"Market Survey of Biofertilizers Manufactured by Krushi Daulat LTD Bhuinj in Satara District

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A Project submitted to the


In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of



Mr. Sandeep Ramdas Gadhave.

(Reg. No. MBA/012/06)
Approved by
Dr. M. N. Waghmare.
Project Guide and
Asstt. Professor of Agril. Economics
College of Agriculture, Pune

Dr. S. S. Bhosale. Dr. J. P. Yadav.

Professor of MBA Agril., Asstt. Professor of Agril. Economics,
College of Agriculture, Pune College of Horticulture, Pune

Master of Business Administration (Agri.),




This is to certify that the project entitled „MARKET SURVEY OF BIOFERTILIZERS

original work of the student and is being submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of degree in
Vidyapeeth, Rahuri- 413 722, District- Ahmednagar.

This report has not been submitted earlier either to this University or any other University/
Institution for the fulfilment of the requirement of a course of study.

Mr. S .R. Gadhave. Dr. M. N. Waghmare.

(MBA/012/06) Project Guide and

Student Asstt. Professor of Agril. Economics,

College of Agriculture, Pune- 5

Place: Pune

Date: / /2013
Dr. M. N. Waghmare .

Project Guide and

Asstt. Professor of Agril. Economics,

College of Agriculture, Pune-5.


This is to certify that the project entitled „MARKET SURVEY OF BIOFERTILIZERS

submitted to the Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri- 413 722, District- Ahmednagar,
(Maharashtra), in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (AGRICULTURE) embodies the results of a piece of
bonafide project work carried out by Mr. Sandeep Ramdas
Gadhave. (Reg. No. MBA 012/06) under my guidance and that no part of the project work has
been submitted for any other degree or diploma.

The assistance and help rendered during the training period have been duly acknowledged.
The suggestions made by the Evaluation Committee are incorporated in the project report.

Place: Pune

Date: / /2013 (M. N. Waghmare)

Dr. A. G. Chandele
Associate Dean,

College of Agriculture, Pune-5


This is to certify that the Project entitled “„MARKET SURVEY OF

BHUINJ IN SATARA DISTRICT‟.” submitted to the Mahatma Phule Krishi
Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist.-Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) for award of the degree of
the results of a piece of bonafide Project carried out by Mr. Sandeep
Ramdas Gadhave. (Reg. No.MBA /012/06) under the guidance of Dr. M. N.
Waghmare, Assistant Professor of Agril. Economics, College of Agriculture,
Pune-5 and that no part of the project has been submitted for any other degree or

Place: Pune. (A. G. Chandele)

Date: / /2013

With immense pleasure, I would like to present this project report for Krushi Daulat
Biofertilizer Ltd. It has been an enriching experience for me to undergo my summer training at
Krushi Daulat Biofertilizer Ltd., which would have not been possible without the goodwill and
support of the people around and for this; I would like to express my sincere thanks to all those
who helped me during completion of this project.

I am immensely thankful and indebted to my guide Dr. M. N. Waghmare, Asstt.

Professor of Agril. Economics, College of Agriculture, Pune-5 who has been a source of
information to me during the course of study.I feel pleasure in expressing my sincere regards to
my respected Mrs. S. S. Jadhav. (Superwiser) Krushi Daulat Biofertilizer Ltd. Pune for their
guidance and valuable suggestions.

I am equally thankful to my Advisory Committee members viz. Dr. S. S. Bhosale,

Course Coordinator and Professor of MBA (Agri.), Dr .J. P. Yadav Assistant Professor of Agril.
Economics, College of Horticulture, Pune and also Dr. B. N. Pawar Assistant Professor of Agril.
Economics, College of Agriculture, Pune for help and guidance from time to time during the
project work.I express my sincere thanks to Dr. A. G. Chandele. Associate Dean, College of
Agriculture, Pune without whose help and guidance this project would not have been completed.I
am also Thankful to Prof. P. N. Shendage, Asso. Professor of Agril.Economics and Prof. N. K.
Kale, Asstt. Professor of Agril Economics for their valuable suggestions and guidance during the
course of project.

I owe my every success to my parents Shri. Ramdas Sampatrao Gadhave. and Smt.
Jayshree Ramdas Gadhave. as well as my sister Sandhya and my brother Sanket and all my
rest of the family members whose boundless love, constant inspiration, patience, sacrifices,
expectations of my efforts and emotional support lifted my spirits through their constant
encouragement and they are just after the god who brought me, where I am today.

Place: Pune .

Date: / /2013 (Sandeep Ramdas Gadhave)


Chapter No. Title Page

Certificate of Advisory Committee i

Certificate of Originality ii
Certificate of Industry iii
Certificate of Project Guide iv
Certificate of Associate Dean v
Acknowledgement vi



1.1 Meaning and Concepts of Biofertilizers 1

1.1.1 Biofertilizer in Soil fertility management
1.1.2 Equipments required for biofertilizer production
1.2 Indian Scenario of Biofertilizers
1.3 Importance of Study
1.4 Objectives of Study


2.1 Location of the Study and 17
2.2 Selection of Sample Respondents 18
2.3 Research Design 18
2.4 Sampling plan 18

2.5 Data collection 20


3.1 Profile of Krushi Daulat.ltd. 21
3.1.1 Product profile 26
3.2 Profile of Sample Farmers. 29
3.2.1 Age group of sample farmers 29
3.2.2 Sample farmers education 29
3.2.3 Size group wise distribution of land holding of sample 30
3.2.4 Types of farmers 31
3.3 Sample farmers awareness about Bio-fertilizer product 31
3.4 Farmers perception towards the Biofertilizer 32
3.4.1 Reason for not using Bio-fertilizer 32
3.4.2 Satisfaction level of Sample farmers 33
3.4.3 Parameters considered while use of Biofertilizer 34
3.5 Promotion of product 35
3.5.1 Promotional strategies adopted by Krushi Daulat 35
3.5.2 Preference of farmers to the promotional activity 36
3.6 Precautions undertaken by the farmers while using the 37
3.7 Findings 39
3.8 Conclusions 40
3.9 Suggestions 40


5 APPENDICES I and II ii-iv


Sr.No. Table Title of the Table Page

No. No.

1 1.1 Production of different bio-fertilizes, 2007-2008 to 10

2011-12 (tonnes)

2 1.2 State wise installed capacity and production, 2011-12 11


3 1.3 Scenario of biofertilizer production across different states 13

4 1.4 Different types of biofertilizers production across states, 14


5 2.1 Sample plan of selected farmers 18

6 2.2 Selection of sample farmer 19

7 3.1 Parameters considered while the use of biofertilizer 34


Sr.No. Chart Title of the Figure Page

/Map No No.

