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Guías Lineales SKF PDF

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Profile rail guides

General information
3 Introduction
4 Product overview
6 Technical data
6 Preload classes
6 Speed
The SKF® brand now stands for more
6 Acceleration
than ever before, and means more to
you as a valued customer. 6 Temperature
7 Friction
While SKF maintains its leadership 7 Seals
as the hallmark of quality bearings 7 Scraper plates
throughout the world, new dimensions 8 Load rating
in technical advances, product support 8 Definition of the basic dynamic load rating
and services have evolved SKF into 8 Definition of the basic static load rating
a truly solutions-oriented supplier, 8 Definition and calculation of the basic rating life
creating greater value for customers. 8 Dynamic equivalent bearing load for calculation of the service life
9 Dynamic equivalent bearing load
These solutions encompass ways to
9 Static equivalent bearing load
bring greater productivity to customers,
not only with breakthrough application-
specific products, but also through
10 Accuracy classes
leading-edge design simulation tools
and consultancy services, plant asset 11 Selection criteria for combination of accuracy classes
efficiency maintenance programmes, 12 Preloading and stiffness
and the industry’s most advanced
supply management techniques. Carriages
14 Load ratings - Quick selection
The SKF brand still stands for the very 18 Accuracy classes, dimensions and designations
best in rolling bearings, but it now
stands for much more. Standard rails
35 Product overview
SKF – the knowledge engineering 36 Accuracy classes, dimensions and designations
Ordering key
40 Ordering key

43 Product overview
44 Standard carriages
44 Scraper plates
45 Seals
46 Lubrication
48 Bellows
50 Cover strip

Mounting instructions
54 General mounting instructions

Maintenance and lubrications

62 Maintenance and lubrications

As the world’s leading manufacturer be moved with an unlimited stroke. selection can also be made between
of rolling bearings, SKF supplies The guide carriages are made of two design versions. In addition to
practically every type of rolling bear- tempered bearing steel into which the standard carriage length, a
ing for rotary and linear movements. the hardened raceways of the ball series with extended carriages is
The standard profile rail guides pro- circuits are inserted. Fixing holes in available which exhibits higher load
duced by SKF are brought together the attachment surfaces enable rating. To meet the requirements of
in this catalogue. SKF profile rail machine parts to be directly mount- operating practice, a range of differ-
guides are accuracy rolling bearings ed onto the carriages. Fundamentally, ent guide systems is offered. Their
for linear movements and are there- profile rail guides constitute a cou- main features are load capacity,
fore suitable for use in most types of pled angular ball bearing in back-to- screw connections to provide the
machinery. With these profile rail back arrangement and, depending fastening points on the carriage and
guides it is possible for SKF to offer on the application, are available in the sectional height.
a guide system which achieves a different preload classes. The race- Thanks to the modular design of
good price/performance ratio. ways of the profile rail and of the the systems, subsequent changes
Profile rail guides from SKF are carriage are arranged at an angle of are not a problem. This catalogue
available in many designs and sizes, 45°. As a result, the system has the brings together all the data which
and thanks to their unlimited stroke same load capacity in the four main we feel is relevant.
they can be adapted to any linear load directions as well as a high If you require additional informa-
movement. They consist of a rail moment load capacity. tion please get in touch with one of
guide with ground raceways on which Depending on the load conditions our sales companies.
one or several guide carriages can and the required service life, a

Product overview
• Carriages with and without • Various accuracy and preload • Both grease and oil lubrication
ball chain classes possible despite initial grease
• High load capacities in all main • Carriages can be screwed from
directions and high moment above or below, depending on • Wide range of accessories
load capacities type.
• Worldwide SKF service network
• High dynamic performances: • Improved stiffness under lift off
v = 5 m/s; amax = 500 m/s2 and side loading conditions when • Both sides of the guide rail can be
additional mounting screws are used as reference edges
• Low noise and smooth, light used for the holes in the centre of
running due to optimised ball the carriage
recirculation and ideal ball
chain geometry • Integrated all-round sealing
through front and longitudinal
• Long term lubrication system seals

• Lube ports with metal threads • Wide range of accessories

on all sides.

• Full interchangeability due to

standardised rail, with or
without rail seal cover strip,
for all carriage versions

Flange short. Standard height. Flange normal. Standard height. Flange long. Standard height.

LLRHC xx R Ball chain LLRHC xx LR

Slim line normal. High. Optimises noise level and running Slim line long. High.


Slim line short. Standard height. Slim line normal. Standard height. Slim line long. Standard height.

Technical data

General information Speed Temperature

The general technical data applies to vmax: 5 m/s resistance
all rail guides (all carriages and tmax: 100 °C
Special technical data is listed Acceleration This is a maximum value which is
separately for the individual designs. amax: 500 m/s2 only permissible for a short time. In
continuous operation a maximum
Only in the case of preloaded systems. temperature of 80 °C must not be
Preload classes In the case of non-preloaded sys- exceeded.
In view of the different user require- tems: amax = 50 m/s2
ments, the ball rail guides can be
supplied in four different preload
So as not to reduce the service
life, the preload should not amount
to more than 1/3 of the bearing
load F. Material specifications
In general, the stiffness of the
carriage increases according to the 1 Recirculation parts: 6 Thread pins: 1.4301
preload increase. POM (PA6.6) 7 Balls: bearing steel
2 Lubrication nipple: 8 Housing: tempered steel
carbon steel 9 Cover strip retaining
Guide systems with 3 Metal front plates: clamps: aluminium
1.4301 10 Clamping screw and nut:
parallel rails 4 Seals: TEE-E 1.4301
• In connection with the selected 5 Flange screws: 11 Rail: tempered steel
preload class the permissible carbon steel 12 Cover strip: 1.4301
deviation in parallelism of the
rails must also be taken into
account (see tables for the
various designs).
• For the installation of rail guides in
the accuracy class P5 we 1
recommend the version with
clearance T0 or the preload 2
class T1 in order to avoid 3
stresses owing to the

9 8

11 5

Friction Seals Scraper plates
The friction coefficient µ of the ball Seals should prevent the penetration Scraper plates can be ordered as
rail guide is approx. 0,002 to 0,003 of dirt and chips into the interior of accessories (have to be attached
(not including the friction of the seal). the carriage in order to avoid pre- by the customer).
As a result of the design with 4 mature failure. They are suitable for use in most
ball rows a 2-point contact exists for environments where coarse dirt or
all load directions. This reduces fric- Universal seal chips are encountered.
tion to a minimum (Fig. 1). Universal seals are installed as stan-
dard in SKF carriages.
They have a constant sealing
effect on rails with and without
cover strip.
In addition to efficient sealing, the
design also provides for low friction.
For applications where low friction
Fig. 1 is required light-contact seals are
available on request.

Front seal
Front seals can be ordered as acces-
sories and are attached by the cus-

They are suitable for use in

environments with fine dust or
metal particles, as well as coolants
or cutting fluids.

For extreme duty in environments
with coarse dirt or metal particles,
or where there is massive use of
coolants or cutting fluids, Viton seals
are available on request.
Viton seals have to be attached
by the customer.

Load rating

Definition of the basic Basic rating life at constant speed Dynamic equivalent
dynamic load rating C The basic rating life L or Lh can be
bearing load for calcu-
The radial load, constant in magni- lation of the service life
calculated applying the formula (1),
tude and direction, which a linear
(2) or (3):
rolling bearing can in theory accom- For a fluctuating bearing load the
modate for a basic rating life repre- (1) L10 = ( C )3 105 dynamic equivalent loading F is cal-
sented by a travelled distance of P
culated according to formula (5):
105 m (to DIN 636 Part 1).
The basic dynamic load ratings in L10
(2) L10h = F13 ¥ s1 + F23 ¥ s2 + ... + Fn3 ¥ sn
the tables are generally 30 % higher 2 ¥ s ¥ n ¥ 60 (5) Fm=

than the values to DIN. They have s

been verified in tests.
Basic rating life at changing speed
Fm = constant mean
L10 load (N)
(3) L10h =
Definition of the basic 60 ¥ vm F1, F2 . . . Fn = constant loads
static load rating C0 during stroke
The static load in the direction of t1 ¥ v1 + t2 ¥ v2 + ... + tn ¥ vn lengths s1, + s2 +,
(4) vm =
loading which corresponds to a cal- 100 ....sn (N)
culated load in the centre of the s = total stroke
L10 = basic rating life (m)
most highly loaded contact point length (s = s1 +
L10h = basic rating life (h)
between the rolling element and both s2 +, ....+ sn),
C = basic dynamic load
raceways (rail) at an osculation of during which
rating (N)
≤ 0,52, 4 200 MPa. loads F1, F2 ... Fn
P = equivalent load (N)
have an effect (mm)
s = stroke length (m)
Note: n = stroke frequency
At this load on the contact point a • given a combined bearing load
(double strokes/min)
permanent total deformation of the vm = mean speed (m/min)
rolling element and raceway occurs v1,v2...vn = travel speeds (m/min)
which corresponds to about 0,0001 t1,t2...tn = time proportions for
times the rolling element diameter v1, v2...vn (%)
(to DIN 636 Part 2).
The formulae for calculating the
service life of profile rail guides Note on dynamic load
Definition and calcula- apply to a stroke length of S ≥ 2
times the carriage length. At lower capacities and moments
tion of the basic rating Determination of dynamic load
values the load rating is reduced.
life Please consult SKF. capacities and moments is based on
The calculated life achievable with a travel life of 100 000 m. However,
90 % reliability for a single rolling frequently this is determined on the
bearing or a group of evidently basis of only 50 000 m. In this case
identical rolling bearings running for comparison: multiply values C, MC
under identical conditions given the and MA by 1.26 in accordance with
material generally used today of SKF tables.
normal manufacturer’s quality and
usual operating conditions (to DIN For carriages with ball chain the
636 Part 1). permissible moments are reduced in
accordance with the load ratings.




Dynamic equivalent Dynamic equivalent Static equivalent

bearing load bearing load bearing load
For a combined external load – ver- For a combined external load – ver- For a combined external static load
tical and horizontal – the dynamic tical and horizontal – in combination – vertical and horizontal – in con-
equivalent load F is calculated by with a torsional moment the dynam- nection with a static torsional
means of formula (6): ic equivalent load F can be calculated moment the static equivalent load F0
using formula (7): can be calculated using formula (8).
(6) F = |FV| + |FH| |M|
(7) F = |FV| + |FH| + C ¥ The static equivalent load F0 must
dynamic equivalent load (N) Mt not exceed the static load rating C0.
FV = dynamic external load, F = dynamic equivalent
vertical (N) load (N) Formula (8) only applies if a single
FH = dynamic external load, FV, FH = dynamic external rail is used.
horizontal (N) loads (N) |M0|
M = dynamic torsional (8) F0 = |FV0| + |FH0| + C0 ¥
moment (Nm) Mt0
Note: The design of the ball rail guide
permits this simplified calculation. C = basic dynamic load F0 = static equivalent
rating (N) load (N)
Note: Mt = dynamic permissible FV0, FH0 = static external
If different load stages exist for FV moment (Nm) loads (N)
and FH, FV and FH must be calculated M0 = static torsional
individually using formula (5). An Formula (7) only applies if a single moment (Nm)
external load applied at any angle to rail is used. C0 = basic static load
the carriage must be divided into rating (N)
the proportions FV and FH. The Note: Mt0 = static permissible
amounts are then used in formula (6) If different load stages exist for FV moment (Nm)
and FH, FV and FH must be calculated
individually using formula (5). An Note:
external load applied at any angle to An external load applied at any
the carriage must be divided into the angle to the carriage must be divid-
proportions FV and FH The amounts ed into the proportions FV0 and FH0.
are then used in formula (7). The amounts are then used in for-
mula (8).


