Haccp Quiz

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Quiz: Test Your HACCP Knowledge

HACCP is a quality control system
HACCP is a government implemented program
HACCP is maintenance free after implementation; you just need to do initial
paperwork and implement the system, and you become certified
HACCP controls all hazards and is the solution to every problem
HACCP is zero risk
HACCP is for food manufacturing facilities only
HACCP controls only bacterial hazards
HACCP applies only to certain commodities

How did you score?

If you answered “true” to any of the questions, keep reading to learn more HACCP facts
If you answered “false” to all of the above, you have gained a realistic understanding of HACCP.

It is important to remember that HACCP…
1. Is Not A Food Quality Control System
HACCP systems are designed to enhance food safety. However, implementing a HACCP
system may lead to increased food quality attributes.

2. Is Not A Government- Implemented Program

A HACCP system must be implemented and maintained by the operator, who is responsible
for the effectiveness of the system. Success in unlikely if the operator does not take full
ownership of the system. Therefore, HACCP places more responsibility for ensuring food
safety on the food manufacturer than do traditional inspectional programs. The people
manufacturing the product have the most control over the product, and thus their action
can have a great impact on the safety of the product produced.

3. Is Not Maintenance Free

Once a HACCP system has been developed and implemented, ongoing activities are
required to maintain it. The written policies and procedures that have been developed
cannot simply be left on an office shelf. Control measures within the facility must be
monitored on a regular basis, new employees must be trained and many tasks must be
performed continually. In addition, any new products or processes must be included in the
HACCP system.

4. Is Not The Solution To Every Problem

It is important to remember that a HACCP system may not be able to control all potential
hazards. For example, an operator may have little control over some of the raw materials
received and likely will not have control of the product once it reaches the retail

5. Is Not Zero Risk

HACCP is not a zero risk system, but rather a system designed to enhance the safety of the
food produced. A HACCP is designed to prevent, reduce or minimize potential food safety
hazards. Ideally, all hazards would be prevented; however, there are instances when this
may not be possible. For example, raw ground beef, unless irradiated may contain
pathogens. It is also possible that even a HACCP system is implemented, a food safety
hazard may occur. Nevertheless, a well-designed HACCP system would detect this hazard
and prevent the distribution of the product or allow for an effective recall.

6. Can Be Implemented Throughout The Food Continuum

HACCP principles can be applied to all segments of the food chain, from the primary
producer to the final consume. A HACCP system can be implemented in any facility,
regardless of size or volume of product processed.

7. Presents Different Obstacles

The principles of HACCP are same whether facility is very small or very large; however the
challenges are different. For example, smaller facilities might have financial or human
resource constraints. Smaller facilities are also more likely to be lacking in technical support,
may have inadequate infrastructure and facilities, and may also have less customer demand
for HACCP.

8. Controls Biological, Physical And Chemical Hazards

As mentioned earlier, the purpose of HACCCP, is to control all significant food safety

9. Applies To All Food Commodities

HACCP systems can be implemented to all food commodities. Whether you are processing
vegetables or baked bread. HACCP principles can be applied. The HACCP advantage
standards are universal and apply to all food commodity sectors.

You should be able to provide answers to the following questions:

1. What is HACCP and what can and can’t do to your company?

2. Why do you want to implement HACCP?
3. What resources will be required to implement HACCP in your facility?
4. What are the costs and benefits of implementing HACCP in your facility?
 HACCP is a preventative and science- based food safety system. HACCP systems consist of
prerequisite programs and HACCP plans.

 Successful HACCP implementation requires an understanding of the costs and benefits.

Before you develop your HACCP system you should determine resources required and
assess your individual business situation.

 Before you can implement HACCP in your facility you need to be thoroughly aware of the
activities within and the condition of your facility. Without this understanding you will not
be able to successfully develop your HACCP system.

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