1 1.1 Types of Bio-fertilizers 3

2 2.1 Location of study 17

3 3.1 Age group of sample farmer 29

4 3.2 Sample farmer Education 30

5 3.3 Land holding of farmer 30

6 3.4 Types of farming 31

7 3.5 Awareness of Bio-fertilizer 31

8 3.6 User and non-user 32

9 3.7 Reason for not using Bio-fertilizer 33

10 3.8 Satisfaction levels of Sample farmer 33

11 3.9 Parameter Considered while the use of Bio-fertilizer 35

12 3.10 Promotional Strategies 36

13 3.11 Preference of farmer to the promotional activity 37

(Reg. No. - MBA- 012/06)
A candidate for the degree of
Project Guide: Dr. M. N. Waghmare.
Assistant Professor
Department: Agril. Economics,
College of Agriculture, Pune-5.
Importance of study
The fertilizer industry in India going through rapid changes, there are varieties of good
products in the market. New farming methods, increased awareness, understanding and
acceptance for modern farming methods are help to improve the agro chemical and fertilizer
industry with these plus point competition between fertilizer industry has become dangerous and
demand for one company product has become uncertain also product life cycles have shortened.
The project at Krushi Daulat Ltd was with two major aspects i.e. to study awareness of
biofertilizer of Krushi Daulat Ltd. and to find out farmers behaviour towards biofertilizer. Apart
from this, the project was also deals with the activities regarding the generation of demand
through different promotional activities by applying promotional tools like Individual farmer
contacts, paper advertisement, and attractive schemes etc.
With the boom in the Agriculture sector and the potential of biofertilizer segment many
companies are entered in market. Also many companies are entering in the fertilizer segment.
With every new product being launched and different companies entering the market, Krushi
Daulat Ltd have to look into biofertilizer as new market which has been highlighted in the
project. Project includes finding the problems in marketing of Krushi Daulat Ltd products.
Apart from this, to analyze the competitor‟s activities then to find company‟s strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats was part of the project. Considering the above important
DAULAT LTD BHUINJ IN SATARA DISTRICT” is selected for the present study with
following specific objectives.
Objectives of Study
1) To study the awareness of Biofertilizers produced by Krushi Daulat among the
2) To study the farmers perception towards the Biofertilizer of Krushi Daulat.
3) To study the sales promotion activities adopted by Krushi Daulat.
Research Methodology
The Research approach used was the survey, in which 60 farmers. The survey was
conducted in Wai and Koregaon tahsil of Satara district in Maharashtra. Company wants to do
market survey of Satara district so with desire of company this area has been selected for study.
Questionnaire was used as a research instrument to gather the information with an
intension to find purchase behaviour and market of Krushi Daulat‟s products. There was a
questionnaire made for the survey. Sales promotion activities like visit to farmer‟s field, soil
testing, distribution of literature among farmers, was done to increase the demand for
biofertilizers. The sampling method used for project was random sampling.


Followings findings are observed in study of farmer‟s behaviour, promotion of Products and

1. Majority 37 per cent of the sample farmers have age above 35 years, followed by 35 per
cent farmers have age between 25-35 years and below 25 years farmers are 28 per cent.
The figure indicates large number of farmers are from older group.
2. 47 per cent farmers had educated up to HSC and 18 per cent were educated below SSC
level. This indicated that the sample farmers were moderately educated.
3. Among the all samples of the farmers had land holding below one hectare i.e. Majority
of farmers had medium and large size of land holdings.
4. It was observed that irrigated land was about 68 per cent; Partial irrigated land was about
32 per cent.
5. Majority of the farmers 87 per cent were aware and 13 per cent are unaware about the
biofertilizer. This is positive think for company to broad their market.
6. Of the surveyed farmer 77 per cent farmers had actually used Biofertilizer and
remaining 23 per cent farmer were not used biofertilizer. This indicates maximum
farmers were having experience about biofertilizer.
7. It was observed that 42 per cent farmer do not prefer biofertilizer because of its high
prices followed 33 per cent farmers were opinioned that by bio-fertilizer require more
time to get desired result and 25 per cent farmers opinion that due to biofertilizers yield
also increases slowly. This indicates majority farmer are price concious.
8. Majority of 57 per cent farmers were satisfied with the use of the Biofertilizer.
9. Majority of sample farmer prefer 55 per cent “Krushi Daulat” because of its Brand Name,
followed by 28 per cent farmer were conscious about quality of the product and 17 per
cent farmer having their past experience which showed good result of the product
reaming have economical view prefer the price of production.
10. Krushi Daulat has done promotional activity through field demonstration, exhibition,
advertisement, wall painting, hand bills, newspaper etc in the surveyed area. It was
observed 35 per cent farmers having greater effect through handbill, 25 per cent
promotional activity field demonstration, 18 per cent through news paper and remaining
12 per cent promotional activity done by exhibition, and remaining 2 per cent by wall

1. Most of the farmers were aware of about biofertilizer.
2. Many farmers in the study area have source of irrigation through wells, canal and river. So
most of the farmers are the sugar canes growers.
3. Majority of farmers did not preferred biofertilizer due to its high price 42 per cent while
33 per cent did not used because it takes more time to get desired results.
4. Brand name of the product showed more influences on purchasing the biofertilizer.

5. Considerable proportion of the farmer‟s 23 per cent is still not using biofertilizer and they
can be seen as the target market by the new and existing players.
6. Most of the biofertilizer users were completely satisfied by the use of biofertilizer.
7. The exihibition is the most effective promotional activity of the company.


1. There is need of arranging advertising campaign, exhibition and result oriented,

2. There is need to increase sale points in the study area so it will be easily available to the
3. Efforts are needed to target considerable number awared farmer for the sale of



1.1 Meaning and Concept of Biofertilizer

A biofertilizer is a substance which contains living microorganisms which, when applied

to seed, plant surfaces, or soil, colonizes the rhizosphere or the interior of the plant and promotes
growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host plant. Bio-
fertilizers add nutrients through the natural processes of 35 nitrogen fixation, solubilizing
phosphorus, and stimulating plant growth through the synthesis of growth-promoting substances.
Bio-fertilizers can be expected to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The
microorganisms in bio-fertilizers restore the soil's natural nutrient cycle and build soil organic
Through the use of bio-fertilizers, healthy plants can be grown, while enhancing the
sustainability and the health of the soil. Since they play several roles, a preferred scientific term
for such beneficial bacteria is "Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria" (PGPR). Therefore, they
are extremely advantageous in enriching soil fertility and fulfilling plant nutrient requirements by
supplying the organic nutrients through microorganism and their byproducts. Hence, bio-
fertilizers do not contain any chemicals which are harmful to the living soil.

Bio-fertilizers eco friendly organic agro-input and more cost-effective than chemical
fertilizers. Bio-fertilizers such as Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum and blue green algae
(BGA) have been in use a long time. Rhizobium inoculant is used for leguminous crops.
Azotobacter can be used with crops like wheat, maize, mustard, cotton, potato and other
vegetable crops. Azospirillum inoculations are recommended mainly for sorghum, millets,
maize, sugarcane and wheat. Blue green algae belonging to a general cyanobacteria genus,
Nostoc or Anabaena or Tolypothrix or Aulosira, fix atmospheric nitrogen and are used as
inoculations for paddy crop grown both under upland and low-land conditions. Anabaena in
association with water fern Azolla contributes nitrogen up to 60 kg/ha/season and also enriches
soils with organic matter.

Other types of bacteria, so-called phosphate-Solubilizing bacteria, such as Pantoea

agglomerans strain P5 or Pseudomonas putida strain P13, are able to solubilize the insoluble
phosphate from organic and inorganic phosphate sources. In fact, due to immobilization of
phosphate by mineral ions such as Fe, Al and Ca or organic acids, the rate of available phosphate
in soil is well below plant needs. In addition, chemical Pi fertilizers are also immobilized in the
soil, immediately, so that less than 20 per cent of added fertilizer is absorbed by plants.
Therefore, reduction in Pi resources on one hand and environmental pollutions on the other hand
have already demanded the use of new generation of phosphate fertilizers globally known as
phosphate-Solubilizing bacteria or phosphate bio-fertilizers.
Chart no. 1.1. Types of Bio fertilizers:

Nitrogen fixer Azolla Phosphate Vesicular Plant growth Sulphur

solubilizing arbuscular promoting solubilization
microbs Mycorrhzes Rhizobacteria microbes
Azolla filicoloides

Azolla rubra
Bacteria Blue green





1) Azotobacter Anabaenopsis
Spp- Azotobacter chrococcum

Azotobacter isBacillus
non symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria. Nitrogen plays important role in
vegetative growth of plant which is deficient in soil and present ample in atmosphere In
atmosphere about 78 per cent of nitrogen is present in gaseous form. However, not a single
molecule of its can be used by plants without the introversions of microorganisms. Nitrogen
fixing bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen in to ammonia. In nitrification process ammonia is
converted in to nitrate which is then made available to plants through roots. The recommended
dose of Azotobacter per acre is 4 kg. Azotobacter can be used for all crops excepting all Pulses.

2) Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria

Spp- Bacillus megaterium

Bacillus polymexa
Pseudomonas striata

Next to Nitrogen phosphorus is vital and non renewal nutrient for plants and
microorganisms. It helps for better growth of root system and maximum crop productivity. The
deficiency of phosphorus reduces the plant size.

About 98 per cent Indian soils are poor in available phosphorus and efficiency of
phosphorus fertilizer by crop plant is about 10-15 per cent when we apply phosphorus to soil, it
is fixed in soil. In calcium phosphate form in neutral to Alkaline soil and in Acidic soil it fixes in
the form of ferric or alluminium compound which are not amenable to solublisation by plant root
by soil. If such conditions are prevaits in soil, deficiency of phosphorus may occur in plants.

For phosphorus solublization apply phosphorus solubilizing cultures @10kg/ha

through soil application .These organisms produces different acids like- formic acid, acitic acid ,
fumaric acid, lactic acid etc. Due to these acid production, these culture reduce the pH of
substrate, some of these acids (hydroxyl acids) may form chelate with cation such as Ca, Al, Fe
such chelation results in effective solublization of phosphate.

Use of phosphate solubilizing cultutres increases the phosphate uptake and saves
phosphatic fertilizer and increases yield upto 25 per cent.

3) Decomposting culture

Spp- Aspergillus niger

Aspergillus awamorie

Penecillium chrysogenum

Trichoderma viridie

Pressmud from sugar factory, spaintwash, farmwaste , sugarcane trash, hay etc is easily
composted by decomposting culture within 3 months. In case of normal composting method it
takes 7-8 months for composting. For composting of 1 MT waste material only 1 kg
Decomposting culture is sufficient. In Composting method to obtain good quality compost it
should be treated with 8 kg Urea and 10 kg super phosphate for 1MT waste material.

Spp- Trichoderma viridie

It is one of the best biological solution to control and avoid soil born disease.

It is an ecofriendly biofungicide, its spores are effective against wide variety of seed and soil
born pathogenic fungi. The soil borne diseases like- Sugarcane, Pinapple disease, Root rot, Stem
rot, Red rot, Wilt, Fusarium, Rhizocteria, Damping off, Seedling rot, Collar rot, Pthium,
Phytopthara etc are very effectively controlled by Trichoderma.


A bio-fertilizer provides the following benefits:

1. Since a bio-fertilizer is technically living, it can symbiotically associate with plant roots.
Involved microorganisms could readily and safely convert complex organic material in
simple compounds, so that plants are easily taken up. Microorganism function is in long
duration, causing improvement of the soil fertility. It maintains the natural habitat of the
soil. It increases crop yield by 20-30 per cent, replaces chemical nitrogen and phosphorus
by 25 per cent, and stimulates plant growth. It can also provide protection against drought
and some soil-borne diseases.
2. Bio-fertilizers are cost-effective relative to chemical fertilizers. They have lower
manufacturing costs, especially regarding nitrogen and phosphorus use.

Some important groups of Bio-fertilizers

1. Azolla-Anabena symbiosis:

Azolla is a small, eukaryotic, aquatic fern having global distribution. Prokaryotic

blue green algae Anabena azolla resides in its leaves as a symbiont. Azolla is an
alternative nitrogen source. This association has gained wide interest because of its
potential use as an alternative to chemical fertilizers.
2. Rhizobium:

Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium with legumes contribute substantially

to total nitrogen fixation. Rhizobium inoculation is a well-known agronomic practice to
ensure adequate nitrogen.

1.1.1 Biofertilizer in Soil Fertility Management

It is well established fact that due to continuous cropping year after year in the same
field the fertility and productivity of soil deteriorates. At present, the majority of the farmers use
only chemical fertilizers to meet the total nutrient requirement of the crop. Continuous use of
inorganic fertilizer and heavy irrigations resulted in to low fertility and productivity. To improve
the fertility and productivity of soil it is necessary to reduce chemical fertilizer and increase the
use of Biofertilizer. The use of organic and inorganic fertilizers have prime role in maintaining
the soil fertility and productivity

Organic manures being slow in releasing nutrients and available in insufficient quantities
cannot meet the total nutrient requirements in crop production. As the cost of chemical fertilizers
has increased by double, the farmers can not apply a recommended fertilizer dose. In addition,
excessive use of inorganic fertilizers results in environmental pollution and increases alkalinity
and salinity of soil hence to get targeted yield with reduction in the cost of chemical fertilizers,
the use of Biofertilizer in the form of carrier based inoculants is the only solution.

Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash and sulphur are the most essential nutrients required in
fairly large amounts for increased productivity of any crop. Numerous studies in different agro
climatic conditions have established the essentiality of inorganic fertilizers and biofertilizer for
achieving economic yield. But nitrogenous fertilizers are becoming scarce and costly in recent
years, more than scarcity these inorganic fertilizers are very hazardous to soil, water and
environment which results into low fertility and low productivity. However the use of
biofertilizer is supplementary source has been found to be very economical and advantageous.
Biofertilizer may be defined as “Preparations containing live or latent cell of efficient
strains of nitrogen fixing, phosphate solubilising or cellulolytic microorganisms used for
application to seed, soil or composting area with the objective of increasing the no. of such
microorganisms and accelerating certain microbial processes to increase the extent of the
availability of nutrients in the form which can be easily assimilated by plants.

The crop requires total 16 elements out of which 3 elements (Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen)
are taken from air and from remaining 13 elements are major elements, required in large amount
depleted continuously from soil. These are N (Nitrogen), P (Phosphorus), K (Potash). The total
requirement of N, P, K completed by chemical fertilizer. This results into low fertility and
productivity. To maintain fertility the integrated nutrient management is must. In integrated
nutrient management to complete 100 per cent requirement of nutrient the farmer must use
biofertilizer, organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer combinely.

Most of the chemical fertilizers applied to the crop cannot be utilized by the plants without the
help of microorganisms.

 Urea needs to be broken down into ammonia and converted to nitrates before the plants
can absorb it. This requires microbial activity. Also both ammonia and nitrate can remain
in rhizosphere for a very short duration. Another set of microbes can utilize the excess
„nitrogen‟ not absorbed by the plants. They make this nitrogen available to the plants at a
later stage. Thus quantitative utilization of the applied nitrogenous fertilizer by the crop
can also be improved by using selected microbes.
 Phosphorus reacts with Fe in acidic soils and with Al in alkaline soils to get insolubilized.
This must be solubilized so that plants can absorb the same. This function is carried out
by a special group of microbes termed as P.S.B.(Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria)
 Similarly all the other inorganic molecules get fixed, insolubilized or form complexes
with other elements from soil to become unavailable to the plants. Microbial activity
renders them soluble and hence available to the plants.
 The vitamins, amino acids and the growth promoter bimolecules synthesized by the
special microbes and boost the healthy growth of the crop.

