Peoples HR
Peoples HR
Peoples HR
System Modules and Architecture
PeoplesHR is a fully integrated and modular solution that holistically caters to the entire spectrum of operational,
tactical and strategic functions of Human Resource Management. The system is composed of the following modules:
Foundation Modules
Employee Information Manager Employee Life Cycle
Maintains all relevant employee information in easily Tracks the movement of employees during their employment
understood categories which can be used by other modules. including promotions, placements, transfers and relevant salary
Organisational Structure
The module helps create organisation charts, reporting
hierarchies and gives insight to potential workforce changes
that allow better collaboration and sharing of organisational
Operational Modules
Onboarding Offboarding
Systematically guides and manages users through all required A formal process of employee disengagement through guided
pre-joining formalities. activities that consider every aspect of exit management.
Strategic Modules
Probation Evaluation
Fully automated process to review probationers prior to their confirmation
Self Service Mobile App
Self Service HR Mobile App
Provides the ability for employees to access and manage their Provides the ability for employees to access and manage their
self appraisals. information from anywhere at any time.
Provides the ability for employees to access and manage their
information through a multi-lingual kiosk terminal.
The system encompasses a structured approach from talent acquisition, nurturing, managing tenure life-cycle, compensation & benefits and
stronger employee engagement. It consists of over 25 functional modules that areseamlessly integrated to enhance visibility, empower decision,
support and enrich employee engagement.PeoplesHR is encapsulated by world class best-of-breed processes and practices consolidated
throughout many years of client associations. Powerful scalable options stretch the abilities of the product to be deployed over multifaceted
enterprises, including varying localisations and fulfilling statutory reporting needs. It also ensures that employee data is securely managed and end
employee HR functions are under their control, which will lead to higher productivity and employee engagement with necessary accessibility options.
Successful deployment of the product gives you the surety of continuous returns on the investment whilst enabling the elevation of employees to
fulfill the business needs of the organization with optimum functional and enterprise level collaborations.
Phone : +61 2 8005 6214 Phone : +91 12 4438 9268 Phone : +254 7 3483 1006 Phone : +65 6533 2140 Phone : +94 11 462 1111