - Paper 1

Given below is the list of 24 candidates who have scored 100 percentile in JEE Main exam f or January and April

JEE Main April 2019 Toppers wit h 100 percent ile - All India

Sr.no Applicat ion Number Candidat e Name St at e Code of Eligibilit y

1 190310042962 Shubhan Srivastava Delhi
2 190310208678 Kevin Martin Karnataka

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3 190310086378 Dhruv Arora Madhya Pradesh
4 190310378068 Jayesh Singla Punjab
5 190310244684 Battepati Karthikeya Telangana
6 190310263619 Nishant Abhangi Rajasthan
7 190310126508 Adelly Sai Kiran Telangana
8 190310167837 Vishwanth K Telangana
9 190310167372 Konda Renu Andhra Pradesh
10 190310274885 Abhay Pratap Singh Rathore Madhya Pradesh
11 190310139257 Sambit Behera Rajasthan
12 190310240908 Shubhankar Gambhir Rajasthan
13 190310324762 Ankit Kumar Misra Maharashtra
14 190310204122 Himanshu Gaurav Singh Uttar Pradesh
15 190310059556 Prakhar Jagwani Madhya Pradesh
16 190310036034 Dravya Marwaha Haryana
17 190310150035 Naman Gupta Uttar Pradesh
18 190310597090 Gupta Kartikey Chandresh Maharashtra
19 190310166518 Yindukuri Jayanth Phani Sai Telangana
20 190310238084 Samiksha Das Rajasthan
21 190310131614 Bojja Chetan Reddy Andhra Pradesh
22 190310122769 Gudipaty Aniket Jharkhand
23 190310357149 Jitender Kumar Yadav Haryana
24 190310096437 Raj Aryan Agrawal Maharashtra

JEE Main 2019 Toppers f or April Session - St at e-wise

Sr.no Applicat ion Number Candidat e Name St at e Code of Eligibilit y

1 190310172966 Prince Kumar Gupta Arunachal Pradesh
2 190310373117 Pradipta Parag Bora Assam
3 190310216529 Shubhanshu Prasad Andaman And Nicobar Island
4 190310167372 Konda Renu Andhra Pradesh
5 190310706918 Avinabh Bhardwaj Bihar
6 190310002524 Rishabh Bhatnagar Chhattisgarh

7 190310028466 Dishank Jindal Chandigarh

8 190310136932 Ashmit Singh Daman & Diu
9 190310042962 Shubhan Srivastava Delhi

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10 190310121385 Atharva Shrawge Dadra And Nagar Haveli
11 190310008207 Parvik Nileshkumar Dave Gujarat
12 190310081749 Jaiprakash Suresh Gurav Goa
13 190310020713 Aakash Solanki Himachal Pradesh
14 190310036034 Dravya Marwaha Haryana
15 190310122769 Gudipaty Aniket Jharkhand
16 190310049470 Aman Yadav Jammu And Kashmir
17 190310208678 Kevin Martin Karnataka
18 190310056222 Vishnu Vinod Kerala
19 190320006298 Tom Saju Lakshadweep
20 190310028489 Gourav Kumar Meghalaya
21 190310151177 Laishram Prince Singh Manipur
22 190310086378 Dhruv Arora Madhya Pradesh
23 190310324762 Ankit Kumar Misra Maharashtra
24 190310222459 Akash Jyoti Sahoo Mizoram
25 190320271433 Manish Kumar Chauhan Nagaland
26 190310383460 Prateek Chaudhury Odisha
27 190310378068 Jayesh Singla Punjab
28 190310014197 Chirantandip Mahanta Puducherry
29 190310263619 Nishant Abhangi Rajasthan
30 190310093255 Rahul Gupta Sikkim
31 190310125855 Shayandeep Bhaumik Tripura
32 190310244684 Battepati Karthikeya Telangana
33 190310204578 K V Vikram Tamil Nadu
34 190310200836 Prateek Tibrewal Uttarakhand
35 190310204122 Himanshu Gaurav Singh Uttar Pradesh
36 190310218603 Koustav Sen West Bengal

List of JEE Main January 2019 Toppers - Paper 1

T ake a look at the list of JEE Main January 2019 toppers with 100 percentile f or Paper-1 (BE/BT ech) below.