Accuracy classes

Accuracy classes and Problem-free inter- For example, a carriage can be

used without any problems on dif-
their tolerances changeability through ferent rails of the same size.
SKF profile rail guides are available precision manufacture Conversely, various carriages can
in five accuracy classes. As shown in The rail and carriage are produced be used on one rail.
the adjacent illustration, the toler- so precisely by SKF, especially in the
ances are defined for each accuracy ball raceway area, that each individ-
class. The stated accuracy classes ual element can be exchanged at
are available for almost all types of any time.
profile rail guides. For the designs
which can be supplied please refer
to the respective table on page 11.
Fig. 1
Dimensional tolerance in height “H”
The dimensional tolerance in height Accuracy class Tolerance Max. differences in dimension
“H” is the maximum deviation of the H and N on one rail
height “H” for the carriages on a H (µm) N (µm) D H (µm) D N (µm)
profile rail (Fig. 2).
P5 ± 100 ± 40 30 30
Dimensional tolerance in width “N” P3 ±40 ±20 15 15
The dimensional tolerance in width P1 ±20 ±10 7 7
“N” is the maximum deviation of the P01 ±10 ±7 5 5
“N” dimension for the carriages on a P001 ±5 ±5 3 3
profile rail (Fig. 2).
• The “N” dimension designates the
distance of the mounting surface
of the profile rail from the ground
side surface of the carriage.
• The accuracies stated are mean
values and relate to the centre of Measured in For any combination For different carriages at
the carriage. the centre of of carriages and rails the same rail position
• The tolerances should be checked the carriage: over the entire rail
again after the profile rail guide length
has been mounted on the machine
* Tolerances for the combination of different accuracy classes in respect
of carriage and rail can be referred to on page 11.

Fig. 2 Fig. 3
P1 Deviation in parallelism (µm)

L (rail length, mm)

Selection criteria for combination of accuracy classes

Rails P5 P3 P1 P01 P001

Carriages µm µm µm µm µm
Tolerance dimension H (µm) ± 100 ± 48 ± 32 ± 23 ± 19
P5 Tolerance dimension N (µm) ± 40 ± 28 ± 22 ± 20 ± 19
Max. difference of dimensions H and N on a rail (µm) 30 30 30 30 30
Tolerance dimension H (µm) ± 88 ± 40 ± 23 ± 23 ± 19
P3 Tolerance dimension N (µm) ± 33 ± 20 ± 14 ± 20 ± 19
Max. difference of dimensions H and N on a rail (µm) 15 15 15 15 15
Tolerance dimension H (µm) ± 84 ± 34 ± 21 ± 11 ± 7
P1 Tolerance dimension N (µm) ± 28 ± 16 ± 10 ± 8 ± 7
Max. difference of dimensions H and N on a rail (µm) 7 7 7 7 7
Tolerance dimension H (µm) ± 83 ± 33 ± 19 ± 10 ± 6
P01 Tolerance dimension N (µm) ± 27 ± 15 ± 9 ± 7 ± 6
Max. difference of dimensions H and N on a rail (µm) 5 5 5 5 5
Tolerance dimension H (µm) ± 82 ± 32 ± 18 ± 9 ± 5
P001 Tolerance dimension N (µm) ± 26 ± 14 ± 8 ± 6 ± 5
Max. difference of dimensions H and N on a rail (µm) 3 3 3 3 3

Recommendations for Running accuracy as

the combination of selection criterion
accuracy classes
Recommended for short strokes and By means of perfected ball entry
small distances between the car- and exit zones in the carriages of
riages: accuracy classes P1 and P001, a
Carriage in higher accuracy class hitherto unattained running accuracy
than guide rail. accompanied by extremely low pul-
Recommended for long strokes sation is achieved.
and larger distances between the This is particularly suitable for
carriages: ultra-fine metal cutting operations,
Guide rail in higher accuracy class metrology, high-precision scanners,
than carriage. erosion techniques etc.

Preloading and stiffness
For perfect operating behaviour
under various operating conditions
in an extremely wide range of appli-
cations it is necessary to establish
the suitable preload. In general, a
slight to medium preload is enough
for the majority of applications. For
special applications in which high
shock loads and vibration can occur
it is advisable to use a higher pre-
loading. The preload classes offered
by SKF are categorised in Table 4. Table 4

Versions and area of applications

Selection of the
preload class
In the designs with clearance no
T0 – Clearance
preloading is achieved. Instead, there
is clearance of between 1 and 10
For particularly smooth-running guide systems with low fric-
µm between the carriage and rail. If
tion and low external influences. Designs with clearance are
two rails and more than one car-
only available in the accuracy classes P5 and P3.
riage per rail are used this clearance
is in most cases equalised by paral-
lelism tolerances.
T1 - Preload 0,02 C

Preload force referred to the basic

For precise guide systems with low external load and high
dynamic load rating Cdyn of the
requirements in respect of overall stiffness.
respective carriage.

T2 - Preload 0,08 C
Carriage LLRHC 35 A
C = 41 900 N
For precise guide systems with high external load and high
Preload 0,02 x C = 838 N
requirements in respect of overall stiffness; also recommended
This carriage is preloaded with a
for single-rail systems. Above-average moment loads are
basic load of approx. 838N.
absorbed without any significant elastic deformation. At only
medium moment loads the overall stiffness is further

T3 - Preload 0,13 C

For highly rigid guide systems such as precision machine tools

or injection mould clamping units. Above-average loads and
moments are absorbed with lowest-possible elastic deforma-
tion. Version with preload T3 only available in accuracy classes
P1, P01 and P001.

Deflection as a function of
preload class and carriage

Carriage LLRHC 35 A,
a) Preload 0,02 C (T1)
b) Preload 0,08 C (T2) 0 5 000 10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000
c) Preload 0,13 C (T3)

Carriage LLRHC 35 LA,
a) Preload 0,02 C (T1)
b) Preload 0,08 C (T2)
0 5 000 10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000
c) Preload 0,13 C (T3)

Carriage LLRHC 35 U,
a) Preload 0,02 C (T1)
b) Preload 0,08 C (T2)
c) Preload 0,13 C (T3) 0 5 000 10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000

Carriage LLRHC 35 LU,
a) Preload 0,02 C (T1)
b) Preload 0,08 C (T2)
c) Preload 0,13 C (T3)

del. = elastic deformation 0 5 000 10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000
F = load


Load ratings
LLRHC xx SA (Flange short. Standard height.)

Size 15 20 25 30 35 45
ball chain C (N) 5 900 12 400 14 000 22 100 29 300 –
no ball chain C (N) 6 800 12 400 15 800 22 100 29 300 –

ball chain C0 (N) 6 700 13 600 15 200 24 800 32 400 –

no ball chain C0 (N) 8 100 13 600 18 200 24 800 32 400 –

LLRHC xx A (Flange normal. Standard height.)

Size 15 20 25 30 35 45
ball chain C (N) 7 280 17 400 21 300 29 300 41 900 63 300
no ball chain C (N) 7 800 18 800 22 800 31 700 41 900 68 100

ball chain C0 (N) 12 100 21 700 27 300 37 200 54 000 77 100

no ball chain C0 (N) 13 500 24 400 30 400 41 300 54 000 85 700

LLRHC xx LA (Flange long. Standard height.)

Size 15 20 25 30 35 45
ball chain C (N) 9 000 23 100 27 500 38 000 53 000 81 900
no ball chain C (N) 10 000 24 400 30 400 40 000 55 600 90 400

ball chain C0 (N) 17 500 32 500 39 500 53 700 75 600 111 400
no ball chain C0 (N) 20 200 35 200 45 500 57 800 81 000 128 500

LLRHC xx SU (Slim line short. Standard height.)

Size 15 20 25 30 35 45
ball chain C (N) 5 900 12 400 14 000 22 100 29 300 –
no ball chain C (N) 6 800 12 400 15 800 22 100 29 300 –

ball chain C0 (N) 6 700 13 600 15 200 24 800 32 400 –

no ball chain C0 (N) 8 100 13 600 18 200 24 800 32 400 –

LLRHC xx U (Slim line normal. Standard height.)

Size 15 20 25 30 35 45
ball chain C (N) 7 280 17 400 21 300 29 300 41 900 63 300
no ball chain C (N) 7 800 18 800 22 800 31 700 41 900 68 100

ball chain C0 (N) 12 100 21 700 27 300 37 200 54 000 77 100

no ball chain C0 (N) 13 500 24 400 30 400 41 300 54 000 85 700

LLRHC xx LU (Slim line long. Standard height.)

Size 15 20 25 30 35 45
ball chain C (N) 9 000 23 100 27 500 38 000 53 000 81 900
no ball chain C (N) 10 000 24 400 30 400 40 000 55 600 90 400

ball chain C0 (N) 17 500 32 500 39 500 53 700 75 600 111 400
no ball chain C0 (N) 20 200 35 200 45 500 57 800 81 000 128 500

LLRHC xx R (Slim line normal. High.)

Size 15 25 30 35 45
ball chain C (N) 7 280 21 300 29 300 41 900 63 300
no ball chain C (N) 7 800 22 800 31 700 41 900 68 100

ball chain C0 (N) 12 100 27 300 37 200 54 000 77 100

no ball chain C0 (N) 13 500 30 400 41 300 54 000 85 700

LLRHC xx LR (Slim line long. High.)

Size 25 30 35 45
ball chain C (N) 27 500 38 000 53 000 81 900
no ball chain C (N) 30 400 40 000 55 600 90 400

ball chain C0 (N) 39 500 53 700 75 600 111 400

no ball chain C0 (N) 45 500 57 800 81 000 128 500

Note on dynamic load capacities and moments

Determination of dynamic load capacities and moments is based on a travel life of
100 000 m. However, frequently this is determined on the basis of only 50 000 m.
In this case for comparison: multiply values C, MC and MA by 1.26 in accordance with
SKF tables.

For carriages with ball chain the permissible moments are reduced in accordance with
the load ratings.


Accuracy classes, dimensions and designations
Carriage LLRHC xx SA
Flange short. Standard height.

For type designation see

designation system

Dynamic values
Speed vmax = 5 m/s
Acceleration amax = 500 m/s2

Size Accuracy class Type designation incl. preload class

T0 T1
15 P5 LLRHC 15 SA T0 P5 LLRHC 15 SA T1 P5
P3 LLRHC 15 SA T0 P3 LLRHC 15 SA T1 P3

20 P5 LLRHC 20 SA T0 P5 LLRHC 20 SA T1 P5
P3 LLRHC 20 SA T0 P3 LLRHC 20 SA T1 P3

25 P5 LLRHC 25 SA T0 P5 LLRHC 25 SA T1 P5
P3 LLRHC 25 SA T0 P3 LLRHC 25 SA T1 P3

30 P5 LLRHC 30 SA T0 P5 LLRHC 30 SA T1 P5
P3 LLRHC 30 SA T0 P3 LLRHC 30 SA T1 P3

35 P5 LLRHC 35 SA T0 P5 LLRHC 35 SA T1 P5
P3 LLRHC 35 SA T0 P3 LLRHC 35 SA T1 P3

a) For O-ring
Size 15: † 4 x 1,0 (mm)
Size 20-35: † 5 x 1,0 (mm)
Open lubrication hole as required.
See additional elements:
Mounting of lubrication adapter.

b) Lubrication nipple size 15 and 20: Funnel-type nipple

Type A – Thread size M3 x 5, DIN 3405
B2 = 1,6 mm
When using other nipples, the max. permissible screw depth of 5 mm
must be observed!
Size 25 to 35: M6 x 8, DIN 71412
B2 = 9,5 mm
When using other nipples, the max. permissible screw depth of 8 mm
must be observed!
Lubrication nipple supplied along with the rail guide (unmounted).
Connection possible at all sides.
If pin holes are needed, please refer to section "Mounting instructions".

