Physical Science Exam
Physical Science Exam
Physical Science Exam
Name ___________________________ Grade & Section ______________________ Date _________ Score: __________
General Instructions:
1. Read and analyze each question carefully.
2. Erasures are NOT allowed. Any erasures in the answers in the test paper will be marked wrong.
I. IDENTIFICATION Write your answer on the blank A. Cation C. Electon
space found before each number (5 points). B. Anion D. Proton
________ 1. It is the negatively charged particle of the ________ 10. . An ion with negative charge.
atom. A. Cation C. Electon
________ 2. It is the positively charged particle of the B. Anion D. Proton
atom. III. TRUE OR FALSE Write TRUE if the statement is
________ 3. It is the neutrally charged particle of the correct, FALSE if otherwise (10 points).
atom. ________1. An increase in reactant concentration will
________ 4. A type of chemical bond that is present result to more collisions between particles.
when you combine metal and non - metal elements. ________2. Increasing amount of temperature of the
________ 5. A type of chemical bond that is present reactants would also increase the kinetic energy of a
when you combine both non - metal elements. particle.
II. MULTIPLE CHOICE Write the CAPITAL LETTER of ________3. A decrease in surface area brings the
your answer on the space provided (10 points). particles to have more collisions.
________ 1. Which element is formed when 2 hydrogen ________4. Catalysts are consumed in a chemical
nuclei is fused during nuclear fusion? reaction.
A. Hydrogen C. Helium ________5. Burning of coal is an example of
B. Oxygen D. Carbon endothermic process.
________ 2. Complete the statement, “The most ________6. Baking of bread is an example of
abundant element in the universe is __________”. exothermic process.
A. Hydrogen C. Helium ________7. If the energy is absorbed during the
B. Oxygen D. Carbon reaction process, there will be a breaking of bonds.
________ 3. The two elements created at the beginning ________8. If the energy is released during the reaction
of the universe are _____________. process, there will be a formation of bonds.
A. Hydrogen and Carbon C. Hydrogen and Helium ________9. Activation energy (Ea) is an example of
B. Helium and Nitrogen D. Carbon and Nitrogen potential energy found in molecules.
For numbers 5-6, kindly refer to the equations shown ________10. A balanced chemical equation shows equal
below. number of reactants and products.
(Equation 1) 4
Assume that the substances below are reactants for
(Equation 2) 8
𝐵𝑒 + 4𝐻𝑒 → 12𝐶
different reactions. Identify what factor affected the rate
________ 4. How many Helium atoms is needed to
of reaction (Concentration, Temperature, Surface
synthesize one carbon atom?
Area, and Catalyst). Indicate if the reaction rate will be
A. 1 C. 3
slower or faster. Write your answers in their respective
B. 2 D. 4
columns (20 points).
________ 5. The equilibrium arrow in equation one
indicates that ___________. NORMAL CHANGED FACTOR REACTION
A. Beryllium is a stable isotope CONDITION CONDITION RATE
B. Beryllium is an unstable isotope 20% 𝐻2 S𝑂4 5% 𝐻2 S𝑂4
273 K 0K
C. Beryllium tends to decay to Helium atoms
276 K 315 K
D. Both B and C are correct A cube of Powdered
________ 6. Atoms of the same element which have sugar sugar
different masses are called as ___________. Starch + Starch +
A. Isotopes C. Neutrons Water Water +
B. Nuclides D. Protons 48 g 48 g Zinc
________ 7. The number of protons in one atom of an powdered pellets
element determines the atom’s __________. Zinc
A. Mass C. Weight 2 sachets of 1 sachet of
Magic Sarap Magic Sarap
B. Atomic Number D. Charge 2𝐻2 𝑂2 → Removal of
________ 8. It is the force that can attract or repel 2𝐻2 𝑂+ 𝑂2 Iron (III)
particles. oxide
52 g of NaOH 65 g of NaOH
A. Electromagnetic Force C. Weak Force
2𝐻2 𝑂2 → Addition of
B. Strong Force D. Gravity 2𝐻2 𝑂+ 𝑂2 Iron (III)
________ 9. An ion with positive charge. oxide