Assignment in P.E.

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1.) What is a training Program (Sports or for Fitness).


A training program has to be developed to meet the individual needs of the athlete and
take into consideration many factors: gender, age, strengths, weaknesses, objectives,
training facilities etc. As all athletes have different needs, a single program suitable for all
athletes is not possible. It works towards broad goals of overall health and well-being,
rather than narrow goals of sport competition, larger muscles or concerns over
appearance. A regular moderate workout regimen and healthy diet can improve
general appearance markers of good health such as muscle tone, healthy skin, hair and
nails, while preventing age or lifestyle-related reductions in health and the series of heart
and organ failures that accompany inactivity and poor diet. Diet itself helps to increase
calorie burning by boosting metabolism, a process further enhanced while gaining more
lean muscle. An aerobic exercise program can burn fat and increase the metabolic rate.
And also in Sports-specific trainers can help improve strength, flexibility and stamina to
improve performance in specific sports. Options include increasing arm strength for tennis
playing or improve strength and core stability providing better balance playing golf.
Sports specific training is all about developing physical conditions to improve
performance and skills at a particular sport. Also, understanding the needs of the game,
training/practicing at the correct pace, in order to meet sports requirements.

All activities which are part of human behavior were subject to a long-term development.
Let us take throwing, which is regarded a basic motor activity, as an example. In the
deep past, throwing was necessary for feeding and defense. At present, throwing has
lost its importance as one of the above mentioned activities but it is involved in different
sports to a great extent (e.g. athletics, handball, baseball, etc.). The task of a prehistoric
hunter was to hit the target precisely to get food. The aim of a present-day athlete is to
throw the javelin as far as possible. The result of the activity in both examples can be
considered a performance. Performance is understood as an extent to which motor task
is accomplished. With the prehistoric hunter, performance is evaluated dichotomically:
hitting the target or missing and it is not restricted by any rules. In the case of the athlete,
performance is evaluated following rules of the sports discipline which were set in
advance, it is expressed by the length of the throw and is understood as a sports
performance. An ability to achieve a given performance repeatedly is referred to as

The aim of sports training is to achieve maximum individual or team efficiency in a

selected sports discipline limited by rules. Training is extremely important and should form
an integral part of all elite athlete’s daily routines. Training allows the body to gradually
build up strength and endurance, improve skill levels and build motivation, ambition and
confidence. Training also allows athletes to gain more knowledge of their sport as well as
enabling them to learn about the importance of having a healthy mind and body. In
terms of physical effects of training, regular exercise increases muscle tone, facilitates
good circulation, improves strength, agility and flexibility and improves the rate of waste
product disposal. Regular training also speeds up recovery time following physical
exercise; this enables the body to cope with the demands of training more effectively
and makes it more resistant to injury and illness. Training also has benefits for mental health
as it improves concentration and increases self-esteem.

Reaching maximum efficiency in any activity is not possible over a day. Efficiency is
conditioned by several interrelated areas. Sports training focuses on reaching maximum
efficiency in motor abilities connected to a certain sports discipline. Supposed
performance depends on motor ability and motor skill which are closely related to the
sports discipline. Motor abilities can be described as relatively stable sets of inner genetic
presuppositions needed to carry out locomotive activities. They include force, speed,
endurance, coordination and flexibility. Motor abilities are manifested on the outside by
sports skills. Sports skills are presuppositions needed for implementing performance in a
selected sports discipline which is limited by rules. Such presuppositions are gained
through motor learning. It, however, would not be possible to implement sports skills or
develop locomotive abilities without motivation. Motivation is understood as an inner

incentive to carry out certain activity. The final area needed for performance
implementation is represented by tactical skills. Tactics means conducting a sports
competition in a purposeful way.

The contents of sports training consists of individual key areas which are called
components of sports training:

 Physical component is generally focused on developing motor abilities.

 Technical component focuses on acquiring sports skills through motor learning.
 Tactical component focuses on acquiring and further development of different
ways to conduct sports contest on a purposeful basis.
 Psychological component is focused on improving the athlete’s personality.

Example: Component of physical fitness means motor abilities which are a condition for
maximum jump height. What is crucial in this matter is quick force. In volleyball, technical
component is an acquired skill of offensive hit. Tactical component is represented by
choosing direction and force of hit which depends on game situation analysis.
Psychological component is manifested on the outside by the player’s reliance on
him/herself to solve game situation successfully.

Sports training is understood as a process of systematic development of each

component in dependence on the duration of preparation which leads to achieving
maximum efficiency in senior age within the selected sports discipline.

2.) Give and explain the different Principles of Training and cite examples for each.


People get involved in exercise for a number of reasons: to improve their health and
physical condition, to achieve a sporting ambition, to relive the tension and stress of
daily life, to lose weight, it makes them feel good. Participating in sport encourages co-
operation in team sports, develops the element of competitiveness, provides a physical
challenge and the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.