JEE Main January 2019 Toppers wit h 100 percent ile - All India

S.No. Applicat ion No. Candidat e Name St at e Code Of Eligibilit y

Disclaim e r: This PDF is auto -generated based o n the info rmatio n available o n
Shiksha as o n 17-Jan-20 20 .
1 190310086378 Dhruv Arora Madhya Pradesh
2 190310096437 Raj Aryan Agrawal Maharashtra
3 190310126508 Adelly Sai Kiran Telangana
4 190310131614 Bojja Chetan Reddy Andhra Pradesh
5 190310139257 Sambit Behera Rajasthan
6 190310150035 Naman Gupta Uttar Pradesh
7 190310166518 Yindukuri Jayanth Phani Sai Telangana
8 190310167837 Vishwanth K Telangana
9 190310204122 Himanshu Gaurav Singh Uttar Pradesh
10 190310208678 Kevin Martin Karnataka
11 190310240908 Shubhankar Gambhir Rajasthan
12 190310244684 Battepati Karthikeya Telangana
13 190310324762 Ankit Kumar Misra Maharashtra
14 190310378068 Jayesh Singla Punjab
15 190310597090 Gupta Kartikey Chandresh Maharashtra

JEE Main 2019 Toppers f or January Session - St at e-wise

S.No. St at e Code of Eligibilit y Candidat e Name NTA Score

1 Andaman And Nicobar Island Shubhanshu Prasad 98.7250736
2 Andhra Pradesh Bojja Chetan Reddy 100.0000000
3 Arunachal Pradesh Prince Kumar Gupta 98.8802243
4 Assam Pradipta Parag Bora 99.9963677
5 Bihar Abhishek Kumar 99.9771914
6 Chandigarh Dishank Jindal 99.9972510
7 Chhattisgarh Rishabh Bhatnagar 99.9727580
8 Dadra And Nagar Haveli Vishwajeet Deshmukh 98.8751498
9 Daman & Diu Ashmit Singh 99.3978968

10 Delhi Navneet Jindal 99.9990830

11 Foreign/Oci/Pio/Nepal/Bhutan Ananya Amancherla 99.8928714
12 Goa Jaiprakash Suresh Gurav 99.9872898
13 Gujarat Raghav Somani 99.9907511
14 Haryana Ashutosh Singla 99.9981753
15 Himachal Pradesh Sarthak Gupta 99.8950807
16 Jammu And Kashmir Aman Yadav 99.9789101

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Shiksha as o n 17-Jan-20 20 .
17 Jharkhand Ankit Kumar Jain 99.9899608
18 Karnataka Kevin Martin 100.0000000
19 Kerala Vishnu Vinod 99.9990801
20 Lakshadweep Abdul Javad Pa 88.3358227
21 Madhya Pradesh Dhruv Arora 100.0000000
22 Maharashtra Ankit Kumar Misra 100.0000000
23 Maharashtra Gupta Kartikey Chandresh 100.0000000
24 Maharashtra Raj Aryan Agrawal 100.0000000
25 Manipur Laishram Prince Singh 97.5009989
26 Meghalaya Gourav Kumar 99.8872894
27 Mizoram Akash Jyoti Sahoo 94.5211630
28 Nagaland Kartikeya Chandra 96.7983937
29 Odisha Sibasis Nayak 99.9844902
30 Puducherry Chirantandip Mahanta 99.7827873
31 Punjab Jayesh Singla 100.0000000
32 Rajasthan Shubhankar Gambhir 100.0000000
33 Rajasthan Sambit Behera 100.0000000
35 Sikkim Rahul Gupta 99.1418764
36 Tamil Nadu Gaurav P 99.9935610
37 Telangana Adelly Sai Kiran 100.0000000
38 Telangana Yindukuri Jayanth Phani Sai 100.0000000
39 Telangana Battepati Karthikeya 100.0000000
40 Telangana Vishwanth K 100.0000000
41 Tripura Shayandeep Bhaumik 99.7457412
42 Uttar Pradesh Himanshu Gaurav Singh 100.0000000
43 Uttar Pradesh Naman Gupta 100.0000000
44 Uttarakhand Pallav Semwal 99.9556053
45 West Bengal Shaswata Dutta 99.9972491

