QUIZ1 PPG - Key Answer

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TRUE Politics is the acquiring and exercising of

power, rule, authority and influence for whatever
General Directions: Read carefully the directions for each reasons
test. Write legibly all your answers in the answer sheet 20. F The Romans formulated the word politics during
provided. No erasures/superimpositions. the 4th and 5th century.
21. TRUE Humans are not self-sufficing so they find the
I. Identify what is being asked for each statement. need to come together as a community. From this
Choose the letter of your answer from the box union comes the need for politics and governance
below. Capital letters. to maintain order within a society.
22. F The government is the most sovereign and
A. Power I. Plato inclusive association.
B. Government J. Political Science 23. F Human association is the highest among the polis
C. Influence K. Polis according to Plato.
D. Law L. Idiotes 24. TRUE Reasons for getting involved in politics varies
E. Robert Dahl M. Harold Lasswell from institutional, social and individual.
F. Authority N.Politics 25. F Politics is study of power relationship among the
G. Governance people in a given society excluding the
H. Rule relationships among states in the international
1. K The Greek word for politics which means city- 26. TRUE Making of political decisions and allocation of
states. limited resources are some of the concerns of
2. B It is an institution that carries out the will of the politics.
state. 27. TRUE Authority compels others to grant obedience
3. I He stated that Politics is the study of the affairs of because of some attached legitimacy.
the city-states. 28. F Influence is a process or power of producing an
4. E According to him, Politics is the existence of rules effect without apparent exertion of tangible force,
or authority within the state. or direct exercise of command and often with
5. M He said that Politics is “who gets what, when deliberate effort or intent.
and how”. 29. F The exercise of power or authority by political
6. A It is the ability or right to do something over leaders for the well-being of their country’s citizens
others. or subjects refers to government.
7. G It deals with power in government and how this 30. F Politics deals with power in government in
institution exerts power for the benefit of the general while governance specifically deals with
society. power in the society.
8. J It is a systematic study of political phenomena. 31. F Social Science is the academic discipline that
9. H The regulation or bylaw governing procedures in deals with key issues and concepts in politics.
a public or private body and even controlling the 32. F Niccolo Machiavelli is the father of modern
behaviour and conduct of people. Political Science because of his major works
10. F The feature of a leader or an institution that particularly in publishing The Politics and The
compels others to grant it obedience because of Prince.
some ascribed legitimacy. 33. TRUE Knowing your rights is valuable in
11. C The act, process or power of producing an effect safeguarding yourself against aggressions and
without apparent exertion of tangible force. abuses of the society and the government.
12. L For ancient Greeks, this means a person who 34. TRUE According to Aristotle, political science is a
does not vote, does not discuss public issues, and practical science because it aims to make people
does not involve himself in government affairs. happy.
13. G It has a Greek origin “kubernain” which means 35. F It is better to be feared than to be loved because
“to steer”. fear creates abuses and love begets respect.
14. N It is the heart of Political Science. 36. F The application of political concepts into research
15. D Any written statement that limits or guides the and policy making refers to political theory.
behavior of a certain group. 37. F Comparative Politics deals with the different
perspectives and ideas regarding politics and
II. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. governance of different political philosophers
Otherwise, write F. 38. TRUE The knowledge of politics and governance is
16. TRUE Comparative politics is about comparing a critical attribute of a citizen belonging to a
various political systems and different certain state.
constitutions among different countries through 39. TRUE The inevitable existence of differences and
time. conflicts among the people in the society
17. F Political theory concentrates on establishing and necessitates the emergence of laws.
maintaining relations among countries through 40. TRUE Politics is everywhere as long as there is
time. someone who wants to gain power, rule, authority
18. F As a concept, Politics is associated to the culture and influence for whatever reasons.
of cooperation as manifested by collaboration, 41-45. Write the full name of your teacher in this
integration and competitions. subject. Vivian Alcantara Dela Cruz

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