 1.1.2 Equipments required for Biofertilizer production

In biofertilizer production industry, equipments are the major infrastructure, which

involves a big capital investment. Some of the equipments used are as following;

Equipments Required

 Autoclave

It is an apparatus in which materials are sterilized by air free

saturated steam (under pressure) at a temperature above 100°C.
If the steam pressure inside the autoclave is increased to 15
psi, the temperature will rise to 121°C. This is sufficient to
destroy all vegetative cells. Normally all growth medium are
sterilized in the autoclave.

 Laminar air flow chamber

Laminar air flow chamber provides a uniform flow of filtered air.

This continuous flow of air will prevent settling of particles in
the work area. Air borne contamination is avoided in this
chamber. Culture transfers and inoculation can be done here.

 Hot air oven

Hot air oven is meant for sterilizing all glassware materials. Dry heat is used in this apparatus to
sterilize the materials. Normally 180OC is used for two hours for sterilizing glass wares.

 BOD incubator
Incubators providing controlled conditions (light, temperature,
humidity, etc.) required for the growth and development of
microorganisms. Multiplication of starter culture can be done in
this instrument.

 pH meter

An instrument for measuring pH of the solution using a 0-14 scale in which seven represents
neutral points, less than seven is acidity (excess of H over OH-) and more than seven is
alkalinity (excess of OH- over H ) useful in adjusting the pH of the growth medium.

 Rotary shaker

It is used for agitating culture flasks by circular motion

under variable speed control. Shaking provides aeration for
growth of cultures. Shakers holding upto 20-50 flasks are
generally used.

 Refrigerator

This equipment is used preserving all mother cultures used for biofertilizer production. The
mother culture is periodically sub-cultured and stored in the refrigerator for long- term usage.

 Fermentor

A fermentor is the equipment, which provides the proper environment for the growth of a desired
organism. It is generally a large vessel in which, the organism may be kept at the required
temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen concentration and substrate concentration. Different models
of fermentors are available depending upon the necessity. A simple version model contains steam
generator, sterilization process devices and agitator. A sophisticated fermentor contains pH
regulator, oxygen level regulator, anti-foam device, temperature controller, etc.

Status of bio-fertilizer production

The details of production of bio-fertilizers between 2007-08 and 2011-12 are presented in
table 1.1 various types of bio-fertilizers are being produced by many producers in the country.
Among these, Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum and PSB are most predominant ones. By
observing the production of biofertilizer along 2007-08 and 2011-12, it indicates that there was
71.70 per cent growth in the production of biofertilizer. Among different bio-fertilizers, the
production of PSB is highest followed by Azotobacter, Azospirillum, and Rhizobium during
2011-12. But, when we compare with base year, 2007-08; the highest growth was observed in
case of Azospirillum followed by Rhizobium and Azotobacter.

Table- 1.1 Production of different bio-fertilizers, 2007-08 to 2011-12 (tonnes)

Type Year Year per cent change

2007-08 2011-12

Azotobacter 1790.18 3360.8 +87.7

Azospirillum 871.21 2944.5 +227.9

Acetobactor 92.08 - -

Rhizobium 1188.35 2825.8 +137.7

PSB 6653.01 10675s.9 +60.4

Others* 12071.1 18821.6 +55.9

Total 22665.9 38932.6 +71.7

* Others includes compost enriches (Trichoderma, Paceliomyces etc), PGPRs, BGA etc
Source: NCOF, Annual Report, 2007-08 and 2011-12
Installed capacity and current utilization
The details of state-wise installed capacity and production of bio-fertilizers are
summarized in table 1.2. According the information gathered by NCOF /RCOF there are 164
bio-fertilizer units existing in the country. But, besides these there many private units, State Agri.
Labs and SAUs and other agencies were also producing bio-fertilizers. However, the production
figures of such units were not included in the present table.

Table- 1.2 State-wise installed capacity and production, 2011-12 (tonness)

Other Total
Sr Installed Total Biofertilizer
State Inculants Production
no. capacity Production(MT)
(MT)* (MT)

1 7025 4515.81 65.164 4580.97

2 Assam 290 70.901 0 70.90

3 Bihar 150 20 0 20.00

4 Delhi 1000 168.844 575.812 744.66

5 Gujarat 1850 1263.30 32.18 1295.48

6 Goa 150 0 46.513 46.51

7 Haryana 50 8.89 0.01 8.90

8 75 56.21 0 56.21

9 Jharkhand 220 201.68 0 201.68

10 Karnataka 26425 2841.27 5584.62 8425.89

11 Kerala 5855 814.45 3743.39 4557.84

12 1725 1884.87 34.3 1919.17

13 Maharashtra 5775 2486.41 258.16 2744.57

14 Mizoram 25 3.58 0 3.58

15 Nagaland 150 13.98 0 13.98

16 Orissa 430 331.94 13 344.94

17 Punjab 2 2 0 2

18 Pondicherry 890 471.29 1213.40 1684.68

19 Rajasthan 800 302.30 0 302.30

20 Tamil nadu 12825 3466.97 7250.88 10717.85

21 Tripura 30 14.27 0 14.27

22 Utter Pradesh 315 250.06 4 254.27

23 West Bengal 1105 922.34 0 922.34

Total 67162.00 20111.05 18821.639 38932.689

* Others includes compost enriches (Trichoderma, Paceliomyces etc), PGPRs, BGA and Azolla
Source: NCOF, Annual Report, 2011-12

During the year 2011-12, the details about installed capacity and current production of
biofertilizer were collected from all 164 units. The total installed production capacity of all the
units was 67162 tones. But, the actual production during 2011-12 was only 38932.69 tones. It
accounts for nearly 58 per cent of their total capacity utilization. Among different states, the
highest installed capacity was observed in the case of Karnataka state followed by Tamil Nadu.
The lowest installed capacity was indicated in case of Punjab. The shows in biofertilizer
production was highest in Tamil Nadu state 28 per cent followed by Karnataka state 22 per cent.
Across different states, the highest capacity utilization was noticed in case of Pondicherry 189.2
per cent. These results conclude that there is ample scope for further increase in production of
bio-fertilizers in the country. The table1.2 also reveals that most of the installed capacity and
production was concentrated only in Southern states. There is a huge untapped potential in case
of North and North eastern states.

Table 1.3 reveals that total production of bio-fertilizers in the country has increased
from 9798.8 ton to 20111.0 tons between 2003-04 and 2007-08. It registered a growth of more
than 100 per cent. It shows that the production about bio-fertilizers in the country is increasing at
the rate of 20 per cent per annum. In absolute terms, the production has increased significantly in
south zone as compared to other zones. Among different states, the highest growth in production
was observed in Andhra Pradesh from 205 tons to 4515.8 tons during the study period. However,
in Maharashtra production of biofertilizer was decreased from 3035 tons in 2003-04 to 2486.41
tons in 2007-08.
Table-1.3 Scenario of bio-fertilizer production across different states
Source: NCOF, Annual Report, 2007-08

Different types of bio-fertilizer production across states

The information about different types of bio-fertilizer production across states is presented in

Table-1.4 Different types of bio-fertilizer production across states, 2007-08 (tons)