List of JEE Main 2019 Toppers f or January Session - Paper 2

Applicat ion No. Candidat e Name Percent ile

190310031218 Gollapudi N Lakshmi Narayana 100 percentile

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Shiksha as o n 17-Jan-20 20 .
190310155658 Gudla Raghunandan Reddy 100 percentile

JEE Main Topper Int erviews

Below are the previous years' JEE Main topper interviews:

JEE Main 2019

JEE Main 2019 T opper Interview (January Exam): Dhruv Arora f rom Indore secures 100 percentile

JEE Main 2019 T oppers (Paper 1) - 15 Students Secure 100 Percentile

JEE Main 2018

JEE Main 2018: Know T oppers

Read More:

How to calculate JEE Main 2020 Percentile Score - Know Normalization Process

JEE Main 2020 Paper 2 Result (BArch & BPlan)

How T o Calculate JEE Main 2020 Rank From Percentile

FAQs Regarding JEE Main Result 2020

Q. When will the JEE Main 2020 result for January session get declared?

A. NT A will release JEE Main 2020 results f or January session on January 31. However, as per last year's trend, the JEE
Main 2020 January result is expected to be released f rom January 17 to 19, 2020.

Q. How to check JEE Main result 2020 on the official website?

A. On the of f icial website, click on JEE Main 2020 January result. On the login page, enter application number and
password/date of birth.

Q. Will NT A also announce the answer keys of JEE Main 2020 Paper 2?

A. Yes, NT A releases JEE Main 2020 Paper 2 answer keys along with Paper 1.

Q. Will JEE Main result and JEE Main rank card be different?

A. Yes, the rank card and result of JEE Main 2020 can be dif f erent. T o download both, candidates need their JEE Main
roll number and DOB ( Date of Birth)

Q. What details will be mentioned in JEE Main 2020 result for January session?

A. JEE Main 2020 result/scorecard will include details such as candidate's name, roll number, date of birth, parent’s
name, category, nationality, marks secured in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, total marks obtained, All India Rank
(AIR), category rank, JEE Main 2020 cut of f score f or JEE Advanced etc.

Q. Can I re-evaluate JEE Main result 2020?

A. No. T here is no provision to re-evaluate/re-check JEE Main 2020 result. NT A does not entertain any correspondence
in this regard.

Disclaim e r: This PDF is auto -generated based o n the info rmatio n available o n
Shiksha as o n 17-Jan-20 20 .
Q. How do I know if I am qualified for appearing in JEE Advanced 2020 exam?

A. Candidates who will secure more than or equal to JEE Main cutof f released by NT A will be qualif ied f or JEE Advanced
exam. Only the top 2,45,000 (including all categories) in Paper-1 of JEE Main 2020 will be eligible f or JEE Advanced 2020

Q. Will the January and April scores be given differently? How will I know which is my best score?

A. NT A will release both the January and April scores separately on dif f erent dates. T he ranks will also be mentioned on
the result scorecard. T he authority will compile the marks of both the sessions (January and April) and will declare a
merit list f or those who have appeared in both the sessions.

Disclaim e r: This PDF is auto -generated based o n the info rmatio n available o n
Shiksha as o n 17-Jan-20 20 .

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