Principles of Training

Training to improve an athlete's performance obeys the principles of training: specificity,

overload, rest, adaptation and reversibility (SORAR).


To improve the range of movement for a particular joint action, you have to perform
exercises that involve that joint action. It is quite possible for an athlete to have good
mobility in the shoulder joint but to have poor hip mobility. Conducting shoulder mobility
exercises may further improve the shoulder mobility but it will not affect hip mobility.

In addition to developing general levels of all-around mobility in an athlete, coaches

need to consider the specific mobility requirements of a given event. The coach can
analyse the technique of his/her event, identify which joint actions are involved and
determine which need to be improved in terms of the range of movement. A thrower,
for example, might require improvements in his/her shoulder and spine mobility. A
hurdler might need to develop his/her hip mobility.

The amount and nature of the mobility training required by each athlete will vary
according to the individual athlete's event requirements and his/her individual range of
movement for each joint action. It may be necessary to measure the range of
movement for particular joint actions to determine the present range and future

Specificity is an important principle in strength training, where the exercise must be

specific to the type of strength required and is therefore related to the particular
demands of the event. The coach should have knowledge of the predominant types of
muscular activity associated with his/her particular event, the movement pattern
involved, and the type of strength required. Although specificity is important, it is
necessary for every schedule to include exercises of a general nature (e.g. power

clean, squat). These exercises may not relate too closely to the movement of any
athletic event, but they do give a balanced development and provide a strong base
upon which highly specific exercise can be built.

To use heavy throwing implements or weighted belts may seem the obvious solution to
the specificity problem, but it is probable that by doing so the athlete will unconsciously
develop compensatory movements in his/her technique in adjusting to the new weight.
Most authorities consider that in the throwing events the training implement should be
kept within 15% of the competition weight.

Can we be specific in the speed of movement? Training at low velocity increases low-
velocity strength substantially but has little effect on high-velocity strength (Coyle and
Fleming, 1980).

Is there any justification for slow velocity strength training for athletes who have to
perform movements at great speed? Yes. Slow velocity training may be of value in
stimulating maximum adaptation within the muscle. Muscle growth (an increase in
contractile strength) is related to the amount of tension developed within the muscle
(Goldberg, 1975). When an athlete performs high-velocity strength work, the force
he/she generates is relatively low and therefore fails to stimulate substantial muscular
growth. If performed extensively the athlete may not be inducing maximum adaptation
with the muscles. It is important therefore for the athlete to use fast and slow
movements to train the muscles.


When an athlete performs a mobility exercise, he/she should stretch to the end of
his/her range of movement. In active mobility, the end of the range of movement is
known as the active end position. Improvements in mobility can only be achieved by
working at or beyond the active end position.

 Passive exercises involve passing the active end position, as the external force is
able to move the limbs further than the active contracting of the agonist's
 Kinetic mobility (dynamic) exercises use the momentum of the movement to
bounce past the active end position

A muscle will only strengthen when forced to operate beyond its customary intensity.
The load must be progressively increased in order to further adaptive responses as
training develops, and the training stimulus is gradually raised. Overload can be
progressed by:

 increasing the resistance e.g. adding 5kg to the barbell

 increasing the number of repetitions with a particular weight
 increasing the number of sets of the exercise (work)
 increasing the intensity- more work in the same time, i.e. reducing the recovery


Rest is required in order for the body to recover from the training and to allow
adaptation to take place. An inadequate amount of rest may lead to overtraining.


The body will react to the training loads imposed by increasing its ability to cope with
those loads. Adaptation occurs during the recovery period after the training session is

If exercises lasting less than 10 seconds (ATP-CP energy system) are repeated with a full
recovery (approximately 3 to 5 minutes) then an adaptation in which stores of ATP and
CP in the muscles are increased.

This means more energy is available more rapidly and increases the maximum peak
power output. If overloads are experienced for periods of up to 60 seconds, with a full
recovery, it is found that glycogen stores are enhanced.

The most noticeable effect of weight training with heavy loads on fast twitch muscle
fibres is larger and stronger muscles (hypertrophy).

The rate of adaptation will depend on the volume, intensity and frequency of the
exercise sessions. In their recent investigation Burgomaster et al. (2008)[3] reports that 6
weeks of low-volume, high-intensity sprint training-induced similar changes in selected
whole-body and skeletal muscle adaptations as traditional high-volume, low-intensity
endurance workouts undertaken for the same intervention period.

Hawley (2008)[2] states that the time of adaptation may be quicker for high-intensity
sprint training when compared to low-intensity endurance training, but that over a
longer period, the two training regimens elicit similar adaptations.

Reversibility or Detraining

Improved ranges of movement can be achieved and maintained by regular use of

mobility exercises. If an athlete ceases mobility training, his/her ranges of movement will
decline over time to those maintained by his/her other physical activities.