Name of Biofertilizer Production during the year 2007-2008

Sr.no Azotobacter Azospirillum Rhizobium PSB Total BF Other Grand Total

1 Andhra 566.454 519.697 874.154 2555.505 4515.81 65.164 4580.974


2 Assam 13.079 17.29 6.769 33.763 70.901 0 70.901

3 Bihar 0 0 0 0 20 0 20

4 Delhi 53.645 51.316 4.802 59.081 168.844 575.812 744.656

5 Gujarat 375.42 129.08 105.691 653.11 1263.301 32.18 1295.481

6 Goa 0 0 0 0 0 46.513 46.513

7 Haryana 2.02 0 1.49 5.38 8.89 0.01 8.9

8 Himachal 12.25 15.01 13.07 15.25 56.21 0 56.21


9 Jharkhand 75 25 15 75 201.68 0 201.68

10 Karnataka 353.318 691.407 102.929 1693.615 2841.269 5584.62 8425.889

11 Kerala 28.271 146.168 158.804 481.204 814.447 3743.392 4557.839

12 Madhya 221.874 5.333 510.265 1147.395 1884.867 34.3 1919.167


13 Maharashtra 984.50 83.80 339.33 1078.78 2486.41 258.16 2744.57

14 Mizoram 0.72 0.67 0.89 1.3 3.58 0 3.58

15 Nagaland 3.82 1.5 2.14 6.42 13.98 0 13.98

16 Orissa 152.38 39.02 33 55 331.94 13 344.94

17 Punjab 0 0 1.7 0 1.7 0 1.7

18 Pondicherry 10.34 77.701 67.51 315.735 471.286 1213.395 1684.681

19 Rajasthan 47.413 0 58.307 196.583 302.303 0 302.303

20 Tamil nadu 135.179 1000.125 330.111 2001.551 3466.966 7250.881 10717.847

21 Tripura 6.325 0 1.62 6.325 14.27 0 14.27

22 Utter 95.414 5.876 16.554 132.213 250.057 4.211 254.268


23 West Bengal 223.43 135.46 181.13 162.72 922.34 0 922.34

Total 3360.854 2944.553 2825.893 10675.93 20111.05 18821.639 38932.689

* Others includes compost enriches (Trichoderma, Paceliomyces etc), PGPRs, BGA and Azolla
Source: NCOF, Annual Report, 2007-08

The total production of bio-fertilizer was the highest in case of Tamil Nadu when
compared to all other states. The next highest production was observed in Karnataka followed by
Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. All four south states accounted for almost 73 per cent of total
country production. The results clearly indicate that the awareness and usage of bio-fertilizers
was higher in south zone farmers than other zones. Among different types of bio-fertilizers, the
share of PSB in the total production was higher. The production of Azotobacter was high in case
of Maharashtra where as the manufacturing of Azospirillum was high in Tamil Nadu. The
demand for Rhizobium as well as PSB was higher in Andhra Pradesh.
1.3 Importance of study

The fertilizer industry in India going through rapid changes, there are varieties of good
products in the market. New farming methods, increased awareness, understanding and
acceptance for modern farming methods are help to improve the agrochemicals and fertilizers
industry with these plus point competition between fertilizer industry has become dangerous and
demand for one company product has become uncertain also product life cycles have shortened.
The project at Krushi Daulat Ltd was with two major aspects i.e. to study awareness of
biofertilizer of Krushi Daulat Ltd. and to find out farmers behaviour towards biofertilizer. Apart
from this, the project was also deals with the activities regarding the generation of demand
through different promotional activities by applying promotional tools like individual farmer
contacts, paper advertisement, and attractive schemes etc.
With the boom in the Agriculture sector and the potential of biofertilizer segment many
company are there in market. Also many companies are entering in the fertilizer segment. With
every new product being launched and different companies entering the market, Krushi Daulat
Ltd have to look into biofertilizer as new market which has been highlighted in the project.
Project includes finding the problems in marketing of Krushi Daulat Ltd products.
Apart from this, to analyse the competitor‟s activities then to find company‟s strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats was part of the project. Considering the above important
DAULAT LTD BHUINJ IN SATARA DISTRICT” was selected for the present study with
following objectives.
1.4 Objectives of Study
1) To study the awareness of Biofertilizers produced by Krushi Daulat among the

2) To study the farmers perception towards the Biofertilizers of Krushi Daulat.

3) To study the sales promotion activities adopted by Krushi Daulat.


This chapter will explain the methodology adopted to fulfill the objectives under the
study. The major topics covered in this chapter are research design and location of study, nature
of respondents. Design of the study is mainly concerned with awareness of farmers regarding use
of Biofertilizers and competitor‟s analysis regarding the Biofertilizers products. Keeping these
points in view, research procedure is adopted to examine the above said aspects have been
discussed below.

2.1 Location of the study

The two tahsils Wai and Koregoan of Satara district were selected purposively on the
basis of maximum number of progressive farmers. The project was totally focused on
Biofertilizers of various companies in that selected area.

Fig No 2.1 Koregoan and Wai Tahsils of Satara district

2.2 Selection of Sample Respondents

The total sample size was 60 farmers. It refers to the individuals who are to be surveyed
and it is the farmers who are using the biofertilizer Krushi Daulat in selected tahsils of Satara

2.3 Research Design

The research design need for the study was both the purposive and random sampling
design. For the present study Wai and Koregaon tahsil in Satara district were selected
purposively. From these two tahsil, 17 villages were purposively selected on the basis of area
under organic farming. The farmers 60 selected randomly from the area under study.

However, the study was mainly conducted in four steps;

1. Designing of suitable questionnaire.

2. Survey and data collection.

3. Analysis of the data.

4. Interpretation of data.

2.4 Sampling plan

For the research purpose it was necessary to prepare the sample plan. By Sample
plan was prepared by discussing with the company project guide. Selecting of sample was done
by two ways i.e. purposive and random.
Table No. 2.1 Sample Plan

Sr. No. Particular Sampling method

1 District and selection of tahsil Purposive

2 Selection of village Purposive

3 Selection of farmers Random

Table 2.2 Selection of sample farmer

Sr. No. Name of Tahsil Name of selected village Number of farmers

Bhivadi 2
Kalmbhe 3
Wai 4
Bhuinj 3
Bavdhan 2

1 Wai Pande 2
Udatare 3
Ozarde 3
Kavathe 2
Khanapur 2
Pasarni 2
Marde 2
Sub total 30
Bhose 5
Sonake 5
2 Koregoan Karanjkhop 4
Dahigoan 2
Ekambe 4
Koregoan 5
Pimpode Bk 3
Bhaktiwadi 2
Sub total 30
Total 60
2.5 Data Collection

a) Primary data

The primary data refers to original information gathered for a specific purpose and
provides up to date, accurate and relevant information and it is gathered according to the needs
of the problem. The primary data was collected on the basis of survey method with the help of
questionnaires and interviews, personal observation, direct consultation with farmers, dealers
and sub-dealer. Questionnaire in the project consists of multiple choice questions,
dichotomous open ended questions. The same is appended at Appendix-I and II.

b) Secondary data

The secondary data can be defined as data collected by someone else for purposes other
than solving problem being investigation and previously meant for another purpose.
Secondary data is collected from the books, periodical journals, magazines, papers, company
records, internet and other publication.

c) Analytical tools used

. The collected data was analysed according to the objective by using the tabular, graphical
method with the help of per centage. The frequency distribution and score card technique were
used for judging the qualitative variables such as quality, brand name, demand, price etc.

Generally this section deals with the analysis of data concerned to the different aspects of
the present study and presentation of results. Data analysis represents probable result as per data
collected from selected sample. Methods use for analysis is graphical, percentage, and score card
technique. At the time of data collection ordinal scale and interval scale are used for getting
accurate result. As per objective results are presented along with interpretation for result

3.1 Profile of Krushi Daulat Ltd.

India has been known as the original home of sugar and sugarcane. Indian mythology
supports the above fact as it contains legends showing the origin of sugarcane. India is the second
largest producer of sugarcane next to Brazil. Presently, about 4 million hectares of land is under
sugarcane with an average yield of 70 tons per hectare. India is the largest single producer of
sugar including traditional cane sugar sweeteners. The operational area of the sugar unit is
located in fertile, well irrigated and high cane intensity region of western Maharashtra. We have
all Technologies and R & D for working industry efficiently. Shri. Kisan Mahadeo (Abasaheb)
Veer who was a Freedom Fighter and Senior Congress leader whose name is given to the

Kisanveer Satara Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. Bhuinj

Factory. Current Chairman of factory is Shri. Madan Prataprao Bhosale (M.L.A.)

