1. Heterosexual
- Also called Cisgender (Latin “Cis” – “On this side of”)
- People who are attracted to the opposite sex
- They are the people whose gender matches the sex they were assigned at birth.
2. Homosexual
- People that expresses romantic attraction or sexual attraction between members of the
same sex or gender.
- Greek – “Homos” – same
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual
- Homosexual women
- Is a woman sexually, romantically and emotionally attracted to women only
1. Lipstick Lesbians
- Lesbians that express themselves as feminine
- feminine expressing – most likely dresses and still acts like a biological female but is
only attracted to women
2. Butch Lesbians
- Lesbians that express themselves as masculine
- Masculine expressing – Dresses and acts like a male; still considers self as a biological
female; only attracted to women
- Homosexual man
- Is a man romantically, emotionally, and sexually attracted to man only
- Can also be classified as masculine or feminine expressing
- romantic attraction, sexual attraction, or sexual behavior toward both males and females
- relating to, or being a person whose gender identity is opposite the sex the person had or
was identified as having at birth
- Latin “Trans” – On the other side
- Transman - identifies as male despite having been born with female genitalia; people
alike who feel their sex organs do not reflect their gender and have chosen to change
some aspect of their body
- Transwoman - meaning someone whose self-concept is female; and wishes to or has
transitioned to living as a woman after being born with male genitalia.
- Social transition: using a preferred name and pronouns, wearing clothing seen as gender
appropriate, disclosure to family, friends and usually at the workplace/school.
Queer is an umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities who are not heterosexual or are not
cisgender. Originally meaning "strange" or "peculiar", queer came to be used pejoratively against
those with same-sex desires or relationships
Intersex is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a
reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t fit the typical definitions of female or male.
Sometimes an intersex person is assigned a female or male sex at birth through surgery, if
external genitals are not obviously male or female.
An asexual is an individual who is is not sexually attracted to either men or women. Important
classifications to note:
Repulsed Asexuals: Asexuals that are opposed to the idea of having sex with any other
individual. Some may masturbate to release any sexual tension, though some even find
masturbation repulsive.
Flexible Asexuals: Asexuals that are more open to the idea of having sex and may be willing to
have sex for the benefit of a sexual partner. Some flexible asexuals may even enjoy having sex.
Aromantic Asexuals: Asexuals who have little or no romantic drive. They usually prefer to be
single. Some even never experience crushes. Aromantic asexuals are usually repulsed asexuals.