Size Dimensions (mm)

W1 A1 W N L1 L2 H H1 H41) H42) H3 W2 W3 H5 L6 L4 H8 H9
15 47 23,5 15 16,0 44,7 25,7 24 19,90 16,30 16,20 5,0 38 24,55 6,70 16,25 17,85 3,20 3,20
20 63 31,5 20 21,5 57,3 31,9 30 25,35 20,75 20,55 6,0 53 32,50 7,30 22,95 22,95 3,35 3,35
25 70 35,0 23 23,5 67,0 38,6 36 29,90 24,45 24,25 7,5 57 38,30 11,50 25,35 26,50 5,50 5,50
30 90 45,0 28 31,0 75,3 45,0 42 35,35 28,55 28,35 7,0 72 48,40 14,60 28,80 30,50 6,05 6,05
35 100 50,0 34 33,0 84,9 51,4 48 40,40 32,15 31,85 8,0 82 58,00 17,35 32,70 34,20 6,90 6,90 1)

Dimension H4 with cover strip. 2)
Dimension H4 without cover strip

Size Dimensions (mm) Weight Load ratings (N) Moments (Nm)

N1 H7±0,5 d4 S2 d3 M2 (kg) dyn. stat. dyn. stat. dyn. stat.

15 5,2 10,3 4,3 M5 4,4 M2,5-3,5 depth 0,15 5 400 8 100 52 80 19 28

20 7,7 13,2 5,3 M6 6,0 M3-5 depth 0,30 12 400 13 600 150 170 52 58
25 9,3 15,2 6,7 M8 7,0 M3-5 depth 0,50 15 900 18 200 230 260 82 94
30 11,0 17,0 8,5 M10 9,0 M3-5 depth 0,80 22 100 24 800 380 430 133 150
35 12,0 20,5 8,5 M10 9,0 M3-5 depth 1,20 29 300 32 400 640 700 200 220

Carriage LLRHC xx A
Flange normal. Standard height.

For type designation see

designation system

Dynamic values
Speed vmax = 5 m/s
Acceleration amax = 500 m/s2

Size Accuracy class Type designation incl. preload class

T0 T1 T2 T3
15 P5 LLRHC 15 A T0 P5 LLRHC 15 A T1 P5 LLRHC 15 A T2 P5
P3 LLRHC 15 A T0 P3 LLRHC 15 A T1 P3 LLRHC 15 A T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 15 A T1 P1 LLRHC 15 A T2 P1 LLRHC 15 A T3 P1
P01 LLRHC 15 A T1 P01 LLRHC 15 A T2 P01 LLRHC 15 A T3 P01
P001 LLRHC 15 A T1 P001 LLRHC 15 A T2 P001 LLRHC 15 A T3 P001
20 P5 LLRHC 20 A T0 P5 LLRHC 20 A T1 P5 LLRHC 20 A T2 P5
P3 LLRHC 20 A T0 P3 LLRHC 20 A T1 P3 LLRHC 20 A T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 20 A T1 P1 LLRHC 20 A T2 P1 LLRHC 20 A T3 P1
P01 LLRHC 20 A T1 P01 LLRHC 20 A T2 P01 LLRHC 20 A T3 P01
P001 LLRHC 20 A T1 P001 LLRHC 20 A T2 P001 LLRHC 20 A T3 P001
25 P5 LLRHC 25 A T0 P5 LLRHC 25 A T1 P5 LLRHC 25 A T2 P5
P3 LLRHC 25 A T0 P3 LLRHC 25 A T1 P3 LLRHC 25 A T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 25 A T1 P1 LLRHC 25 A T2 P1 LLRHC 25 A T3 P1
P01 LLRHC 25 A T1 P01 LLRHC 25 A T2 P01 LLRHC 25 A T3 P01
P001 LLRHC 25 A T1 P001 LLRHC 25 A T2 P001 LLRHC 25 A T3 P001
30 P5 LLRHC 30 A T0 P5 LLRHC 30 A T1 P5 LLRHC 30 A T2 P5
P3 LLRHC 30 A T0 P3 LLRHC 30 A T1 P3 LLRHC 30 A T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 30 A T1 P1 LLRHC 30 A T2 P1 LLRHC 30 A T3 P1
P01 LLRHC 30 A T1 P01 LLRHC 30 A T2 P01 LLRHC 30 A T3 P01
P001 LLRHC 30 A T1 P001 LLRHC 30 A T2 P001 LLRHC 30 A T3 P001
35 P5 LLRHC 35 A T0 P5 LLRHC 35 A T1 P5 LLRHC 35 A T2 P5
P3 LLRHC 35 A T0 P3 LLRHC 35 A T1 P3 LLRHC 35 A T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 35 A T1 P1 LLRHC 35 A T2 P1 LLRHC 35 A T3 P1
P01 LLRHC 35 A T1 P01 LLRHC 35 A T2 P01 LLRHC 35 A T3 P01
P001 LLRHC 35 A T1 P001 LLRHC 35 A T2 P001 LLRHC 35 A T3 P001
45 P5 LLRHC 45 A T0 P5 LLRHC 45 A T1 P5 LLRHC 45 A T2 P5
P3 LLRHC 45 A T0 P3 LLRHC 45 A T1 P3 LLRHC 45 A T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 45 A T1 P1 LLRHC 45 A T2 P1 LLRHC 45 A T3 P1
P01 LLRHC 45 A T1 P01 LLRHC 45 A T2 P01 LLRHC 45 A T3 P01
P001 LLRHC 45 A T1 P001 LLRHC 45 A T2 P001 LLRHC 45 A T3 P001

bold text = standard range

a) For O-ring
Size 15: † 4 x 1,0 (mm)
Size 20-45: † 5 x 1,0 (mm)
Open lubrication hole as required.
See additional elements: Mounting of lubrication adapter.

b) Recommended position for pin holes (dimensions W4,

see “Mounting instructions”)
NB: For production-related reasons there may be pilot drill holes in the
middle of the carriage. They are suitable for drilling..

c) Lubrication nipple size 15 and 20: Funnel-type nipple

Type A – Thread size M3 x 5, DIN 3405
B2 = 1,6 mm
When using other nipples, the max. permissible screw depth of 5 mm
must be observed!

Size 25 to 45: M6 x 8, DIN 71412

B2 = 9,5 mm
When using other lubrication nipples, the max. permissible screw depth
of 8 mm must be observed!
Lubrication nipple supplied with the rail guide (unmounted).
Connection possible at all sides.

Size Dimensions (mm)

W1 A1 W N L1 L2 H H1 H41) H42) H3 W2 L3 L5 W3 H5 L6 L4 H8 H9
15 47 23,5 15 16,0 58,2 39,2 24 19,90 16,30 16,20 5,0 38 30 26 24,55 6,70 8,00 9,6 3,20 3,20
20 63 31,5 20 21,5 75,0 49,6 30 25,35 20,75 20,55 6,0 53 40 35 32,50 7,30 11,80 11,8 3,35 3,35
25 70 35,0 23 23,5 86,2 57,8 36 29,90 24,45 24,25 7,5 57 45 40 38,30 11,50 12,45 13,6 5,50 5,50
30 90 45,0 28 31,0 97,7 67,4 42 35,35 28,55 28,35 7,0 72 52 44 48,40 14,60 14,00 15,7 6,05 6,05
35 100 50,0 34 33,0 110,5 77,0 48 40,40 32,15 31,85 8,0 82 62 52 58,00 17,35 14,50 16,0 6,90 6,90
45 120 60 45 37,5 137,6 97,0 60 50,30 40,15 39,85 10,0 100 80 60 69,80 20,90 17,30 19,3 8,20 8,20
Dimension H4 with cover strip. 2)
Dimension H4 without cover strip

Size Dimensions (mm) Weight Load ratings (N) Moments (Nm)

N1 W7±0,5 H7±0,5 d4 S2 d3 M2 (kg) dyn. stat. dyn. stat. dyn. stat.

15 5,2 4,4 10,3 4,3 M5 4,4 M2,5-3,5 depth 0,20 7 800 13 500 74 130 40 71
20 7,7 5,2 13,2 5,3 M6 6,0 M3-5 depth 0,45 18 800 24 400 240 310 130 165
25 9,3 7,0 15,2 6,7 M8 7,0 M3-5 depth 0,65 22 800 30 400 320 430 180 240
30 11,0 7,9 17,0 8,5 M10 9,0 M3-5 depth 1,10 31 700 41 300 540 720 290 380
35 12,0 10,2 20,5 8,5 M10 9,0 M3-5 depth 1,60 41 900 54 000 890 1 160 440 565
45 15,0 14,4 23,5 10,4 M12 14,0 M4-7 depth 3,00 68 100 85 700 1 830 2 310 890 1 1303)

Carriage LLRHC xx LA
Flange long. Standard height.

For type designation see designation


Dynamic values
Speed vmax = 5 m/s
Acceleration amax = 500 m/s2

Size Accuracy class Type designation incl. preload class

T0 T1 T2 T3
15 P5 LLRHC 15 LA T0 P5 LLRHC 15 LA T1 P5 LLRHC 15 LA T2 P5
P3 LLRHC 15 LA T0 P3 LLRHC 15 LA T1 P3 LLRHC 15 LA T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 15 LA T1 P1 LLRHC 15 LA T2 P1 LLRHC 15 LA T3 P1
P01 LLRHC 15 LA T1 P01 LLRHC 15 LA T2 P01 LLRHC 15 LA T3 P01
P001 LLRHC 15 LA T1 P001 LLRHC 15 LA T2 P001 LLRHC 15 LA T3 P001
20 P5 LLRHC 20 LA T0 P5 LLRHC 20 LA T1 P5 LLRHC 20 LA T2 P5
P3 LLRHC 20 LA T0 P3 LLRHC 20 LA T1 P3 LLRHC 20 LA T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 20 LA T1 P1 LLRHC 20 LA T2 P1 LLRHC 20 LA T3 P1
P01 LLRHC 20 LA T1 P01 LLRHC 20 LA T2 P01 LLRHC 20 LA T3 P01
P001 LLRHC 20 LA T1 P001 LLRHC 20 LA T2 P001 LLRHC 20 LA T3 P001
25 P5 LLRHC 25 LA T0 P5 LLRHC 25 LA T1 P5 LLRHC 25 LA T2 P5
P3 LLRHC 25 LA T0 P3 LLRHC 25 LA T1 P3 LLRHC 25 LA T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 25 LA T1 P1 LLRHC 25 LA T2 P1 LLRHC 25 LA T3 P1
P01 LLRHC 25 LA T1 P01 LLRHC 25 LA T2 P01 LLRHC 25 LA T3 P01
P001 LLRHC 25 LA T1 P001 LLRHC 25 LA T2 P001 LLRHC 25 LA T3 P001
30 P5 LLRHC 30 LA T0 P5 LLRHC 30 LA T1 P5 LLRHC 30 LA T2 P5
P3 LLRHC 30 LA T0 P3 LLRHC 30 LA T1 P3 LLRHC 30 LA T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 30 LA T1 P1 LLRHC 30 LA T2 P1 LLRHC 30 LA T3 P1
P01 LLRHC 30 LA T1 P01 LLRHC 30 LA T2 P01 LLRHC 30 LA T3 P01
P001 LLRHC 30 LA T1 P001 LLRHC 30 LA T2 P001 LLRHC 30 LA T3 P001
35 P5 LLRHC 35 LA T0 P5 LLRHC 35 LA T1 P5 LLRHC 35 LA T2 P5
P3 LLRHC 35 LA T0 P3 LLRHC 35 LA T1 P3 LLRHC 35 LA T2 P3
P01 LLRHC 35 LA T1 P01 LLRHC 35 LA T2 P01 LLRHC 35 LA T3 P01
P001 LLRHC 35 LA T1 P001 LLRHC 35 LA T2 P001 LLRHC 35 LA T3 P001
45 P5 LLRHC 45 LA T0 P5 LLRHC 45 LA T1 P5 LLRHC 45 LA T2 P5
P3 LLRHC 45 LA T0 P3 LLRHC 45 LA T1 P3 LLRHC 45 LA T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 45 LA T1 P1 LLRHC 45 LA T2 P1 LLRHC 45 LA T3 P1
P01 LLRHC 45 LA T1 P01 LLRHC 45 LA T2 P01 LLRHC 45 LA T3 P01
P001 LLRHC 45 LA T1 P001 LLRHC 45 LA T2 P001 LLRHC 45 LA T3 P001

bold text = standard range

a) For O-ring
Size 15: † 4 x 1.0 (mm)
Size 20-45: † 5 x 1.0 (mm)
Open lubrication hole as required.

b) Recommended position for pin holes (dimensions W4,

see “Mounting instructions”)
NB: For production-related reasons there may be pilot drill holes in the
middle of the carriage. They are suitable for drilling.

c) Lubrication nipple size 15 and 20: Funnel-type nipple Type A – Thread size
M3 x 5, DIN 3405 B2 = 1.6 mm
When using other nipples, the max. permissible screw depth of 5 mm must
be observed!