Kisanveer Satara Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. Bhuinj was established in the year 1970.
The sugar factory was started on co-operative basis. Along with sugar production they have also
started other enterprises in the factory area such as Organic fertilizer plant (Krushi Daulat),
Ethanol production plant, packaged drinking water plant (Kiveej Aqua) and polyhouses from
which the flowers are sold to south states.

The farmers in Satara district are using biofertilizer on large scale that the Krushi Daulat
Company has established the organic fertilizer plant. It was started in the year 2005. Plant
manufactures biofertilizer, PSB, Trichoderma, Azotobacter, Acetobactor as well as Decomposing
culture. The company has developed its good brand name in Satara district. Plant has obtained
required certification standard from State and Central Government. They manufacture their
product in various packaging size i.e. 1kg – 5kg. Last year production turnover of biofertilizers
was almost Rs.12-15 lakh and annual Biofertilizers production was 60-70 tons. The sale of
Biofertilizers of Krushi Daulat was relatively more in Satara district.


The factory has a Biofertilizers manufacturing unit for increasing Production & improving quality
of crops in nearby area.


Organic manures being slow in releasing nutrients and available in insufficient quantities can not
meet the total nutrient requirements in crop production. As the costs of chemical fertilizers have
increased by double, the farmers can not apply a recommended fertilizer dose. In addition,
excessive use of inorganic fertilizers results in environmental pollution & increases alkalinity
&salinity of soil Hence to get targeted yield with reduction in the cost of chemical fertilizers ,the
use of biofertilizer is the only solution. The Management, therefore decided to establish
Biofertilizer unit& supply the Biofertilizer on No Profit No Loss basis.
Bioculture Laboratory

Kruhi Daulat Azotobacter

Next to Nitrogen phosphorus is vital and non renewal nutrient for plants & microorganisms. It
helps for better growth of root system & maximum crop productivity. The deficiency of
phosphorus reduces the plant size.

About 98% Indian soils are poor in available phosphorus & efficiency of phosphorus fertilizer by
crop plant is about 10-15% when we apply phosphorus to soil, it is fixed in soil. In calcium
phosphate form in neutral to Alkaline soil & in Acidic soil it fixes in the form of ferric or
alluminium compound which are not amenable to solublisation by plant root by soil. If such
conditions are prevaits in soil, deficiency of phosphorus may occure in plants.

For phosphorus solublization apply Krushi Daulat P.S.B.(Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria)

@10kg/ha through soil application .These organisms produces different acids like- formic acid,
acitic acid ,fumaric acid, lactic acid etc.Due to these acid production, these culture reduce the pH
of substrate,some of these acids(hydroxyl acids).may form chelate with cation such as Ca,Al,Fe
such chelation results in effective solublization of phosphate.Use of phosphate solublizing
cultutres increases the phosphate uptake & saves phosphatic fertilizer and increases yield upto
Krishi Daulat Decomposting Culture

Pressmud from sugar factory ,spaintwash, farmwaste ,sugar cane trash, hay, etc is easily & faster
composted by decomposting culture than Traditional Method. For composting of 1 MT waste
material only 1KG Krushi Daulat D.C.(Decomposting culture)is sufficient. In Composting method
to obtain good quality compost it should be treated with 8KG Urea & 10KG super phosphate for
1MT waste material.

Krushi Daulat Trichoderma

Press mud from sugar factory, spaintwash, farm waste, s‟cane trash, hay, etc is easily & faster
composted by decomposing culture than Traditional Method. For composting of 1 MT waste
material only 1KG Krushi Daulat D.C. (Decomposing culture) is sufficient. In Composting
method to obtain good quality compost it should be treated with 8KG Urea & 10KG super
phosphate for 1MT waste material.

Krushi Daulat Trichoderma

It is one of the best biological solutions to control& avoid soil borne Diseases. It is an ecofriendly
bio fungicide, its spores are effective against wide variety of seed & soil born pathogenic fungi.
The soil borne diseases like- Sugarcane, pineapple disease, root rot, stem rot, Red rot, wilt,
fusarium wilt, rhizocteria, damping off, seedling rot, collar rot, pthium phytopthora etc are very
effectively controlled by Trichoderma

Krushi Daulat E.M. (Secondary Solution)

Under the able guidance of agricultural scientist Dr. Mukund Gaikwad, Kisanveer Sugar
factory is producing Effective Microorganism. E.M. Solution doesn‟t contain any chemical or
artificial ingradients. It contains natural living & useful bacteria.
Effects of Krushi Daulat E.M.(Secondary Solution)

 Harmful microbes in the soil are destroyed .Growth of useful microbes is enhanced.

 Remarkable gain in disease resisting ability of crops &domestic animals.

 Iron machines are saved from rusting.
 High quality humus is obtained when E.M. (Secondary Solution) is used in composting.
 Ample nutritive elements get added to the soil.
 This solution is easy to handle And not harmful to Man, animals & crops
3.1.1 Product Profile

1) Krushi-Daulat Azotobactor :-


 Azotobacter chrococcum

 Benefits

1) It plays vital role in Nitrogen Fixation.

2) Reduce 25 per cent use of chemical


3) Improve fertility & texture of soil.

2) Krushi-Daulat P.S.B.:-


 Bacillus megaterium
 Bacillus polymexa
 Pseudomonas striata
 Benefits

1. It helps for better growth of root system

and maximum crop productivity.

2. It increases the phosphate uptake and

saves phosphatic fertilizer and increases
yield up to 25 per cent.
3. Krushi-Daulat Decomposting culture:-

Content :-

 Aspergillus niger
 Aspergillus awamorie
 Penecillium chrysogenu
 Trichoderma viridie


1. It is very useful for decompose the

waste material to obtain good quality
4) Krushi-Daulat Trichoderma:-

Content: - Spp-Trichoderma viridie


1) It is one of the best biological solution to

control & avoid soil borne Diseases.

2) It is an ecofriendly biofungicide ,its

spores are effective against wide variety of
seed & soil born pathogenic fungi.

3)The soil borne diseases like-S‟cane

pinapple disease, rootrot, stemrot Redrot,
wilt, fusarium, rhizocteria, damping
pthium,phytopthara,etc are very effectively
controlled by Trichoderma.
5) Krushi-Daulat Acetobactor:-


Acetobactor diazorophicus


1) It plays vital role in Nitrogen Fixation.

2) Reduce 25% use of chemical fertilizers.

3) Improve fertility & texture of soil.

3.2 Profile of sample farmer

Social profile of sample farmers

Social profile includes many demographic features, but in this case age and education
which are considered to be most important, since these affects level of adoption of modern

3.2.1Age groups of sample farmers

Age is a very important factor which affects the behaviour and influence people choice,
thinking and risk taking ability differ with age group person.

Chart 3.1 Age Group Of Sample Farmer


28% <25



From chart No. 3.1 observed that the majority 37 per cent of the sample farmers have
age more than 35 years, while by 35 per cent Farmers have age between 25 to 35years and the
28 per cent farmers below 25 year. It shows greater experience of farming.They can manage
business activity efficiently.

