Parcial III-mecánica de Fluidos-201630
Parcial III-mecánica de Fluidos-201630
Parcial III-mecánica de Fluidos-201630
1. (1 Point) Assume that the flowrate, Q, of a gas from a smokestack is a function of the density of the ambient
air, ρa, the density of the gas, ρg, within the stack, the acceleration of gravity, g, and the height and diameter
of the stack, h and d, respectively. Use ρa, d, and g as repeating variables to develop a set of pi terms that could
be used to describe this problema. Remember: Find adimensional number name.
2. (1 Point) A thin elastic wire is placed between rigid supports. A fluid flows past the wire, and it is desired to
study the static deflection, δ, at the center of the wire due to the fluid drag. Assume that:
𝛿 = 𝑓(ℓ, 𝑑, 𝜌, 𝜇, 𝑉, 𝐸)
where ℓ is the wire length, d the wire diameter, ρ the fluid density, µ the fluid viscosity, V the fluid velocity,
and E the modulus of elasticity of the wire material. Develop a suitable set of pi terms whitin name for this
3. (1 Point) Air at 80 °F is to flow through a 2-ft pipe at an average velocity of 6 ft/s. What size pipe should be
used to move water at 60 °F and average velocity of 3 ft/s if Reynolds number similarity is enforced?
4. (1 Point) The drag characteristics of a torpedo are to be studied in a water tunnel using a 1:5 scale model. The
tunnel operates with fresh water at 20 °C, whereas the prototype torpedo is to be used in seawater at 15.6 °C.
To correctly simulate the behavior of the prototype moving with a velocity of 30 m/s, what velocity is required
in the water tunnel?
5. During a storm, a snow drift is formed behind a snow fence as shown in figure. Assume that the height of the
drift, h, is a function of the number of inches of snow deposited by the storm, d, height of the fence, H, width
of slats in the fence, b, wind speed, V, acceleration of gravity, g, air density, ρ, and specific weight of snow,
γs .
a. (0,5 Points) If this problem is to be studied with a model, determine the similarity requirements for the model
and the relationship between the drift depth for model and prototype (prediction equation).
b. (0.5 Points) A storm with winds of 30 mph deposits 16 in. of snow having a specific weight of 5.0 lb/ft 3. A -
sized scale model is to be used to investigate the effectiveness of a proposed snow fence. If the air density is
the same for the model and the storm, determine the required specific weight for the model snow and required
wind speed for the model.