Size 25 to 45: M6 x 8, DIN 71412

B2 = 9.5 mm
When using other lubrication nipples, the max. permissible screw depth of
8 mm must be observed!
Lubrication nipple supplied with the rail guide (unmounted).
Connection possible at all sides.

Dimensions (mm)
Dimension H4 with cover strip
Dimension H4 without cover strip

Size Dimensions (mm)

W1 A1 W N L1 L2 H H1 H41) H42) H3 W2 L3 L5 W3 H5 L6 L4 H8 H9
15 47 23,5 15 16,0 72,6 53,6 24 19,90 16,30 16,20 5,0 38 30 26 24,55 6,70 15,20 16,80 3,20 3,20
20 63 31,5 20 21,5 91,0 65,6 30 25,35 20,75 20,55 6,0 53 40 35 32,50 7,30 19,80 19,80 3,35 3,35
25 70 35,0 23 23,5 107,9 79,5 36 29,90 24,45 24,25 7,5 57 45 40 38,30 11,50 23,30 24,45 5,50 5,50
30 90 45,0 28 31,0 119,7 89,4 42 35,35 28,55 28,35 7,0 72 52 44 48,40 14,60 25,00 26,70 6,05 6,05
35 100 50,0 34 33,0 139,0 105,5 48 40,40 32,15 31,85 8,0 82 62 52 58,00 17,35 28,75 30,25 6,90 6,90
45 120 60,0 45 37,5 174,1 133,5 60 50,30 40,15 39,85 10,0 100 80 60 69,80 20,90 35,50 37,50 8,20 8,20
Dimension H4 with cover strip. 2)
Dimension H4 without cover strip

Size Dimensions (mm) Weight Load ratings (N) Moments (Nm)

N1 W7±0,5 H7±0,5 d4 S2 d3 M2 (kg) dyn. stat. dyn. stat. dyn. stat.

15 5,2 4,4 10,3 4,3 M5 4,4 M2,5-3,5 depth 0,30 10 000 20 200 130 190 98 150

20 7,7 5,2 13,2 5,3 M6 6,0 M3-5 depth 0,55 24 400 35 200 310 450 225 330
25 9,3 7,0 15,2 6,7 M8 7,0 M3-5 depth 0,90 30 400 45 500 430 650 345 510
30 11,0 7,9 17,0 8,5 M10 9,0 M3-5 depth 1,50 40 000 57 800 690 1 000 495 715
35 12,0 10,2 20,5 8,5 M10 9,0 M3-5 depth 2,25 55 600 81 000 1 200 1 740 830 1 215
45 15,0 12,4 23,5 10,4 M12 14,0 M4-7 depth 4,30 90 400 128 500 2 440 3 470 1 700 2 425

Carriage LLRHC xx SU
Slim line short. Standard height.

For type designation see

designation system

Dynamic values
Speed vmax = 5 m/s
Acceleration amax = 500 m/s2

Size Accuracy class Type designation incl. preload class

T0 T1
15 P5 LLRHC 15 SU T0 P5 LLRHC 15 SU T1 P5
P3 LLRHC 15 SU T0 P3 LLRHC 15 SU T1 P3
P1 LLRHC 15 SU T0 P1 LLRHC 15 SU T1 P1

20 P5 LLRHC 20 SU T0 P5 LLRHC 20 SU T1 P5
P3 LLRHC 20 SU T0 P3 LLRHC 20 SU T1 P3
P1 LLRHC 20 SU T0 P1 LLRHC 20 SU T1 P1

25 P5 LLRHC 25 SU T0 P5 LLRHC 25 SU T1 P5
P3 LLRHC 25 SU T0 P3 LLRHC 25 SU T1 P3

P1 LLRHC 25 SU T0 P1 LLRHC 25 SU T1 P1

30 P5 LLRHC 30 SU T0 P5 LLRHC 30 SU T1 P5
P3 LLRHC 30 SU T0 P3 LLRHC 30 SU T1 P3
P1 LLRHC 30 SU T0 P1 LLRHC 30 SU T1 P1

35 P5 LLRHC 35 SU T0 P5 LLRHC 35 SU T1 P5
P3 LLRHC 35 SU T0 P3 LLRHC 35 SU T1 P3
P1 LLRHC 35 SU T0 P1 LLRHC 35 SU T1 P1

bold text = standard range

a) For O-ring
Size 15: † 4 x 1,0 (mm)
Size 20-35: † 5 x 1,0 (mm)
Open lubrication hole as required.

b) Lubrication nipple size 15 and 20: Funnel-type nipple

Type A – Thread size M3 x 5, DIN 3405
B2 = 1,6 mm
When using other nipples, the max. permissible screw depth of 5 mm
must be observed!

Size 25 to 35:
M6 x 8, DIN 71412
B2 = 9,5 mm
When using other lubrication nipples, the max. permissible screw depth
of 8 mm must be observed!
Lubrication nipple supplied with the rail guide (unmounted).
Connection possible at all sides.
If pin holes are needed, please refer to section "Mounting instructions".

Size Dimensions (mm)

W1 A1 W N L1 L2 H H1 H41) H42) H3 W2 W3 H5 L6 L4 H8 H9
15 34 17 15 9,5 44,7 25,7 24 19,90 16,30 16,20 5,0 26 24,55 6,70 16,25 17,85 3,20 3,20
20 44 22 20 12,0 57,3 31,9 30 25,35 20,75 20,55 6,0 32 32,50 7,30 22,95 22,95 3,35 3,35
25 48 24 23 12,5 67,0 38,6 36 29,90 24,45 24,25 7,5 35 38,30 11,50 25,35 26,50 5,50 5,50
30 60 30 28 16,0 75,3 45,0 42 35,35 28,55 28,35 7,0 40 48,40 14,60 28,80 30,50 6,05 6,05
35 70 35 34 18,0 84,9 51,4 48 40,40 32,15 31,85 8,0 50 58,00 17,35 32,70 34,20 6,90 6,901)
Dimension H4 with cover strip. 2)
Dimension H4 without cover strip

Size Dimensions (mm) Weight Load ratings (N) Moments (Nm)

N1 H7±0,5 S2 d3 M2 (kg) dyn. stat. dyn. stat. dyn. stat.

15 6,0 10,3 M4 4,4 M2,5-3,5 depth 0,10 5 400 8 100 52 80 19 28

20 7,5 13,2 M5 6,0 M3-5 depth 0,25 12 400 13 600 150 170 52 58
25 9,0 15,2 M6 7,0 M3-5 depth 0,35 15 900 18 200 230 260 82 94
30 12,0 17,0 M8 9,0 M3-5 depth 0,60 22 100 24 800 380 430 133 150
35 13,0 20,5 M8 9,0 M3-5 depth 0,90 29 300 32 400 640 700 200 220

Carriage LLRHC xx U
Slim line normal. Standard height.

For type designation see

designation system

Dynamic values
Speed vmax = 5 m/s
Acceleration amax = 500 m/s2

Size Accuracy class Type designation incl. preload class

T0 T1 T2
15 P5 LLRHC 15 U T0 P5 LLRHC 15 U T1 P5 LLRHC 15 U T2 P5
P3 LLRHC 15 U T0 P3 LLRHC 15 U T1 P3 LLRHC 15 U T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 15 U T0 P1 LLRHC 15 U T1 P1 LLRHC 15 U T2 P1

20 P5 LLRHC 20 U T0 P5 LLRHC 20 U T1 P5 LLRHC 20 U T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 20 U T0 P3 LLRHC 20 U T1 P3 LLRHC 20 U T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 20 U T0 P1 LLRHC 20 U T1 P1 LLRHC 20 U T2 P1

25 P5 LLRHC 25 U T0 P5 LLRHC 25 U T1 P5 LLRHC 25 U T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 25 U T0 P3 LLRHC 25 U T1 P3 LLRHC 25 U T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 25 U T0 P1 LLRHC 25 U T1 P1 LLRHC 25 U T2 P1

30 P5 LLRHC 30 U T0 P5 LLRHC 30 U T1 P5 LLRHC 30 U T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 30 U T0 P3 LLRHC 30 U T1 P3 LLRHC 30 U T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 30 U T0 P1 LLRHC 30 U T1 P1 LLRHC 30 U T2 P1

35 P5 LLRHC 35 U T0 P5 LLRHC 35 U T1 P5 LLRHC 35 U T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 35 U T0 P3 LLRHC 35 U T1 P3 LLRHC 35 U T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 35 U T0 P1 LLRHC 35 U T1 P1 LLRHC 35 U T2 P1

45 P5 LLRHC 45 U T0 P5 LLRHC 45 U T1 P5 LLRHC 45 U T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 45 U T0 P3 LLRHC 45 U T1 P3 LLRHC 45 U T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 45 U T0 P1 LLRHC 45 U T1 P1 LLRHC 45 U T2 P1

bold text = standard range

a) For O-ring
Size 15: † 4 x 1,0 (mm)
Size 20-45: † 5 x 1,0 (mm)
Open lubrication hole as required.

b) Lubrication nipple size 15 and 20: Funnel-type nipple

Type A – Thread size M3 x 5, DIN 3405
B2 = 1,6 mm
When using other nipples, the max. permissible screw depth of 5 mm
must be observed!

Size 25 to 45:
M6 x 8, DIN 71412
B2 = 9,5 mm
When using other lubrication nipples, the max. permissible screw depth
of 8 mm must be observed!
Lubrication nipple supplied with the rail guide (unmounted).
Connection possible at all sides.
If pin holes are needed, please refer to section "Mounting instructions".

Size Dimensions (mm)

W1 A1 W N L1 L2 H H1 H41) H42) H3 W2 L3 W3 H5 L6 L4 H8 H9
15 34 17 15 9,5 58,2 39,2 24 19,90 16,30 16,20 5,0 26 26 24,55 6,70 10,00 11,60 3,20 3,20
20 44 22 20 12,0 75,0 49,6 30 25,35 20,75 20,55 6,0 32 36 32,50 7,30 13,80 13,80 3,35 3,35
25 48 24 23 12,5 86,2 57,8 36 29,90 24,45 24,25 7,5 35 35 38,30 11,50 17,45 18,60 5,50 5,50
30 60 30 28 16,0 97,7 67,4 42 35,35 28,55 28,35 7,0 40 40 48,40 14,60 20,00 21,70 6,05 6,05
35 70 35 34 18,0 110,5 77,0 48 40,40 32,15 31,85 8,0 50 50 58,00 17,35 20,50 22,00 6,90 6,90
45 86 43 45 20,5 137,6 97,0 60 50,30 40,15 39,85 10,0 60 60 69,80 20,90 27,30 29,30 8,20 8,20
Dimension H4 with cover strip. 2)
Dimension H4 without cover strip

Size Dimensions (mm) Weight Load ratings (N) Moments (Nm)

N1 H7±0,5 S2 d3 M2 (kg) dyn. stat. dyn. stat. dyn. stat.

