Warforged Components v0 PDF
Warforged Components v0 PDF
Warforged Components v0 PDF
Unlike other races, warforged are intentionally created by mortal hands, purpose-built with their functions
well in mind. To better tailor a warforged to their particular job, the artificers of House Cannith (and other,
less scrupulous inventors) have created a wealth of components. These magical items directly upgrade a
warforged’s form, improving their purpose by modifying their being.
The vast majority of the magical items included here are exclusively for warforged, and fail to
function properly for the more traditional flesh-and-blood mortal races. This collection is intended as an
expansion for the warforged components found on pages 120-122 of the Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron,
and catalogues many components present in previous editions.
Alchemical Launcher
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
This spingloaded armpiece attaches to the outer forearm of a warforged, and as such can only be attuned
and integrated by a warforged. A creature attuned to this launcher can use any thrown alchemical items
(such as alchemist’s fire, acid, or bombs) with a bonus action rather than an action, doubles the distance
these items can be thrown, and adds their proficiency bonus to attack rolls made with these items.
Breaking attunement to this item takes one minute of effort, after which this item is no longer
Arachnid Chassis
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
These experimental arachnid legs integrate with a warforged to replace their entire lower torso, and as
such only warforged can attune with them. While attuned and integrated, a warforged gains a climbing
speed equal to their normal movement speed, allowing them to move up, down, and across vertical
surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving their hands free.
Breaking attunement to this chassis is an arduous process involving an hour’s worth of effort,
which removes it from being integrated and restores the warforged’s original torso.
Weapon (shortbow, light crossbow, or hand crossbow), uncommon (requires attunement)
An armbow is designed to integrate with the forearm of a warforged. A warforged can attach an armbow
by attuning to it. An attached armbow cannot be disarmed or removed from you against your will, but you
cannot use your hand for other actions while the armbow is attached. You can break attunement and
remove an armbow by taking one minute to do so.
An armbow can magically generate its own bolts or arrows when used, negating the loading
property on any weapon that is an armbow and loading ammo automatically. An armbow deals force
damage instead of any other damage type. Additionally, any sort of magical shortbow or hand crossbow
could be made as an armbow, such as an armbow of warning or a vicious armbow, adding their effects to
those already present on the armbow.
Weapon, very rare (requires attunement)
The armcannon is the pinnacle of warforged weapons technology, and is crafted to integrate with the
forearm of a warforged. A warforged can attach an armcannon by attuning to it. An armcannon cannot be
disarmed or removed from you against your will, as long as it is attached to you. Removing an armcannon
requires using one minute of effort to break attunement to it.
An armcannon is a martial ranged weapon with the ammunition and reload (50 shots) properties,
and an attuned creature has proficiency with it. An armcannon can be reloaded with energy cells, has a
range of 30/120 feet, and deals 3d6 radiant damage on a hit.
Weapon (battlefist), uncommon
A battlefist is a articulated metal gauntlet that acts as the basis of a body-wide enhanced combat system,
allowing you to upgrade yourself with an immense amount of complexity. Installing a battlefist in place of
an arm (as either a warforged or other humanoid) allows you to gain levels in the augmented class, found
on the DM’s Guild.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This sleek visor takes the form of a metal crossbar with two slits that travel across the eyes. Only a
warforged can attune to this item, which requires integrating onto their head. An attuned creature gains
darkvision out to 60 feet. Breaking attunement requires a minute of effort, which also ends integration.
This visor has 4 charges. A creature attuned to this visor can expend one of these charges to
cast one spell out of detect magic, identify, or see invisibility without expending spell slots or material
components. The visor regains 1d4 charges every day at dawn.
Behemoth Belt
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
A belt made of interlocking gold plates with a large ruby in the center. Only a warforged can attune to this
item, and doing so requires integrating it into the warforged’s waist. Attunement can be broken with one
minute’s worth of effort, which also ends integration with the belt.
This belt has 3 charges. As an action, a creature attuned to this belt can use one of these
charges and enlarge themselves, as if they were affected by the enlarge portion of the enlarge/reduce
spell. This enlargement lasts for a minute. A creature can only be enlarged once in this way at any one
time. At dawn each day, the belt recovers 1 charge.
Camouflaged Compartment
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
A hidden extradimensional compartment that can be built into a warforged. Only a warforged can attune
to this item, which integrates into their chest cavity as a part of this process. Breaking attunement to this
item takes one minute of effort, which also ends its integration.
The opening to this compartment is 6 inches in diameter, and the compartment itself can hold up
to 250 pounds of supplies, which are weightless as long as they remain within the compartment. The
compartment seals shut and is difficult to find. Any Investigation check made to find the compartment is
made with disadvantage, against a DC of 17.
Placing a bag of holding, portable hole, or similar within this compartment immediately destroys
both items, creating a gate to the Astral Plane where the items were placed within each other. All
creatures within 10 feet of the gate are brought through to a random location on the Astral Plane, after
which the gate closes. The gate is one-way, and cannot be reopened.
