Sec 13

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Selected exercises from Abstract Algebra by Dummit

and Foote (3rd edition).

Bryan Félix
Abril 12, 2017

Section 13.6
Exercise 3. Prove that if a field contains the nth roots of unity for n odd then it also contains
the 2nth roots of unity.
Proof. Let ζn be the first primitive nth root of unity in the field; i.e ζ = e2iπ/n . We will prove
n+1 n+1
that − ζn 2 = ζ2n . Note that since n is odd (n + 1)/2 is an integer, therefore − ζn 2 is in the
field. Observe that
n+1  2iπ  n+1
− ζn 2 = (−1) e n

  2iπ · n+1 
= e en 2
= eiπ eiπ· n
= eiπ eiπ e n

= (−1) (−1) e 2n
= ζ2n

as desired.
Exercise 4. Prove that if n = pk m where p is a prime and m is relatively prime to p then
there are precisely m distinct nth roots of unity over a field of characteristic p.
Proof. Over a field of characteristic p we have
km k
xn − 1 = xp − 1 = (xm − 1)p .

Thus, xn − 1 has at most m distinct roots over the field. It is left to show that these are, indeed,
distinct roots. It suffices to show that f := xm − 1 and dx (f ) do not have common roots. Note
d m−1
that dx (f ) = mx therefore, its only root is x = 0 but clearly, this is not a root of f , as we
Exercise 9. Suppose A is an n × n matrix over C for which Ak = I for some integer k ≥ 1.
Show that A can be diagonalized. Show that the matix A = ( 10 α1 ) where α is an element of a
field of characteristic p satisfies Ap = I and cannot be diagonalized if α 6= 0.
Proof. We begin by noting that Ak − I = 0 thus, the minimal polynomial of A divides xk − 1.
Over C this polynomial is separable then, so will the minimal polynomial be. Corollary
25 [Section 12.3, Dummit and Foote] asserts that A is diagonalizable whenever its minimal

polynomial has no repeated roots. The conclusion then follows. Now we show the second part.
For A as prescribed note that
2 1 α 1 2α
A = =
0 1 0 1

and furthermore     
1 nα 1 α 1 (n + 1)α
= .
0 1 0 1 0 1
It follows that An = ( 10 nα p
1 ). Where A = I if α is in a field of characteristic p. Observe that if
α 6= 0 then α A is in Jordan canonical form ( 10 11 ). The characteristic polynomial of this matrix
is (x − 1)2 and therefore, its minimal polynomial is either x − 1 or (x − 1)2 . Clearly, the Jordan
form of the matrix does not satisfy x − 1 = 0, thus its minimal polynomial is (x − 1)2 . Again,
by corollary 25 we see that this matrix is not diagonalizable as its minimal polynomial has
repeated roots.

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