15 6,0 10,3 M4 4,4 M2,5-3,5 depth 0,15 7 800 13 500 74 130 40 71

20 7,5 13,2 M5 6,0 M3-5 depth 0,35 18 800 24 400 240 310 130 165
25 9,0 15,2 M6 7,0 M3-5 depth 0,50 22 800 30 400 320 430 180 240
30 12,0 17,0 M8 9,0 M3-5 depth 0,85 31 700 41 300 540 720 290 380
35 13,0 20,5 M8 9,0 M3-5 depth 1,25 41 900 54 000 890 1 160 440 565
45 18,0 23,5 M10 14,0 M4-7 depth 2,40 68 100 85 700 1 830 2 310 890 1 130

Carriage LLRHC xx LU
Slim line normal. Standard height.

For type designation see

designation system

Dynamic values
Speed vmax = 5 m/s
Acceleration amax = 500 m/s2

Size Accuracy class Type designation incl. preload class

T0 T1 T2
15 P5 LLRHC 15 LU T0 P5 LLRHC 15 LU T1 P5 LLRHC 15 LU T2 P5
P3 LLRHC 15 LU T0 P3 LLRHC 15 LU T1 P3 LLRHC 15 LU T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 15 LU T1 P1 LLRHC 15 LU T2 P1

20 P5 LLRHC 20 LU T0 P5 LLRHC 20 LU T1 P5 LLRHC 20 LU T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 20 LU T0 P3 LLRHC 20 LU T1 P3 LLRHC 20 LU T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 20 LU T1 P1 LLRHC 20 LU T2 P1

25 P5 LLRHC 25 LU T0 P5 LLRHC 25 LU T1 P5 LLRHC 25 LU T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 25 LU T0 P3 LLRHC 25 LU T1 P3 LLRHC 25 LU T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 25 LU T1 P1 LLRHC 25 LU T2 P1

30 P5 LLRHC 30 LU T0 P5 LLRHC 30 LU T1 P5 LLRHC 30 LU T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 30 LU T0 P3 LLRHC 30 LU T1 P3 LLRHC 30 LU T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 30 LU T1 P1 LLRHC 30 LU T2 P1

35 P5 LLRHC 35 LU T0 P5 LLRHC 35 LU T1 P5 LLRHC 35 LU T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 35 LU T0 P3 LLRHC 35 LU T1 P3 LLRHC 35 LU T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 35 LU T1 P1 LLRHC 35 LU T2 P1

45 P5 LLRHC 45 LU T0 P5 LLRHC 45 LU T1 P5 LLRHC 45 LU T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 45 LU T0 P3 LLRHC 45 LU T1 P3 LLRHC 45 LU T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 45 LU T1 P1 LLRHC 45 LU T2 P1

bold text = Standard range

a) For O-ring
Size 15: † 4 x 1,0 (mm)
Size 20-45: † 5 x 1,0 (mm)
Open lubrication hole as required.

b ) Lubrication nipple size 15 and 20: Funnel-type nipple

Type A – Thread size M3 x 5, DIN 3405
B2 = 1,6 mm
When using other nipples, the max. permissible screw depth of 5 mm
must be observed!

Size 25 to 45:
M6 x 8, DIN 71412
B2 = 9,5 mm
When using other lubrication nipples, the max. permissible screw depth
of 8 mm must be observed!
Lubrication nipple supplied with the rail guide (unmounted).
Connection possible at all sides.
If pin holes are needed, please refer to section "Mounting instructions".

Size Dimensions (mm)

W1 A1 W N L1 L2 H H1 H 1)
H42) H3 W2 L3 W3 H5 L6 L4 H8 H9
15 34 17 15 9,5 72,6 53,6 24 19,90 16,30 16,20 5,0 26 26 24,55 6,70 17,20 18,80 3,20 3,20
20 44 22 20 12,0 91,0 65,6 30 25,35 20,75 20,55 6,0 32 50 32,50 7,30 14,80 14,80 3,35 3,35
25 48 24 23 12,5 107,9 79,5 36 29,90 24,45 24,25 7,5 35 50 38,30 11,50 20,80 21,95 5,50 5,50
30 60 30 28 16,0 119,7 89,4 42 35,35 28,55 28,35 7,0 40 60 48,40 14,60 21,00 22,70 6,05 6,05
35 70 35 34 18,0 139,0 105,5 48 40,40 32,15 31,85 8,0 50 72 58,00 17,35 23,75 25,25 6,90 6,90
45 86 43 45 20,5 174,1 133,5 60 50,30 40,15 39,85 10,0 60 80 69,80 20,90 35,50 37,50 8,20 8,20
Dimension H4 with cover strip. 2)
Dimension H4 without cover strip

Size Dimensions (mm) Weight Load ratings (N) Moments (Nm)

N1 H7±0,5 S2 d3 M2 (kg) dyn. stat. dyn. stat. dyn. stat.

15 6,0 10,3 M4 4,4 M2,5-3,5 depth 0,20 10 000 20 200 130 190 98 150
20 7,5 13,2 M5 6,0 M3-5 depth 0,45 24 400 35 200 310 450 225 330
25 9,0 15,2 M6 7,0 M3-5 depth 0,65 30 400 45 500 430 650 345 510
30 12,0 17,0 M8 9,0 M3-5 depth 1,10 40 000 57 800 690 1 000 495 715
35 13,0 20,5 M8 9,0 M3-5 depth 1,70 55 600 81 000 1 200 1 740 830 1 215
45 18,0 23,5 M10 14,0 M4-7 depth 3,20 90 400 128 500 2 440 3 470 1 700 2 425

Carriage LLRHC xx R
Slim line normal. High.

For type designation see

designation system

Dynamic values
Speed vmax = 5 m/s
Acceleration amax = 500 m/s2

Size Accuracy class Type designation incl. preload class

T0 T1 T2
15 P5 LLRHC 15 R T0 P5 LLRHC 15 R T1 P5 LLRHC 15 R T2 P5
P3 LLRHC 15 R T0 P3 LLRHC 15 R T1 P3 LLRHC 15 R T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 15 R T1 P1 LLRHC 15 R T2 P1

25 P5 LLRHC 25 R T0 P5 LLRHC 25 R T1 P5 LLRHC 25 R T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 25 R T0 P3 LLRHC 25 R T1 P3 LLRHC 25 R T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 25 R T1 P1 LLRHC 25 R T2 P1

30 P5 LLRHC 30 R T0 P5 LLRHC 30 R T1 P5 LLRHC 30 R T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 30 R T0 P3 LLRHC 30 R T1 P3 LLRHC 30 R T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 30 R T1 P1 LLRHC 30 R T2 P1

35 P5 LLRHC 35 R T0 P5 LLRHC 35 R T1 P5 LLRHC 35 R T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 35 R T0 P3 LLRHC 35 R T1 P3 LLRHC 35 R T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 35 R T1 P1 LLRHC 35 R T2 P1

45 P5 LLRHC 45 R T0 P5 LLRHC 45 R T1 P5 LLRHC 45 R T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 45 R T0 P3 LLRHC 45 R T1 P3 LLRHC 45 R T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 45 R T1 P1 LLRHC 45 R T2 P1

bold text = Standard range

a) For O-ring
Size 15: † 4 x 1,0 (mm)
Size 20-45: † 5 x 1,0 (mm)
Open lubrication hole as required.

b ) Lubrication nipple size 15 and 20: Funnel-type nipple

Type A – Thread size M3 x 5, DIN 3405
B2 = 1,6 mm
When using other nipples, the max. permissible screw depth of 5 mm
must be observed!

Size 25 to 45:
M6 x 8, DIN 71412
B2 = 9,5 mm
When using other lubrication nipples, the max. permissible screw depth
of 8 mm must be observed!
Lubrication nipple supplied with the rail guide (unmounted).
Connection possible at all sides.
If pin holes are needed, please refer to section "Mounting instructions".

Size Dimensions (mm)

W1 A1 W N L1 L2 H H1 H41) H42) H3 W2 L3 W3 H5 L6 L4 H8 H9
15 34 17 15 9,5 58,2 39,2 28 23,90 16,30 16,20 5,0 26 26 24,55 10,70 10,00 11,60 7,20 7,20
25 48 24 23 12,5 86,2 57,8 40 33,90 24,45 24,25 7,5 35 35 38,30 15,50 17,45 18,60 9,50 9,50
30 60 30 28 16,0 97,7 67,4 45 38,35 28,55 28,35 7,0 40 40 48,40 17,60 20,00 21,70 9,05 9,05
35 70 35 34 18,0 110,5 77,0 55 47,40 32,15 31,85 8,0 50 50 58,00 24,35 20,50 22,00 13,90 13,90
45 86 43 45 20,5 137,6 97,0 70 60,30 40,15 39,85 10,0 60 60 69,80 30,90 27,30 29,30 18,20 18,20
Dimension H4 with cover strip. 2)
Dimension H4 without cover strip

Size Dimensions (mm) Weight Load ratings (N) Moments (Nm)

N1 H7±0,5 S2 d3 M2 (kg) dyn. stat. dyn. stat. dyn. stat.

15 6,0 10,3 M4 4,4 M2,5-3,5 depth 0,20 7 800 13 500 74 130 40 71

25 9,0 15,2 M6 7,0 M3-5 depth 0,60 22 800 30 400 320 430 180 240
30 12,0 17,0 M8 9,0 M3-5 depth 0,95 31 700 41 300 540 720 290 380
35 13,0 20,5 M8 9,0 M3-5 depth 1,55 41 900 54 000 890 1 160 440 565
45 18,0 23,5 M10 14,0 M4-7 depth 3,00 68 100 85 700 1 830 2 310 890 1130

Carriage LLRHC xx LR
Slim line long. High.

For type designation see

designation system

Dynamic values
Speed vmax = 5 m/s
Acceleration amax = 500 m/s2

Size Accuracy class Type designation incl. preload class

T0 T1 T2
25 P5 LLRHC 25 LR T0 P5 LLRHC 25 LR T1 P5 LLRHC 25 LR T2 P5
P3 LLRHC 25 LR T0 P3 LLRHC 25 LR T1 P3 LLRHC 25 LR T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 25 LR T1 P1 LLRHC 25 LR T2 P1

30 P5 LLRHC 30 LR T0 P5 LLRHC 30 LR T1 P5 LLRHC 30 LR T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 30 LR T0 P3 LLRHC 30 LR T1 P3 LLRHC 30 LR T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 30 LR T1 P1 LLRHC 30 LR T2 P1

35 P5 LLRHC 35 LR T0 P5 LLRHC 35 LR T1 P5 LLRHC 35 LR T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 35 LR T0 P3 LLRHC 35 LR T1 P3 LLRHC 35 LR T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 35 LR T1 P1 LLRHC 35 LR T2 P1

45 P5 LLRHC 45 LR T0 P5 LLRHC 45 LR T1 P5 LLRHC 45 LR T2 P5

P3 LLRHC 45 LR T0 P3 LLRHC 45 LR T1 P3 LLRHC 45 LR T2 P3
P1 LLRHC 45 LR T1 P1 LLRHC 45 LR T2 P1

bold text = Standard range

a) For O-ring
Size 20-45: † 5 x 1,0 (mm)
Open lubrication hole as required.
See additional elements:
Mounting of lubrication adapter.

b) Lubrication nipple size 25 to 45: M6 x 8, DIN 71412

B2 = 9,5 mm
When using other lubrication nipples, the max. permissible screw depth
of 8 mm must be observed!
Lubrication nipple supplied with the rail guide (unmounted).
Connection possible at all sides.
If pin holes are needed, please refer to section "Mounting instructions".