Command Circlet
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This gold band is designed to fit over the head of a warforged. Only a warforged can attune to this item,
requiring it be integrated into their head. Breaking attunement to this item requires a minute of effort,
which also ends its integration.
An attuned creature gains the ability to communicate telepathically with creatures it can see
within 100 feet of itself, with whom it shares a language. The circlet has 4 charges, and an attuned
creature can expend one of these charges as a bonus action to remove the frightened condition from a
creature it can see within 100 feet. The circlet regains 1d4 charges every dawn.
Delver’s Light
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)
A brilliant yellow gem that glows with a faint inner radiance. This item can only be attuned by a warforged,
requiring that it be integrated into that warforged’s head or chest. Breaking attunement with this item
requires one minute of effort, which also breaks its integration.
A creature attuned to this item can use a bonus action to shine either dim or bright light in a 50
foot radius, or to shine either bright or dim light in a 100 foot cone. The light can be turned off by using
another bonus action to do so.
Gauntlets of Excavation
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Twin gauntlets made of battered pig-iron with wide shovel heads retracted up against each, designed to
attach to the forearms of a warforged. Only a warforged can attune to this item, and must integrate it into
themselves to do so.
While attuned, this item can be activated (or deactivated) with an action, causing the shovels to
unfold and cover the attuned creature’s hands, occupying them. While activated, the attuned creature can
spend 10 minutes of effort to displace 15 cubic feet of dirt or 5 cubic feet of stone. The attuned creature’s
Strength score is 20 for this purpose, unless its Strength is already greater. These gauntlets can only be
used to dig for a total of 1 hour each day, which need not be consecutive.
Additionally, while active, the shovel blades on each hand count as two seperate natural
weapons, with which an attuned creature has proficiency. These weapons have the light and finesse
properties, and deal 1d4 slashing damage on a hit.
Breaking attunement with this item requires one minute of effort, which also removes them from
being integrated.
Iron-Tooth Girdle
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
This band of two rows of saw-like teeth resembles a bear trap, and can only be attuned by a warforged,
who must integrate this item into their waist to do so. While integrated and attuned, this girdle splits the
waist of the warforged open, transforming their midsection into a gigantic toothed maw. Ending
attunement requires an hour of effort, and breaks integration.
This girdle grants the attuned creature a bite attack, which is a natural weapon that the attuned
creature is proficient with. This bite that deals 3d6 piercing damage on a hit, deals a critical hit on a roll of
19 or 20, and has advantage on attack rolls made against any target that is grappled by the attuned
Scorpion Brand
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
This six inch square plate of steel is branded with a scorpion in its center, and rimmed with an edge of
gold. Only a warforged can attune to it, integrating it into their chest as part of attunement. Ending
attunement requires a minute of effort, and breaks integration.
A creature attuned to this item can use a bonus action on its turn to produce or retract a large,
mechanical scorpion tail from their torso. This tail is a natural weapon with which the attuned creature has
proficiency, and that has the finesse and reach properties. If an attack with this tail hits, it deals 1d8
piercing and 1d6 poison damage. Damage from this tail ignores resistance, but not immunity.
Seal of Longstriding
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
A blackened mithril disk, emblazoned with silver runes, a favorite of warforged scouts. This item can only
be attuned by a warforged, which must integrate it into their chest to do so. Breaking attunement requires
a minute of effort, and ends the seal’s integration.
This seal has 3 charges. An attuned creature can use one of these charges to cast longstrider as
a 1st-level spell, targeting itself, without expending spell slots or material components. The seal regains
1d4 – 1 charges every day at dawn.
Somatic Cables
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
This mass of adamantine cables can only be attuned by a warforged, which involves integrating them into
the warforged’s chest. While integrated, the cables remain inside the warforged unless the warforged
begins casting a spell that requires a somatic component, whereupon the cables extend for the duration
of the spell’s casting and begin writhing in complex arcane patterns. A warforged that is attuned to these
cables does not require the use of their hands to make somatic gestures while casting a spell, freeing
their hands to perform other functions during spellcasting.
Breaking attunement with these cables requires one minute of effort, after which they are no
longer integrated.
Spiked Soles
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
A set of large metallic footpads, each containing a series of retractable spikes. Only a warforged can
attune to this item, and by doing so integrates them into the sole of each of their feet. Breaking
attunement to this item requires one minute of effort, and doing so also removes this item’s integration.
A creature attuned to this item has a climbing speed of 25 feet, unless they already have a
greater climbing speed. Additionally, as a reaction when subjected to forced movement, an attuned
creature can choose not to move. If it does so, however, it can move no more than half its speed on its
following turn.
Spring-Heeled Boots
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
These boots possess a set of internal springs that are tightly wound. Only a warforged can attune to these
boots, which requires integrating with them, replacing the warforged’s lower legs with the boots. Breaking
attunement to these boots requires one minute of effort, after which the boots are no longer integrated
and the warforged’s original lower legs are back in place.
These boots have 6 charges. On its turn, a creature attuned to these boots can expend one of
these charges with no action. Until the end of that turn, the creature’s jump height is tripled. Each day at
dawn, these boots regain 1d4 + 2 charges.