3.2.2 Sample Farmers Education

In the decision making process education plays a main role, preference for the different
attributes of the product is change with the education of the people. Education affects the
behaviour of the farmer, hence it is important to analyse the education lev el .
Chart 3.2 Sample Farmer Education

15% 18%
Below SSC
20% HSC

The chart 3.2 shows that the educational level of the sample farmers from the study
area. It is observed that, of 15 per cent farmers were graduate, 20 per cent farmers had
education up to SSC level and 47 per cent farmers had education up to HSC and 18 per cent
were educated below SSC level. This indicated that the sample farmers were moderately

3.2.3 Size group wise distribution of land holding of sample farmers

Chart 3.3 Land Holding Of Famer



Small (1-2 ha)
Medium (2-5 ha)
Large (> 5 ha)


The chart 3.3 depicts the land holding pattern of the surveyed farmers. As per the
standard classification of the land holding the respondents were grouped into three classes.
It was seen that 20 p er cent respondents were small land holders and 45 per cent farmers
were medium land holders. Remaining 35 per cent farmers were large land holders.
Majority of farmers had medium and large size of land holdings. This indicates that,
the rate of adoption of modern techniques of production is more, where area under
cultivation is larger.

3.2.4 Types of farming

Chart 3.4 Types of farmrming





From Chart 3.4 it was observed that irrigated land was about 68 per cent whereas 32
per cent land was rainfed. Many farmers in the study area use source of irrigation as wells,
canal and river. So the farmers are mainly the sugarcanes growers.

3.3 Sample farmer‟s awareness about Biofertilizer product

Awareness is the first step towards course of action i.e. for knowing the consumer
perception about biofertilizer one should know the awareness about the product among farmer
Chart 3.5 Awareness of Bio-fertilizer





The chart 3.5 indicates the level of awareness among the farmers about the
biofertilizer. Surprisingly from all the surveyed farmers 87 per cent were aware and 13 per
cent unaware about the biofertilizer in agricultural production. This reflects success of various
extension agencies and promotional activities engaged in creating awareness amongst the
farmers regarding the use of the biofertilizer. The company should focus this untapped group.

3.4 Farmers perception towards the Biofertilizer

According to the first objective of the study in order to understand the

farmer‟s perception towards the use of the biofertilizer, a firsthand survey was carried out
for randomly chosen farmers from the study area. From the survey data were collected
on various aspects that had bearings on the perception of the farmers towards the
biofertilizer. The various parameters of perception have been analyzed in detail below.

The chart 3.6 reveals the percentage of the farmers actually using organic
manures. Of the sample farmer respondents 77 per cent farmers had actually used
biofertilizer and remaining 23 per cent do not used biof
Chart 3.6 User and non-user




3.4.1 Reason for not using biofertilizer

To identify the proper reason for not using biofertilizer, three factors were considered
viz. high price, yield slowly increase and takes more time to get desired result.

Chart 3.7 Reason for not using bio-fertilizer


High price
Yeild increase

Take more time to get

desired result

From chart no. 3.7 it is observed that 42 per cent farmers do not prefer biofertilizer
due to its, high price followed by 33 per cent don‟t buy because it takes more time to get
desired result and 25 per cent, farmer not used due to slowly increase in yield.

3.4.2 Satisfaction level of sample farmers

Chart 3.8 Satisfaction levels of sample farmer


Moderately satisfied
28% 57%

The above chart 3.8 indicates the proportion of satisfied, moderately satisfied and
unsatisfied users of the Biofertilizer. The survey reveals that 57 per cent users were
completely satisfied after using the Biofertilizer. Use of Biofertilizer, helped them largely in
improvement of the soil health and they obtained good volume of yield, 28 per cent users
were moderately satisfied by the use of the Biofertilizer. As per moderately satisfied
users Biofertilizer improved the soil health but were not much helpful in boosting the yield
of the crops. Among the selected sample 13 per cent farmers were unsatisfied. The
Biofertilizer took long time t o show their results. This indicates that majority of the users
of Biofertilizer were satisfied.
3.4.3 Parameters considered while the use of biofertilizer

To analyse purchase behaviour towards biofertilizer of Krishi Daulat, the influencing

factors were considered viz. price, quality, brand name, availability, past experiance etc
Table 3.1 . Parameters considered while the use of biofertilizer

Highly Moderately
Less satisfied
Sr. No. Parameters satisfied satisfied Cumulative Rank
(3) (2)

1 31(93) 6(12) 3(3) 108 1

2 Quality 27(81) 9(18) 4(4) 103 2

3 Past
16(48) 18(36) 6(6) 90 3

4 Availability 14(42) 17(34) 9(9) 85 4

5 Price 7(21) 9(18) 24(24) 63 5

Table. 3.1 Shows the parameters which influence while purchasing the bio-fertilizer.
Rating method is used to determine the parameters which influence the purchasing the bio-
fertilizer. Five major parameters were selected that was price, quality, brand name,
availability, past experiance. Farmers gave rating in three criteria those were highly satisfied,
moderately satisfied and low satisfied in this way the cumulative of each parameter was
worked out. Finally ranking to each parameter was given.
Chart 3.9 Parameter considered while the use of Biofertilizer

No. of Farmers

Highly satisfied
10 Moderately
5 satisfied
0 Less satisfied
Brand ame Quality Past Avalability Price

Table No 3.1 and chart 3.9 it was informed that brand name of the product ranked first
that is “Krushi Daulat” product which is produced by renowned sugar factory, “Kisanveer
Satara Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Bhuinj”, while quality of product ranked second, third rank
goes to Past experience and availability of product of “Krushi Daulat” has ranked fourth while
the last rank was given by the farmer to the price. This shows that brand name of product is
very strong which is major reason for using Krushi Daulat. Quality of Krushi Daulat is also
rated good; no doubt company takes lots of precaution to maintain the quality while testing,
production and packaging of Krushi Daulat rank third was given to past experience of product
which means the past result and performance of the product to the farmer. Whereas rank
fourth was given to availability of the product, according to the farmers “Krushi Daulat” is
only available at factory outlet which is situated in Kisanveer Satara Sahakari Satara Karkhana
campus at Bhuinj, Wai. Hence it is clearly stated that the farmers were very low satisfied
about the price of Krushi Daulat, so price parameter was ranked fifth. Measures should be
taken to make more appropriate price of Krushi Daulat which will make farmers more satisfy.
That will lead to more sale of the product.
3.5 Promotion of Product

3.5.1 Promotional strategies adopted by Krushi Daulat

This point explains the promotional strategies which are adopted by Krushi Daulat
to attract the farmers and to make them aware about it. It is observed that, Krishi Daulat has
done more promotional activity like demonstration, exibition, wall painting, mouth publicity
etc.That indicates organization doing sale promotion regularly and with result orientation.

Chart No. 3.10 Prmotional strategies followed by Krushi Daulat


No. of farmers

Newspaper Exhibition Mouth Publicity Wall painting Demostration

Advertising channels

The chart no. 3.10 shows among the selected farmers 12 number of farmers were aware
through exhibition. 11 farmers were aware from demonstration which conducted if farmers
field and at company area. Followed by 7 and 8 farmers were aware from Newspaper and
Mouth publicity respectively. The effect of wall painting was very low i.e. 2 farmers were
only aware from the wall painting. It was observed that exhibition was most preferred
promotional activity.
3.5.2 Preference of farmers to the promotional activity

The efficient promotional strategies opined by sample farmers in the Wai and Koregaon
area. Promotion of biofertilizer is consisting of various activities like demonstrations,
exhibitions by field assistants, self demonstrations. Generally all the companies promote their
products by these promotional activities. To get acquainted with present situation.