Size Dimensions (mm)

W1 A1 W N L1 L2 H H1 H41) H42) H3 W2 L3 W3 H5 L6 L4 H8 H9
25 48 24 23 12,5 107,9 79,5 40 33,90 24,45 24,25 7,5 35 50 38,30 15,50 20,80 21,95 9,50 9,50
30 60 30 28 16,0 119,7 89,4 45 38,35 28,55 28,35 7,0 40 60 48,40 17,60 21,00 22,70 9,05 9,05
35 70 35 34 18,0 139,0 105,5 55 47,40 32,15 31,85 8,0 50 72 58,00 24,35 23,75 25,25 13,90 13,90
45 86 43 45 20,5 174,1 133,5 70 60,30 40,15 39,85 10,0 60 80 69,80 30,90 35,50 37,50 18,20 18,20
Dimension H4 with cover strip. 2)
Dimension H4 without cover strip

Size Dimensions (mm) Weight Load ratings (N) Moments (Nm)

N1 H7±0,5 S2 d3 M2 (kg) dyn. stat. dyn. stat. dyn. stat.

25 9,0 15,2 M6 7,0 M3-5 depth 0,80 30 400 45 500 430 650 345 510
30 12,0 17,0 M8 9,0 M3-5 depth 1,20 40 000 57 800 690 1 000 495 715
35 13,0 20,5 M8 9,0 M3-5 depth 2,10 55 600 81 000 1 200 1 740 830 1 215
45 18,0 23,5 M10 14,0 M4-7 depth 4,10 90 400 128 500 2 440 3 470 1 700 2 425 3)

Standard rails

Product overview
Rails with protective caps made of

Rails with cover strip and cover

strip retaining clamps made of alu-
- without end face threaded holes
(not required)

Accuracy classes, dimensions and designations
LLRHR rails
For mounting from above with pla-
stic mounting caps (supplied).

The rails can also be supplied in
several parts.

Type designation and rail lengths

Standard rail Rail Rail Pitch

one-piece multi-piece T
Size Accuracy Designation Designation [mm]
15 P5 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P5 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P5 A 60
P3 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P3 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P3 A
P1 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P1 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P1 A
P01 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P01 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P01 A
P001 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P001 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P001 A
20 P5 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P5 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P5 A 60
P3 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P3 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P3 A
P1 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P1 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P1 A
P01 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P01 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P01 A
P001 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P001 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P001 A
25 P5 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P5 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P5 A 60
P3 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P3 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P3 A
P1 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P1 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P1 A
P01 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P01 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P01 A
P001 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P001 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P001 A
30 P5 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P5 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P5 A 80
P3 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P3 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P3 A
P1 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P1 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P1 A
P01 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P01 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P01 A
P001 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P001 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P001 A
35 P5 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P5 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P5 A 80
P3 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P3 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P3 A
P1 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P1 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P1 A
P01 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P01 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P01 A
P001 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P001 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P001 A
45 P5 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P5 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P5 A 105
P3 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P3 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P3 A
P1 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P1 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P1 A
P01 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P01 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P01 A
P001 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P001 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P001 A
bold text = standard range
xxxx = rail length

Size Dimensions (mm) Weight
W H4 H7±0,5 d2 d3 E1 min F Lmax kg/m
15 15 16,20 10,3 7,4 4,4 10 60 4 000 1,4
20 20 20,55 13,2 9,4 6,0 10 60 4 000 2,4
25 23 24,25 15,2 11,0 7,0 10 60 4 000 3,2
30 28 28,35 17,0 15,0 9,0 12 80 4 000 5,0
35 34 31,85 20,5 15,0 9,0 12 80 4 000 6,8
45 45 39,85 23,5 20,0 14,0 16 105 4 000 10,5

The “E” dimension designates the The distance of the first and last
distance from the rail end to the attachment holes is mediated.
centre of the first attachment hole.
If no customer-specific “E” dimen- If several possibilities arise, the
sion is provided with the order, the shorter “E” dimension will be pro-
rails are produced according to the duced!
following formula:

L - (z -1) x F
E = Rail end dimension
F = Distance of attachment holes
L = Rail length
z = Number of attachment holes

LLRHR D2 rails
For mounting from above with cover
strip and strip retaining clamps.
• Robust cover strip retaining
clamps made of aluminium
• Rail without end face threaded
holes (not required for cover
strip retaining clamps)

The rails can also be supplied in
several parts.

Type designation and rail lengths Standard rail Rail Rail Pitch
one-piece multi-piece T
Size Accuracy Designation Designation [mm]
15 P5 D2 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P5 D2 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P5 A D2 60
P3 D2 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P3 D2 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P3 A D2
P1 D2 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P1 D2 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P1 A D2
P01 D2 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P01 D2 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P01 A D2
P001 D2 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P001 D2 LLRHR 15 - xxxx P001 A D2
20 P5 D2 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P5 D2 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P5 A D2 60
P3 D2 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P3 D2 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P3 A D2
P1 D2 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P1 D2 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P1 A D2
P01 D2 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P01 D2 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P01 A D2
P001 D2 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P001 D2 LLRHR 20 - xxxx P001 A D2
25 P5 D2 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P5 D2 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P5 A D2 60
P3 D2 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P3 D2 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P3 A D2
P1 D2 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P1 D2 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P1 A D2
P01 D2 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P01 D2 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P01 A D2
P001 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P001 D2 LLRHR 25 - xxxx P001 A D2
30 P5 D2 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P5 D2 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P5 A D2 80
P3 D2 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P3 D2 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P3 A D2
P1 D2 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P1 D2 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P1 A D2
P01 D2 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P01 D2 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P01 A D2
P001 D2 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P001 D2 LLRHR 30 - xxxx P001 A D2
35 P5 D2 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P5 D2 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P5 A D2 80
P3 D2 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P3 D2 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P3 A D2
P1 D2 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P1 D2 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P1 A D2
P01 D2 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P01 D2 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P01 A D2
P001 D2 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P001 D2 LLRHR 35 - xxxx P001 A D2
45 P5 D2 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P5 D2 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P5 A D2 105
P3 D2 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P3 D2 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P3 A D2
P1 D2 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P1 D2 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P1 A D2
P01 D2 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P01 D2 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P01 A D2
P001 D2 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P001 D2 LLRHR 45 - xxxx P001 A D2
bold text = standard range
xxxx = rail length

Size Dimensions (mm) Weight
W H4 H7 H6 L8 L7 d2 d3 E1 min F Lmax kg/m
15 15 16,3 10,3 7,3 12,0 2,0 7,4 4,4 10 60 3 000 1,4
20 20 20,75 13,2 7,1 12,0 2,0 9,4 6,0 10 60 4 000 2,4
25 23 24,45 15,2 8,2 13,0 2,0 11,0 7,0 10 60 4 000 3,2
30 28 28,5 17,0 8,7 13,0 2,0 15,0 9,0 12 80 4 000 5,0
35 34 32,15 20,5 11,7 16,0 2,2 15,0 9,0 12 80 4 000 6,8
45 45 40,15 23,5 12,5 18,0 2,2 20,0 14,0 16 105 4 000 10,5

The “E” dimension designates the The distance of the first and last
distance from the rail end to the attachment holes is mediated.
centre of the first attachment hole.
If no customer-specific “E” dimen- If several possibilities arise, the
sion is provided with the order, the shorter “E” dimension will be pro-
rails are produced according to the duced!
following formula:

L - (z -1) x F
E = Rail end dimension
F = Distance of attachment holes
L = Rail length
z = Number of attachment holes

Ordering key

Bellows (for bellows only)* B
Carriage (carriage only)* C
Rail (rail only)* R
System (carriage and rail)** S
Accessories, if ordered separately* Z
Carriage size (write relevant number)
15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 45 XX
Carriage type
Flange short, standard height SA
Flange normal, standard height A
Flange long, standard height LA
Slim line short, standard height SU
Slim line normal, standard height U
Slim line long, standard height LU
Slim line normal, high R
Slim line long, high LR
Carriage with ball retainer (If not selected - no code)
Yes B
Number of carriages per rail
1, 2, 4, 6, ... X
Preload class
Play T0
Light preload, 0,02 x C T1
Medium preload, 0,08 x C T2
Heavy preload, 0,13 x C T3
Rail length
80 mm - 4 000 mm (step in 1 mm) XXXX
Precision class
Standard P5
Medium P3
High P1
Super P01
Ultra P001
No. of parallel mounted rail tracks in customized application (If not selected - no code)
2, 3, .... (write relevant number for "x") Wx
Jointed rail track (If not selected - no code)
Yes A
Bellows (If not selected - no code)
System complete with bellows B
Kit, type 2 (carriage thru the end of the rail)* B2
Kit, type 4 (between two carriages)* B4
Cover strip
Ordered separately* CS
Guard type 2 (aluminium)* CSG
Rail, if customized according to drawing number D
Rail, with cover strip and cover strip guard type 2 (aluminium) D2
Distance between end face and first hole of the rail
"E" dimension to be calculated - see page 37 or 39 E
If no "E" specified the holes will be symmetric 0
Coating (If not selected - no code)
Duralloy, coated system (balls and tracks are not coated) HD
System, (carriage mounted on rail, acc. not mounted) (If not selected - no code)
Yes M
Lubrication adapter, option for high carriages (If not selected - no code)
Yes O
Scraper plate S1
Two piece front seal S2
Seal kit, two piece front seal with scraper plate S3
Arbour for creating a sliding fit for the cover strip (If not selected - no code)
Yes W

* When ordered separately (not in a system).

** System consisting of carriage and rail
An key with all positions in fat blue fonts qualifies the product for the easy range concept (quick delivery).



Product overview
Scraper plate

Two-piece front seal

Sealing kit


Lubrication adapter

Expanding mandrel

Loose cover strip

Cover strip retaining clamps

made of aluminium

Standard carriages
Scraper plate
• Material: stainless spring steel
to DIN EN 10088
• Condition: bright
• Precision design with 0,2 to
0,3 mm maximum gap

Fastening screws are supplied.
During mounting please ensure an
even gap between the rail and
scraper plate.

Scraper plate for rails with and

without cover strip

Use in combination with two-piece
front seal kit LLRHZxxS3.

Size Part numbers Dimensions (mm) Weight (g)

A A1 H2 W3 E9 S2 S3 D
15 LLRHZ 15 S1 33 26,4 19,2 24,55 6,3 4,6 3,5 1,0 4
20 LLRHZ 20 S1 42 40,0 24,8 32,4 6,8 5,1 4 1,0 6
25 LLRHZ 25 S1 47 41,6 29,5 38,3 11,0 7 4 1,0 8
30 LLRHZ 30 S1 59 52,8 34,7 48,4 14,1 7 4 1,0 12
35 LLRHZ 35 S1 69 60,9 40,1 58,0 17,0 7 4 1,0 16
35* LLRHZ 35 S1 CS 69 60,9 40,1 58,0 17,0 7 4 1,0 16
45 LLRHZ 45 S1 85 76,7 50,0 69,8 20,5 7 5 2,0 50
45* LLRHZ 45 S1 CS 85 76,7 50,0 69,8 20,5 7 5 2,0 50

* Scraper plates in combination with cover strip

Two-piece front seal

Size Part numbers Dimensions (mm) Weight (g)

A A1 H2 W3 E9 S2 S3 D1 D2
15 LLRHZ 15 S2 32 27 19,0 24,55 6,3 3,5 3,5 3,0 2,2 6
20 LLRHZ 20 S2 42 39 24,3 32,4 6,8 5,1 4 3,3 2,5 8
25 LLRHZ 25 S2 47 42 29,0 38,3 11,0 7 4 3,3 2,5 10
30 LLRHZ 30 S2 59 53 34,5 48,4 14,1 7 4 4,5 3,3 18
35 LLRHZ 35 S2 69 61 39,5 58,0 17,0 7 4 4,5 3,3 25
45 LLRHZ 45 S2 85 77 49,5 69,8 20,5 7 5 5,5 4,0 55

Seal kit
The seal kit consists of the following
1 Scraper plate
2 Support plate
3 Two-piece front seal

Size Seal kit

15 LLRHZ 15 S3
20 LLRHZ 20 S3
25 LLRHZ 25 S3
30 LLRHZ 30 S3
35 LLRHZ 35 S3
35 CS* LLRHZ 35 S3 CS
45 LLRHZ 45 S3
45 CS* LLRHZ 45 S3 CS

*Seal kit in combination with cover strip

Lubrication adapter
For high carriages:
• Material: plastic
• Contents: 1 piece

O-rings are supplied.