When training ceases the training effect will also stop. It gradually reduces to
approximately one-third of the rate of acquisition (Jenson and Fisher, 1972). Athletes
must ensure that they continue strength training throughout the competitive period,
although at a reduced volume, or newly acquired strength will be lost

Detraining risk for athletes

The effects of a long period of inactivity on physical fitness come from a UK case study
of an Olympic rower (Godfrey et al. 2005)[1], who took more than 20 weeks to fully
recover his fitness after an eight-week lay-off.

Although the athlete in question took the time off in response to the need for a physical
and mental break rather than because of illness and injury, this case study has clear
implications for injured athletes.

The athlete, an elite heavyweight male rower and current Olympic champion, allowed
himself the luxury of eight weeks of inactivity after competing in the Sydney Olympic
Games in September 2000. His fitness was assessed by means of a lab-based
incremental rowing test on four separate occasions: eight weeks before the Olympics;
after eight weeks of inactivity; after eight weeks of retraining; and after a further 12
weeks of training.

The key findings were as follows: After eight weeks' detraining

 V02peak had decreased by 8%. After eight weeks of retraining it had increased
by only 4%, returning to just below pre-Olympic values after a further 12 weeks;
 Power at peak oxygen consumption fell from a pre-Olympic value of 546W to
435W - a reduction of 20%. After eight weeks' retraining it had increased by 15%,
resuming pre-Olympic values after a further 12 weeks;
 Power at reference blood lactate concentrations declined by 27% but returned
to just below or just above pre-Olympic levels after 20 weeks' retraining.

The researchers recommend that training programs should limit periods of complete
inactivity to no more than two to three weeks. Prolonged periods of inactivity should be
avoided, and the training programme should incorporate some form of "maintenance"
training where a prolonged break is desired.

3.) What is FITT principles?


 F Frequency = How often you exercise

 I Intensity = How hard you exercise
 T Time = How long you exercise
 T Type = What kind of exercise

It is commonly agreed students need to be empowered to construct and tailor workouts

to meet their individual health-related fitness needs. Each component of health-related
fitness is important to teach even very young students. This approach will help combat
today’s media, which emphasizes the need for outward appearance over health and

Overload and progression are two basic training principles. Overload refers to the
amount of load or resistance, providing a greater stress, or load, on the body than it is
normally accustomed to in order to increase fitness. Progression is the way in which an
individual should increase the load. It is a gradual increase either in frequency, intensity,
or time or a combination of all three components.

The F.I.T.T. Principle is one of the foundations of exercise, a set of guidelines that help
you set up a workout routine for maximum benefit. F.I.T.T. stands for:

Frequency: How often you exercise

o For Cardiovascular Exercise: Exercise Guidelines suggest moderate exercise five days
a week or intense cardio three days a week to improve your health. For weight loss, you
may need to do up to six or more days a week. o For Strength Training: The
recommended frequency here is 2-3 non-consecutive days a week (at least 1-2 days
between sessions.

Intensity: How hard you work during exercise

o For Cardiovascular Exercise: The general rule is to work in your target heart rate zone
(60-85% or 120-180) and focus on a variety of intensities to stimulate different energy

o For Strength Training: The exercises you do (at least 8-10 exercises), the amount of
weight you lift and your reps and sets determine the intensity of your strength workouts.
In general, you want to lift enough weight that you can only complete the desired
number of reps (around 1-3 sets of 8-16 reps of each exercise).

Time: How long you exercise

o For Cardiovascular Exercise: The exercise guidelines suggest 30-60 minutes of cardio
(or working your way up to that). How long you exercise will not just be dependent on
your fitness level, but also your intensity. The harder you work, the shorter your workouts
will be. o For Strength Training: How long you lift weights depends on the type of
workout you're doing and your schedule. For example, a total body workout could take
up to an hour, whereas a split routine could take less time.

Type: The type of activity you are doing

o For Cardiovascular Exercise: Any activity that gets your heart rate up counts as cardio
- Running, walking, cycling, dancing, swimming, sport-related activities, etc. o For
Strength Training: This pretty much includes any exercise where you're using some type
of resistance (bands, dumbbells, machines, etc.) to work your muscles. Bodyweight
exercises can also be considered a form of strength training, as well, although building
strength will likely require more resistance.

4.) Apply FITT Principle in your daily students life?


As a student, we can apply FITT Principle in my daily life through exercise. It helps plan out
how long you are doing it, how many days a week, how often, and the intensity level it is
at. If you focus more on F.I.T.T then you can lose weight faster, and be able to do more
reps of something. Like take muscular strength for example. If you can’t do a lot of pull
ups or push ups, then doing them more often for like 15-30 minutes a day will help improve
it. It’ll help you be able to do more, and help you get more into shape. Also it will help
you be able to do more reps with long or hard exercises. In additional, the F.I.T.T principle
is needed to help people keep their exercise for a healthy lifestyle on track. Also, it helps
you plan your exercises. By following the F.I.T.T principle you are choosing to stay or get
in shape. Exercise is very vital in order to live a healthy lifestyle. The F.I.T.T principle stands
for frequency, intensity, time, and type. By following this principle, you should be fit in no

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