Chart 3.11Preference of farmers to the promotional activity

18% 12%
Field demonstration

Wall paintig

35% Hand bills

8% Newspaper

From chart 3.11 it is seen that 35 per cent farmers gave more importance to hand bills,
25 per cent farmers giving importance to field demostration,18 per cent farmers giving
importance to news paper also 12 per cent farmers opinion exhibition are more important
while 8 per cent farmers given preference to advertisement and 2 per cent wall painting .
3.6 Precautions undertaken by the farmers while using the biofertilizer

While using the biofertilizer following precautions should be taken

 Biofertilizer packets need to be stored in cool and dry place away from direct
sunlight and heat.
 Right combinations of biofertilizer have to be used.
 Other chemicals should not be mixed with the biofertilizer.
 While purchasing one should ensure that each packet is provided with
necessary information like name of the product, name of the crop for which it is
intended, name and address of the manufacturer, date of manufacturing, date of
expiry, batch number and instructions for use.
 The packet has to be used before its expiry and as per the recommended method
of application.
 The irrigation should be given after the application of biofertilizer.
 The farmer should be check bacteria level or content

The surveyed farmers were found to be undertaking following precautions while

using biofertilizer.

According to the precautions undertaken the sample farmers were rated

accordingly. For undertaking any particular precaution farmer was given one mark. Thus,
accordingly the farmer undertaking maximum precautions would score the highest rating
score of seven.

1 Checking source of product

2 Use without chemical fertilizer

3 Irrigation after application

4 Apply by broadcasting method

5 Store at proper place

6 Application as per recommended.


Followings findings are observed in study of farmer‟s behaviour, promotion of Products and

1. Majority 37 per cent of the sample farmers have age above 35 years, followed by 35
per cent Farmers have age between 25-35 years and the below 25 years farmers are
28 per cent. The figure indicates large number of farmers are from older group.
2. 47 per cent farmers had educated up to HSC and 18 per cent were educated below SSC
level. This indicated that the sample farmers were moderately educated.
3. Among the all samples of the farmers had land holding below one hectare i.e.
Majority of farmers had medium and large size of land holdings.
4. It was observed that irrigated land was about 68 per cent; Partial irrigated land was
about 32 per cent.
5. Majority of the farmers 87 per cent were aware and 13 per cent are unaware about
the biofertilizer. This is positive think for company to broad their market.
6. Of the surveyed farmer 77 per cent farmers had actually used Biofertilizer and
remaining 23 per cent farmer were not used biofertilizer. This indicates maximum
farmers were having experience about biofertilizer.
7. It was observed that 42 per cent farmer do not prefer biofertilizer because of its high
prices followed 33 per cent farmers were opinioned that by bio-fertilizer require more
time to get desired result and 25 per cent farmers opinion that due to biofertilizers
yield also increases slowly. This indicates majority farmer are price concious.
8. Majority of 57 per cent farmers were satisfied with the use of the Biofertilizer.
9. Majority of sample farmer prefer 55 per cent “Krushi Daulat” because of its Brand
Name, followed by 28 per cent farmer were conscious about quality of the product and
17 per cent farmer having their past experience which showed good result of the
product reaming have economical view prefer the price of production.
10. Promotional activity through field demonstration, exhibition, advertisement, wall
painting, hand bills, newspaper etc in the surveyed area. It was observed 35 per cent
farmers having greater effect through handbill, 25 per cent promotional activity field
demonstration, 18 per cent through news paper and remaining 12 per cent promotional
activity done by exhibition, and remaining 2 per cent by wall painting.


1. Most of the farmers were aware of about biofertilizer.

2. Many farmers in the study area have source of irrigation through wells, canal and
river. So the most of the farmers are the sugar canes growers.
3. Majority of farmers had not preferred biofertilizer due to its high price 42 per cent
were not used because it takes more time to get desired results.
4. Brand name of the product showed more influences on purchasing the biofertilizer.
5. Considerable proportion of the farmer‟s 23per cent is still not using biofertilizer and
they can be seen as the target market by the new and existing players.
6. Most of the biofertilizer users were completely satisfied by the use of biofertilizer.
7. The exhibition is the most effective promotional activity of the company.


1. There is need of arranging advertising campaign, exhibition and result oriented

2. There is need to increase sale points in the study area so it will be easily available
to the farmers.
3. Efforts are needed to target considerable number awared farmer for the sale of

Donald R. Cooper and Pamela S. Schindler. 2007. Marketing Research Concept and

Cases. McGraw-hill companies. Part14:497- 524

Philip Kotler and Gray Armstrong. 2008. Principle of Marketing. Pearson education,

inc. 5: 123-139.

Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy and Mithileshwar Jha. Marketing

Management. Pearson education, inc.5: 116-124, 15: 402-403

Rajan Saxena. 2006. Marketing Management. McGraw-hill companies. 2: 41-43, 7:


Websites of Organizations:

1) FAO, Asia Pacific regional office, Bangkok.

2) Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.

3) Dept. of Fertilizers.

4) Govt. of Maharashtra.

5) Agriculture Department, Govt. of Maharashtra.

6) National Horticulture Board.

 www.kisanveer.com
 www.greenvalue.in
 www.patilbiotech.com
 www.pravaraagro.com
 www.ifa.org
Questionnaire For farmer
Questionnaire no-

Q.1)Name Of Farmer

Age Village
District State


Q.2) Your land holding (Ha)

Small Medium Large

Q.3) Which type of farming?

Irrigated Rained

Q.4) If irrigated source of irrigation?

Bore well Well Canal

Q.5) Have you heard about biofertilizers?

Yes No

Q.6) Do you use any biofertilizers their than Krushi Daulat?

Yes No

Q.7) Satisfaction level about Biofertilizers?

a) Satisfied

b) Moderately satisfied

c) Unsatisfied

Q.8) Which promotional activity is arranged by Companies in your area?

a) Exhibition, Krishimela b) Field demonstration

c) Wall paintings d) Advertisement

e) Hand Bills f) Field visits by company person

Q.9) Who suggest you to purchase Biofertilizers products?

a) Friend b) Progressive farmers

c) Advertise d) Companies field assistant

Q.10) Timely availability of the products by company?

Timely Not timely Sometimes

Q.11) Which media is best for advertising?

a) News paper b) Exhibitions

c) Mouth publicity d) Wall paintings

e) Demonstration

Q.12) According to you which is the major factors preferred by you while purchasing

the product?
Parameter High Moderate Low

Brand name
Past Experience

Q.13) Any comment on Biofertilizers products?





Date: - Signature


Reg. No. MBA/012/06

A candidate for the degree of



- 2013 -


Department: Master of Business Administration (Agri.)

Bio-graphical facet
 Personal information: Born on 7th AUG, 1989, at Khandala, Tal-Khandala, Dist-
Satara Son of Mr. Ramdas Sampatrao Gadhave and Mrs. Jayshree Ramdas Gadhave.
 Educational qualification :
 S.S.C. (57.73 per cent) from Rajendra Vidyalaya Khandala, , Tal-Khandala,
Dist-Satara, in the year 2005.
 H.S.C. (59.17 per cent) from Rajendra Junior Vidyalaya Khandala. Tal-
Khandala , Dist-Satara the year 2007
 B. Sc. Agriculture (67.80per cent) from Padambhushan Vasant Dada Patil
College of Agriculture, Ambi, (Talegoan-Dabhade), Tal-Maval, Dist-Pune.
,a constituent college of M.P.K.V.Rahuri,in the year 2012.
 Permanent address: At Post-Khandala, Tal-Khandala, Dist-Satara.
 Contact No. +91 9763451653
 email : [email protected]

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