Type designations and Size Part numbers Dimensions (mm)

dimensions D D1 D2 F F1 F2 F3
15 LLRHZ 15 0 12 6,2 3,4 3,70 3,10 0,50 3,20
25 LLRHZ 25 0 15 7,2 4,4 3,80 3,20 0,50 5,85
30 LLRHZ 30 0 16 7,2 4,4 2,80 2,20 0,50 6,10
35 LLRHZ 35 0 18 7,2 4,4 6,80 6,20 0,50 6,80
45 LLRHZ 45 0 20 7,2 4,4 9,80 9,20 0,50 8,30

Mounting of lubrication adapter
A lubrication adapter is necessary on 2
high carriages if lubrication is to take
place from the table part. 4

In the recess for the O-ring

seal a further small recess (1) has
been preformed. Do not drill this
open. Risk of dirt incursion!

• Heat up metal tip (2) with a 6

diameter of 0,8 mm.
• Carefully open the recess (1)
with the metal tip and push
Observe maximum permissible
depth Tmax stated in the
• Insert O-ring seal (3) in the

• Insert lubrication adapter at an

angle in the recess and press
the flattened side (4) onto the
steel part (5). Use grease for

• Insert O-ring seal (6) in the

lubrication adapter.

Top lubrication opening: maximum
permissible depth for penetration
Tmax (mm) Lubrication nipple dimensions

Size Top lubrication opening:

maximum permissible depth
for penetration Tmax (mm)

15 3,6
20 3,9


25 3,3
30 6,6
35 7,5
45 8,8 1,6 5 8
DIN 3405, funnel-type nipple DIN 71412, cone-type nipple
for carriage size 15 and 20 for carriage size 25, 30, 35 and 45

Bellows are made out of polyester
fabric with polyurethane coating
Adapter plates are made out of

The lubrication nipple on the

carriage can be used.

Size Type 2 Type 4 Type 9

with fastening plate for the with two fastening plates loose bellows (spare part)
carriage and end plate for the rail for the carriages

15 LLRHB 15 B2 xx LLRHB 15 B4 xx LLRHB 15 xx

20 LLRHB 20 B2 xx LLRHB 20 B4 xx LLRHB 20 xx
25 LLRHB 25 B2 xx LLRHB 25 B4 xx LLRHB 25 xx
30 LLRHB 30 B2 xx LLRHB 30 B4 xx LLRHB 30 xx
35 LLRHB 35 B2 xx LLRHB 35 B4 xx LLRHB 35 xx
45 LLRHB 45 B2 xx LLRHB 45 B4 xx LLRHB 45 xx

xx = Number of folds

The bellows are pre-mounted.
The fixing screws are supplied.

On type 2 in each case one thread

M4-10 deep, 2 x 45º countersunk,
must be inserted in the end face of
the rail.

Size 25 - 45:
The lubrication nipple on the car-
riage can be used.

Size 15 and 20:

A drive-type lubrication nipple is

Calculation of the bellows Calculation of the rail length

Lmin = Lmax - Stroke

Lmax = (Stroke + 30) · U

max L
Number of folds = W +2

LA = Carriage length L1 plus

L = Lmin + Lmax + LA L = Rail length (mm)
2x12 mm for the fastening
Lmax = Bellows stretched
Lmin = Bellows pushed
Stroke = Stroke (mm)
U = Calculation factor
W = Maximum extension
of folds

Dimensions of the bellows

Size Dimensions (mm) Factor

A4 B3 H H3 H4 N7 N8 S7 S8 S9 W U
15 45 11 24 26,5 31,5 11 3,4 M4 ø3 M3 19,9 1,18
20 42 12 30 24,0 29,2 13 3,5 M4 ø3 M3 10,3 1,33
25 45 12 36 28,5 35,0 15 6,0 M4 M6 M3 12,9 1,32
30 55 12 42 34,0 41,0 18 8,0 M4 M6 M6 15,4 1,25
35 64 12 48 39,0 47,0 22 8,0 M4 M6 M6 19,9 1,18
45 83 12 60 49,0 59,0 30 8,0 M4 M6 M6 26,9 1,13

Cover strip
Advantages of the cover strip
The cover strip can be simply
clipped on and pulled off.
• This considerably simplifies
and quickens mounting:
- It is not necessary to close
every single drill hole
- It is not necessary to wait
for the adhesive to set on
adhesive strips.
• Multiple mounting and
removal is possible
(up to 4 times)


Cover strip with fixed seat

• The cover strip is clipped on
before the carriages are
mounted and stays firmly in

With an optionally available expand-

ing mandrel for 0,15 mm cover
strips or a special expanding tool for
0,3 mm cover strips a slide can also
be retroactively created in order to
remove a cover strip.
In particular, however, the slide
length X can be optimally adapted to
the specific application.
Please observe the precise
mounting instructions!


Cover strip for initial mounting/

For each guide rail length a match-

ing cover strip with fixed seat can be

Ordering a standard cover strip Size Standard cover strips

with fixed seat Order designation, length (mm)
15 LLRHZ 15 - xxx CS
20 LLRHZ 20 - xxx CS
Example: 25 LLRHZ 25 - xxx CS
Rail Size 35, 30 LLRHZ 30 - xxx CS
Rail length L = 2 696 mm 35 LLRHZ 35 - xxx CS
45 LLRHZ 45 - xxx CS
LLRHZ 15 – 2 969 CS
(For order designation see
product table)

Expanding mandrel to create a slide

on the cover strip

Size Expanding mandrel

Order designation
15 LLRHZ 15 W
20 LLRHZ 20 W
25 LLRHZ 25 W
30 LLRHZ 30 W
35 LLRHZ 35 W
45 LLRHZ 45 W

Cover strip retaining clamps
For guide rails without end-face
threaded holes.

SKF recommends the use of cover

strip retaining clamps.
These can:
• prevent unintentional removal
of the strip and incursion
of dirt
• fix the cover strip in place

Retaining clamps made of alumini-
um, black anodised.
Clamping screw and nut made of
corrosion-resistant steel.
Size Retaining clamps (2 pieces per unit) Dimensions (mm)
Order designation
Order designations for cover strip
retaining clamps
H6 L7 L8
15 LLR 15 CSG 7,3 2,0 12
20 LLR 20 CSG 7,1 2,0 12
25 LLR 25 CSG 8,2 2,0 13
30 LLR 30 CSG 8,7 2,0 13
35 LLR 35 CSG 11,7 2,2 16
45 LLR 45 CSG 12,5 2,2 18

Plastic caps are supplied as standard

if a cover strip has not been

Mounting instructions

General mounting instructions

General instructions Assembly examples Note
The following mounting instructions Rails: The rail must have a chamfer to
apply to all profile rail guides. Each rail has ground reference prevent the seal from being dam-
Please note, however, that differ- edges on both sides. aged. This is not the case for joint
ing specifications exist concerning rail tracks
the parallelism of the rails as well as Options for lateral fixing:
the screwing and pinning of the car- 1 Stop edges Rails without lateral fixing must be
riages. These are therefore assigned 2 Clamp strips aligned straight and parallel during
to the individual versions. 3 Wedge strips assembly, preferably using an auxil-
Ball profile rail guides. are high- iary strip.
quality products. Greatest possible (Guide values for the permissible
care should be taken during trans- lateral force without additional later-
port and subsequent assembly. All al fixing can be obtained from the
steel parts have been oil-protected. information for the individual ver-
The protection materials do not sions).
need to be removed if the recom-
mended lubricants are used.

Detailed mounting instructions are

available through your normal SKF

Carriage: Note
Each carriage has a ground refer- After being successfully mounted the
ence edge on one side (<dimension carriage should move easily when
H3 in the dimensional drawings). pushed.
Additional fixing options:
1 Reference edges
2 Retaining strips
3 Clamp strips
4 Pinning

Stop edges, corner radii, screw
sizes and tightening torques

Carriages made of steel,

type A, LA
• Standard width

• Can be screwed from above

Carriages made of steel, type U,

LU, R, LR The combinations shown are examples. In principle all carriages can be
combined with all rails.
Rails h1 r1 h2 r2 O1 O22) O41)2) O5 O3 O6 N8
• Can be screwed from above Size min. max. max. max. DIN 912 DIN 6912 DIN 912 DIN 912 DIN 912 DIN 912
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 4 Pieces 2 Pieces 6 Pieces 4 Pieces (mm)
15 2,5 3,5 0,4 4 0,6 M4x12 M4x10 M5x12 M4x12 M4x20 M5x12 6
20 2,5 4,0 0,6 5 0,6 M5x16 M5x12 M6x16 M5x16 M5x25 M6x16 9
25 3,0 5,0 0,8 5 0,8 M6x20 M6x16 M8x20 M6x18 M6x30 M6x20 10
30 3,0 5,0 0,8 6 0,8 M8x25 M8x16 M10x20 M8x20 M8x30 M8x20 10
35 3,5 6,0 0,8 6 0,8 M8x25 M8x20 M10x25 M8x25 M8x35 M8x25 13
45 4,5 8,0 0,8 8 0,8 M10x30 M10x25 M12x30 M10x30 M12x45 M12x30 14

Dimensions and guide values for Screw strength Carriages Rails

permissible lateral force without class
additional lateral fixing Carriages A, U, R 8.8 0,11 C 0,15 C3) 0,23 C 0,11 C 0,06 C 0,06 C
12.9 0,18 C 0,22 C3) 0,35 C 0,18 C 0,10 C 0,10 C
Carriages LA, LU, LR 8.8 0,08 C 0,13 C3) 0,18 C 0,08 C 0,04 C 0,04 C
12.9 0,14 C 0,18 C3) 0,26 C 0,14 C 0,07 C 0,07 C

) If the carriage is fastened from above with only four O4 screws:
• permissible lateral force 1/3 lower
• lower stiffness
) If the carriage is fastened with 6 screws:
Tighten the middle screws with a tightening torque for strength class 8.8
) If fastened with two O2 screws and four O1 screws

Tightening torques of the M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16

fixing screws in Nm
8.8 2,7 5,5 9,5 23 46 80 125 195
12.9 4,6 9,5 16 39 77 135 215 340

If the guide values for the permissi-
ble lateral force are exceeded (see
table) the carriage must be addition-
ally fixed by means of pinning or
stop edges.
The recommended dimensions for
the pin holes can be obtained from
the drawings and table.

Usable pins:
• tapered pin (hardened) or
• straight pin DIN ISO 8734

For production-related reasons there
may be pilot drill holes in the middle
of the carriage at the recommended Standard width A, LA
positions for pin holes († < S10).
They are suitable for drilling.
If necessary, the pinning must be
carried out in a different position
(e.g. middle lube port), but must not
exceed the dimension L3 in longitu-
dinal direction (L3 can be obtained
from the dimension tables for the
individual versions).
Keep to dimensions W2 and W4!
Do not complete the pin holes
until after mounting (see also gen-
eral mounting instructions - avail-
able through your normal SKF con-

Slim line U, LU
Slim line high R, LR

Size Dimensions (mm)

Tapered pin (hardened) or
straight pin (DIN 6325)
S10 L10 W2 W4 N9 (max)

15 4 18 26 38 6,0
20 5 24 32 53 7,5
25 6 32 35 55 9,0
30 8 36 40 70 12,0
35 8 40 50 80 13,0
45 10 50 60 98 18,0

Stop edges, corner radii, screw
sizes and tightening torques

Carriages SA
• Standard width, short

• Can be screwed from above

Carriages SU
• Slim line short

• Can be screwed from above

The combinations shown are examples. In principle all carriages can be
combined with all rails.
The screw connection for the carriages using 2 screws is completely
adequate to withstand the maximum load. (See maximum load ability and
moment loadability for the individual versions.)

Dimensions and guide values for permissible lateral force without additional lateral fixing

Size h1 r1 h2 r2 O1 O4 O5 O3 O6 N8
min. max. max. max. DIN 912 DIN 912 DIN 912 DIN 912 DIN 912
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 2 Pieces 2 Pieces 2 Pieces (Rail) (Rail) (mm)
15 2,5 3,5 0,4 4 0,6 M4x12 M5x12 M4x12 M4x20 M5x12 6
20 2,5 4,0 0,6 5 0,6 M5x16 M6x16 M5x16 M5x25 M6x16 9
25 3,0 5,0 0,8 5 0,8 M6x20 M8x20 M6x18 M6x30 M6x20 10
30 3,0 5,0 0,8 6 0,8 M8x25 M10x20 M8x20 M8x30 M8x20 10
35 3,5 6,0 0,8 6 0,8 M8x25 M10x25 M8x25 M8x35 M8x25 13

Screw strength class Carriages Rails

8.8 0,08 C 0,12 C 0,08 C 0,09 C 0,09 C
12.9 0,13 C 0,21 C 0,13 C 0,15 C 0,15 C

Tightening torques of the fixing screws in Nm

M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16

8.8 2,7 5,5 9,5 23 46 80 125 195

12.9 4,6 9,5 16 39 77 135 215 340

If the guide values for the permissi-
ble lateral force are exceeded (see
table) the carriage must be addition-
ally fixed by means of pinning or
stop edges.
The recommended dimensions for
the pin holes can be obtained from
the drawings and table.

Usable pins:
• tapered pin (hardened) or
• straight pin DIN ISO 8734

For production-related reasons there
may be pilot drill holes in the middle
Flange short, SA
of the carriage at the recommended
positions for pin holes († < S10).
They are suitable for drilling.

Slim line, SU

Size Dimensions (mm)

S10 L10 W4 W2 E10 N9 (max)

15 4 18 38 26 9 3,0
20 5 24 53 32 10 3,5
25 6 32 55 35 11 7,0
30 8 36 70 40 14 10,0
35 8 40 80 50 15 12,0

Tapered pin (hardened), straight pin (DIN 6325)

Loading of the screw connections
between rail and substructure
The screw connections specified in
the DIN 645-1 standard can
become excessively loaded owing to
the high performance capacity of the
profile rail guides.

The screw connection between the

guide rail and the substructure is
critical. If the lift-off loads (F) or
moments (Mt) are higher than the
respective load values in the table,
the screw connection must be recal-
culated separately.

The figures apply to the following


Lift-off loads and moment

• Grade 12.9 fixings screws Rail screwed from above
• Screws tightened using a Carriage LLRH--SA, LLRH--A, LLRH--U, LLRH--LA, LLRH--LU,
torque wrench LLRH--SU LLRH--R LLRH--LR
• Slightly oiled screws Fmax. Mt max. Fmax. Mt max. Fmax. Mt max.
Size (N) (Nm) (N) (Nm) (N) (Nm)
(for grade 8.8 screws 15 6 040 41 7 050 47 8 060 54
approximately a reduction 20 10 000 90 11 700 106 13 400 121
factor of 0,6 can be applied) 25 14 600 154 17 100 180 19 500 205
30 - 360 32 400 420 37 100 480
35 27 500 440 32 100 510 36 700 580
45 - - 78 100 1 680 89 300 1 920

Height deviation Permissible height deviation in
The values for height deviation apply longitudinal direction
to all carriages. For carriages
Approximately 20 % higher values In the permissible height deviation
are permissible for the SA S2 the tolerance “maximum differ-
(standard width short) and SU ence of dimension H on a rail”
(slim line short) carriages. according to the table is already
Given adherence to the permissi- taken into account in “Technical
ble height deviation S1 and S2, the Data”.
influence on the service life is gen- Approximately 40 % higher values
erally negligible. are permissible for SA and SU car-
On A-type carriages (standard
width long), LU and LR approx. 30 %
lower values are permissible.

Permissible height deviation in lat-

eral direction
In the permissible height deviation
S1, the tolerance for dimension H
according to the table is already Permissible height deviation S2 on
taken into account in “Technical carriages
S2 = b ¥ 4,3 ¥ 10-5
S1 = a ¥ Y
S2 = Permissible height
S1 = Permissible height deviation (mm)
deviation (mm) b = Distance between the
a = Distance between the carriages (mm)
rails (mm)
Y = Calculation factor

Calculation factor Y for carriages

Calculation Preload class
factor T0 T1 T2 T3
up to approx. 10 µm Preload Preload Preload
clearance 0,02 C 0,08 C 0,13 C
Y 4,3 ¥ 10-4 2,8 ¥ 10-4 1,7 ¥ 10-4 1,2 ¥ 10-4

Parallelism of mounted rails meas-
ured on the rails and the carriages
The values for the deviation in par-
allelism P1 apply to all
Approximately 20 % higher values
are permissible for the SA and SU

Deviation in parallelism P1 for

Through the deviation in parallelism Size Deviation in parallelism P1 (mm) for high precision demands
T0 T1 T2 T3
P1 the preload is increased some-
up to approx. 10 µm Preload Preload Preload
what on one side. clearance 0,02 C 0,08 C 0,13 C
If the table values are adhered to, 15 0,015 0,009 0,005 0,004
20 0,018 0,011 0,006 0,004
the influence on the service life is
25 0,019 0,012 0,007 0,005
generally negligible. 30 0,021 0,014 0,009 0,006
The values shown in the following 35 0,023 0,015 0,010 0,007
table apply to applications in which 45 0,028 0,019 0,012 0,009

highest precision is required.

For all other uses and for general
mechanical engineering doubled val-
ues can be applied.

Maintenance and lubrication

Maintenance and lubrication

As a function of the stroke length

Stroke > 2 ¥ length of the carriage

• 1 lube port needs to be
provided per carriage.
• Oil lubrication in accordance
with ISO VG 220.

For lubrication quantities please 1 Lube port 1 Lube port

refer to the next page.

Stroke < 2 ¥ length of the carriage

• 2 lube ports need to be
provided per carriage.
• Apply the prescribed lubricant
quantity per lube port.
• Oil lubrication in accordance
with ISO VG 220.
2 Lube ports 2 Lube ports

For lubrication quantities please

refer to the next page.

Installation in inclined or side

position (wall mounting)

Stroke > 2 ¥ length of the carriage

• 1 lube port needs to be
provided per carriage.
• Apply the lubricant quantity
stated in the table with an
• If the lubricant quantity cannot
be applied with an impulse,
please consult SKF. 1 Lube port For 1 lube port

2 Lube ports For 2 lube ports

Maintenance Observe the manufacturer’s instruc- Short stroke
Dirt can drop and settle on exposed tions, in particular instructions con- Stroke < 2 ¥ carriage length
rails in particular. To maintain the cerning incompatibilities. • 2 lube ports need to be
function of seals and cover strips, provided per carriage and
such dirt must be regularly removed. Greases with a proportion of solid lubricated in each case!
For this purpose a “cleaning stroke” lubricant (such as graphite) should
should be carried out over the entire not be used! Stroke < 0,5 ¥ carriage length
length of travel at least twice a day, • 2 lube ports need to be
and at the latest after eight hours. Re-lubricating the carriage provided per carriage and
Carry out a cleaning stroke each When the re-lubrication interval lubricated in each case!
time before switching off the according to Table 2 has been • For each lubrication cycle
machine. reached, the carriage must be lubri- move the carriage 2 ¥ the
cated with the lubricant quantity as carriage length. If this is not
Lubrication stated in Table 1. Where such envi- possible, please consult SKF.
ronmental influences as dirt, the use
Grease lubrication of coolants, vibration, shock loads Lubricant quantities as stated in
Initial lubrication of the carriage etc. are encountered, we recom- Table 1 (re-lubrication). Apply the
(basic lubrication) mend that the re-lubrication inter- stated quantity for each lube port.
No initial lubrication is required if vals be shortened accordingly.
the carriage has been greased at the Longer re-lubrication intervals * NLGI 00 greases reduce the re-
factory. apply in the case of smaller loads. lubrication intervals to 75 % of the
The initial lubrication takes place values stated in Table 2.
with three times the part quantity
stated in Table 1:

1. Grease the carriage with the

first part quantity stated in
table 1. Table 1
2. Move the carriage backwards Size Grease lubrication
Initial lubrication by customer Part quantity (cm3) Re-lubrication Part quantity (cm3)
and forwards with three double 15 0,4 (x 3) 0,4 (x 2)
strokes along at least three times 20 0,7 (x 3) 0,7 (x 2)
25 1,4 (x 3) 1,4 (x 2)
the carriage length.
30 2,2 (x 3) 2,2 (x 2)
3. Repeat step 1 and 2 twice. 35 2,2 (x 3) 2,2 (x 2)
4. Check whether a lubricating 45 4,7 (x 3) 4,7 (x 2)

film is visible on the rail.

Ball rail guides are supplied in pro-

tected form. With basic greasing at
the factory, both grease and oil
lubrication is possible.
For lubrication we recommend
lubricating grease to DIN 51825: – Table 2
KP2K-20, consistency class NLGI 2 Size Grease lubrication
Relubrication intervals under normal operating conditions, v ≤ 1 m/s
to DIN 51818. This can be obtained
Travel (km)
from SKF, see recommendation for under load ≤ 0,15 C ≤ 0,3 C
15 5 000 1 200
lubricating greases. 20 5 000 1 200
Never start to use carriages with- 25 10 000 2 400
30 10 000 2 400
out basic lubrication. 35 10 000 2 400

Oil lubrication Table 3
Size Oil lubrication
Initial lubrication by customer Re-lubrication
Oil quantities for initial lubrication Part quantity (cm3) Part quantity (cm3)
and re-lubrication 15 0,4 (x 2) 0,4
20 0,7 (x 2) 0,7
25 1,0 (x 2) 1,0
Apply the entire quantity of oil 30 1,1 (x 2) 1,1
with a single lubrication impulse! 35 1,2 (x 2) 1,2
45 2,2 (x 2) 2,2

Carriages initially greased at the fac-

tory can also be re-lubricated with

In the case of carriages which have

not been initially greased at the fac-
tory, carry out the initial lubrication
in accordance with Table 3.

If environmental influences such as Table 4

Size Oil lubrication
dirt, use of coolants, vibration, shock
Re-lubrication intervals under normal operating conditions, v ≤ 1 m/s
loads etc. are encountered, we rec-
ommend that the re-lubrication Travel (km)
intervals be shortened accordingly. under load ≤ 0,15 C ≤ 0,3 C
15 2 500 600
Refer to Table 4. 20 2 500 600
25 5 000 1 200
Central oil lubrication 30 5 000 1 200
35 5 000 1 200

Oil quantities and lubrication

impulses for central oil lubrication

Recommended waiting time
between the impulses:
10 seconds.

For example size 45: Table 5

4 impulses with in each case 0,6 Size Central oil lubrication

Oil quantities Impulses per lubrication cycle
cm3 in 30 seconds. Impulse (cm3) Number of impulses
Refer to Table 5. 15 0,6 1
20 0,6 1
25 0,6 2
30 0,6 2
35 0,6 2
45 0,6 4



® SKF is a registered trademark of the SKF Group.
© SKF Group 2011
The contents of this publication are the copyright of the publisher and may not be reproduced (even extracts) unless prior written per-
mission is granted. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication but no liability can
be accepted for any loss or damage whether direct, indirect or consequential arising out of the use of the information contained herein.
PUB 6229/1 EN · April 2011
This publication supersedes publication 6229EN - 0602A
Printed in Sweden on environmentally friendly paper.


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